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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1946)
(Zadic Program Wednesday IKSLM !T 1KGW Zc 5:00 6:15 :30 11:45 6:00 I New. Superman I Capt. Mldnliht I Tom Mil ACROSS 1. Southfin von MHlat Inn 4. Pai?rtiKflrs 9. Pla hie cud 1. Shiii'a record 13. Kruil 14. HikM poltitrrl hill lt. Kdunl: comb. U. BIMIrnl kin SR. Silk faorlo 38. Ffinii!-! .ilnt: 3!. MniHujintlutn 41. Nuinlrr 43. Unilucii In pro- llllltl-tllV 45. Stilrlil or pro- tfl'l Inn K Aii.liiv form 1. Of Krcfttrr nam 47. Kiiirl ... vhrcs I., l nit nf work -.s. Pfoioun IS. Intnlrrfliit S0. Near pTJoti ,M. Mi.thrr 10, p.(ii; (1f a rooT tt, l.til-owarm 22. Arilfirml S... !;o,linr IniiKiii'K i.;. -trl.'innt (tin 71. At hoitin 65. Ut. n( tlwi 21. Mnnltryi SlnmcMj ?fi. liactlc twins rs. i.'tilff nctor fif). Rterntiv l. 25. Oirnl 61. Solttnt v: comb, 64. 21" !''"', . (orm 31. Wings fi?. Epoch 65. I Gabriel ne.tler I nuffy'. T.yrrn ri.r.dR.nd Fsmii WRl-7 V riu ho J C. - T3i5-' f V. -J,UM? (I h-i J-. rod- I New. j Frnkjffor7In' I ..on. H.nac, rATTdVnT7Tw.rO -"TS-I 5f"V - lftfJlSfctesn I Vr ALSiS 1:15 I New. I Fr.nk Moron I Ion. R.mer I Ar.demr Aw.rl S?C II VI " --SW I k XL'-OLPiTOSSKV 7:.1n Kid K-.rr'. Kollrie . I Information sS::-' I I SV-Xl ! PTCTi' I lP4--5efS 7:43 Kid I'. Kollc.. ' R.n.e Rldrr. I inlorm.tlon yw I iffLS X&SZZZZZ"" "f'kjl Oi ::jn I III' Up to Tooth nlldrnlrrr. llunlln' St FKhfn' I nr. Chrf,ll.n 7 KrTh STYS CTTr I I ' ' L 8:45 lt.' t'p to Vnulh I Glldrr.ltcy. Ufuntln' k FIoln' I nr. ChrUtl.n '- rJ I y&r l I fSSlfc I ''----LmJ j V :0f I Ntw. I Mr.-Slr.. Norlh BlnrCiV.hy I .l.rk Carion ' tKD " J3'ZSJ'SJ ' :ll Rr Millar I Mr... Mm. North Rlna ( I lark Canon f5" ) Sp M t, :30 I Pl.t. Allornr; I Sonts I N. W. .T.,';".V. "T" "?S-"Sf f" i ' luii. Aiinrirr i rtrws 1 .n. vr. nricnnor. ' 1 1 r i 10:00 j Fulton Lewi., Jr. I Nrw. Fl.ihea fNVwii iFlvr star FlnVj ii:ia Nrw. i sport. I R'thmn roiitirai Henry By Carl Anderson 10:30 New. I Orrh. I Conrerl Honr I Alioilt (tur Towo , 10:46 I Orchestra I Rami Wa.nn I Conrerl Hour Jx:u Ranien JT77 I I 1 -Anl I 11:00 I Orchr.lra I New. K.'onTerl Hour I Voiroof Army "V vLl m AmP.I.OH ft. . ! I Orchralr. I f.'oneert Hour I ft A I V- C-C7xVrW A. , r!X 1:30- I I I Air -Flo 7 D! 1 V .1 )) "A' v 1 fV I 1 ."'- Iiwir. I I News - It I Kiv - ' ' 1 V I KM Sl.nO.I ISUTTOII X-Trllnnr I Slfrnl SMART" . Pjv TV ? :j: ,?. "!' 5 ? . xn i c. . if .. izj ...... . ...un.o xnncaccpcr i ii.vb neat Hn.lrr X tvr.lern star. x e ; I v, I Xt1- f ' r 1- " I I Rurle, X I KOIN Kloek Ul ( I -- UN J :I5 New. Uew, IIIUBler Jt UiOINJilork Aj ) ) t-1- I " ' X C7 J:?t I if" . lF"m Tlm' I Roundup Bo., I KOIN Kloek If L- 1- Ql ;- - . S TH 9 11V- RI.e .nd Shin. F.rm Tim. Martin ' New. J II fj VZ C jK-y-' " 7:30 New. Tha Old .one. Ahh. I New. S-)-L ' V ---H f I lT- iST , 7:4-- I F.rr. .nd H,. I New- I Market Report, I F.rt Finder FJ , , rx r, , . r- n , r, r,. . "1 I I iJh - . :00 I Ore.on I ( Manor I Kale Smith J S6rT !! ' tgT, S-'iC R'73L ..rW Sr.. Manor Ir.o, SSES-- J 1 rT . - a ; i. . nrriirmiin , him. Helen Irent I I I &e,..W.- I I I I eJ 1 -.15 I Art Raker Ma.ale. wire I llrenemun'. 111,1. Our rial sui.ilay ' 11 1 1 ' I r 1 M J.'