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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1946)
t Capital Journal. Salem. Ore., Wednesday. Oct. 23, ItHfl 4 MEN'S MEN'S While Hankies MEN'S SUSPENDERS MEN'S TIES REDUCED! RAYON WHITE LAWN HANKIES MEN'S SOCKS REDUCED MEN'S BELTS DRESS SOCKS DRESS SOCKS Smart looking all leather. Light brown, Just the thing lor the new suit These men's ray on hose sold at 20c. Do your Xmas shopping now. FOUR Pit. FOR Here's the Item for the fastidious man. These han kies are now FOUR FOR .... In sizes 10 to 12, these 50 cotton and 50 wool sox were 59c a pair, now TWO PAIR These all wool dress sox sold orl. jjinally at 1.25 pr. Buy now In all sizes, pr These imported white Irish linen hankies are now TWO FOR Good quality all clastic, button style. Yours now A galaxy of men's all ties in solid colors, reduced from 1.50 to for , Z 23 am I, i. in inml full'-1' . . .CLIMAXING AMERICA'S GREATEST SALE! Boys' Swealers CUT! Novelty Jewelry REDUCED! MI EES? A A fi 14 Boys' crew neck ed sweater, short sleeve, assorted colors and In small, med.. and large. Were $1.11, now TWO FOR.. HOYS' Sport Shirls Boys' white short sleeve sport shirts In sizes 0 to 16. Reduced from 1.40 to LIGHTERS REDUCED! These cigarette lighters make an ideal Xmas gift. Were 2.00, buy now TWO FOR.. POCKET KNIVES A n exceptional value in a pocket knife. Plain car bon steel scout style, were 1.49, now Dresser Scarfs REDUCED! These embroider ed sateen dresser scarfs in blue, tirecn. rose, were priced at only 98c lj each. Now TWO FOR rS BABY SHAWLS Regular 398, in blue or pink all 1 wool, size 30x30. NOW yours for. . ft R Fi jHsnaBgiy Folding Chairs Canvas deck chair has ship design on back. For the young ster. Were 1.59, buy now two roit.. N T COOKIE JARS A lovely, well-designed jar for a gitt or lor your own use. Sold at 1.39. Yours for.. v ttj..m.ltjr Infants' Booties These all wool booties in pink or blue sold at 3'Jf pair. Buy now nt 3 PAIR FOR V, "FRS D A Y NL Y? AUTOMATIC STEEL TAPE Here's an auto matic steel tape that sold for 39c. Yours now THREE FOIL...' Vegetable Bin An all metal bin in white and red enamel finish, holds large am ount of vegeta bles. Buy now at TWO FOR WW SWEATERS REDUCED! These size 2 to 8 M all wool in button front, in green, ,. pink and navy, were 2.98, now.,. OUIJA BOARDS Your chance for fun for the win ter and a timely suggestion for a Xmas gift. Now TWO FOR t IRON BOARD COVERS These regular 1.19 pads and covers reduced lor this sale to RATTLEPUSH Regular 1.25. Easy to push, can bo used as rattle without handle. Now EVERY ITEM LISTED GOES SALE! SHOE SOLES Heavy leather soles, suitable for heavy duty work. Now TWO PAIR FOR LADIES' STYLE SHOES white pumps in sizes 6 and 7 only, sold nt 4.03. Now TWO 1WIK Mechanic Hose Unbleached .slack pe, sizes 10 'j EM to 13. Buy them now 'M five p. ik roil ANKLETS REDUCED! Gay plaid wool Pj and cotton ank- JJJ lets, size 8' to j 11, sold at 89c. yf now jft TWO l'Alll FOR jA4 DOOR MATS ia.128-iiicli waffle top. synthetic lubber. Sold at .jf 1.39. now. SALE! Photo Frames (I Solid oak frame, blonde finish. Makes the ideal Xmas gift. Fits 5x7 or 8x10 pic tures. Reg. 98c, now TWO FOR.. Arch Supports REDUCED! Full line of men's and women's arch supports that sold at 3.50. Buy now for Leather Mitts These leather mitts with knit wrists in brown, black or tan, sold at 1.59 a pair. Now only 4 PANTIES REDUCED! Here's a g o o d item for women. Knit cotton pan ties in small, me liiun and large. Now TWO FOR. . h In E2 HI CHAIR PAD On!' a few left of these. Have washable cover, slightly soiled... ON SALE AT 9:30 TOMORROW MORNING! COME EARLY! BOYS' SWEATSHIRTS Boys medium d i u m weight, grey color. Were 1.29, now....... House Slippers Women's mules In light blue, black, yellow and royal blue. All sizes. Were 2.69, now CAR WASHER This water mop that attaches to your garden hose sold at 1.45. Yours during this sale for only.... u iwiYiM iiri APRONS REDUCED An assortment of printed chintz and cotton ap rons, bib style only. Buy now TWO FOR Butcher Knives REDUCED! These keen edged knives sold at 1.25. Reduced for k this sale to only - if iffmrriiiMifiiV EXERCISER REDUCED! s Here's a "find" a jiffy gym ex erciser to streng then those flabby muscles. Were 1.25. now only... Boys' Oxfords We only have a few pair of these dress oxfords In sizes 21!: and 3. Were 2.98, now only GIRDLES REDUCED! These regular women's hookside t girdles in satin and broadcloth sold at 3.98, now TWO FOR i Child's Panties These sold at 37c pair. In sizes 2, 4. 6. Tea rose only. Now 3 PAIR FOR.... Jewelry Cleaner Our reg. 1.00 jars of this fine cleaner, suitable for eye glasses and fine gems, now TWO FOR k Colored Squares REDUCED! These regular 39c squares in navy, orange, peach. Approx. 36 x 36, now THREE FOR CHILDREN'S PLAY SHOES These all white play shoes in sizes 10'j to 12 have been cut from 3.98 to clear at only I SALE! LEATHERETTE 36" leatherette, suitable for up holstering. Green or red. PER YARD Gun and Tie Set Plastic pistol and whistle combina tion, with ready tied ties for the boy 22 Thumb Tacks REDUCED! Colored head thumb tacks for this sale at 12 BOXES FOR CHILD'S TOY WAGON Small, red and yellow finish. Reg. 1.29, now Kg 1 Assortment in cludes animals, figures, boats, etc. Sold at 1.19, now tax Included, TWO FOR EARRINGS REDUCED! Large assortment of white plastic earrings. Reg. 95c, now, your choice, THREE PR. FOR LADIES' HATS REDUCED! Here's your op portunity to fill in your wardrobe. These regular 1.98 hats are now TWO FOR h DOILEY SETS 3 piece, use for vanity, dresser, sideboard or end table, etc. Not four for Girls' Dresses READY CUT Attractive fast color prints, com pletely cut out and ready to sew. Complete with trimming. Reduc ed for Dallar Days Drapery Cranes Our regular 18- inch crane sold at 1.19, now only ' MUFFLERS REDUCED! 100 wool muf flers in an as sortment of col ors and styles. Buy now for the cold weather.... WORK PANTS These broken lines of men's work pants sold as high as 2.67. Only a few of these at Child Sleepers Seersucker in sizes 3 to 6. Reg. 1.50, Now