ii Capital Journal, Salem, -1 Tp place classified ads ph one 3571 or 8037, . FOR SALE HOUSES IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 7 BOOM mod. house on 2-acre tract with . Approximately 300 It. creek froutaite. "beautiful shade Sz fruit trees, double parage St other out buildings. Price . 515.000. To see this call L. 11. Ellis. 2-1231. a251 "jftirrifE OWNER: Englcwood Dlst. 5 rm. ""house. L. Rm., Kitchen. 3 lied Rms Corner Cunboardfi. Hwd. floors throunh out. Venetian Blinds, full hnsement. Auto. Air Conditioned. Oil heat, Is. at tached narage. Ph. 4953. a'-51 4 . BLOCK Elks Club, house with one rental apt. It's a irood down-town in- vestment. Also 3 A; 4 BR homes walk ing distance. Another 4 BR line home , near Farrish Sz Hi. LUSB REALTY Oregon Bids. 7952 a243' STATE ST. CLOSE-IN 4 bdrui. home, all on one 1 floor, fireplace, dole, garage, larite lot. A FINE P'AMILY HOME. REAL INVEST MENT. Price $12,000. Call Coburn I. Grabenhorst wl'.h 1 GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 1772 a249 HOME is INCOME V.. SUMMl.lt ST. A wonderful family .home plus 2 lee. apts, on 2nd floor, auto-oll heat, fireplace, hdwd. floors, rible unriicc with space for opt. above. A REAL INVESTMENT. Price J25.000. Call Coburn L. Orahenhorst with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS .134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 7772 a249' SOUTH SALEM ONE OF THE city's finest homes, 7 lite. spacious rms., den. fireplace, autn-oll ; Jieal. wrinkling svsirm in vnrd. TRU LY A REAL FAMILY HOME. ' Call Richard E. Orahenhorst with ORAHENHORST BROS.. REALTORS , 134 3. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 a243 A REAL HOME ENRL1ST1 type. 3 bedrooms; fireplace; Plenty of bullt-lns. Full basement: au tomatic oil heat and all weather strip ped. Double garaifc. Shrubs, flowers, garden, fruit and nut trees. Lot ap pro. 66x195. Own (his for only 111.000 See JAMES B. HARTMAN with LEO N. GUILDS. INC. REALTORS 44 Stale St. Ph. 92(11 n219 7 ROOM HOUSE, 3TT0 POSSIBLE Income $75 mo. or more, plus . living quarters. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 4.13 N. HlRh St. Phone 24793 a2M PRICE REDUCED $1000 MOB. 1 nnitMS.. full base., 3 lots, bffiu- 1 1 fully landscaped, fruit St nuts. $11. f BOO. Call Mr. Rhhop. GENERAL REAL ESTATE CO. Rm. 10 Ladd A: Bush Bids. Ph. 7770 ; a2.r)0' ENOLEWOOD HOME BEDROOMS. FIREPLACE. II1)W. FT.TTfl AUTO. HEAT. LARGE LOT, VIEW WEST. REALLY NICE. 0.750. GENERAL REAL ESTATE CO. . Ph. 7770 Rm. 10 Ladd Si Bush Bid?. n250' NEED "A LARGER HOUSE? HERE IS A very nice one. Larue living room, dining room combination. Ktl ' chen with breakfast nook. Ono bed 1 "room and hath down, two larne bed- rooms up. Pull 8 ft. hasement with in und outside entrance. Dbl. Harare wired for range, rice, hot water. Will xchaugo for smaller house. Price $12, 830. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3385 Portland RrJ. Ph. 3255. Eves. 25103 n2r.l ENGLISH STYLE HOME NORTH S ONE OF Salem's lending streets. Ha.i living room with fireplace. Dlnini: iroom, Vitchcn, breakfast nook, bnlh. 3 . bedrooms, full basement, sawdust fur nace, a a rane. fenced hack yard with large ahnde tree. Immediate posses ion. See tills and make an offer. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. S3B5 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 2.1103 n2.il SUBURBAN, 1 acres, clnsc to bus. Excel lent soil. Oood 4 room home. Fenrrd " yard. Ideal lor children. $0850. (2,700 "will handle. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 2103 i2;r" WANT A HEAL SHOW PLACE? We have It. Six apaclous rooms and double a raiic. It has everything Larite ronm t lie bath and kitchen. Auto. heat, dbl. fireplace, new wall to wall run in L. Tt. and D. R. Small new homo In rear , for maid or enretaker. On l'i acres Just N. of Salem city limits. Everything you ,. would want In fruit, lierrle.s and nuts. . Built for his own home by one of Salem's well known contractors. Thi. homo (s new and the. construction will land any Inspection. J20.000. Less than "j cash will handle. Easy monthly pny- menta. SUUJVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 2M03 a251' LOVELY CREEK LOT GOOD R bedroom home, ilreplncc. full - dbl. plumbing, auto, oil heat, wire d Ir.r rantte, wall to wall enrpel in I D R. and den. Lots of fruit niul s Close to bus, sclioot and Mores, for children. Really a fine buy at ' 000. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. ' 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. R., lintle. Ideal $12,- a.stns nasi frMKUl. SMALL hse,, two lots in Salcin Heights. Owner buck enst, suvs tell. , . OISON & REEVE, REALTORS 045 S. Com'l. St. Pit. 451)0. Eve. 21 linn aL'M" $7, .ino. 3 .HEDKM. home, hwd. firs., Ilre plnce, fenreii-ln back yard. Just off beautiful KniBWood drive. ' OLSON Al REEVE. REALTORS ' 045 S Com'l. St. I'll. 4390. Eve. 21090 i a2.l- J7.000. RDKM. h.se., E. between Slu'r A: Center 81.. nood pliustered buiiKitlow. all on one floor. OLSON Ai REEVE. REALTORS 015 S. Com'l. St. I'll. 4;9U. Lve. 2HI90 4 RM. hse. In EiiKlinvoud Dlst.. nice St clean, clec. water heeler, wired . for ratine. Inrce lot. owner leuvln. Call lor appointment , OLSON ,t REEVE. REALTORS 045 S. Com'l. St. Pit. 4jH0. Eve. 21090 nU.il K..itH). 2 BIIIIM. limno lurnisliid. East of (own. larr.o llvitiB rm., 1). rm.. kuclien. utility rm., mirage, In rue lot, cIdso to bus .Si More, 0I50N At REEVE, REALTORS 045 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4;U0. Eve. 21090 -.! $IJ,1HHI. Bl'VS tliis lovely home, rinse io . ichool St bus. You e.in move riclit m . Just redec, hwd. firs , (i replace, V. blinds, coved ceilliiKs. lots of built-in?, full b.Mnt.. variue. Inrte lot. OLSON Si HEEVE, REALTORS 045 S. Com'l. St. I'll. 4jS)0. Eve. 21090 n2.l VbmHM, HOME in Eiiulrwond Pl.sl . hwd f Ir.s.. fireplace, just retler.. full base ment, close lo school A- mis. linin. Poss OISON A, REEVE, REALTORS 945 8. Com'l. St. Ph. 4.V0. Eve. 2mno a2M" TODAY'S SPECIAL Phone tii vt POI'R Bi nitooM Home. scml-EnalNh atyle construction, fin-place, built-in writinB desk, part hardwood floors, fin! hnsement and piped l urn nee. beaut 1- luliy laiidscuped k rounds, m.uiy d-.Itrr- nt varieties of slirulihri y, fruit nod nut trees. Two extra lots. Tills Is a completely modern home and should . aot last Joint nt $11,500, ABRAMS A: ELLIS, INC. .411 Masonic Dldn. Phono fil.Vi Insurance Mortgage Loans nJ.)l MODERN HOMES Phone GLS.'i $7500 NEWl.V REDECORATED well built two bedroom home six ears old. Peau tlful oak floors, un porch, au'.omatic , oil furnace, double Karaite, elec, wuicr heater. 1 blk. to school. j block to bus $7WH) TIIKEI-: BEDROOM 10 year uhl home. Fireplace, pnrt hardwood iloot s. B30d construction, plenty of bit-Ins hi kitchen, well located In West Salem. SfMHHt NEW TWO BEDROOM. G I. only Well loratrd modernistic home. SfMHin NEW TWO BEDROOM with un finished upstairs. G.I. only. New su 'burban residential district, oil bus line. 0WHI WELL CONSTRUCTED NEW 3 bed ' room home, lull basement, piped fur ttace. unfinished upstairs, sparlous Jiv ing room, dining, room, convenient kit chen, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds. , ABRAMS St ELLIS, INC 411 Mnsonio BlrtR. Pu.me fll,; Injuranca Alongaso Iroanj aJju Oregon, Monday, Oct. 21, 1946 (UK SALE HOUSES BY OWNER GOOD 3 bdrm. plastered home Sz floored altlo for 2 more bdrms. Basement & furnace. On bus line, close in. Could be made Into 3 apts, Cash or terms. Ph. 4423. A251 $;;. ItlXICE HOME in Ennlewood district. Hdw firs. In living Si dining rms.. fire place, aas furnace, bednn.. bath, kitch en A; laundry rm. down. 2 small bed rms. up. Garage. Also bldti. 12x20 in hack, several trees, beautiful lawn St shrubbery. MELVIN JOHNSON 549 N. CoLIkkc St. Phone 3723. a250" Bl'Y OWNER: For quick Rale, 17400. 2 bedrm. plastered home. Hollywood dist. Excellent cond.. full bsmt., auto, saw c'.ust furnace, elec. wtr. htr., wired for rantte. Bus by door, close to school. Owner leavinit town. 2105 N. 4th. a250 J6000 2 BEORM. modern home, centrally locat ed. Dbl. Barane, cement foundation, plastered. Call for Mr. Izaak, M. O. HUMPHREYS, REALTORS 3035 Portland Road. Ph. 7820. a250 1 ItOKM homo north In good location with cxtri lot, close to school St bus. I mm. Pof.i. Call R. Maddy for more Information. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 045 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4500. Eve. 21090. a250- SACRIFICE MODERN (I RM. nomc, Eiutllsh type, fire place, hdwd. floors, auto-oil heat, lull basement, nook, rib In, Karaite, lac. lot, in itny trees, uulck possession. Owner liitvuiB city. Price ill.ooo. Cul! Ci. H. Orahenhorst with UltAHENHORST BROS., REALTORS 131 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 Eves. 2-2948 a24!' WHY PAY RENT? n-it'M 3 Rorun house near Hollywood. St .Till "J III DHOOM House south side. j.y.im: UFDKOOM house completely fur nished, lame Jot. j(i,-,iKi t beiiroom smaller type house, 2 ni Tcr, of uood hind, larue storage bulld lii'r, electrical water system. ;;,' hj:i)koom house, Wilbur street. 