,WU Offense Drive Set for GPS Defense (By thl Associated Prfis) w WillamcUe 3 College of Puget Sound 1 Pacific 1 Linficld 1 College of Idaho 1 Whitman 1 British Columbia 0 Two kingpins of the as-yet-young Northwest conference season clash head on this Saturday when the thrice-victorious Willamette Bearcats entertain College of Puget Sound in Salem. The Taco mans have a win and a tie in two times out. The two clubs set the stage for this Saturday's battle over the week-end as Willamette, w it h the Johnny Slanchik-Marv Goodman pass ing combination clicking twice ior tallies, pounded out a 27-7 triumph over College of Idaho and the Puget Sounders squeez ed through with a 6-6 tie with Linficld. The weekend clash pits the league's best offense against the best defense. The six points Linfield marked up Saturday being the first tal lied against CPS. In other tilts this weekend Pacific University meets Lin ficld in Forest Grove to deter mine which stays in the upper division; and University of Brit ish Columbia, now in the cellar as a result of Whitman's 21-13 triumph, entertains College of flSaho, another basement occu pant. Kittens Scratch Pacific J-V's Out-gunned in virtually every department of the game, Pacific university's Jayvee football team absorbed a 36 to 0 thump ing at the hands of Willamette's so-called second string on Sweetland field Saturday night. Coach "Bunny" Bennett's aggre gation had the upper hand all the way, scoring in every period and racked up four touchdowns in the first half. The yardage was approximately 3 to 1 for the winners with the Willamette Bearkittens being credited with slightly more than 150. Cece Conner carried the ball for two touchdowns, Burley two and Patterson and Fitzsimmons one each. Saturday's Football Stars Rumble for All-American (By th Associated Press Doc Blanchard, Army Scored four touchdowns, including a 93 yard scoring run, in Army's 48-14 win over Columbia, 'Herman Wedemeyer, St. Mary's Pitched three touchdown passes and booted three conversions to spark the Gaels to a 33-2 victory over Fordham. Paul White, Princeton Tallied twice as the Tigers downed Rutgers, 14-7. Walt Pupa, North Carolina Led North Carolina to 21-14 win over Navy by counting twice in last period. Ed Cody, Purdue; Although nursing ankle injury, scored twice to enable underdog Boilermaker machine 'o tie Ohio State 14-14. Chalmers (Bump) Elliott, Michigan Scored first Michigan touchdown and later ran 60 yards for another to aid Wolverines in deadlocking Northwestern 14-14. Bob Lund, Tennessee Carried both Volunteer markers in Ten nessee's 12-0 win over Alabama's Rose Bowl champions, Bobby Layne, Texas Threw two touchdown passes to pace Texas' unbeaten Longhorns to a 20-0 victory over Arkansas. Jack Golding, Oklahoma Crossed Kansas State goal line three times including an 81 yard dash to lead the Sooners to a 28-7 win over the Jay Hawks. Don Carlin, Southern Cal. Counted the first two touchdowns as Southern Cal defeated Washington 28-0. Jack Myers and Ted Shipkey, UCLA Myers bucked over from six for initial Bruin score after leading 68 yard drive. Shipkey galloped 79 yards to pace 91 yartl offensive and then crashed home from the two for clinching counter in Bruins' 13-6 victory over California. Budge Wins Net Title From Riggs in Bay Area San Francisco, Oct. 21 P) The singles title in the Pacific coast professional tennis tour nament went yesterday to Don Budge of Oakland, who defeat ed Bobby Riggs, 6-3, 7-5, 6-4 in the finals. Budge and Riggs defeated John Faunce and Wel by Van Horn for the doubles title. Musial Expects a Boost Seattle, Oct. 21 JP Nation- al league Batting Champion Stan iilusial, first baseman for the World Champion St. Louis CartJ inals, declined to comment Sat urday night on a St. Louis Star Times report he would demand a three-year contract totalling more than $100,000, but did say he expects a pay