2. i. IH 11 mm PPIPI 1! mmm 12 Capital Journal, Salem, FOR SALE HOUSES YOUR DREAM DOMES TRUE HOME environment that approaches the Ideal. 6 sparkling modern rooms, all on one floor; basement: automatic oil heat; grounds that are landscaped with naturalistic beauty. We unhesitatingly recommend this modern home as one of exceptional desirability and value. Priced at $13,350. Fart term. See JAMES B. HARTMAN with 1i LEO N. CHILDS. INC. REALTORS - 344 State St. Ph. 9381 a252' SO MUCH FOR SO LITTLE OOOD substantial home: corner lot: five rooms with bath. Nearly all furnished. ' ' All for only 17500. Sco JAMES B, HART- MAN with LEO N. CHILDS. INC. REALTORS ' 344 Statu St. Ph. 9251 a252 VALUE WITH COMFORT WE offer this 3 bedroom home ' about 8 years old) with fireplace, full basement - and nicely landscaped yard All for J9250. "Here's your chancel We. say . DON'T DELAY 1' SEE LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9291 252' EXTHANICE 2 B.R. home, N. 2Tnd St. ' Fireplace, H.W. floors, bsmt., auto. ' Bawdust heat, reduced to J 00 50.00. See Mr. GOODWIN with HAWKINS A- ROBERTS, INC. REALTORS Phone 4108 After 88715 a255 EXTRA NICE 4 bedrm. home, dble plumb in?, base., fireplace, hardwood floors. Ven. blinds, elect, water heater, A., nice yard of flowers it shrubs. Sec Mr. Goodwin with HAWKINS At ROBERTS, INC. , r REALTORS Phone 4108 After 68715 a 2 55 MCE- NEW 3 Bedroom home with at tached garage on 3 Acres of fine land. S8950. Call Harold McMUlin with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS -153 S. HUh Ph. 4121. Eves. 81F21 a252 3 BEDROOM HOME EXCELLENT location, close to schools & state bldtra. Newly decorated, full base ment, sawdust heat, A Real Family home. Price J9.850. Call Dale L. Shepherd with GRABENHORST BltOS., REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 O 250 NORTH SALEM 8 BDRM. English style home, hdwd. floors, 1 1 replace, full basement, sawdust heat, completely redecorated Inside As out. Sec this before you buy. Price 110,500. Call Dale L. Shepherd with GRADENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4121 a250 WALNUT PARK LATE-BUILT 2 bdrm. home wonderful condition. Living rm. As dining rm. tarpcted. auto-oil heat, outside fireplace, beautiful grounds. Fenced back yard. FOR DETAILS Call Coburn L. Grahenhorst with GRADENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 7772 250' HOME BARGAINS 7,500 4 BDRMS., large, corner lot. base ment, close to schools. A real value. $8.wH:j I) DBMS., located on Highland Ave. Modern thru-out. SI l.iion GOOD 3 bdrm. home, basement, nuto-otl heat, hdwd. floors, fireplace, 1 dble. garage, largo lot. Irult trees. A REAL FAMILY HOME. Ijl 3.700 MODERN 3 bdrm. home, base mem, auto-heat, hdwd. floors, fire place, corner lot. redecorated thru-out. Located N. on 21st St. Call Rtchard E. Grabenhorst with 'GRADENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 a350 WORTH BUYING! GOOD e BEDROOM house, close In, ex cellent condition. Plenty of fruit trees, cood garden patch, lawn and shrubbery. THIS WILL SELL. Price 17000. Call "Httbby" Hnbernicht JOB HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phone 7096 a252 MIGHTY NICEI TURNER B A. 1 Yr. old, fine suburban home. Auto-Elec. Heat, Excellent floor plan. Insulated, weather stripped. Love ly lawn and shrubbery. Price til, 500. Call Myles Henderson JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phone 7698. Res. 24802 a252 $3,050 HAVE TO ACT QUICKLY b.M.ALL NEW hse., 3 lots, city water, :lect., plumb., etc. Owner in East, 1'oss. Tnrms. This Is worth more money. ' M. D. Looney with WU. K. MOSES S31'4 State Ph. 4993 a 8 BEDRM. plastered house, all utilities Lot 95x110, 14500 down. Imm. poss. Box 30, Fatrhaven Ave., Salem. a252 16000 BEDROOM completely renovated house with A., full bath, lots of trees St shrubs. Call for Mr. Isaaks. M O. HUMPHREYS Sz CO . REALTORS 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 7820. a252 C.. I. SPECIAL:" Unfinished house In W Salem with windows, bathrooms f Ix tuics Ss some fittings. $3800. 1026 Elm St., West Salem. a255 SH3.W MCE little home for couple l n ling le wood district. Living room, kitch en, large bedroom, hath. Very neat. Beautiful lot. Call Mr. Walters. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 3703. Eves. 25260. n352 $fiHr,0 5-KOOM plastered home on cor ner tot. Close In north. Call Mr. Walters. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St Phone 3193. Eves. 25280. a252 HOME AND INCOME $7000 NEAT 2 bedroom home mith 2 room apartment, close In. Full base ment, sawdust furnace. Call Mr. Wal ters, HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 3793 Eves. 25280. a352 f.Ytfn ,'-Hi:iROOM home. Living room, dinette, kitchen. Nice location, near bus. Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 21540, Eves. 250111. a252 fri.HMh-3 Ilt:K005Is, living room, dining mom. kitchen, fireplace, near bus. Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors .141 Chemeketa St. Filmic 21540. Eves. 25001. a252 fi.-nil SI'IU'RRAN north. 3 bedroom home. Living room, dining room, kitchen. This Is n nice clean homo about 6 years Old. Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Real tars 341 Chemeketa St. PhoneJJIMO, Eves. 2509 1. a252 tHHi I-HLDKOOM home with living room, dining room, kitchen, nook, utili ty room. Kiirnwe. On bus line, close to school Cull Ray Davis. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors 341 Chemeketa fl'. Phone 3703. Eves. 9441. 252 ONLY $omi 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, bnement, gas furnace, gas Water heater, garage. New paint. Best ol location. Call Ray Davis. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors .141 Chemeketa Si. Phone 3703. Eves. 0441. n2l2 Kisoo u-hldhoom house. Living room, kitchen, nook, utility room, garage, electric water heater flreplaco lot 70x120. Call Ray Davis. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors 341 Chemeketa Bt. Phone3jM. Eves. 0441. a232 HAM NEW HOUSEon big lot at Tur ner. 6 miler to Salein. Cntl Mr. Smith. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Rrallors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 21540. Eves. a'J.Vl JIt.WHI. !! STORY-Eng. style "s B R, Home. Excel, floor plan, near schools Ai store. North. Cull Craig HURT PICI1A, REALTORS PH. 3210 or 5053 337 N. High Street B252 HOME BARGAINS .vra. NEW IMM. TOSS almost finished 3 Brtr. Bath, L R., Dinette. Kit., ga- ratc, ',4 Ac. East. $;hi. 4 vits. old, 2 B R , bath. L R., U.K., kit,, unfinished attic, oil heat, bus at dnor. ;-:ti. x vks. old. 7 BR. bath, LR.. D.I?., kit., garage, hwd. firs. East near .school and bus. IMM. I'OSS. Beautiful, 2 Bdr li.liJi, LH., DR., kit.. V-BUnds. Gas his., wir. htr. A; cooking, auto-ia air coud. furnace, bsmt.. party rm.. rlr garage, ouldcor fireplace. Call "ELMKH" AMUNDSON HURT PICHA. REALTORS PH. 3210 337 N. High Street 253 To place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037, Oregon, Tuesday, Oct. 22, 1945 FOR SALE HOUSES IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 7 ROOM mod. house on 2-acre tract with approximately 300 ft. creek frontage, beautiful shade At fruit trees, double garage A other nut buildings. Price J15.000. To see this call L. II. Ellis. 