To place classified ads frhone 3571 or 8037. FOK SALE MISCELLANEOUS FLUORESCENT kitchen fixtures and tit), de tubs brackets for uso near your mirror. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n37& INGLE AND two-burner hotplates, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 235 N. Liberty St. n273' TABLE and pln-lt-un lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 DECORATIVE and lighted home number YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n273' SMOOTHIES for perfect Ice cream. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. ri27V ALUMINUM sauce pans, well and tree platters, frying pans, cookie sheets, clothes hampers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n273 "KITCHEN and bathroom light fixtureT YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 WALL TYPE can openera, citrus fruit juicers YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275' KITCHEN and industrial exhaust fans. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n375 AUTOMATIC electric sldearm water heat era. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275' ELECTRIC chimes, Ions and short tubes, motor driven, and mechanical chimes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 335 N. Liberty St. n273" poVERFUL 8-tube Tropic Master Over seas electric radio. Ideal for outdoor or coastal locations. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n27ft 9x1'-! WILTON rug, uood condition. 4 pair rusty rose colored drapes. Sleeping bag. Phone 5872. n253 CHRISTMAS TOIS, Buy tlicm at Gene's Bike Shop. We also specialize in paint VJu toys & bicycles. 1126 Edcewatcr ,jt. Ph. aioiiB. rwrr ZENITH CONSOLE, $35; spring-filled mat tress. JTS&BPitol 112)3 BROWN WOOD Superior circulator. Good cond. 125. 1103 Waller St. Ph. 24433 112 o3 IR DRYER and 2 shampoo trays. Ph. Beauty Box, 9548. n2,'i2 ATM OR AYS OZONE. Sell or rent. hTc. Push. Ph. 22458. P. O. Box 463. , U276 SLIGHTLY used blue fox fur collar. 1035 Center after 6:30 p. m. n253 BABY bassinette, 18. 1 lounge, 2 rockers, 10. 1 linoleum run, 9x13, $9. 581 N. Church st. n253 CATEHAKT solid mahogany cabinet radio and phonograph combination. Includes wonderful collection of records. Ph. 21228. n253 MAN'S Botany suit. Size 39 short. Also topcoat. Phone 3751. n.'a3 WHITE enamel trash burner with copper coils. Oood cond. Ph. 7248. n253 2 LARGE wood circulator heater. 50. 1 small range. 110. 742 Com'l. st. after S P. m. Ph. 6769. n253 "Sun LAMPS (ultra violet d: lnfra-red7 portable and stand models with timers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 COAL OR briquet circulating heater, new wood range. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty St. n275 ELECTRIC room heaters, fan, steam and reflector types. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 353 N. Liberty Bt. H??5!. PLAST1-KOTE, the durable paint with the cellophane-like finish. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. n275 AUTOMATIC electric grill, 18x36 Inches, with double thermostat, Ideal for small restaurant or club house. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 INDIRECT lloor lamps and torchiers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 FIGURINES and small gift Items. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 1)5 N. Liberty St. n275 Ari 'RACTIVE, aluminum kitchen atep- laddera and step-on refuse cans. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 RADIOS, table and console, 10 models from which to select. YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 255 N. Lioerty St. n275 FLUORESCENT desk lamps, ideal for student or office. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 25S N. Liberty St. n255 ELECTRIC desk, mantle and wall clocks. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. n275' BEATING pads (electric), plastic clothes line, ironing pads and covers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. H2731 TWO-SLICE electric toasters, (3.10. 4 slice, $3.85. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n27S ..TWO-WAY and lnter-comm. telephone sets. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275' WATER HEATERS for Immediate dellv. ery. 40-gallon Collins 196.25; fiO-sallon Wutlnghouse J lis. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. n37S' CUTLERY and tableware.' YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty St. n273' COFFEE-MAKER sets, 4 to 6 and 8 CUP coffee-makers with stoves. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Lioerty St. n273' HEAVY bronze smoking stands. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. METAL AND plastic bed lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 235 N. Liberty St, AUTOMATIC record players. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n375' SEE US FOR Christmas gifts. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n304' UND. GRAVEL, silt, garden sand, fertlllz- ler. Bosley & Meyer, Ph. 3046. 944 ' North Commercial. n272 WATER HEATERS. Thermador auto. elec. MITCHELL RADIO As APPLIANCE Srate at 19th. Phone 7577. n INSULATION pneumatically Installed Prlct, material, workmanship guaran teed. Salem Rock Wool Co. Ph. 3748 2225 N. Liberty. DOES SOUR ROOF LEAK1 Use 100 as phalt shingles. Unharmed 03 any weath er, rain or shine. Fireproof. Installed 03 experienced men. For FREE estimate phone 7177. Western Auto supply uo, n358 FOR SALE or trade for refrigerator, a new apt. size elect, stove. Bio Hign land Ave. ' 0254' SAWDUST burner with controls, also wood furnace, 7" table saw. Ph. 22888. n252 FLUORESCENT commercial and Indus 4 ml east on Macleay Hlway. J H. trial lighting fixtures for Immediate de livery. Salem Lighting and Appliance Co. Temporary location 255 No. Liberty. Salem, Oregon. Phone 9413. n253 SILVER PLATED St brass candle holders, weather vanes, copper lanterns Si stans tor sale. Also steel clothesline posts U45 North Liberty. , n262 NAVAJO RUGS and saddle blankets Guaranteed 100 native wool. Woven by Navajo Indiana on their reservation. 