Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 24, 1946, Page 6, Image 6

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    i6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Oct. 24, 194S
3w Cc
l9n Se
$6 Golorul
By Jean Taylor
J From colorful Czechoslovakia
oomes the first artist to appear
on the Salem Community con
cert series program this year.
1 Rudolph Firkusny, who an
pears Friday evening at the Sa
em high school auditorium, ap
pears in this country with the
Philadelphia Symphony, the
Chicago orchestra and for the
fourth successive season with
t!he National Symphony orches
tra of Washington, D. C. He is
4 truly extraordinary artist,
i Program
; I
Sonata quasi una Fantasia,
opus 27, No. 2 . . Beethoven
Adagio sotenuot, allegretto
' Presto agitato
Intermezzo in E Minor. Opus
J 119 Brahms
Capriccio in F sharp Minor,
opus 70 Brahms
Ballade in A flat. Opus 47
Mazurka. Opus 41, No. 4
' Chopin
Waltz in E flat Major. Opus
'18 Chopin
La Serenade Interrumpue
Reflets dans l'eau .... Debussy
Toccata, opus 11 .... Prokofieff
: iv
Excursions Samuel Barber
j Honkey-Tonk
i Blues
Pances from the opera, "Bar-
i tered Bride" Smetana-
! Firkusny
A Idine Von Flue
Saturday Bride
) Silverton Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Von Flue are announ
cing the marriage of their
daughter, Miss Aidine Von
Flue, to Harvey Gehring, son
of Mrs. Lydia Gehring. Judge
E. M. Page of Salem read the.
11 o'clock ceremony Saturday
. The bride, wearing a deep
blue dressmaker suit with
matching accessories and a gar
denia and rosebud corsage, was
attended by her sister, Miss
ena Von Flue. Lawrence Geh
ring served as best man for his
', The parents of the bride pre
sided at a wedding dinner at
the family home in the Ever
green district following the
' After November 15 the young
q'ouple plan to be at home on
the farm of the bridegroom.
JSoth are prominent in their
oommunity, socially.
rs. Davenport
Heads Auxiliary
) Silverton Mrs. Pearl Daven
port was elected president of
the Delbert Reeves unit No. 7,
American Legion auxiliary,
Monday evening, when the
group was entertained at' the
West Main street home of Mrs.
ewis hall.
Other officers for the year
Vf ill be Mrs. Ernest L. Starr, vice
president; Mrs. John Demas,
sbcrctary-treasuier, and Mrs. T.
D. Heidenstrom, historian.
J Mrs. Roscoe Reeves, nnit
president, was initiated into the
membership in a fun ovation in
ehnrge of a committee, with
Miss Inn Harold as chairman.
The unit's oldest member,
Mrs. Lucy Wray, whose 88th
birthday anniversary is October
23, was specially honored with
a gift from the club.
' Members of the Past Presi
dent's club will furnish sand
wiches for the meeting of the
Unit and post Monday evening,
October 28, at Legion hall,
When Robert E. Miller of Ihe
local high school faculty, and
president of the Marion county
division of Ihe Oregon Educa
tion association, will be' the
speaker, explaining the basic
school fund measure and other
vital legislation to appear on the
November ballot.
1.50 AV. W
nt Ato Olv
tnd Cold Warn
Phone 7053 V
lot appointment rf-
Mil I KIi'v B'F Knom .
Will Live in Wisconsin Pictured after their marriage at St.
Mark's church are Mr. and Mrs. Herbert G Rindy (Arlcne Olson).
She is the daughter of Mrs. Emma Olson mid his parents are Mr.
and Mrs. H. C. Rindy of Madison, Wis. They were married Sep
tember 27. (Jesten-Miller studio.)
Mrs. Young to
Entertain Unit
Mrs. Gleason Young will en
tcrtain members of the Edina
Lane home extension unit in an
all-day meeting Friday at her
home in Bieber street.
Chairman of the unit is Mrs
Frank Caspcll, Mrs. Otis
Bradbury, vice chairman; Mrs.
Gleason Young, secretary
treasurer. Miss Eleanor Trindle,
home demonstration agent, will
speak on "How to Keep Well
with Vilamincs A and D."
From California comes news
of the birth of an eight-pound
girl to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A.
Brinkerhoff of Napa, Calif.,
born Wednesday. The little girl
has a brother, David, just past
two, and is a grandchild of Mrs.
Byron B. Horrick of Salem. The
other grandparents live in Philadelphia.
Martins Entertained
4-M Club Recently
Macleay Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Martin opened their home for
the first meeting of the season
of the 4-M club.
After a short business session
cards were in play, with high
score going to Mrs. Cleo Mi!
Morris and Harry Martin, Jr.
Present were Mr. and Mrs.
Cleo McMorris, Mr. and Mrs.
Milton Kephart, Mr. and Mrs
Nile Hilborn, Mr. and Mrs. O. L.
Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Martin, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Martin, Sr.
Attending the Aero club an
nual fall style show in Port
land Friday will be Mrs. Ralph
H. Campbell and Mrs. Carl A.
Porter. Guests of Mrs. E. J.
Kennely at the show will be
Mrs. Clinton Standish, Mrs. Del
bert Schwabbauer and Mrs.
Rosemary Felton.
City Retail
Schlesinger Co.
Siddon J4t
Scene of ZJe
On lAJeclnedclaij.
