PRODUCE LARGE FRANQl'ETTC walnuts 15c per pound, you pick. Rt. 2 Box 170C. Phjne 2-2383 Turn left At Keller School, fol low paverr.ent 2 n:t!es. ((262 APPLES. NORTHERN spies and winter bananas. North Pacific Hwy. to ciaxter Rd. First house o(( highway. ri24! l CONCORD GRATES. 4c lb. U-Plck. B M i Diem. Rt. 2, Box 245, Salem, neiir i Qtilnaby lf9 WANTED HELP i iiTmTss- Kitchen helper, eve. shift" best of working cond. winona t-naiei. Ph. 25190. g-T NEED 10 MEN wanting steady Jobs. On make over 5600 a month and buna .nc. time Income. 360'i State. Rm. 34. be. tween 9 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. t2W STENOGRAPHER for state work. Apply corporation Dept.. 518 State Office Rids. IIOUSEPARENT to care for children In a boarding school. Must nice cnnorcn Phone 861.1. 231 APPSEKTirE for Barane Si service sti- tion. 809 Edgewater St. W. Salem. g250 DISTRIBUTOR SALESMAN EXCLUSIVE territory given to distributor and salesmen. Your opportunity to en lv nermanent connection representing national manufacturers. Call on whole sale automotive trade. Must have car. capita) required for merchandise busi ness. Can be operated from your home We help supply salesman and start vou In a business of your own. Give awe. experience, phone number and address. Box No 17. Capital Journal. vvvxixr. and nart time key punch op erators urgently needed at the Unem- nlnvment Comoensatlon commiss 550 Marion St.. applicants may work entire swine shift from 3:30 p.m. 11:30 p m. "30 min. rest period or a part of the shift on an hourly pay basts. Ccntact Mr. Clinton. Personnel Officer durina days in Room una. oi Mr. Aaron, shift supervisor. Room 113 evenings. Experienced operators rpe ctally needed, however qualified typ ists will be trained. a349' WOMEN WANTED for day A evening shifts as spinning operators. Net mach ine operators and net sewers. Clean. aleady work at itood wages. No work k after mldnlcht Apply at plant. Mile 'Linen Co.. 2150 Fairgrounds Koau. ga.-u SALESMAN: Making from 5 to S40 a day Payday everyday. Call A.M. 103 Oregon Bldg 230' GROCERY CLERK, steady, top pay. Sav ine Center Portland Road. g' SALESWOMAN: Ae 23-35. for Jewelry store. Some typing experience Modern oii-.rnnriiitnnpri mirroun dints. Top sal ary. Petmanent position. References required Writ to Box 12. Capita Journal ' APPLY AT (he School Administration il fice iPh -91371 if you are interested in a well paid secretarial position. The work will be varied. Interesting and tenure permanent. 460 w. men. g.m EXP. LADY for fur repair Se alterations Price's. 135 North Liberty. r TELEPHONE operators wanted No ex perience necessary. High pay right at the start 129 lor a 40-hour week while learning. Frcnuent scheduled increase thro thn flint year. Bate, whole some surroundings vacations with pay. A real opportunity (or young women who are looking to the future who wan a Job that is pleasant, in teresting mid profitable. Do not delai Inquire NOW! EXPERIENCED OPERATORS LET US tell you how much you can earn. Call Mrs. uooawm. i-hcn.c Phone St Telegraph Co.. 740 State St ate apt. hse. Apt., phone, electricity it salary iurnisnen. oisir uuva write Box 10. Capita'. Journal. g249' LADY FOR general housework. Steiy employment, good salary. Phone 4959 WANTED POSITIONS PLUMBING AND repair work. Prompt ...,,.. .inct nhmip hgoi. Larry Travis. h252 FOR INTERIOR palntlnR and minor fix it Jobs address cara to vvua . Salem. h251 CARPENTER Experienced workman. Re model or new. Built-in Cabinets. City or Country Phone 24933 a(ter 5 P m. h243 OIJNO VETERAN with ten years business experience desires active interest In ko- tng business . . . will invest to twenty thousand (120.000). Box 13, Capital Journal MaO; bi'itiix iw.iii.'ui Muua-o, ------- Phone 24248 "2M LOCAL and long distance hauling. R. L. i..m nt Rn lia Ph. BBF22. r ' h2fl? WOOD SAWING. Phone 21583. WANTED Paperhangtna. Call 8745 and loot-a r1rtri J LiOOOSeiL " FLOOR WAXING, wall cleaning, genera nousecieaniuB. iiu " . med. Work guaranteed. Veteran. 1750 Nortn cnurcn. RUGS AND Upholstered Furniture cleaned in yourfcorrt New process - r. woni gren Ph. 31080 after 6 p.m. Mi' AUTO FAINTING Just a shad betUi M Ray Biter. Call Sbrock Motor Co 800 3 EDUCATION 'UNTI.F RAM" JOBS! Start S1756-S1021 year. Paid vacations. Men-Women. Pre pare immediately ior uresou huiiu lions. Thousands of permanent nti rxnerted soon. Vets get prefer nse. Particulars FREE. Box . CapKat Journal. hh249 WOULD LIKE to hear from reliable men who would like to train in spare time to overhaul and install Refrigeration and Air Conditioning equipment. Should be mechanically Inclined. Will not in terfere with your present worx. ror in formation about this training, write at once giving name, address, age and vnur work ng hours, utilities mst. 1328 Belden, Chicago 14, III. hh236 FOR RENT CABIN VACANCY. 3 mi. wrst ol Salem on Dallas hiway. Box 469. J249 WILL EXCHANGE information where to rent a new 2 bdrm. house to a veteran for information where I can buy a new popular make electric range, rn, from 6 to 7 p m. 6569. J331 SLEEPING room. 1520 N. 19th. J2S0 NICE SLEEPING room in nice location. I christian gentleman. 1520 S. Com ). 1230" SLEEPING rcom by day or week. Private home 1126 S. 12th 1250 BOWSER'S RENT-A-TOOL 1132 Edgewater TOOLS OF all kinds. Call 3648 for Infor mation. 