8Wi :t BEliKOO.M house, near Silvcrton highway. ?!W. I BEDROOM house, near Holly wood, lame lot. full basement, auto matic heat, attached Karaite, near nc'iools. Sit!. I PREWAR built, excellent 2 bed room home. Nice basement, automatic heat, best of location. South. R E. MEREDITH, REALTOR 17R S. Commercial. Ph. HB41 a2M" THE LITTLE OFFICE V IT If A H IO BUSINESS OFFERS a B.R. mod. home with un fit! attic for 3 more B R., full base., wood furnace. North. Close to High land school. ROf)0. WELL LOCATED, well built, 3 B.R. home, la rue livmc and rhnliiK. full ba&c. oil hurnliiR in mace. For iulck sale J8500. Worth vour i-onsideratlon. EXTRA WELL located 3 B.R. home, firs', floor, larite llviiur and dlninB, full base,, sawdust furnace, double gar, Lot Rli x 1(10. fruit shrubs, North. Inspect this nlco home, make offer. EAST 5 ItOO.I mod. home (ex. bast.) 6 yrs. old, hwd. floors, close to bus and school. Prire $7500. Terms. I mm. Pom. SMALL 3 B.lt. home, close to bus, store, lot 50x150. Priced $2850 cash. C. H. Sanders-231 N. ' Hlnh-5838 a250 ULTRA MODERN country home. Largo livlntf room with fireplace, dining room, both carpeted, sun room, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, full basement, parly room with fireplace, automatic heat, garage, small houso on rear, l'i acres, lots of fruit Sz berries. A deluxe horns for only 120, 000. BRAND NEW 2 bedroom home. large 11 Iiik room, dinette, kitchen, utility room. Hi hnihs, electric heat. Insulated, doors weatherstrlpped. double Barace, lawn and soma shrubs In. A dandy horns for $13,000 FLOYD VOLKEL REAL ESTATE 474 Court Phone 3D04 a249 SPECIAL 4 bedrm. home In Englewood dlst. Lb. L.lim., D.Rm., tiled drain-, boards in kitchen, 3 Ig. bdrms up. with dbl. plumbing. Full basement with saw dust furnace. Etec. hot water heater. Tins home In first class cond. OLSON St REEVE. REALTORS 045 S Com'l. Ph. 4590 Eve. 21090 a249 MONEY TO LOAN on first mortgages. 4 to G'V C.ill for details. ED BYRKIT A CO. 339 Cliemeketa. Phone 69111. a REIH'CED TO J5500. Must sell Immedi ately. 1 bedroom home, clean. Water he.iter, Venetian blindi. Wired for range. Wood circulator. 24S5 N. Church. a25l $70001 Itl DKM. home all on 1 fir. Good locution between Center Sz State St. Plastered. Garage, Paved street. S71.-i() 'i BE l RM. home north, with lame L. rm . D. rm., kitchen, nook, lull basement, sawdust furnace, elec. water healer. Imm. pnss. sr.'.niH) l BEDRM. home In Englewood dist., hdw. firs., fireplace, 1 large bed rm. down. 3 up, upstairs b.ilh. Full basement, sawdust furnace, elec. hot water heater. Priced for quick sale. 2 BED It M. home In Bond location, hdw. firs, thruout, fireplace, V. blinds, larue kiU'hcu wil h lots of hullt-lns. Just re dec , ful! basement. Auto. heat. Imm poss. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 045 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 45110. Eves. 21090. a'Jjl J79..0 FULL PRICE fl RM. llOi:sE clo- in, hnlwil, floors, full basement. A very good buy. Luc. lot. Call for Mr. Isank with M. O HUMPHREYS. REALTORS 3035 Portland ltd. Ph. 7B20. a249 OWNER leaving town. 5 room house. larc Hutu room, k'tchen, lots of clipboards and closet space, dinette, 3 bedrooms, bath, unfinished attio with plumbing ami heating roiuhed In. ba.scment. auto. oil furnace, lar:o lot. fruit trees, Jnre Karauc, immediate possession. 1470 M.ir ket St. Phone 05:20. a249 $H.MHi 1 Bin ROOM 10ine south. Partly furnished. New oil circulator. Near tcliool anil bus. Call Mr. Wallers. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS 341 U11EMEKLTA ST. PH. 3793 EVES. 35260 U249 $;,Slio 7 ROOM nome north. L. room, D. room. Kitchen, one bdroom and bath down. 3 bi'drms. up. Large lot. Call Mr. Walters. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS 311 CIIEMEKEl'A ST. 111. 3793 EVES. 33260 11249 $,-.;;tl 5 KM. Srm'KH.W home on bus line, Liviiik 1'inmi. Kitchen, Nook, 3 heilrms., belli, fireplace, hwd. floors. Call Mr. Walters. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS 341 CI 1 EM EKE 1' A ST. PH. 3793 EV. PH. 23260 a240 $:.-n DOWN. 3 bedrins.. K room. Dining i in.. Kitchen, all on ouo floor. Hdw. flo.tr. s, oil furnace. Full price, $13.3U0. Call Oiner HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. RKAl.TOHS 311 CllEMLKETA ST. PH. 2134a EV. PH. 35001 a349J 8!t7. NICE TWO bedroom home. L. rm,. Dining rm., Kitchen. Basement, Oil lur nacc. On bus line. Call Onicr. HUFF 1IKAI ESTATE CO. REALTORS 341 CHEMEKETA ST. PH. 2154U EV. PH. 25091 J41 JIMttio GOOD HOME close In North. Lnr;e L. rm. DlnniK rm. Two bedrms. (.Massed in Porch, Nook. Hwd. floors, fireplace, basement, oil furnace. Call Outer HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS 341 CHEMEKETA ST PH 2T.49 EV. PH. 35091 a249 tirviin NEW, MODPHN Homo In Turner L. rm. Dlnlnx Rm. Kitchen. Two bed looms. Call Mr. Smith. