I EDUCATION OULD LIKE to hear from reliable men who would Ilka to train in spare tlme to overhaul and Install Refrigeration ' and Air Conditioning equipment. Should be mechanically Inclined. Will not in terfere with your present work, For In formation about this training, write at once ftlvlng name, address, ago and your working hours. Utilities Inst.. 1328 Belden. Chicago 14, 111. hh256 FOR RENT SLEEPING room with garage In private home close in. Ph. 3656 after 6 Pm53 SLEEPING rcom with kite lie n prl v lie es. Prefer employed Christian woman. 2-iifl Cherry Ave. J2ii' MODERN cabins. Dally and weekly rates. Castle Hall cottages, l'ith st. Junction. J251 ROOM for professional man. Ph. 6406. 840 D St. J254 NEW LOOKING floors at small wt Rent a Dreadnaueht Sander by hour or day Western Auto, Ph. 1177. 1258' "GOOD USED PIANOS H U Ptlt! t FLOOR aander for Tent. Montgomery WANTED TO RENT WANTED to rent a furnished apartment by two ladles. Call 8136, Ja254 OFFICE 'engineer (vet.) and wire desire room with housekeeping privileges, apt. or house. No smoking, drtnkimr. child ren or pets. Ph. 4171, ext. 486 until 5 p. m. J254 "SLEEPING room or small apt. near State House for employed woman. No smoker. Box 32, Capital Journal. ja254 COUPLE desire apt. or house turn, or unfurn. (preferred). Permanent resi dence. No children or pets. Will furnish 1 year supply of nylons. Ph. 5462. Ja254 WIFE in hospital, need furn. or unfurn. hse. or apt. before she can come horn. Ph. Argo hotel after 8 pm. Ia256 COUPLE needs furn. house for several months. Will do repairing or painting. Box 28, Capital Journal. Ja2a3 VETERAN In need of a 2-brfrm. house Will pay $25 reward for same. Davis Ph. 7010. Ja3 WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3-bedroom . house. 2 children. Local ref. 910 Nor ViCay. Upstairs. ia256 TlflE TWAIN Shall Meet when veteran & wife from east find a furnished apt. or small house In Salem. Phone 6676. Ja2.13 CLEAN. Christian vet. wishes to marry equally virtuous girl, but no place to live. Can anyone help? Ph. 3452. Ja255 NAVY RECRUITING officer & wile need 3 or 4 rra. furn. apt. or house. No chil dren yet. Ph. 21592. J254 YOUNG COUPLE must find place to live immediately. Sm. or lg. apt. or house, lurn. or unfurn. Have furniture In storage. Will redecorate Interior If necessary at my own expense tf apt. is on ground floor or a sm, house. Box 22 Capital Journal. Ia254 UNIV. PROFESSOR & wife want home or apt. Phone 3871. Ja254 WANTED: 2 or 3 rm. furnished apt. by working couple. Desperate for place to live. No drinking, children or pets Phone 7730. Ja253 VETERAN, WIFE & baby nerd small house or apartment. Phone 24715. Ja253 WANTED: Furnished apartment or bouso Box 326. Capital Journal s270 LOST AND FOUND LOST In vicinity of Capita! theater. brown billfold. Valuable papers and cash. Ex-service man. Victor Scogzan, Route One, Dayton. Reward. k255 LOST on State street, package contain ing mink talis. Finder please leave at Price's" store. Reward. k2j4' LOST: PLASTIC framed glasses Sc Schaf. fer pen & pencil set In brown glasses case. Please return to 1190 S. Liberty for reward. Ph.fi2i2. K25o' LOST Oct. 10. In business dlst., pigeon blood colored ruby earring for pierced ears, large stone in old-style mounting. $10 reward. Write 4175 Portland Rd.. or Phone 22981. k23 LOST Pearl beads at Leslie hi. Tues. night. Liberal reward. 655 N. Col taste. Ph. 6233. k254 WILL PERSON who found suitcase at Southern Pacific depot Sunday eve. Oct. 6 please notify H. L. Taylor, Mar lon, ore., Box fta. Reward. kzm SCELLANEOCS TiLBERT St walnut drying. Prompt hand ling. Efficient, careful drying. Phone 22861. Lee's Hatchery. masfl' SPORTSMAN Custom tanning and maiu- facturlng of deer and elk hides Into useful trophies. Myers Glove A Tannine Co. 1348 Ferry. Phone 603L mI58 HEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked. 75c. LES SPRINGER, 464 Court St, m2059 SALEM WASTE PAPER 1790 North Front WE RUT magazines and newspapers. Cardboard sheets and boxes any size for sale. m288 YOUR PETS given loving cars in my own homo while you are away. Pbone 8t for a reservation, m3(R DENTAL PLATS REPAIR l-BB 8 E2t VI CB IN MOST CASES DR. HARAY SEMLER DENTIST Adoipa Bldg. State A Commsrolal Sts SALEM Pnone 331 m DEAD and worthiest stoct removed on moment's notice. Ph. 6000. HEAT your borne electrically. It's con venient, clean, economical 8ee us foi free estimates. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 25 N Liberty. EAVY HAULING, excavation and road building, land clearing, dot or work ditching, basement excavation, aand gravel, crushed roc, mason Sana con ret mix. cement. SALEM SAND & GRAVEL CO. 1406 N FRONT ST- SALSU. ORXQON Phone 9406 or 11924 m FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CHROME plated upholstered chair, an tique rocking chair, solid mahogany library table, used auto, sawdust fur nace. Good condition, all piping goes with It. 1938 Hazel Ave., after 5 p.m. r255 COLUMBIA phonograph and 75 records. S20. Inquire 475 S. Winter. n255" 12-FT. SOW boat, excellent cond. 2215 N. Liberty. n255 ELECTRIC washing machine, A-l cond. 2096 State St. n.255 , BEDSTEAD, Simmons splngs and cotton t ma I.BERTS 20c per lb. Ph. 2238S or call at route 2, box 170C. Follow pavement 2 miles w. or Keizer school. n255 NAVY P coat, (10. Portable Victor pho- noi-raph, S20. Baby crib, 112.50. Ph. 24105. n2S5 BOSTON Bull Terriers. Registered male and female. Haggerty line. Salem Vet erinary hospital, Portland rd. n257' BLUE VELOUR overstuffed chair, perfect cond. 40. End tables, 14. 2045 Maple av. n254 GIFTS, pot holders, pillow cases, hchlfs. children's dresses. 534 N. Winter. n254 MOTOR scooter. Ph. 5439. LARGE combination wood or coal circu lator. 434 S. 16th. n254 NEW 8-INCH oil circulator. Everett Mc" Nall. Rt. 4 Box 454F. n253 S BLACK and tan hounds. 