129 NEW LOOKING floqrs at small net Rent a Dreadnaught Sander by hou or day Western Auto. Ph. 7177 I2S8 GOOD USED PIANOS H I. SUM FLOOR sander (or rent. Montgomery Ward. i WANTED TO RENT NAVY RECRUITING o((icer fe wife need 3 or 4 rm. Turn. apt. or house, no cnn dren yet. Ph. 21592. Ja254 WANTED TO RENT SMALL unfurnished house or apt. I.i or near Salem. No children. James Pe terson. R. 3 Bx. 703A, Salem, Oregon. Ja251 YOUNG COUPLE must find place to live immediately. Sm. or 1b. apt. or house, fum. or unfurn. Have furniture In .storage. Will redecorate Interior if .. necessary at my own expense tr apt. is on iround floor or a sm. house. Box 22 Capital Journal. Ja254 UNIV. PROFESSOR tc wife want house o: apt. Phone 3871. Ja25i VETERAN Si wife, both employed, need furnished apt. Phone 21475. Ja251 WANT APT. on ground floor, suitable for quiet young couple. Fum. or unfurn. Box 18. Capital Journal. )a251 (25 REWARD TOR INFORMATION leading to the ren tal of furnished or unfurnished house or apartment. E M. PERM AN Gen. Del.. Salem, or Cabin 1, Cas'ie Hall Court. Rt. 4. Box 83. J a 250 WANTED: 3 or 3 rm. furnished apt. by working couple. Desperate for place to live. No drinking, children or pets. Phone "730. Ja253 VETERAN. WIFE and baby must have small house or apartment. Pnone 2VM2 WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED OR unfurnished sm. hse. for young CPie. urgently nceuea. rii. out. Ja249 LIBERAL REWARD ENGINEER and wife urgently need turn, apt. No smoking or drinking, erm. Best rer. Mr. Short. Ph. 8320 or Senator Hotel eve Ja253 EMPLOYED vet. and wife reestablishing home in Sajem need fum. apt. or house. No children or pets. Local Ret, Please cnll Mrs. Keeney at 4091. Ja'.'ol VETERAN & wife desire apt. or hse.. turn, or unfurn. Write box 23 Capital Jour n al. ia25 1 VETERAN WIFE A baby need small house or apartment. Phone 24715. Ja253 REWARD FOR rental of 3 Rm. Apt Call D A Salndon Stan Baker Motors Serv ice Dept Ph. 4119. Ja250 EMPLOYED girl nerds unfurn. apt. im mediately. Box B. Capital Journal Ja24S FURNISHED APT by employed couple Phone S124. Ja219 LOCAL MANAGER nt a large companv. permanently located in Salem. 'Hh to ren'. a 3 brdroom home in a sond district No small children and no pet Please telephone 92!)6. Ja249 WILL EXCHANGE rental of furnished home In Portland for same In Salem or vicinity Writ P O Box 4642. Portland 3. Oregon, or call TAbor 6570. Ja249 ISN'T THERE a house somewhere (Even though It may need repair) Where a dad. a mom and two kids could Live the way a family should? As It U we're sort of slumming In two rooms devoid of plumbtntc. It's a roof we shouldn't grumble Darn It though. It's Just TOO humbler References fine have we Please, have you a vacancy? Ph. 6032. Ja249 VET and wife. 2 to 3-rm (urn. home. Ph 25460 after 6 pm. Ja250 LOST AND FOUND LOST IN or near Capitol theater Sat urday nite. black leather wallet con taining money St papers valuable to owner only. Reward. R- C. Berlrand, 495 N. Summer. Plione 8134. k251 LOST FUR"neck piece In Elslnore The atre or vicinity P"-T304. roSTPl-AbY'S-bruen watch. Ph. 23403 Reward k250 LOST: BIG black long-hatred cat (rim 2070 Court St. Named "Blackle." Call 6193. Reward. k2.Ml LOST , BLl' E white Persian torn cat 1540 Chemcketa St. Reward. k249 MISCELLANEOUS FILBERT walnut drying. Prompt hand ling Efficient, careful drying. Phone 22R61 Lee's Hatchery. , m258 SPORTSMAN-Custom tanning and main lecturing of deer and elk hides inti useful trot-hies Mers niove St Tann-n Co 1348 Ferry Phone 6031. m758 MEN'S "hats cleaned and blocked. 75c LES SPRINGER. 464 Court St. m215 SALEM WASTE PAPER 1790 North Pront WE BUY magazines and newspaper Cardboard sheets and boxes any size tor sale. m28B YOUR PETS given loving care In my own hme while you are away. Phone 4fl4i for i reservation m3n DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR SERVICE FN MUSI CASES DR HARRY BEMLBR- DENTIST tdoiph Pida State A Commercial ti 8ALKM -Pnoo ISli V OEAD and worthies woe removed or moment notice Ph IS00O at' HEAT your homo electrically IV t eon venlent clean. conomlcal See ua 'oi free, estimates V EATER APPLI A NCI CO :5b N Liberty m' HEAVY BAULINQ. excavation and row building land clearing doier work ditching basement excavation an travel, crushed rork maxon sand eoa sret mix cement SALEM SAND A ORAVEX CO 1405 N FRONT ST SALEM. OREGON Phone 44M nr 11024 B FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FULL BED size Vit-O-net electric blan ket. New IB In. electric fan. Preslo-litc soldering torch with leak detector at tachment. 3 radios, oak dining rm. H ble Az 6 chairs. Go-electric range. 4 alarm clocks, elect rlc mixer. 2 wheel trailer, good 600-16 tires. Will trade for linoleum. Wm. Lasley, 458 Mill St. n240 PARAMOUNT marble board. Irge wall clock. Stewart banjo. 3 mi. west oi lem on Dallas hiway. Box 469. n250 PIANO and bench, mahogany finish. In excellent condition. 1690 S. Cottage. n2-i0 MAGIC CHEF aas stove. Good cond. 155. Rt. 4 Box 93. 3 blocks So. of Dixon's Orocery on old hiway. n250 l" WOOD RANGE. 1 ice box. Rt. . Box 315-H. (Swede road). n250 STORE ISLANDS, tables, phonograph re cord display rack. MITCHELL RADIO & APPLIANCES State at 19th. Phone 7577. n1 NEW HAMPSHIRE Red fryers; new 11-ln, Dunlao Jlasaw: 1 used cider press. Ph 7569. n2;o WANT TO BUY 3 larce oak trees for logs that will bo 25 Inches through, or larger, and 9 feet long and clear, will nay good price on ground. Write Box' 20. Capital Journal. n249 RADIO & RECORD player. Slightly ufrt. Call eves. 486 N. Liberty. n250 MAN'S STTTT, alee 38, grey all wool, hard finish (Mark Schaeffen. 120. Call 42C9 evenings n250 I THOMPSON runabout: beautiful new rowboats; some painted: I new trailer, suitable for boat or deer, with rack: Telescopic tongue and fenders: 3 used outboard motors, a few rowboats cheap. Salem Boat House, 100 Chemcketa. Ph. 9303. n2.i0" FOR SALE: 777 Van Norman CyL Boring Bar slightly used. Range 2.600 to 5.300 Phone 2394. Lebanon, Oregon, alter 6 p.m. n232 ROLLER CANARIES $15.00. Ouaran. to sing. 7 tube cabinet radio $20.00. Rub ber tired lawn mower 112.00. Steel cot 15.00. 3520 Brooks St. No. Alumi. Plant n24l) SIOUX FLEXIBLE shaft body & fender finisher. i h p. motor. Third house west of Bonneville on Salem-Dallas hi way. n249 FREUHAUS TANDOM trailer, cab shietd and bunk. Oood condition. Call 67F.V n240 PORTABLE radio, excellent con. Phone 21775. n251 S ROOM size sas circulator. Like new. 16 ga. Win. pump & shells. 12 ga. D.B. Sz shells. 1115 E. Rural St. n249 SIDE CAR for Cushman motor scooter. Like new. F. X. Roesch, 674 S. Capitol. Rm. 3 n25 GASOLINE driven air compressor on tud ber tired trailer with paint outfit. A-l shape. 75. 