dmiral John Paul Owen Coming as Navy Day Speaker Salem will observe Navy day, the appearance of Rear Admiral division of the 13th naval district Commerce luncheon October 28.' Introducing the speaker will be Rex Kimmell, commander of Capital Post No. 9, American Legion. Navy day chairman for Salem who is to serve as master of ceremonies at the luncheon. A native of Milford, Missouri; Admiral Owen was graduated from St. Louis University Med ical school, St. Louis, Mo. Ap pointed a lieutenant, junior grade, in the medical corps of the U. S. naval reserve in Au gust, 1915. Owen in September, 1915, reported at the naval med ical school In Washington, D. C, for instruction and completed the general post-graduate course in April, 1916.' Aboard Famous Ships During the first World war the admiral served on the bat tleship Louisiana until Decem ber, 1917. and after assisting in fitting-out the USS Ticondero ga served on the transport from January 5, 1918, until it was lost September 30, 1918. In the pe riod from the end of World War I to July, 1939, when he was assigned to duty as fleet surgeon on the staff of Admiral Thomas C. Hart, commander in chief of the Asiatic fleet, the naval officer had assignments Pl various naval hospitals in tile States and in Hawaii and aboard ships of the U. S. navy. Detached from duty with the Asiatic fleet in August, 1941, Admiral Owen at that time was assigned to the bureau of med icine and surgery, navy depart ment, Washington, D. C, re maining there until February, 1942, when he was transferred to duty as medical officer in command, naval hospital, Quan tico, Va., with additional duty as medical aide to the com manding general marine bar racks, Quantico, Va., remaining there until October, 1942. Has Mare Island Command In November, 1942, the naval officer assumed duty as medical officer in command, naval hos pital. Mare Island, Calif., re maining there until March, 1945. He reported for duty as FOR Floor Sanders and Edgers By DAY or HOUR COMPLETE LINE OF FLOOR FINISHING MATERIALS McGILCHRIST & SONS 255 North Commercial Phone 8478 WALLPAPER, PAINT AND ROOFING Have Your Wearing Apparel Waterproofed with "SECCO" A New Waterproofing Process for Regular Wearing Apparel Such as Coats, Suits, Jackets, etc. REMEMBER 3-DAY SERVICE Pick Up and Delivery Expert Cleaning of Rugs and Furniture Telephone 9448 1070 S. COMMERCIAL CALL GREAT NORTHERN Great Northern's specialty in freight handling Is dependability. Whatever you ship, Great Northern provides dependable, on-time transportation. For information about shipping from and to the Pacific Northwest and California consult & A. OISKIN, Aiit. Sen. Prt. Agt. 530 American lank lldg. Telephone leacen 1146 Portland 5, Oregon RIDE AS YOU SHIP GREAT NORTHERN. For Empire Builder tklea tad retervatioiu, e your local .gent, or write to C. L. Buchef, Tnv. Paw. Agent. JJ0 Ameriua Beak Bldf.. Portiaad J. Ore. which falls on October 27, with John Paul Owen of the medical as the speaker at the Chamber of medical officer on the staff of the commander of the Seventh fleet, April, 1945, and in No vember, 1945, was again order ed to the bureau of medicine and surgery in Washington. D. C, this time for temporary duty until January, 1946, when he reported to the third naval dis trict in New York as district medical officer. Admiral Owen, who saw du ty as district medical officer with the 12th naval district in San Francisco, prior to being transferred to the 13th naval district, has the Legion of Mer it, awarded him for exception ally meritorious conduct in per formance of outstanding serv ices as a medical officer while in command of the Mare Island hospital, November 11, 1942, to March 1, 1945. Sulphur is widely and abun dantly distributed throughout the world. PARTS Are Arriving in Larger Quantities Daily at Loder Bros. We specialize in repair of all General Motors makes and models particularly OLDSMOBILE For Fast, Competent, Friendly Service Bring Your Car to Loder Bros. 465 Center Street Phone 5467-6133 18th Year in Salem RENT The Kids Were Right About It Chicago, Oct. 22 (U.RlKids always said the house was haunted. It was a three-story vacant husk, windows boarded up, weeds fingering its foun dation. Marshall King wanted a house, and with shortages what they are, he asked about it. County treasurer's officials told him a foreclosure suit was pend ing to collect delinquent taxes. They gave him permission to inspect it. Yesterday King walked into the house and turned into a bed room. Sprawled in the dust on the floor was the body of a man long dead. His head was prop ped against a mattress with a spot of blood on it. King left fast, and two detec One Group Formerly 29.75 NOW One Group Formerly 39.75 NOW One Group Formerly 49.75 NOW Values Up to 39.75 NOW tives arrived. They picked up a newspaper from the floor. It was dated May 19, 1944. A card, in a pocket of a pair of pants lying nearby, bore the name of John Dugan, about 65 A neighbor lady said that was the name of the caretaker. The last time she saw him was two years ago. As stretcher-bearers toted the remains out of the house the kids were there, watching. "See," they said. "It was haunted." The Danube river Island of Csallokaz, 53 miles long and 16 miles wide is the largest island within Europe. CHROME CHAIRS $8.95 Woodry Furniture Market 1605 N. Summer leaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaS The Capitals y Style Center A SENSATIONAL HEIGHT - OF COAT and SUIT Coats 15 00 25 00 39 75 Special (jtvup 1000 ALL SALES FINAL All Groups Include Brand New Adjutant General Mails Applications The more than 3,000 officers of the Sixth army area, many on inactive duty, who have ap plied for regular army commis sions since the war department's second officer integration pro gram to select 25,000 additional officers and are eligible for com See our stock of ELECTRIC ROOM HEATERS Prepare for cold weather while the best electric space heaters are still available. Heating comfort for that cold room. JUDSON'S PLUMBING AND HEATING 279 North Commercial Phone 4141 Coats 21 35 59 missions are this month being mailed applications by the ad jutant general. Those officers not on the eli gible list and not on extended active duty may apply by sub mitting a formal application to the commanding general of their area. Those previously disqualified for any reason other than fail ure t- pass the general survey test during the first program last spring may now reapply. Their '","r -""r'tManjn One Group . . . Regularly 39.75 NOW 00 One Group . . . Regularly 59.75 NOW 00 One Group . . . Regularly 79.50 NOW 75 Arrivals Direct From New York! Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Oct. 22, 1946 3 formal applications, however, must be postmarked prior to midnight of December 31, 1946, at which lime processing of ap THE LIPSTICK 1872 STATE ST. Call us for all your beauty needs a l m j a ocaip ireaimenis j facials Manicures Hair Styling Personalized Champnos All Types of Pcrmanents Friendly Experienced Beauticians For the Convenience of Monday and Fridav Evenings by Appointment if Phone 383'i i ;::;::::::::::;;:;::::;::::::::;::::;::::;: wywS - SEASON EVE Suits One Group Formerly 29.75 NOW One Group Formerly 39.75 NOW One Group Formerly 49.75 NOW One Group Formerly 59.75 NOW NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS plications will begin at Fort Ord, Calif., and Fort Lewis. Processing of applications will be completed March 31, 1947. - BEAUTY SALON 1 Business Girls Yc Arc Open Northwest Corner Court and Liberty NT 2950 33 00 4300 5300 t