ay Becler $3ricle Easterner Miss Mary Madeline Becker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Becker, Sublimity, became the bride of Ralph Francis Bari beau, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Baribeau, Wausau, Wis., at a nuptial mass in St. Joseph's Catholic church, October 19. Father Gerald F. Linahcn offi ciated. The bride was given in mar riage by her father and wore a traditional white satin gown with full length veil. Her bouquet was of white roses and stephanotis centered with an orchid. She also wore a locket of her grandmother's The maid of honor was Miss Florence Pohlster, Salem. She wore a pink gown of brocaded taffeta fashioned with a bustle and apron effects. The brides maids, Miss Rose Marincovich, Astoria, and Mrs. Walneta Lahr, Salem, wore similar dresses of aquamarine. The bride's at tendants carried nosegays and wore wreaths of pink bouvar dia in their hair. Miss Betty Butler, Astoria, cousin of the , bride, was flower girl. Frank McPhee, Elmo, Wash., was best man; Charles Isaacson, Aberdeen, Wash.i and Walter Breitenstein, Sublimity, were (Sfhers. Wayne Meusey, Salem, played the wedding music and sang. The bride's mother wore a black dress and orchid corsage. The reception was held in the Mirror room of the Hotel Mar ion, after a wedding breakfast for the bridal party. Mrs. Earl Burch was in charge of the reception. Miss Blanche Gibson and Mrs. Archie Wehtje cut the bride's cake. Mrs. Frank McPhee, Montcsano, Wash., and Mrs. Guy Butler, Portland pour ed. The bridegroom's cake was served by Mrs. Richard PicKell. Mrs. Oscar Pohlster served the ices. Miss Betty Byrd was in charge of the guest book. Mrs. Victor Gehling, Portland, and Mrs. Francis Schomas, Oak land, look care of the gifts. Mrs. John Butler, Miss Lorraine Bowerman, both of Astoria, and Mrs. M. M. Gilmore, Sublimity, assisted about the room. Mr. and Mrs. Baribeau will be at home at 582 Franklin, Astoria, after November 4. District Meet. Draws Salemites A delegation of Salem women attended the District III meet ing of the Oregon Federation of Women's clubs, held Wednesday a'the Masonic temple In Os wego. Motoring down were Mrs. Walter Spaiilding, president of the local Woman's club, Mrs. Harry Collins, Mrs. GuyHickok, Mrs. Estill Brunk. Mrs. Chas. A. Ratcliff, Mrs. Clifton Mudd, Mrs. Merle Travis, Mrs. J. M. Devers and Mrs. Charles Rob lin. Speaker was Mrs. Saidie Orr Dunbar of Portland, past na tional president of the federa tion. DorothySchmidt Is Honor Guest Complimenting Miss Dorothy Mae Schmidt of Salem, who Sat urday will become the bride of David Whelan also of Salem, Miss Maxine Bach entertained with a miscellaneous shower at the home of her parents. ' Those invited were Miss Dor othy Schmidt, Mrs. J. P. Schmidt, Mrs. G. Whelan, Mrs. Thomas Tandy, Mrs. Wesley REMEMBER! 2LtW Here's your chance to bring your dancing up to date at Arthur Mur ray's and save money! Don't fake the Rumba or sit it out while others dance. Arthur Murray has dis covered the secret of the real Cuban Rumba his experts can show it to you in your very first lesson. Become a popular partner be proud of your skilled danc ing. Enroll today while special 2 for the price of 1 offer lasts. , PHONE 6126 155 South Liberty 10 a.m. Frys Leave Monday For South. America Exciting plans are afoot for Mr. and Mrs. Dan J. Fry. Jr., who leave Monday on a plane tour which will take them from Salem until the Christmas holidays. They will fly south to San Diego where they will visit with their son-in-law and daughter, Lt. (j.g.) and Mrs. William Earl Snell. Shortly thereafter they leave by Pan American from Los Angeles for Mexico City. After a brief slop there, they'll go on to South America. The trip will take them down the west coast of the southern continent and up the cast, with stops along the way including each of the colorful countries. Beta Sigma Phi Plans Fall Tea At a special meeting of Beta Sigma Phi sorority held Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. Loyal