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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1946)
r I jo place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037. Education C V)NCLE SAM" JOBS! Start S1156-I3021 I.-, -year. Paid vacations. Men-Women. Pre :. pare Immediately lor Oregon examina y. -ttons. Thousands ol Permanent AppoliU ; 'wents expected Bonn. Vets get preler f'. 'nce. Particulars FREE. Box 8, Capital "Journal. hh351 t; FOR RENT BLEEPING room, sentlcman. Ph. 5019. J25l SLEEPING rm, for man only. 507 N. 20th i. mr. )' BOC BOOMS FOR 2 gentlemen. 602 S. 25t2?t; AVE SPACE for 2 trailer houe In my a vard. Modern conveniences. Adults only. Ph. 8856. J-52' HEW LOOKING floors at small ost Rent a Dreadnausht Sander by hour f' or day. Western Auto, Ph. 7177. lasB GOOD USED PIANOS H U Stiff FLOOR sander for rent. Montgomery t ward. WANTED TO RENT VIFE In hospital, need furn. or unfurn. I hse. or apt. before she can coma home, i Ph. Argo hotel after 6 pm. Ja-56 liillJX wiaiir.3 luuiii iui t of 4-yr.-old daughter. Prefer someone $ it i- M,. 'i-iniiu nf Rnlem. Write " to Thelma Williams, Rt. 1, Brooks, Ore.. ! care of Frank Pickens. )a-52 COUPLE needs furn. house for several i mnmhi win rin reoalrina or painting. v"5 Box 28. Capital Journal. 3a233 . VETERAN In need of a 2-bdrm. hou?.e. j . ,ne ,.arH fur tamp DaViS. 1 Ph. 7010, Ja.i33 WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3-hedroom house. 2 chllarcn. Local ref. 910 Nor ?, way. Upstairs. jA'ibl FUlt.XlMlr.U aparnnriii. "J -I-.... i No smoking or drinking. Box 25, Capital Journal a-j2 f-JS St 5 LBS. sugar reward for furnished or uruurn. nouae or ib. - I '? ' H Cc. wcni lp twain Khali Meet when veteran a: 1 Wlie irom east mm m, ,....,. -- ,n hmiu in Rulpm Phone GtilG 1 J a 235 n.v. christian vet. wishes to marry equally virtuous girl, but no place to ' live. Can anyone help? Ph. 3452. jajas NAVY RECRUITING officer St wife nerd ( 3 or 4 rm. furn. apt. or house. No chll dren yet. Ph. 21592. Ja2M WANTED TO RENT SMALL unfurnished house or apt. In or ; near Salem. No children. James Pe terson. R- 3 Bx. 703A, Salem. Oregon. I Ja251 YOUNG COUPLE must find place to llv( .i immediately. Sm. or lg. apt. or house i furn. or unfurn. Have furniture ir i storage. Will redecorate interior on ground floor or a sm. house. Box 22 capital journal. ' itx.-iv PRnEPGcnn At u.-lfn aunt hauae apt. Phone 3871. Ja254 , VLTERAN & wife, both employed, need i furnished apt. Phone 21475. jazai WAN! APT. on ground floor, suitable for 1 quiet young couple. Furn, or unfurn. 1 Box 16, Capital Journal. Ja251 WANTED: 2 or 3 rm. furnished apt. by J worktnR couple. Desperate for place 10 1 live. No drinking, children or pets. ' Phono 7730. . Ja253 VETERAN, WIFE and baby must have mull house or apartment. Phone zasiz. ja252 LIBERAL REWARD ENGINEER and wife urgently need furn. .1 apt. No smoking or drinking. Perm. , Best ref. Mr. Short. Ph. 6320 or Senator ; Hotel eve. Ja2J2 EMPLOYED vet. and wife reestablishing ' home In Salem need furn. apt. or house. No children or pels. Local Ref. Please ' call Mrs. Keeney at 4091. ji , VETERAN A wife desire apt. or hse., furn. or unfurn. Write box 23 Capital Jour- r nn . J: , VETERAN, WIFE 6t baby need small ? house or apartment. Phone 24715. Ja253 WANTED: Furnished apartment or Douse (Bo Box 320. capital journal. B27i ST AND FOUND REWARD FOR return of brown billfold Sz contents. Lost In or nenr Ladd 1! ; Bush Bank Saturday. Ph. 22629. k251 ! LOST Hydraulic Jack, near Belmont St. 1 it Broadway in Salem. Party who pick- 1 ed it up leave at service station on same corner Sz receive reward. K3M LOST FUR neckpiece In Elslnore The atre or vicinity Ph. 7304. k2M MISCELLANEOUS FILBERT Sz walnut drying. Prompt hand ling. Efficient, careful drying. Phone 22861. Lee's Hatchery. m258' SPORTSMAN Custom tannins and manu facturing of deer and elk hides into useful trophies. Myers Glove b Tannins Co. 1348 Ferry. Phone 603 L m258 MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked, 75c. ZiES SPRINGER, 464 Court St. m265' SALEM WASTE PAPER 1790 North Front WK BUY maaazlnes and newspapers Cardboard sheets and boxes any size tor sale. m288 YOUR PETS given loving care In my own hrtma while you are away, fnont 4; for a reservation. m3(H DENTAL PLATS REPAIR t-HR SERVICE EN MOST CASES DR. HARRY 8KMUCR DKNT18T Adatph Bldg. State A Commercial 6t SALEM Pnonc 111 id' DEAD and worthies atocK removed on moment's notice. Pit 5000 HEAT your home electrically. It's con venient, clean, economical. See ua foi tret estimates. Y EATER APPLIANCE OO. 259 c Liberty HEAVY HAUL IN O. excaratiOD and roae bnlldinE, land clearing, doter work ditching, basement excavation. an travel, crushed rock, masoo sand, oon ejrota mix, cemenL SALEM SAND A GRAVEL CO. 1405 N FRONT ST SALEM. OREGON Phone S408 or 11834 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS MAN'S GREY glen plaid suit size 38-40 v Ph. 4666. H252' sXORE ISLANDS, tables, phonograph re tard display racks. MITCHELL RADIO At APPLIANCES State at 19th. Phone 7577. 1 FOR SALE: 777 Van Norman Cyl. Boring Bar slightly used. Range 2.600 to 5.300. Phone 2394. Lebanon, Oregon, alter 6 p.m. o252 PORTABLE radio, excellent con. Phone 21775. n251 SIDE CAR for Cushman motor scooter. Like new. F. X. Roesch. 674 S. Capitol, Rm. 3. nasi 12 FT. ROW BOAT. Excellent cond. 2215 N. Liberty. n25l 16 FT. HOUSE Trailer. Like new. 1650. 