!!?- Irw'.. I Srhool riroadra.t lllome Fdillon I Hi. Sl'.ler Tl,- r,'l,l , T io-.T n J . Srhool Bro.dc. at I Rill I Ma Ferkinl ..i-i, JytieS8 ISOtFUSSV ,n tr ( 1 y , lln More Ilr. Malone 111.10 I Jovee Jordan I My True Story Itoad of Ll(. I -. , a-.i I I g, ,T ,,--,- ,- VV , .-. M V V j- , . . -- l.:00- Or..n,li.l7 riu,d, fli rir--7 'o.'t.ey U?,yjAf7.T.;?.U.. ttT-ETI 1ST ""',"".- !!:: fii"- .!'!-- . . rW". L L ciTT J5ry" AKKiVLBe; ..'L1Me-l w-..a V ' 11:45- Sueei i.r . n r" v '" ,'..n" f oOVOUVE BGEM TREAT- it &kio r. -X I 1 Mv J"LNltr7a Mfltti.nAV? li5i IMiirowii.. IN,.. iH.ltKlern.n T New. ' MeWASeTB' Be fT ( HORSES A WIU DRINK j ," : r, . M P-rkln. sc.r, ol Toda, Come and Oat It VXME WA7YH1S LEGS " . . -., ' J!X V AMVTUINS '. J "lllhlllj Serrnad. ! Pepper Voun. ! Find .Me surpri,. ran, 1 "1 ikj IT i I A, Of I 1 T yJ 12:15- I V.rlely Show 1.1,1,, . ,.npln. I !.,. Ho,. isurprl.. Part, f J l 'i y- --l f- "7C 1:00- N,w. IRaek.l,,, nil. I l,l Jle'l, rV,l, 3 f ATfli, H SS-ll lf fV VTS e555?? i VfW 'VS5 YS. J:5! ! ''" l.orrmo .lone. New.paper ol rf. C VT1 , WlViCV iCnKT VT SY ? WBI It I iSiV.,C'ft '. V-jT 1:15 W. s.lem MIVIddrrBrown U lirf F.dward, !h- f fj 1 f?L K'YhV'v r4lYJs'2. ' ' aV?L It SIS -?CVS " "7f tj-Ot Hi' T P? 1:00 Tell Nelihhor A r.lrl Manle. lhat."lloln' fseliool ol III. Ale TV 'S&LXSKlTU if(7 . V'wln. fl . ' If VW' fl V'' t:l5- John J. Anthony I Porli. Fare, l..e I l.adle, j Srhool ol the Ale -MbivVWl? 1( XjY--l" R Jl 7. V T . I J YK . I OSel!;. ;. Pl.ln BUI J At Horn. Meet the m',,. V '-i,JCi1f7iM V j?-, M)J . ' f X Kri ( i 7 ' 1 r JU -.45- Pan At Home I Meel Ihe MI.,, '"T 5 7ifC SvSr fel Tv SVK' fc kAj tN A 1 J:-. M..I, I Road oll.ll. I Uriel. Ciro.m I Nwii l-W"1 (JxMfH f y X TV S) 7?f-' A .'VKre' 1 A Jit! S,"? "avid ll.rum l ,e , , . KvH, , ,, 15 I I V1V j V (v 7 j " l V KCTJSU i.iiZ . .. . Al"" M" j ladle. Iln Sealed I rloro Hay. 7 JVO T- I 7T --ArV-1 I M Jiit--.""'"""- I nr. Paul I Ladle, He I New. ' "fV ,o 2 . V H X . TLImI -V.'jV B- I i'lt He'.' MIMee"" J''l v """"'e' i I V.ll 'pITin. " ' ' 'L 1 - I -W L.VJ , V , I Ml I l-ml J '.'v N'"" ""'l0 I Norlhue.l Tod.y I One lor Rook : ; lt!.urk',, :.n"""M !;,;e,:.;,"":,d II"-,.. Llttle 0rPhan Annle By Harold Gray - Still Dreaming c . - i n i 1 1 i - ii Ii : - i BitiWacgv - r wpi i o oc-tr.. --TA I a """"f--" I S4-l IS Jrfl- Hal- HI f? MARRIED fLL KEEP HOUSE HERE M IS 1 IV HAVE MV OWN HOME-TK ll 1 1 fl If VUI CrtT A rWKiu i,r o-rra-li I A M C L f d LL VrtllO ) J. , I ( KIDS FROM SCHOOL CAN COME I ILJJ M F UVK IN THSSE HERE HEA HEEL. 1 I' f W T III I THIS PLACE, ALONQ WITH FREDS- I m : I I OUT HERE FOQ PARTIES-- J 'II HlllmUKM-5 arrrn, ' J i m-l jViVi...-,i,,- fthfeg-T.. i i. II I uuiii.--ri I rTjR.!rftlll i R"W..-.V'Cr U Y.V 1 1 I 5M-"? II I S- 1 H U mmmmimmm i i4n-- ." 1 iiwsiai i mi.'tl.fKSS. ISiS. ik. 1 " " X(.;i?5iS By Gus Edson Souelch mt :; ..Kf viiairis.eiv t . -- , WwVaW r HARRUMP I SEE y MOST MJ BOT DON'T 7 . OOPS THBRr 71 --?S!i! f feRr-3 -sSinm I LETTER'LL ARRIVE I I DIED-OVERWOBK TOfATfu id FXuiyBgtaSX Vl , Hi Ml ni'iW'WV 5-n TILL TOMORROW PROBABLV GOT V TO MlMf j S-ZLl ff 'Vl. I'U i l E i ..ai5 M idssjirv e - Aif i i. . sm w3raa Trclty Pineapple A lovely accent for 00-11 Un- ------' doily in,aaj!ffy.deSi8n ' S Sin""y cxplal,ieri' ou cil" '":,ke M" "lld tcff BV B"d is'1f"- This Has Nothing to Do With Lend Lease, Just No Lend andCoTieit Pattern envelope contains stitch illustrations and easy-to-follow I I WISH I HAD A f MUTT, WILLYoU Ts,l " c-CS I WHAT'S THE t?iv?