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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1946)
10 Capita? Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Oct. 24, 1946 Floral Service For Navy Dead As a part of the observance of Navy day in the 13th naval district, an All-Faith Flower service, honoring the men who lst their lives at sea, will be held at Pier 91 in Seattle, Oc tober 27, at 2 p.m. The submarine USS Brill, as signed as key ship for the ser vice, will have ils deck laden with flowers during the cere mony, and after appropriate exercises at the pier will move avay from its berth to sub merge in the Sound, allowing the flowers to be scattered on the water, traditional manner of honoring those who lost their lives at sea. The memorial services will be open to the public, with clergy men of all faiths taking part in the exercises. Individuals wish ing to contribute flowers to honor men buried at sea can send them to the senior naval chaplain at the 1 3 1 li naval dis trict, or to any of Seattle's fire stations. Donors may give a single flower, wild, homegrown or purchased at a florist's shop and are requested to include cards with their names and ad dresses. Clubs and other or ganizations may send small wrealhs. ICE CREAM All Flavors QUARTS XXn NO LIMIT SAVING CENTER Salem and West Salem ornm; Contribution to this oolunn mast be confined to 300 words and tlgned oy writer To the Editor: Newspapers today contain a story from Dr. Raver of the Bonneville project appealing to private power companies to keep their plants "hot" because, the doctor says, a shortage is imminent from Bonneville and Coulee during the winter. Then, in event ol shortage, what would the Reed Electric do that depends upon Bonne ville to keep him going? Docs not this appeal of Raver demon strate that we need the PGE company in West Salem? And why should a small group of citizens headed by Reed endea vor to keep PGE company from a franchise in the November election? Remember, PGE furnished light and power in West Salem long before Bonneville or Cou lee had been heard of. Why, then, try lo get PGE out of West Salem? WILLIAM EDWARDS. West Salem. BEST WAY TO BUY ASPIRIN in to fin fin thrifty -millions do Hay, "St. Joseph Aspirin" for thrre masons. (1) Pure as money can buy (2) Fast ac tion (3) Ileal economy. Demand St. Joseph Aspirin, world's largest seller at 10c. Save more on 100 tablet si so for 35a as you got nearly 3 tablets for only lo. 600 Veterans Will GeltWrisl Watches Portland, Oct. 24 Approxi mately 600 veterans of World War II will receive GI wrist watches from the war assets veterans' division within the next few days under their prior ity rights to buy certain scarce items for personal use, C. T. Mudyc. regional director, an nounced today. The timepieces sell for $15.40 each and are in formally estimated to have a value of around $33. ' Previously issuer veterans' certificates will account for most of the watches received and the small quantity in excess of the number of outstanding certificates is expected to go out quickly. Specifications are: new, Waltham, navigation type 11-A, illuminated dial, black face with white numerals, non breakable crystal, stainless steel case and cloth wrist band. This is the first of various types of scarce commodities the Port land office is attempting to ob tain from other regions for vet erans in this region. LEGAL NOTICB Ii hereby itven that tho Btits Land Board of the State ot Oregon will receive seated bids at Its olfice In vtie Stale Caplto. Butldini at Salem. Oregon hp to 10:00 A M,. on Tuesday. October IB 1046. for all ot the interest of the Stat of Oregon In and to the tide and overflow lands hereinafter described, ilvlns. ha, ever to the owner or owners