las has next to the lowest mill age rate at 78.7, Total gain in the county val uation as pointed out by Ed C. Dunn, assessor, is $169,515. The valuation in 1945-46 was $12, 637,155 as compared with $12, 806,670. "This gain was shown in spite of all the heavy timber removal," Dunn states. "Polk county was fortunate in not having much loss by fire in 1946. Construction did not give us much gain because of the difficulty of obtaining building materials. It was expected that we would gain heavy in West Salem, but much of the com mercial construction there was only started when the assess ment of January 1, 1946, was made. Many of the new addi tions to both West Salem and Dallas were not subdivided un til after January 1 and the law requires that all assessments be made as of January 1, so there was no gain on the land as sessment of such tracts." The state tax commission is now making a complete reap praisal of Independence and Monmouth and some adjoining additions but such a reappraisal will not be made in Dallas and Falls City until a future year. An Interesting sidelight of the tax summary prepared by the county have decreased by about 1200 head, from 10,000 to 8,830. This probably enters into the picture on the increasing price of milk and the meat shortage. Sheep and goats also dropped from 18.000 to 16.971. Poul try gained from 71,791 to over 73,000. G. F. (Trude) McBce, court house janitor, again took honors as being the first to pay his taxes, according to Sheriff Hooker. McBee in his strategic position at the courthouse has been ahead of all other taxpay ers for the past several years. Return From Iowa Wheatland Mr. and Mrs. Marion Gilchrist of Wheatland who went to Iowa by plane several weeks ago have return ed with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Cameron and family of Eugene, who made the trip bv automo bile. tiller Goes nuntlng Silverton Hunting In the central Oregon area for the week and making the Ed Over lund cabin their "lodge," are Arthur Dahl, city police judge; Conrad Henjum and Anton Dahl. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, Oct. 25, 1916 S For Christmas ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA "The Gift of Knowledge" -Britannica Senior Brilannica Junior Britannica World Atlas Britannica Year Books Convenient Terms Call or Write A. A. CARPENTER, Representative 495 North Cottage St., Salem, Oregon Phone 4406 CITY AND SUBURBAN LOANS, Straight and Monthly Payment HAWKINS & ROBERTS, INC. State Si Liberty Sts. Hollene Beach Cottages Modern Ocean View OPEN l'EAR ROUND assessor's office, a copy of which 2 Miles North of Waldport 12 Miles South of Newport is distributed with each state ment, shows that cattle in the Classified Ads in the Capital Journal Satisfy All Wants f Polk Taxpayers Start Payments Dallas The big job of mail ing 12,000 tax statements to Polk county taxpayers has been completed by the office staff of Sheriff T. B. Hooker and the rush to pay has begun. Total taxes to be raised for all purposes in the county is $789,005.07 this year as com pared with $509,032.97 in 1945 46, or an increase of about $280,000. A large part of the general increase is attributed to increased costs of running the schools but is also due to higher costs of administering all branches of the local govern ments. The millage rales in the cities run from Monmouth's 72.2 at the bottom to the 140.0 mills in Falls City as the high and per centage rise is from 32 percent to 98 percent, taxes being nearly double in some instances. Dal HEADQUARTERS "Salem Model Airplane Club" Airplane, Boats Railroad Kits Cherry City Model Aircraft 21st it Market Streets SEEING IS BELIEVING sP" "'' iLyljlr MM mm When correct glasses art placed before your eyes, you may experience a thrill, if your eyes are not just right at present. Find out for sur.j JIWIlllt.OTOMTltST otwt& OPTICAL SERVICE SINCE 1926 Liberty and Court Streets i id lel 9 r I'm rf v??Se Wk ' fcem 69C v?Wdoi- ' , ; -1 I Basement Cosmetics Section White Cloud Wrisley's Cologne : 98c Jergen's gift sets $1.19 Junior Dudes Bubble bath, per box 60c Foaming bath sachet, per box $1.00 Armand leg make-up, per bottle 25c Wrisley's Superbe French milled soap, box $1.00 Wrisley's Spring Flowers soap, per box 50c Wrisley's Castile soap zoo, per box 25c Wrisley's Spruce soap, per box 98c Wrisley's Pink Coral soap, per box 98c Wrisley's Superbe bath bubbles, per bottle 59c Plus tax. Basement Pottery, Kitchen Wares Hill pottery candle holders, each 49c Hull pottery vases, assorted styles 98c to $1.59 McCoy pottery plant vases 59c and 39c Margo heavy type skillets .". $2.70 Basement Toys . . . Christmas Cards Genuine Taylor Tots $9.40 Billy Boys :... $7.98 Children's Claus $1.98 to $3.48 Children's Glass Baking sets $1.19 Children's electric irons $1.25 Christmas cards in new designs 2 for 5c to $1.00 Boxed Christmas cards, per box 59c to $1.00 Basement Household Cleaners Johnson's cream wax, per box 39c Denney's magic wonder polish, for silver, brass, etc 25c to 50c Tavern furniture gloss, bottle 95c Tavern window cleaner. per bottle 59c Tavern dry cleaner, per gallon size...'. 98c BASEMENT OF jAL3R00 "7 fat J 1 J -0Z a' The honeymoon is over . . . you've shaken the last grain of rice from your clothes, written the last "thank you" note . . . now you're ready to settle down in the home you've both dreamed about! Let Orvurtz make this dream a vealily . . . with beau tiful furniture of enduring quality . . . at prices you can afford to pay! EASY CREDIT TERMS LUXURY FOR YOUR LIVING ROOM Placed in any setting, these well cho sen appropriately matched pieces will create a homelike atmosphere of charm and hospitality! The living room suite, of the latest modern de sign, has full innerspring construc tion for comfort and lasting beauty, and is upholstered in attractive ve lours. -Everything included as pictured! 9-Pieces 375 73 Roomy innerspring davenport Choice of matching lounge chairs Tapestry occasional chair Walnut finish end table Matching lamp table Cocktail table Handsome table lamp 3-Way junior floor lamp Matching bridge lamp Any Room Outfit Can Be Purchased Separately . . " " f'ii ' - 1 . 1 MODERN VENEER BEDROOM ENSEMBLE . . . 11 Pcs.$18600 Dream room for two, furnished in the very latest modern manner, with a streamlined waterfall bedroom suite in handsome walnut veneer combinations. Even restful sleep equipment to make your com fort complete ... no extras to buy! We include: EFFICIENT KITCHEN OUTFIT.. 7 Pes. The heart of your "dream home" adequately and attractively equipped, with the latest postwar table top gas range ... to make the preparation and serving of meals a pleasure! An outfit that makes any apartment or home kitchen complete. $265 00 5-l'c. chrome base dinette set Modern table top gas range (i.9-ft. felt base rug Full size modern panel end bed Spacious chest of drawers Massive mirrored vanity Upholstered Bench Night Stand Resilient steel coil springs Tufted all cotton mattress Pair of plump feather pillows ' 2 Lovely Boudoir lamps EH NEW ACCOUNTS GLADLY OPENED 4 1