-J N0W STICK VoUR j w,,,,,, u,.ctu j MILLION D0LLAK5.'I VO f orfcCIM- K1L uj- tfK IDEA STlCKIN HEAD AWUNO IN ocna 10 ccms icoin) for rnllern No. R24S5 lo Capital Journal. I COULD BUY A I rWOK rOK fvt, 'Tvjj I , i, BUBBLE GUM I J3ria-vl TK-f"WYB -,n.. 00 mission &lrect, han Francisco 3. Calif. USED CAR OR rTVOUR BEST rftfMga ' ST -w TUP PND I fl PlNfJ JSZ "S M 2 p I 14 is ( 7 ia I , 17 IO I , . y T '' , '& 20 2 2Z .r - 332 33 35 T"3 3J 38 , 50 7F 5 5a 4 C5 ;5J ' fgj S3 i'K ;' I I I LJ I LJ I t I 1 P. M. 'KEX r.,-i(unMlon T. P of '..iMoiiiobil Color yicoiNsr -m ? )1L St. r. ol Today I Terry and Pirate, I Knox M.nnlnr "NOU LIKE II K . - IT STILL -A l' XT -trC W Sio t T rifTf- New. JDI.kTr.rT J Mu,l. t , -I -V ' SOES, POP. . . Met I'M ON JTS-Nff " - Son.. Jack Arm.tron. New. 1 MAXES NO 1 I CAN DO XW. I fAX WAN J O J'j T R7 WHEN HONEV AMD PREDETL I I I ) OnjFD PUPI rfX.Vri I g j HT4- CEM-feH- fe,,,, ' ii.ii-nn- i t 1. mi.- m rr iff 1 mi kii i i ii x i v -t- mr- ii 1 w 1 11 1 ni. 11 1 i r aw luta a.p '''-OT wfi CIQlV E . TBI BIO RIEB N O ' - lir I .ATd.- 1 Tl Tn tl III I -J-U a I-liBI LI.P1P I.HRIEITIS Rec'lar Fellers Rv r.o-n RTrTrT. r.i' r,i,: T E AL U L LMt re e -j - twiiMHi, mayue it-iciunr- rui-m 1 1 in. , r.-.. B 4 TI J M6T Vb MrAUU IV f I TCJU MEAN BY I WEll H A RIBP'PUNT DOWN 1. Kmn of lec.,1 d, t, n.o S(,t-ierilis flul J. r',-lrd I. ll,lmnmen .t. Umhcly t. 1. ctrrlerl T. Ipei rtc plant S. Tray IV, mred lu. L'oniut-t ,.! main it liy II. Tli, rcf,.io VJ. S.'lemn iiMrllon 31. Ki!.lin '.'.. Mini ,l,-Hnooa tVuir-.M', in :'. I-,-ullir,l 3 tli:ri-.Ml ill. llTiiliii,h 1 totiu lltiient 3:1. ., ..-al .n.l till,, ur clan 7. rw-tnal i'K l:it,ll,al ciiiitilry Nil Hi. apord r.f II. Oldneiafe, Ii. HnvniR oisan. of tu'iirittt; IS. TiiriiMiu uii. p,.tt O. Si, .up a. Titlo or Allien, a". Nolllltin mot. than M. Fruit S. Fllil.ll j. Anolent w in. veseel Jou ma I Fea fu re DonaM Duck Bv Walt Disnpv Ho Ad-d fr... Ii t I I ICTgEM-' I I Y !--.rG ,. . HWMM...1 Y vEEV WELL . . . REPORT AT I I -0 li;!PIf, J. t fl d i j i -" - - : . hha i xjvi-it u u ri - i Tuit jvnnfh-s;s ftinv i i on w- ui . r - u u u I THINK OLD-TIMER'S I I Tl LL THE DAV HE StOOK 90 VEACS I I -Al Irtux A 1 V iXuTFF . 0 J NEW FAMILV IS THAT M UP THEIR MINDJ J KTHAT, O-AEV I SAW 1 1 ij NAME ON BACH M , 'B. V! u , 'II Li I -. , I Kt U","l'"y vfllK ) B , r7i' a I Tarzan By Eduar Rice Burrtmphs Second Attack I SUDDEN mATr I I Sj-. I I PEN0IN6 SOPPENLV, HE I I -.V-B-rKK 3T: fSFw - PKOTE-VoB--. ' BROKE THE R,P AND "N--rA V i?'" PROTECTOR -N, S 9TrW . THREW THE CggA- . J - V, WON Sfe; -C-Cr-" "tTACJAN REACmEP UP .'