2085 N. Com'!. n251 WHITE & LILAC 2-piece dress, size 16. Brown 4t yellow sport Jacket, size 16. Boy's pre-war tricycle, 15. Phone 6354. n25I" FOR SALE: Registered AKC Irish Setter pups. Call 7673 alter 6 p.m. or Sat. Sz Sun. n254 fl-TUBE SILVERTONE cabinet radio, like new. 140. Call after 2:30 p.m. 1604 s. Capitol St. n2M TULIP, HYACINTH. Illy, Ireesia, daflo- ail. narcissi, jonquil Dulbs for fall olant. Ing at Wards Farm Store, Trade snd High sts. n231 RADIO-Cablnet model, Rebuilt, fine cond. 125.00. Eve. 734 N. Church, rear 722. n251 ? TIRES Sz 5 wheels for late model Pon tiacs St Oldsmoblles. Size 716. Pb. 1754 Clipper Station. Aumsvllle. n251 CAMERA. Mercury II, 35mm., lensf277T shutter speed 11000 sec. new. Frank Perlow, Aumsvllle, Ore. n251 B.C. A. VICTOR radio phonograph com bination with recorder. Beautiful tone. Ph. 5435. nMJ t EM. WOOD circulator, coils for hot water, gas range, Rudd gas water heat er. 435 N. Winter. n252 MODEL T MOTOR. 09 Edge water St. n253 DBL. BARREL shotgun, good cond. Box 34, Capital Journal. n252 HOFfcjt electric sweeper. 575 & Winter n2b2 FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRIC pants pressers. curling and nlderlnff iroiu. YEATEH APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. 1.375 MVRTLKVVOOD GIFTS for all occasions. Our finest and biggest shipment Just received. Also pottery novelties. See our new display room. Pemberton's, I960 South 12th. n352 CURTAINS: 3 prs. criss-cross ruffled, peach; suit, new "Amy Linker" original, checked, size 14: fur Jacket Si purse muff set, black lamb; good used cloth Ins, Incl. dresses, hats, shoes. 731 Kins wood Drive, Ph. 4228. n252 WESTERN saddle In good cond. $65. Box 75, Williams Ave. n35I GUARANTEED Forever flashlights re quiring no batteries; 2 6s 3 cell flash lights Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 RAILROAD type lanterns. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty St. n375 FLUORESCENT kitchen fixtures and Mn Kle tube brackets for use near your mirror. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 235 N Liberty St. n275 SINGLE AND two-burner hotplates. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275' TABLE and ptn-lt-up lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. DECORATIVE and lighted house numbers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 SMOOTHIES for perfect Ice cream. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275' ALUMINUM sauce pans, well and tree platters, frying pans, cookie sheets, clothes hampers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275' KITCHEN and bathroom light fixtures. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 WALL TYPE can openers, citrus fruit Juicers YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 TilTcTfnN and Industrial exhaust fans, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. - 255 N. Liberty St. n375 AUTOMATIC electric sldearm water heat- YEATER APPLIANCE CO. N. Liberty St. n275 ELECTRIC chimes, long and short tubes, motor driven, and mechanical chimes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 2.i5 N. Liberty St. n275 POWERFUL 8-tube Tropic Master Over seas electric radio. Ideal for outdoor or consul locations. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275' Dxr: WILTON rux, good condition. 4 pairs rusty rcp colored drapes. Sleeping baa Phone 5872. n253 CHRISTMAS TOIS. Buy them at Gene's Bike Shop. We also specialize In paint' Ing toys Sz bicycles. 1126 Edgewatnr St. Ph. 21568. n277 ZEN IT1I CO N S OLE. 835; spring-filled maT tress. 18. 475 N. Capitol. n2)3 BROWN WOOD Superior circulator.. Good cond. 125. 1163 Waller St. Ph. 24433. n253 GIRL'S Bicycle. Good Cond. after 5:30 p.m. Ph. 335R n2ol HAIR DRYER and 2 shampoo trays. Ph. Benuty Box, D548. n252 A GOOD Mahble kitchen wood ranee with colls. 920. Ph. 6744. n251 ATM O RAYS OZONE. Sell or rent. H. C Push. Ph. 22458. P. O. Box 463. n276' SLIGHTLY used blue fox fur collar. 1935 Center aftrr 8:30 p. m. n253 BABY baAslnnte, SB. 1 lounge, 2 rockers, $10. 1 linoleum rug, 9x12, S9. 581 N. Church st. n253 CAPEHART solid mahogany cabinet radio and phonograph combination. Include wonderful collection of records. Ph 21228. n25V MAN'S Botany suit. Size 39 short, i topcoat. Phone 3751. n253 WHITE enamel trash burner with copper colls. Good cond. Ph. 7248. n253 . LARGE wood circulator heater. 150. small range. M0, 742 Com'l. st, after s P. m. Ph. 6769. n253 SUN LAMPS (ultra violet Si lnfra-red, portaoie ana stand models with timers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 COAL OR briquet circulating heater, new wooa range. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275' ELECTRIC room heaters, fan, steam and reflector types. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275' rLASTI-KOTE, the durable paint with the cellophane-11 Ice finish. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 2S5 N. Liberty St. n275' AUTOMATIC electric grill, 18x36 Inches, with double thermostat. Ideal for small restaurant or club house. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 INDIRECT floor lamps and torchiers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275' FIGURINES and small gift Items. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275' ATTRACTIVE, aluminum kitchen step ladders and step-on refuse cans. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275' RADIOS, table and console, 10 models iroro wnicn i select. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Lioerty St. n275' FLUORESCENT desk lamps, ideal for siuacnt or omce. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n255' ELECTRIC desk, mantle and wall clocks. rJSATfcK APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275' HEATING pads (electric), plastic clothes lines, ironing pads and covers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275' TWO-SLICE electric toasters, 12.10. slice, sj.ho. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. H2751 TWO-WAY and Inter-comm. telephone YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n273' WATER HEATERS for immediate delivi cry. 40-gallon Collins J96.35; 50-gallon weswnsiiouse ma, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n375' CUTLERY and tableware. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275' COFFEE-MAKER sets, 4 to 6 and 8 cup cuucc-maKcrs wun stoves. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Llocrty St. n275 HEAVY bronze smoking stands. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. METAL AND plastic bed lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N, Liberty St. AUTOMATIC record players. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 SEE US FOR Christmas gifts. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n304' APPLES. 6(c BOX. Bring Boxes. Man s uicycie siiu.ira. aood condition. house on left past Middle Grove school on ouvcrton tiwy. Kt. 7, Box 410. n3al WANT a warm, cozy place to live? See this 25-ft. Palace trailer. 3 rooms, iors of bullt-lns. etc, Call after 6 p.m. 3560 roruanq na. D251 GLASS GLAZING. Table St dresser tops. any size. R. L. EKstrom Co.. 340 Court. nasi SAND, GRAVEL, silt, garden sand, fertilis er. Bosley Sz Meyer, Pb. 3046. 944 North Commercial. n372 WATER HEATERS. Thermador auto. elee. MITCHELL RADIO Si APPLIANCE S-ate at 19th. Phono 7577. n INSULATION pneumatically Installed Pc- material, workmanship guaran teed. Salem Rock Wool Co. Ph. 1744 2225 N. Liberty n DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK1 Use 100 at- paait unnarmed oy any weath er, rain or shine. Fireproof. Installed by experienced men For PREE estimate phone 7177. Western Auto Supply Co &25 To place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FLUORESCENT commercial and lndux- 4 ml. east on Macieay rtiway. j n. trial lighting fixtures far Immediate de livery Salem Lighting and Appliance Co Temporary location 355 No. Liberty. Salem. Oregon. Phone 9412 nJ53 SILVER PLATED Sz brass candle holders. weather vanes, copper lanterns St sign (or sale. Also steal clothesline posts 1145 North Liberty n262 NAVAJO RUGS and saddle blankets. Guaranteed 100 native wool, woven Dy NavaJo Indians on their reservation 175 3 High. Paul Stoner. Phone 6088. n260 7x9 USED walk-In cooler, complete with meat racks, shelving, 1 reacn-m aoor. 1 h.p. compressor. Burton Refrigeration Co.. 3050 Portland Rd. Phone 24060 SMART SUITS, coats, sweaters and skirts: as well is dresses tor an occasions iron afternoon to form ah. Grand materials and scarcely worn. Sizes 9 to 44. Phone 4845. anytime. n303 GARDEN tand. cravat crushed rock Shovel ft. drag-tine excavating wajjU DNQ SAND AND GRAVEL CO- Pb, 8561 WB BUY es sell (urnrtur. tools, etovee. dlshea motors, radio wee trie appli ances, household goods, RLIQMAN'S 38ft N Commercial Phone UBt o FLUORESCENT Commercial and Indus trial lighting fixtures for Immediate de livery Salem Lighting and Appliance 60. Temporary location 255 No. Llbrr'f. 3hlem. Oregon. Phone 9413 n253 FULLER BRUSHES. 1745 OranV Pb, 8357 03P SLEEPING BAG. curled chicken feathers. Arctic type, new. price S9.00 Wholesale price In lots of eight, S7.00. Wholesale rates to veterans. 713 Court St., Dallas. Phone 42J. i)252 HEAT YOUR hom electrically It' con venlent, clean, economical See us tot tree estlmctea YEATER APPLIANOB OO. 355 N Liberty WANTED MISCELLANEOUS SIGNAL generator and other radio test instruments. Give make, model and price in first letter, write Capital journal, Box 27 na253 GAS Circulating heater. 45-1 Ph. 9379. SMALL size piano. Write Capital Journal. Box 30 na251 WANT TO BUY Oil heater. Ph. 9701. Ask for OLson. na25i OLD DISHES over 25 years old. Dpstalr Antlque Shop. 438 Court St. na260' USED FURNITURE. Phone 0185 PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS. Anonymous. P. O. Box 724 P309' READING. KNOW THE TRUTH. 2361 State P2M DIVINE HEALING. Bring your T. B. cases to me, all other ailments. Rev. T. Hey tlnz. 1103 S. W. 13th ave.. Portland LA 7189 P264 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER LETTERS OF all kinds composed ana typed Personal ones a specialty. Strict ly confidential For appointment, phone 484V P308 AUTOMOBILES FACTORY Built House Trailer. Have to see to appreciate. Sleeps 4. Brakes, oil circulator 6 ply tires. Priced to sell, have bought home. 674 N. 20th. q251 NEW GARAGE house on i acre. EIcc. water, shower, toilet, Built-lns, wood cook stove. Will take trailer house part payment, '.j mile W. Kelzer school, 2nd road to left then 2nd house on left. Rt. 2. Box 134-M. Q.231 1D46 HOUSE TRAILER, factory build, to trade for home. 2295 Fairgrounds Road. Phone 9091. q251 '41 DESOTO Deluxe Sedan. Fluid drive, Rcdio and Heater. Nice condition. See alter 5 p.m. 1576 Franklin W. Salem. q253 AUTOMOBILES 1033 PLYMOUTH, Union oil station on Lancaster drive, near Morgan ave. q253 '37 FORD V-8. 510 Beck. l253 1937 FLATBED, lonn wheel base Ford V-8 truck. Good rubber and good shape. Will's Clipper station, 837 S. Com ). q256 1934 FORD V-8 4-door sedan. Excellent condition mechanically. 5 good tires. Clean Inside and out. Heater. McCftlit,' Used Cars, 1297 State street. Dial 8188. q253 1933 FORD V-8 Coupe. A good running car. Solid body. Clean inside. 600x16 tires. McCalls' Used Cars. 1297 State street. Dial 8108. q253 193$ MASTER Chevrolet, 4-door Be don. Owned by private party since new, 4th house to right after passing Turner cut off on Silverton rd. Rt. 7, Box 394. q253 1930 CHEVROLET 114 -ton stake body truck. Overload springs. 3285. Also small disc. 520. J. Guy, route 2, Box 266. q253 '29 MODEL A. Good cond., good rubber, J200. L. W. Chllders, Rt. 1, Box 369. q253 FOR SALE: 1939 Chev. dump truck. Ph. 9691. q253 1940 PONTIAC Sedan. Radio, heater, fug lisht, white walls, 5.000 miles Sz com plete overhaul St 2 new tires. 610 Sag St.. Independence, q254 TRAILER HOUSES TWO reasonably priced, for home or In vestment. Shell Service Station, 12th and Mission. q251 FOR SALE: '35 Chev. Master 2 dr. or will trade for 2 plow tractor. Geo. Bax, Rt. 1 BOX 271. Ph. 23184. q232 1936 CHEV. Tudor. Good tires Sz motor. Body fair. Heater, radio, oil filter. As sociated Station. 