2 mo old. Rt. 7, Box 233L, i ml back of Kickback station out Portland rd. Dan Moore. Eyes. n254 FAR RAND piano. 'Good condition. Ph. 9377, or 1931 N. Church n2j4 HORSE OWNERS! See the new two-horse-trailer on display at Ward's Farm Store, Trade and High sts n254 FOR SALE: , Veneer. Service Lumber Co., Silverton Oregon. n25a GOOD CHROME mixing faucet for bar ber or Beauty Shop. 1215 S. Com'L n254 PACIFIC Sawdust burner. Thermostat. Good Cond. Ph. 9516. n2b4 STORE ISLANDS, tables, phonograph re cord display racks. MITCHELL RADIO St APPLIANCES State at 19th. Phone 7577. n TOR SALE: Registered AKC Irish Setter pups. Call 7673 after 6 p.m. or Sat it Sun n254 ELECTRIC pants pressers. curling and soldering Irons, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n27i AUTOMATIC record changer and Giiniien uble model radio. 849 S. 12, aft. 5 p. m 0255 To place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS GUARANTEED Forever flashlights re quiring no batteries; 2 & 3 cell flash light YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. pllf RAILROAD type lanterns. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty SL n275" NEW HAMPSHIRE fryers and pullen. fryers dressed or live weight. Ph. 7568. 112 3 1 BICYCLE In good condition Loney Ha ye. 325 Union. n23i PRIMVAR slipper satin wedding outfit. 18-20. Box 33, Capital Journal. n255 AMERICAN Oriental rues. Sizes 6x9 and 9x12. See by appointment. Write box 34, Capital Journal. n254" BURNER white enamel 3-speed Hotpolnt electric plate. Chrome copper-bottom teakettle. Set Junior size boxing gloves. Pair athletic shoes site 6',?. Ph. 21R:3 or 536 N. 17lh. n2o5 LOVELY green Vogue suit. 14. $35. Tibitan fox fur, 25. Cast Iron wood circulator, board, pipe, 135. Copper boiler, music stand, bird cage, wire rattrap, bee supers, scales. 1520 S. Com' I. n255 SILVER FOX scarf, never been worn, reasonable. Irene Prlem. Rt. 6, Box 332, Out Garden rd., t mi. from Swegle sen. n235 NOTICE SALEM Watch shop closing for 3 mo. va cation Call for your watches and clocks at once. All makes and sites of ladles and gents wrist and pocket watches fo. sale cheap. 2381 State st. n258 rTtiolTESCEVr kitchen fixtures and ln gle tube bracxeti for use near your mirror. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n275" SINGLE AND two-burner hotplates. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St n275 TABLE And pln-lt-UP lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. DECORATIVE and lighted house numbers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. tt275" SMOOTHIES for perfect Ice cream. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 ALUMINUM sauce pans, well and tree platters, frying pans, cookie sheets. clothes hampers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275' KITCHEN and bathroom light fixtures. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 WALL TYPE can openers, citrus fruit juicers YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275' KITCHEN and Industrial exhaust tans. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 AUTOMATIC electric sidearm water heat ers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n27S ELECTRIC chimes, long and short tubes. motor driven, slid mechanical chimes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n273 POWERFUL 8-tube Tropic Master Over seas electric radio. Ideal for outdoor or coastal locations. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n27V 9x13 WILTON rug. good condition. 4 pairs rusty rcse colored drapes. Sleeping baa Phone 5872 n333 CHRISTMAS TOYS. Buy them at Gene s Bike Shop. We also specialize In paint ing toys ft bicycles. 1126 Edgewatcr St. Ph. 21568. n277 ZENITH CONSOLE, S35; spring-filled mat tress, $18. 475 N. Capitol. n23 BROWN WOOD Superior circulator. Good cond. S25. 1163 Waller St. Ph. 24433 253 ATMORAYS OZONE. Sell or rent. H. C. Push. Ph. 22458. P. O. Box 463. n276 SLIGHTLY used blue fox fur collar. 1935 Center after 6:30 p. m. n253 BABY bassinette. J8. 1 lounge, 2 rockers, 510. 1 linoleum rug, 9x12, 19. 581 N. Church st. n253 CAPE HART solid mahogany cabinet radio and phonograph combination. Include wonnenui collection oi records. Ph. 21238. n251 MAN'S Botany suit. Size 39 short. Also topcoat. Phone 3751. n253 WHITE enamel trash burner with copper COils. Good cond. Ph. 7248. n253 1 LARGE wood circulator heater. $50. 1 small range. J 10, 742 Com'L it, after 5 P. m. Ph. 6769. n253 SUN LAMPS (ultra violet & Infra-red), portable and stand models with timers, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 COAL OR briquet circulating heater, new wood range. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty St. n275 electric. room heaters, fan, steam and reflector types. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty St. n275' PLASTI-KOTE, the durable paint with ins cenopnane-iiKA iinisn. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275' AUTOMATIC electric grill. 18x36 inches, with double thermostat. Ideal for small restaurant or club house. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275' LNDIRECT floor lamps and torchlers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275' FIGURINES and small gift Items. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n273' ATTRACTIVE, aluminum kitchen step ladders and step-on refuse cans. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 235 N. Liberty St. n273 RADIOS, table and console, 10 models trpm wnicn to select. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275' FLUORESCENT desk lamps. Ideal for tuaent or oince. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 25ft N. Liberty St. n255 ELECTRIC desk, mantle and wall clocks! YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty 81. n27 HEATING pads (electric), plastic clothes lines, Ironing pads and coven. . YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 TWO-SLICE electric toasters, J 3. 