boost in 1947. PARTS Arc Arriving in Larger Quantities Daily at Loder Bros. We specialize in repair of all General Motors makes and models particularly OLDSMOBILE For Fast. Competent, Friendly 'Service Bring Your Car to Loder Bros. 465 Center Street Phone 5467-6133 18h Tear in Salem PF PA 84 26 6 33 50 47 33 47 39 6 26 36 27 26 Loggers Show Fire for Cats "The Loggers displayed all of the earmarks of thinking about Willamette while playing Lin field," commented Coach Wal ter Erickson after watching Lin field hold the College of Pu get Sound to a 6 to 6 tic at Mc Minnville Saturday night. "We will undoubtedly catch them on the rebound next Saturday aft ernoon." The Loggers, considered one of the strongest clubs in the Northwest conference, will provide Willamette's competi tion in the annual homecom ing engagement, an after noon affair. The Bearcats were given a complete rest from drill Mon day afternoon, but will return to their training chores Tues day. Not too much scrimmage will be engaged in, since Coach Erickson does not care to risk more injuries. He reported that Bobby Douglas, knocked uncon scious in the Idaho game, was released from the hospital Sun day morning apparently none the worse for his experience. U. S. Aces Top Pan-Am Mexico City, Oct. 21 U.R United States tennis players started home from the Pan American tournament today after scoring a near-sweep of the titles, climaxed by Frank Parker's men's singles victory over Francisco Scguar of Ecua dor. Bradley Filly Runs First New York John R. Bradley's filly Bridal Flower won the mile and 316th Roamer handi cap at Jamaica in 1:57 25, pay ing $8.00 at the mutuel win dows and picking up $14,250 first money to boost her 1946 earnings to $101,850. Assault ran second by a neck, and Ri solator ran third. Charles E. "Gus" Dorais will lead the Detroit Lions profes sional football club until Janu ary, 1952, according to a new contract. Venetian Blinds MADE TO MEASURE RIGHT HERE IN SALEM We Measure Make and Install We use only the best materials including the more practical wood slats t Call us for Weather Stripping Reinholdt & Lewis VENETIAN BLINDS 560 South 21st St. Our New Phone 3148 UCLA Bruins Hold Pace San Francisco, Oct. 21 7Pi After last week's rugged football sessions, involving an upset or two, the West Coast gridiron story today remains the same the best team until beaten is the University of California at Los Angeles. The UCLA Bruins, perched atop the Coast conference standings and four times winners over stout opposition, improved their position in the dash to the Rose Bowl with a 13-6 win over a surprisingly strong University of California eleven. The Bruins lined up 6 to 1 favorites. They were lucky to escape with whole skins. Defeated, the Bears outplayed their southern cousins for a goodly part of the game at Berkeley which attracted some 65,000 fans. In some respects, the Bruins lost while winning. Their leading ground gainer and ace right halfback, Cal Rossi, suffered a broken right leg, above the ankle. And their clever field general, Southpaw Quarterback Ernie Case, went out of the contest with a broken nose. Bruins Set Pace Nevertheless, UCLA is set ting the championship pace, un beaten, and may have hurdled the toughest rivals, namely Oregon State. Washington, Stan ford and California. Unless University of Southern Califor nia, pre-season conference fa vorite, has finally hit its stride. Southern California heart ened supporters with a sizz ling comeback, after losses in side and out of the conference by overwhelming Washington 28-0. It was a resounding re ply to the general question of what was wrong with a USC eleven that had bowed to Ohio State, 21-0, and to Ore gon Slate, 6-0, the latter a league afafir. This week's headMner may give further light on the South ern California enigma. The Trojans journey to Palo Alto to take on the fast working Stan ford