642 Edgewater Bt. West Salem. Sebin 13. N231 12 FT. ROW BOAT. Excellent cond. 2215 N. Liberty. n25l' 10 FT. HOUSE Trailer. Like new. 1650. 2085 N. Com'l. n251 WHITE LILAC 2-piece dress, size 16. Brown & yellow sport Jacket, size 16. Boy's pre-war tricycle. 13. Phone 6354. n231 FOR SALE: Registered AKC Irish Se'ter pups. Call 7673 after 5 p.m. or Sat. & Sun . n2.i4 (TUBE SILVFRTONE cabinet radio, like new. 140. Call after 2:30 p.m. 1694 S. Capitol St. n2M TULIP. HYACINTH, lily, freesia. daffo dil, narcissi. Jonquil bulbs for fall plant ing at Wards Farm Store, Trade tnd SLi. n23' BADIO-Cabinet model. Rebuilt, fine cond. $25.00. Eve. 724 N. Church, rear 722. n251 SIMMONS SINGLE bed with spring and innerspring mattress. Phone 24948 n24i PUPPIES Shepherds, terriers, males St females. Salem Veterinary Hospital. Portland Road. n250- FOR SALE: 2 whee trailer, like new. suitable to convert for stock, i&b Rio Vista cabins North Independence O L. Goft. f n24d NAVY PEA COAT, size 16, worn twice Phone 5754. n249 FAIRBANKS-MORSE 250 gal. per hour shallow well pump. Practically new. with tank. Rt 2. Box 4G. A. P. Lamer Ph. 3194, Ex. 14. n249 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 6 PIECE WALNUT dinette set. maple twin bedroom suite and bunk beds. STATE STREET FURNITURE 1900 S'.ate. Phone 7596. n2l9" ALMOST NEW Remington automatic in 300 caliber, scope mounted. 330 Weaver recoil pad. three boxes shells. 1165. A beautiful gun. Call 3197. Room 37, from 8 to 4. n249 '3H FORI) HI.OCK assembly. (50. Good condition 540 Morgan Ave, Salem n249 LEAVING TOWN: Priced for nuick saie. 4li hp. outboard motor; 10 ft. ply wood boat: 30-30 Win. carbine: 12 gaue Win pump, model 97. ammunition: boy's World bike: boy's Chicago shoe roller skates, size 9: 118 Eastman Ko dak. All good condition. Rt. 1, Box 47, Kinawood Dr., evening. n249 APPLES. 5l)r BOX. Bring Boxes. Mans Blrycle 120 00. Good condition 1st hou'e on left past Middle Grove school on Sslverton Hwy. Rt. 7. Box 410. TWO D.C. WesttnRhoine welding mnrh tnes. one 4 ft. hand brake. Ph. 24135 Electro-Watt Inc.. formerly Casper &t Cutlrr n2W WANT a warm, cozy place to live? Soe this 25-ft. Palace trailer. 3 rooms, lots ot billt-ins. etc. Call after 6 p.m. 3."G0 Portland Rd. n25l GLASS GLAZING. Table A drpsser tops, any size. R. L. Elfstrom Co.. 340 Court. n351 SAND. GRAVEL, silt, garden sand, fertiliz er. Bosley & Meyer, Ph. 3046. 914 North Commercial. n'272 H"ATER" HEATERS. Thermador auto. elec. MITCHELL RADIO 8t APPLIANCE S-ate at 19th. Phone 7577. n T A It LES Heavy 3x5 ft. S5 each. MITCHELL RADIO St APPLIANCE State at 19th. Phone 7577. i INSULATION pneumatically 'Installed prlc meterlal. workmanship guaran teed Salem Rock Wool Co. Pb, 1748 2225 N Liberty O DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK! Use 100"-. as phalt shingles. Unharmed by any weath er rain or shine. Fireproof Installed oy experienced men. For FREE estimve phone 7177 Western Auto Supply Co n8 SILVER PLATED St brass candle holders, weather vanes, copper lanterns As slans for sale. Also steel clothesline posts 1145 North Liberty n262 NAVAJO RUGS and saddle blankets Guaranteed 100 native wool Woven b NavaJo Indians on their reservation 175 i High Paul Stoner Phone 6(ia n260 1x9 USED walk-in cooler, complete with meat racks, shelving. 1 reach-In door. 1 h.p. compressor Burton Refrigeration Co.. 30M) Portland Rd. Phone 24060 n' SMART SUITS, coats, sweaters and skirts as well " dres"S for all occasions fro-n afternoon to formal Grand materials and scarcely worn Sizes 9 to 44 Phone 46 IS, anytime. n303 FLUORESCENT commercial and Indus 4 mi east on Macleay Hiway J H trial lighting llxtures tor Immediate de livery Salem Lighting and Applianct Co Temporary location 2S5 No Liberty Sa'em. Oregon Phone 9412 n3 URRA PIANOS Trom (395 Term S, these Beautiful Ptnet (tyle pianos with .he tone of a baby grand at Tallmao'a 395 S. 12th K mile from blgb prices n249 ATMORAYS- OZONE Sell or rent H C Push. Ph 22458 P O Box 463 O250' GARDEN and gravel erushed rocs Shovel A drag-line excavating WALL tNQ BAND AND Q RAVEL CO Pb BSfll WB BUY A Mil furniture, tool. uea dishes motor raoios electric appli ances, household goods KLIQMAN S 28 N Comniereim. Phooe 9885 n FLUORESCENT - Commercial and Indus trial Mgnt-ng fixtures for immediate de J very Salem Lighting and Appl lane Co Temporary location 255 No Liber' t 3lem Oregon Phone 8412 o2.)3 SLEEPING BAG. curled chicken feathers Arctic type, new price J 00 Wholesale price in lots of eltht. 17 00 Wholesale rates to veterans. 713 Court St., Dallas. Phone 42J. n252 IIEAT YOUR horn electrically It's con venlent. clean, economical See ua (oi free estimates Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 2fs N Llb-rty ' WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 3 LRGE OAK trees for Iocs. 28 in. through or larger. 9 ft. Ions & clear. Will pay good price for those on ground. Write box 20 Capitol Journal. na25Q DESPERATELY NEED electric range and refriceralor Must be good condition. Will pay well. 3625 Monroe. na249 WILL PAY 1250 cash for trailer house. Phone 24925. 20 Salem Hsts. Ave. na249 OLD DISHES over 35 years old. Upstair Antique Shop. 438 Court St. na260 USED fURNITURR Pbnne S1S5 EXCHANGE Miscellaneous WILL TRADE brand new elec. sewing machine for apt. size elec. stove. De pendable make. Ph. 4219. nn243 PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS, Anonymous. P. O. Box 724 P309" READING. KNOW THE TRUTH. 2361 State P251 DIVINE HEALING. Bring your T. B cases to me, all other ailments. Rev T Hey tlng. 1103 & W. 13th ave Portland LA 7189 P264 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER LETTERS OF all kinds composed ano typed Personal ones a specialty Strict ly confidential For appointment, phone 4845 P30 AUTOMOBILES FACTORY Built House Trailer. Have to see to appreciate. Sleeps 4. Brakes, oil circulator. 