175 el High. Paul Stoner. Phone 6088. n260 1x9 USED walk-In cooler, complete witb meat racks, shelving, 1 reach-in door. 1 h.p. compressor. Burton Refrigeration Co.. 3050 Portland Rd. Phone 24060 MART SUITS, coats, sweaters and skirts as well ia dresses for all occasions fro-n afternoon to formals. Grand material and scarcely warn. Sizes 9 to 44. Phone 4845, anytime. n303 GARDEN uad gravel crushed rocx Shovel & drag-line excavating WALL ING SAND AND GRAVEL CO Ph 8M1 Xm BRUSHES. 174A Grant. Ph. 8357 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ROSE 0x15 rug. J35. 365 Z. Rural. n354 PRE-WAR swing rocker, royal blua. Sim mons Daveno, brown. $45 each. Quilts a: ocospreads S3. 50 each. Suitcase S3. WE UUV a el) furniture tool, stove dishes, motors, radio, alec trie apph ancea. household food KLIQMAN'ft N Commercial Phone 8B85 FLUORESCENT - Commercial and Indus, trial lgiit;ng fixture for Immediate d. dvery Salem Lighting and Appllano Temporary location 255 No Liberty. 3biem Oregon Phone 9412 n233 SLEEPING BAG. cuned chicken feather Arctic type. new. price 19.00 Wholesale price n lots of eight. (7 00 Wholesale rates to veterans. 713 Court St.. Dalian. Phone 42J. n252 HEAT YOUR horn" electrically It'a con venient, clean, economical See us foi free estimates. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N Liberty WANTED MISCELLANEOUS STUDENT wants to buy piano. Inquire wjd uaKsi. na253 SIGNAL generator and other radio test instruments, aive make, model and price In first letter. Write Capital Journal. Bo 27 na253 GAS Circulating heater. 45-60.000 BTU P"- M7D. naaa3 OLD DISHES over 25 years old. Upstair1 Antlquo Shop. 438 Court St. na26Q" USED fUKNITIIRB. Phone 9185 PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS. Anonymous. P. O. Box 724 P309' DIVINE HEALING. Bring your T B. case to me. all other ailments. Rev. T Hey ting. 1103 S. W. 13th ave.. Portland LA 71B9 p264 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER LETTERS OF all kinds composed ana typed Personal one a specialty Strict ly confidential For appointment, phone 4845 p3r)R AUTOMOBILES REBUILT FORD and Plymouth Motors. Like New. All kinds of Auto Repairing. 25 saving. AMUNDSON GARAGE 800 Edgewater Street West Salem Phone 7133 cj253 "39 FORD deluxe model cpe. Engine Just overhauled. 4 good tires. Priced to sell. Rt. 5 Box 149. Near Aumsvllle. Gale Pennington. q252 GOOD BUY IN USED 'CARS IU31 STUDEBAKbR cpe. 1934 Terraplane sedan. 1930 Model A Ford sedan. 1929 Dodge flatbed truck. Others to choose from. Your Kaiser. Fiazer dealer TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 355 N. Liberty. P. 7001 q253 'I'-i HUDSON 2-door. Excellent cond. R & H. Trade for older coupe and difference. Ph. 24630. q254 133 PLYMOUTH, Union oil station on Lancaster drive, near Morgan ave. 0.253 37 FORD V-8 510 Beck. q253' 1937 FLATBED, long wheel base Ford V-a truck. Good rubber and good shape. Will's Clipper station, 837 S. Com'l, 1 q256- 1931 FORD V-8 4-door sedan. Excellent condition mechanically. 5 good tires. Clean Inside and out. Heater. McCnll",' Used Cars, 1297 State street. Dial 8188. q253 1033 FORD V-8 Coupe. A good running car. Solid body. Clean inside. 600x16 tires. McCalls' Used Cars. 1297 Slate street. Dial 8108. q253 1H35 MASTER Chevrolet, 4-door sedan. Owned by private party since new. 4th house to right after passing Turner cut off on Silverton rd. Rt. 7, Box 394. q253 laso CHEVROLET l',i-ton stake body truck. Overload springs. 5285. Also small disc. 120. J. Guy, route 2, Box 266. n.253 '! MODEL A. Good cond., good rubber, $200. L. W. Chllders. Rt. 1, Box 368. q253 FOR SALE: 1939 Chev. dump truck. Ph. 9691. q253 1U40 PONTIAC Sedan. Radio, heater, fog light, white walls, 5,000 miles & com plete overhaul & 2 new tires, 610 Sag St., Independence. q354 FOR SALE: '35 Chev. Master 2 dr. or will trade for 2 plow tractor, Geo. Bax, Rt. 1 Box 271. Ph. 23184. q252 TIIICKSTUN duel Manifold Model 1046 Complete with 2 carburetors Ss velocity stacks. Fits all Ford, V-8 Sz Mercury Motors Commercial Body Se Fender Shop. 1042 S. Com'l. q252 WARDS NOW HAVE a limited supply of four wheel Lo-Load wagons equipped with new 6 00-16 tires. Easier loading faster hauling. Bigger pay loads. More safety with Wards Lo-Load. Wards Farm Store, corner Trade Ss High Sts. 0.252- GUARANTEED RECAPPING LET US EXAMINE your tires. We can give you extra mileage at low cost. Drive safer, longer on Grade "A" rubber St save. Don't delay come In now. Mont gomery Wards. q252 TRAILER COACHES BEFORE YOU buy, sea our new Royals and United Coaches. Just arrived from eastern factory. Electrlo refrigerators. 1934 State. q255 1935 CIIUV. Master Coupe. See Wanda Hardman at Victory Cafe, 7 to 7:30 eves. Q252 FORDSON tractor on rubber In good shape. Geo Kleen, Pratum, Ore, Phone 22934. q252 WANTED: Late model car In good cond. By private party. Phone 5228. q252 1042 CHEV. flatbed truck, l'i ton. 4x4. Tip-Top Cabins, 3380 S. Com'l. q252 12' HOUSE trailer furnished 1450. 