p.- i IT I :T ' I Ui'i ? - I'- ' '. r October Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stotler, wed October 5 at rites in the First Methodist church. They will live near Pratum. She is the former Eva Lou Barrett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Barrett. He is the son of Mrs. Maude Stotler. (Jesten Millcr studio.) ;UNIVERSITV OF OREGON; Campus Clippings By Jean Swift Last week-end was a gala occasion at the University of Oregon when alumni from all parts of the west coast gathered in Eugene to join in the celebration of Oregon's first postwar Homecoming. Participating in many of the week-end festivities were various Salem enthusiasts . . . Mr. and Mrs. Gene Vandeneynde, Mr. and Mrs. Waller Kirk. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cooley, Rev. and Mrs. George H. Swift, Mrs. Paul Hendricks and Mrs. Hollis Hunt ington. Charlotte Alexander ar rived in Eugene Friday after noon with Mrs. Karl Becke and Mrs. H. G. Maison. Seen at the game were Ralph Taylor and Don Breaky . . . also Bob Weber who attended the university last year and is now in the service. Donna and Joan Lochead were there to gether and had colorful Oregon mums pinned to their coats . . , glimpsed Mrs. Edna M. Olson ai her attractive Kappa daughter.-!, Gloria and Barbara Mc Clihtock. At half-time Oliver Huston participated in a parade of past members of the Order of O, men's athletic association hon orary. Carolyn Carson was here for the week-end and was at the Homecoming dance Saturday evening. There were 2400 peo ple there, dancing to the music of Jack Teagarden's orchestra . . . spotted Betty Zo Allen and Wayne Struble, Marilyn Archi band and Don Easlridge, Jean Fidicr and Don Smith, and Car roll Gragg and Woody Carson. From Oregon State came Mir iam and Bill Shinn. . .' . Home coming this year was truly "all it is cracked up to be." Spring Valley Officers Named North Spring Valley Mrs. A. R. Robertson was hostess for the first fall meeting of Spring Val ley Sunshine club when election of officers and a social afternoon were featured. Officers re-elected for the coming club year were Mrs. S. B. Dodge, president; Mrs. Ben McKinney, vice president; and Mrs. Pete Willwert, secretary treasurer. Present were Mrs. Frank Sus milch, Mrs. S. B. Dodge, Mrs. Harvey McLaughlin, Mrs. Fleet Waldron, Mrs. Ben McKinney, Mrs. Tom Matthews, Danny Carlson, Mrs. Pete Willwert, Mrs. May Versteeg, Mrs. Steph en Carter, Jerry Willwert, Mrs. Eltruda Teeple and Mrs. A. R. Robertson. Sliowev j9d J-ianned ft Si l54on Mrs. Earl V. Barham and her daughter, Mrs. Ralph Smithcr, and Mrs K. H. Pickens will be hostesses Tuesday evening for an informal party honoring Miss Elizabeth Sisson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brown Sisson, whose marriage to Ens. Charles N. Flitton USN, will be a stel lar event of November 10. During the informal evening, a kitchen shower will fete the bride-to-be. The hostesses will serve a late dessert. Guests will be Miss Sisson, her mother, Mrs. K. K. Adams, Mrs. Silas Gaiser, Mrs. Jack Billeter, Mrs. Walter Nelson, Mrs. May Gile, Mrs. Will Pick ens, Mir. Thomas Roen, Mrs. Wilmer Wells, Mrs. Harvey Lov ell, Mrs Will Foster, Mrs. J. E. VanWyngarden, Mrs. A. W. Smither, Miss Vivian Barham and the hostesses. Betty Bryant Recent Bride Monmouth Miss Betty Bry ant, daughter of Mrs. Ed Bry ant of Monmouth, became the bride of Lloyd Wright, also of Monmouth, in a simple cere mony performed at 3:30 Mon day afternoon, October 14, in the parsonage study of the First Christian church of Salem. The Rev. Dudley Strain read the double ringe service before the small wedding party, whicn included Mr. and Mrs. Jake Wright, Jr., brother of the groom, and sister of tKc bride, as best man and matron of honor. Mrs. Bryant wore a slre'et dress of ice blue wool jersey with black accessories. Her flowers were double gardenias. Her sister wore a dress of wa termelon color, also with gar denias and blacl accessories. After a wedding supper served at a Salem cafe, the couple left for a week's wed ding trip to scene points :n southern