6 ply tires. Priced to- sell, have bought home. 674 N. 20th. o25I NEW GARAGE house on '? acre. Elec. water, shower, toilet. Bmlt-lns. wood cook stove. Will take trailer house part payment, 'i mile W. Kcizer school, 2nd road to left then 2nd house on ieft. Rt. 2, BOX 134-M. f251 1010 HOUSE TRAILER, factory build, to trade for home. 2295 Fairgrounds Road. Phone 0091. .qiil ALh Tnsulated truck body. 10' long. 6' high, 6' wide, metal in good cond. Rt. 4 Box 93. 2 blocks So. of Dixon's Grocery on old hiway. E. A. Ward. q2ft0 41 FORD dump truck. llUSsT" Com'l" Ph. 9724. q250 1 01 6 CUSHMAN motor scooter. Plus ac cessories. Ph. 24188. (i250 FOR SALE: 1937 Nash sedan, radio At heater, good cond., good tires. Ill det tlcmler Ave., Woodburn, Ore. q2a0 FORD 4 dr. sedan. 1702 Center. q250 '35 PLY. COUPE. 1S40 N. Capitol. 1475. Call after 6 p.m. q2a0 '31 CHRYSLER at reasonable price. E. R. Butler. Rt. 2. Box 64B. Salem q249 WANT 'S3 OR '31 Plymouth 4-door or se dan with or without motor and tires. Body main object. Harold Rodkcy, Rt. 4. Box 131, Salem. q249 FOR SALE: 1M Chcv. truck 114 ton stake-body. Call Silverton 4451. q249 "JO MODEL A ""Panel with, 85 rubber and in excellent condition to trade for sedan of equal value. Call evenings and Sundays. 3520 Brooks St. N. Alum. Plant. qf Tail ARMY PICKUP. Value 1025!o0. Cash or trade. Evenings after 5 2325 Mis sion. Phone 7072 q249 WANTED Fr"oM private party, '40or 41 car in good condition. Will pay casn. No deale.-d. Phone 2-4837 after 6 pm. q'J49 UKJfl HUDSON 8 custom deluxe sedan. Ra dio, heater and other extras. Clean orizlnal upholstery. A fine appearing car, mechanically A-l. Only 1685. Mc Call's Used Cars, 1297 State. Dial 8i08. qJ49 .MODEL A pickup roadster. Excellent me chanically Good solid body, 600x16 tires Sealed beam headlights. A real value at 1325. McCall's Used Cara. 1297 State St. Dial 8108. q249 VXU CHEVROLET Coupe with rumble seat. New tires, good condition mech anically. Clean inside and out. 1350. McCall's Used Cars, 1397 Stats St. Dial BIOS. q249 TRAILER HOUSES TWO reasonably prleed. for nome or in vestment. Shell Service Station, 12th and Mission. Q251 AUTOMOBILES USED CARS WANTED REGARDLESS of year, make or model, we will make you a spot cash offer. McCall's Used Cars, 1297 State t. Dial 8108. q39 37 CORD, ror sale or trade for .ate Chcv., Ford or Chrysler. Ph. 7000, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. After 6 Phone 2294.1. q249 WANTED: CAR in good condttlon. Any kind out would prefer 37. 38 or 39 Mod el No dealers please. Call after 6:30 p.m. Norman Sehroyer, Route ft Box 17. Salem. (Out 22nd St.) q259 WANTED TO BUY: Late model trucks Pickups, panels, flat beds, logger nd so on Inttrnatiocai dealer James rt. Maden Company 2955 Sliver too Roac Phone 24123 a FOR-SALE 1930 Graham sedan. Good .6 600 tires 1250 1027 Chev truck flat Dett Motor sooa Assoc la tea stati m HuQoarc Ph J 411 q2jiS VE'i ERAS NEEDS car. any model, mint oe prireo reasonable Call alter 6pm otr rit W Redinger. 2252 Simpson Sale.n 2a9 WANTFD- GOOD used car. late mode, prelrrrea Phone 4M7 q359 CARS NEEDED AN MAKE or model if priced within reason we will buy It. Stevens Usrd Cars 678 S 12th. Q2.i9 WANTED: LATE UodOi Oar by private prty Will Pay cash. Phone ft? BO o' -WE PAS TOP3 01 EVURY DIMS Your Caf Is Wortol CASH ON I'HB RARREL-HEADI "C SHKOCK SAL.SM'8 Oldest Independence USED CAR DEALER ft & Corner Church St Cbetneketa Phone 79'Jta a FINANCIAL SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 INTEREST 5 to 40 Years and NO Commission! Leo N. Child. Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9261 r219 PAJIM AND CITV LOANS 4M AND (OIJB OWN rtttMS oi repaymeoi with reason Cash for Real Estate Contract; at:d Second Mortgage! CAPITOL SEtrmniKs CO. 107 Ploneei Trust Sidg - Ph. 1U1 r OiNERAi FTNANCB OORP LOANS 9-138 and U-338 and ROY H SIMMONS INSURANCE ano LOANS 116 S Uomniercia' St Vet i8 vj YOUR SURPLUS MONEY WILL EARN YOU 5 PERCENT INTEREST. BUY A REAL E3TATE MORTGAGE. EXAM INE THE SECURITY YOURSELF. MORTGAGES AVAILABLE IN AMOUNTS , OF 1 j00 TO 7o00 WE COLLECT ALL j INTEREST AND PAYMENTS FOR THE. i INVESTORS. NO EXTRA CHARGE. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 S. High St CAfH "NOW" FROM PEKfONAL-'Bin year in Salem We lend money-quickly -privately v men or women, married or single. LOANS 125 TO S300 For home or business on furniture, sal ary, business equipment. On auto Saito Choose any one ol our convenient loan plans and repay In 15 months. WE LIKE TO SAY "YES" to loan requests So for faster service, phone first PERSONAL FINANCE CO 618 Stati St.. Rm 125 Phone 3191 Lio. S-122: M-165. E. Oaliinger. Mr r258 iVt LOAN on- Farm, Residential and B'isl ma Property Will buy mortgages, con tracts HAW WINS Si ROBERTS. INC tEALTORS Guardian Bid r AlilO LOAN! WILLAME'lTb CREDIT CO itb FLoOtv GUARDIAN BLDO Llcrnse No -M-189 t MONEY aiCAL ESTA I B LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS Buy Real Estate Uortgajes and Contracts STATE FINANCE CO- REALTORS Lie S ite l&3 S Hixn tt r TKANSPORTATION DRIVING to Rochester, Minn. Oct. 27th. Want a driver & share expenses. No drinker Coin net Paul Booce, Falslione road, north to end of road. Silverton. X'JjO DRIVING to San Francisco. Take 2 pjix srngcrs, share driving & expenses. Ph. 5194. XI! 49 Directory AUTO BRAKES MIKE PANEK. 275 a Com'L Ph. 6161 Brake St wheel aligning specialist. 0253' ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING and bookkeeping Reason able rates Dependable service Buonenr Service, Inc. Uasoalo Buildings, Salem Phone 8727. O AITLIANCE REPAIRS EXPERT BEND IX and commercial and domestlo refrigeration service Ralph Johnson Appliances. 323 Center Ph. 403' AUTOMOTIVE MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE i4fl Chemekela Phone 7838 DRICK LAVING A, R. RICKS. 3t?25 Cherry Ave. CEMENT WORK GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING. CI'P Ellis. 1905 N. 191 h St. Ph. 4071. 0266 CHIMNEY SWEEP FURNACES. CHIMNEYS vaouum cleaned ENSLEY. 771 S 21st Ph. 7176 0 DELIVERY SERVICE SALEM DELIVERY and Pickup Service 145 S. Church Phone 4711. o249 DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS-Remodcllng. 