4 -Jalliu d3u5ich Mad EidluL au Young Miss Kalliy Busii-k was honored Tuesday afternoon when her mother invited 12 o: her young friends to a combin ation Halloween and birthday party. The event, held after school, was featured with ice cream and cake and informal games. Iu attendance at Monday eve ning s meeting of the Chi Omega alumnae club in Salem, held at the Owens street home of Mrs. Elwyn White, were a large number of the sorority women. Mrs. Connell W. Dvcr, new president, was in charge of the meeting. Cold Star Mothers Are Honored at Tea Stayton The American Le gi'on auxiliary of Stayton post No. 58 sponsored a tea recently at Community clubhouse in Stayton, honoring Gold Star mothers and guests eligible for World War I and II membership in American Legion auxiliary. Mrs. Marian Miller of Scio, president, welcomed the guests. Honor guests were Mrs. Abbie Bell, Mrs. O'Connor of Stayton, Mrs. P. H. Burns, Lyons, Mrs. Hazel Smelser. Mrs. Melissa -Sutherland of Aumsvillc; guests, Mrs. Oscar Naue, Lyons, Mrs. E. K. Burton, Mrs. Francois Ar nold, Scio, Miss Anita Forrest, Miss Colleen Shelon of Stayton, and a large attendance of auxili ary members. The membership chairman. Mrs. Ethel Hoffman of Lyons, assisted by Mrs. Francois Ar nold, Mrs. Clara Lau, Mrs. Ma bel Senz and Mrs. Bertha Allen, served refreshments. The Lansing Neighbors Gar den club will meet Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ed Tobin, 75 Lansing avenue, for a 12:30 o'clock dessert luncheon. Born lo Mr. and Mrs. Morris A. Vandewilt, October 16, at Salem Deaconess hospital was a son, Kenneth Loren. The Vandewilts also have another son, Merrill Alan. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis P. Camp bell of San Antonio, Texas, are guests of his son and daughter-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Lewis P. Campbell, Jr. Informal enter taining is being planned in hon or of the visitors. Mill City Mrs. Arthur Krie ver, president of the Mill City Woman's club, has announced that the next meeting of the club will be held in the high 'Vhool recreation room on No ySmber 6. Perk up the lunch box sand wiches. Chopped corned beef, minced pickled onions, plus mustard and mayonnaise, is a champion perker-upper. r 'r-C -V rfSk 'a lib in i4 sBiy(:-:r J Phi Beta Kappas Plan Event The Central Willamette Val ley association of Phi Beta Kap pa met Monday evening at the Ben Lomond home of Mrs. W. W. Baum. A paper on "Modern Trends in Spanish - American Fiction" was read by Dr. Will iam Moellering, Willamette fac ulty member. Miss Irene Hollcnbcck pre sided over the business meeting. Dr. Moellering was elected pres ident and Mrs. C. A. Ralcliff re elected secretary-treasurer. The 170lh observance of the found ing of Phi Beta Kappa was planned for December 5 in Sa lem. Planning this -year's ob servance will be Dean Olive M. Dahl, Dr. Moellering, James M. Glass, Mrs. L. B. Starke. Mrs. I J. O. Burcham, Mrs Chris Seely and Mrs. J. L. Steel. During the social hour Mrs. Baum was assisted by Mrs. C. L. Luther, Mrs, Paul Rowell, Mrs William Moellering. Mrs. C. H. Johnson and Mrs. J. H. Carkin. furniihed by the committee. General chairman for the day is Mrs. S. M. Laws, spiritual life chairman of the local society. Appearing with her on the pro gram are Mesdamcs A. W. Metz gcr and C. W. Staccy. . Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Oct. 23, 1946 7 ICE CREAM All Flavors OUAKTS NO LIMIT C SAVING CENTER Salem and West Salem Journal Want Ads Pay Now Buying Filberts and Walnuts Will again buy and receive at the Shrydcr Truck & Trans fer from Monday to Thursday, inclusive. Fridays at Hie Woodburn Fruit Growers" Warehouse, Wood burn. No deliveries on Saturday Phone 4966. H. R. JONES Buyer for Rosenberg Bros. & Co. Westminster Guild Members of. the Westminster guild of the First Presbyterian church board. From left, front row, Mrs. Margaret Hardman. Mrs. Larry Ballmer, Mrs. Hal De Sart, president, . and Mrs. Elmer Berg. Back row, Mrs. Fred Klause and Mrs. Walter Snyder. (Jeslen-Miller studio). - OREGON STATE COLLEGE: Campus Clippings By Helen Paulson Top romantic news of the week-end happened Sunday evening when Roger Wagner planted his Phi Dclt pin on Theta Mariann Croisan . . . Charlotte Williams and Harry Wicdmaior were among the Salem people noticed at the' M.U. dance Friday night. Blonde Alpha Gam Pledge, Elaine White was also there . . . she was wearing a bright pink swea ter and navy skirt . . . Patsy Nickens looked very smart in light blue tailored suit . . . Marilyn Hjprt's gold pleated skirt caught everyone's eye as she danced by. Tom Osborn and Elmo Decker were seen coming in the dance . . . At the ATO fireside. Miriam Shellenberger, Alpha Phi from Oregon, was escorted by blond Dan Verhagen . . . Glimpsed at the SAE dance were Florence and Oscar Paulson . . . The Phi Delta Theta barn dance was a gay scene Saturday night . . . Down from Salem for the dance were Helen Zielinski, in a red and white check shirt and blue jeans, and Lorraine Taylor, wearing a bright plaid shirt and jeans. Pat Viesko and her date. Dick Gahlesdorf's plaid shirts added more color to the atmosphere . . . the Rol lie Haags and the Les Pear mines were there loo . . . Noticed in Virg and Howard's Sunday evening were Loren Helmhoul, Bob Adams and Bill Close ... The Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Leslie I Methodist church will meet in the church parlors at 10 o'clock Friday morning in observance of the annual week of prayer and self denial of their organ ization. Women are sked lo bring sandwiches for their noon luncheon. Coffee will be Christmas Special Sewing cabinets in several new styles now available in walnut, mahogany or maple. Come in and select yours now. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 142 South High Acts AT ONCE to Relieve and,' Loosen' allOREMS BAD COUGHS (CAUSED BY COLDS) pertussin must be good when thou sands upon thousands of Doctors have prescribed it for so many years. pertussin acts at once not only to re lieve such coughing but also 'loosena phlegm' and makes it easier to raise. Safe for both old and young. Pleas ant tasting, vnrDTIIOCIU All drugstore!. rtn I U OOI il WANTED ...! POTATO PICKERS To Start About OCTOBER 28 6c, Vi Sack; 12c per Sack Herr and Riensche Rt. 7, Box 409 (Middle Grove School, Silvcrton Road) PHONE 21363 TO REGISTER HEADQUARTERS FOR FINEST IN PAINT AND WAllPAPER Friendly, convenient LINK to your neighbor Cities 57 Departures daily from SALEM v Day and night Greyhound buses roll along the highways linking you to your neighbor communities. Numerous, well timed schedules make it easy for you to go where and when you like . . . providing convenient, low-cost travel, unequalled by any other form of transportation. For the best in bus service . . . you can count on Greyhound. C. T. REANEY, Senator Hotel Bids. Phone 5054 SURPRISING . . . HOW SMART) S (new wallpaper) See the Latest Patterns in the 1947 Line of Pittsburgh United Wallpaper 90c to $2.50 per single roll You can now select wallpaper for all the rooms In your home with absolute assurance of color correctness and wall harmony. Ask to our complete room ensembles. And if it's paint you ntad there is a Pittsburgh Paint for every purpose. PRICES HAVE NOT BEEN INCREASED ON OUR NEW 1947 WALLPAPERS. SEE OUR STYLE ALBUM BOOK. Trimz DDT Cedar Closet Wallpaper Kills moths and other insects. Mode from real cedar wood has fresh, clean cedar smell. 2 boxes do avernge closet complete walls box $2.98 Florhido For Floors! A floor paint that withstands heavy foot trafhe. Use ftir t on floors or steps of wood, cement, metal Effjfr r worn uno'eum' g0uart $1.19 Rental Equipment We suggest you phone for rcscrva ' tion and avoid possible disap pointment. Floor Pollshtr Rented by Floor Sander the day and Floor Edger xi day Paint Over Wallpaper Add V gallon of water to a gallon m of Techide and paint JJV& ovcr wallpaper, pias- r lR ter' wallboard or old Gon $2.82 PURE BRISTLE BRUSHES NOW AVAILABLE Color Dynamics Get a free copy of our revised and .enlarged booklet! "Color Jjynamics tor the Home". Explains how you can make your house lovelier, more cheerful and en joyable. ft PITTSBURGH NESTLE BABY HAIR TREATMENT GAVE ME PRETTY CURLS There's nothing more adorable than soft curls and ringlets fram ing a chubby little face. And thanks to Nestle Baby Hair Treatment, your bafcy can havo these lovely curls. Start when second growth of hair is one inch ' long. Commended by Parents' Magazine. $1.00 bottle makes a Jul! quart of treatment. Willctt s CAPITAL DRUG STOKE Corner State & Liberty Sts. NOTICE OF BY WMA- SALE SEALED BIDS SURPLUS GOVERNMENT PROPERTY AT CAMP ADAIR ARMY CAMP LOCATED 10 MILES NORTHEAST OF CORVALLIS. OREGON, IN HENTON AND LINN COUNTIES The following buildinfis, approximately 