17th St Center. q251 THICKSTUN duel Manifold Model 1946 Complete with 2 carburetors Si velocity stacks. Fits all Ford V-8 Sz Mercury Motors. Commercial Body Ss Fender Shop, 1042 S. Com'. q252 WARDS NOW HAVE a limited supply of four wheel Lo-Load wagons equipped with new 6 00-16 tires. Easier loading faster hauling. Bigger pay loads. More safety with Wards Lo-Load. Wards Farm Store, corner Trade Sz High Sts. Q252 GUARANTEED RECAPPINO LET US EXAMINE your tires. We can give you EXTRA mileage at low cost. Drive safer, longer on Grade "A" rubber St save. Don't delay come In now. Mont gomery Wards. q252 TRAILER COACHES BEFORE YOU buy. see our new Royals and United Coaches. Just arrived from eastern factory. Electrlo refrigerators. 1984 State. q255 1935 CHEV, Master Coupe. See Wanda Hardman at Victory Cafe, 7 to 7:30 eves. q252 FORDSON tractor on rubber in good shape. Geo Kleen. Prat urn. Ore. Phoie 22934. q352 WANTED: Late model car in good cond. By private party. Phone 5228. q252 1942 CHEV. flatbed truck, U? ton. 4x4. Tip-Top Cabins, 3580 8. Com'l. q252 12-FT. V BOTTOM boat As trailer. 3 h.p. Waterwitch motor. 1195 Columbia. Ph. 4054 qq252 FOR SALE or trade for car or pickup, 26-foot custom built trailer house, tan dem wheels, lots of bullt-lns a bargain, Phone 24126. q251 12 HOUSE trailer furnished 450. 16' HOUSE trailer furnished. '46 license. 1850. 1835 Court St. q252 GASOLINE driven air compressor on rub ber tired trailer with paint outfit. A-l shape. 1275. 643 Edzewater St. West Salem. Cbln 12. q251 WANTED: CAR in good condition. Any kino out would prefer 37, 38 or 39 Mod el No dealers piease. Call after 6:30 p.m. Norman Schroyer, Route a Box 37. Salem. (Out 22nd SO q259 WANTED TO BUY: Late model trucks Pickups, panels, flatbed, logger and so on Internationa) dealer James & Maden Company 293S Bllvartoa Roac Phone 24123 q FOR SALE 1930 Graham sedan. Oood .6 600 ttres 1350 1927 Chev. truck Hat oea Motor gooa Associated statMn. Huobard Ph. 341L q2ai VETERAN NEEDS car. any raodeL must ba priced reasonable Call after 6pm or writ W. Redlnger. 2252 Simpson. Salem. q259 WANTED- GOOD used ear, lit mode, preferred. Phono 4547, q259 AUTOMOBILES WANTEDt LATE Model Oar by prlvau PArtr Will nay cash, paooe oasu. o WE PAS TOP3 CMi EVERY UlMk Tour Car la Worth! CASH ON THE BARREL-HEAD! "C" BHROCK . SALEM'S Oldest Independent USED OAR DEALER N. s Corner Church St Cnemeket. Pnone 7922 CARS NEEDED ANY MAKE or model. II priced within reason we will ouy It. btevens used Cars 878 8 13th q259 BOATS !-FT, V BOTTOM boat Si trailer. 3 h.p. Waterwitch motor. 1195 Columbia. Ph. 4054. qi-252 11 -FT. PLYWOOD boat, 2,a h.p. motor. Both for $125. Phone 21140. qqaaa- FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN WANTED: REAL ESTATE mortgage loans. city or farm properties', loans made as small as 1300. See us about refinancing jour prtscnt contract or mortgage. APPROVED CITY LOANS 4'.r. G,I. LOANS ON NEW CONSTRUCTION, 4 LEO N. CHILDS. INC. REALTORS 344 8tate Street. Phone 9261. r252 FARM AND CITY LOAN 8 4 AND 6 rouR OWN lEUMs of repayment wtthm reason. Cash for Real Estate Contracts said Secono Mortgages CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 107 Pioneer Trust Bids. Ph. 716X t GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS S-138 and U-3M and ROY B. SIMMONS INSURANCE and LOANS 136 8 Commercial St Tei 0168. YOUR SURPLUS MONEY WILL EARN YOU 6 PERCENT INTEREST. BUY A REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE. EXAM INE THE SECURITY YOURStLP. MORTGAGES AVAILABLE IN AMOUNTS OP 1500 TO I750U. WE COLLECT ALL INTEREST AND PAYMENTS FOR THE INVESTORS, NO EXTRA CHARGE. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 S. High St. CASH "NOW" FROM PERSONAL fith year In Balem We lend money quickly privately to men or women, married or single. LOANS $25 TO 1300 "For home or business on furniture, sal ary, business equipment. On auto 1500. Choose any one of our convenient loan plans and repay In 15 months. WE LIKE TO SAY "YES" to loan requests. So for faster service, phone first. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 518 State St., Rm 125 Phone 3191 Lie, S-122; M-165. E. Galling er, Mcr. r258' tVE LOAN on Farm. Residential and Bust ian Property Will buy mortgage con tracts HAWKINS St ROBERTS. IMC REALTORS Ouardlan Bids r AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO Stb FLOOR--OUARDLAN BLDO. License No. M-1N 1 MONEY 1 REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR (1IANF1 We Buy Real ttstat Uortgases and Contract STATE FINANCE CO- REALTORS Lie 8-316 U-222 163 6 Hut!) 8t r Directory AUTO BRAKES MIKE PANLK, 275 S. Com'L Ph. 5181 Brake At wheel aliening specialist. 0253 ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING and bookkeeping. Reason able ratea Dependable service. Sustneiv eervice, mo. Masonic Buildings. Balem Phone B727. 0' APPLIANCE REPAIRS EXPERT BENDIX and commercial and dotnestlo ref r we rat ion service. Ralpn '"onion appliances, oentei Pa, 4036 AUTOMOTIVE MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE 140 Chemeketa Phone 7838. CEMENT WORK GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING. Cliff .cms, luua N. lam Bt. Ph. 407L 02661 CHIMNEY SWEEP FURNACES, CHIMNEYS vacuum cleaned ENSLEY. 771 8 21st. Ph. 7176. o' DELIVERY SERVICE SALEM DELIVERY and Pickup Servfce. io o. unurcn. rnone 4711. o275" DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS-Remodeling. 1984 State St. Mrs. Armentrout. - o266a EXTERMINATORS ARDEE MAINTENANCE CO. Bedbugs, roaches, rats, fleas, moths. Pest con trol contract service. Materials sold guaranteed riddance. 825 N. Kllltngv worth St., Portland IU Ore. Ph. WEb ster 3265. 0 COCKROACH EXTERMINATOR service Ph. 3058. LEE CROSS. 