1984 State Bt. Mrs. Armentrout. o2G EXTERMINATORS AROEE MAINTENANCE CO Bedbutrs. roaches, rats, fleas, moths Pest ".on trol con'rect service. Materials sold guaranteed riddance. 825 N Kllllugi worth St.. Portland 1L Ore Ph. WEb ster 3265. 0' COCKROACH EXTERMINATOR service Ph. 3056 LEE CROSS 1260 N. 17th 0351' Rreithaupt'R for flowers Dial S193 FUNERA1 DIRECTORS tnWELL Ft N ERA I HOUR Pb 1673 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R. WAT KINS CO PRODUCTS. 1717 Center St Phone 5395 O2&0' MUSIC LESSONS 4PANISH and HAWAIIAN Oultar. Maodo 110 03 0)3 etc 1533 Court Ph 7569 MATTRESSES CAPITAL BEDDING. Phone 069 PAPER HANGING PLUM n I N G PLUMBING AND repair. Prompt service Larry Travlss. Phono 8601. o273 SAND UKAVElT GARDEN SOIL, crushed rock Shovel araBltne excavating Walllns Sand .lrave. Oo Phone 8.161 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED KEN NETH HAM EL. i 1 4 3 8th St.. W da lem. Ph. 7404 Ouaranteed service. 0267 CESSPOOL Septic tanks. Ph. 8745 o2C8 C010 ROOTER SEWFR SFRVICE- Sew ri no dra:n cleanro Pre Mtlmat Promp' ervie Ph 327 TRANSFER AND STORAGE COCA I A D INSTANCE Transfer storage Burner oil emu ortquew Truck! Parti ano da lit Agent. LyoD Vd Linet for ouusnoid goods to California poio'-s farmer Transfer St Storage Pa. 3131 o VACUUM CLEANERS ELECTROLUX Sales St Service St Repsira Limited amount ot new machines avail able. Office 175 S High Ph. 6088 0262 FREE inspecttjD 1b your . bom, author- id Hoover eerTlce. we temoe an mttv of cleaners. Hogg Bros. Pb. 914 e WEATHER STRIPPING FREE estimates, T. PULLMAN. Ph. 0260 Market Quotations rortland Kustsiilf! A smaller ihnn average supply of seasonal fruils and vegetables rated slUhtlv stronger prices to day at Portland Easuside Farmers' Wholesale Produce market. On Uie short side was top qual ity corn, preen peppers, cauliflow er and slicing cucumbers. Best packs of corn sold $1.75 a 5-dozen box; preen peppers. $1.75-2 an or ange box; sheer cucumbers, around S1.25 flat. Best packs oi tomatoes brought $1.20-1.40 with most ordinary Hats trading at $1-1.25. No. 1 cauli flower was quoted at $1.75 crate. Good cabbage sold $2.50 crate. Wil lamette vallev lettuce sold $1.75 2 a 3-dozen head pack, and $1.25 a 4-riozen head crate. Apples continued in good sup ply at steady prices, one grower selling Golden Delicious at $3 a bushel box. Mast orchard run boxes sold at $1.75-2.25. Portland Produce Hcnion Butter Prices to retailers- Orede AA cart mis. 88c. A A prints 87c. A nrin'S 85-Bfic. A cartons 8fl-80c. B prints 85-8Sc. lb cub- higher Ea Price to retailers! AA large. 6ie; A la-gt 81-62C! AA medium. 59c: A medi um. 58-59e: A small, nominal. 44c doieft Cheeie To retailers in rortland Oresor trlp!.ts 46-41c lb., daisies 4,A-44o af 47-504o lb Jobbers pa? lb le To whnle:BT Portland Oregon s1nal 34'.c, loaf 56'i-.V7'ic. triplets, 50-52C lb. I'urlMnil Mltoirvatr Manet Ittillrr ( a b bulk 68 lb tubs AA crude 92 score 84c. A grade 92 score H3c. B grade 90 score 83c. C grnde 89 score 79c. Butlerfat (Tentative, subject to imme diate chancel Premium Quality maximum of 3S of 1 percent acidity delivered 'n Portland. 92c lb; firt quality 93-96c lb.: second niinltly 91-92c: valley routes and country points 2c less than first, or 91-itCc. Chrese- -Selling pnre '0 PortlanO tnilers: Ore singles S3-550 lb. Ore. loaf 54-S7C lb.' triplets. S3-550. Ebbs To wholesalers A large M4e S5 '.;c dozen, med. 55-66 ic B grade 43'i-43Sc Rat btls Averice country Killed to re tailers 43-fOc Ih Live fryers. colO'd 34o white 21 27e lb Old Due It and does ie lbs and up) 15o u Lire PntiltrT Live ( hlrken No. 1 Leghorn broilers. 1 to 2 lbs.. 3a-37c; fryers. 2 to 3 lbs.. 37- 33c: .1 10 4 lbs. 37-3!r. roasters. 4'i Ins. and over. 37-38c: under 3'j lbs.. 32-25c; roovlers and stags, lo- 10c. Drt-tsrd Chirkrn To retailers: Spring rollers 3 lbs up f.2c lb. colored hena 17c Leghorn fowl 32ci old roosters and stag 28c Freh V net ablet Ream Calif 17c lb Mld-Columbla B'u Lake. mid-Caiumbta and Walla wlia green and wax tf luo lb Oregon Oiant 10-12c lb Kentucky Wonders B-lOc Shell oenn $1 .SO-175 20-lb lug Wax and Blur Lake 9-lOc. Beets Calif BM-lttc local 80-900 doten P.Mteroll-Sl 50-1 6 lUB ('abli;ii;c Local round type, 12-2.23: red. 6-"c lb. Cnrrnts- Local, bonched. 6-dna orate $3-3.7.1 Cauliflower Local No. 1, 51.85-2.10. Celery California (oi nuiacr k me Lablsh. MilwAukle $2-2.35 crate; blanche. $2 75-3: Hearts. $2.-3.35 d02 Cirn- Best. $2-2.25 a 5-doi. box. Dill 20-2c lb Cucumbers Slicers 18 lb. flats. 11.50- I. 65 Kssplant 20 lb crate. $2.10-2.25. C.arhr Oreaon J0-Jc lb Lettuce Local, dry pack, $2-2.23 per 3 (int. Omnns Wash, dry No. L 11-1 3Si 10 ib sacks; Idaho, white. No. 1, $1.50-1.65. large. "1.85 yellow Spanish. $1.20-1.35: Parley Local TS-80o dori Peppcra Oreen Caltl. 33-b crate 53.50-7.V Mid-Columbia 12-lb. flat 81c; 10-lb $1.75; red. flat $1.75; chilt, $1.M- II. flats Potatoes Washington Russets, $2.50 2 75: 50 lbs.. No 3. 00-95c; local long white. 52 65-2 75; Klamath Russets. No. I. 12 75-2 85. Deschutes. No. 1. $3.75-3.85. Pumpkin 3 'i-4o lb. Kadtsliis Lurai red 60-BOo doa bunches Riitabacas New ctop Wapaio (1 7&-J 50-lb sack Nrw crop Colo $2 SO-lb nca New York Stock Quotations (By the Amcc la ted Preset Ne Vora. VPt -Closin ouotacioai tndai Allied Chem. it Or. l.'rt merican Can 8- Mn Power St Light 13 Mner lei St ret 174 Anaconda Copper 38'i Atcnisok 87 Uendtx Aviation 3'-' ilethienem Sieel 05'; Boeing Alrcrart 23'i California Parking 32', Canadian Pacific . 13'i J I Case 37 Jhrysitr Corp 81 'J Commonwealth A South 31: L'oitflOllOnlrd Kdl.'on 27 Consolidated Vultee 191J Continental insurance 48 Jrown iflleroach 39-; Jurtlis Wrtshi fl Oouglu Aircraft 771.: Oupont de Nemoura 177 General Electrie .... 38',: Ueneral Foods 45 General Motors 51'i Uoodyear Tire ....... 60'i .Ireat Northern pfd 4tj1i Internn'.lona: Harvester 74 (nt Ppei pid. !!!!!!! - iohna Maoviile . Kennecott ......... 46 ix) n a Hell A 22 Maytag lo'i Miami Copper ipj Montgomery Ward ..... 