2 Capital Journal, 'Salem, Oregon, Monday, Oct. 21, 1946 Dam Hearing Is Open One Albany Views pro and eon regarding proposed construction of a flood control dam on the South Santiam river will be air ed and invited al a public hear ing to be held at the Crowfoot Grange hall three miles east of Lebanon and approximately half a mile soilth of U. S. highway No. 20, it was announced Satur day by the war department. The hearing, scheduled at 10 a.m., November 9, is the out growth of a decision by U. S. army engineers that ihe origin ally proposed Sweet Home res ervoir is no longer feasible be cause of Sweel Home's prodi gious growth since 19:18. This was when the original South Santiam flood control project was mapped, the department an nouncement explained. Accord ingly, it was staled, alternative sites are being considered and it is to give local interests op portunity lo make known their desires and objections to the several silos now under con sideration. While oral reports will be ad milted, interests planning ap pearances had better prepare written reports, it is suggested, or the sake of accuracy. These reports may be submitted prior to the meeting lo O. E. Walsh, colonel, corps of engineers, dis trict engineers. 628 Pillock block, Portland 5. Pedee The Noloppow Camp Fire group held their first council fire at the W. P. VanDenBosch home. Florence Wnllman was taken in as a new member. Those receiving honor beads were: Phyllis Ruitcr, Wanda Blankenbaker and Lorna Van DenBosch. All the girls re ceived their membership pins and Lorna received her trail seekers pendant, which fastens lo her pin and represents the first rank in Camp Fire. Ruftis Dodge and Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Howard attended the unnual meeting of Benton Lincoln Electric company at Corvallis. Oscar Smith of Bridgeport was re-elected direc tor from Polk county. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Shey the and sons, Denny and Mark of Mill City and John Sheythe of Cloverdale were visitors at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sheythe. Mrs. Sidney Howard attended the county Farmer's Union quarterly meeting nt Bridge port. Guests at the home of their mother, Mrs. Rittie Kcrber, are Mr. and Mrs. Clell Kerber and Rose of Mill City and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bush of Gold Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Dyer, Alberta Ronco, and Betty Bur bank were evening guests at the C. G. Burbank home at Falls City. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dodge and children, Sally and Larry of Valsetz were visitors at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Dodge. Reception Planned For Amity Teachers Amity Mrs. George Pally, Mrs. Karl Tallman and Mrs. A. J. Loop wore hostesses for the regular meeting of the W.S.C.S. at the Methodist Episcopal church. Mrs. H. W. Torbet, vice president, presiding. A reception for the grade and high school teachers was planned for next Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. A "goodwill" letter to Russian women was prepared and read by Mrs. Musselman. The letter will be sent in accord ance with the national society. Christian Endeavor Rally Date Is Set DallasA rally of (he Polk county Christian Endeavor so ciety will be helil Wednesday evenhfy, October in the Dal las Christian church, Carl Black, president, announces. A large group of young peo ple is expected from other churches In the county. On Ihe program is a short business meeting, to be followed by an evening of games and fellow ship. Capt. Phelps Returns Dallas Capt. Charles E. Phelps is home with his pat ents. Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Phelps, on terminal leave after 5'-j years in the army. He served three years overseas. For the past two and a half years he has been stationed in the Pentagon building in Washington. 