10. 4 slice, S3. 85. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n2;5" TWO-WAY and inter-comm. telephone sets. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 WATER HEATERS for Immediste dehvT ery. 40-gsllon Collins S96.25; AO-gallon Westlnshouse 1115. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 CUTLERY and tableware. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 NLiberty St. n275 COFFEE-MAKER sets. 4 to 6 and" 8 cup coffee-makers with stoves. YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 255 N. Lloerty St. n275 HEAVY bronze smoking stands. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 METAL AND plastic bed lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275' AUTOMATIC record players. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n275 SEE US FOR Christmas gifts. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St, n304 SAND, GRAVEL, silt, garden sand, fertiliz er soniey at Meyer, Ph. 3046. 914 North Commercial. 0372 WATER HEATERS. Thermador auto, elect. MITCHELL RADIO ft APPLIANCE State at 19th. Phone 7577. n" INSULATION pneumatically Installed Pric . .meteriaL workmansnip guaran teed Salem Rock Wool Co. Pa. 1749 2225 N. Liberty. n DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK I Use 100 as phalt shingles, unharmed by any weath er, rain or shine. Fireproof. Installed by experienced men Por FREE estimate phone 717T. Western Auto Supply Co n25Sa FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FLUORESCENT commercial and Indua 4 mi. east on Macleay Hlway. J. H. trial lighting fixtures far Immediate de livery Salem Lighting and Appliance Co Temporary location 355 No. Liberty. Salem. Oregon. Phone 0412 n253 SILVER PLATED & brass candle holders, weather vanes, copper lanterns & stun (or sale. Also steel clothesline posts 1145 North Liberty n262 NAVAJO RUGS and saddle blankets Guaranteed 100 native wool. Woven by NavaJo Indians on their reservation 175 i High Paul Stoner. Phone 6086 n260 1x8 USED walk-in cooler, complete with meat racks, shelving. 1 reach-in door. 1 h.p. compressor Burton Refrigeration Co.. 100 Portland Rd. Phone 24060 SMART SUITS, coats, sweaters and tklrts as well ta dresses (or all occasions Iron afternoon to formats. Grand materials and scarcely worn Sizes 9 to 44. Phone 4845. anytime. n3U3 GARDEN sand, gravel crushed rocE Shovel St drag-line excavating WALL ING) SAND AND O RAVEL CO Ph. 8561 PULLER BRUSHES 1748 Oram Ph B357 oil' FOR SALE: 1 Electro Lux Vacuum clean er, nil attachments. 1 Blrchfield Cot ton Mattress. I Innerspring Mattress. I Remington .22 special repeater. 500 shells. Oregon Motor Courtel. n2o5- M AX'S G R E Y "a le n plaid SUll Size 38-40. J15. Ph. 4666. n2a5 TIfouR WHEEL rubber tired farm trail er with rack. 1 6 H.P. International sat engine. 1 2" Fairbanks-Morse centrifu cal pump with engine. 1 15 foot single action disc harrow. 1 6 foot tandem disc harrow. 1 John Deere one-row horse drawn cultivator. INTERSTATE TRACTOR k EQUIP CO. 240 S. Liberty, Salem. Ore. n251 SMALLPIANOll25. 905 S.Llberty7n254 ROSE 0x15 rug. $95. 365 E. Rural. n254 PRE-WAR swing rocker, royal blue. Sim mons Dave no, brown. s45 each. Quilts & bedspreads 13.50 each. Suitcase J2. Ph. 9839. n2.iJ- rVB BV A sell furniture, tool, stoves dishes motors, radios, elictrto appll anoea household goods KLIOM ANB 26 N Com mere la. Phone 9885 n FLUOREcCENT - Commercial and Indus trial 'lsnt;ng fixtures tor immediate de ltery Salerr. Lighting and Appllanc Co. Temporary location 355 No Liber,? 3alem. Oregon Phone 9413 o233 HEAT YODR horn" electrically. It's con venlent, clean, economical. Bee us foi free estimates YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N Liberty f WANTED MISCELLANEOUS STUDENT wants to buy piano. Inquire 935 Oak st. na253 SIGNAL generator and other radio test instruments. Give make, model and price In first letter. Write Capital Journal. Box 27 na253 GAS Circulating heater. 45-60,000 B.T.tj. Ph. 9379. na253- OLD DISHES over 25 years old. Up.it air Antique Shop. 438 Court St. na260 USED FURNITURE- Phone 9186 PERSONAL PLEASE write to tilts ex-GI couple If you know of a housekeeping room. apt. or any living quarters for these clean, re fined persons. Box 35, Capital Journal. ALCOHOLICS, Anonymous. P. O. BOX 724. P3D9' DIVINE HEALING. Bring your T. B. cases to me, all other ailments. Rev. T Hey ting. 1103 S. W. 13th ave.. Portland. LA 7189 p264 PDBLIC STENOGRAPHER LETTERS OF all kinds composed ana typed, personal ones a specialty. Strict ly confidential For appointment, phone 4845. p308 AUTOMOBILES 1029 MODEL A sedan. 4 new tires. New jiftlnt job. $270. Ph. 2-1012. q255 1929 CHEV. 4-door sedan, solid body, good upholstery. 5 good tires. Motor noisy but usable. Will give you transportation cheap. $165. McCall's Used Cars. 12f7 State. Ph. 8108. q253 1!)S5 CHRYSLER coupe, very good Cond. Inquire 2054 N. Church. q255 FOR SALE '41 FORD Super Deluxe sedan. Excellent condition. Will sell or trade for older car, pickup or truck. 196 So. 25th. q2ho FOR SALE '35 WILLYS panel truck. Good shape. Or trade lor car or pickup. 196 So. 25th. q235 30 CHEVROLET coupe. Call after 5 p. m 590 N. 17th. q2 W BY OWNER 1939 Packard sdn. Ph. 6179 evc.8- i2" FOR SALE Garage equipment. Portable Storm S. cylinder boring bar. 12-ton hydraulic press and other Items Priced to sen. 753 Mill street, Sheridan, Ore., opposite S. P. depot. q253 miLDSub"cpeWUllrade for small er good cpe. 1190 Mission. q255 REBUILT FORD and Plymouth Motors. Like New. All kinds of Auto Repairing. 25 saving. AMUNDSON GARAGE 809 Edgewater Street. West Salem Phone 7133 q253 GOOD BUY JN USED CARS tOSI STUDEBAKER cpe. 1934 Trrraplane sedan. 1930 Model A Ford sedan. 