Treasure Search In Bay Recesses San Francisco, Oct. 22 (U.R) A group o treasure hunters tem porarily abandoned today a Jive-month-old search of the Golden Gate for a fortune in gold and silver bullion believed to have been aboard the sunken steamer Rio De Janeiro. The decision was taken after a sprung propeller shaft on the purse seiner St. John Bosco, headquarters for the operations, climaxed a list of bad luck, in cluding treacherous tides and a "darkening of the ocean" that made diving impossible. E. B. Settle, skipper of the Basco, said the treasure hunters would do a "few salvage jobs" but might return to the Rio De Janeiro search later. No date yet has been set for continuing the explorations. The Rio De Janeiro sank in the Golden Gate in 1901 with 131 persons losing their lives. one reportedly was carrying $2,000,000 in silver bullion from China and another $75,000 in gold. Sugar Ration Stamps May Be Extended Washington, Oct. 22 VP) Be cause many housewives have len unable to buy sugar for home canning, OPA officials said Monday they are studying possible extension of the special ration stamps provided for that purpose. The canning sugar stamps Nos. 9 and 10 in ration books were scheduled to expire Octo ber 31. OPA said the sugar shortages were a result of the maritime strikes and that the sugar ship ments are expected to meet con sumer demands later. Magnesium Plant Bids Due December 2 Washington, Oct. 22 WBids for purchase or lease of the gov ernment's surplus $16,200,000 magnesium plant in Spokane will be opened at 4 p.m. Decem ber 2 in Spokane, the war as sets administration said today. Silvorton Mr. and Mrs. The odore Grace have returned to their 310 Adams street home from a fortnight's visit with relatives in Crescent City and Grants Pass. Capifal, Salem, Oreirnn, Tuesday, Oct. 22. liMfi 5 INVISIBLE' LIQUID Promptly Relieves Misery ami Helps Heal Ugly SKIN RASHES Hero'a a Doctor's antiseptic formula Zomo a stainless liquid which appears invisible on the skin yet so highly medi cated that first applications relievi itching burning of simple skin rasho Eczema, Athlete's Foot and similar skit and scalp irritations due to externa cause. Zemo is backed by an amazing rcc ord of success! First trial convinces. In I ZEMO Bizcs. At any drugstore. 6-WAY FLOOR LAMP $18.25 incl. shades Woodry Furniture Market 1605 N. Summer 6 GREAT ADVANTAGES YOU WILL OBTAIN FROM THIS AUTHORITY ON DEAFNESS . It M 4 t H. F. MacDonald When You Attend His FREE HEARING CLINIC On Thursday and Friday, October 24 and 25 At 905 First National Bank Bldg. 1. PERSONAL CONSUL' TATtON at absolutely no cost or obligation, you re ceive a personal consulta tion with this expert on baring problems. Take advantage of his knowledge and 'experience he has helped many others like you. 2. REMARKABLE INSTRUMENT FREE demonstra turn of the beautiful new ACOUST1CON "Super-Power" UN1PAC - a lighter, smaKx, ALL-IN-ONE instrument with GREATER HEARING POWER. SMALLEST of battery combinations and LOWER COST ! 3. ANALYTICAL TESTING-HTTING METHOD you will be amazed and delighted by this new, dependable, scientific method that reveals your individual de6ciency shows the correction you need and then shows you,' 'right on the spot, the actual improved result in your own speech hearing ability! 4. "HEARING LENSES" - an ACOUST1CON exclusive 8 air receivers and 3 bone receivers so accurately con trolled they can be called an entire seritt of ."hearing lenses" based on the revolutionary theory that ears, like eyes, need di0erent lenses for the different kinds of hear- ing deficiencies. FREETEST for you . learn, at no cost, which "Hearing Lens" is meant for jou and will serve you belt. 5. 