1). C. in the military intelligence divi sion. NURSE LOSES FAT SAFELY AYDS WAY Gat iflinmir wffaovf extnist Rt fttartltr. pmatnm, ftivr, jut! cut 'limit. AYIS Yimmirt Ljnnv HrdiuiNc Han i Mlf, amitilr . win No ru-ruir. No drug No UiiitivM tin of more thin In IV w orrki limrat If.tt !h ti.li I'lm ilurtnl hy mt.liral tturtiw. (VIkkmj A YDS hrioir rinh rornl dull the iv. pptilf . Yfl yoii tri vitamin, mineral, cw filial ButmnU. in AviW Start ifwi AYIJS Ymmin Candy way to tirf weight now Mt div tupply e Avd. C 25. MONEY It U K on the very ftrtt bos il you don't frt rrtulu. I'tton .. Willftt'a Carnal Drut Store, cornet 8iaU and Liberty itieeU, VI Home Demonstration Red Cross Active Unionvale The Unionvale home demonstration unit will meet at 10:30 o'clock Wednes day in the Ladies' Aid room "Parents-Adolescence" will be the subject of Miss Marion Don aldson's address. The first meeting of the Red Cross club for this season will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Clow, beginning at 11 o'clock. Work will be done for the hostess. Lebanon Youths Given Jail Terms Albany Three Lebanon youths were given ten-day coun ty jail sentences in juvenile court Thursday when they pleaded guilty before Juvenile Judge E. G. Arnold each tg sev eral charges brought by Albany city police. The three were arrested by Capt. Glenn McDaniel after al legedly creating a disturbance at the skating rink, but they vehemently resisted arrest. Dur ing the ensuing melee other city officers arrived at the scene and soon subdued the recalcitrant trio. T. D. Hammock, lfl, pleaded guilty to charges of being drunk and assaulting an officer, and Gene Olson, 17. and Gordon Benz, 16, to interfering with an arrest, disorderly conduct and assaulting an officer. Sfayfon High School Bandsmen Increase Stayton Felix French, music supervisor for the grade and high schools, has announced that approximately 20 high school students have reported for band. Regular practices are held. Members have not yet taken reg ular positions, according to French. A grade school band was also organized last week with ten members. The high school group in cludes Jack Anderson, Dolores Archambeau, Gene Cornforth, Marilyn James, Roland Misfeldt, Bill Mitchell, Kennelh McCall, Albert Oakes, Velma Raph, Val erie Walker, Clinton Wilson, Merle Windsor, Bill Covert, Dean Odcnthnl, Jean Poole, Jim Garnett. Dyers Are Honored By Kitchen Shower PimIpp The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McCormack was the scene of a no host potluck din ner and miscellaneous kitchen shower given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Dyer. Rela tives present or sending gifts were: Mrs. Lena Turner, Arthur Dver. Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Bur- bank, Ruby and Earl, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Willett and family. Bob Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Mills and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clinlon McCormack and Curtis, Mrs. Lura Trueax and Nelda, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Trueax and family, Mrs. Maud Burbank, Miss Alberta Ronca, Miss Pat Burbank. Mr. and Mrs. Earl G;iuo and familv. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Burbank and Betty, Mrs. Marsh, the honor guests. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Dyer and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mc Cormack. Albany Postmaster Job Interests Five Albany Application blank have boon procured by twelve prospective candidates for the Albany postmastership appoint ment, bill only five nvowed can didates for the post were known Thursday to have filled out the blanks and to have actually made application. Known aspirants are Acting rostmaster J. F. Howard. John Motley. Charles J. Olvis, Tom Palmer and Carl Stanley. Deadline for turning in ap plications was Monday. Of the known candidates. Olvis. Pal mer and Stanley arc World War 11 vclerans. which gives each of them an advantage over other candidates under civil service custom, subject to offsetting at tributes which the other aspir ants may possess. Liquor Is Discussed Stayton The Stayton WCTU met recently at the Methodist church. The group engaged in a general discussion of liquor problems. Mrs. Martha Brown and Mrs. Clarence dinette read several articles and Mrs. Gav otte led in devotions. The next meeting will be held November 11! at the Methodist church. 5f0MACH? 