1929 Dodge flatbed truck. Others to choo&e from. Your Kaiser. Frazcr dealer TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 355 N. Liberty. P. 7001 q253 '42 HUDSON 2-door. Excellent cond. R at H. Trade for older coupe and difference. Ph. 24630. q254 1933 PLYMOUTH, Union oil station on Lancaster drive, near Morgan ave. q253 '37 FORD V-8 510 Beck, q253- 19.17 FLATBED, long wheel base Ford V-8 truck. Good rubber and good shape. Will's Clipper station. 837 S. Cora l. q256" 1834 FORD V-8 4-door sedan. Excellent condition mechanically. 5 good tires. Clean inside and out. Heater. McCslIV Used Cars, 1297 State street. Dial B1SB. Q2o3 1932 FORD V-8 Coupe. A good running car. Solid body. Clean inside. 600x16 tires. McCalls' Used Cars. 1297 State street. Dial 8108. q253 1033 MASTER Chevrolet, 4-door sedan. Owned by private party since new. 4th house to right after passing Turner cut off on Silverton rd. Rt, 7, Box 394. q'233 1931) CHEVROLET1 Hi -ton Stake' bod? truck. Overload springs. $285. Also small di5C. 120 J. Guy, route 2. Box 266. q253 '29 MODEL A. Good cond., good rubber, $200. L. W. Cbilders. Rt. 1, Box 369 q253 FOR SALE: 1939 Chev. dump truck. Ph. 9691 q253 1910 PONTIAC Sedan. Radio, heater. :un light, white walls. 5,000 miles ft com plete overhaul ft 3 new tires. 610 Sag St.. Independence. q251 TRAILER COACHES BEFORE YOU buy. see our new Royals and United Coaches. Just arrived from eastern factory. Electric refrigerators. 1984 State. q25S WANTED: CAR In good condition. Any kind out would prefer 37. 38 or 39 Mod el No dealers please. Call after 6:30 p.m. Norman Schroyer, Route 6 Box 37. Salem. (Out 22nd St.) q259 WANTED TO BUY: Late model trucxs Pickups, panels, flatbeds. loggers no so on International dealer James tt Maden Company 39S6 Silverton Roac Phone 34123 a FOR SALE- 1930 Graham sedan. Good .6 600 tires 1250 1927 Chev truck fla oed. Motot cooa Associated stall m Uuboara Ph. Jill q2s VETERAN NEEDS car. any model, must be priced reasonable Call alter 6 pm or write W Redinaer. 2252 Simpson Salejo. q259 WANTED GOOD used car. lata mode, preferred Phone 4547. q259 WANTED: LATE Uodsi Oaf Dy prirau party WU) pay cash Pbone 6280 o CARS NEEDED ANY MAKa or model. 11 priced within reason we will out 1L Stevens Used Cars. 678 8. 12th. q259 Journal Want Ads Pay To place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037. AUTOMOBILES -WE PAY TOP3 Oet SVKRY ULMB Tour Car ( Worth! CASH ON rHB BARREL-HEADI -C SHROCK SALEM'S Oldest Independence USED CAR DEALER It. ft. corner Church & Chemeketa Phone 7923 a FINANCIAL SSE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY r INTEREST ft to 40 Years and NO Commission! Leo N. Chlldrs. Inc. REALTORS 344 Slate St. Ph; 9--'6l r2; FARM AND CITY LOAN 4 AND 6 voui OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Uasb for Real Estate Contract axd Second Mortgages CAPITOL SEXriRITLsa CO. 101 Pioneet Trust Bidg Ph. 7163. r GENERAL FINANCE CORP LOANS S-138 and U-33S and ROX H SIMMONS INSURANCE and LOANS 136 8 Commercial St TeL BIAS. WK LOAN on Farm, Residential and Bini- lew Property Will buy mortgages con tracts HAWKINS St ROBERTS. INC 'RAl.TORS Guardian Bid r YOUR SURPLUS MONEY WILL EAfiN YOU 6 PERCENT INTEREST. BUY A REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE. EXAM INE THE SECURITY YOURSELF. MORTGAGES AVAILABLE IN AMOUNTS OP 1500 TO S7500. WE COLLECT ALL INTEREST AND PAYMENTS FOR THE INVESTORS. NO EXTRA CHARGE. STATS FINANCE CO. 153 & High St. CAbH "NOW" FROM PER.sONAL fith year In 6aien We tend money -quickly -privately men or wsmen, married or single LOANS 125 TO $300 Por home or business on furniture, sal ary, business equipment. On auto 1500. Choose any one of our convenient loan Plans and repay In 15 months. WE LIKE TO SAY "YES" to loan requests. So for faster service, phone flr.it PERSONAL FINANCE CO S18 State St.. Rm 125 Phone 3191 Lio. 8-122; U-165. E. Galllnger. Mur r258 AUTO tOANt WILLAMETTE CREDIT OO Itb FLOOR GUARD LAN BLDO License No -M-189 $ MONC1 BJCAX EST ATS LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS ff Buy Rai Estat Mortgagee and Contracts STATS FINANCE CO.. REALTORS Lie. S-aiO U-222 15 S. Hub 8L Directory AUTO BRAKES MIKE PANEK. 275 6. Com'L Ph. 5181 Brake & wheel aligning speolallst. 0253' ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING and bookkeeping. Reason able rates Dependable service. B ml new Service. Ino. Masonlo Buildings. Salem Phone 8727 o APPLIANCE REPAIRS EXPERT BENDIX and commercial and domestlo refrigeration servloe. Ralph Johnson Appll anoea, 822 Center Pb 4031 AUTOMOTIVE MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE 40 Chemeketa Phone 7836 CEMENT WORK CHIMNEY SWEEP FURNACES. CHIMNEYS vacuum cleaned BNSLEY. 771 S 21st Ph. 7176. o DELIVERY SERVICE SALE 51 DELIVERY and Pickup Service. 145 B. Church. Phone 4711. 0275 DRESSMAKTN 1 A Irt; RAT lONS-Re modeling. 1981 State St. Mrs. Armentrout. 026A EXTERMINATORS ARDEE AIAINTENANCE CO. Bedbugs, roaches, rata, fleas, moths Pest con trol contract service. Materials sold guaranteed riddance. 825 N Kllluict worth St.. Portland 1L Ore. Pb, WEb ster 3265. o COCKROACH EXTERMINATOR service, PlL 3056. LEE CROSS. 1260 N. 17th. o277 Srelthaupt's for flowers Dial 9194. FUNERAL DIRECTORS HOWELL FUNERAL BOMB Ph. 1672 HOUSEHOLD TRODUCTS J. R. WATKINjTcbTpRbnilCTS. 1717 Center St. Phone 5395. MATTRESSES CAPITAL BEDDING. Phone 40S9. MUSIC LESSONS SPANISH and HAWAIIAN Guitar. Mando lin, banjo, otc. 1533 Court Ph. 7S69 i' PAPERHANGING EXPERT paperhanglng. worth. Phone 3015 a, j. Wool. PLUMBING PLUMBING AND repair. Prompt service Larry Travlss. Phone 8601. 0372 SAND A GRAVEL GARDEN SOIL, crushed rock. Shovel ft crag una excavating Walling Sand Gravel OO. Phone S961. SAW FILING F. X. Roasch. 674 S. Capitol. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED " KENNETH I1AMEL, 1143 8th St.. W. dn lem. Ph. 7404. Guaranteed service. 