2-1231. a251 BY THE OWNER: Englewood Dlst. 5 rmT house. L. Rra.. Kitchen. 2 Bed Rms., Corner Cupboards. Hwd. floors through out. Venetian Blinds, full basement. Auto. Air Conditioned, oil heat, 1. tarhed garage. Ph. 4953, a251 7 ROOM HOUSE. 3750 POSSIBLE income $75 mo. or more, plus living quarters. THE ITFATi FSTATE MARKET 433 N High St. Phone 24793 a251 PRICE REDUCED 31000 MOD. 4 BDRMS.. full base.. 3 lots, beau tifully landscaped, fruit A; nuts, 111, 500. Call Mr. Bishop. OENERAL REAL ESTATE CO. Rm. 10 Ladd A; Bush Bids. Ph. 7770 A 250' ENGLEWOOD HOME 3 BEDR005IS. FIREPLACE. HOW, FLRS.. AUTO HEAT. LARGE LOT, VIEW WEST. REALLY NICE. U0.750. GENERAL REAL ESTATE CO. Ph. 7770 Rm. 10 Ladd Az Bush Bid a250 NEED A LARGER HOUSE? IIERK IS A very nice one. Large living room, dlnin room combination. Kit chen with breakfast nook. One bed room and bath down, two large bed rooms up. Full 8 ft. basement with In and outside entrance. Dbl. garage wired for range, elec. hot water. Will exchange for smaller house. Price (12, 850. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3363 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 25103 a251 ENGLISH STYLE HOME NORTH ON ONE OF Salem's lending streets. Has living room with flreplacp. Dining room, kitchen, breakfast nook. bath. 3 bedrooms, full basement, sawdust fur nace, garnce. fenced back yard with large Ahade tree. Immediate posses sion. See this and make an offer. SULLIVAN REALTY CO, 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 25103 B251 SUnURnAN, 2 acres, close to bus. Kxcel lent soil. Good 4 room home. Fenced yard, ideal for children. 16850. 12,700 will handle. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 25103 a251' WANT A REAL SHOW PLACE? We have It. Six spacious rooms and double ga rage. It has everything. Large room tile hath and kitchen. Auto, heat, dbl. fireplace, new wall to wall rug In L R. and D. R. Small new home In rear for mn'd or caretaker, on 114 acres Just N. of Salem city limits. Everything you would want In fruit, berries and nuts. Built for his own home by one of Salem's well known contractors. This home Is new Bnd the construction will stand any Inspection. 120.000. Less than '.3 rash will handle. Easy monthly pay ments. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 25103 a25f LOVELY CREEK LOT GOOD R bedroom home, fireplace, full dbl. plumbing, nuto. oil heat, wired for range, wall to wall carpet In L. R., D. R. end den. Lots of fruit and shade. Close to bus, school and stores. Ideal for children. Really a fine buy at $12, 000. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 25103 a351 SS.DfiO. SMALL hse., two lots In Salem Heights. Owner bark east, savs aell. OLSON & REEVE, REALTORS 045 S. Com'l. St, Ph. 4590. Eve. 21090 251 $7,500. 8 DEDRM. home, hwd. firs., fire place, fenced-in hack yard, Just off beautiful King wood drive. OLSON & REEVE. REALTORS 04S S. Com'l. Bt. Ph. 4590. Eve. 21090 n251 $7,000. 4 BDR 51. hse.. E. between Sta'e & Center St.. good plastered bungalow, all on one floor. OISON Hz REEVE, REALTORS 045 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4500. Eve. 21090 a23I" WS.nn. 4 RM. hse. In Englcwood Dlst.. nlco A: clean, elee. water heater, wired for range, Inrge lot, owner leavln, Call for appointment OI.SON As REEVE, REALTORS 045 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4500. Eve. 21090 25l $8,500. 2 BDRM. home furnished. East of town. large living rm.. D. rm.. kitchen, utility rm.. garage, large lot, close .o bus A store. OISON At REEVE. REALTORS 045 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590. Eve. 21000 B251 I?,0O0. BUYS thlx lovely home, close to school fii bus. You can move right In. Just redec., hwd. firs., fireplace, V. blinds, coved ceilings, lots of built-lns, full bsmt.. garaire. large Int. OI.SON At REEVE, REALTORS 045 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590. Eve. 21090 251 4 RDIIM. HOME In Englewood Dlst.. hwd firs., fireplace Just redec. full base ment, close lo seliool Ar bus. Imm. Posi. OISON & REEVE, REALTORS 045 S. Com'l. St. PI. 4500. Eve. 2inf!0 nasi TODAY'S SPECIAL Phono 8155 FOUR BEDROOM HOME. semi-English svle construction, fireplace, bullt-lns. writing desk, part hnrdwnod floors, fuil basement and piped furnace, beauti fully landsraperi grounds, many differ ent varieties of shrubbery, fruit and nut trees. Two extra lots. This Is a completely modern home and should not last long at (It. 500. ABRAMS ft ELLIS, INC. 411 Masonic Bldg. Phone 6155 Insurance Mortgage Loans a250 MODERN HOMES Phone 6155 $7.on M:VI.Y REDECORATED well bntu two bedroom home six yenrs old. Henu tllul oak floors, sun porch, automatic oil furnace, double garage, elec. water heater. 1 hlk. to school. a block to bus. $7500 TIIIIKI-: BEDROOM 10 year old home. Firrplace, part hardwood floors, gmri construction, plenty of bit -Ins In kitchen, well located In West Salem. mono NEW TWO DEDROOM. G.I. oniy Well Incntrd modernistic home. $8HiM NEW TWO BEDROOM with un finished upstairs. O.I. only. New su burban residential district, on bus line. SliniN) WELL CONSTRUCTED NEW 2 bed room home, full basement, piped fur nace, unfinished upstairs, spacious liv ing room, dining room, convenient kit chen, hardwood floors. Venetian blinds. ABRAMS A- ELLIS, INC 411 Mesnmc Bldg. Phone 6155 Insurance Mortgage Loans a2.0' BY OWNER NEW ft-BFDROOM plastered house, east. Attached garage, elec. heat new elec. heater, laundry trays. Insulated, bath room complete. 2 acres good soil and view. Shrubbery. Priced to sell. See owner at 3570 S. Commercial St., Salrtu. a2M S7?on a room home. 8 mo's. old. HWD floors. Plastered, cove rolling. 50x140 It. lot. Fenced yard. S240O will handle. "C" KII.OORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th Open till 8 p.m. Ph. 4ns.5 a25l OWNER: 7 rms.. 4 brdrmn. Sound, well bull, older type house. Roomy and spa dons. Ideal for large family. Excl. location near schools A- bus Base ment, furnace, trays. $7500. Call 8456 25l BV OWNER: Modern 3 berirm. home, fireplace, hardwood floors, nlco kitchen with dinette. Attached garage. Only Q years old. $7250. No dealers. Ph. IttfO a250' $.noo. I1DRM. home East. Fireplace. V blinds, large L rm . Imm. Poss. Owner must sell. Tills Is a quirk sale. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 045 8. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590. Eve. 21090 a250 $0,750. 2 111) KM. home East. Room for 2 more This home is in a very good lo cation. Bus In front of door, full base ment, large lot, all kinds of fruit. Imm. Poss. Just redec. by I lie best in tnwu See R. Maddy for more infor mation OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 045 S. Com I. St. Ph. 4.i0. Eve. 21090 a 250 $itt,10 NICE lAlSlE In Englewood district. Hdw firs, in living At dining rms.. fire place, gas furnace, brdrm.. bath, kitrn en St laundry rm. down. 2 small bed rms. up. Garage. Also bids. 13x20 in back, several trees, beautiful lawn A shrubbery MELVIN JOHNSON 649 N. Cotiatf St. Phono 3723, 350 rUK RAI.K HOfJSES BY OWNER GOOD 3 bdrm. plastered home te floored attic for 2 more bdrms. Basement ic furnace. On bus line, close in. Could be made into 3 apts. Cash or terms. Ph. 4423. a25t BUY OWNER: For quick sale. S740O. 2 be clrm. plastered home. Hollywood dlst. Excellent cond.. full bsmt., auto, aaw- cust furnace, elcc. wtr. htr.. wired foi ramie. Bus by door, close to school, Owner leaving town. 2105 N. 4th. a 2 SO ICOOO 3 BED It M. modern home, centrally locat. ed. Dbl. earage, cement foundation, plastered. Call for Mr. Izaak. M. O. HUMPHREYS, REALTORS 3035 Portland Hond. Ph. 7320. a250 , BDRM home north in good location with extra lot. close to school Sc bun. Imm. Posa. Call R. Maddy for more Information. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 845 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590. Eve. 210ft 8230" WHY PAY RENT? JP!0SO 3 Room hnure near Hollywood. (',:.(? BEDROOM House south side. $,').-,(H) 3 BEDROOM house completely fur nished, large lot. $8fl0 'i BEDROOM smaller type house. 2 acres of good land, large storage bull J ItiT, electrical water system. itHTRO 2 BEDROOM house. Wilbur street. SHI 00 3 BEDROOM houiie, near Sllverton highway. VJH50 1 BEDROOM house, near Holly wood, large lot, full basement, auto matic heat, attached garage, near schools. Sr'.fiiio prewar built, excellent 2 bed room home. Nice basement, automatic heat, best of location. South. R. E. MEREDITH, REALTOR 176 S. Commercial. Ph. 8841 a251 THE LITTLE OFFICE WITH A BIG BUSINESS OFFERS A 2 B.R. mod. home with un fin attic for 2 more Bit., full base., wood furnace, North. Close to High land school. S8000. WELL LOCATED, well built. 3 B R. home. large living and dining, full base., oil burning furnace. For quick sale $8500. Worth votir consideration. EXTRA WELL located 3 B.R. home. firs, floor. I a rite living and dining, full base., sawdust furnace, double gar. Lot 86 x 106, fruit shrubs, North. Inspect this nice homo, make offer, EAST S ROOM mod. home (ex. base.) 6 yrs. old, hwd. floors, close to bus and school. Prire 17500. Terms. Imm. Poss. SMALL 1 B.R. home, close to bus, store, lot 50x150. Priced $2850 cash. C. H. Sanders-231 N. High-5838 a250 SPECIAL 4 bedrm. homo In Englewood dlst. Lg. L Rm., D.Rra.. tiled drain boards In kitchen, 3 lg. bdrms up, wl'.h dbl. plumbing. Full basement with saw dust furnace. Elec, hot water heater. This home in first class cond. OLSON As REEVE, REALTORS 045 S Cum'l, Ph. 4590 Eves. 21090. a252 MONEY TO LOAN on first mortgascs. to 6. Call for details. ED BYRKIT St CO. 330 Chemeketa. Phone 5981. $70001 itEDKM. home all on 1 fir. Good location between Center A; State St. Plastered. Garage. Paved street. $77.10 3 BEDRM. home north, with large L. rm, D. rm.. kitchen, nook, full basement, sawdust furnace, elec. water heater. Imm. poss. SI2.0H0 1 BEDR.M. home In Englewood dlst,t hdw, firs., fireplace, 1 large bed rm. down. 3 up. upstairs bath. Full basement, sawdust furnace, elec. hot water heater. Priced for quick sale. 9 BEDRM. home In good location, hdw. firs, thruout. fireplace, V. blinds, large kitchen with lots of built-in. Just redec, full basement. Auto. heal. Imm. poss. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 045 S. Com'L St. Ph. 4590. Eves. 21090. a25l SOUTH S BEDROOM plastered house In excellent condition. Full basement with automatic oil furnace, wired for range. East front. Price $7500. ROSTEIN Sc ADOLPH, INC. IlO'i N Commercial St. Phone 3030 Eves. R314 a250 $2,000. 2 BDRM, hse., unfinished, city water and gas. Thla la liveable, don't miss this. OI.SON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. St. Ptu 4590. Eve. 21000. a250 $0,500. 8 BDRM. homo In KclJicr Dlst. L.rm., u.nii., kitchen with a lot o' bullt-lns, Just redec. large garage with room above, all kinds of fruit, beauti fully landsraped. Priced for quick sale. OI.SON AND REEVE. REALTORS 045 S. Com'l. St. Pit. 4590. Eve. 21000. a250' Z BDRM. HOME In best location, hwd. firs, thru-out, fireplace, V. blinds, elec. water heater, lots of bullt-lns, full basement, beautiful yard. Just redec. Imm. Pos., close to grade St high school. See R. Maddy for more Infor mation OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 045 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590. Eve. 21090. 0250 $0 .H30.no FI N E Modern homo well 'o cated within 2 blocks of Parrlsh Jun ior HlRh school. Lot 50 x 105 ft. Span ish typo, hardwood floors, flreplacf . basement, electric cooking and water heater, furnace heat, possession Immedi ately. Very clean noiise, newly decor ated, beautiful yard, nice shrubs, fenc ed back yard, new root with ten year g'inraiitcc. Good terms can be nrranued. Will be n pleasure to show this home. $n,!mo.lin 3-BEDR005I HOME WELL LO CATED IN EVERGREEN DISTRICT WITH 1-Acre of good soil. Only 5 years old. Has hardwood floors, electric water heater and rooking, heated by oil. Dou ble garage. Possession Immediately. Has barn and bus by door, grade school 5 blocks, electric range roes. Well lltihted yard and nuts, fruit and berries. MAKE AN OFFER ON THIS. You cannot bo wrong. Good terms can be arranged. Call us on this and we will show any time. HOLLYWOOD McKtllop He.u Estate Agenry 2075 FAIRGROUND ROAD PH. 3-5224 Evenings and Sunday 9340 or 3-42(13 n2,i0" DRIVE BV 512 South Iflth Street. A 3 bedroom home for $5,UO0. Immediate possession. ROSTEIN A- ADOLPH, INC. 1101, N Commercial St. Phone 3030 Eves. 6314 a250 THE LITTLE OFFICE WITH A Hltl HUSINESS PROSPECTIVE BUYERS WE HAVE "i new modern 5 room homes to sell, one Nortti and one South. For more Information call C II, Saiuiirs-231 N. lllgh-5H3a a250 THE LITTLE OFFICE WITH A BIG BUSINESS I B.R. SMALL home. J285H. -' ll.lt. HOME. N E . $461)0. t Al'IIE U.K. home. (0000 1 Al'RE, NEW home N.E., $73.i0. C. 11. Sanders-231 N. High-5838 a250 $.Tr Jt ROOM home, on North End of town. "C KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12tfl Open till 8 p.m. Ph. 43.S5 0251 sr.'.ni i huoms, shako house, ioo x ion lot, or completely furnished (or $47jO. "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th Open till 8 p.m. Ph. 48t5 a2jl BY OWMR: 1 Dcdrm home on extra large lot. nice yard, neat Ss clean throughout. 1345 N 18th. b2M $7'JWl! BEDROOM h ome 6 mo' o 1 d7 Plastered, fir floors, lovely kitchen, breakfast nook and service bar, Vene tian blinds, Rosedale dlst. "C KILGOUE REAL ESTATE 435 8. 12th Open till 8 p.m. Ph. 4855 tt'Jal $73504 ROOMS, living room, dining room, kitclun, 2 bedrooms, and bath, bant'im-nt. garage, corner lot, conveni ent location. .. -C KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th Open till 8 p.m. I'll. 4855 2jl' 512. AKGE 7 room home, near Les lie school, all plastered, beam celling, fireplace, full basement, auto aawdUM furnace. Double plumbing, large corner lot. Very lovely grounds. "C1' KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th Open tilt 8 p.m. Ph. 4355 B251 BEAUTIFUL VIEW HOME MODERN RAN I'll style house on choice romrr lot. 2 bedrms., dble plumbing A: dblr, gar. Mt. Hood view. JI3.000. Call Dale Fllppo Eves 3097. GENERAL REAL ESTATE CO Ph, 7770 Rm. 10 Ladd Ai Bush Bldg. a250 To place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037. FOR SALE HOUSES $10,000. S BDRM. home East with 1 acre, hwd. floors, V. blinds, oil heat, elec. stove. This can be tract Into lots, Owner Jen.vlng town. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 045 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590. Eve. 21090. a250' $7.7.10. 2 BDRM. home north. L.rm.. D. rm., kitchen with nook. Just redec. Full basm't.. with sawdust heat, owner leav ing town. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 045 S. Com'l. St, Ph. 4590. Eve. 21090. a250' SPECIAL FOR 3 DAYS ONLY $8.-,oo t BDRM. home, N., close to hi school, bus In front of dr. Full base ment with furnace. Lge. lot with fruit, Imm. possesion. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS B45 S. Com'l. St, Ph. 45SO. Eve. 21090. a2s0 FOB SALE LOTS CHOICE 'i ACRE 12H x K.3 LOCATED North In one of the best restricted districts. Price $825. C. H. Sanders-231 N. Hlxh-583B aa251 BROOKS AVENUE LARGE lots, 62 x 136 ft. Price $650. Call C. L. GrnbPnhorst with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 7772 LOTS OF LOTS 100x100 NORTHEAST, tone 4, $2100. WixliO. GOOD view, fine location. $1600. CITY LOTS. SfiOO to S1000 but good. C. H. Sanders-231 N. High-5838 aa25fl' LOT IN Entilewood district, 60x120. Phone 2j633 alter 6 p.m. aa251" DEsTr ABLE lot! For particulars! 425 North 17th. ' aa251 ROSEDALE ADD.l Lot 50x160. Ph. :i012 after 6 p.m aa250 FOR SALE FARMS SIROO DOWN for Wonderland Strawberry Ranch. Over 100 acres. See Mr. Rushin. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors 341 Chemeketa Rt. Phone 21549. Eves. 3687. b252' $;.-,fKl II ACRES good soli. 8 acres wal nut.-; A; filberts. All stock. Implements A: furniture goes. 8 room hou.se, barn, clilcken house As well house, call Mr. Smith. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 21549. Eves. 22286. b252 $mi:.o II' a ACRES of good bottom land. Good house St buildings, 7 acres culti vated with big family orchard. Call Mr. Smith HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Phone 21549. Eves. 22286. b252' CLOSE IN FARM LOCATED EAST, 138 acres, major part in cultivation. Irrigation well, 2 barns. 6 rm. larm home. Ideal location, long frontage on paved road. A wonderful farm unit or would make an ideal aubdivislon. Price $45,000. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 b230 WANT A B ETTER FARM? 30 A. NEAR Dayton. Ore. Creek on 2 sides Irris. 23 A. Cult.. 5 A. Walnuts and Filberts, 5 A. berries. lj A. Alfalfa. 10 A. Truck gardening. Lc. barn. 2 chicken houses, shed, silo. dble. garage. 0 room mod. house. Eler. Irrlg. pump A: emP. THIS IS A MONEY MAKER and a real home. Call Henry Torveud JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court PHONE 7(196. Res. 25141 b252 5G ACRES $3000 LOCATED ABOUT 16 miles from Salem on good gravel road. Good soil, spring, creek. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High Phone 24793 b251 WANT TO RAISE STOCK? IIFRE'E THE place. 128 acres, 10 miles east. Haa large modern ranch type home, Big livinir room with stone fire place. 2 bedrooms, dining room, kitchen on first floor; unfinished upstairs, part basement. Year around stream and five or six spring.:. 10 acres In English wal nuts, 3 acres filberts, abundance of family fruit. 80 acres In cultivation. 25 acres In fir and oak timber. Will ex change for 1 to 10 acre place with 3 bedroom home. Full price $10,800. SULLIVAN .REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 24479 b251' THE LITTLE OFFICE WITH A BIG BUSINESS Hfl ACRES S.E. 50 or more under plow, some timber, small house, barn with 17 stanchions. Price $10,500. Sell stock and equipment. C. H. Snnders-231 N. High-5838 b250 FARM BUYER31 BEFORE VOU decide on a farm, get B copy of our Special Farm List, with descrip tions of 63 farms. NELSON & NELSON REALTORS Rms. 300-2 Masonic Bids. 195 State St. Ph. 4419 or 4622 Eves. 2-5547 b- FOR SALE ACREAGE THE LITTLE OFFICE FITH A BIG BUSINESS 3 CHOICE bldg. sites about 80x150, with oak trees, paved road, on bus, city water, close school. $1575 each. 3 A. RICH soil, close to Kelzer school. $2000 Acreage In this district selling for J1200 per acre. 3 ACRES Northeast $1900. C. H. Sanders-231 N. Hi?h-5B38 bb25C 5 ACRE PLACE DOUBLE GARAGE house. 1 year old. Good well. Will, sit soil. Lays nice Northeast. 14.000. SULLTVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 24479 bb251- 10 ACRES ON N. RIVER rond. No buildings. All In cultivation. $1,500 down, balance of $4, 500 at M12 00 yr. 2'iP interest. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 24479 bb2.il 10 ACRES WILLAMETTE SILT in Hays ville district. Very nice 3 bedroom home. lnn:e barn, water tower and other outbuildings. This Is good soil for at ra wherries or cane berries, This can bo handled for good terms. Also full line ol equipment available at a very reasonable price. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 24479 bb251 SI."."". 10 A. In Filberts, Walnuts, CherT rles. prunes. Furnished 3 BR. Home and all farm Equip. Call Crain BURT PICHA. REALTORS TH. 3210 or 50:3 337 N. HUh Street bb2;.2- 'a ACRES nuts, fruit St berries. 2 bedrm. itaraue house. 100 ft. drilled well, nice burn chicken hse Good laying land. KiKlewuod schl. tlist. Write owner at 645 Harden Drive, Lebanon, Oregon. bW.ij CHOICE li ACRE 123 x lfi." LOCATED North in one of the best restricted districts. Price $825. C. 11. Sanders-231 N. High-5838 bb25l' UNIMPROVED 40 acres. Close In Eiust. on pavement. Elec. line. 25 acres tn cultivation. Nice Bldg. Site. 82.0. Call Harold McMlllln with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS l.i3 S. High Ph. 4121. Eves. 8lF21bb232 "j:t!l ACRES without bldg 5. East on pave ment .V Eire. line. 160 Acres plowland. Hal. va.-.iuri', 8 A. timber. Price $ 15. 000. Would trade for city property. Cill Harold McMUlin with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. Hish Ph. 4121. Eves. 81F21 bb2.S2 $17,500 Jt ACRES northeast. Willamette silt loam Two house, one new 5 room home. Other 3 room with bath. 40x30 bat 204O new poultry house. Family fruit. New A C. tractor, full attachments, in cluding power lift, cultivator and fer tiliser att. 3 cows, about 300 chickens. 175 bales of hay. 4 or 5 tons barlsy. T.ils place lays nice to subdivide. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 33H5 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 24179 bb2M FOR SALE: 5 acres, close In. 3 acres ftl oeits. 3 years old. Good building site By owner. 2020 Broadway. bb254 31 Y ll-ACRE honifl. 5 rm. plastered house, with nook, basement, fireplace, fur nace. Hardwood firs. In L R. 6 acres gooseberries. IS acres boy senber rles, some strawberries, 4 miles south of Bnlcm off 9DE on Batter Rd. Price $11,000. Rt. 4. Box 299. Phone 22403 bb.il JU.lim. A. 3 rm. Use., about 4 ml. out. nt'ur school on good road, bara & chicken hse , mvt listed OLSON A; REEVE, REALTORS 843 S. Com'L SI. Ph. 4590. eves. 31090 bb251 $B.3tMi 2 bdrm. home with l'j acres. This Is n real s iburban home for two. OLSON Az REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. St. -Ph. 4590; eve. 21030 bbJ51 FOR SALE ACREAfiR KEIZER-CHEMAWA ROAD LATE BUILT modern 3 B.R. home, 1-3 A. of finest silt loam. City and school buses. Owner built this for home. It's good S6.000. 