'P& , m Stomach queasy, uneaav and up.wr? (Jniet and calm it with loathing TEPTO-bismol. Help bring prompt relief to lour, lickish, upset itom nch arts to retard gaw formation and simple diarrhea. IMeasant-tast-ing. Non-laxative). Ask your drug gist for PEPTO-BISMOL when your stomach is upset. A NOKW1CH PRODUCT Taxpayers Give Poor Addresses Albany Tax statements are being mailed from the sheriff's office to about 30,000 Linn county property holders, listing the 1946-47, taxes and even be fore the last of the statements had been sent out more than 150 have been returned to the office for lack of acceptable ad dresses, Mrs. Harry Nelson, de puty sheriff in charge of tax collections, said Saturday. . Mrs. Nelson explained that, while in the past the address of a property owner was regarded by the post office as adequate if the post office alone was designated, it is required now that street addresses or rouie numbers be given. Inasmuch as the sheriff's of fice can rely upon its records, many statements that would pre viously have been delivered are now being returned for bet ter addresses. Consequently, Mrs. Nelson suggested that per sons who fail to receive their statements should call at the of fice or write in, giving the tax payers full address, that his statement may be forwarded. Lincoln Mr. and Mrs. E. F. McKinney and son, Perl McKinney, went to Weippe, Idaho, on a six day pleasure trip. They were ac companied by his sisters, Mrs. Alice Welch and Mrs. Verle Wilkinson. While at Weippe they visited Mr. McKinney's brother, Ray, and family, and at Potlatch, Idaho, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McKin ney, his brother and sister-in-law. Mrs, Verle Wilkinson had not seen her brother Ray for 42 years. Mrs. R. J. Meissncr and Judy who have been house guests of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Starnes at Halsey, have returned home after being gone for a week. Mrs. L. I. Mickey has been substitute teacher at Zena as the regular teacher, Mrs. Lloyd Allen, has been ill. Lebanon Voting Strength Gaining Lebanon Of Linn county voters registering for the No vember 5 election, Lebanon showed the largest proportion ate increase of any municipality in the county. Registrations climbed from 2022 in May to 2207, a gain of 185. Both parties gained but the increase of dem ocrats was twice that made by the republicans. The latter are still in the majority, however, the rolls listing 1100 republicans to 1030 riemoprats. Nine are reg istered as independents, two so cialists, two prohibitionists and 63 miscellaneous. Gervais Community Card Play Resumes Gervais The Gervais Com munity club resumed winter card parties with a no-host sup per served at 7 o clock with. Mrs. Aurtur Coffin, Mrs. Allyn Nu som, Mrs. M. Lucas and Mrs. Ernest Andres in charge of ar rangements. Later 11 tables of cards were" played and high scores were won by Mrs. Fred Manning and Aurtur Rassmun son. Second high scores went to Mrs. Lela Ragland and M. D. Hcnning. The next party will ! be October 22 when Mrs. Antone I DeJardin. Miss Nellv Smith. Mrs. Fred Manning and Mrs. M. D. Hcnning will serve the no host supper. Help StilfNeeded Lebanon Farm Labor Assist ant Lawrence Page reports this week that while the harvest sea son is approaching its end some outside help is still needed for the harvesting of walnuts and one or two other late crops. Vacation Trip Over Jefferson Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith. Stanley and Paula May and Mrs. H. A. Thiessen and daughter Ruth, have returned from a vacation trip lo eastern Oregon and northern California. On their return home, they stopped at Coos Bay and vis ited former Jefferson residents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hale. m unrig Opens 6:45 P.M. Now! Two Thrill Hits! Cum StratlM rwttfl Zanc Grey's "West of the Pacos" Hob MiU'luim v ami I , ! H utl CAM .1 FOR RENT Floor Sanders and Edgers By DAY or.HOUR COMPLETE LINE OF FLOOR FINISHING MATERIALS McGlLCHRIST & SONS 25S North Commercial Phone 8478 WALLPAPER, PAINT AND ROOFING 7 "ft! Counting Recluse's Fortune W) The $469,500 fortune of Mrs. Minnie Rosser Weigle, found in a secret compartment in her trunk in a New York apartment, is counted by Executors Robert Raymond (left), and Timothy Healy (right), and a bank official, Peter Riley (center). Lebanon Campaign Showing Progress Lebanon The local Commun ity Chest drive got off to a very promising start this week, an nounces Regis Foss, drive chair man, acting for the sponsoring Active club. . Business district solicitation is progressing very rapidly and is expected to fin ish today, Foss states. Definite progress is being made oh coverage of industrial plants and unions. Lebanon's residential section and the out lying districts are not complete ly organized for solicitation but plans will be completed by Monday. The annual cancer drive is to