0267 CESSPOOL Septic tanks. Ph. 8745. o26S tOTO-E OUTER SEWER SERVICE -Sewers and dra'.ns cleanea Pre estimate Prompt service, Ph. 6327 o TRANSFER AND STORAGE LOCAL A DIN STANCE Transfer, storage Burner oils, ooau ortqueu Trucks r Portia no dally Agent Lyon Van Linet for Household goods to California poinu Larmet Transfer St Storage Ph. 3131. o VACUUM CLE A N EES ELF.CTROLUX Sales i Service & Repairs. Limited amount of new machines avail able. Office 175 S. High. Ph. 6088. 0263 FEES LqjipkI'jd In rour boma author 2cd Hoover service We service all maker of cleaners. -Hogg Broa Ph. 9149. o" WEATHER STRIPPING FREE estimates. T. PULLMAN. Ph. 5965. 0260 WELDING WELDING At BLACKSMITH INO BODY St FENDER WORKS WE Specialize in trailer hitches Penn 4 Corners 3955 E. State o269 WELL DRILLING J. A SNEfcD A Sons Well drilling 250ft Brooits St. Saiem Phone 6UU9 Mat WELL DRILLING la U Bnioe. Rt a Bos a2l-L. Ha i em, Ore First nous nouth oi Swegl schoo Ph 24267 WINDOW CLEANING 4CMB WINDOW CLEANERS. Windows, tloora woodwork eieanea PD IJJ? -47 Court St Langdoc St Culberuoo ir WOOD SAWING R. B. CROSS. Ph. 8178. Lodges Meet everv Werinpsrinv evening. Visitors wel- ' come. IOOF Building. A Pacific Lodge No. 50. A.F, & yf?yA.M. E. A. Degree. Friday, Oct. 25, 7 pm. 253' Klngwood Lodge No. 204, A.F. & A.M., meets Monday nlBht. 7 D.m October 28. M.M. Degree and refreshments, by order of Sec. L. L. Sloper. 255 Market Quotations T Portland Easlslde A large supply of northwest apples facrd a limited demand today at Port lands Eau.idc Farmers' Wholesale Pro duce market, highly colored apples find me some buyers within a range of 81.75 2.25 orchard run. A lew fancy, loose packed amies went as high as J3 box. Large offerings or cauliflower carried an e;is tone within a range of J1.60 1.75 crate. Best local lettuce cleared the market at 2. a three doren head crate. Ordinary stock sold down to 11.50. Portland ProdOB rtr"n Bullfr Prices to retailers. Grade AA canons, 90c. AA prints 89c. A pr;:its 86-asc. A cartons 87-89C B prints 85-8' c. U lb. cubes '3c higher. Ecks Prices to retailers: AA large, sae: A tarsi. 61-62ci AA medium. 59c; A medi um. 58-59c; A small nominal. 44o doiea Chen) To retailer1 in ran land Ores on triplets 46-47o lb., daisies 43-44e af 47-50ln lb Jobbers pay Ao lb. lesi To vrholetnleT Portland. Oregon singles 55-56C. loaf 85-Sflc. 1'uiii.miu it nuit-niu Mantel Butler (fob Dulk 68 lb tubs) AA grade 92 score 85c. A grade 92 score 84c. B oracle SO score 83c. C grade 89 score l'Oc. Butlerlat (Tentative, subject to imme diate change) Premium quality maximum of 35 of 1 percent acidity, delivered 'n Portland. 94-98c lb.: first quality 93-97c lb.: second quality 91-93C1 valley routes and country points 2o less than first, or 91-93C. Cbeeie Selling price 10 Portland re tailers: Ore. singles 58-59c lb. Ore. loaf 60-61c .b.; triplets. 53 -55c. Eggs To wholesalers: a large 18 Ho 59 o dozen, meet 85-66 tsc. B grade 43-4&Vfco Rabbits Arerage country killed to re tailers 43-fOc lb Live fryers, colo,d 34c. white 22-27a lb Old bucks and does (6 lbs and upi l&o In. Lire Poutlr. Live Chickens No. 1 Leghorn broilers. 1 to 3 lbs 35-37c; fryers. 2 to 3 lbs.. J7 38c: 3 to 4 lbs.. 37-39c. lossters, 4'i lbs. and over. 37-38c; under 3,i lbs., 22-23c: roosters and stags, 12-17c. Dressed Chickens -fo retailers. Spring oroilers 3 lbs up 62c lb. colored hens 87c. Leghorn fowl 32oi old roosters and etas 280. Frrtb Veietsbles Beans Calif 17c rt) tvlld-ColumblB Bup Lake. mid-Columbia and Walla Wills green and wax H-luo lb Oregon Oian; 10-12o lb Kentucky Wonders 8-lOc Shell beann SI. 50-1 75 ao-lb lug Wax and Blue Lake 9-10c Beets Local 65-75c doien. Broccoli- Si(t-IB.- Iuk Cabbace Local round type, S3 -2.25; red. 6-7c lb. Carrots Local, bunched, e-dos. erata I3-3.2S Cauliflower Local No. 1, SI. 85-2.10. Celery California sa loi tura diet Lablsh. Milwoukle S2-2.25 crate, blanche. 12.75-3; Hearts. S2.-2.23 doz Cum Best. $2-2.25 a 5 -dot. box. Dill 20-250 lb Cucumbers Sllcers 18 lb. flats. SL50 l.t5 E it t plant 20 lb. ci.tie. S2.10-2.25. Garlic Oregon 2U-290 lb Lettuce Loch), dry pack. S2-2.25 per 3 do..; The Dalles. $2.25-2.30. Onioita WasiL ary No. i. l-l.25i su it), sacks; Idaho, white. No. 1, il.50-l.C5. large, '1.85 yellow Spanish, SI. 20-1. 35. Parsley Local 76-8tlo do7c Peppers Green CallL 35-lb eratt- 13.50-75. Mid-Colum'ula 12-lb. flat etc; 30-lb. SI. 75; red. Hat 11.75: chill. SI. na si, flats Potatoes Washington Russets, S2.&0 2.75; 50 lbs., No. 2. SO -95c; local long white, S3 65-2.75: Klamath Russets, No. I. S2.75-2.85. Deschutes. No. 1. S2.75-2.85 Pumpkin 3-40 lb, Radishes Locat reo 80 4lo dos, OUOCDes Rulabass Lug, S1.1&-1.25. Siiinach 20 lb. box, $l.o0. SproutsLocal to 12 50-2.65 flat. Squash Zucclvni 75c-Sl flat. Scallop, 75c-tl. 14-lb shaked SI. 25-45 35-lb. onar box S2.75-S3. Danish, lugs, 85-90c. Hub bard. 2-3c lb. Sweet potatoes Calif.. 50 lb basket. S3.tia-3.83. yams 50 lb., S3.85-4. Tomatoes Locai IB-lb tiau No SI. 10-1.25; California wrapped S3.25-3.50; repacked. S4-4.25. Turnips BuiiciieO, Idaho Si -St. 10 dusen Topped S3 for eo-lb, sack. rtb Prull Afpirs YaKima Delicious, wrapped ana packed, comb box S4. 50-4.75, lumbie jo 13 40, Hood River Spilt lace-till Dux SI. 15 2.00; yellow Newtown S4.35 Winter Ba nnnas, loose, $2-2.25: Orticya S3. 60 box; Jonatha;; f&f 13.40. H. R. Delicious S3.t5 uencious. wrapped and packed. S4. 25-4.50; chan u lbs. S4.m, Maryhitle. Wann dn trlct Transparent SI, 59-2 face lug; Red uencious. wrapped and packed. S4.50-4.i5; loose, S3-3 50. Avocado Kuerte S4 25, choice S3 (ft fancy S4-4.25 20-39 flats. Calif. Dick:i son all sizes, S4.30-4.75; Itzimas, S4.75- 6.75. Bananas 9 Me-ioo lb. cut oanda. ri extra. C ran berries Orecon. 