2 HOMES 3 ACRES IMM ED. POSS.! 2 BR. plastered. Other house is 5 rm. stucco, rented. 30 day' poss. 90 fine cherry trees. All this tor $7900. BEAUTIFUL STUCCO NICELY FINISHED 4 B.R. home, all on 1 fir. Basem't., furn., swell shrubs A: fruit trees, garage. See this at 2030 Ma ple Terms. $12,000. LARSEN HOME Ar LOAN CO. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Com'l. St. Phone 8389, Eve. 7440 bb250 S ACRES In Liberty district with 2 bed room house. On paved road and su burban bus line. Some timber, cherries, walnuts and prunes. Price $5500. ROSTEIN U ADOLPH, INC. 1103 N. Commercial St. Phone 3030 Eves. 8314 bb250' $2500 DOWN BALANCE good terms. 1 acre suburban. 2 bedrm. home, good barn, east on paved road. M O. HUMPHREYS St CO. 3035 Portland Road Phone 7820 2286 Fairgrounds Road Phone 24598 bb250 REAL ESTATE NELSON NEWS NEW 4 BDRM. ENGLEWOOD STRICTLY MODERN home with L. R.. dinette. Kit. with discharge Ian, 2 bdrms. A: bath on 1st fir.. 3 bdrms., bath on 2nd fir., hwd. firs., auto, oil heat, burner yet to be installed, 2 bUs. from school A; stores, on bus line. $13,800. 3 RM. COTTAGE NO. COMB, L.R.-D.IL. Kit., 1 bdrm., PlfLSt. for bath, garaue. on 60 ft. lot. $2900. GOOD HOME ON MADISON WELL BUILT, attractively redecorated. imd. avail, at the right price. Ask for appointment. GROCERY. STORE OPPORTUNITY LONG established in a rapidly expanding community with good buying quotas, well equipped including meat dept., 5 rm. mod. furnished home, only $24,000. GOOD LAND BUY 3 AC, ALL In cultivation, 3 ac. prunes. Llbcrty-nosrrinlo di.st. ATTRACTIVE COUNTRY HOME I!i AC. GOOD 6 rm. modern home, L. R., Kit., 3 bdrms., bath, full basmt., utility rm., garage, chicken house, bam, ber ries, cherries, filberts, apples, pears, walnuts Az prunes, near store A: school, on paved rd.. $7500. 2 ac. pasture ad join i us can be leased $5 per yr. 25 AC. 6 RM. HOME. $8500 GOOD AS new home with 3 bdrms.. fplace, utility rm.. unfinished upstairs, 2 car garage, elec. water system, convenient to 2 towns. Photo In our office, WALLACE RD. FARM 100 AC, AH, cult., Will, soil, 7 rm. mod, home, good 40 x 60 barn, garage, pump house, milk houso & other out bides., 2 wells, 40 ac. ready for peas, well drained, on paved hwy., family orchard, near Dayton. $20,000. IF THESE do not meet your requirements tell as wnai you want. We probably have It. NELSON St NELSON Chet I. Nelion Theo. G. Nelson REALTORS Rm. 300-2 Masonic Bldg., 495 State St. Ph. 4419 or 4622. Eves. 21350 Farms 2.(347 c250' $.i9l)O,0li WEST Salem, 3 bedrooms, liv ing room, am l lift room, kitchen, garage. Income 50.00 per mo, plus living quar ters. SliKOO.OO .1 BEDROOM Home South, 1 Acre, city water. Good view property. 8IMMiiH-3 HEDKOO.U Home, living room. dining room, aen, basement, furnace, lot 80 x 100. Garage. JHMMMUIO ONE Acre with 6 room Home, utility room, small barn, double garage. Immediate possession. Sia.JMHi.oo MADISON Street, living Toom, kitchen, 4 bedrooms, basement, iurnace, garage, P. H. BELL, REALTOR 510 Guardian Bldg. Phone 4896 c250 "RUSHIN!" TO BUY and sell farms. Sep Mr. Rushin. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 21549. Eves. 3687. c252' 100 X 100 FT. LOT BEAUTIFULLY LAND SCAPED with fruit trees and shrubs. House has three bdrms. and sleeping porch. Good roof. Part newly decorated older tpe house. Brand new oil circ. and almost new range included in price. Recently reduced to $6850 lor quick sale. WANT MORE BDRM. SPACE? THIS IS IT. Four bedrm. house, full base ment, almost new furnace. Corner lot, 60 x 138 ft. Range Included. North. Let us siiow you this comfortable lamily home. Price $7250. "A ROOM WITH A VIEW" LOT G3 x FT. 3 bdrm. hse., hdwd. Ilrs., located In West Salem hills. Elec. cooking and water heating. A place with plenty room for the children to play. Has work shop in the garage. All llus lor $8050. 'YOUR BLUE HEAVEN" IN ENGLEWOOD dlst. 2 bdrm. hse., auto, oil heat, Eire, cooking and water heat ing. Ivory bath fixtures, ample closets and cupboards. Beautifully landscaped lot with outdoor fireplace, terrace, walks and sprinkler system. You can't BO wrong on a property this fine, SALEM REALTY CO. 149 N. High Street Phone 7660 "LIST WITH SALEM TO SELL 'EM" c251 LARGE LOT for your future home, North, Just off Pacific highway. Joins city limits. Will sacrifice for $1000. Call Wes Goodrich ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemeketa St. Phono 5981 c2S0 HAVE YOUR own business with no blue sky In the price. Located In growing town Garase, service station and Ice agency. Delivery truck with meter. Low rent. Ice business alone netted $125.00 per month through summer. $5500. Call Wes Goodrich ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemeketa St. Phone 5981 c250 113.1 NO. IHTII, 2 brtrm.i., liv. rm.. dinette, hdwd floors, fireplace, basement, auto, gas floor furnace, elect, hot water heater, immcdtato possession. Call Ru bers. Sl.imt HERE IS a 2 bdrm. home with at tached garage that is lust the thing for low cost housing. Call McGlauf hn. S4i!t:,(i THIS IS a small cute 2 bdrm. home wsih lloor furnace, fireplace, close to bus it schools. South. Cull Baron. $7750 A GOOD house with II v. rm.. din. rm., basement, sawdust heat, north, don't wait. Call Spreadboroush. $yt.-,u THIS SETUP can solve many prob lems. 2 houses, both 5 rms., modern on 3 acres with 90 cherry trees. Think of the possibilities. Cull Rubers. SS.'nM) A GRACIOUS home with large rms. and uintiown, grand lot with Iru.t trt-L's, some ol the furniture goes. Call McG..u!lhn. Stw.,0 mis COULD fit you. 3 bdrm. home, spacious living A: dining rms., carpeted wall to wall, large master bed room, glassed In sleeping porch, auto, oil furnace In basement, double garage and shop. Lot is 144x165, additional acrtaue can bo obtained, north. Call McGlaullin. Sr.Miuo A ; BOHM. home on Falrmount Hill. Double plumbing, oil heat, large home or rental income, SlJ.ritHt 4 BDRMS. stucco house. hdw4. floors down, basement, furnace, lo; KiUxltiO i.orth. Call Spreadborough. $ I MOO 3 B 11 it 51. Hollywood Dut.. dou ble s urate, excellent location. Let us show you this. Call Rubcrg. SLI..MW UNUSUALLY large rooms thru out, 2 bdrms., with rm. for more u s,.ir. house 8 yrs. old, auto, oil fur nace Az a.r conuitloniug. Call Baron. $ll,5im A .1 BDK.M. double plumbed house l.i Salem's best residential Dist. Give Mr. Bacon a ring and ask him. SMI), two LOVELY 8 rm. home for gra cious living, outside lountain. hundreds of valuable shrubs Sz plants, 5 acres Iruit, Suitable for subdividing. Loveliest vie in Salem. MANY MOKL. call and tell our salesmen w hat vou want. REIMA.NN REAL ESTATE "L. sunns Skillfully Handled" :01 S. High Ph. 3722 or 7836 Eves. Az Sun. 24113 or 3(521 c SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS DESPERATE FOR A PLACE TO LIVE? YOU NEEDN'T be. Let us show you brand new temporary hung quarters in beau tiful Kfiirr dist. setting. A line build ing spot for ttie future. Has two rooms and place tor bath. A half acre with walnut trees. You can't afford to pass tlus up for $3250 00 NICE NEW 3 B R. home, close In to city it nuts. East, almost W A , living room with hwd. floor. imxl att. garage, elect pump, elect, wtr. htr., idy trays, nice tMth Poss in 3 weeks. $7900. Call Ed Luk:nbral ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemeketa St. Phono 981 cJiO REAL ESTATE TO BUY OR SELL 8KB CHARLES DELFEL HOME3 FULL BASEMENT: 2 bedrnu., fireplace, wired for elec. range, elec. water htr. Furnace. Near Parrlsh. Sal 120X. $8000. COMPLETELY FURNISHED: 3 rms.. wir ed for elec. range, 40 gal. hot water tank, lots of bullt-lns and Inlaid tin. Near Four Corners. Sal 122X. $6300. I ItLKS. TO STATE HOUSE. Corner lot, fi rm. house. 