16 HOUSE trailer furnished. '46 license. $850. 1635 Court St. q252 WANTED: CAR in good condition. Any kind but would prefer 37, 38 or 39 Mod el. No dealers please. Call after 0:30 p.m. Norman Schroyer, Route 6 Box 37. Salem. (Out 22nd St.) q259 WANTED TO RUYi Late model trucks Pickups, panels, flatbed, logger tod so on. Intern a tlocal dealer. Jamen U. Maden Company. 3955 Silverton Road Phone 24123. a FOR SALE 1930 Graham sedan. Good ifi 600 tires S250. 1S27 Chev. truck flat bed. Motor gooo. Associated station, Hubbara Ph. 34 U. q2oB VETERAN NEEDS car. any model, must be priced reasonable Call after 6 p.m or write W. Re dinger. 2252 Simpson. Salem. q259 WANTED: GOOD used car. late modei preferred Phone 4547- q259 WANTED 1 LATE Uodei Oat by private party Will pay eash. Pnone 6280. 0 WE PAS TOPS Oet EVERY DIME Your Car Is Worthi CASH ON THE BARREL HEAD1 "C" SHROCK SALEM'S Oldest independence USED OAR DEALER K. S Corner Church & Cbemeketa. Phone 7923 a CARS NEEDED ANT MARfc or model. II priced within reason we will buy it. Stevens Used Cars 678 9 12th. 0259 BOATS 12-FT. V BOTTOM boat & trailer. 3 h.p Waterwltch motor. 1195 Columbia. Ph. 4054 (1(1252 U-FT. PLYWOOD boat, 2'j h.p. motor. Both for $125. Phone 24146. qq252 FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN WANTED: REAL ESTATE mortgage loans, city or farm properties; loans made as small as $300. See us about refinancing your present contract or mortgage. APPROVED CITY LOANS 4'r. G.I. LOANS ON NEW CONSTRUCTION. 4 LEO N CHILDS. INC. REALTORS 344 State Street. Phone 9261. r252 FARM AND CITY LOANS YOCft OWN TERMS ol repayment withm reason uasn ior exd Second Mortgages CAPITOL 6ECJRnTB OO. 107 Pioneer Trust Bdg -Ph 7161. f GENERAL FINANCE CORP. MJAiW S-iss and ia-m and ROY B SIMMONS ISA B Commercial St Tel 9X99. rfE LOAN on Perm. Residential an4 B'I- iess Property win ouj . .. a a. nrimia J. ROBERTA. INC OX-L1QB& Ouaisn Bid. 1 Market Quotations Tartland Easlslde Good lettuce appeared to be running on the short side today at Portland's Eastslde Farmers' Wholesale market, and indica tions were that prices may became a bit stronger tomorrow. Most lots were quoted $1.25-2, depending upon size and quality. Best packs of carrots moved at 50-55c a dozen bunches. Cauliflower sold within a Jumpy price ranee of $1.60-1.75. Second quality stock brought $1-1.25. Top quality corn was scarce and valued at $2 a five rozen box. Field run stock moved slowly at 11.50 box. Willamette valley pumpkins rate a good demand with wholesalers and retailers showing a desire for small medium size pumpkin for store displays. fortlund Protluc brntnrr Butter Prices to retailers. Grade AA cartons, 90c. AA prints 89c. A prints BB-BHc. A cartons 87-89c. B prints 85-87c. t lb. cubes ',c higher. Egis -Prices to retailers: AA large. Ode; A iargi 61-62c: AA medium. 59c: A medi um, S8-5Dc; A small nominal. 44e dote a Cheeie To retailor m fortland Oregon triplets 46-470 lb., da s en 43Vfc-44Ua af 47-80 Vi lb Jobbers pay too lb. ten fo wholesalers Portland Oretton tnal ag-aec, loaf 55-56C, triplets, 50-52c lb. fort la no V rtuirsMie Market Butter f o b bulk 68 lb tubs) AA grade 02 score 80c, A grade 92 score 84c. B grade 90 score 83c, C grade 89 score 80c. Buiterrat (Tentative, subject to imme. dlate change) Premium Quality mnxlmun of 35 of I percent acidity, deliverer! n Portland. 94-98c lb.: first quality 93-97c lb.: second quality 91-93c: valley routes and country points 2c less than first, or 91-93c. Cheese Selling price to Portland re- FINANCIAL YOUR SURPLUS MONEY WILL EARN YOU 5 PERCENT INTEREST BUY A REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE. EXAM INE THE SECURITY YOURSELF MORTGAGES AVAILABLE IN AMOUNTS OF S500 TO $7500. WE COLLECT ALL INTEREST AND PAYMENTS FOR THE INVESTORS. NO EXTRA CHARGE. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 S. High St. CAHH "NOW" FROM PERSONAL 8th sear In Balem We lend money- quickly privately w men or women, married or single. LOANS $25 TO 1300 For home or business on furniture, eat ery, business equipment. On auto tMJO Choose any one of our convenient loan plans and repay In 15 months. WE LIKE TO SAY "YES" to loan requests 80 for faster service, phone ftm PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 018 State St., .Rm, 125. Phone 3191 Lta. S-122; M-166. & Qalllnger, Mgr. r258' AUTO lOANa WILLAMETTS CREDIT CO. to FLOOR- -GUARDIAN BLDQ. License No -M-18 MONEY RKAX ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR frlANM Buy Real Estate Uortguee end oootraeu STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS Lie. S-216 U-222 1U S Hies St Directory AUTO BRAKES MIKE PANEK, 275 S. Com'l Ph. 6161 Brake Si wheel aligning specialist. 0253' ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING and bookkeeping. Reason- able rates Dependable service. BuMneaf service, ino. uanonlo Buildings, Salem Phone 8727. o APPLIANCE REPAIRS EXPERT BENDIX and commercial tod domestic refrigeration service. Ralpn j u una on itppu&ooea. center Ph, 4036 AUTOMOTIVE MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE 40 (Theme Seta Phone 7838. CEMENT WORK GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING. Cllf mils, 1U0S N. 10th St. Ph. 4071. 02661 CHIMNEY SWEEP FURNACES. CHIMNEYS vacuum cleaned ENSLEY. 771 8 21st. Ph. 7176. o DELIVERY SERVICE SALEM DELIVERY and Pickup Service. 145 S. Church. Phone 4711. o275 DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS-Rcmodellng. 