35-lb. boxes, SB.I5- 9.50; Eastern S9.25. Grape l tun Uui. large S5.50-S.7O. small S3.75 case, Texas pinks S5.10, white H 80. Coc.iell'. S4.95 case. Cuoan. all sizes. SB 8.50. Florida pinks, all sizes. S5-3 25; while 80s and lamer, 14. 75-5. 25; small S7-7.J5: California, 80s. S5. j0-5.7.'i; 100s. j3-3.au. irpes Local Concords, Sl.25-l.50. Lemum Canlornia, aizes 2ai-dUU, and 360. t1.tia-7.U0; 432, S6.5U. Limes Tubs ol A 20& 230. u ranges Ceilings: Calif. SR 09. Pla. If and up to S6.14) Valencia, 288s and iarKer, S6.50-0.0&; smaller, S5.25-a.50. Oitince Local, 2U-3o lb. I'cdrs Baruults, nuino pack IB-ib doi fi.2o-2.it; Mealoro wrappea ana packed. S5-K.25; Hood R.ver, S4-4.73, orcliarn tun $1.75-2. Yakima W. St P.. S4.25; O Anjoo S4.7a, wra3pca and packed boxest daiu wrapped and packed, S4.35; loose S3. 26 3.50; Hood River U'AnJou, $4.60-4.75. I'lneupiilf iJuDn i- i. Po meg ran, tcs $2. 75-2. 85 lug. Meat Cuuolry lti RoUbacX prices to re taUcrs. couotry giueo nogs. ost outcner uu-uo us. iw-iovjo ib. Veaiera. AA aiWo. A 21 W, B 19. S 17-17 Ho. eulU IJ-ltH) lb Beei. AA 21c, A 20V B 10c, oanoers outiers i3-i4o. camos. AA 26c, A 2ft O 24AO. O 20e ib. Ea. n UMs U lit 10 a Veal A A 32-33C A 30-3 lc. B 28c lb. Cull 18-24C. Hogs t ancy oiocg 2T-38o in. Biwcg butchers, packer style, 153-213 lbs. 38-40c; over 213 lbs.,35-38c; sows all weights, 28 30c La in ha A A 34-33C, A 32c, B 37-28C lb. Alutton i-iuic. A lU'ltd acuuroitiB . qua,a ano wtrirnt. Ilerf AA 34-36c; A 32-33C, B 38-30C, C 25-2Cc, catiner-cuttcr bulls 22-23c lb. Cakoara Oark Jrenu tt-Uvao, art 400 U) Wuoi Ooveromrint oonirot ftlobau sua ib. on 12-moa. growth. Uay Wnoiesais sntpmenis. Aitaua. No 4 or oetlei S31-S32.30. Oats-vetcb mixec nay. valley growers price S1B-S22, oiovei nay $l-S22, oaled on (arms. Hides Cajves 2U-240, green oeel SM to. olo loo, orecD nulla oo u, llupi iNortnaj oontracts. 1944 Soe up ma (so to. (Wte oc iut" lot to. .Nutt Distributors- Basts Chestnuts Local Italian lOo lb. Alia oii dt (Jam. J3-3ao in VUberts 1W lbs. Bare- Un BMx laoaa Cblllys hats (New Crop .lumbo 33-31e, 34-35a 34c Large 26' j-28'ic 26-31c 34-35 jc Fancy 22c and up 23i-23c 39',j 31c Baby 20-22c J3c (Vainuts Iftuoiiueltes Na i jumrxj j JOo. targe J3-2c, mea lie, oaoy aivte a 1 No. 2. jumoo soft sheUs J4c. large 12c, mod. 29 no. Chicago Grain Chicago, Oct. 25 taw Cash grain sales; Wheat nominally irm; No sales. Corn: oil 2-8 mils; new: 3 yellow 178 ' , 4 yellow 163 U -168 U ; 5 yellow l.i3li-16:i; sample grade yellow 109'i- 150. Old: 1 yellow IHh: 2 yellow 185-190. Oats: Steady to firm; 1 mixed heavy SO' ; 1 white 88-88',. Boyoeans: 2 yellow 329, Bailey: Malting 161-174 nominal, feed 133-140 nominal. Ch Iram Llveitork CfiiciiBO. Oct. 23 (,P) USDA Si, sole hogs 8.600. total 16.000; general market inoderaieiy active and steady on all eish but clot ins slow and wesk; bulk sood and choice 180-3UO pounds 23.75-24.26; top 24.50 but 24.00 a if Bin po pular price; late sales similar wenhts sad K fades mostly 23 75-24.00, lew loads weights over 200 pounds 23.50; sows stea dy to strong; largely 21.50-22.50, mostly 22 00 and above; good clearance. Salable cattle 3.500, total 3.500; salable calves a 00. total (too; all trades slaughter steers and yearlings firm, active; bulk aood and choice grades 25.0O-3i.0O; short load choice to prime 074 pound yearlings 37.00, new high; three loads 1,300 pounds medium but lat southwest steers 20.00. adlable sheep 2.500, total 6.500; no ear ly sales woo) lambs; indications at least 50-76 cents higher on good and choice gradest holding best natives above 33.50; shorn lambs as well as yearlings un evenly higher and mature slaughter ewes strong to 25 cents higher: aood shorn lambs with No. 1 and No. 2 pelts 31.00- 21 50; good and choice yearlings with No. 1 and fall-shorn pelts 19.00: common to good slaughter ewes 6.50-6 '.'5: two loads common and medium W joinings carrying a small good top 7.65. Portland Grain Portland. Ore., Oct. 25 (J Wheat fu tures unquoted. Cash grain: Oats No. 2-38 lb. wnt'e 83 00. Barley No. 2-45 lb. B.W. 84.00. Corn No. 2-E.Y. shipments 63.00. No. 1 flax 6.75. Cash wheat bid: Soft white 1.85: soft white (excluding Rex 1.86; White Club 1.86; western red 1.66. Hard red winter: Ordinary 1.86: in per cent 1.88; 11 percent 1.92; 12 percent 2.00. Hard white Bnart: in percent 3.39; 11 percent 2.31 ; 12 percent 2.33. Today's car receipts: Wheat 21: bar ley 6; flour 3; corn 3: hay 1; nullfeed 8. Portland Livestock Portland. Ore.. Oct. 25 f.-P) fUSDA Salable cattle, 100. total 400; cavles 10: holdover cattle 150: most holdover of beef type cattle, including some stockers and feeders: very little demand: scatter ed sales weak at late decline; 1 load good 7Ja id. siockers l.oo; load aood feeders j 17.00; odd cutler heifers 10.00; part load ' fairly good beef rattle 14.00; few light 1 atocker cows 11.00; canner-eutter 7 00-i 9 50: bulls scarce: choice vcalers up to ! 20.00: but lower grades and grass calves ' under pressure, some unsold. salable hogs none, total 1.050: market nominal; eood-chotce barrows and a ills salable around 26.00: sows around 23.00; feeder Pigs 22.00 down. Salable sheep none; market nominal: quotable steady at week's decline; small lots medium 76 lb. holdover lambs 16 00; Rood-choice wooled lnmbs salable 18.00-50; feeder lambs salable around 14.00-15.00; good ewes quotable 6.00 down. Salem Markets Completed from reports of Salem dealers for the guidance of Capi tal Journal Raadera (Revised dally.) Retail Priees Rabbit Feeds Pellets. $4.05 cwt. Eg Mat.fa--I4.50 cwt. Dairy Feed S3 70 cwt. roultry Heavy colored hens. No. 1 27c. Ib. No. 2 24c. Colored fryers. No. 1. 38c lb. ggs Btier Prices Wnite ana Hrown tr large grade A 58c. med 54c, standards tc doreu. Wholesale Price Large 64c dozen, med. 60c. standards 55c, Butter Wholesale. A B7c. Retail Grade A. 93c Butt erf at-Premium, 94c; No. 1. 