.1 T S3 SI 12 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Otl. 29, 1946 Wallace Puis Label on Morse (B; the Admitted Preu) In a fiery denunciation of the "pseudo-liberals in both par ties," former Commerce Secre tary Henry A. Wallace last night In Tacoma urged a battle against reaction by liberals of both the democratic and republican par ties. The battle, he said, should re sult in a readjustment of politi cal lines which would create a liberal and a conservative party In the United States. "It is time that the parties right themselves on these prob lems and quit deceiving the people." Wallace termed the late Wen dell Willkie as one of the few liberals ever to lead the GOP, and Willkie, he said, was hated by republican senators in Wash ington, The former cabinet member classed both Governor Harold Stassen of Minnesota and Sen. Wayne Morse of Oregon, repub licans, as "pseudo-liberals," and declared there is "no danger" of the republican party nomi nating Stassen for president "be cause Stassen has at times ex pressed liberal sentiments." "But when he came to the Pa cific northwest and campaigned for reaction, he exposed the fake stripe of his liberalism, he put party above principle." Meanwhile in Spokane, Harry P. Cain, republican nominee for U. S. senator who has been en dorsed In Washington visits by both Morse and Stassen, decried what he said was a "deadly par allel between the growth of pa ternalism in government and the decline of moral stamina." Can Have Fur at Less Than $300 By Barbara Bundschu New York, Oct. 29 (U.R) The girl who's dreaming of a white Christmas can have it expressed in fur for less than $300 and convertible at that. The budget ermine to hang on the Christmas tree is Maxi milian's shirred in the middle muff-handbag, with a strap which hangs it over the wrist or extends to it from the shoul der when it isn't keeping the fingers warm. With a slightly bigger bank roll, the prettiest girl under the mistletoe can have something that will keep her shoulders warm. Maxmilian suggests a lovely young ermine shoulder capelet with a gathered ruffle for a hem and a tiny round collar button ing under the chin $1,600. Or there's a gay bolero, waist length in back, up to the bust in front, with full three-quarter sleeves, for $1,300. If the bankroll comes plushy, and the life she leads is gay, there's a full while ermine cape stole, full and beautiful, with the skins worked diagonally around the front panels to form a pocket. It's $6,000. To keep her warm all over, add $800 to that, and make it a white mink coat. Seven-eighths length, with a swinging back and push up sleeves. That ought to keep her happy. No? Then there arc the fab ulous twin bank busters a hip length sable coat for $26,000; a cape in the same fur, $75,000. Underground Sprinkling Systems . . . We Have Ma terial, Work Done Now. Costs Less. C. S. WHITCOMB CO. Thone 21619 Free Estimates It's Time NOW to do that FURNITURE REFIN1SIIING Refinishlng Remodeling; Repairing Plastic! LEE BROS. Furniture Itcfinlsliing Co. 4020 E. State Phone 21233 KM X I PARTS Are Arriving- in Larger Quantities Daily at Loder Bros. We specialize in repair of all General Motors makes and models particularly 0LD5M0BILE For Fast, Competent', Friendly Service Bring Your Car to Loder Bros. 465 Center Street Phono 5467-6133 ISIh Tear in Salem Nobody Wants to Run for Mayor Willamina, Oct. 29. P) It looks as if this town isn't .going to have any mayor next year. Mayor A. D. Ncwby, who is also a pharmacist and chief of the volunteer fire department, says he doesn't want to run again. Nobody else docs, either. Friends of Newby said they would write his name in on the ballot and try to draft him into office. Oregon Heavy On FWA Jobs Washington, Oct. 29. U.R) The Pacific Northwest contrib uted many projects to the pro gram of the Federal Works Agency for fully planncl state and local public works reserves which the FWA said today now exists in the country. The agency said that in Ore gon proposed highway projects totaled $67,194,000 with de signs completed on $20,299,000 and with $46,895,000 In the de sign stage. The FWA said it had allocat ed $26,465,853 to all the states to pay for planning public works projects and that a bal ance of more than $36,000,000 remained to be allocated for such work. In addition, it said, slates and local communities had carried on considerable planning without federal aid. Oregon, it said, had applied for federal advances to plan $7,652,000 worth of projects. These include highways, bridg es, streets, airports, sewer, water and sanitation facilities, schools, hospitals, public build ings, parks and other recrea tional facilities and miscel laneous facilities. The FWA said it had approved planning for $6,064,000 of projects in Oregon, and the slate had planned $6,625,000 in other pro jects without federal aid. It said it had apportioned $460,364 for advance planning of projects to Oregon. Robert Fulton built one of the earliest submarines. Actress Defends Negro Rights Washington, Oct. 29 (U.R)-Ac-tress Ingrid Bergman chided the nation's capital today for permitting discrimination against Negroes. Miss Bergman, who plays the title role at the opening here to morrow of Maxwell Anderson's "Joan of Lorraine." said she would have refused to appear if she had known Negroes were to be barred from the audience at the George Washington Uni versity auditorium. She said she had learned of the school's policy when it was too late to alter her commit ment. "I deplore racial discrimina tion in any form," she said. "To think that it would be permit ted in the nation's capital of al places!" sonnel can give to an individual or organization not affiliated with the navy. Southern Pacific, it was point ed out