69 Nash Kelvtnator 15 National Dairy 36 N V Ceniial itj North Am Co 28 Northern Pacific I9j Oac Amer Fi.1 13 Pacifio Oaj Eleo " (t 40-1) Pacific r & t .127 fan American i (41; Pennj j U ,',"" 47"j ttadio Corp. jQ Rayonier jg ilayomet PM 33 tU-ynoJd Metals 27; Safeway t. , , 3;, Sears K-ebuclt 33 ; dmclali Oil Sauihern Pacific 42 H Stance d tiraiids 331 llindard Ol Calif 56 Stewart Earner 14'l iiudeoaicer .......... 2'i 3ua 11 -J Union Oil 22 Union Paclflo 1131: United Airline ngi Ooited Aircraft ' 20 -i United States Steel. OS tVarur Bro-.nem 13 1 Weak Elec UIg Go 2b Woolwortb 4ni Richfield 15',i DIRECTORS WELDING WELDINO At BLACKSMITHINQ BODY St FENDER WORKS WE Specialize in trailer nitchea. Penn 4 Corners 3955 E. State 0249 WELL DRILLING J. A SNEED St 9ooa Well drllllrui 1605 ttruuK tit. aalem Phone 6601) oinr WELl UKILLINO U U KqKM. , Uoi i3i-L. deiem. Ore first qoum eeNJU) Ol dwegie tcnooi Ph 34367 W I N UUVT CLEANING winTTow clcankks. windows. floor, wood won oieaieO, Pn lill -Jl Jourt Ai LangOoc & Cuibertaoo 0 Lodges Meet every Wednesday ' CTN, evening Visitors wel M come. IOOF Buiiding. Kingwood lodce No. 204 A.F. & A.M., Monday evening, 7 am. M.M. DcKiee. By order of the secretary, L. L. Sloper. 249 Ainsworth Lodge No. 201. Special Meeting, Tuesday, October 22, 7:30 p.m. 250' Spinach 20 lb. box. $1.50. Sprouts Local to 52.50-2.65 flat. Suuaah Zucch'nl 75c-II flat. Scallop. 75c-J 1. 14-lb. shaked $1.25-45 35-lb. pear box S2.75-J3. Danish, lues. 85-90C. Sweel potatoes Calif.. 60 lb. basket. S3. 65-3. 85. yams 50 lb., $3.85-4. Tomaliicfc- -Locai le-lb flat. No. 1.1 5-1.25: Calif nrnia wrapped $3.7 : re packed. $4.25; Woodland, $1.40-1.65. Turnips Runctiea. laano 1U dOEea Topped $3 for 50-lb sack. Yams Louisiana $3 35-3.50 erata. rreeb Fruit Apples Yakima Deilcioua. wrapped any; packed, comb box $4.50-4.75, Jumble sos $3 40: Hood River Spitz face-till box 11.75 3.00; Yellow Newtowns $4.3 Winter Ba nanas 2 90: Orttevs $3 60 box. Jona than tStt 13.40 H R Delicious 13.R& lumble box Yakima Wlnesaos 14 49. Astra Chan 40 lbs $4 40. Marvhllte Wash, dl trlct Transparent 11 50-2 face lux: Red Delicious, wrapped and packed. 14.50-4.75; loose, $3-3 50. Arorado Fuerie 14 25. choice 13 !-$ fancy $4-4 25 20-30 fiats, Calif Dlcke. son all sizes. 14.50-4.75; Itzlmas, 14.73 6.75. Rananae-rOlfae-lOo Ib out bands. eraUr extra Cantaloupes Speares. 12.33-3.50; Dll larris. $3-3.25. Melon Honeydew. Jumbo flats. $3. it orate. Casabat Crate 13 50-75i bulk 4c lb Cranberries Oregon 25-lb. boxes, 18.75 10; Eastern, $9.25. (irapef rult Cai:I larse S5.30-5.7S. small 13. "o case. Texas pinks $5.10. while $4.80 Cochells $4 95 case: Cuban, all sizes, 18 8.50 Eloridi pinks, tarcer. $7.50-8; small $6.75-7.25; white larger. 15 90-5.75; small $7-7.25. Grapes- -California Thompson seedless $3.75; Riblers. $3.75: local Concords, tugs; 1130- Tokay. $2 65-3.85 lugs; Lady Fingers. $4-4.25; white Malagras. $3.35 I.cmini California, slues 252-300 and 360. $7 65-7.90: 433. $6 50 Limes Tubs of 6 20e J9c. Honey Dew Melons Jumbo flat Wnpato 3.s-4a $1 45-$2 Cransbewa 13 35- 3.75; casabas. $2.50 Oraiurs UPllinon Calif 16 09- He, It and up to $6.14: Valencia.!. 388s and larger. 16 50-6.65: smaller. 15.35-5.30. Quinre Local, 2'i-3c !b. Pears Bartletts. comb pack 16-lb oca 12 23-2.35: Me a for wrapped and packed. $5-5 25: Hood R.vrr. $4-4.75; orchard cun 11.75-3 Yakima W St P.. 14.35: D'Anlo 14 75. wrapped and packed boxes; Bo-ie wrapped and packed. 14.25; loose $3.35 3.50: Hood River D'AnJou, $4.60-4.75. Plneuiipli't Cu04n -- i PomegranLlea 13.75-3.85 lut. Heats Country Meate Rollback prices to re tailtrs Country killed Dogs. it Butcher 130-140 lbs I9-19V.O Ib Vealera. AA 33Ue A 3H4 B 19Uj. 9 l7-17e. OUlls 13-I5c lb Seef AA 21'ic. a ttt B 15c, canners outterfl 13-14o bimDv AA 36c, A 24o B 34 O 30o lb Carea FS 13 U 12e R I0c Veal AA 36-28e. A 34-260. D 33-240 ib rult L8-20C Hoes Fancy block 37-38o lb. Slock butchers, packer style. 135-313 lbs. 33 U over 313 lbs Shipper style 172-334 Iba 31 1 over 235 lbs. Lamhs AA 28C, A 26-280. B 24-260 tb Mm ion Fane, A 10-Uo according tr and wetrhL Reef A A 28-20.:, A 36-38, B 33-350, C 31-22& canner-cutter bulla 18-30o lb. Ctiseara Uark Oreen 8-8 'Ac dry 20o lb WonlQovernmtni controL Mohair 40o lb on 13-moa. growth. Hay Wholesale sniomenti: Alfalfa. No 1 or oettcr $31-133.30 Oats-vetch mneC hay. valley growers price $19-133. elover hay 119-J22J Dated oo farms. Hides Caives 2D-340 greet) Met lOo lb tld Ibc Oreen Bulls tte (b Hops Normal contracts: 1944 IA ap 1945 7Sc lb 1946 194" SOe lb. Mute Dlslrlhulort- Basra Chestnuts Local Italian 30c Ib. Almonds Calif S3-33C lb. EUberla 100 Iba Br-e- Da Rrli lonae Colllyi Not (New Crop! JnDO 14-35'iO 34-330 34c L!r 28'.b-30c 26-310 S4-33S,C aj-2BC 23Vi-340 39Vi-Jli waoy 24-300 39c namuis rranquettea Na I I umbo J6o large 33 34c. med. 31c baby 34 4e .b No 2, umbo soft shells Mfeo, large ISo med 29 4a PorthuHl Grain Porlland, Ore., Oct. 21 (Ti Wheat: no futures quoted Cash grain: oats 2-38 lb white 1)3.00; barley No. 2 2-45 lb B VV 63.00. wheat (bid): soft white 1.85; soft, white (excluding rex) 1.85; while club 1.85; western red 1.85. Hard red winter: ordinary 1.85; 10 peieem 1.87; 11 percent 1.92: 12 percent 1.98. Hard white baart: ordinary un quoted; 10 percent 2.27; 11 percent 2.29; 12 percent 2.31. Today's car receipts: wheat 19; barley 22; flour. 4; corn, 2; oats, 5; hay, 3; miilfeed, 5. rortland Livestock Portland. Ore., Oct. 2t (fp) (USDAi Salable cattle 2,000, total 2.650 calves 550 and 700; market uneven; medium-fjood steers 3.00 G.OO higher than week aro; no .strictly nood slncrs nvallable late Inst week; cows generally steady with last week's best time; sonic beef cows 50 cents higher and canners 50 cenis lower: several loads Rood beef steers 20.00-25.00; latter record high; common-medium crades 14.50-19.00; eood heif ers upto 20.00; common-medium crades mostly 13.50-17.50: medium Kood beef cows 14.50-lfi.50; several 17.00; ranner-cuttcrs lamely 9.00 12.00; fat dairy typo cows up to 14.50; common-Rood sausage bulls 11.50-15.00: few good beef bulls Ifi.OO-75: several lots medium choice calves and vcalers 20.00; few god-ehoiee vealers 1.00. Salable hoes 350. total 1.550: mar ket active. 