300 in number, in the cantonment area, exclusive of personal property, are now available for disposal to holders of Hit ratings for veterans' housing under the Veterans' Emergency Housing Program. The buildings are offered for sale in accordance with the Surplus Property Act of 1944 as amended, and War Assets Administration Regulation 5, as amended, for removal offsitc use only. 71 Administration, recreational and warehouse buildings ranging: from 25x50 to 37x!W feel. 1 IS Rarracks and officers quarters ranging from 29x34 to 30x136 feet. ,", Mess halls ranging from 25x100 to 25x121 feel. 17 Service Units: Motor Repair Shop, Oil Houses, grease and wash racks, and a fire station rang ing from 14x16 to 44x107 feet. 4 Infirmaries and theaters ranging from 25x91 to 76x181 feel. 9 Miscellaneous buildings, ranging from 25x70 to 30x160 feet. CONDITIONS OF SALE CROUP 1 CROUP 11 CROUP III CROUP IV CROUP V CROUP VI Thee buiktint;s are available for sale for the period October 24, l!)4li. through Novem ber , 1940, inclusive, and oftered exclusively to persons certifying that the buildings or re-sultins materials will be used for construc tion under HH ratings of housing accommo dations under the Veterans' Emergency Housing Program. HH ratings are lor veterans housing only and can be obtained by applying to the Federal Housing Authority, Field Office, Piatt Building. 519 S. VV. Park Avenue, Portland 5. Oregon, phone B En con 6301. Regulations pertaining to HH ratings will bo explained at that office. Buildings are offered for side Individual ly. Applicants ma v. however, bid on as many buildings as desired, but the bid price for each building must be enumerated sep arately. Awards will be made to the highest ac ceptable bidder, holding an HH rating, who submits a sealed bid accompanied bv a cashier's check, certified check, or U. S. Post Office Money Order made pavable to TREA SURER OF UNITED STATES in an amount representing 10 per cent of total amount of such bid. AU bids must be submitted on forms and in accordance with instructions and conditions now available at the War As sets Administration at the address given at the bottom of this advertisement, or bv con tacting a representative of the Portland Re gional Office, who will be stationed at Camp Adair at the Resident Engineer's Office for the above stated lS-day period. Inspection may be arranged by contacting this repre sentative from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Bids will be publicly opened at the office of the Deputy Regional Director of Real Property Disposal. War Assets Administra tion, Swan Island, Portland. Oregon, at 10 a.m. on November 13, 194(i, and no bid postmarked after midnight of November 7, 1046. will be considered. War Assets Administration reserves tha right to reject any or all bids. For Further Information Contact DEPUTY REGIONAL DIRECTOR FOR REAL PROPERTY DISPOSAL WAR ASSETS ADMINISTRATION P.O. Box 4063 J! Swan Island, Portland 8, Oregon Phone VVLbstcr 7761 Phone 3118 I 'II ... - 1 -UlL orfs Saturday, Oct. 26 k ' BOOK "SUPREME" Compounded latsls motor oil liit jMBsV 1 !t C,eans As ,f Lubricates 1 w S8! m0'ttn Equal lo 35c per Of. Oil I w T(tO(j Box of 30 Booki. Easy Striking. Ge( better PERFORM- " Gal. Can I YWr" 58 Jr ANCE from your old or Reg. $4.65 V VSffl " ARMY COT t))Qq toSfcTuT-.- -r . Tax Included. fL CONTAINER Mmr x . - mm . - Heavy Canvas Sturdy Frame. CAS CAPS REG. Complete with 2 Key. Theft proof. boraxo 10 oz. REG. 15c Value 72T J ll0 pOCKtJ . poutf PlH J CO M P L E T E nun DESK STAND 9t Cuts heavy dirt, but leaves skin smooth and soft. REYNOLDS tall Point Pan at Tim Sensational low Price 7 INCMS IONG 6 BEAUTIFUL COLORS: "Stratosphtru" Hum "Chut" Sllvmr "Coflmc" Got- "Jtt" Slack "Radar" Ore it "Atomic" Ra I ALL MERCHANDISE I k. HJ II J I I W. R.iarv the Right to T I Limit Quantitits. M ft l Uc S-IO-23-4 J Not $1 J. SO -Not $7.75 But Only $3.83 Writes 15 years without refilling Ink flows In stantly and smoothly Writes dry, needs no blotting-Precision Steel Ball Point-Protective Snap Cap, can't be lost Can't leak or drip Writes under water or in Stratosphere. Plate, Cup and Saucer PLATONITE DINNERWARE . 20c All 3 For 9-inch Dinner-size plate in snowy while with lO'i oz. "St. Dennis" style matching cup and 6 inch saucer. PLATE GLASS COMPANY 254 N. Commercial St. Phone 3fi3fi Cor. Commercial & Court Sts. J Phnne 7177 Salem. Ore.