----A'Jll WiTw A B5U.0VV OP RAGE TWE 10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Oct. 23, 1946 Pae Chapter 30 "You'll need a clear picture of Dexter to start with, a clear or one than I had till two or three minutes ago. You'll have to see him as two people as a lonely, sick, disappointed man: who has suffered a great deal and therefore is capable of deep sympathy; and at the same time as a shrewd, clever, realistic person, meeting the world on its own terms and giving a good account of himself. "And it's necessary to under stand his feeling for Clarabelle, lasting for more than 20 years, after she divorced him. It wasn't a passionate love, but an abiding feeling for a woman who meant so much to him once that nothing she could do after ward could quite kill his loy ally. He thought of her as a not-too-bright child, hopelessly lost through her own weakness, and I know he blamed himself in part for not being strong enough to help her when he had the chance. He never interfer ed with her private life, but al ways gave her a hand when he could and always acknowledged a responsibility for her." Dexter looked appcalingly at Cloud. "Do I have to listen to this? It was less painful when he was accusing me of killing her." "No," said Cloud. "You can wait outside. I'll send a man with you, since you'll be a ma terial witness if we press a charge against Miss Ennis." Dexter shook his head irrita bly. "Never mind." "It's painful to me. too. Mar tin said, addressing Cloud. "But we'll find the other side of Dcx- ter's character easier to view objectively. He felt a strong animosity toward Searle, of course, for taking advantage of Clarabelle and robbing her of everything she had. Moreover, Dexter found himself under a self imposed moral obligation to provide for her, which was dif ficult because his love of case and elegance kept him broke most of the time. So, being used to depending on his wits, he concocted a typical scheme. "He had worked for the Morning Record and knew En nis pretty thoroughly. He knew that Searle and Barbara had been engaged and that Ennis would do a lot to avoid any hint of scandal. Dexter, not Mor rissey, decided to make Ennis pav for Searle's peculations. He revealed his plan to Morrissey. who had twenty-five thousand to gain and nothing to lose: and I suppose Morrissey suggested to Searle, with suitable emphasis, that the only way he could save his neck was to threaten to make a scandal unless Ennis came through." "What do you say to that, Morrissey?" Cloud asked. Morrissey considered. I don't want any more criminal charges thrown at me, but it might have been about like Marty says." "Dexter s next job was to sell the story to Doran, who saw its news value but not the trickery behind it," Martin went on. "That would impress both Searle and Ennis with the need of decisive action, because even if the Record story was .killed there was danger of other pa pers picking it up unless Clara belle and Dexter could be bought off. Then if it worked, Dexter wouldn't have to sup port Clarabelle, who would get back her twenty-eight thousand, and probably Dexter would get a cut in whatever Morrissey realized." "Twenty percent," Morrissey affirmed. It was going all right, after all, Martin thought. He said, "But Ennis's lack of liberality threatened to spoil everything. and Dexter resolved on desper ate measures. More pressure would have to be put on Ennis, and one way to do it would be to make it appear that the Star was about to get hold