1260 N. 17th, 023I Brelthaupt's for flowers. Dial 9193. FUNERAL DIRECTORS HOWELL FUNERAL BOMB Pb, 1673 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R. W ATKINS COPRODrCTS." 1717 Center Bt. Phone 5395. MUSIC LESSONS SPANISH and HAWAIIAN Guitar. Mando Un. Paolo. OtC 1533 Court. Pb, 7569 MATTRESSES CAPITAL BEDDING. Phone 4069. PAPERIIANGING EXPERT paperhaneiDB. worth. Phone 3015. a x wooi- rLUMBIXG AND repair. Prompt service. Larry Travlss. Phone 8601. o272 SAND A GRAVEL GARDEN SOIL, crushed rock. Shovel St dragline excavating Wailing Sand A Gravel Oo Phone gaol. o SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED KENNETH HAM EL, 1143 8th St.. W. Ba- icm. re. nui. uuarantcea service. 0267 CESSPOOL Septic tanks. Ph. 8745. 0268 ROTO-ROUTER SEWER SERVICE Sew ers ano dreitu clean ra Pre tun ate Promp' service Pb. 5327 o TRANSFER AND STORAGE LOCAL A OINSTANCB Transfer, storage oirner on, eoai. Drtqueu Trucks tc Portland dally Agenu Lyoo Van Lines for nouseboid goods to California points. Lirroer Transfer St Storage. Ph. 813L o VACUUM CLEANERS ELECTROLUX Sales & Service St Repairs. uimuca amount 01 new macninea avail able. Office 175 8. HJfh. Ph. 6038. 0262 rn vw imnuM.. , , of cleaners. Hogg Bros. Ph. 9149 o WEATHER STRIPPING"" FREE estimates. T. PULLMAN. Ph. 5965. 0260 WELDING WELDING Sz BLACKSMITH ING BODY Sz FENDER WORKS WE Specialize in trailer hitches Penn 4 Corners 3955 E State o299 WELL DRILLING J. A SNEED At Sons Well drilling. 2505 ot. aaiem fnone 8809 ozse WELL DRILLING M U Enloe, Rt a Box S21-L ttaiem. Ore Pint nous south pi wggj scnooi PB 34267 0 WINDOW CLEANING 4CMI WINDOW CLEANERS- Windows, rioors. woodwork eleaned. Ph 1337 j 47 Court 8t Lansdoc St Cuioertson 0 PROFESS ION Al CLEANtNO SERVICi. Phon 447 Lodges Meet every Wednesday evening. Visitors wel come. IOOP Building. VoV A M- E A- Degree,' Friday, Oct. 25, 7 p.m. 253 Market Quotations Portland Eastslde Cauliflower prices were held steady at today's session of the Portland Eastslde Farmers' Wholesale Produce market which saw No. 1 crates selling at 41.75. No. 2 cauliflower tiaded at 90 cents to $1 crate, Best local lettuce sold around i.75-j: Lake Lablsh lettuce, at 12-3.35; while some first cutting stock topped the mar ket at $2.75 a 3 dozen head crate. Best parks of local corn found tradins slower than usual at the top price 0! 13 a live dozen box. Turnips appeared in good supply with topped stock brlnitlnR around $1-1.10 a lug. Brussels sprouts were quoted at 12 flat and below. Apple prices hem lainy sienciy. con- slderiiiK the large supply. Delicious or chnrd run offered at $2.50-3, and most ordinary varieties going lor 12-2.50 dox. Portlnnd Prodoc trtenmnr Butter Prices to retailers' oreaa canons, aflc, AA prints 87c. a prims 85-8tic. A cartons 89-00C B prints 85-88C. Si lb cubes Vie higher Eiii Prices to retailers; AA large. 6iioi A larst. 61-62o: AA medium. 69c: A medi um. 58-59c; A small, nominal. 44o doren Cheese To retailers in Portlano: Oregon triplets 46-47a lb., daisies 43tt-44e af 47-500 lb. Jobbers pay UO lb. lesi To wholesalers Portland Oreion slntlns 55-56C. loaf 55-56C, triplets. 50-52C lb. furtianO M'homale Ittartci Butter (f O b bulk 68 lb AA grade 92 score 85c. A grade 93 score 84c, B grade 90 score 83c. C grade 69 score 80c. Butterfat (Tentative, subject to imme diate change). Premium quality maximum of 35 of 1 percent acidity, delivered n Portland. 94-93c lb.; first quality 93-97C lb - second quality 91-93c; 'valley routes and country points 2c less than first, or 91 -93 c. Cheese Selling price to Portland re tailers: Ore. singles 58-59c lb. Ore. loaf 60-61c lb.: triplets. 33-55C Kin To wholesalers: A large 630 59 4c dozen, med. 65-56 Vie, B grade 43S-45t Rat bits Average country killed to re tailors 43-f0c lb Live fryers, colored 240. white 23-37c lb Old bucks and does (6 lbs. and upt l&o lb. Lire Poultrv Lire Chickens No. 1 Leghorn broilers, 1 to 2 lbs.. 35-37c; fryers. 2 to 3 lbs.. 37 38c: 3 to 4 lbs.. 37-39c. roasters, 4'i Ids. and over, 37-38c; under 31. lbs., 32-33c: roosters and slatis. 12-17C. Dressed Chicken To retailers: Spring broilers 3 lbs up 63e lb. colored bens 37c. Lee horn fowl 32ct old roosters and etas' 28a Freib Vetetebln Beans Calif 17o lb Mtd-Oolombis B'u Lake. mld-Columbla and Walla Wlis green and wax 9- I0o lb. Oregon Giant 10-l2o lb Kentucky Wonders 8-10c, Shell beans SI. 50-1.75 20-lb. lug. Wax and Blue Lake 9-lOc. Beets Calif 80-o5e- local 60-B0e dosen r.rnccalt SI 50-1 65 lug Cabbncf Local round type, 12-2.25: red. 6-7c lb. Carrois Local, bunched, 5-doa crat 13-3.25 Cauliriower Local No. 1, 11.85-2.10. Celery California S3 tor murae ereto: Labish. Milwaukle 13-2.25 crate; blanche. 12.75-3: Hearts. 13 -.25 dos Corn Best, J2-2.25 a 5-dOZ. box. D (II 20-2 5c lb Cucumbrrs SI leers 18 lb. flats. 11.50- 1.65. EPlan( 20 lb. crate. $2.10-2.25. Garlic Oregon ZO-iHo lb Lettuce Local, dry pack, 12-2.35 per 3 doz. Onions Wash, dry No. 1. 11-135: so ib. sacks; Idaho, white, No. 1, ll.50-l.C5: large. U.85 yellow Spanish, 11.20-1.35: Parsley Local 7-80o dorc Peppers Green CallL 35-lb crate 13.50-75. Mid-Columbia 12-lb. flat 81c; 30-lb. 11.75; red. flat 11.75: chill. 11.65 $1. flats Potatoes Washington Russets, 13.50 2.75: 50 lbs.. No. 2. 90-95c; local long white, 12 65-2.75: Klamath Russets, No. 1, 12.75-2.85. Deschutes, No. 1. 12.75-3.86. Pumpkin 3!,i-4c lb. Radishes Local tea SO-OOb dos. bunches, RutsbRsaa New crop Wapate 11 75-li 5D-lb. sack. New crop Colo. 13 60-ib. si Spinach 20 lb. box, 11.50. Sprouts Local to 13.50-2.65 flat. Squash Zucch'tii 75c-ll flat. Scallop, 75C-S1. 14-lb, shaked 11.25-45 35-lb. pear box 2.75-13. Danish, lugs. 85-B0c. Sweet potatoes Calif.. 50 lb. basket 13.65-3.85, yams 50 lb., 13.85-4. Tomatoes Local 10-lb. Hat, No 1 51. 10-1.25; California wrapped J3. 25-3. 