be included in the Lebanon Chest this year. Fireplace Project Will Be Completed Sublimity The Happy Sew ing club resumed its meetings for the winter Thursday after noon meeting at the home of Mrs. Grace Ditter. The group made plans to complete the out door fireplace project, which has been in progress for several months in the parish grove. Members will also sew for the church bazaar to be held No vember 10. The afternoon was spent in playing 500. Mrs. Fran ces Harlman will entertain the club at the next meeting. Present were Mrs. Philomene Schrieve, Mrs. Margaret Half mann, Mrs. Mary Du Schado, Mrs. Ida St'effes, Mrs. Rosa Rois terer, Mrs. Katie Tocpfer, Mrs. Mary Kintz, Mrs. Angeline Hassler, Mrs. Marie Hottinger, Mrs. Florence Schmitt, Mrs. Martha Clover, Mrs. Frances Hartman, Mrs. Rose Susbauer. Mrs. Margaret Susbauer, Mrs. Evelyn Hoeschen, Mrs. Gertrude Lintz and the hostess, Mrs. Dit ter. Sublimity St. Boniface high school student body, 1946-47 of ficers are Gordon Nightingale, president; Bernard Lulay, vice president; Helen Stuckart, sec retary and Grace Laux, treas urer. TTTVOTTl. Opens 6:45 P.M. cuiim mints iiium RITA HUH II H' I'll i, i. miu i! ii Co-Feature Jess Barker "GIRL ON THE SPOT" aKW)ciaaKMMoa)(i For BETTER HEALTH HEMORRHOIDS (It In) FISTI1I.A K1KSI Rf PROI.ATSt and other Rectal condition. No hoa- acrlptlv booklet. tj; Dr. R. Reyr lds Clinic NATl'RO PRO JIOI.OOIST til N. MbertT At. Salem. Ore. Phone A Sunnyside Miss Gladys Bartholomew of Salem and Miss Grace Chandler of Sunnyside spent the week-end at Odell Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cole, children Billy, Garry and Tom my, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Heckart, and son Larry were at Nelscott over the week-end. Bonnie Large, Lorraine Beck ell and Charles Sherwood en tered Salem senior high school this year. Craig Taylor is at tending Oregon State college at Corvallis and Roy Sherwood is attending Oregon College of Ed ucation at Monmouth. Substitute Clerk Positions Are Open Stayton Civil service exam inations are to be held soon for substitute clerks at the follow ing Marion county post offices: Stayton. Molalla, Mt. Angel and St. Benedict. Applications may be secured through local post offices and must be on file with the direc tor, eleventh district. U. S. Civil Service Region. 457 Central Building, Seattle 4. Wash., not later than at the close of busi ness October 21. Delaware is often called the Diamond State, because of the concentration of wealth in such a small area. IB F,.ih Tom Il.t.bHh MORGAN-DRAKE 'TAYtOR IN TECHNICOLOR! HIT No. 2 Kent Taylor in "DEADLINE FOR MURDER" NOW! NtW ftf Jft, NtW "COLD ?gothim down? (soRechEst)-WAV3 f muscles z TnrHr I J 6efM NTH0LATU M Poor little cheat muscle so tight they fpol "squeezed". . . so sore from hard coughing it actually hurts him to breathe? Quick Mentholatum! Rub it on chest, back, neck. It warm, gently stimulating action OaorriBftt. 1M. T HNdMMnOk USED FOR OVER 50 YEARS TO COMFORT COLDSI Temperance Union Elects at Dallas Dallas New officers for the Dallas WCTU were elected Tuesday at a meeting held at the home of Mrs. J. C. Wright. New officers are Miss Evelyn Collins, president; Mrs. Brad shaw, vice president; Mrs. John Calavan, corresponding secre tary; Mrs. E. J. Johnson, treas urer; Mrs. G. H. Jantzen, re cording secretary. The group made plans for temperance week from Octo ber 27 to November 3. Four members are planning to attend the state convention in Pendle ton next week. Nine Candidates For Council Seats Mt. Angel There are nine candidates for the three posi tions on the city council who will be voted upon at the No vember 5 general election as a result of a city caucus with Ed Stolle, chairman, and Louis Schwab, secretary. Joseph L. Wachler, Carl Mucken and A. G. Tracger are candidates to succeed themselves while their seats are sought by Alton Big ler, William Bean, Edward lin ger, Victor Frey, Albert Uhing and William Blem. Federal Finances May Help Hospital Mt. Angel The proposed hos pital may be able to obtain fed eral assistance, it was reported by Rev. Damian Jentges, pastor of St. Mary's church, at the weekly meeting of the Business men's club. Reports on meas ures on the ballot for the gen eral election were given by J. T. Bauman, legislative chair man. Opposition to the PUD measure was expressed by res olution. The homecoming planned for servicemen