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS 341 CHEMEKETA ST. PH 21349 EVE, 22266 tUV SO F Til 3 HI lHtlMlM Plastered house 1 r excellent comlituin. Full basement with automatic oil furnace, wired for range. L'a.st iron I, Price $7300. ROSl'EIN Si ADOLPH, INC. 110S N Commercial Si. Plione 3030 Eves. 8314 r250' PHOSPtCTlVE BUY KHS WE HAVE 2 new modem 5 room homes lor sale. One Norm, one South. O. U. Sandera-211 J4. lltgh5838 3il FOB SALE HOUSES $300 NEW 1 bedroom modern home on 2 lots Just outsldo the city limits. $1500 KOOMS on 1 acre, Elec. pump. Some furniture goes. Bus 2 blks. J5HIH) NICE 1 bedrm. modern home. Large liv. rm. Nice kit. and nook. $0300 i HEDUM. modern home. Fire place. Oil hpat. Bus by door. 5(l.-)iHi BDRMS, Partial ba.se. Good cor ner lot. Close in. Bus one blk. Call Dale FIippo GENERAL nEAL ESTATE CO. Ph. 7770. Rm. 10, Ladd it Bush Bldg. a249 FOR KALE By Owner: 6 year old home. 2 B.R. plus 36x28 upstairs room com pletely sealed in plywood. H W. floors thruout downstairs. Fireplace in 16x13 L.R. Dinette adjoining 10x12 with built in corner cupboard. V. blinds, L.R. Sz DR. Downstairs carpet wall to wall, beautiful all-wool carpeting. Oil heat, wired for elect, ramie. New 66-gal. elec. water heater In comb, utility room Ar gara1! Lovely yard approx. 65x120 hedged with 3 yr. old laurel on 3 sides and climbliiB rosea on other side. Out side fireplace with patio. 1 Bine cherry tree and 1 apple tree in yard. 5 bl. Mc Kinley school and 4 to Leslie Jr. Hlzh. $12,500. Telephone 5156. a249 COZY COTTAGE REDUCED! 1 B.R.. L.R.. Dinette and Kit chen. 2 blks. to school, bus at door. Price $7350. Terms. Call Habby Hahernlcht JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court St Phone 7696 a249 CLOSE IN 3 BEDROOMS. L.R., DR.. Kitchen and hath, all on one floor. Hdw. floors, good bnr.cment. Newly painted Sz decor ated. Worth seeing, worth buying. Price $12,000. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phone 7696 Res. 24789 a249 VERY DESIRABLE 2 bedrm. home. So. 16th St . Hdwd. floors thruout. full basement. Immaculately clean and well decorated. See Mrs. Parmentler with HAWKINS Sz ROBERTS, INC. REALTORS Phone 4108 After 65127 a249' "BEAlrril'tJL Vn;v"-Suhurhan 2 Btlr. all large rooms. 2 fireplaces, party room, oil A. C. furnace, dble. garage. Call Craig for appointment. BURT PICHA, REALTORS PH. 3210 or 5053 337 N. High Street n'J49 KEYS ARE READY 0 ROOM plastered bunKalow. plumblnB, bullt-ins. Needs redecorating. Larce na race. East front lot. Some trees. Price $5300, SEE LEO N. CHILDR. INC. REALTORS 344 Stale St. Ph. 9261 a219 BY OWNER NEW 3. BEDROOM pla.stered house, east. Attached garaEc. elec. heat new elec. heater, laundry trays. Insulated, bath room complete. 2 acres Bood soil and view. Shrubbery. Priced to sell. Sc" owner at 3570 S. Commercial St.. Salem. a2il SIHOH. L(iE. old lime. In Business zone, for remodeling. Call "ELMER" AM UNDSON BURT PICHA. REALTORS PH. 3210 37 N. High Street a249 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $8900. NEW 3 Bdr. Huie. Hwd. Firs. Alt. Garare. 2 Ac. No. East. Call "ELMER" AMUNDSON BURT PICHA, REALTORS PH. 3210 337 N. High Street a249' $7-iHI S ROOM home, 8 mo's. old. HWD. floors. Plastered, cove ceilhiK, 50x140 It. lot. Fenced yard. $2100 will handle. "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. I2th Open till 8 p.m. Ph. 4fir5 a'J 5 1 OWNER: 7 rms.. 4 bedrms. Sound, well buit, older type house. Roomy and spa clous. Idea! for larnc family. Excl. location near schools A: bus. Base ment, furnace, trays. $7500. Call 8436. a251 BY OWNER: Modern 3 bedrm. home, flrcplnce, hardwood floors, nice kitchen with dinette. Attached Baraue. Only '.0 years old. $7250. No dealers. Ph. B.1C0 a250 BY OWNER: Beautiful new Kingwood Heights home. Largo party room with fireplace, patio over Barace with fire place, 3 bedrms.. tnrKe L.R.. nook Si kitchen, lots of bullt-ins. Hdwd. firs, thruout. one of the best constructed houses In town. limited possession. For nppulntment Phone 21086. a240 Wi.lHlO. 3 BDRM. home East. Fireplace, V. blinds, large L rm., Imm. Poss, owner must sell. This Is a quick sale. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 043 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4390. Eve. 21090. n230' $9.?.'. 