A. Warner, social spon sor, final plans were laid out for the annual fall preferential tea to be held Sunday afternoon. Direction of plans is in charge of Miss Ann Doerfler and her social committee consisting Of Miss Lois Gillings and Miss Dor othy Poff. Details regarding the Beta Sigma Phi reception October 30 at Normandy Manor were an nounced by Miss Elizabeth Spra gue, International representa tive from Kansas City, Mo. Pledging and initiation ser vice of Eta chapter was changed to Wednesday, November 6. Miss Tina Duerksen, sorority president, announced that the next regular business meeting will be held at the Senator ho tel, November 13, at 8 o'clock, with Miss Norma Sletton in charge of the cutural program. Refreshments were served by the hostess during the latter part of the evening. Y W Recognition Service Slated The annual recognition serv ice for high school groups in the Salem YWCA- Y-Teen division will be held Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the First Congre gational church. For the pro gram, Rev. S. R. Huntington is to speak, Mrs. Jean Hobson Rich will play, and the Tri-Y choir will sing. Giving parts in the program will be Misses Patricia Long, Donna Lindahl and Marilyn Burris, all officers of the Y-Teen cabinet. An informal reception will follow the vespers service with the Y-Teen committee from ths YW board in charge, Mrs. G. A. Reehcr as chairman. Many of the chapters in the Y-Tcen program are meeting this week, the groups including the following: Winnifred Heard, Miss Barbara Spaulding and Miss Patricia Sears, leaders; Rhoda McCullouch chapter, Mrs. Talbot Bennett, leader; Grace Elliott group, Mrs. Bjarne Ericksen, leader; Abbie Graham group, Miss Helen May Arm strong, leader; Marion Cuthbert chapter, Mrs. Arthur A. Liner ode, leader; Rose Terlin group, Mrs. Clifford Elliott as leader; Margaret Meade chapter, Mrs. David Brown, leader; Ann Guthrie chapter, Mrs. Lawrence Riggs and Mrs. S. J. Barrick, leaders. Schrunk, Miss Irene Wichman, Miss Alice Schmidt, Mrs. Law rence Bach and the hostess. ICE CREAM All Flavors QUARTS XX NO LIMIT SAVING CENTER Salem and West Salem OFFER ENDS NOVEMBER 1st 'amy to 10 p.m. Saturday 10 to 4 Inspection Plan Of SUV Auxiliary Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War and their auxiliary met Tuesday evening in a social session at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Robbins in Broadway. At a short business meeting it was voted to hold inspection Wednesday, November 6, at the Woman's clubhouse. Officers, in formals, are- requested to be at the clubhouse at 6:30 o'clock. White Shrine Fetes Officers Willamette Shrine No. 2, White Shrine of Jerusalem, met Monday evening at the Masonic temple. Miss Laverne Kantner, worthy high priestess, and Wil liam Neimeyer,- watchman of shepherds, presided. Supreme officers, Mrs. Wayne Henry, supreme deputy of Wil lamette Shine No. 2, Salem, and Bethlehem Shine No. 4, Eugene, and Mrs. Miller B. Hayden, su preme banner escort, were honored with a reception at the close of the meeting. Visitors introduced were Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Lander, past worthy high priestess and watchman of shepherds; Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Wells, all of Al hambra, Calif. Also presenl were visitors from Portland. Olympia and Klamath Falls. New members taken into the order were Mrs. Charles H. Fowler, Mrs. Clara B. Poland and James Reed. Refreshments were served aft er the meeting by Miss Con stance Kantner, Miss Ruth Moore and Miss Edna McEl Haney. BRING AD 4 O N Open Evenings by Appointment VA State SrT m r . Cloche complimentary companion for Important town clothe Suave lines of the sophisticate , . . city cloche with that "sleek" look to set the fashion pace for wise young moderns! This Type tflillefA J4ucheslein5 Entertain Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Huckestein entertained recently, honoring their houscguest, Mrs. Mark Huckestein of