1984 State St. Mrs. Armentrout. o268 EXTERMINATORS ARDEE MAINTENANCE CO. Bedbugs, roacnes, rats, neas, moths. Pest eon tro) contract service. Materials sold guaranteed riddance. 825 N Kllllugv worth St., Portland 1L Ore. Ph. W Bo ater 3265. o COCKROACH EXTERMINATOR service. Ph. 3056. LEE CROSS. 1280 N. 17th. 0277 Sreithaupt'a for flowers Dial 919&. o FUNERAL DIRECTORS HOWELL FUNERAL HOtOI Ph. 1672. HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R. W ATKINS CO. PRODUCTS. 1717 Center St. Phone 5395. o276' MATTRESSES CAPITAL BEDDING. Phone 4069. MUSIC LESSONS SPANISH and HAWAIIAN Guitar. Mando lin, banjo, etc 1533 Court Ph. 7669 PAPERHANGING EXPERT paperhanglnc B J. Wool- worth, pnone sola. PLUMBING AND repair. Prompt service. Larry Travlss. Phone 8601. o272 SAND A GRAVEL GARDEN SOIL, crushed rock. Shovel A ui M nun taiiui vv BIOC Si Gravel Oo. Phone saftL o SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED KENNETH HA MEL. 1143 8th St. W. Sa lem. Ph. 7404. Guaranteed service, 0267 CESSPOOL Septic tanks. Ph. 8745. 0268 SEWERS BOTO-ROOTER SEWEB SERVICE Be. era ano drains cleaned. Pre estimate Prompt service Ph 9 TRANSFER AND STORAGE LOCAL A D INSTANCE Transfer, storage Burner oils, coat briquets Trucks u Portland dally Azent. Lyon Van Line for nousenoid goods to Calloral points, farmer Transfer St Storage. Ph. 3131. 0 VACUUM CLEANERS ELECTROLUX Sales St Service Si Repairs. Limited amount of new machines avail able. Office 175 S. High. Ph. 6088. 0262 FREE Inspection in rom borne, author ized Hoover service. We service all makes of cleaners. Hogg 8 roa. Ph. 91411 0 WEATHER STRIPPING FREE estimates. T. PULLMAN. Ph. 5965. 0260 WELDING WELDING & BLACKSMTTHINO BODY St FENDER WORKS WE Specialize in trailer hitches. Penn 4 Corners 3955 E. State o269 WELL DRILLING J. A SNEED & Sons Well drilling. 1605 Brook St. Saiem Phone 6809 o2M WELL DRILLING U O Eajoe. Rt ft. Box Jil-u Saiem. Ore First doum vouch ol Sweci school Ph 24267 WINUOvV CLEANING CME WINDOW CLEANERS. Windows, floors, woodwork elesnea Pb 1337 141 Court St Langdoo ft Culberteon 0 PROFESSIONAL CLEANINO SERVICE PhOOS 4457 9 WOOD SAWING R. B. CROSS. Ph. 8178. Lodges Meet every Wednesday evening. Visitors wel come. IOOF Building. A Pacific Lodge No. 50, A.P. & VtA.M. E. A. Degree, Friday. Oct. 25, 7 p.m. 253 tellers: Ore. singles B8-59o lb. Ore. loaf 60-Olc lb.; triplets, 63-SSo. Eksb To wholesalers: A large 8e- 59Vjo doiin, med. 65-66 He B grade 43-454o Rabbits Average country killed to re tailers 43-fOc lb Live fryers. eolorvd 24o whits 22-270 lb Old buclts and does 10 lbs. and up) 16o lb Live Poultrv Live Chirkem No. 1 Leghorn broilers, 1 to 2 lbs.. 35-37ci fryers, 2 to 3 lbs.. 37. 38c; 3 to 4 lbs., 37-3Sc, roasters. 4'i lbs. and over. 37-3Sc; under 3l.s lbs., 33-33ei roosters and stags. 12-17c. Dressed Cblekrna To retailers: Spring orollera 5 lbs up 62o lb, colored bens !7c Leghorn tow) 32ci old roosters and Ussi 38o. Frcsb Vegetablet Beans Calif 17o lb Mtd-Oolumbla Blue Lake, mid-Columbia and Walla wli green and wax 9-10c lb. Oregon Giant' 10-12c lb Kentucky Wonders 8-IO0 Shell beani Sl.50-1 76 20-ib lug Was and Blue Lake 9-lOc Beets Local 53-65c dozen. lirorcoll SI 50-1.6.'' lug Cabbage Local round type, 12-2.35 red. 6-7c lb. Cnrrols Local, bunched. 5-doa erst 33-3.25 Cauliflower Local No. 1, Sl.85-2.10. Celery California So (01 aturaea orate: Labish. Mllwaukle $2-2.25 crate; blanche, J2.75-3: Hearts. J2.-2.25 dos Cirn Best, (2-2.25 a 5-dot box. Dill -20-25C lb Cucumbers Sllcers 18 lb. flats, 11.50. 1.65 Eggplant 20 lb. crate, 2. 10-3.25. Garlic Oregon 30-UBo lb Lettuce Local, dry pack. $2-2.25 per a Cloz.; Tlie OallCS. S3. 25-2.30. OmoasW'asn dry No 1. 11-1.35) ao ib. sacks; Idaho, white. No. 1. 11.80-1.65 large, 1.85 yellow Spanish. 1 1.20-1.25: Parsley - Local I&-8O0 dar"!l Pepinrs Oreen Calif 35 -lb crtrn (3. 50-75. Mid-Columbia 12-lb. flat 81c; 30-lb. $1.75; red. flat $1.75: chill. $1.65 $1. flats Potatoes Washington Russets. S2.50- 3.75: 50 lbs.. No. 2. 90-95c: local long wnite. S2 65-2 75; Klamath Russets. No. 1, $2,75-3.85. Deschutes. No. 1. S2.7S-2.85. Pumpkin 3 '.4-4c lb. Rurilihtts Locai reo so-90c doa. bunches. Kutabaes LUff, $1.15-1.25, Spinach 20 lb. box, $1.50. Sprouts Local to $2.50-2.65 flat. Squash Zucch'nl 75c-Sl flat. Scallon, 75c-tl. 14-lb. shaked $1.25-45 35-lb. pear DOX 52.75-53. Danish, lugs, 85-900. Sweet potatoesCalif.. 50 lb. basket. $3.65-3.85. yams 50 lb., $3.85-4. Tomatoes--Local lo-tb tiat. No $1.10-1.25; California wrapped $3.25-3.50; repacicea, $4-4.25. Turnips Bun c nod, Idaho $1-$L1D doson Topped $3 for 50-lb. sack. Fresh FroR AKPiee Yakima Delicious, wrapped trui packed, comb boi $4.50-4.75, Jumble bos w u: riooa River spits lace-llll box $1.75 2.00: Yellow Newtowns $4.35 Winter Ba nanas. loose. $2-2.25; Ortleys 13.60 box: Jonathan f&f $3.40. H. R. Delicious $3.65 ueucious, wrappea and packed. $4.25-4.50; chan 40 lbs $4.40, Maryhllle Wash, dis trict Transparent SI. 50-2 face lug: Red Delicious, wrapped and packed, $4.60-4,75; loose. su. Avocado Fuerte $4 35, cholee St lft-l fancy $4-4.35 20-30 flats, Calif. Dicken son all sizes, 14.50-4.75; Itzlmas, 14.73- 5.75. Banuas 8 He-loe rb. eut bands, srater extra. Cranberries Oregon, 35-lb. boxes, 18.75- 10; Eastern. $9.25. Grapefruit Calif, large $5.50-5.75. small case, Texas pinks $5.10, white $4.80. Cochells S4.95 case: Cuban, all sizes. 18- 8.50. Florida pinks, all sites, $5-8.25: white aus and larger. $4.75-5.35; small $7-7.25; California, 80s. $5.50-5.75! 