of any lands abut Una or frontlni thereon the preference riant to purchase aald tide tni overflow land at the highest price offered for a period ot 48 hours after the opemni of satd bids, provided such offer Is made In tood faith, and provided that the boaro irvts tha right to reject any and all bids Said landl are situated In Potle Countr- Oreson. and are more particularly dt scribed as follows- Beginning at a point en the West m ander lint ot tha old West channsi of the Willamette River (Survey 18611 that Is South 89 degrees 40 minutes Cast 5.02 chains from the section corner common to Section B. 10, 15 and 16 In Township ' South. Range 3 Wen of tha Willamette Merldl; i and running thence South 6-OC chains; thencr South 8 degrees East 11. Oft chain:: thence South 17 degrees Cast IV. 40 chains; thence East 2.00 chains; thence South 20 degrees bast ti 098 chains; thence East 5.516 chains to the low water line at the main channel of the Willamette Rlvtr as of June. i946: thence North 6 degree 38 minutes East 4.342 chains, to the inter section of said low water line and the East meander line ol the old West channel of the Willamette River (lfl&ll survey.' thence Nortn 46 degrees West 5.311 chains thence Nortn 25 decree West 16 40 chain; thence Nortn 28 degrees West 27.0 chains thence North 14 degrees West 21.0 chains 1 the Intersection ot the East mo an tier lln of the old West channel of tha Wll- RIGHT-NOW CLEANER For General Horn Cltonlnf Dishes, Laundry, Woodwork Ha rtnlws Sanitary HtpUces Soap Softer for Hands ASK ALL GROCERS Comei in packages 25c 50c $1.00 NERMOSA PRODUCTS CO. 104 N.E. Rutitll Strut, Portland, Ortgow Itmetts Rlvtr and tha section Una between Sections 10 and 15, Township 7 South. Range 3 West of tha Willamette Meridian: thence North 80 degrees 40 minutes West fi.52 chains to the point of beginning, con taining 58.28 acres, mors or le&s. situated la Section 15, Township 7 South. Range 9 West. W. U. in Polk County. Stats ol Oregon. Applications must Be accompanied by a certified check or draft for the full amount bid and ni bids will be considered for leas than 12331.20 for the entire tract, Tha successful b'ddsr must pay. In addi tion to the amount, bid. the actual cost of survey of tha above described land and advertisement of this sals. All bids should be sealed and addressed to E. T. Pierce. Clerk ( the State Land Board. Salem. Oregou. and marked "Application and Bid to Purchase Tide and Overflow Lands, Dnted a Salem, Oregon, thla 13rd day of September. 1946. E. T. PIERCE, Clerk. State Land Board Sept. 26; Oct. 3. 10. 17. 24. Surprise Family Appetites! This substantial dish makes a delicious change ... Ready in a jiffy . , , Economical, too . . . Label gives directions for many thrilling variations... At your grocer's. Wine MEATLESS IE rufo rnrv rurwu asrm f'j "i " iv.nwr juc i ui vnuii hiliii w ad? m Set Jw IIm Md 8m. Journal Want Ads Pay livelier a kead sfart? said Doc Susan was our first baby, and we were pretty anxious to start her off on the right formula. When we asked our doctor, he sug gested Borden's Vitamin D Evaporated Milk. He said it now has three times as much Vitamin D as before . . . and that each pint contains 40Q units a full day's supply. Now we're sure Susan's growing strong teeth and bones! P. S. to mothers: Borden's Evaporated Milk is accepted by the American Medical Association, Council on Foods and Nutrition. And wkee! Mat 2or&eris does for salad dressing! N. Y' IVA I. . U ill It. 