by representatives here, served more military and naval establishments than any other railroad in the nation and car ried record-breaking loads in moving men and materiel. Brown Assistant Secretary of Navy Washington, Oct. 29 (U,R) President Truman Monday an nounced appointment of John Nicholas Brown of Rhode Island as assistant secretary of navy for air. Devaney to Demand Rights Leo G. Devaney, stale direc tor of aeronautics, left by Unit ed Air Lines for Washington Friday night to appear at a CAA hearing which will discuss ad ministration of the federal air ports acts. Devaney will represent the slate at the hearing, and will also represent the National As sociation of State Aviation Offi cials, of which he is first vice president. .. Devaney said states and other governmental units object to regulations of the act pre scribed by the CAA, which will administer it. These regula tions, he said, would give the federal government a higher de gree of control over aeronautics than states and cities feel it should have. "We intend to demand our rignts at uns nearing, ne said, i Devaney said he would re turn to Portland by air Thurs day. The fruit of the pandanus plant resembles the pineapp'e in flavor. ICE CREAM All Flavors QUARTS xXn NO LIMIT SAVING CENTER Salem and West Salem S. P. Receives High Award from Navy The U. S. navy's Certificate of Achievement for outstanding war work has been awarded to Southern Pacific, among other leading railroads of America, according to word received by local representatives of the company. The award was presented by Admiral Louis Dcnfcld, chief of naval personnel, at special ceremonies in Chicago and was accepted in behalf of Southern Pacific by Vice President D. J. Russell, representing President A. T. Mercier. The Certificate of Achievement is the highest award the bureau of naval per- Mill City Retail Lumber Co. LUMBER - SHINGLES Phone Mill City 304 p III I mill k ,MI iv.M, . ,r, . , . f --!M"jj. 4 LEHMAN OPEN AUTO SERVICE INDEPENDENCE, OltEGON Phone Days 176, Night 132W 12th and Monmouth Lucille M. Lehman, Admx. Auto Kcpairiiigr New and Used Parts Auto Wrecking Arc and Acetylene Welding Towing and Wrecking Service Battery Charging STEAM CLEANING IF RUPTURED TRY THIS OUT Modern Protection Provides Great Comfort and Ilolmug Security WITHOUT TORTUROUS TRUSS WEARING An "eye-opening" revelntion in sensible and comfortable reduc ible rupture protection may be yours for the asking, without cost or obligation. Simply tear tills out and mnil with your name and address lo Wlllinm S . Rice, Inc., Dept. 900-C, Adams, N. Y., and full details of the new and different Rice Method will be sent you Free. Without hard flesh-gouging pads or tormenting pressure, here's a support Hint has brought joy and comfort to thousands by releasing them from Truss with springs and straps, that bind and cut. Designed to securely hold a rupture up and in where it belongs and yet Rive freedom of bodv and genuine comfort. For FREE TREATISE and full information write today I NAME ADDRESS '. r h "Friends say look no older than my married daughter . . ." Thousands of women have used kni)(k'Iii:mr over the Inst 9 years. From these havo coma many, many letters with statements like the above in praise of the unduplicnted results of tliis scientific face cream, endocrkme helps improve the very skin itself as well ns ils external appearance. For many women, it can aid the skin of face and throat to become firmer, fresher, smoother, actually more youthful-looking. Only endocrkme contains Activol", nn effective replacement for woman's own natural skin beautifying substance. Absorbed by the skin, it helps restore normal growth to ageing cells and tissues. When your lovely skin begins lo show t ho signs of approaching ago, ask for . . . and insist upon . . . endocremk. Many report marked results in only 30 days. Also fry ESDOCREilE Cleansing Cream . the ideal skin cleanser thai helps hasten the results of ENDOCREME Face Cream. Ihm only crmam containing tCflVOt Willetl's CAPITAL DltlG STOKE Corner State & Liberty Sts. Phone 3118 30 days' J supply I $3.50 plustax This Beautiful Englewood Home is being offered for sale for a limited time only. Spacious rooms, fireplace, hardwood floors, modern kitchen, bath, three bedrooms, full basement, automatic furnace and laundry trays, make this a home you'll be proud of and enjoy. The backyard is fenced and there are fruit and nut trees and a grape arbor. Drive by 1665 Madison street for an exterior view of this home, then call or see Dale Flippo for an appointment. GENERAL REAL ESTATE CO. Km. 10, Ladd & Bush Bids. Ph. 7776. Sun. 3097 -TEEN-AGERS- Don't Miss the Fun Learn the Popular Dances In Special Teen Age Classes Starting November 1 -ENROLL NOW- Come in Today or Call 6126 ARTHUR MURRAY DANCE STUDIO 155 SOUTH LIBERTY Advice to a youna man with an old problem Learn tnis early and need It often: she can be late, but, brother, you'd better be on time! So if your car has a habit of turning balky when the weather turns bad, better switch to Chevron Supreme Gasoline. For swift, sure-fire starts rain or shine Chevron Supreme is "tailored" to fit the cli mate in your town and the season. Because no one gasoline could be designed to work equally well in all climates at every altitude, a special Chevron Supreme is made for each temperature zone in the West That's why, wherever you live, you get gas oline that's right for your car when you stop at the Chevron Supreme pump. It's always good going on Chevron Supreme Gasoline. mliS GASOLINE n ltollSW STOP AT THESE SIGNS FOR STANDARD OF CALIFORNIA PRODUCTS EVER RUN SHORT of cash on a date? Carry a Chevron National Credit Card and you won't worry about running out of gas, too. Good for all car supplies.