50; repacked, S4-4.25: Woodland, 11.40-1.65. Turnips Bunched. Idano ti-ti. iu aaua Topped 13 for 60-lb. sack. Yams Louisiana 13.25-3.50 orate. Fresh Fruit Apple Yakima Dencloua. wrapped and packed, comb box 14.60-4.75, Jumble box 13.40; Hood River Spits face-fill box 11.75 2.00: Yellow Newtowns 14.35 Winter Ba nanas, loose. 12-3.25: Ortleys 13.60 box: Jonathan f&f 13.40. H. R. Delicious 13.65 Delicious, wrapped and packed. 14.25-4.50; chan 40 lbs. 14.40, Maryhtlle. Wash., dis trict Transparent SI. 50-2 face lug: Red Delicious, wrapped and packed, 14.50-4.75; loose, 13-3 60. Avocado Fuerte 14 23, choice 18 1S-U fancy 14-4.25 20-39 flats. Calif. Dicken son all sizes. 14.50-4.75; Itzimas, 14.73 5.75. Bananas DVio-lOe Ox out bands, eratea extra. Cantaloupes Speares, 12.25-2.50; Dll lards. 13-3.25. Melons Huneydew, Jumbo flats. 12. crate. Casabaa Crate 12 50-781 bulk o lb. Cranberries Oregon, 25-lb, boxes, 16.76 10: Eastern. 19.25. Grapefruit Calif, large 13.30-5.75, small 13.75 case, Texas pinks 15.10, white 34.80. Cochells S4.95 case: Cuban, all sixes. IB 8.50. Florida pinks, all sizes. 15.25-5.75; white lamer, S5.75-6: small 17-7.25; Cali fornia, 80s, S5.50-5.75; 100s, 13-3.50. Grapes California Thompson neediest 13.75: Riblers, 13.75; local Concords, lugs; $1.50; Tokay, S2 65-2.85 lugs; Lady Fingers, 14-4.25; white Malagras, 13.35. Lemons California, 252-300. and 360. 17.65-7.90; 432. 36.50. Limes Tuns 01 0 200. 35o. Honey Dew Melons Jumbo flat 13-12. 10. Wapato 35s-45s SI 85-12, Graosbawt 12.36 2.75; casabas. 13.50. Oranses CetllnBS: Calif. Sfl 09. Fla. If and up to 16.14; Valencia. 288s and larger. 16.50-6.65: smaller, 15.25-6.50. Quince Local. 2U-3c lb. Pears Bartletts. comb pack 16-lb bos 12.25-2.35: Medford wrapped and packea. S5-5.25: Hood R.ver, $4-4.75: orchard fun $1.75-2. Yakima W St P.. $4.25t D'Anjou 14.75, wraoped and packed boxes: Bo-io wrapped and packed. 14.25; loose 13.25 3.50; Hood River D'Anjou. $1.60-4.76. Pineapple Cubtn 1 . Pomegranktea $2.75-2.86 lug. Meats Country Meats Rollback pnees to re taUera: Country killed boss, osl butcher 120-140 lbs. 19-10 -no ib Vealers. AA 32Ke A 314. B 19 4. 9 17-17 He culls 12-1 So lb Beer AA 2140. A 30 B IRc eannera ou tiers 13Uj-14c Lambs AA 26c. A ifAe B 240, O 30o lb Ewes PS 130. M 12c R Qc Veal A A 32-33c, A 30-31C. B 28c lb. Cull 18-24c. Ifocv Fancy o!ocH 37-38e lb Bloc butchers, packer style. 155-213 lbs. 38-40c: over 213 lbs..35-38c; sows all weights, 28 30c. Lambs AA 34-33c, A 32c, B 27-28c Ib ftlutton Fancj A 10-140 accordini if ano weirht Beef AA 34-38n: A 32-33c. B 28-30c. C 25-26c, canncr-cuttrr bulls 22-23c lb. Cascara Bark Green 8-8'4c, dry 30e lb Wool OovcmrnHni control ftlohalr 40o Ib. on 12-moa, growth. Hay Wholesale anlomenta- AH HI a. Me 3 or oetter 131-132.60 Oats-vetch mixeC hay. valley grower price 1 10-122, elovei hay 110-1221. baled on farms. Bides Calves 3D-24e. green beef loo I1 old 160 Oreet) Cull) Qe lb Bops Normal contracts- 1944 I6 99 1946 76c Ib 1948 65c 194" SQe U Nulw Distributors' Bam Cheslnuta Local Italian 30e lb Almonria Calif 33-3 rvr lb FUberta 100 Iba Bar-a- D Srls (onae Cblllya Noti (New Crop Jumbo 34-35'iO 34-350 34c Large 28'4-30c 20-31c 34-35Sc Fancy 25-26c 23-2 4c 39'4-31c Baby . 24-30t, 29: Walnnts P-nnanetief No I I umbo 36c. large 33 -34c med 31c baby 34 '4 e ,b No. 2. mmbo toft shells 14 Ac, large S2a med 294a Ch Ira it ft Grain Wheat: Firm: 1 hard 214: 2 red 219. Corn: Up 2-3. New: 2 yellow lV 4 yellow 173'i-174';: 5 yellow 165'.; -Ifi0i : sample grade yellow 135l-lfl31,, ; 3 white 210. Old: 3 yellow 187'i. Soybeans: No. 1, 349; 2. 252: 3. 350. Barley: Malting 165-178 nominal; feed 135-148 nominal. Chlcaco Livestock Chlcaao. Oct. 23 (USDA1 Salable hoars 8,000, total 19,000: closing active: general market steaoy to 50 cenls lower than Tuesday s averatce on all weiiiit and sows, good and choic barrow and gilts 180 pounds and over 22. 50-23. 00; top 23.00 paid freely; lmle here undi-r 180 or over 270 pounds: few 140-170 pounds 20 25: bulk aood and choice saws 30.50, few choice lightweights 21.00; com plete -early clearance. Salable cattle 6,500; total 9,000; salable calves 600, total 600: general market on slaughter cattle more active; fed steers, yearlings and heifers 50 cents to 1.00. mostly 1 00 up: top sleers 36.50: most good and choice 28.00-35.00; medium grades 18.00-23.00; best heifers 32.00, mix ed onerlmts 34.00: beef cows 25 cents or more higher; medium and good at 14.00 18.00; very active but all others slow; most mid cutters 7.50-9.50: bulls stroiia at 10 50 down; stock cattle stmdy, mostly 15.50-10.00 with half-fat heavy feeders to 19.75. Salable sheep 4.000, total 4.500; hmher asklim prices on slaughter Iambs cielny liiK trade; blddinc sumhIv ask!n 50 conis or more lilcher or 21.00 and belter on good and choke natives; slaiift liter ewes opening steady to weak: sizenble lots mixed medium to choice natives 8 -T; bid ding down to 6.00 on culls and common westerns. Portland Oraln Portland. Ore., Oct. 23 (.Ti Wheat futures unquoted. Cash srain: Oats ..o. 2-3ft lb. 63.50. Barley No. 2-45 lb. B.W. Corn No. 2-E Y, shipments 63.00, while 64.00. flax 7.00. Cash wheat (bid: Soft white 1.86; soft white (excluding Rex) 1.86; White Club 1.86; western red 1.86. Hard red winter: Ordinary 1 86; 10 per cent 1.87; 11 percent 1.91; 12 percent 1.97. Hard white Baart: 10 percent 2.28; 11 percent 2.30: 12 percent 232. Today's car receipts: Wheat 21; barley 21; barley 8: flour 6; corn 4; oats 3; hay 2; mlllfeed 12. Portland Livesloi-k Portland. Ore.. Oct. 23 fPj CUSDAi Salable cattle 350. total 750; calves 50: holdover cattle 150; market very slow, partial clearance at 1.00-2.00 below Mon day; some beef caltle off more; 1 lot good slaakhter steers 20.00; few common medium 13.00-17.50: cood heifers 18.00 19.00: common-medium era do 12 00 