2 BDK.M. home East. Room for 2 more. This home is in a very good lo cation. Bus In front of door, ful base ment, large lot, all kinds of fruit. Imm. Pnss. Just redec. by the best In town. See It. Maddy for more Infor mation OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 045 S, Com'l. St. Pit. 4590. Eve. 21090. a 2 50 $10.11011. 3 BBR.M. home East with I acre, hwd. floor. s, V. blinds, oil heat, elec. stove. Tills can bo tract Into lots. Owner lervliiB town. OI.SON AND REEVE. REALTORS 045 3. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590. Eve. 21090. n230 7.7.10. 2 BBIIM. home north. L.rm.. D rm., kitchen with nook. Just redec. Full basm't., with sawdust heat, owner leav Iiik town. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 045 S. Com'l. St. Pit, 4390. Eve. 21D90. a250' SPECIAL FOR 3 DAYS ONLY jH.MHi III) KM. home, N.. close to hi school, bus In front of dr. Full base ment with furnace. Luc. lot with fruit, Imm. posse.1 sion. OI.SON AND REEVE. REALTORS 045 S. Com'l. St. Ph, 4590. Eve. 21090. n'J.iO VMHHl. 2 BDRM. hse., unfinished, city water and gas. Tills Is liveable, don't miss I ins. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 045 S. CJiu'l. St. Ph. 4590. Eve. 21000. a250- $U..ihi. 3 RDR.M. home in Keier Dlst. L.rm.. D.rm., kitchen with a lot o' huill-ins, Jitat rodeo., larco garage with room above, all kinds of fruit, beauti fully hunt so a pod. Pnred for quick sale. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 045 S. Com'l. St, Ph. 45U0. Eve. 21090 a'-'.iO- ! BDK.M. HOME In best location, hwd. firs, thru-out. fireplace, V. btliuLs, elec. water heater, lots of built -Ins. lull basement, beautiful yard. Just redec. I mm. Pos.. close to grade Sz high school. See R. Maddy for more Infor mation OI.SON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 45i!0. Eve. 21090 $!l,8.MUH) PINK Modern home well 'o caled with tu 2 blocks of P.irrish Jun ior High school. Lot 30 x 103 ft. Span ish type, hardwood floors, fireplace. basement, electric cooking and water hcter. furnace heat, possession I m modi ately. Very clean house, newly decor aied, beautiful yard, nice shrubs, fenc ed back yard, new roof with ten year R'.iartintee. Good terms can be arranged. Will be n pleasure to show this home. $ltl.!HH.IMI 3-HEDKOOM HOME WELL LO CATED IN EVERGREEN DISTRICT WI TH 1-Acre of Kood soil. Only & years old. Has hardwood floors, eleclric water heater and cooking, heated by oil. Dou ble garaue. Possession immediately. Has barn and bus by door, grade school 5 blocks, elect no range goes. Well lighted ard and nuts, fruit and berries. MAKE AN OFFER ON THIS. You cannot 80 wrong. Oood terms can be arranged. Call us on this and we will siiow any time, HOLLYWOOD McKillop Km, Estate Agency 2075 FA11K1ROUNO ROAD PH. 2-5221 Evenings and Sunday 0340 or 2-4263 ai50- UKIVK BY 513 South 18;h Street. A 3 bedroom home for $5,000. Immediate possession. H OSTEIN A- ADOLPH, INC. 1101 N Commercial St. Phone 3030 Eves. 8314 a250 THE LITTLE OFFICE Willi A BIG BUSINKS3 PROSPECTIVE BUYERS WE HAVE 'J new modern 5 room homes to sell, one Norjh and ono South. For more Information call C. H. Snudt'rs-231 N. Htgh-5838 &250 THE LITTLE OFFICE WITH A BIO BIS1NESS i B.R. SMXLL home. $2830. 1 B.K. HOME. N.E.. $4j0U. i AI RE. ) B.K. home. ftiCOO. I ACRE. NEW homo N.E.. $7330. C. H. Sanders-231 N. Hlgh-58;t8 a350' To place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037. To place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037. I OK SALE HOUSES $3' in 3 ROOM home, on North End of ft"C" KILOORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th Open till 8 p.m. Ph. 41S3 a231 -rriJi ROOMS, shake house. 100 x ino lot. or completely furnished for $47.)0. "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th Open till 8 p.m. Ph. 4855 8251 BY OWNF It: 1 bedrm home on extra large lot. nice yard, neat As clean throughout. 1343 N 18th. a251 $;-:.0 2 BEDROOM home 6 mo's. old. plastered, fir floors, lovely kitchen, breakfast nook and service bar, Vene tian blinds. Rosedale dist. "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. I2th Open till 8 p.m. Ph. 48.55 a25l $7.'t-'0 5 ROOMS, living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, and bath, basement, garage, corner lot, conveni ent location. . . "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th Open till 8 p.m. Ph. 4855 ft23l ?I,.imk l.ARCE 7 room home, near Les lie school, all plastered, beam cemnfe. fireplace, full basement, auto sawdust furnace. Double plumbing, large corner lot. Very lovely grounds. -C KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th Open till 8 p.m. Ph. 4855 a251 BEAUTIFUL VIEW HOME MODERN RANCH style house on choice iiirucr