93c; No. 2, 89c. New York Stock Quotations (By the A.NStclated Press) New tfora. ( iMoaiM Quotation Allied Chem Ova American Can m Powet St Light truer lei a Tel. Anaconda Oopper ten II Ob . Bendlx Afiatioa rsethiehem Steel Soeing Aircraft Jaiiforn:a Packing Canadian Paciilo 4 I Case .'hrrim Curd Jommonweaitb St South JoitAOitoaieO Edtsoo Jonso i tasted Vuitet Continental insurance -rown ellerDacb Jurtis Wrrgtu iousla Aircraft .... Jupont dt Nemours ... Jtiisrai Electrie Jenerai Foods jenera Motors Jeodreai 1'lre Jreat Northern pfd . . . internauuna. Harvester , Int. Pspei pta , Johns Msnvui ttennewoU uons Bell A ,, tlaytag A:smi copper Montgomery Ward ..... I.".!!!!!,"! iBih Keivinatoi National Jairy N. If Genua! Honh Am. Co Northern Pacifle Pac Amer Pisn iac:fie Oas Kleo. I'acido I St V can American Peony tf u t ao 10 Corp ttayoniet rtayomei Pfd ....,,.,' tteynoids UitaJi Jsfeway 4ears Roebuck stocian on 5ouuiern Paclila Staocard Brands iiaiKlaro UP Oallf Stewart arner jtuaeoaxer ..(.. Sua Mintug Juion On ............. jnion Paclflo .......... United Airlines United Aticiaft United Slates Steel iVaruet Brothers ...... AosL El PC Uig. Oo ooiworm ., Richfield trwtet .1571 22 31 'a 28 . 44 . hO'i 24 15i 43 V I4T4 20' 11 Id 17! 24 43 S Markets Briefed (By the United Preis) Stocks irregularly lower in moderately active trading. Bonds firm. U.S. govern ment bonds not traded. Curb slocks irregular. Foreign silver unchanged in New York at 0014 cents a fine ounce. Cotton lower. Wheat off 1 Vi to 2H cents. Joe Carson Named On Action Council Chicago, Oct. 25 UJ.fi) Amer ican Action, Inc., announced to day that Joseph Stack, Pitts burgh, former national com mander of the Veterans of For eign Wars, and Former Mayor Joseph K. Carson, Portland, Ore, have joined the group's national council and executive committee. Edward A. Hayes, chairman of the group which recently an nounced that it has become poli tically active in 10 states, re leased statements from Stack and Carson endorsing the organ ization. Hayes quoted Carson as say ing he wanted to "stand up and be counted in this fight." Presbyterians Start $27,000,000 Drive New York, Oct. 25 The Presbyterian church in the Unit ed States launched today a drive for $27,000,000 to rebuild and strengthen church agencies weakened or destroyed by war. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Fridays Oct.25, 1946 17 Stocks Decline, Volume Higher New York, Oct. 25 U.R Stocks declined irregularly to day on slightly increased vol ume. Prices started steady to firm, but ran into new selling when commodity prices, except live stock, resumed their decline. An extreme loss of $10 a bale in cotton and declines ranging to more than 2 cents a bushel in wheat, corn and barley, sent the whole stock list lower. Railroad stocks followed up yesterday's rise in early trad ing, declined at mid-session, and then came back from the lows. Late in the session, a long list including Atlantic Coast Line up nearly 2 points firmed to net gains. Soft drink issues continued to decline on prospects of a shutdown because of a sugar shortage. Coca-Cola lost 4 points. Textile issues reacted on outlook for a sharp price drop. Industrial Rayon lost more than a point. General Electric dropped more than a point on poor earnings and plans for new financing. Chemicals continued under pressure with allied off more than a point, Du Pont, off nearly 2 points and Eastman Kodak preferred off 3 points. New lows were made by Brooklyn Union Gas, Columbia Broadcasting, and Lockheed in their respective divisions. Amer ican Telephone declined more than a point in the communica tions. Sugars sold off after re cent strength. Enough of the utilities held gains to bring a small net gain in their average. Gains of a point or more were noted in J. J. Newberry, Kroger Grocery, Douglas Aircraft, Crown Cork & Seal. Skelly Oil and Liquid Carbonic. issues to decline a point or more included J. I. Case, Cater pillar Tractor, international Harvester. Dow Chemical, In dustrial Rayon, inland Steel, Hercules Powder, Leggelt & Myers B, Masonitc, St. Joseph Lead, and Johns-Manville. The last Inst 5 points on one trans action. Grain Prices Forced Down Chicago, Oct. 25 Wi Fairly heavy ofcrints by eastern com mission houses forced grain prices lower today. At one time losses extended to nearly 3 cents, but a rally developed to ward the close. Declines in the price of cah corn, continuance of the mari time strike and lack of any urgent demand for flour at new prices were offered as reasons for the slump. Wheat finished l::4-2'2 low er, January S2.01, corn was off 2 to 2 'i, January $i.37-1.36?s. oats declined r,a-l,,4, November 81-. and barley dropped 2 to 2'i.. November $1.38 nitth Stlvrrton To Mr. and Mrs Willis Kelly at Silverton Hospital, October 23, a eon. Colvln To Mr. nnrt Mrs. Ralph M. Col. v in, Idanlin. ft son. Omuls Ray. Oct. -2. Tnrlrnbe rry -To Mr. mid Mrs. Olen F. Tartenbcrry route (i, a diiuKlitcr, Glen do Jo, Oct. 19. Wesl To Mr. mid Mrs Theodore W. Wnst. 810 S. 21st, a son, Douglas Joseph, Oct. 14. Emmons-To Mr. mid Mrs. Clarenr S, Emmons. 300 Writ Hoyt, a daughter, Karen Lra. Oct. 22. Russell To Mr. and Mr.s. nodnrv R. Riis'.rll, Albany, a son, Randal Kelly. Oct. 1. MrCravrn To Mr. nnd Mrs. Charll T. McCraven. routt A. a daughter. Donna Jean. Oct. 1, Reynolds To Mr. and Mrs. Rellls A, Rrynolds, Salcni. a daughter, Vivian Es tell, Oct. 6. Ewlim To Mr. and Mrs. Thpmas P. Ewina, Brooks, a son. Jan Esson. Oct. 6. Johnson To Mr. and Mrs. Robert 8. r - mmwmWm V - Loving care and understanding, in the usuil sense, are not commodities chat can be purchased in any market place. Yet, there are times when the need for them is great whether one may be rich or poor, or in moderate c ire urn stances. With us, thoughtful service is not rationed. Our staff recognizes that "Things NOT for sale" are part of our responsibility to all families we serve. CLOUGH-JURRICK CO. IMmiiir 91I19 205 South Church St., Salem villi Johnson, Bremerton, a daughter. Mlchella Ann, Oct. 0. Hlbberd To Mr, nnd Mrs. Wm. S. Hlh. herd. 2350 West Nob Hill, a son, Rich ard Stanley. Oct. 6. Williams To Mr. and Mrs. Oene M. Williams, 2236 Hazel, a son, Craig Lynn, Oct. 7. Souka To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bouza, 1925 Chemeketa, a son, Terry Joseph, Oct. 6. Vanderwill To Mr. and Mrs. Morris A. Vanderwilt, route 4, a son. Kenneth lo ren, Oct. 16. Sharpe To Mr. and Mrs. Correll C. Slierp, l.Via Lee. a daughter, Ruth Di ane, Oct. 9. Bennett To Mr. and Mrs. Bernlce U Bmncti. 