6 Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Friday, Oct. 25, 1946 prefer en tia i KSundau fluent ! By Jean Taylor One of the loveliest teas of 'the fall season will bo given from 2 to 4 o'clock Sunday aft ernoon at the "E" street home of Mrs. Loyal A. Warner when Eta chapter of Beta Sigma Phi sorority entertains in compli ment to a number of prospective pledges. Greeting guests at the door will be Mrs. Edward Lewis, vice president, assisted, by Miss Ann Doerfler, Miss Lois Roberts, and Miss Nyla Phillips. Miss Tina Duerksen, president, will re ceive in the drawnig romo. , The serving table, covered with a lace cloth, will be cen tered with a bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums, guarded by harmonizing tapers in Chinese brass candlebra. Presiding at the urns during the afternoon will be Mrs. Loyal A. Warner, social sponsor, and Mrs. J. A. Wiitsey, director. Assisting in the serving will be Miss Norma Sletton, Miss Dorothy Poff, Miss Audrey Christman, Miss Lois Gillings and Mrs. Burl Cox. Guests bidden are Mrs. Chris tine Bell, Mrs. Elizabeth Jepson, Mrs. Winifred Crain, Mrs. May Clark, Mrs. Ruth Lewis, Mrs. Martha Schlaughter, Mrs. Jean Doerfler, Mrs. Betty Schlapkohl, Miss Gladys Qucsscth, Miss Dor is Haid, Miss Maria Mocss, Miss Imogene Johnson, Miss Blessing Bcasley, Miss Eunice Hiatt and Miss Bethel Wilson. Arranging the preferential tea are Mrs. Loyal A. Warner, Miss Ann Doerfler, Miss Lois Gillings and Miss Dorothy Poff. Silverweds Arc Honored at Amity Amity Mr. and Mrs. Roy V. Stockton of Sheridan entertain ed for Mr. and Mrs. George D. Wood of Amity recently in ob servance of their 25th wedding anniversary. Mrs. J. O. Mathis of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Rumrill of Stockton, Calif., were other guests for dinner. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Newly of Amity were afternoon callers. The date was also the silver anniversary for the Rumrills as well as Mrs. Rumrills' birth day. MiS3 Marjorie Beckc will mo tor to Corvallis for the weekend to attend the Salem high-Cor-vallis high school football game. She will remain over the week end as guest of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. William Shinn. met f-iand fecepuon ica Celebrates Birthday Mrs. E. S. Lipp, pictured at her home in North Liberty street. Friday Mrs. Lipp celebrated her 80th birthday anniversary. She was honored with a tea for which her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Charles Pratt, End her granddaughter-in-Iaw, Mrs. Russel Pratt, were hostesses. (Jestcn-Miller studio.) Willamette Alumn Dinner A group of Willamette uni versity alumni, gathering this week-end on the campus to greet old friends at homecoming, have planned a no-host dinner affair Saturday night. The dinner will be held at the Marion hotel before the dance at the gymnasium. Special guests will be Presi dent and Mrs. R. Franklin Thompson of the College of Pu get Sound, from Tacoma. Pres ident Franklin served as vice president of Willamette at the time the group was in school. Present will be Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Albert, Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Swenson, Mr. and Mrs. Winston Bunnell of Port land, Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Gal laher of Corvallis, Mr. and Mrs. Warren James, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Trumbo, Mr. and Mrs. Er vin Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Fravel, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Van Wyngarden. Mrs. Arnold Hard man. Otto Wilson, Jr., Miss Elvy Fredorickson Loren Hicks. of Portland and Guests at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gormsen, have been Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Gormsen of Spokane. ! Calendared for sometime In November is an informal re ception for which members of Salem Pro-America, republi can women's organization, will be host honoring Mrs. Roy Bish op of Portland, second vice president of the National Fed eration of Republican Women; Miss Emily Eisenhower of Portland, member of the com mittee for revision of the na tional constitution of that re publican organization, and suc cessful republican candidates from this district. Plans for the affair, date of which will be announced later, were made at a dinner meeting of boarS members of Pro-America Thursday night. Named by the president, Mrs. R. L. Wright, as the committee in general charge of the recep tion were Mrs. J. M. Devers, Mrs. Hal D. Patton and Mrs. Miller B. Haydcn. Other com mittee heads arc the reception line, Mrs. Hal Patton,' greeting the guests, Miss Nellie Schwab and Mrs. Florence Ames; and in charge of the reception rooms, Mrs. Miller B. Hayden, Mrs. M. M. Magee and Mrs. Minnie Jenks Other committees will be announced later. Other business disposed of by the board included the selec tion of Mr. M. M. Magee, Mrs. Miller B. Hayden and Mrs. Hal D. Patton as delegates to the state meeting of Pro-America in Portland December 2 and 3, the appointment of Mrs. Miller B. Hayden as chairman of the membership committee and of Mrs. M. M. Magee as publicity chairman. steps to