Indians. Trojans Test Some comparison between the championship-bound UCLA Bruins and the originally title favored USC Trojans may evolve from the meeting be tween the Trojans and Stanford. The latter lost to UCLA, 26-6 and the consensus is the Trojans will have to have their war horse in real racing condition this Saturday. Stanford outscored Santa Clara, 33-26 in a non-conference test Saturday, Santa Clara's hitherto struggling outfit being a bit of a sur prise package in te free-for-all. Santa Clara seems head ed for another fall in its en gagement with UCLA at Los Angeles this week-end, non league in status. Other conference contests on the October 26 calendar send the up and coming California Bears against the Washington Huskies in the homecoming game at Seattle; Oregon State against Washington State at Pullman and Oregon against Idaho at Moscow. Barring rainly weather, Cali fornia's stout defense play coup led with an increasingly im proved offense, may keep the Bears in the race with a win over Washington. Oregon State, walloped by UCLA but upset winner over Southern Califor nia, rates over Washington State, although the latter play ed undefeated Oregon to a 0-0 tie on a wet field last week. Oregon, with two confer ence wins, a tie but undefeat ed, appears too fast for Idaho, which has yet to win in or out of the circuit, its latest being a 26-14 setback by San Jose (Calif.) State col lege. Montana, playing a lighter conference schedule than the rest and loser in its only bid thus far in the standings, lakes on Utah Slate at Missoula. Keiser Takes Golf Crown Knoxville, Tenn. Herman Keiser of Akron, Ohio, won $2, 000 first money in the Knox ville Invitational golf tourney with a 72-hole score of 291, three under par. Chick Harbert of Farmington. Mich., was sec ond, one strike behind. Jim Fer rier and Dutch Harrison, Chi cagoans, tied for third at 293. Journal Want Ads Pay Ten Day On Most Orders "4 Srt Li s V"iw- Lillywhitc Stands on Head WPi Verl Lillywhite, Southern California quarterback, goes head over heels when tackled hard by a Washington player on latter's 10-yard line after five-yard gain dur ing football game played at Los Angeles. No. 4 8 is George Meyers and No 51 is Pete Foster of Washington. Pro Circuit Pace is Set Cleveland Browns Streak For All-America Honors Cleveland, Oct. 21 (Pi The All-America football confer ence's first race with the season half over, looks like a shoo-in for the unblemished Cleveland Browns. Having beaten everybody in the league except the San Francisco 49ers, the Browns are perched at the peak look ing down on seven clubs which have lost at least two each. The winning ways have paid huge dividends at the gate, too. Yesterday as the Browns beat back the threatening western sector second place Los Angeles Dons by 31 to 14, a crowd of 71,134 poured $158,186.32 into the cash registers. Semi-Finals Woodburn Golf Woodburn Semi-finals in the Woodburn Men's golf champion ship are being played off this week, and the contest has nar rowed down to four in each flight. Results of last week's play arc i Championship: E. T. Sims ovrr Pal DfJardm. 2-1; Tony Painter over Matt Mochel, 3-2: Clifford Shrock over Rus sell Yodr, 1 up 20th irrnn. First file tit: Lyman Shorr ? won by default: Clyde Smith over Boh Jackson. 3-1; Krtineth McGrath over Walter Mil ler on 23rd; Joe Steiecr over Tom Set tlemler, 4-3. Second flight: John Black over Marion Ktnnlmr, 2-1; Sam Hoefer over Jake Hershberzer. 