will re ceive financial help from the club, A. G. Traeger was told. Evergreen Assembly Honoring Advisors Woodburn Evergreen As sembly, No. 12, Order of the Rainbow for Girls, will honor the past mother advisors at the regular meeting to be held Wed nesday evening. There will also be initiation of candidates. Mrs. Neal Butterfield, the present mother advisor, entertained the girls of the assembly at a house party at her country home Wed nesday night. Sublimity A room at the old high school has been converted into a community clubroom where meetings and other activ ities are now being held. A por tion of the room is being used for manual training workshop by the high school. Ben Toepfer is the instructor. Mat. Daily from 1 P.M. NOW! Adventures of a Fiery Blazing Beauty! lob S LODER Aleiander DUMAS' '1W Wife of MONTE.' mm S3' Lt& Thrill Co-Hit! c TTT 1 EM ANNf GWYNNE'ROKRT SHAYNE helps lesmn conjpwtion without it rmlina rViiM' rial (! nnrml firm. And at same time comforting vapors lessen coughing spasms. Don't lei your child be a chest cold martyr- keep MenLholatum handy. BOA Pratum Presented Program for Club Pratum The Pratum Com munity club held Its first meet ing at the schoolhouse Friday night, with the new president, Rudolph deVries, in charge. It was decided to have a bas ket dinner in the basement at the next regular meeting, Nov ember 15. The dinner commit tee is Mrs. John Roth, chair man, Mrs. Clarence Jantze and Mrs. Carl Fisher. The program committee in cluded Willis Goebel, Mrs. A. Zelcish and Mrs. Aden Klopfen stain. The program given was: Piano duet, Helen and Evelyn Fisher; instrumental numbers by the Johnsons; electric gui tar solo by Leslie Klampe, ac companied on the piano by Mrs. Rudolph deVries; reading Leon ard Moser; vocal' quartet, Wil letta Hersch, Maxine Hansen, Betty Harlor, Beverly Gourley, with Mrs. Adam Hersch at the piano; reading by Mrs. Ed Jen son, ' Pratum Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerber of Dalton, Ohio, are houseguests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hofstetter. Mrs. Gerber is a niece of Mr. Hofstetter. Mrs. William deVries enter tained the Pratum WSCS Wed nesday afternoon. Those attend ing the Oregon conference of the Women's Society of Chris tian Service at First church, Portland, Thursday were Mrs. Raleigh Gourley, Mrs. William deVries, Mrs. Donald Meyer, Mrs. Oscar Wiglc and Mrs. George Kleen. Opens 6:45 P.M NOW! OREGON'S OWN GREAT ftg riCTURE! re DANA ANDREWS BRIAN DOMtVT CANYON PASSAGE Co-Hit! Preston Foster "INSIDE JOB" Enjoy the whiskey SUSAN HAYWARD j PATRICIA ROC CP Sunny Brook Whiskey A Blind Mnaui kiwis moucis mmtiiiii, hew tok, Opening Kl Ji iiwimwiiiwimiMiii"11"111 VV 3 II jOjjjjf New Floor Show ifccjiJy BWn,l Opening Tonight HWffllffli$r g RUSTY COLMAN 3 RUSTY COLMAN PRESENTS The Continental Singing Stars of Hawaii 5 PRESENTS C r KAAIMOKU TRIO The beautiful girls from the islands who sing, dance and play instruments in the style of old and new Hawaii PLUS BERYL WILLIAMS The sensational comedy musician, who plays three clarinets at one time. He'll keep you laughing and entertained for 15 minutes with his bag of musical stunts. STEAKS - CHICKEN CHINESE FOOD Unexcelled quality in cuisine and service . . . "It's a Treat to Eat at Leonard's" DANCE TO THE MUSIC OF ' Abbe Green's Orchestra starring JEAN FONTAINE Open Every Night from 6:00 P.M. (Except Sunday) rt r AU tUVtK unAKUfc BEFORE 8:00 P.M. Aid Serving Dinner Aurora Members of the Ai rora Presbyterian Ladies' Al met at the home of Mrs. Small Friday afternoon. Plans were completed for the public dinner to be served in the Knights of Pythias hall, Saturday evening, October 26. The annual bazaar of the Presbyterian church will be held in November. SORB TOES CORNS STOPPED fnstant Reief NEVER wait! Promptly protect wirn too from tight ihoM with Dr. Scholl'i Zi no-pads; and corns won't ever hnve a chance lo develop! But if you have corn Zino-padi will atop painful aLoa friction, lift prewure uutantly, QUICKLY REMOVE CORNS You'll marvel, too, how I Dr. Schotl'a Zino-pnda I quickly remove corn I wnenuaea w in ma sep arate Medications includ ed. Coat hut trifle. rVflnnTkflV1 oowio.com lUtUrYUlU ?;" i nn n inn Extra! m Kportacope I "PALMETTO QUAIL" 1 CARTOON LATE WORLD NEWS 7 that's n.t. . k.i not . ii grain huiiui spirits Tonight xSSSfV ALEXIS S kmjt waumirs' K II ii nun iiiitttt m i.iun i. si I