'nun i. . - k toiji Relax over a 4C Br"inrS?Cj steaming cup of lb. fcljC I T hot coffee. With plenty of Borden s Evaporated on our shelf, we just had to try it ourselves. Am I glad we didl I'm making my own snlad dressings these days, and Borden's is just the thing for them! They always turn out rich, smooth, and luscious! Bor'dcn's blends beautifully with other ingredients doesn't separate in cooking. Just try it! FOR A WU-D8S$P SMAO TW TMSf Savory Salad Dreming 3 tahlcspnonn ftmir I tHhtftspoon euiiur IV hm spoons dry liiiihiurtl I tms(Ktn suit Dllttll Of pt'pH'f nip rtnritrn' Ml tint In l V.vuHratnl Milk V cup miter cup vl licit nr or Ipmnn Juice 1 liilitcmpnon butter or naruaiine In the top of a double boiler, mis flour, sugar, dry muiturd, salt, and pepper. Gradually add Hordm's Vitnmin D Evaporated Milk, stirring until smooth. Add water. Plend well. Cook over boiling water, stirring constantly, until thick and smooth. Remove from heat. Stir in vinecnr or lemon juice and butter or marga rine. Blend well. Chill. Makes about 1 cup. BordMiCenpanf No finer milk in any can! NOW... 400 UNITS OF VITAMIN D PER PINT DEL MONTE COFFEE lb. 45c Morton's Salt 2 Pkgs. 15c Cane Sugar 10 lb. bag 70c Cane Sugar 5 lb. bag Jgc Powdered Sugar... .1 lb. ctn. 9c Brown Sugar 1 lb. ctn. gc 1GA Matches 6 box ctn. 23c Argo Gloss Starch 1 lb. pkg. 10c Argo Corn Starch 1 lb. pkg. IfJC Johnson's Glo Coat pint 59c Johnson's Glo Coat , quart 98c Borden's Hemo 1 lb. can 59c Hershey's Cocoa lb. pkg. IOC Clorox Bleach qt. bottle J3C Clorox Bleach. ... Yi gal. jug 25c Boon, Cleaner qt. bottle 23c Boon, Cleaner....1 gal. jug 43c UTAH CELERY . lb. 5c SUPjKIST ORANGES . . 2 doz. 53c 344 Size Best for Juice JACK O'LANTERN PUMPKINS . . lb. 4c You can afford one for all at (his low price IGA Kincsl Qualify TOMATO JUICE 4(i oz. Can 27C Prrssed frnm Sun-Rlprned Tomaior. IT which elves il ine very tinest flavor. ANAGOI-D No. 2 can CITRUS JUICE 27C AXAGOI.n 46 oz. can CITRUS JUICE 63C DKKP SOUTH 46 oz. can BLENDED JUICE 39C TEXAS VALLEY No. 2 can GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 17c TEXAS VALLEY 46 oz. can GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 33c EI.SINORE No. 2 can CUT GREEN BEANS 23c TASTY PAK No. 2 can CUT GREEN BEANS 15C DEL MONTE No. 2 can WHOLE BEETS ...21c TASTY PAK No. 2 can SLICED BEETS 12c GIVES US THE "KNOW-HOW" TO SERVE YOU . . . WITH Swufdatf 4xu PtccU TEXAS VALLEY GRAPEFRUIT JUICE FLORIDA ORANGE JUICE SOUTHERN BEAUTY APRICOTS . . HUNT'S PEACHES SUN PURE GRAPEFRUIT . . ATOMA CUT SPEARS ASPARAGUS . . IGA FANCY PUMPKIN KOUNTY KIST LARGE SWEET PEAS i 2 46 oz. can 3k 46 oz. can 45c No. 21 can 25c No. 2 can 35c No. 2 can 30c No. 2 can 39c No. 2i cans 29c . . No. 2 can 16c Inmi"',,,,,,,"",""f """'"'"in iiiiiii Kancho lO'j oz. can Chicken Soup 17c Hoody 1 lb. jar Peanut Butter 29c Larscn's No. 2 can Veg-AU .....17c Hunt's 8 oz. can Tomato Sauce fcc IGA No. 2H can Fancy Spinach 20c Shady Oak 10 oz. Mushrooms & Gravy 27c Oregon's Finest No. 2 can Cream Corn 18c Gcibcr's Strained 6 cans Baby Foods 40c IGA 9 oz. jar Salad Mustard 10c Royal Guest U lb. pkg. Black Tea 22c Baker's Premium ' lb. Chocolate 17c Ghirardelli Baking Vi lb. Chocolate 15c Post-Tens Pkg. or 10 Cereal 25c Kcllogg's 11 oz. pkg. Corn Flakes He Gold Medal 5 lb. sack Flour 39c Gold Medal 10 lb. sack " Flour 71c BRILLO SOAP PADS . 5 pad pkg. 9c Soap Filled Pads Keeps Aluminum Brilliant PRICES EFFECTIVE AT THE FOLLOWING IGA STORES- KRUEGER'S KASH & KARRY I BERG'S GROCERY STATE STREET MARKET RpnAnwAYfiWVrFDY Ab.,, mn. e or sta Hospita, JQ c $ 1230 State Street ft A t M t t East Center at 40th Street . - . r. Broadway at Market plenty of parking space Corner of 17th ' "In the Heart of the City complete food store LEMMON'S MARKET CARTER'S MARKET MODEL FOOD MARKET independence Ample Parking Space 17th and Market. Streets 275 N. High Street FOOD MARKET 598 N. Commercial Street It's Easy to Park at Carter's Free Parking Lot independence. Oregon THESE PRICES ARE ALSO EFFECTIVE IN GERVAIS AT RONNER'S GROCERY TO