2.00 hicher thin Fridav; sows steady to 1.00 hirher; good rhnlcc 170-290 lbs 27.00 to mostly 28.00; good sows larptely 25.00: few fi.nn; good feeder pigs held about 21.00. Hplahle sheep 1.500. total 3,000; market slow; fat lambs steady: ffood-cholce evades 18.50-19.00: 1 small lot 19.25; shorn lambs 18.50 down; common Iamb"? down to M.50: ewes most moving reliably: few sales and bids 2.00 lower at 6.50 down; 1 lot early up to 7.00. Chicago Livestock Chicago. Oct.. 21 fUSDAl Sal able hogs 13.000. total 20.500; gen eral market moderately active but closed slow; nrices mostlv 1.00-2.00 hicher than Friday and Saturday:: only few sales Saturday; good and choice barrows and gilts 190 pounds and over largely 24.00-25.00 with ton 25.00: very little here under 180 pounds or over 250 pounds, but hogs weighing up to 300 pounds or better will btint? ton; few lots good and choice 150 170 pounds 21.00-23.00: most good and choice sows 22.00-22.50; lair clearaiife. Salable cattle 18.000. total 20. 000; salable calves 2.000.. total 2. 000: choice fed .steers and yearllntf.s Including yearling heifers 25-50 rents higher than last FYiday. about like last Thursday: other grades slow, steady: ton 35.00 paid for strictly choice 1 .20f-nound aver ages: several loads 3ODO-34.50: best heifers 27 50; mixed offerings 31.50; bulk 19 00-30.00. Salable sheep 13 000. total 14.000: no early sales slaughter -lambs, buyers talking 1.00 and more low er: generally pricintr good and choice natives at 21.00 but prac tically no bids as yet; slaughter ewes opened 50 cents lower: six loads common to low medium west, erns 6.25-6.75; scattered bids 8.25 on good to choice natives. George Bernard Shaw's total income for the first nine years he devoted to writing was only $30. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Wheat Soars 5 Cent Top Today Chicago, Oct. 21 CU.B Wheat soared the 5 cent top today as grain futures extended gains from an uneven start of the board of trade. All three wheat deliveries closed a nickel higher. Corn gained 3'i to 4ri cents and oats were 2'i to 3:1i cents higher. Barley was unchanged to up 3 k cents. Wheat opened i cent up and down, and was sold to mills as shot's covered. Buyers expect ed tlie government to lift ceil ings and restrictions soon. Lo mal May sales were absorbed in the uptilt. Corn led early gains and started -la to 1 cent higher through commission house sup port. The firm market appar ently was influenced by a stea dier cotton trade following gov ernmental investigation of last week's three-day tumbles. Cash house hedges sold Jan uary corn, but local traders and Commercial interests absorbed the offerings. Corn advanced further through a hog price raise as well as spot market strength. Oals climbed on light re ceipts. Shorts and commission houses bought, while operator interests sold the May. Some accumulative purchases were at tributed to hampered oals mave ment because shippers favored corn and wheat. Cash corn was strong, but weaker for lower grades. No. 2 yellow sent for $1.68. Soy beans were strong, and $3.13 was bid for the year's to-arrive balance. Turkey Rejects Russian Proposal Ankara, Oct. 21 U.R Turkey rejected Soviet efforts to con duct bilateral negotiations on the Dardanelles today and pro posed instead an International straits conference of- Montreux convention signatories, except Japan, plus the United States. A Turkish nole to Russia, re plying to recent Soviet propose als, turned down the plan for joint Soviet-Turkish defense of the Dardanelles. It said Turkey considered her exchange of views with Russja, as envisaged ai I'oisoam, was compieie. The Turkish government said it felt Soviet fears of aggression against Russia through the straits should be allayed by the fact that United Nations forces would aid the national armies to defeat aggression fnom any quarter. Bose Died in Hospital From Plane Crash Singapore, Oct. 21 W) An of ficial announcement said today a thorough investigation in To kyo had established the death of Sublias Chandra Bose, comman der of the Japanese-sponsored Indian national army, in a Tai hoku, Formosa, military hospital the night of Aug. 18, 1945. The cause of Bose's death was given as heart failure resulting from multiple burns and shock suffered in the crash of a plane en route from Singapore to Ja pan, the announcement said. The Tokyo investigation was made at the request of the supreme allied commander for southeast Asia. The Tokyo ratlin announced Bose's death Aug. 23, 1945. Mo handas K. Gandhi was quoted as saying last January that he be lieved the Indian nationalist leader was still alive and was "biding his time somewhere." Salem Markets-1 Completed trom report ol Srilem dfMlor fm the Eiiidanc or On pi tal Journal Render (Revised dallj.) Krlmll PrtrM Rabbit Frrif Pffllet.. 14.03 cwt. Kc. Math- -14 r0 cwt. Hairy f rrri 1'i 70 cwt. rul!rr Hcnvv coiorprl hfna. No 1 10c Ib No. i 26c. Colored fryers. No. 1. 40c ib - Price -White aoo Brown extr. large tiBde A 57c. med &3c. atandard' sor do?eii. Whnieaaje prlce Large 628 doien. tnto &8c. .tanrl.rd &5c Ruitrr Wholesale. A 66c. Keull Tirade A. 02c. Hultrrfal Premium. D3ci No. 1, 02c. No. 2. 