100s, $3-3.50. Grapes Local Concords, $1.35-1.80. . Lemons California, sizes 252-300, and JOU. f7.63-7.00; 433. $5.50, Limes Tubs of. 8 300, 35c. Oranges Cel tines t Calif. Sfl.09. Fla l and up to $6.14; Valenclss. 288s and larger. smaller, $5.35-5.50. Quince Local. 3&-3c lb. Pears Bartietta, comb pack IB-lb. bos $3.25-2.35; Medford wrapped and packed, $5-5.25: Hood R.ver. $4-4.75; orchard run $1.75-2 Yakima W. & P.. $4.25; D'Anjou 11. jo, wraipea and packed boxen boah wrapped and packed, $4.25; loose $3.25- j.ou; nooa Kiver U'Anjou, $4.60-4.75. Pineapples Cubso 11 Pomegranhtes $2.75-2.85 lug. Meats Co no try Meats Rollback prices to r. cailcrs: Country killed boas, ost butchers i-u-nw ui. lu-tvvio 10 veaiers; AA 22 A 21U. B 19 V4. S 17-17 He. eulls 13-11U ih Beei: AA 310, A 20. B ISe. eanners cutters 13 H -l4o. Lambs: AA 26a A 34tt& a vtc u i(W ID. ewee: F8 13 "Ae, U 12c R 10o Venl A A 32-33C, A 30-3IC. B 38o lb. Cull 18-24C. Iloge Fancy olock 37-380 lb. Sloes butchers, packer style, 155-213 lbs. 38-4r)(v over 213 lbs..35-38c; sows all weights, 28- Lnmbs A A 3435c, A 32c, B 27-28C lb. Mutton 1-anc a io-14o according m qua.itj and wtlehl Beef A A 34-36c; A 32-33C. B 28-30C. C jj-ioc. canner-cuuer bulls 22-23c lb. Cascara Bark Green 8-80. dry 20e lb Wool Government oontroL Mohair 40o lb. on 12-mos growth, Ray Wholesale ini omenta: Alfalfa. He 2 or better $31-$33.50. Oats-vetch mixed nay. vttney growers price $1B-$3X elover hay $19-122$. baled on farms. aides Calves 20-24o. reen beel 100 lb old I60 Oreen bulls 60 lb. Hops Normal contracts: 1944 tt ap 1945 75c lb. 1946 550 194" 50 lb. N a It Distributors' Bails Chest nnts Local Italian 80s lb Almonds Calif S3-3Se lb PUberte 100 lbs. Barie- Da Brta lonaa Chilly Nut (New Crop! Jumbo 32-34C 34-35c 34c Large 26'j-281jC 2fl-31c 34-35 vjc fancy 32c and up 23'.i-23c 39 31 Baby 20-22c 23c iv ai nuts Franquettefi No 1 lumbo 36o. large 33 -34c. med 31c baby 344e ,b No. 3: lumbo soft shells 14 large 12c med 39tto. CMnjtn Wheat Chicago Oct. 24 (UP.) Cash grain sales: Wheat: Firm; 1 hard 214. Corn: 2-6 crnts lower. New: 3 yrllow 185: 4 yellow 172i -175U ; 5 yellow 158-li-170 : sample grade yellow 125-162; 5 wnue ns; sample grade white 180. Old: Sample grade yellow 175. Oats: Firm to weak: 1 while heavy 897i; 1 white 88; 2 white sa'i; sample grade white heavy 85; sample grade white IOUC11 83 li. Barley: Sample grade 133: malting 161 176 nominal; feed 133-140 nominal. Chicago Livestock Chicago, Oct 24 (JP (USDA An la hlA hogs 10.000, total 18,500; active; 1.00-1,50 nigner man Wednesday's average on all weights and sows; good and choice bar- rows and gilts 180 pounds and over 23.75-24,25; top 24.50; popular price 24.00; little here under 80 pounds; good and holce sows all weights 21. 50-22.50: am,d clearance. Salable cattle 7.500. total 7.700: salable calves 700. total 700; strong; active trade on good and choice steers and yearling selling at za. 00-31.00 and better: ton 36.00 paid for two loads scaling around 1,100 pounds; bulk medJim grades 17.00- '3.1)0: no strictly choice heifers her: hoth 28.00; bulk good and low-choice heifer 22.00-28.00. Salable sheep 3.500. total 7.000; higher asking prices on slaughter lambs again retarding trade; generally asking 1.00 up or more, around 22.50 for most good and choice offerings; yearlings scarce ind firm; package good to choice native. running largely to yearlings, ewes 21.00; deck good and choice mature native ewes fully steady at 8.50. Portland Grain Portland, Ore., Oct. 24 fP Wheat fu tures unquoted. Cash grain: No. 1 flax 7.00. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 1.86: soft white (excluding Rex 1.87; White Club 1.37; western red 1.87. Hard red winter: Ordinary 1.86: 10 per cent 1.83; 11 percent 1.92; 12 percent 2.00 Hard white Baart: 10 percent 2.29: 11 percent 2.31; 12 percent 2.33. Today's car receipts: Wheat 20: barlev 12; flour 2; corn 1; oats 2; hay 2; mtll feed 4. Portland Livestock Portland, Ore., Oct. 23 Wi (USDAl Salable cattle 350, total 500; salable calves 35; total 60; market very slow, scattered sales steady with week's late decline but sizeable holdover probable; few common medium steers 13.00-16.50; few good Block ers; cutter steers down to 8.00: common averaging medium heifers 13.00- 16.00; canner-cutter cows 7.50-10.00; me dium beef cows up to 13.50; odd good cows 14.50-15.00; common-medium sausage bulls 11.00-13.30; sood-cholce vealers scarce: salable around 19.00-3Q.qqi cull calves down to 10.00 and below. Cut-Off Road Progresses Two links in Wallace cutoff near completion to provide valley visitors to north Lincoln beaches a shorter route over a straighter road with easier grades. Above: Relocated, 20-foot oiled section that eliminates a deep curve near Buell. Below: Wide bridge replacing narrow Mill creek struc ture as a final link in relocation and realignment between Dolph corner and Buell. Two Links Nearly Complete In Dolph Corner-Buell Cut-off By Ben Maxwell Two links in the relocated Wallace cutoff between Dolph cor ner and Buell, in Polk county, now stand almost complete, and when a final section of a proposed route between Dolph corner - . . bast belling Lowers Wheat Chicago, Oct. 24 W Selling which came mainly from east ern commission houses depress ed wheat futures today. Prices were down as much as 3 cents at times and the market was not able to display much rallying strength. A leading elevator sold corn contracts and the yellow cereal was weak throughout the ses sion. Wheat finished H4-2V4 cents lower, January $2.03 H, corn was lVi-Hi lower, January $1.39-1.39'a, and oats were lower to b higher, November 82-. New York Stock Quotations (By the Associated Press) New VorE. W Cloaine auditions codat Allied Chem a Ore. 159 American Can 81 Km Powei Si Light 12H amer Tel a TeL 172 Anaconda Copper 37 i AtChlBOK 83' Bendlx Aviation 31ll Bethlehem Steel s ' Boeim Aircraft 22 , a Uallfornia Packinr 32 Canadian Paclflo 13 "a J I Case 36 'i Chrysler Corp 70 Commonwealth A 8outh. 3'i ConsoUOaied Edison .. 