lot. 2 bedrms., dblo plumbing A: dhle. p:ar. Mt. Hood view. S13.000. Call Dflle FIIppo Eves. 3097. GENERAL REAL ESTATE CO. Ph. 7770 Rm. 10 Ladd Si Bush BIdtr. a2.50' EXCLUSfvE M.Vi NO. IftTII, 2 bdrm., hv. rm.. dinette, hdwd. floors, fireplace, basement, auto, i! as floor furnace, elect hot water heater, Immediate possession Call Ru bers RE1MANN REAL ESTATE "Listings Skillfully Handled" 201 S High Ph. 3722 or 7836 Evet. Sz Sun. 24113 or 3621 a FOR SALE LOTS LOTS OF LOTS HHItIOO NORTHEAST. SOIIC 4, $2100. K0i;ii. COOD view, fine location. slCOO. CITY LOTS, 800 to $1000 but Rood. C. II. Sanders-231 N. High-5838 na250 LOT IN Enslewood district, 60x120. Phone :ir,.l3 after 6 p.m. aa251 'i ACRE TRACTS GOOD SOIL, located East. Price $305 and EASY TERMS. Buy now and have n location to build your future home. GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 aa240 H C 1 1 0 IC E Bi i i Id ing Lots" 60xfl3 ft. 6 n Suburban Bus Line, Close to school. Price S300 each. Inquire Hubert Evans. Swculo Store aa249 BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITES ABOI T acre. Lots of trees. Creek. City wnier. Price saoo. ANOTHER or a double corner lot, 120 x 101. Nob Hill Annex. One of the good buvs. Price only $1100. See K. N. VOORHEES with LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 0261 na240 DESIRABLE lot. For particulars. 425 North 17th. na251 R( ) S ITLU.fTA I) D . : Lot 50X160. Ph 3012 after 6 p m aa250' FOR SALE FARMS 56 ACRES 3O00 .OCATED AUDI T 16 miles from Salem on good gravel road. Good soil, spring, creek. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High Phone 24793 b23I WANT TO ItAISE STOCK? IIERE'E THE place. 128 acres, 10 miles east. Has large modern ranch type home. Bi? living room with stone fire place. 2 bedrooms, dining room, kitchen on first floor; unfinished upstairs, part basement. Year around stream and five or six spring. 10 acres In English wal nuts. 3 acres filberts, abundance of family fruit. 80 acres In cultivation. 25 acres in fir and oak timber. Will ex change for 1 to 10 aero place with 3 bedroom home. Full price SlO.flOO. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3363 Portland ltd. Ph. 3235. Eves. 24470 D25 P THE LITTLE OFFICE WITH A BIG BUSINESS Xfi ACRES s.E. 50 or more tinder plow, some timber, small house, barn with 17 stanchions. Price $10,500. Sell stock and equipment. C. H. Sanders-231 N. Hinh-3338 b2.50 10 ACRES FRUIT St HOME LOCATED South nbout 5 miles from city center prunes, cherries, apples, pears, good 7 rm. modern farm house, chicken house, barn, good water. A nice family home on paved road. Also additional nereaire of orchards. Call D. J. Dawson with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-533R b249 HOMELESS? U-NEEDN'T B 5 A., apple, penrs. prunes, berries, nuts and garden. Spring water. 5 room house, furnished. Price Includes new radio, garden tractor, 2 wheel trail er. Only $6000. 'j cash bal. Terms. Call Mylcs Henderson JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court St. Phone 7696 Res. 24682 b249 LET'S MOVE TO THE COUNTRY 4.1 A. ALL cult. Good 5 room house and elec. range barn 32x48 chick house and Burns p. Your land will pay for Itself. $13,500 and worth it. Call Henry Torvend JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court St. Phone 7696 Res. 25141 b249 $30,00072 ACRE RANCH IN POLK COUNTY 2.5 ACRES In limber. 13 acres In walnuts. 6 acres in filberts. 21 acres prunes, 6 acres cherries, 1 acre of peaches. Good house and out bldsfl. Call Mr. Smith, HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS 341 CHEMEKETA ST. PH. 21540 EVE. PH. 22268 b249 BY OWNER 35 acres good soil, will grow anything. Large Brick House. Large Barn. Old Fir Grove contains about 300 cords. Year Round Creek. Small Lake. 12 miles SE. of Salem. Immediate possession. Price SU 500. This place will not only be a tine one to live on but can be developed Into a money maker besides. Write or Phone C S RONDEAU 131 N. 2nd. Corvallis. Ore. b240 FARM BUYERSI BEFORE VOI) decide on a farm, get a eopy of our Special Farm List, wltb descrip tions of 63 farms. NELSON A: NEI,SON REALTORS Rms. 300-3 Masonic Btrtg. 495 State St. Ph. 4419 or 4622 Eves. 3-5517 b FOR SALE ACREAGE THE LITTLE OFFICE FIT H A BIG BUSINESS 1 CHOICE bids, sites about 80x150. with oak trees, paved road, on bus, city water, close school. $1575 each. '3 A. RICH soil, close to Keizer school. $2000. Acreage In this district selling for $1200 per acre. 3 ACRES Northeast $1900. C. It. Sanders-231 N. High-5838 bb250' 5 ACRE PLACE DOriU.E GAR.UiE house. 