8Bc. Market's Briefed By United Press Stocks irregular higher on quiet trading. Bonds and U. S. governments irregular. Curb stocks irregular. ' Foreign silver unchanged in New York to 90' cents a fine ounce. Cotton irregular. Wheat up 5 cents. Storm Warnings Hoisted Portland, Ore., Oct. 21 U.R Storm warnings were hoisted at 2 p.m. today, along the Ore gon and Washington coasts, in cluding the inland waters of Washington, Straits of Juan de Fuca and mouth of the Columbia river, for strong to galo south easterly winds, the U. S. weath er bureau here announced. Monday, Oct. 21, 19461.1 Stocks Advance Irregularly New York, Oct. 21 M5) Both buyers and sellers made idle passes at the stock market to day, with the former holding a shade the advance, but dealings were among the slowest of the past month or so. Neither bullish nor bearish enthusiasm was in evidence from tht opening on although, near the close, advances or frac tions to a point or so were in the majority. Steels attracted support at the last. Transfers for the full proceedings were in the neighborhood of 800,000 shares. A rally in recently weak cot ton futures and grains propped sentiment for stocks to some ex tent, brokers suggested, al though gyrating commodities still provided a cautionary in fluence. Closing Dow-Jones averages: Industrial, 171.93. up 0.59; rail, 47.68, up 0.18; utility, 35.11, up 0.28; 65 stocks, 61.90, up 0.25. Sales totaled 830.000 shares compared with 920,000 shares last Friday. Curb volume was 210,000 shares against 260,000 shares last Friday. Bond turn over of S2.850.000 compared with $31,791,000. Dog Saves Life of Girl in Seattle Home Seattle, Oct. 21 U.R Meat shortage or not, Jiggs, a 3-year-old mongrel dog is going to get the biggest chunk of bone he's ever had by way of re ward. The dog, choked by smoke from a fire in the basement of his home, yesterday pulled the covers off 16-year-old Ruth Brown and tugged at her arm to waken her in time to escape. Firemen who entered the house a few minutes later were nearly overcome by fumes. Births, Deaths Silverton To Mr. and Mn. Rollto K. Hester, a duhtrr. wflnht 9 pound and 2 ounces, October 19. at Silverton hospital. Tha little lrl has seven living aranrtpa rents. W. W. Neal and Mr. am Mrs. W. A Healer are great-nrandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph LeRud and Mb and Mrs. Dolph Heater are grandparents. Smith To Mr. and Mrs. Harlan R. Smith. Independence, a son. Dennis Har land. Oct. 9. Mull To Mr. and Mrs. Orvllle O. Mull. !)35 Norway, a son, Wally Georze, Oct. 16. Schmidt To Mr. and Mrs. Burkr L, Schmidt 1717 John, a son. Robert Po'V ell. Oct. 15. Anderson To Mr. and Mrs. Euscne A Anderson. 816 Mill, a son, Walter Eunr-na. Oct. 16. Fcrrrn To Mr. and Mrs. Curtis O. Fer ren. 339S North River road, a son, Gala Ellis. Oct. 12. Irvine To Mr. and Mrs. Melvtn O. Tr vtiiK, Monmouth, a son, Randall Clark Oct. 10. Dealha Donna Jean Wampner Donna Jean Wamner. late resident of Portland, at a local hospital. October 20, at the ase of 17 years. Survived by her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wampner of Opportunity. Wash. Announcement or ser vices later by Howell-Edwards company. L. Glenn Wheeler I,. Glenn Wheeler, late resident of 2129 N.E. Multnomah street. Portland, on the Pacific highway near Brooks. October 10. at the. anfl of 41 yours. Father of Wilfred Wheeler and Edward Wheeler of Marshalltown, Iowa; and son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wheeler of Marshalltown. Iowa. Also survived by four sisters and one brother. Announcement of services later by Clough-Barrlck company. Claude S. Whitman Claude S. Whil man. at Ills home at 3S80 South Commercial street. Saturday October 19. at the ase or 5 years. Hus band of Mis. Mnyme Whitman or Den ver, Colo.: father or Robert Whitman of Denver. Colo., and Paul Whitman of i-oijiavllle, Ky.; nnd brother of Mrs. Ber tha Whitman or Greeley, Colo., and Clarence Whitman or Perk. Idaho. Ship ment is bema made by the Clounh-liar-rir.k company to Denver, Colo., for ser vices and interment. Charles Gilbert Srlimer Suvrrlon Funeral services for Charles Gilbert Sehaaer. 31. are announced (sub ject to cliancf! when relatives are con tacted) for Tuesday, 2 pin., from th Memorial chapel or Hie Ekmnn funeral home. R-v. M J. K Kuhr officiating, fulfil rilei nt Valley View cemetery. Scha iter died lute I-'rtday at Silverton hospi lal from the effects o( bums sustained from nn explosion ol a uas torch with which lie wa.i burn in rt out a fence row on his ranch near Silverton. earlier dur ing the dav. Horn at llarlinaton. Nebr., IJrrember 29. 114. Il.irt lived In this vi cinity for the past 15 months, man ag in;, the Rue turkey ranch His widow. Leonora, and two small dnimhters. Netta ami Nancy, survive: also hi.s parents and one sister in Redlands. Calif . Mr. and Mn. Adolph Sihaner. and Mrs. Nirma Gallup; another sister. Mm. Geonge, jHiivseu or Salem, and a brother, Duane Schacer or Lakeside. Calif. Griirse A. Rtrhmnnd Georae A. Richmond, late resident of 21a North Commercial street. October 19. Survived by a dauehter, Donna Rich mond of Salem. Announcement of Mt vices later by Cloush-Barrick company. Jeiile Hurley Pratt N-ar Kings Valley. Orcjton. October 17. .ici.sle Hurley Pratl. late resident o( Hos kms. OrcKon, at the age of J3 years. Son o( Mrs Eduh Kelly of Hosklns: brother of Bob Kelly and LeRoy. Carl, Keith and Connie Pintt, all of Hoskins. and Mrs. Christine Mitch of Vmiport City. Services will be held Wednesday, October 33, at 1:30 p.m at the W. T. Rindon chapel with concluding services in the Lee Mis sion cemetery. Rev, Dudley Strain offi ciating. Doile Stafford Doyle Stafford. late resident of Grants Pass, at a local hospital, Friday. October 13. Shipment has hren made to Grants Pass by the Howell-Edwards company for services and interment. Mr. Ollfve llnllnier Mrs. Olive lio.iiiicr. late resident of 360 McGllchrist street. Salem, at a local hos pital. October 19. Surviving are a daugh ter. Mrs Marie McGllchrist of Salem; son, H. S Bolinaer of Pnnevllle. Orecon, seven grandchildren and two great grand children Services were held from -he Clouah-Barric chapel Monday, October 21. ay 3 n.m. with Rev. Chester Hamblln officiating. Intciment was in Beleres& Memorial park. Howard Laverne Dull Howard Lavrrm Doll, at ttie amity residence at 360 Hooa street, October 20, at the age of four months. Infant on of Mr. p.nd Mrs. Elmer Doll of Salem; grandson of Mr. and Mrs. William Wtens of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Lawson R. Dnll of South Dakota. Announcement of Her, ices later by the Howell-Edwards company.