26K Consolidated Vultee 1074 Continental Insurance 46 ',i Crown Zelteroacb 2B1 Curt las Wrutn 5"i Douglas Aircraft 78 Oupont de Nemours , 174'; General Elecmo 38 Oeneral Foixls 44 'i Oenerai Motors 80H Goodyear Tire 59 Great Northorn pfd..... 473; International Harvester 71 Int. Paper pfd iohns Manvihe Kenneeott 44 'i ujni Bell A 23', i Uartas . . . Miami Copper . n ; Montgomerj Ward 67 i Nash Kelvtnalor H'i National Dairy N. 1 Cenual North Am Co. Northern Paclfle Pac Amer Pish Pacific Gas leo Paciflo T. St V. Pan American . Penny j. u Hadlo Corp. Rajonler Rayonier Pfd Reynolds Meials , Safeway Sears Roebuck Sinclair oil Southern Paciflo , Standard Brands itsndard Of Oallf. S4'i Stewart f amer Ituacbaicer dun Mtnmg Union oil Union Paciflo " United Airlines United Ancraft United Stales Steel .1181 .. 24 A . 20 .. 10 . 18 .. 24 '4 SO ,. I4i Warner Brothers West Eleo Ufa Oo 1 Wooiwortb Richfield Salable hoss 150, total 500; market stea dy, oood choice 170-27.5 lbs. 36.00; 1 choice lot 2M lbs. 26 25; 150 lbs. 24.00; sood sows largely 23.00; good-cholce 97- 120 lbs. feeder piss 22.00. Salable and total sheep 300: market slow, about steady; few good-choice 87 tamos; meaium-gooa vu-au ids. 16.00-17.00: good feeders up to 15.00; 1 lot good-choice 85 lb. shorn lambs 17, SO; medium-good yearlings 14.00-15.00; good slaughter ewes 6.00; few breeding ewes (J. 25-50; common ewes down to 3.00. Salem Markets Completed front raporu ot ftaia dealers for tba culdanc of Capi tal Journal Readers, (Rvu4 dally.) Kctall Pricn Rabbit Feedi Pelleti, Il.OS CV T.kk Mih-!4.50 cwt. Dairy l erd $3 70 cwt, Poultry Heavy colored hens. No. t 37c. lb. No. 2 34c. Colored fryers, No. 1, 3c lb, tiaa Buyer Pncra- Willi too Brown large srade A 58c, med 54c, standard! dozeu. Wholesale Price Larta 60 dozen, med. ic. standards 55c. Butler Wholesale, A S7e. Belail Grade A. B2c. Bui terfat Premium, 93 ci No, 1, Me, n. 2, Mo, Journal Want Ads Pay few . X J - tM 'f " and Rickreall is constructed 1 valley visitors to north Lincoln beaches will save 3.2 in mileage and enjoy a comparatively straight road with but little more than water grade Sections now being oiled and in final stages of completion in elude a stretch of .79 of a mile between Mill creek and Buell. with an oiled surface of 20 feet and four-foot shoulders. This link eliminates the deep curve northward from the narrow Mill Creek bridge, now being re placed by a wider, concrete structure costing $42,000. When the bridge is finished on or be fore January 31, 1947, this sec tion will be opened for traffic, Straight and Fast Eastward, between Salt creek and Dolph corner a new, straight and fast highway with a maxi mum grade of 1.3 per cent is now being oiled and finishing touches added over the section of 3.27 miles. Width here is also 20 feet for the oiled surface, with 4 feet for shoulders. Elim inated are 4 sharp curves and several blind grades hazardous to modern traffic. O. C. Yocum, McMinnville contractor, is furnishing road way construction at a cost of $162,000 supplied from state and federal funds. Total savings in mileage is but three-tenths mile for sections nearing completion, but the proposed cutoff, when accom plished by building a new high way between Dolph corner and Rickreall, would result in a saving of an additional 2.9 miles. Prehistoric Monster Washed up by Sea Anchorage, Alaska, Oct. 24 (U.R) Residents loday believed the body of a huge fur-bearing lizzard-likc creature washed ashore at Homer, Alaska, on Cooks inlet, was that of a pre historic monster. The mammal measured 18 feet 10 inches from the tip of its crocodile-shaped jaws to the end of the lizzard-like tail. The head was three and one half feet long and two feel three inches wide It had 22 lower teeth and 20 upper teeth, each about four inches in length. Previously, at least three oth er "prehistoric" monsters have been found but investigation has proven the others to be whales. Markets Briefed (By the United Press) Stocks irregularly lower in quiet trading. Bonds firm. U. S. govern ment bonds not traded. Curb stocks irregular. Foreign silver unchanged in New York at 90 'a cents a fine ounce. Wheat off IV to 2Va cents. LEGAL NOTICE OF HEARING OF OBJECTIONS TO FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE HEREBY TS GIVEN that W. E. Stewart, Jr. as the duly appointed, oiiali tled and actinS administrator tin bonli non, o( the estate of Frank Lynch, de ceased, has duly renderrd and presented for settlement and filrd In the Circuit Court of the State of OreKon, County of Marlon, Probate Department, a final ac count of his administration ol said es tate; and that Tuesday, the Twenty-sixth day of November, 11)41, at the hour of ten o'clock In the forenoon of said day, at the courtroom of said court in the Marlon County Courthouse In the City of Salem, Marlon County, Oregon, have been duly fixed and appointed by said court as the time and the place for the hearina of objections to said final account and the aettlement thereof. Dated and first published the twenty