3 bed rms. main floor, basement, sawdust furnace, $9500. Sal 124X. FARMS GENERAL FARM: 25 acres. 20 cult., small amount of timber, sandv-blaek loam, all fenced. Elec. and phono. Near Sun nyslde. S7S00. fial 108. ALSO THREE CATS. 2 good houses. 60 A.. 35 cult, some timber, exceptional prune orchard, tractor. 5 cows, harrow, fre! no. drag sew. 3 barns, lame dog and 3 cats, priced below market at $9000, Sal 116. OWNER SAYS REDUCE To $16,500. th's top grade orchard, 46 A., nearly ill cult. Pears, apples, prunes, walnuts, cherries, cover crop tn. $7500 yrly. gross. Hai lis. HOME IN COUNTRY. 54 acres, excellent lor grain and turkeys. 8 room house. 8 brooder houses for turkeys, good ga rage. Near Jerierson. (25.000. Sal 120. CHICKEN OR TURKEY FARM. 10 acres. 1 bedroom hcuse. Tile incubator house and other smaller bldgs. 3'i acres cher ries, will handle 7000 birds. SE Salem, $10,600. Sal 122. TIMBER I ! 505 A stock ranch with l million ft timber. 100 A. cleared pas ture, 100 A pasture In timber. 2 good roans, nouse. Darn, 25 miles out. 116,000 Sal 124. WILL YOU BE THE LUCKY ONE? 43 acres. 6 miles south of McMinnville, Can be bought for $8000. Neat 5 room house. Call us for details. Sal 126. RETIRING? Let Us show you this Ideal location. Modern 3 bedrm. hse., double garage. 18x24 barn, chicken house, landscaped, patio. 6'i A. 3 ml. east Lancaster Drive. IIS.OOO. Sal 128. GENERAL FARMING and A real buy. 163 acres. jj unaer cult.. 8 room house, fireplace and lot. of other buildings A: equipment at extra cost. $32,500. 2 miles west or Mt. Angel. Sal 130. PICNIC BY THE CREEK. 28'i a., 8 a. iiiDeris. no. i timoer ana pasture, wen, press, syst.. creek; fam. orch. ft-bedrm. mod. furnished: 10-cow barn, 7 horse stalls, chick hse. cow. heifer, 175 hens, drag-saw, tractor. $10,000. SE Oregon City. 358. OATS AND BARLEY. 108 a.. 85 cult.. 45 in crops. 41 a. timber. 1 a. fam. or chard, creek. 5-rm. farm home In good cond. 7 cow barn, gralnary, garage, 4 other buildings, 3 horses. Hereford bull, 13 cows, 5 calves, chickens, machinery. Nr. Carlton. 311.500. 371 WALNUTS AND TEACHES. 68 a. 40 a walnuts, peaches. 60 - filberts. 1000 young trees in reserve; springs, well, pressure system. 4 - bedroom modern, bsmt., 30 x 60 barn. 14 x 36 nut washer, dryer. Tenant hse., other bldgs. John Deere tractor, sprayer, other equipment. $29,950. Nr. Oregon City. 385. T-BONE HERE. 40 .. 12 It. cult., some 2d growth fir., fam. orch., 2-bedrm. unfln. (livable: 6-cow barn. 3 cows, 3 horses, 2 Shorthorns, chickens, mow er, rake, harrow, seeder. 3 plows, disk, separator, 2 tons hay, equip. Near Col ton. 407. INCOME DO YOU WANT SI 00,000 YEARLY? Have excellent going business In entertain ment field Confidential proposition No telephone information, ask for Mr. Ben ham or Mr. Nilsen. SVi YEAR LEASE on comb, service sta.. garage, grocery. 2 cabina Az trailer space. Includes some tools, furniture, ata. equip., inventory of groceries and a welders. Good location. 18975. Bal 105 Inc. COUNTRY CLUB LOCATION: S acres of rolling subdivision land. On highway close in. As pretty a view as there Is In Oregon. Land drained well enough for basement under every building, $29,500. Sal 107 Inc. NATURAL SUBDIVISION: 88 acres, al ready surveyed for subdivision land. Water at 18 feet; 1 well now in. Cross fenced. Adjoining Gervals. $10,750. Sal 109 Inc. UTAPIa: A place to live and a steady In come! Going business, large stock and equipment. 6 room house, main street Falls City. $13,700. Sal 112 Inc. USED CAR LOT. 100x100 on Union. 12x13 office bldg. 4 flood lights. Gd. comer. $2850. 71 Inc. CROC. AND CONFECTIONERY STORE. Beer and wine license; good 3-year lease; close In SW busy dlst. In Port land. $18,000. 61 Inc. GUEST HOUSE. On BOW -fl rms., Ideal motel, gas or cafe location, 300-ft. fron tage. Frpc. 3 bedrm. sulu incl. $12, 500. 50 Inc. NEW SERVICE NOW 24 HOUR phone service, 7 days a week. CHARLES DELFEL, REALTOR 615 N. Capitol St. Phone 7002 c250- LOT 63 X 237 FT. VIEW LOCATION In West Salem. 3 bed rm.v. hdwd. floors. Only 8 yrs. old. Elec. cooklnjr and water heating. Work shop In garage. Plenty of room for chil dren to play. See this at $8950.00. 3 BED ROOMS ENGLEWD.. lot 150 ft. deep. Newly paint ed, a truly nice home In every respect. Large garage. Fuil basement. Let us show you this today. Price $11,500.00. AUTOMATIC OIL HEAT BUILT AT A time when they built to stay, 6'i yrs. ago. Has two bdrms.. elec. cooking and water heating. Ivory bath fixtures. Nicely landscaped with outdoor fireplace, terrace, walks, fence and sprinkler system In Engle wood district. A fine home Indeed. $15,000 00 "LIST WITH SALEM TO SELL EM" SALEM REALTY CO. 149 N. High St. Phone 7660 c350 SOME GOOD acreage, close In. Fine soil. If Interested. Call Ike Bacon ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemeketa St. Phone 5981 c250 $2000 DOWN A CLEAN 6-room home. 3 bedrooms, un finished unstalrs, attached garage. Cor ner lot. 60x135, 5 fruit trees. 2 blocks to bus. close to grade school. Vacant now, move right in. LOCATED AT 1706 N. 4th STREET. Total price $5250. EAST OF TOWN VERY comfortable 5 ronm home with aP proxlmaely 'a acre of land, home has prut hardwood floors, fireplace In liv ing room, wired for range, elec. water heater, garage. 1 block to grade school and bus. $7250. 'i down. 3 BEDROOM HOME EXCELLENT corner lot. fine location, has llvlnsroom. dining room, 1 bedroom, khchen and utility room down. 2 bed rooms and bath up, 3 auto gas floor furnaces Entirely renovnted Inside and out. move right in. sROSO. NEW SUBURBAN HOME FURNISHED VERY neat, modern 4 room home, V. blinds, wired for range, elec. water heat er, fully furnished, all new furniture, immediate possession. Located just Eat of town complete for $8950. SILVERTON ROAD VERY close in. 5s; acres and rery com fortable 5 room home, dandy stable, extra deep well with elec. water sys tem, nice yard. Over 330 foot front age on the Sllverton highway. A fine piece of property for $12,600 MODERN 6 ROOM HOME LARGE combination Uvlngroom and din ingroom 1 bedroom, kitchen and bath down. 2 bedrooms up. fireplace, part hardwood floors. V blinds, wired for range and flee water heaters, basement with auto sawdust furnace, double ga rage Lot ts 50x110. very nice back yard. 3 shade trees, located North, good residential district $12,850 LEE OHMART Sz CO. REALTORS 477 Court St Ph 9680 or 4035 C WALT Aj EVELYN MUSQRAVE REALTpRS $4000 TWO small house, 3 lots in West Salem, all for S40OO. FINE FAMILY HOME HIGH on Klngwood HkLs. 5 years old. No. 1 materials, newly painted outside and In. Ltvingrm., dtntngrm., k'.tchea and nook. 3 bedrms, Venetian blinds, nice fireplace, hdwd. floors, basement, oil furnace, den or 4th bedroom in base ment, fruit room. large lot, white picket fence. A lot of home at S12.600 KLNGWOOD AVENUE $13,000 ANOTHER fine family home, 3 bdrms.. Ilvlngrm.. dlnlngrm., kitchen, hdwd. floors, fireplace, basement, furnace. Ve netian blinds, gas water heater, wired for rane. Bus at door. School 2 blks. 13 ACRES BACK OF KINGWOOD HOTS LOVELY ranch :yle home, strictly mod ern. Furnished If desired. 