1 up on the 22nd hole: Walter Lawson over Fred Hecker, 8-6; Howard Nelson over P. L. LaBarr, 7-8. No matches were played In th third flight. Low medal scorers for the week were Joe Stelger 70, Clyde Smith 71 and Tony Painter 12. Wild Team Ft. Lewis, Wash.i Oct. 21 P The Ft. Lewis Engineers, gun ning for a national service team football championship, looked for new foes to conquer today after trampling Ft. Lawton 45-0 here Saturday for their sixth straight triumph. The Engineers, who have rolled up 296 points of their opponents' 15, ran wild in the fourth period to score four touchdowns. Scoring stars of the game were Tom Jazinicki, sub halfback, who counted three times for the winners, and Quar terback John Ehrsam, who tal lied twice. c4kL li,y fH FIN6ST FOODS TASTE BETTER Nothing adds more zest to sea-foods than a fine beer such Sicks' Select. This smooth, light, sparkling beer has long been M preferred choice of particular people both men and women. m Esteemed for its unvarying high quality it is one of America's m m exceptional beers a fine accompaniment of gracious living. K4 -t . If 1 ill yh At . r I League Struggle Pits Bears and Redskins New York, Oct. 21 m The Chicago Bears and the Wash ington Redskins pace the two divisions of the National Foot ball league for the second con secutive week today but the champion Los Angeles Rams and the New York Giants con tinue to breathe hard on the necks of the two leaders. Both the Bears and the Redskins, whose records arc blemished by one tic apiece, hung up their third victories yesterday. A total of 1G8.958 fans at tended five league games. Washington, defending east ern tilleholder, scored a 14-6 victory over the Boston Yanks at Boston, while the Bears downed the Philadelphia Eagles 21-14. Meanwhile, the Rams breez ed to a 35-14 victory over the tail-end western division Detroit Lions at Los Angeles, and the Giants came from behind twice to beat the Chicago Cardinals 28-24 at the Polo Grounds In remain within easy hailing dis tance of the two leaders. ironmen and' Eagles Pace Ice Hockey League The Seattle Ironmen and Portland Eagles sit firmly atop the Pacific Coast (northern divi sion) Ice Hockey league stand ings today, each with two wins, with Tacoma and Vancouver, B. C, bearing up under twin losses. The Ironmen turned back the defending national amateur ti tlists from Vancouver 6-1 last night, while Portland racked up an 8-2 triumph over Tacoma Sunday after taking a 7-2 win in the latter's hometown Satur day. Journal Want Ads Pay LAWRENCE A. RICH ANNOUNCES THE OPENING of an Accounting and Auditing Office of 20 A4asonc Building Willamina Tips Dayton By 32-0 Grid Spree Dayton The Dayton Union high school lost to Willamina in football here Friday. The score was 32 to 0. HIGH FLIERS TRIP BIRD ON TABLE Some 40 pounds of tur key disappeared like mag ic late Sunday afternoon when Itcv. Chester Ham Mill, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, plac ed the festive board before Willamette u n i v e rsity's traveling football squad and accompanying coach es. The turkey and trim mings were served buffet style in the llamblin home. While a resident of middle west Rev. llamblin was quite an admirer of the University of Minnesota grid club and since coming to Salem has been an ar dent booster of Willamette athletic squad. Foolball Results Southern Oregon colleie S3 Monnroulh coMr-nr. 0 Cr-ntrnl Waslllnalon 31 Wcslern Wash ington 'J6 Wlmworlh 14 at. Martin'x 12 Enatr-rn Washington 0 Paclllc Lutheran 0 ate) l.mlield 8 College o Puget Sound (iiel Willamette 27 College nf Idaho 7 Whitman 21 Rriush Columbia 13 WARDS PRESENT II Art Baker n AND II HIS NOTEBOOK ON KSLM 9:45 A.M. MONDAY THRD FRIDAY Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, Oc(. 