tourth day of October, 1046, W. E 8TKWART, JR.. as Administrator de bonis non of the Estate of Frank Lynch, Deceased. Oct. 31, 31. Nov. 7, It, 31- ! Capital Journal, Salem,' Oregon, Stocks Advance Irreaularly New York, Oct. 24 W In dividual stocks attracted modest demand in today's market al though many leaders continued to exhibit slipping tendencies and dealings were among the slowest of the past two months. Transfers dwindled to around 800,000 shares. Among gainers were Cudahy, South Porto Rico Sugar, Amer ican Sugar Refining, Pepsi-Cola, Santa I'e, Southern Railway, Firestone Tire, Phillips Petro leum, Homestake Mining and Dome Mines. Steels and mo tors did little cither way. Sweeping decontrols, brokers thought, inspired a certain am ount of selective bidding. Railway bonds did better. $4,270,000 fo Oregon Roads Washington, Oct. 24 (tr) The argiculture department will complete this fiscal year a $23, 000,000 program of building and improving roads in national for ests to facilitate hauling timber to aid veterans housing, a spokesman said today. He said this was included In the federal public works which John R. Steelman, reconversion director, approved for construc tion by various federal agencies and departments. The $23,000,000 program is directed primarily at improving and constructing new access roads to get vitally needed tim ber to lumber mills. Of this, about $6,000,000 is to be expended for rehabilitating old roads and trails, $1,000,000 is for various equipment and materials, while about $16,000,- 000 is earmarked for new access roads. The spokesman said some of the work has already started, some is in the planning stage, but all roads included are ex pected to be completed by next July 1. A breakdown of the $16,000, 000 for new roads in national forests by states, includes: Oregon, $4,270,000; Califor nia, $3,347,000; Idaho, $1,169, 000; Washington, $1,798,000 Montana, $1,477,000. New Seattle Plant Producing Cement Seattle, Oct. 24 (U.R)-Thc new $500,000 Permcnente cement plant which goes into operation here tomorrow has a storage di vision capacity of 80,000 barrels and will provide additional cement for use in western Wash ington, Canada and Alaska, company officials said today. The company is a part of the Henry Kaiser empire and its personnel will bring to 5,600 the number of Kaiser employes in Washington slate. Facilities of the plant include a dolphin pier, silos, a sacking plant, railroad spurs, truck load ing accommodations and an of fice building on Seattle's water front. The plant is under the direc tion of E. H. Kendall. Nylon Stocking Used for Murder Juneau, Alaska, Oct. 24 (U.R) Guy. S. Prince, 42-year-old artist, was held today on a mur der charge in connection with the strangling of his wife. Prince told officers he wrap ped a nylon stocking around the neck of his wife, Marjorie, in the bedroom of their home because he "found someone else there who ran out the back door as I came in." He told authorities he was "disgusted with her." Deputy Marshal Walter Hel lan said he found Prince stand ing in the bedroom where the body of Mrs. Prince, clad in a night dress, lay across the bed with the stocking noose still around her neck. Obituary WHIIam Edwin Slrykrr Monmouth William Edwin Strvker. son of Clary and Theresa Stryker, was bnrn Sept. 1871 at Emerson. Iowa, and died in Salem, October 20, 1916, at the use of 71 yeara, one mouth and 16 days. Strvker attended public school and busi ness colltre In Shenendonh. Iowa. He has been affiliated with the Baptist chure.n since 1313. His life work lias been spent at lnre-scnle farming In Iowa, Nebraska. Kanans, Texas, Colorado and Idaho, moving to Oreaon In 1026 and has lived in this community since that time. He had been in ill health for several years He Is survived by his widow, Mrs. Aria A. Stryker of Monmouth; four daughter. Mrs. Rose Newton. Monmouth, Mrs. Laura Skinner, Portland. Mrs. R. H. Norman, Wilder, Idaho, Mrs. Vernon Haley, Drain, Ore.; live aon.s, Marcus Stryker, Independence, Ore., Russell W. Stryker, Sclo, Edwin R. Stryker. Dallm, and William R. Stryker. Prineville, and 20 grandchildren. Bervlcea were held at the First Christian church In Monmouth, Wednesday at 2 p.m. under direction of the Walter L. Smith mortuary. Rev. Ray mond Armstrong of delated. Interment was made In Belcrest Memorial park at Salem. Mn. Helena Prolter Stayton Funeral services for Mrs. Hel ena Prottor, 80, widow of O. D. Protter. who was found dead In her home un Fourth street by neighbors Tuesday, will be held from the Immaculate Conception church Friday at 0 a.m. Rev. Fath. Jonas officiating and burial in Lone Oak ceme tery. She was born In Germany Apr. 1. 