1 year old. Good well. Will, sit solL Lays nice Northeast, $4,000. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3235. Eves. 24470 00251' 10 ACRES ON N. RIVER road. No buildings. All In cultivation. $1,500 down, balance of $4, 600 at $412.00 yr. 2', Interest. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 24479 bb251- 10 ACRES WILLAMETTE SILT in Hays- viile district. Very nice 3 bedroom home. large barn, water tower and other outbuildings. This Is good soil for strawberries or cane berries. This can be handled for good terms. Also full lino of equipment available at a very reasonable price. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 4365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 24470 bb351 FOR SALE ACREAGE $17,500 31 ACRES northeast, Willamette silt loam. Two houses, one new 5 room home. Other 3 room with bath, 40x30 bam. 20x40 new poultry house. Family fruit. New AC. tractor, full attachments, in cluding power lift, cultivator and fer tiliser att. 2 cows, about 300 chickens, 175 bales of hay. 4 or 5 tons barley. This place lays nice to subdivide. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Pil. 3255. Eves. 24470 bb251' FOR SALE: 5 acres, close in. 3 acres fil berts, 3 years old. Good building site. By owner. 2020 Broadway. bb254 MY 11-ACRE home, 5 rm. plastered house. with nook, basement, .fireplace, fur nace. Hardwood firs, in L.R. 6 acres gooseberries, l'i acres boysenberrles. some strawberries. 4 miles south of Salem off 09E on Baxter Rd. Price $11,000. Rt. 4. Box 299. Phone 22402. bb251 LAND BARGAIN $3.?on WILL buy this fine 10 acres lo cated 4 miles out. Beautiful view, some berries, cood road. Sio.r.uo WILL buy this 12 97 acres lytmj Between Cherry Ave. Sz N. River Road. Some timber, 4 acres of good walnuts. Would make a ttood subdivision. Call O. H. Grabenhorst, Jr. with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-2948 bb249 KEIZER-CHEMAWA ROAD LATE BCILT modern 2 B.R. home, 1-3 A. of finest silt loam. City and school buses. Owner built this for home. It's good 56.000. 2 HOMES 3 ACRES IMM ED. POSS.! 2 B.R. plastered. Other house is 5 rm. stucco, rented. 30 days' Poss. 00 fine cherry trees. All this for $7000. BEAUTIFUL STUCCO NICELY FINISHED I B.R. home, all on 1 fir. Ba.sem't.. furn.. swell shrubs & fruit trees. cara:e. Sec this at 2030 Ma ple. Tcrm.s. $12,000. LARSEN HOME A LOAN CO. Exclusive LlstiiiKS Personal Service 164 S. Com'l. St. Phone 8389. Eve. 7140 bb250 5 ACHES in Liberty district with 2 bed room house. On paved road and su burban bus line. Some timber, cherries, walnuts and prunes. Price $5500. ROSTEIN St ADOLPH, INC. 1 10' j N. Commercial St. Phone 3030 Eves. 8314 bb250 12500 DOWN BALANCE good terms, l acre suburban. 2 bedrm. home, good barn, east on paved road. M O. HUMPHREYS Sz CO. 3035 Portland Road Phone 7820 2266 Fairgrounds Road Phone 24.506 bb250 $81100. 4'-i Acres. 1 j A. prunes, balance cultivated. 8 room house, bath, septic tank, electric water system, other bides. 3 miles out. Sli.fliio. iv.i A.. 2'i A. Cherries. 4 A. al falfa, balance limber and pasture. 6 0 A. MOSTLY timber. 7 room house, 2 fireplaces, br.sement. furnace, creek with dam, spring, electric water system. 2 garages, small house. 7 miles out. A Real Buy at S900O. FLOYD VOLKEL REAL ESTATE 474 Court Phone 3004 bb240" $0.500 MODE R X HOUSE on l'i acres. All in Prunes. 3 miles south of Salem. Call Mr. Smith. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS 341 CHEMEKETA ST. PH. 21549 EV. PH. 22288 bb240 FOR SALE 10 Acres, 'i ml. S. of Clear Lake Sch. $600 per acre. Terms. C. G. Bergstrom. Rt. 2 Box 266C. Salem. bb240 SCliMi. 215 A. 5 rm. lise., about 4 ml. out. near school on good road, barn Sz chicken hse., just listed OLSON A: REEVE, REALTORS 045 S. Cjm'l. St. Ph. 4590; eves. 21090 bb251- j$;.:t()0 2 bdrm. home witli 1 acres. Thi-s is a real suburban home for two. OLSON Sz REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590; CVCS. 21000 bb251' REAL ESTATE $2000 DOWN I A CLEAN 6-room home. 3 bedrooms, un finished upstairs, attached garage. Cor ner lot, 60x135, 5 fruit trees, 2 blocks to bus, close to grade school. Vacant now, move richt In. LOCATED AT 1706 N. 4th STREET. Total price S3250. EAST OF TOWN VERY comfcrtable S room home with ap proximaelv ii acre of land, home has part hardwood floors, fireplace in liv ing room, wired for range, elec. water heater, garner. 1 block to grade school and bus. 72."0. 