Oregon, returning via the coast. They are making their home at 391 Jackson street. Mr. Wright is employed at construc tion work at Camp Adair. Mrs. Wright returned this week to her position in the bookkeeping department of the First Nation al bank of Monmouth. Guests at the R. A. Forknor home are Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Forkner of Spokane, who ar rived Wednesday. They spent overnight at the coast and will be in Salem until Saturday. Chapter AB, PEO, will meet on Monday evening, at 7:45 o'clock with Mrs. Lawrence Riggs, 1149 Court street. Miss Etta White will be an assisting hostess. Mrs. P. A. Fugato and her sis ter, Mrs. F. D. Voigt, returned from a 10 day motor trip which took them to Pocatcllo, Nampa, Boise and back by way of Aber deen, where Mrs. Fugate for merly made her home. A lunch box winner ground cooked liver, grated raw car rots, finely chopped bacon, mayonnaise. CANADA DRY tTHRfilRB IkumittiLsral KOIN SALEM, ORE, Saturday's FEATURES OCTOBER 26th MEN'S BLUE BIB OVERALLS . . 2.49 WOMEN'S ADONNA RAYON PANTIES 49c MEN'S WHITE DRESS SHIRTS . 3.98 REMINGTON THREESOME ELECTRIC SHAVER 17.50 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS . . . 3.98 MEN'S ATHLETIC UNDERSHIRTS 45c COTTON ANKLETS sSMSSi Pr. 25c Main Floor WHITE SHEET BLANKETS . . 1.81 COTTON INDIAN BLANKETS . . 3.98 PLAID SHEET BLANKETS .. . . 2.33 Mezzanine Doors Open 9:30 Sat. 5 m pffupy yk t vyi ii n v J I lm " ' ; . ft, I mtmh 1 Willi hm inrilint iiitii.iTlti iiriiV'v'" St. Joseph's Rites Mr. and Mrs. George Rcnncr of Portland, wed September 23 at St. Joseph's church in Salem. She is the former Delores Mullcr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Muller and his parents are Mr. and Mrs. Nick Rcnncr of Portland. (Jcsten Millcr studio.) Junior Women Hold Varty Woodburn Delegates ap pointed by Mrs. Adrian School er, president of the Junior Wom an's club, to attend the Mar ion County Federation at Union Hill Saturday are Mrs. Larry Wilkins, Mrs. Leslie Paulson and Mrs. Schooler. Attending the third district convention at Oswego Wednes day were Mrs. Robert Rcnn, Mrs. Jeff Anderson, Mrs. C. Ed ward Enos and Mrs. Lawrence Heer. The monthly parly of the club was held at the home of Mrs. Leslie Paulson. Mrs. Paulson was assisted in arranging the original program of contests and games by Mrs. Joe Sowa. Priz es were won by Mrs. Robert Rcnn, Mrs. Jeff Anderson, Mrs. Eugene Stoller and Mrs. Larry Wilkins. "Lena the Hyena" contest was won by Mrs. E. B. Uffelman and Mrs. Betty Hol comb and costume prizes by Mrs. Harold Steele and Mrs. Clyde Graham. New members initialed were Mrs. Jeff Anderson and Mrs. C. Edward Enos. Salem chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, will meet Saturday evening at 8 o'clock at the Ma sonic temple to confer degrees. Following the meeting a no-host dinner will be held. In charge is Mrs. John Graybill. For Quick Sale NEW 5-ROOM HOUSE Cement foundation, lot 50x110. 3 apple trees. 2 filberts. 3 prunes, 2 pear trees. Price $3650. 350 A St., Woodburn, Oregon Babies Born To Couples Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Cohen ( Phyllis Eaton) are being con gratulated on the birth of a boy, Richard David, Jr., Thurs day at the Salem General hos pital. He weighed 8 pounds, 8 ounces at birth. His grandpar ents arc Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Eaton and Mrs. Myrtle Cohen of Portland. Announced with a clever min iature "newspaper" was the birth of Timothy Kent Noffsin ger. son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Noffsingcr. The little boy was born October 12, weighing five pounds, 12 ounces, at the Salem Deaconess hospital. He has an older brother, Craig. Ernest Crockett Heads Salem ATOs The Salem alumni chapter of Alpha Tau Omega met Wednes day evening at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kirk, their cabin at Morning side. A business meeting followed a banquet. Ernest Crockett will preside for the forthcoming year and Bob Elgin was elected secretary. Both were unanimous. Retiring officers are Waller Kirk, president, and Deryl My