16.50; cannrr-cutters largely 7.50-10.00; fat dairy type cows to ll.TiO; mediupi good beef cows 13.00-15.75: lew medium good sausase bulls 12.50-14 50: odd beef bulls to 15.50; choice vealers up lo 20.00: about steady but grass calves un der pressure. Salable lions 300. total 1.225: market slow. 50 cen l s lower; aood-ctioice 1S0 270 lbs. 16.00; good sows largely 23.00: few to 24.00, choice 100 lb. Icedcr pits 32.00. Salable and total sheep 400: markrt very slow: fat lambs lully 50 cents low er; ewes 1.00-1.50 lower with some unsold; good-choice woolrd lambs larnrly 18.00; few 16.50; common-medium grades 14.00 16.00; few ineriluin-eood lots 17.00-50; 1 lot mostly choice No. 1 pelts 18.50; cood ewes largely 6.00; common grades down to 3.00. Salem Markets Completed from reports of Salem dealers for the guidance ot Capi tal Journal Readers. (Revised dally.) detail Price Rabbit Feeds Pellets. 14.03 cwt. Ess Mash 14.60 cwt. Dairy Feed 13 70 cwt. Poultry Heavy colored hens. No. 1 37c. lb. No. 2 24c. Colored Iryers, No. 1, 33c lb. Kssa Buyers Price White and Brown irr large grade A 58c, med 54c, standards 5fie dozeu. Wholesale Prler Large 64c dozen, med. 60c, standards 55c. Butter Wholesale. A 86c. Retail Grade A, 92c. Butlerfal Premium. 93c; No. 1 No. 2. 88o. 92c. Stock Decline In Low Gear New York, Ocl. 23 (Pi The stock market moved downhill in low gear today. A mid-session gust of selling left leaders, notably steel and rubber issues, fractions lo around 2 points lower. Half hearted rallies among indivi dual issues achieved minor suc cess. Turnover tolalcd around 900, 000 shares. Good news, of which there was plenty, received scant at tention as apprehension grew over the implications contained in the latest move of John L. Lewis, United Mine Workers chief, toward reopening of con tract negotiations. The possi bility of another coal strike, and resultant danger of a new crippling of industrial produc tion, effectively braked market support, according to most bro kers. OPA decontrol of all foods except sugar and rice barely flicked the surface of trading sentiment, although some sugar shares responded to the news with moderate gains. Virtually ignored too, were a stream of favorable earnings reports, dividend declarations, postponement of a threatened Western Union slrike, and par tial settlement of the shipping tie-up. Bonds were irregular. Markets Briefed 'By Ihe Unllcd Press! Stocks lower in quiet trading. Bonds irregularly lower. U. S. governments lower. Curb stocks lower. Foreign silver unchanged in New York at 0014 cents a fine ounce. Cotton firm. Wheat unchanged lo up Ti cent. Americans Praise 3 Japanese Officers Tokyo, Oct. 2li (UP) Allied headquarters said today Hint three former Japanese prisoner of war camp commanders had received praise instead of con demnation from former U. S soldiers held by them. The respected Japanese are Shoichi Negishi, now back on his pre-war job as a postmaster; Yoshiaki Komatsu, a graduate chemist at Kyoto imperial uni versity, and Shoichi Hiraki. former commander of the Yok kaichi camp. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., National Forest Cut Breaks All Washington, Oct. 23 n?) Lumber demands for veterans housing stepped up timber cutting in national forests to more than 1,000, 000,000 board leet during the three months ending September 30, the forest service reported . today It was the first time in history, officials told a reporter, that the lumber cut in any quarterly pe riod on national forest reserves passed the 1,000,000,000 mark. The production report brought an estimate that the total cut for the present fiscal year, end ing next June 30, will be around 4.000 000.000 board feet, com pared to 2,720,000,000 board feet logged during the last fiscal year. Future production may reach 6,000,000,000 board feet yearly, without harm being done to na tional forests, it was said. The actual amount of timber cut during the July-August-September period was 1,103,484,000 board feet, having a value of $4,565,8B4, forest service offi cials said. The cut exceeded that for the corresponding quar ter last year by 194,000,000 board feet. Total sales for future cutting during the three-months' period amounted to 1,100,108,000 board feet of timber, with a value of $4,655,111. National forests in western stales accounted for virtually all the production increase, with the cut in caslern forests showing little change. The production by board feel and the value in stales which recorded the largest increases for the quarter were given by the forest service as follows: Oregon, 256.104.000. Public Vorks To Hold Limit Washington, Oct. 23 (U.R)Ad ministration officials maintain ed today that general public works expenditures in the pres ent fiscal year would be held fairly close lo the $900,000,000 limit set by President Truman in August. Reconversion and budget of ficials indicated that the total of such expenditures would be around $950,000,000 to $1,000, 000,000. It was estimated unofficially (hat the revised general public works program would comprise authorizations for completion of around $1,150,000,000 of con struction during the fiscal year Budget officials indicated. however, that actual cash ex penditures for these purposes in the fiscal year ending next June 30 should be around $200, 000,000 less than this. They pointed out that actual cash payments by the treasury lag ged from 30 to 100 days behind completion of work. The general public works construction program covers the agriculture, commerce, stale, justice and interior depart- i mcnts, veterans administration, I flood control by army engi-1 neers, Tennessee valley author-j ily, rural electrification admin-' islration and national advisory council for aeronautics. It docs not include $400,000, 000 for military construction by the army and navy, and around $34,000,000 for the reconstruc tion finance corp., maritime commission and coast guard. Total expenditures for all government construction : military and non-military dur-! ing fiscal 1947 thus are estimat ed at about $1,350,000,000 to 1, 400,000,000. New York Stock Quotations (By the Associated Press) New Tort. WV-Closinsi quotation today Allied Chem. at Oya i.r,gii American Can Am Power St Mint...." smer Tel St rL ' anaconda Copper ...... Atchison Bend tx Aviation " Bethlehem Sr?el " Boeing Aircrnft California Parkim ... Cunadmn Paclflo J I Case ' Ohrysiei Corp 'Commonwealth A South " Con.oli6atrd EdlAon .. ' Consolidated Vultee .. ' Continental Insurance . " Jron iellcruacQ CiirtM.i Wrigni ....... ' Douslaa Aircraft Ouoont de Nemours .... General Kleclrlo ....... 