7 acres prunes- I acre cherries. 3 acres clear. Walnuts and filbert. 20.000 41-ACRE FARM SPECIAL 13 ACRES of Royal Anne cherries, 3 acres oak trees, balance under cult. Good barn, old house. This place netted over 47500 this season. A bargain at $10,500 WEST SALEM REALTY CO. 1233 Edsewatcr St. PO. 5109 C2M AL ESTATE 110.500. Fins home, large lot. Elect, heat, hwd. floors, fireplace, Truly a beautiful Place. S8..MM, APT, house, closa In. Lg. lot. Good location. $2000 down. S25.0IM) HOME on creek. Close In. Hwd. floors, 4 bedrms., hot water and oil heat. Has everything lor a one noma. Call Ike Bacon ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemeketa St. Phone 5981 c250 THIS IS IT H ACRE of fine soil and a modern 4 bed room home, double plumbing, hardwood floors, lull basement and Iurnace, lots of fruit and nuts. Located north lust nt edge of city limits, Owner is leaving Salem and must sell. Price $12,500.00. VERY GCOD LOCATION 3 BEDROOM home. Full basement, oil furnace, plastered, this Is close to high school and bus. good home, better see this. Price 19850.00. MODERN SUBURBAN HOME LOCATED on Lancaster Drive with 14 acres Has hardwood floors. 3 bedrooms down and floored upstairs, fruit and nuts. This Li a good place to cut down on cost of living by having a cow and chickens and growing a good garden. Price $10,000.00. 12 ACRE FARM THIS IS A nice place on Garden Road close In. 4 bedroom home, hardwood floors, full basement, sawdust heat, good barn and 2 large chicken houses very good soli, fruits and nuts. A very good place. Phone in and make an ap pointment to see this place. 210 ACRE FARM THIS IS ONE of the best money-makln? farms in the Willamette valley. 2 sets of buildings. 100 acres of Chehalls silt loam, 110 acres of Willamette silt loam, nil Irrigated, modern 3 bedroom home. This place cannot be beat for canning crops or mint, hops or seed crops, Come tn and see us about this. DROP IN AND see us. We think we will be able to help you In your real estate deaLs. MORRIS REALTY CO. 970 S. Commercial 970 Phone 4217 c253 FORKNER -BOURNE, REALTORS 112502 BEDRM. home. 2 years old. with double lot. South. Close to bus and school. A nice home at this price. JtfH'JA .1 BEDRMS., north. Near bus. school and store. Nice lot. Good sized rooms Immediate possession. On paved st. $8000 i BEDRMS. near Catholic school. On bus line, near store. Bsmt., laundry trays, furnace, hardwood fir. in liv ing room. Nice lot with peaches, wal nuts, grapes and raspberries. MODERN 4 bedrms. in good location, close to Jr. and Sr. High schools. Basement, auto, oil heat, large lot with warehouse on the back. This Is a good buy. Lots of fruit, nuts and shrubbery. NEW MODERN 2 bedrm. home. Electrlc heat, full basement, lge. dbl. garage, new lawn. Fine apt. could easily be ar ranged In basement. Close to Holly wood, near bus See this, ACREAGE 2.? ACRES: 3 bedrm. home In the country. Modern, close to school. Liv. rm., din ing rm., bath, full basement, garage. Good soil. Lots of fruit and nuts. Deep well with elec. pump. $8950. S A. IMMEDIATE POSSSESSION t BEDRMS., near school, paved road. wired for elec range, gas available. Oak floors downstairs, large living room with fireplace. $7250. FORK NER - BOU R NE. REALTORS Joe Spurlock. Salesman Phone 30311853 North Capitol. c251 OWNER LEAVING TOWN MUST SELL 1 A. tract, close to city lim its. N.E. Small barn, dbl, garage. 3 bedrms., dining rm., Iv. rm., hwd. floors, nice kitchen, elect range, elect, wtr. ht., oil clrc. East front. Will take a good offer. Call Ed Lukinbeal ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemeketa St. Phone 5981 c250 MONEY TO LOAN on first mortgages. 4 to 6-.. Call for details. ED BYRKIT Si CO. 339 Chemeketa. Phone 5081. e WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED from owner: Well built older home. Can be In need of decorating. Under $4000. Robert N. Wright, Newberg. Oregon. Gen. Del. ca254 FOR PROMPT and courteous service Ust your property wltb FLOYD VOLKEL, Real Estate Broker 474 Court Phone 3904 ca WE HAVE CASH Buyers tor 3 A I bdrm omes. For quick aal call us. GOOD WIN wltb HAWKINS A ROBERTS. ENG. REALTORO Phona 4108. After 6 871ft. aa WS ABM la do oi good homes to sell in or near Salem. li you vub to list rour property for sale, see GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. Phone 413L ca NOTICE! U rom property ts tor sale rent or exchange, list It with us. wc bare ail kinds caab buyers. STATS FINANCE CO REALTORS l&S S Blgb St. ea MAS WB help Voo Sen Your Property? SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N HUib St. Pbone 7 MO ns BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE WEST SALEM TAXI COMPANY. Gross $7221.00 per year. Equipment in first class condition. Price $3500.00 Cash. Phone 8774 or 146 Gerth Ave. West Salem. cd260 GOING GROCERY, all equipment inc. $600 refrigerator, also the stoctc, store bids., with 6 rooms attached, 1 gas pump. Own your own home and busi ness. $8500. ONE LARGE house with 3 apts., 2 small houses on rear of lot 66x122. Income $65 mo. $8000. North. NEW GARAGE and filling station, equip ment. 2 gas pumps, all modern, doing good business. Price $10,000. C. H. Sanders-231 N. High-5838 cd250 FOR SALE: Service station lea.se Sz in voice. Inquire J. C. welgel, oervaia, ore. 4254 SI 7,000 AN APT. hse. 6 apU. Mostly all furnished, sawdust burner iurnace. fine lot. Income $185 per mo., besides owner's apt. MELVIN JOHNSON 549 N Cottace St. Phone 3723. cd250 DUPLEX TWO lovely units with hardwood floors throughout and basement apt. with bath. Auto. ga.s furnace, water heater and ranges. Dble. garage and bus at door. Half down will handle. $15,500. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd Ph. 3255; eves. 25103 cd251 LUNCH STAND ON 99E NORTH SEATS 1314 ft, ref 7 comparements deep freeze box. Dishes, silver, hot plate, etc.. sleeping room. On lot 63x800 Business netting $35.00 a day at noon to 9 o'clock run. A good buy at $8,450. 'j down will handle. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255; eves. 25103 Cd251 LOOK! HIWAY !9 E Prtld. rd. Good growing business on 66 Ft. by 900 Ft. ueep. Cafe and Equipment. Price $8450. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phone 7696. Res. 24789 cd252 BUSINESS LOT 100 X 110 LOCATED on S. 12th St. Ideal location for used car lot. rOK oall OR LEASE. Call Richard E. Grabenhorst with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 cd250 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY MODERN restaurant, good location. equipment, lease at $a0.00 per mo. seats 50 Net approximately 1150 per week. A REAL BUY AT ONLY $4,500. Call Don J. Dawsdn with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-5338 cd250 MOTEL FOR SALE FIRST-CUSS, shows a wonderful In come, located near Salem on 99 E. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN A GOOD MOTEL. SHOWING GOOD RETURNS. INVESTIGATE THIS NOW GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 cd250 122 FT FRONTAGE ON ?9 E 1 2-RDRM. house with garage. 2 new cabins with attached garages, only $8, 500. Call McGlauflin REIMANN REAL ESTATE "Listtnas Skillfully Handled" 201 S. High Ph. 3722 or 7836 Eves. A; Sun. 3621 or 24113 cd "RUSHIN" FOR YOUR business locations. See Ur. Rushin HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 21349. Eves. 3687. cd253' BEST TRAILER camp tn Salem for sale See Mr Ru.'hin. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St Phone 21549. Eves. 3687, -dirt' RUSIN FSB OPPORTUNITIES SAW AND LAWN MOWER REPAIR SHrjf EQUIPMENT worth $2,000. Income abo $400.00 per month. Price $3,000. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Port lull d Rd. Ph. 3255, Eves. 2,-.ioj Ctl251 J 2000 SERVICE STATION PRICE INCLUDES stcck. equip. Ai leas Lccated in city on 99E. Imm. poss. M. O HUMPHREYS, REALTORS 3035 Portland Road Phone 7820 2286 Falrc rounds Road Phone 24596 cd2.i0 CHEV. 4 YD. dump truck, on Job. 148 day. For salo or trade for late model car or pickup. 106 3. 25th St. cd25l LATH MILLS for sale. 18 to 20 thousand lath per day. bouldor & striper. $1450 New outfit. 703 West First St., New bcrg. cd2fi3 SERVICE STATIONS $2000 As UP GROCERY STORES S530O A: up AUTO COURTS J19.500 Sz UP REIMANN REAL ESTATE "Listings Skilfully Handled" 201 S. Hiuh Ph. 3722 or 7R3B Eves. &z Sun. 24113 or 3621 Cd FOR SALE BY OWNER APPROX. 200 ft. business frontage 8 Water st. SILVERTON. Dam and Hy perion Water ruhls. Price, $12,000. LOIS WEEKS, 116 s. Water, Ph. 773. Sllverton. cd252 FURNITURE FOR SALE rRE-WAK davenport, $50. 685 N. 20th. d251 STEEL RED Sz dbl. coil springs, green tapestry roeker. set of twin or bunk beds, complete with mattresses, small table Az bench. 1220 Center St, d252 3 NEW' Muhoi'.aiiy lamp tables. Ph. 250587 !530 Roosevelt. d251 C ROOMS of high elas.1 furniture. Com Plete with elec. refrigerator, elec. stove, elee. washing machine. 3 bdrm. sets, dining rm. set. overstuffed living room A: etc. Ph. 8213. Reynolds. d250 K'Pir.CE dininir rm. suite, $100: 8 ft. x tension. 2 twin beds (Iron) S4 eo.: dress er. 545 E St. Call after 4:30 or Sunday. d251" WANTED FURNITURE CASH FOR YOUR used furniture, Ph. 7596 State Street Furn. 1900 State. da WHY TAKE less for your furniture See Russ Bright. Phono 7511. daa UIGHEST PRICES paid. Phone Glenn at Woo dry Auction Market Ph. 61 10. da AUCTIONS WE OF the SALEM COMMUNITY AUC TION Wish to thank every one for their cooperation and patronage nt our first sale. Our aim Is to conduct these sales each Saturday to serve the public for the good of all. If you have anythinyi of value to sell list your consignment early with the SALEM COMMUNITY AUCTION that we have tlmo to adver tise for these Saturday sales. Write the Salem Community Auction. 3610 Sll verton Road, Salem. Ore. Phone 2-4074. If you have no means of hauling your consignment wc are equipped to do. Just that for you. MILLER, MGR. ALDERMAN. AUCT. DD250 COMMUNITY AUCTION WED,, OCT. 23 at 10 a.m. Ss 7 p.m. Beds, coll springs, mattresses, tobies, chairs, upholstered chairs, davenoes. daven ports, 1 10 m.m. movie projector, 1 good vac. sweeper, linoleum, blankets, bed spreads, linens, towels, vegetables, feed stoves. Farm machinery Many useful nice articles. Remember our big sale at 7 P.m. Furniture Sz misc. vegetables. Several Bond lots of wcaner pics. 8 head of feeder hoi:s about 170 lbs., sows, fat hogs, 1 registered Hereford bull, 5 yrs. old, cood breeder. A cood selection of heavy springer cows As heifers. Beef stock, horses. LANE SUDTELL'S COMMUNITY AUCTION l'i ml. East of Fairgrounds on Stiver ton Rd. Salem Ore. dd250 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK GOOD HEIFERS, 1 Jersey now milking, 1 Jersey-Guernsey will freshen In April. S 12th at Oak Hill Rd. Rt. 4. Box 343. e25'J" 8 SADDLE HORSES, 3 to 7 ITS. Kid's ponies. Will trade for heavy horses in cood flesh. Home to 11 a.m.. after 4 p.m. 6 mi. N. Salem, 3 ml S. Brook on Portlund Rd. Log Tavern. D. D. Delp. Rt 2, Box 346. Salem. c252 LIVESTOCK WANTED"""" FAT & CANNF.lt COWS for beet Dalrj cows, heifers, bulls, veaL Fat hogs, sows, stags, boars. Mkt. price. E. C. McCand ltsh. Rt. 5. Box 373. Ph. 8147. Across from Waters Bill Park. S. 25th. ca269 WANTED: All kinds of fat II vest Oct. Valley Packing Company Pfe 6035. ea RABBITS RABBITS, all kinds. Top prices paid. Bring or write Wm. Bossert, Rt. 4, Box 66-B. Salem. eb269 FOR SALE WOOD DRY l" slab wood and edgings. Im mediate delivery. Phone 25454. ee256" SPECIAL: Green 18" mill wood, 3 cord load 18; green 16" ednlngs, double load $10. Prompt delivery. Oregon Fuel Co Phone 5533. 6270 DRY SLAB wood and edgings. Immediate delivery Phone 6683. ee255 TRY OUR drive-in Cafeteria today. Fin est dry wood as little as $1.00 worm or sacks of choice coal. 75c. "Take it with you." Also Iare loads of 6Ty wood. 16-ln. or 4-ft. You haul. Ready to ca Oregon Fuel Co, 3555 Portland road ce282" SPECIAL $5 cord, heavy red fir slab and dninti Phone 683 eeSM WEST SALEM FUEL CO. WOOD AND sawdust. Stove oil and dleiel OIL Delivery when promised. Ph. 24031. BONE-DRY mill wood. 16" green slab, good fo.- furnace. Ph. 7721. et t IT. HEAVY slab St 10" mill wood. Also Ile.se St stove oils, sawdust Prompt deL anywhere Phone 9444. ee FOR SALE POCLTRS NEW HAMPSHIRE pullets, ready to 1y. For mmediate delivery. Every pullet Individually selected. Ph. 2286 L Lee's Hatchery f BABY CHICKS) Weekly hatchea New Hampshire and other varletlca Ph. 22861 Lee's Hatchery f V CHRISTIE New Hampshire baby chick-, every Wed. Boylneton's, 3710 State. f CUSTOM DRESSING of chickens, any number Prompt service. Dressed poul try wholesale out pec laity. Pbone 2288L Irfe's Hatchery f PROiJUCE 1 ACRE BI RBANK potatoes In the field. Inquire 1935 Center after 5 p.m. Mr. McGee ff254 GRAPES. 3 CTS. a pound. You pick. Bring boxes. E. F, Walden, 3845 Portland Road, 11251 FOR SALE Apples. Get your winter sup ply direct from orchard. Red Delicious, Jonathon. Winter Banana, Kings. 75o up mmon Grlce. 3 ml West of Salem. Orcharo Heights rd ff253 ROME BEAUTY Sz Spltzcnberg apples Salem. Ph. 24280. II250" RIPE GRAPES for Juice. 2c lb., you pick. E. F. Walden, 3845 Portland Rd. f!252' DELICIOUS AND Spitz apples, sprayed. Jl Az up. Will deliver. Ph, 21853 or 536 North 17th. ff252 LARGE FRANQIETTL walnuts 15c per pound, you pick. Rt. 3 Box 170C. Phone 2-2388 Turn left at Keizer School, fol low paverr.e,nt 2 miles ff252 WANTED HELP WANTED: EXP. stenographer for General office work. Salary $150. 44 hr. wk. Apply rm. 8 Ladd &: Bush Bldg. C252 SOMEONE to do washlns and Ironing. Your home or mine. Ph. 3070. g232' LCARN A va'uable profession. Girls need ed for hose mending. Apply mending counter. Miller's Department Store. g261- . JOURNEYMAN oi! burner service and in stallation man for steady work. See Mr. Kuhl at Judsou's Plumbing Az Hea ing. 273 N. Com'l.. Salem. g22" CONSTRUCTION firm desires experienced bookkeeper or accountant. Box 26, Capi tal Journal. (Continued on Page 13) i