The Center street home jf
Mrs. Brown Sisson was scene
Wednesday afternoon of a smaii
informal tea honoring her
daughter, Mrs. Gordon Bennet
of Roseburg.
A dozen of the honor guest's
friends were invited to greet
her informally. Presiding at the
tea urn was Mrs. T. W. Creecn.
Assisting her mother was Miss
Mary Elizabeth Sisson. in
Meeting Monday
The Jayceo-ettcs met Monday
evening at their clubrooms in
Maple street for the first fall
meeting, with the program In
cluding installation of new of
ficers. President is Mrs. Charles
Hoover; Mrs. Howard Walker
vice president; Mrs. Wesley
Goodrich, treasurer, and Mrs
Donald Cooper, secretary.
Cards were in play during
the evening, with a late sup
per following.
Mrs. R. F. Lockard was com
mittee chairman in charge of
the meeting and was assisted
by Mrs. Donald Cooper, Mrs
Wendell Ewing, Mrs. Elmo
Lindholm and Mrs. A. C. Newell.
Miss Schryver
Arrives bv Plane
Miss Elizabeth Lord mo
tored to Portland Thursday
to meet Miss Edith Schryver
who arrived by plane early
Thursday from New York.
She has been away six
weeks, visiting with her
father, George J. Schryver of
Kingston and with friends in
New York City.
Miss Lord and Miss Schry
ver are staying a few days at
tlie University club before
returning to Salem.
Sidled Jricli
Alumni will be honored this
week-end at Willamette with
much festivity planned for
Events open Friday, with
open house to be held that eve
ning from 9:30 o'clock until 12
by the four sororities on the
campus and Lausanne and
Frederickson halls. Guests will
move from house to house.
After the homecoming game
on Saturday, alumni will meet
in Chresto cottage for the tra
ditional informal reception
Doughnuts and cider will be
served before the fireplace. Of
ficial hostess will be Miss Jes
sica Kinsey, 1940 graduate and
newly elected vice president of
the alumni association.
Saturday night the homecom
ing dance will honor the two
Salem (jii'l
DoWJ '
Coi'valiis Iflflan
From Corvallis comes news
of the engagement of Miss Jo
Ann Day, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. C. N. Day of Salem and
Wjlliam Townes, grandson of
Mre. Ida Sweeney of Corvallis.
Announcement was made
Saturday evening at the Sigma
Kappa sorority house at Ore
gon State college from where
Miss Day graduated last June.
Tiny paper pumpkins with
black witches' hats bearing the
couples' names, told the news.
The bride-elect is assistant 4H
club agent of Lane county and
is living in Eugene. Her fiance,
who served overseas with the
AAF for three years, is a junior
at Oregon State college and is
a member of Phi Gamma Delta
No date has been set for the
teams. Ted Hallock's orchestra
from the University of Oregon
will play for dancing from 9
o'clock until 12. Miss Joyce
McCracken of Eugene and, Pa
tricia Holtz of Portland, co
chairmen, plan to center the
floor with an enormous football
between two goal posts.
Members of Oregon Gamma
chapter, Pi Beta Phi, will en
tertain alumnae at a Homecom
ing breakfast Sunday at 9:30
o'clock. Mrs. Charles Redding
of Portland, president, will pre'
side at the business session.
Hard-Times Dance
For Cosmis Club
The Cosmis Dance club will
hold a "hard-times'" dance Fri
day evening at the Mayflower
hall. Dancing to the music of
Sunny St. Clair and her orches
tra will be from 9:30 o'clock
until 12:30.
In charge of refreshments will
be Mr. and Mrs. James A. Gor
ton. Hosts will be Mr. and Mrs
Loren Lewis.
Silverton (jii'l
Jelli J2etrollial
Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Clif
ton Dickerson are announcing
the betrothal of their daughter,
Miss Vadcs Dickerson, to Alfred
Crockett, son of Mr. and Mrs.
George Crockett.
The date of the forthcoming
marriage has not been made
Pedee The first fall meeting
of the Woman's club was held
on Thursday, October 17, Mrs.
Dodge in charge. A quilt was
completed for the Red Cross.
Three visitors were prresent:
Mrs. Yates, Mrs. Mollie Lacev
and Mrs. Vincent Smith. Mrs.
Smith became a member. A pie
social is planned to be held on
Saturday evening, November 9.
to raise funds for repairs on the
clubhouse. A no-host dinner was
served at noon. Mrs. Ruby Mc
Dowell, Mrs. Kay Wells and
Mrs. Dodge were hostesses.
Silverton Girl
Jo oCii
3n lffarqi
Silverton Miss Manala Abel!,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Abell, became the bride of Ray
mond Maurer of Marquam Wed
nesday morning in a 9 o'clocK
double-ring ceremony at St,
Paul's Catholic church, Father
John J. Walsh officiating.
The bride wore traditional
white satin and a fingertip
length veil held in place by
coronet of tiny pearls. She wore
a strand of pearls, gift of the
bridegroom, and carried a white
Bible topped with small red and
white rosebuds. Her bridesmaid
was Miss Mildred Maurer. wear
ing pink silk and carrying pink
carnations. Hubert Abell was
best man.
A wedding breakfast was
served the wedding party at
the home of the bride after the
ceremony, and a reception for
their friends was held during
the afternoon at the family
home. An evening dance was
given at the parish hall honor
ing the couple. Mr, and Mrs.
Maurer plan to make their home
in Marquam.
All Flavors 1
OH ARTS m m . I
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