1886 and had lived In Stayton atnee IB93. Sho la survived by several neph ews and nieces. Recitation of the rosary at the Weddle mortuary Thursday nins. Thursday, Oct. 24, 1946 15 Tips Offered On Decoratin Chicago, Oet. 24 U.R Most people have inferiority com plexes, Interior Decorator Sam uel N. Schwartz said today. You can tell by the way they decorate their homes, he said. "They lack imagination and daring," he said. "They are inhibited and afraid they're go ing to have furniture that is too good for them, so they have homes just like the Jones' next door." Schwartz, a man who is dar ing enough to paint rooms with beer and buttermilk, said too many homes were a jumble ot furniture, paintings and bric-a-brac collected without any plan over the years. "Ninety persons out of 100 who decorate their own homes are handicapped by an accumu lation of years of items bought separately with no relation to each other," he explained. "They put hand-me-downs next to modern furniture and hang cheap paintings on walls where they ought to have good reproductions or prints." He said housewives made an other serious mistake by putting slipcovers over furniture to pro tect the upholstering. "That is bad," he added, "be cause no one ever sees the ma terial they value so highly and it wears out just as fast when it's covered." Births, Deaths nirltin LtiiKschelt To Mr. nnd Mrs. Rnbrrt W. LtngKcheit, route a, Sheridan. daughter, Hflcn Louise, Sept. 26 Bcnumont Tn Mr. and Mrs. Boyd O). Beaumont, route 1, Turner, a daughter, Betty Lou, Oct. 1. Roberts To Mr. and Mrs. Arble F. Ro berts, Monmouth, a daushtcr, Gloria Jcne, Oct. 15, Crubtrep To Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. Crabtreo, Oregon City, a daughter, Don na Mnrle, Oct. 18. Sunderland To Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry J. Sunderland, 3B'J0 Garden road, a daugh ter, Melda Diannc, Oct. 19. Kapphahn To Mr. and Mm. Wlllard L. Kapphahn, 1010 Garnet, a son, Ernest Leroy, Oct. 13. Kinton To Mr. and Mrs, Eldon jt. Kin. ton. 2130 State, a daughter, Nancy Lee Oct. 17. Curl To Mr. and Mrs. Ivan C. Kurl. 4345 Cherry Ave., a son, Darrol Kc;t,n, Oct. 18. Death Mrs. Hairl R. F.wlnt Mrs. Hazel R. Ewing, late resident o) 480 Nortli Cottage died ni a local hos pilAl Thursday, October 24. Survived bj a daughter, Margaret H. Ewlng of San Francisco; sun, Robert O. oT Seattle, and a brother, Clifford Raber of Corvallis. Announcements of services later br Clounh-Barrlck. Donna Jean Wampner Donna Jean Wampner, late resident of Portland, at a local hospital. October 20, at the ae of 17 years. Survived by her parents Mr. nnd Mrs, Fred Wampner ot Opportunity, Wash. Announcement ot ser vices Inter by Howell-Edwards company. Harvey William Lindsay Harvey William Lindsay, late resident of Salem, Ht IiIk home in San Diego, Calif., Saturday, October 19. Survived by his widow, Zcrunh Lindsay, two sisters, Alice David and Ida E, Riley, both ot Salem and a brother, Chester Btidd Lind say of Salem. Announcements of services wilt be made later by Clough-Barrtclc comnnny, Wlllard P. GlKon Willard P. Gihon, lale resident of 1432 NE Portland Blvd.. Portland, at a local hospital. October 23, at the age of A3 years. Shipment has bien made to Port land by l he Howell-Edwards chapel for services and Interment. John Vlrtnr LaChappelle John Victor LnChuppelle, at the resi dence, 6ft0 Locust st., Tuesday, October 2. Survived by two sisters, Mrs. Mary Celtstlne. Jr., Hoinnere. and Mrs. Ida Mitchell. Sacramento, Calif.; three bro thers, Andrew LaChappelle, Sacramento, Calif., A uk ust and William LaChappelle, both of Portland, and two nephews, Jo seph A. and Lawrence G. Giger, both of Hopmcre. Recitation oT the rosary at the Clough-Barrlck chiipcl Friday, October ih, at R p. it Services will ba held at the St. Louis Catholic church Saturday. Octo ber 26, at !):30 a.m., with interment at at. Louis, Oregon, lva K. Hen man In tins city October 22. Eva K. Bergman, late resident of Him Jefferson at,, at tha ae of 11 years Mother of J. H. McCon vllle. Mrs Marie Gardner of Salem; and grandmother of Jnck McConvlllc, jr., and Robert Brooks McConville ol Salem; sis ter of Edward Divvens, Mrs. Lnura Mc Cray, Mrs. Corn Kiinn, Mollie Divvens and Mrs. Nun Hullrr, all of Pennsylvania. Services will be held Friday, October 35, at 10:30 a.m. in W. T. Rigdon cha pel, with interment at Belcrest Memorial park. Rev Chester Hamblin will officiate. William Unity Rogers William Henry Rogers, late resident of SS0 Roseinonl street. West Salem, at a local hospital, October 2;t, at the age of fl4 years. Surviving are his witc, Katherlns II one of Colfax, Wash.: two da tin liters. Mrs. Lucy Llchty of West Salem and Mrs. Mabel Wntkms of 1, 1ml, Wash.: and three jnons, James B. Rogers of Salem, Harley E. Rogers of Vancouver, Wash.: and Clar ence LeRoy Itoners of Bakeisfleld, Calif. Announcement of services later by Clough Uarrtck company, NEW TREATMENT CHASES Millions hnvo suffered" in silence with ths miseries of Pin-Worms- but nerd suffer nr longer I Today, thanks to a special, medi cnlly rfcngniied drus. biprhly efTectivo treatment has bren made possible. Th'S drug is Irm vital Ingredient In PW, ths Pin-Worm tablets developed in the labora toned of Dr. P. Jayne & Son. The email, easy.totnke P-W tablets act In a special way to remove Pin-Worma and relieve that tormenting rectal Itch. Ko if you suspect Pin-Worms In yntir child or yourself, ask your druggist for a package of JAYNE'S PW right away, and follow the directions. It'a easy to remember : PW for Pin-Worms I FKKB : Amazing- mctnl polishing cloth. Works like map;ic I polishes silver by just rubbing. Good-will gift : yours for the ask ing. This month ontv. Clip thin ad and nend with name and address to Dr. D. Jaynti it Son, 2 Vine St., i'hila. 6, Pa., Dept. UN MirM im sr Sftlly wll dtquild W r frrauinl itomich dulrtis (Hiiin tr- itanath ulttrt. ) U tictu cid. Yoa iy klt aiT titoaoliont ta afford rtlial from hcui kra. I. .,,. k ,.,)... unn hlml muitl. ate. lo cicmi acid t ant la avw-inauigtnca, m much bunk That h way TEBSIN Tabltti ar m available tn a 49-crnl birtlla nMh t pvj Ihfy bnna QUICK relief. H'i aiuch thtaver. a! enur. ta buy lha lararr fcattta but H r'r tktpricai mi 4Sctni soma win mniiin. !, AT YOtTR LOCAL DRUG STORE Journal Want Ads Pay .