3eneral Foods , Jenerai Motors Goodyear I'ir Jreat Northern pfd , n tarnation a. Harvester . Int Paper prd. Johns Manvillo Kctinevotl .. . Loni Hall A Maytag Miami Copper . Montgomery Ward Sash Kei vina tor ... 2'i ir, .127 National Ualry N V Uenti al North Am Co Northern Pacitlo .... I'ac Amer Fish .... Pacific Gan Kleo. Pacific I' St T fan American ...... Penny j U. . ... it ad 10 Corp ......... ftaronier , , , Kayonier Pfd Remold Metals .... jarewa Sears Koebuck Sinclair OH S-in Liter n Paclflo .... Stanford UraiifL .... i'liidard Oi Caiif... Stewart arner .... ituOeOftKer ........ 3ua Min.m Union On J n ion Pacific . i United Airlines United Aifcratt United States Steel. , Warner Bro'.her t Eteo Mf Co . .VnmworUl Richfield Wednesday, Oct. 2.1, 194fi Lumber Records Wheat Tends To Work Lower Chicago, Oct. 23 W) Removal of price controls from flour failed to stimulate buying in wheat today and the bread cer eal (ended to work lower. Cash markets were s(rong, featured by sales of No. 2 yel low soybeans at S3. 40 a bushel for shipment during October, November and December. This was up 12 cents from yester day's closing bid. Wheat closed unchanged to 'a higher. January S2.04:!.i, corn was "s lower to '.s high er, January S1.40'i, and oats were lower to 1 cenls high er, November 83'.h-1.4. In 1945, U.S. domestic oil pipelines handled 140 billion lon-niiles of petroleum and its products. Births, Deaths Births S:lierton Reported from Ihe Silverton hospital are a son to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bern. Hubbard. October 22: a daughter lo Mr. and Mr. Robert Martin, October 21: mid a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Burch. October 20. Heath Donna Jesn Wampner Donna Jean Wampner. late resident of Portland, at a local hospital. October 20. at the aae of 17 years. Survived by her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wampner of Opportunity. Wash. Announcement of ser vices later by Howell-Edwards company. Arthur lion aid MrCormlrk Arthur Donald Mccormick, Iat resi dent of Grants Pass, at a local hospital October 20. at the sue of eisht years. Survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo McCormirk ot Gr tints Pass. Shipment has been miirie by the Howelt-Edwards chapel to Grants Pass lor services and Interment. Fannie Hebrrra Wain Fannie Rebecca Wain, late resident of rouie 4, Monday, October 21. at a local hospital. Molher of Re hue Wain of 8a lem: sister of Mrs. Rasa Cooper and Mrs. Sue Doerr. both of East Alton. 111., and Miss Flora Kehne and Dennis Kenne both of BetliiiUo. III.; and grandmother of Lou Anne Wain of Salem. Services will be held Thursday, October 24, at 2 p.m. at tiie CloiiKh-Bnrnck chapel with Rev. CheMer Ilnmblin offlciiUuiB. Interment In the City View cemetery. Harvey William Lindsay llnrvey William Lindsay, late resident nf Salem, at his home In San Dieso. Calif.. Saturday. Octobrr 19. Survived by his widow, Zeruah Lindsay, two sisters. Alice David mid Ida E. Riley, both ot Salem. Announcements of services will bs mndo la tur by Cloutth-Uarrlck company, pnny, Wlllard P. r.llson Willaicl P. GiUon, late residrnt of 1422 NE Portlnnd Blvd.. Portland, "tit a local hospital. October 22, at the age of R5 years. Announcement ot services later by the Howell-IMwards chapel. John Victor LaCliapprlle John Victor LuChawlSc. nt the resi dence, 6.0 Locust St., Tuesday. October 22. Survived by two sisters, Mrs. Mary Cellstlne, Jr.. Ilopmcre, and Mrs, Ida Mitchell. Sacramento, Calif. ; three bro thers, Andrew LaOhnnpelle, Sacramento, Calif., AumitiL and William LaChappellti, both ot Portland, and two nephews, Jo soph A, and Lawrence G. Older, both llotunere. Announcement of services later by ClouKh-Uarrlck company. Eva K. Hern man In this city October 22. Eva K. Bentman, late resident of 1400 Jefferson St., at the) aae of "1 years. Mother of J. H. McCon ville, Mrs Marie Gardner of Salem; and grandmother of Jack McConvllle, jr., and Robert Hronks McConvllle of Salem: sis ter of Edward Dlvvens, Mrs. Laura Mc Cray. Mrs. Cora Eaan, Mollle Divvena and Mrs. Nan Duller, all of Pennsylvania. Services will bn held Friday, October 2;. at 10:31) a.m. in W. T. Rigdon cha pel, wllh Interment at Helcrest Memorial park. Itev. CD ester Huniblln will ofllclatf. BETTER HEALTH! Ha morrhot of e Rocfof and Colon AMmantt Gastric Ultmr Treated without Hospital Opernilon Writ or pflilforFRFB descriptive Booklet Monday through Friday i 10 A. M. I 3 P. AC. hrtnmg: Monday, Wtdnrxday, Frtdaf 7 to i Dr. C. J. DEAN CLINIC Phyaitlan and Surgeon H. R. Cnrnnr F. Unmntdn and G(nnd Avenu Telophono Asl J'JltJ, Portland 14. Omgon It didn't seem possible, but here it was happening in con quered Germany. At last Niel was face to face with his cap- tor. Who was he? What were his plans for Niel? Could he overcome a plot that was so obviously part of a greater world plan of the Nazi under ground movement? Road each, absorbing chapter of Yesterday Is Nowhere The Serial Starling Sooif Jn This Newspapejf r