991 Edgenaier, Weal Salem, a daughter, Rebecca Lynn, Oct. 4. Deaths Flora Abbott In this cuy, October 24. Flora Abbott, late resident ol 815 Electric Mreet, at thn ase ol 87 years Mother ol Fred L. Ab bott o Bonneville, Oregon, Charles H. Abbott ol Tucson, Arizona. Mrs. S. T. Cope ol OiUCto, Mrs. James Enperly, Washington, and Mr. Bn Randall ol Snlein, and hlt,icr of William Kneiael and Mrs. John Brown, both ol San Dieto, Cuiif, Ten grandchildren, lour great, grandchlldien and several nieces ani nephews alao aurvhc. Announcement, ot services will be made later by tin W. T. Rig don company. Fred W. Llndsey Fred W, Lindst'V, at his reside nee at 112? Sotuh 2o.h street, October 24. Sur vived by two sisters, Mrs. llattia Crab tree and Mrs. Nettie Brock, both ol Sa tern, a brother, Frank 11. Lindsey ot lone, Oregon and several ntecea and ncphrwj. Announcement, ot services later by Clous h-Barnct company. Mr. Addle M. Markey Mrs. Addie M. Mackey, lata resident or M13 South Commercial street, at a local hospital. October 24. Survived by a RranddaiiKhter, Mrs. Marian Breta Matu ,kc. Services will be held Monday, Octo ber 28, at 1:30 p.m. at the Ciouuh-Bjr-riclc ctiapel with interment in the City View cemetery. Mrs. llaiel K. fcw ina Mrs. Hatn R. tw mt, late resident ol 480 North Cottage street, at a local hos pital Thursday, Octoucr 24. am vivea uy a daughter, Mars a ret H. Ewing ol Sua Francisco; son, Robert C. Ewlng ot Seat tle, and a brother, Cliliord Kabcr ol Cor vftllls. Services will be held Saturday October 2G, at 10:30 a.m. at tho Clouui Barnck chapel with Rev. Dudley Strain of delating. Interment will be in the City View cemetery. Donna Jean Wampner Donna Jean Wampner, lata resident ul Portland, at a local hospital, October 20. at the age of 17 years. Survived by her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wampner ol Opportunity, Wash.: threa sisters, Mrs. Allene V a Idea ol Spokane, Washington, and Miss Margaret Wampner and MUs Yvonne Wampner. both ol Opportunity, Wash.; and two brothers, Pred Wamp ner, Jr.. of the U.S. navy at Corpus Christ i. Texas, and Lawrence Wampner of Opportunity, Wash. Graveside service will be held at the IOOF cemetery. Sat urday, October 26. at 10:30 a.m. under the direction of the Howell-Edwarda cha pel. Ilarver William Lindsay Harvey William Lindsay, late resident of Salem, at hi home In San Diego, Calif., Saturday, October Iff Survived by his widow, Zeruah Lindsay, two sisters, Alice David and Ida E. Riley, both of Snlem and brother, Chester Btidd Lind say of Salem, Services will be held Sat urday. October 26. at 3 p.m. at tha ClouRh-Barrick chapeL Interment la tun Macleay cemetery. John Victor LaC'happelle John Victor LaChappelle, at the resi dence. 650 Locust st.. Tuesday. October 22 Survived by two sisters, Mrs. Mary Oiaser of Hopmere. and Mrs. Ha Mitchell. Sacramento. Call!.; three bro thers, Andrew LaChappelle, Sa rra men to, Calif.. August and William LaChappelle, both of Portland, and two nephews. In seph A. and Lawrence O. Oigger, both ol liopmoie. Recitation of Lhf ronary at tne Clough-Barrlck chapel Friday. October 2!i, at S p.m. Services will be held at St. Louis Catholic church S.iiurrliij . Oc j her 26. at 0:30 a.m., with interment t St. Louis, Oregon. William llemy Rogers William Henry Honors, late resident of r50 Roscmonl street. West Salem, at locai hospital, October 23, nt Hie a jI R4 years. Survhlng are his wile, Kntii. t.i.a Itoucr.s of Col In x, Wash.; two dmu ntt . ,t. Mrn Lucy Ln:hty of West Snlem mill Mi. Mabel Wiilkins of Linil, Va:li ; nnd tlma sons. Jnmes H. Rogers of Sitlcm. H;iiJ. y E. Rogers of Vancouver, Wnsh.; and Clar ence LeRoy Rnners of Bnkersfleld, Calif. Services will be held Saturday. October 26. at 1:30 p.m. at (he Clough-Uarr.cic chapel wth Rev. A. A. Loewen and Rev. Albert Fi dr.irirr.lil otlicintuiK. Interment In the Ui'lle I'ussl cemetery at Wood bum. Anna Krme Cndahl Aumsviile Funeral aervlces for Mi. Anna Kruse Uodahl were held at tha Wesley an Methodist church October U. Anna Kruse Go tin hi was born in lola. Wis.. Jen. 31. 1R7R. In 13H8 she u married to Christian Oodahl who pre ceded her in death five years ago. Five Hons were horn to this union two ot whom survive her. They are Lorents and Edwin both of Aumsviile. Threo brother n Ino survive. They are Knrl nnd Fred ol Oudrnburg, wish, nnd Will of Carle- I ton, Wyo. Mrs. Oodahl has been a rcsl 1 drill of Oregon since 1920. Rev. K. E. ! Krorker conducted (lie Mineral ser ices j with burial In the Aumsviile cemetery. j Laurie May Rerlram i Mill City Funeral services (or Laurie May Bertram, 61), mrmbrr of a pioneer ! Inniilv who has bren til for the la.st four ! months, will be held at the Mill Ci'-r Presbyterian church Satuiday at 1.30 p.m. Rev. David Ferguson and Rev. F. Claud ; Stevens officiating with the Weddle mor i tuary at Stay ton in charge. She was born 'at Central Lake, Mich. In 1AH6 and mar I ried Edmund Bertram Dec. 21, l!)()3. Sur ! vivlng are the hu.sband; da tis liter. lona ' C. Goode and three grandchildren, Hand. Mnrv Lee and William Lynn Goodc, rll I of Salem. Mr f