21, 19tB 5 Upsets Mar Records Of College Elevens New York, Oct. 21 iP The college foolball season, a cockeyed campaign in which surprises arc a dime a dozen and nothing seems impossible, reaches the halfway mark this week with only a handful of major teams still clutciing untarnished rec ords. Many previously unbeaten outfits were engaged today in pulling themselves from tile's wreckage strewn across every section of the land in the past weekend's wave of upsets, and there was a strong possibility that similar embarrassment lay ahead for some of those who escaped. Leading Teams Army, Notre Dame and Tex as still the nation's top trio all have their work cut out for them next Saturday when they face tough opponents ready, willing and able to blemish their all-victorious records. The Cadets, who blasted Columbia from the unbeaten ranks 48-14, move into New York's Polo Grounds for their annual battle with Duke. The Blue Devils, warmed up for this one with a 41-0 white washing of Richmond. Notre Dame, idle last week, invades Iowa, which pulled one of Saturday's many surprises by blanking Indiana 13-0. Texas, which dumped previously un beaten Arkansas 20-0, visits Rice, an improved team tint dropped Southern Methodist 21 7 for its third triumph since losing a 7-6 opener to Louisi ana Slate. Quakers vs. Middies Pennsylvania's Quakers, who kept their record clean by smearing Virginia 40-0, enter tain Navy in another eastern headliner. The Middies, down ed 21-14 by North Carolina for their third loss, should be ready to give somebody a trouble some afternoon. Midwestern tans will he treated to two conference games in the Big Nine, where the form already has been scrambled beyond recogni tion. Illinois, 27-21 victor over Wisconsin, will be at Michigan, which tied North western 14-14, and Minneso ta, which swamped Wyoming 46-0, will go to Ohio State, tied 14-14 by Purdue. Tennessee, which knocked Alabama from the ranks of the all-victorious, 12-0, will risk its What Other Tire Can Hold a Candle to the At the touch of tlic brake, those sickle edges on J the broad flul tread start to work. They cul through S slippery road film, grip the road surely, top you in w J your tracks. You're sure of long safe : 1 l.nna. t-n..l ' IlIllUHgl, W W ... IF..,..,! on the curves ...Air-Flight comfort nil the way! Com pal TT... ON 'aJM this - Krcap Your Tires If ,acw l ires tvv. these AU- p,: rS.lS Flight features: jMf k . T A I RvO fi 1. Kayon.lht MiracU 1 V$JJ I tfffj,. -jf Ml lighter, trongr tord jL f AW m'r::Jf M t'i"B you grfotit u " t. IIMt TO J? J & i blowout proticlion yt . , ST A MMIM PW'"F,1 Jt "'"i"''- U',,l ,n '" I a hir.l f t 4:50 X 16 pnd lorg.ri I , AV 1 Z'f J , Fi.k'. lamou. Prtough- - X i 3 .jf I ""d """" " ' ' f A ?Afr mallr tiro - 3f . J " . 2. Strong, rVo.-rl.x- ';.- A 'f . -ii Ing Sidowaffl... cushion K , :V Sm AT i your cor ovor Iho bumpt, i"'JF f A j i 1 rtduc Mixing ttroin, S- f 'M W Ungthon tiro lift. R ' or A fcrar .... ON your tire 2 W Salem Tire Service SAM BARRY JOHN VERSTEEG S45 Marion Street Phone 34i: Wharton Heads Boxing Card Sugar Eddie Wharton, Port land's best welterweight, will headline the Veterans of For eign Wars boxing card at the armory the night of October 30. He will meet Young Al Davis over the 10-round route. Whar ton scored an impressive threa round knockout over Lou Bal lard of Boise on the card of two weeks ago and displayed considerable class while doing so. Matchmaker Tex Salkcld announces that he is lining up a support card that will be a credit to the main event and currently is trying to sign the popular Chuck "Kid" Brown of Portland for the six round semi-final against a suitable opponent. Botli Wharton and Davis have boon in serious training and will have little difficulty in making the weight of 142 pounds or under for the match. perfect record ill a try for a fifth triumph at Wake Forest, and Georgia, which kept Ha record clean by romping over Oklahoma A. and M., 33-13, will be al Furman for non-conference games in the South. The Southeastern conference slate sends Kentucky to Ala bama, Auburn to Georgia Tech, Louisiana State to Vandcrbilt and Mississippi State to Tulane. Other top-notch contests will find Florida at North Carolina, Richmond at Washington and Lee, William and Mary at VMI and Arkansas at Mississippi. JCE CREAM All Flavors QUARTS xXn NO LIMIT 33 W SAVING CENTER Salem and West Salem 0. .... 1TaV2 YOUR TIRE 2 A A You ( an, Because ' m 0 ci.t A