Honolulu. Dinner guests included Mr. and Mrs. Byron Roman and Jan ice of Astoria, Elmer Galsuha of Eugene, formerly of Honolulu, Miss Willa Huckestein, and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hucke stein and son, Richard. Mrs. Roman and Janice will remain as guests of the Hucke stcins. her parents, until Sun day. The visitor left Tuesday for San Jose, Calif., and later will go to Mexico before sailing for Honolulu February 15. BPW Halloween Party Is Event Salem Business and Profes sional women enjoyed a Hallow een evening Tuesday at the May flower hall. Mrs. Jessie Mae Lindley, Mrs. Vivian Hoenig and committee were in charge. A shot business meeting was conducted by Mrs. Arthur Wed dlc, president, who announced that Dr. li ma Gene Nevins, here on a Red Cross tour, and chair man of the national health and safety committee of BPW, will be honored with a noon lunch con at the Golden Pheasant Fri day. A bazaar, planned by the fi nance chairman, Mrs. Anna Morgan, will be held at the No vember 8 meeting. WARDS PRESENT II Art Baker ii AND HIS NOTEBOOK ON KSLM 9:45 A.M. t MONDAY THRO FRIDAY Machine Oil Permanent The hair ts literally soaked with VITAMINIZED OIL and LEFT ON during the steaming time. RESULT: A lovely curl without kink or fizz. Includes Shampoo and Wave 7.50 By Well-Trained Operators: Lora Calllson - Gladys Jacobs Dorothy Price - Nlta. Puffer Proprietor, Ellen Jordan I Q U E Shop Closed All Day Mondays Fhone 6146 Dressy 10.00 to 15.9$ Hat 2nd Floor Golfers Out Despite Pain Cold weather and showers did not daunt women golfers Tues day afternoon when they played at the Salem Golf club. Winner in the A class was Mrs. James B. Haley, and Mrs. Richard Chase took honors in B class in the next-to-last meeting of the group. Out for play were Mrs. Man ley Robison, Mrs. Steve Fou chek, Mrs. J. E. Albrich, Mrs. M. A. Pekar, Mrs. Herbert Thomas, Airs. Kate G. Bell, Mrs. R. E. Joseph, Mrs. Leon Perry, Mrs. W. T Waterman, Mrs Ken neth Potts, Mrs R Ivan Marble, Mrs Edward Roth, Mrs. Conrad FOR RENT Floor Sanders and Edgers By DAY or HOUR COMPLETE LINE OF FLOOR FINISHING MATERIALS McGILCHRIST & SONS 255 North Commercial Phone 8478 WALLPAPER, PAINT AND ROOFING :6v6'-b:-p:;Q' P 0-'Pi-P' jp; -p: Q- :Q: 0; Open Evenings 1 01 Paulson, Mrs. Harry Weidmer, Mrs. Max Fianncry, Mrs. Sephus Starr, Mrs. Roy Simmons, Mrs. James B. Haley, Mrs. Glenn Stevens, Mrs. R. I. McLaughlin, Mrs. Richard Chase, Mrs. Ross Coppoch and Mrs. Claude M Johns. Xcvada Kites Arc Revealed ' Silvcrton Mr. and Mrs. John Ryland (Kathryn Odman) of Hollywood are announcing their marriage of October 3 at Las Vegas, Nevada, to their local friends. Mrs. Ryland is a daughter of Mrs. Kristinc Odman of Kent street and a graduate of the lo cal schools. During the war she was employed in California. -.Q- '& '?' P- Q- -CV'P Q- :Q; Q. Q- p' ,Q: Q: 'Q ill ii v 4 SS o.crOJ Yb SW 1 q g V51 be! fi pLJoJ VD ?i-5-B pVoi6V Starred in our exciting. new collection . . . the most flattering' for Fall! Simply wonderful with their dramatic new lines, and all priced for thrifty budgets! See our sparkling date dresses, glamour-girl casuals with their wide new corselet belts, pretty side and hip drapes, pushup sleeves . . . with touches of glitter and velvet! Come choose yours now . . . win compliments galore thru Fall! All at bright low prices! 1109 Kdgcwalcr West Salem Until 7 P.M. Phone 8569 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, demands. Rely on us for Accurately Compounded Prescriptions SCHLAEFEETS DRUG STORE ISD3 rresertptloni AccoraUIr Filltd llil Orfilml fellow Front Drug Candj Store la SbIml Sola Aienti far Penilar RmtdlM In Mirlra Cntr 135 North Commcrcift) St, Fhont SIM mt T)hM6 & Q- 'P Q- Q- :Q" 'Q: :Q- p: P p p: Q- JUST ARRIVED NYLON RAINCOATS IN BLACK . . . Complete with hood Thursday, Oct. 24, 1946 T Profes sional SKILL Every enters our store is given the im . mediate and full attention which it We Give green stamps P- 'Q'-.P:0 P- P- & 6; :Q: -p' -jP-' Q- 29.95