ers, secretary. The group plans regular so cial functions every second month during the winter. j-anlrij f-alter Corned Meats Are Hearty Fare Sardine Caniprs Cornrd Shouldtr ot Pork P.rnlty Pot. toe. Sauerkraut Beet Bella on Lettuce Oherry Bread Puddins with Hard Sauce IRecipes Serve Four) Cider Apple Sauce 4 apples, pared and quartered 'i cup susar cup cider Combine all ingredients and cook until apples are soft. Rub through sieve and serve over corned shoulder of pork. Beet Balls on Lettuce 3 medium alted cooked bcela 2 tablespoon, mayonnaise Lettuce Place beets in mixing bowl and chop. Add mayonnaise to hold chopped beets together. Shape into small balls and place in nests of lettuce leaves. To make tomato bouillon, heat a can of tomato juice with a bay leaf, 2 or 3 whole allspice and some celery seed and garlic salt. Economical and Tasty Roquerort Hors D'oeuvrea Smoked Veal Tonaue Sweet Potatoes In Jacketa Red Cabbaee Curly Endive Salad French Dresslna - Indian Puddlna (Recipes serve four) Smoked Veal Tongue '.r 2,""' ,(,nu. dependlna on lice 4 tablespoons flour Capital Journal. Salem, Orecnn. Friday, Ocl, 25, 19-16 7 4 tablespoons (at 1 cup stewed tomatoes 1 cup chopped carrots cup chopped onions 2 tablespoons chopped green pepper 2 rupa cold water Wash tongue and place in ket tle with cold water. Bring slowly to boiling point. Boil five min utes, then reduce heat and cook until tender. When slightly cooled, remove from water and discard skin. Dredge skinned tongue in flour. Place fat in try ing skillet and scar to golden brown. Remove to baking dish and add tomatoes with finely chopped vegetables and water. Cover. Bake at 350 one and one-half hours. Thicken liquor in dish if desired. Underground Sprinkling Systems . . . We Have Ma terial, Work Dona Now. Costs Less. C. S. WIIITCOMB CO. I'll ono 21619 Free Estimates r The fruits of the paiidaiius plant grow to football size. For BETTER HEALTH Correct HKMORKHOIIH (Piles) FISTl I.A FISSIIRK r-KOLAl'SI and other Rctal conditions. No hoa DttaltBatlon. Frc de scriptive, booklet. Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic NATURO - PROCTOLOGIST !18 N. LIuertT at. Salem, Ore. Phone 04R0 kOQaWKX3tlx;oi;:aKlj H PARTS Are Arriving; in Larger Quantities Daily at Loder Bros. We specialize in repair of all General Motors makes and models particularly OLDSMOBILE For Fast, Competent, Friendly Service Bring Your Car to Loder Bros. 465 Center Street Phone 54G7-6133 18th Year in Salem EXCLUSIVE AT COURT ST. RADIO & APPLIANCE CO. SAFE-T-HEAT Convection type ELECTRIC HEATER Model SV PROMPTLY HELP RELIEVE itch, also piin of piles with soothing, scientifically medicated uiiMBMWLiiiMwiiiiTiiW. rr"-"'i I w. ' ...... ... ... jjs ti Js ( 1 1 ' - ''H? 13 fei wl 2 4 3 Stfk 3 " -3 . fcfjw ' ' I " ' - ttfiAKim ii iiii'mt ii "I! i'h... r , Hi "i i -l ,t ' I ' Wmmmmm DIAMOND. LUflTCHgT .TILVeRIUflRe SS4l COOIIT -r FEATURES (1) PORTABLE, plugs into any ordinary 120-voll wall plug, no npccial wiring. (2) 1320-walt, hermetically scaled, moisture pnmf lu-nlini; clenienl, in cased in metal tube and filled will. COIM'ER heal radiating fins, ctjual to 18 Vi square feet of steam radiation. (3) CONVECTION CURRENTS project healed air into room at more than 120 cubic feel per minute, no moving parts. (4) TWO HEATS, 6(i0-watls each, switch handles protected against ac cidental operation. (5) Tested and approved bv II. S. ISureau of Standards, lT. S. Coast Guard, and UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES (6) HIGHEST EFFICIENCY - . - SAFEST GUARANTEED. $9fi00 O.P.A. CEILING PRICE $9fi00 SAME AS OF MARCH, 1012 fcrf X The above heater is designed for continuous operation and we believe it's construction and quality is equal to the best and superior to most, perma nently installed wall type heaters. Heating clement operates at comparatively low temperature, docs not gel RED HOT, does not burn oxygen from air. Healing clement fully enclosed, safest type of beater to use around small children. GALBRAITH SAFE-T-HEAT Convection Type Heaters Exclusive at COURT ST. RADIO & APPLIANCE CO. 357 Court St. Thonc 3028