of the letters Morrissey and Clarabelle had given me. plus the fact that Ennis had tried to suppress them. "Dexter knew that I had the letters, but wouldn't use them in any shady way that I was, in fact, about to return one of them to Morrissey. He knew further that Doran and I would Room and Board I'M NOT HAVING ANY SUCCESS WITH THE APPLICANTS WHO ARE ANSWERING OUR. ADS FOP. A HOUSEKEEPER. AND COOK..' THEY ALL FEEL THERE ISTOOMUCHWOR--- AND SIX OF US. TOO MANY TO FEED l-UK. - 1 til 1-1 X- CHATMOCE probably spend an hour or so drinking and talking. So he got a tire iron from a parked , car, broke into my place and started to search for the let ters." The friendliness was gone from Dexter's face and voice. "Those things will have to be proved, Marty." "I have proof," said Martin, still speaking to Cloud. "I'm saving it for the right spot. In the meantime, Searle was also worried about the letters, know ing they could send him to prison unless Ennis' liberality improved. He telephoned Bar bara, reasoning that it would be to her interest to help him and that if cash were needed she could provide it, and Barbara agreed to meet him at my place, not knowing exactly what the situation was. "Searle got there first. He found the door open and sur prised Dexter in his burglary. I imagine Searle guessed Dex ter's intentions and rushed him in a drunken fury, and in self defense and probably with a right good will also Dexter caved in Searle's skull with the tire iron. "Dexter found those letleg of Barbara's in Searle's pocket and took them, thinking they might come in handy; later when he decided they were too dangerous to keep, he mailed them to you, Claude, perhaps with some idea of fixing your thoughts on Barbara as a sus pect. He didn't search further for the other letters. I think he saw Barbara in the neigh borhood as he went away, and I'm pretty sure that Clarabelle had a glimpse of him before she got into the taxi. Then Bar bara reached the apartment, and then I showed up. (To be continued) Making Trip North Woodburn Mrs. H. F. But terfield and Mrs. W. J. Wilson left Wednesday in the Wilson car for a vacation trip to Vic toria, B. C. They expect to be absent until next Monday. George Bernard Shaw wrote for nine years before he could make a living at writing. What's New A dress to keen you in time with the times. Still the clean lines of the tailored dress you love so well for its ,. ease of skirt, fitted waist . . . but with the soft, nw look of bloused sleeves in bracelet length. No. 2684 is cut in sizes 12, 14, 16, 18. 20, 36, 38, 40, 42, and 44. Size 36 requires 4Vi yds. 39-in. or 3 yds. 54-in. Send 20c for PATTERN. wnlo' includes complete sewing guide. Print your name, address and style numbe- plainly. Be sure to state size you wish. Include pos tal unit or zone number In yout address. Address: Pattern Department, Capital Journal. 652 Mission St,. San Fran cisco. Calif. By Gene A hern LET ME HANDLE THE INTERVIEWING , OLD RUTABAGA -YOU MAY STRIKE THEM AS BEING TOO SEVERE AND DEMAND j ING ' J. KNOW THE PSYCHOLOGY OF PERSUASION AND FLATTERY , IHfc nr. I 5 t D ,. iii"jWii"i I 7-1 I i i A M AP N.w.l.alvr.l CHARM--, 1 "-' 1 E i I -. , U fcJ fp-rTBr-' I