sparkling teeth powder rrr tilt eloani yourteethfhe often farfi with a ipecial powder. You can't uie this powder at home... but you con uie DR. LYON'S TOOTH POWDER. MOISTEN a little Dr. Lyon'i Tooth Pow der In the palm of your hand, moisten It with the wet brviih , . then clean your teeth. Dr. Lyon's poftihes at it cJeani, pi CAM fla,nat8d OLE. Mil by a dentiit, Dr. Lyon's Tooth Powder it mode for home vie. So, to help reveal all the natural iparkle of your teeth uie Dr. Lyon's twice each day I y Costume Jeivelry Inspired by Styles of Id f ranee 2.25 Itll Plans Change as Bill Mudd Goes East Surprise It was to Mrs. Clifton Mudd, who had v planned earlier In the week ; to drive down to San Fran- t Cisco for a visit with her son t and daughter-in-law, Capt. g and Mrs. William Mudd, to j find that he was leaving soon . for Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. He'll take an army refresh- S. er course of about 3 weeks or a month and then return to San Francisco, offices in 444 Market as a public relations f. officer. f. His wife is making her home in Modesto until his ' return. i oCunclieon Jdoil Mrs. Roy Mills was hostess Friday afternoon to a group of her friends when she planned a 1 o'clock luncheon. It was the first of a series of winter parties Mrs. Mills has planned at her home in South Winter street. Covers were placed for 12 with contract bridge following. Hostess to the Friday after noon bridge club was Mrs. Eric Butler, who entertained the club and a few special guests, Mrs. Fred Schlapkohl, Mrs. A. A. Gueffroy and Mrs. F. E. Loose. So chic on Suit and Coat Lapels, , . and Dresses, too! VorTownWear. . . J7 department pv ,r . Main Eloor Days and Evenings 6.75 I V rices do not include Tax', Mil lei- 'J COURT AT LIBERTY ST. dapilai IJnil ence Capital unit No. 9, American Legion auxiliary, will be hostess Sunday to the conference of District II, which includes 22 units of the surrounding area. The group will meet at the Salem Woman's club Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. I. N. Bacon, president of Capital unit, and Mrs. Stanley Krueger, presi dent of District II, will preside over the business meeting, after which the guests will adjourn to the Legion hall for a no-host dinner with the post. A joint meeting and program will be held following. Speakers will be Mrs. Leon Brown, department of Oregon, and Fred Lothrop, department commander. All members of the auxiliary and Legion are invited to at tend the district conference. Mrs. Ruth Herndon and daughter. Marylou are being welcomed back to Salem after four years' absence. They have been making their home in Al bany while Mrs. Herndon was serving as executive secretary at Camp Adair hospital, until its closing in the early summer. Scholarship Winner Home Miss Elaine Winkle arrived in Salem earlier In the week from Milwaukee, Wise, where she studied under a scholarship for radio drama at the Wisconsin school of music. Miss Winkle, a 1946 gradu ate of Salem high school, is now with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Winkle. Oregon IfflolkerS (jo to Iffleeling Saturday in Portland at the Mallory hotel will be held the first fall board meeting of the University of Oregon Mothers' club. Mrs. John Carkin of Sa lem is state president. Motoring down will be Mrs. Carkin, Mrs. George Swift, vice president of district II, Mrs. Walter Kirk, newly elected president of the Salem Mothers, and Mrs. Albert Gragg, state secretary. Next meeting, in January, will be held in Salem. The second week in Novem ber is designated as the Univer sity of Oregon week and dur ing that time the 12 mothers' clubs throughout the state will plan teas and various events designed to furnish money for the scholarship fund. lfew Ifflemheri eJ&dted bu Safem JEo, .onia Two new members were an nounced for Salem Zonta Inter national Thursday evening at a dinner meeting at the Golden Pheasant. They are Mrs. Karl Becke and Mrs. E. E, Wootten. The president, Mrs. Theodore Madsen, Jr., announced that Mrs. Margaret Rosecrans, Mrs. Herbert Winkler and Mrs. Rob ert Hutcheon were named rep resentatives on the Salem Wom an's council. Miss Helen Yock ey reported on plans for the Zonta day observance, on No vember 8, highlighted with a formal banquet at the Marion hotel. . Four Salem women will at tend the district conference of Soroptimist' clubs in Chehalis this week end. Those going from here are Mrs. Marie Ling, president of the local club; Mrs. Abncr Kline, Mrs. Winnie Petty- john and Miss Lena Blum. COLDS FIGHT MISERY L where you feel it-rub throat, chest and back with time-tested VapoRub Elegantly Mannered Date Dresses You'll be the light In his eye the whole evening through, for Sears has every sweet and lovely style and color you can imagine to make you dreamable. Priced so you can have several! II ( 4 7,75 iP IT Y TEDDY BEAR Wrap yourself Irf one of these adorable soft-as-a-teddy's ear coats! Many styles and sizes for you to choose from. Smart Outer Apparel for Girls Seven to Fourteen 1095 to 1695 Favorite fashions from Sears! Smartly tailored, belted find boxy coats. Wide variety of colors. 484 STATE 9 to 5:30 9 to 9 Saturday 1 r it.rs