8-POINT HEARING SYSTEM - all these advantages are only a part of the complete ACOUST1CON 8-P01NT HEARING SYSTEM based on Acousticon research to meet U. S. Government Endings and recommendations and developed to protect the health is well as to correct' the bearing of the hard of hearing. 6. ' HOME CONSULTATION - if you cannot possibly attend this clinic, you can make an evening appointment lor this entire FREE demonstration right in your own borne! DON'T MISS ITI ATTEND THIS FREE CLINIC! YOUR OWN HAPPINESS MAY DEPEND ON ITI ACOUSTICON H. F. MacDONALD 905 First National Bank Bldg. Phone 6350 SALE! TRAINING PANTS REGULARLY 39c 33C Reduced price for Ward Weekl Absorbent white cotton knit. Rib-knit oont lea. 1 to 3. SPECIAL! GAY COTTON ANKLETS! 39c With up'Cuffs, down-cuffs, elas tic cuffs . . . your favorite styles and colors. Sizes 8 -1 0 Vii W . J CORDUROY OVERALLS 2.98 Sturdy, long wearing cordu roy In a comfortable bib-top style that goes with shirts. 2 to 6',j. j i Likl STRIPED RECEIVING BLANKETS 52c Rainbow border on loft, closely woven cotton blanket. Pink, blue, or whits. 30 X 40 Inches; QUILTED MATTRESS PADS ONLY 1.49 Absorbent cotton filling held firmly In place with zigzag stitch ing. Waihable. 18x34'i BABY'S OWN DURABLE wash cloths 2 f or 29c Firmly woven of soft white Ten y cloth. Edges shell stitched in pink or blue. 9x9 inches. ' .... pr"w' f r.-mm ''L-'' M 1 1 ' '" 1 . SAVE ON BOYS' AND GIRLS' WEAR AT WARD'S VSl Id Vi - 'r - HI .1 At ' lJ V- ... ) 1 I . .... pff kj.m SERVICEABLE SKIRTS FOR LITTLE GIRLS 1.98 Sizes 1 to fSx. In good looking, sturdy wool and rayon blends. Bright ptaide. rich full tones. 'Amply pleated or gored wita suspender top. Finely tailored. ' SALEI COTTON DRESSES ORIGINALLY WERE 2.93 GIRLS' PANTIES IN FINE RAYON KNIT I 2.77 35c HOYS SPORT SHIRTS, i to 10 BOYS' STURDY TROUSERS, 4 lo 12 NEW FALL SLIPON SWEATERS FOR BOYS Sensational savings in gills' cotton dresses, crisp and new for Ward Week with their neat eyelet, rick rack and ruf Iled trimmings. Stripes, dots. l-6x, 7-14. You'll agree they're an out standing Ward Week value at this low budget price. Com fortable all-elastic waist . . . snug fitting knit cuffs on the legs. Sizes 2 to 14. 1.S0 2.93 Itcg. .1.1)8 3.98 Sporty, last color plaids on sturdy Sanforized cotton. Long sleeve style with con vertible collar. Sizes 4 to 10. Here are panU that will grow with your boy! , . . New IN VISIBLE MIRACLE BAND Adjustable waist. Well-made of un-tan twill. 4 to 12. Popular V-neck pullovers beauH fully knit of Q0 virgin wool wonted. Snug ribbed cuffs and bottom. Medium blue, maize, tarn Small, mad., large. GIRLS' WHITE BLOUSES 1.98 The popular shirtwaist style that all girls like . . '. in an unusually fine quality white poplin. 7-14. GIRLS PULLOVER SWEATERS 3.89 Just received! New square neck style in a marvelous assortment of luscious colors. All new wool. Reg. 89e STRIPED T SHIRTS W Long sleeves. Sizes Z to 6 New! GIRLS' SLACKS 7 to 14. Blue sport denim. Zipper side. . . . LITTLE GIRLS' HANDBAGS 93 Grown-up styles in miniature! Plus tax 319 Girls' Saddle OXFORDS 2,97 Save now! Brown and white, 12':-3 CHILDREN'S SLEEPERS JQ 2 to 6. Red or blue striped seersucker Girls' Fine Quality ANKLETS 493 Ribbed turn-down cuffs. 8'j-10 Boys' Buffalo Plaid Jackets 7 AC Heavy all wool. Zip front, knit bottom. ... ' Boys' All Wool Coat Sweaters 5 93 100 new wool. Genuine Talon fastener. . . Boys' COLORED T SHIRTS Short sleeves, crew neck. Rib knit Boys' WHITE T SHIRTS Ogg Better quality rib knit w V Colorful PLUSH EARMUFFS AG Get yours at this pre-war price TIE and SUSPENDER SET QQ Ready-tied ties, clip-end elastic suspenders. Sale! Boys' 2.98 PULLOVERS 2.77 Choice of plaids and Norwegian designs .. . WARM CAPESK1N HELMET FOR BOYSI 1,98 Willi cotton Heec lining, odiuil oblo strop, mouton pookl Browrt block. Small, mod. larg.. HOYS' CREW SOX 45c Briclilly colored stripes. Elastic top. Sizes 7 to 9 'i . mrrswsmm.