'i down. 3 BEDltOOM HOME EXCELLENT corner lot. fine-location, has livinsrooni. dining room, 1 bedroom, kitchen and utility room down, 2 bed rooms and batli up. 2 auto gas floor furnaces Entirely renovated inside and out. move right In. $8950. NEW SUBURBAN HOME FURNISHED VERY neat, modern 4 room home. V. blinds, wired for range, elec. water heat er, fully furnished, all new furniture, immediate possession. Located Just East of town complete for $8950. STLVERTON ROAD VERY close in, ft 'i ncres und very com fortable 5 room home, dandy stable, extra deep well with elec. water sys tem, nice yard. Over 330 foot front age on the Silverton highway. A fine Piece of property for $12,600 MODERN 6 ROOM HOME LARCE combination llvinnroom and dln Incroom. 1 bedroom, kitchen and bath down, 2 bedrooms up. fireplace, part hardwood floors. V blinds, wired Tor range and clec water heaters, basement with auto sawdust furnace, double ga rage Lot is 50x110. very nice back yard, 3 shade trees, located North, good residential district $12,850 LEE OH MART Si CO. REALTORS 477 Court St Pil 9680 or 4035 c W ALT & EVEIArTMUSanAVE REALTORS $4000 TWO smr.l! house, 3 lots In West Salem, all for Mono. FINE FAMILY HOME INCH on Kingwood H;:Ls. 5 years old. No. 1 matenals, newly painted outside and in. Livincrm.. dinlngrm.. kitchen and nook. 3 brtirms, Venetian blinds, nice fireplace, hdwd. floors, basement, oil furnace, den or 4th bedroom in base ment, fruit room, large lot, white picket fence. A lot of home at $12,600. KINGWOOD AVENUE $13,000 ANOTHER fine family home, 3 bdrms., livingrm.. dinlngrm., kitchen, hdwd. floors. Hreplace, basement, furnace. Ve netian blinds, gas water heater, wired for ranie. Bus at door. School 2 blks. 13 ACRES BACK OF KINGWOOD HGTS. LOVELY ranch style home, strictly mod ern. Furnished If desired. 7 acres prunes, 1 acre cherries, 2 acres clear. Walnuts and filberts. $20,000. 41-ACRE FARM SPECIAL Vi ACRES of Royal Anne cherries. 3 acres oak trees, balance under cult. Good barn, old house. This place netted over $7300 this season. A bargain at $10,300. WEST SALEM REALTY CO. 1233 Edgewater St. Ph. 5109 c251 LARUE LOT for your future home. North, just oif Pacific highway. Joins city limits. Will sacrifice for $1000. Call Wes Goodrich ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Cliemeketa St. Phono 5981 c250 HAVE YOl'R own business with no blue sky In the price. Located In growing town Garage, service station and tee agency. Delivery truck with meter. Low rent. Ice business alone netted $125.00 per month through summer. $5500. Call Wes Goodrich ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Cliemeketa St. Phone 5981 c250' $K..5iMi. Fine home, large lot. Elect, heat, hwd. floors, fireplace. Truly a beautiful place. SS..5iHJ. APT. house, close In. Lg. lot. Good location. S20OO down. $?,5.WH HOME on creek. Close in. Hwd. floors, 4 bedrms.. hot water and oil heat. Has everything for a fine home. Call Ike Bacon ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Cliemeketa St. Phone 5981 C2b0 SOME GOOD acreage, close In. Fine soil. 1 interested. Call Ike Bacon ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Cliemeketa St. Phone 5981 c250 MCE NEW 3 B.R. home, close in to city limits. East, aim oil '-j A., living room with hwd. floor. Il'.xl6 att. garage, elect, pump, elect, wtr. htr., Idy trays. nice bath Poss. in 3 weeks. $7900. Call Ed Lukmbe.il ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chcmcketa St. Phone 5981 c250' To place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037. REAL ESTATE THIS IS IT Vi ACRE of fine soil and a modern 4 bed room home, double plumbing, hardwood floors, full basement and furnace, lots of fruit and nuts. Located north lust nt edge of city limits. Owner Is leaving Salem and must sell. Price $12,500.00. VERY GCOD LOCATION 3 BEDROOM home. Full basement, oil furnace, plastered, this Is close to high school and bus. good home, better see this. Price $6850.00. MODERN SUBURBAN HOME LOCATED on Lancaster Drive with l'i acres Has hardwood floors. 2 bedrooms down and floored upstairs, fruit and nuts. Tills Is a good place to cut down on cost of living by having a cow and chickens and growing a good garden. Price $10,000.00. 12 ACRE FARM THIS IS A nice place on Garden Road close In. 4 bedroom home, hardwood floors, full hasement, sawdust heat, good barn and 3 large chicken houses very good soli, fruits and nuts. A very good place. Phone In and make an ap pointment to see this place. 210 ACRE FARM THIS IS ONE of the best money-making farms In the Willamette valley. 3 sets of buildings, 100 acres of Chehalis silt loam, 110 acres of Willamette silt loam, all irrlEated, modern 3 bedroom homo. This place cannot be beat for canning crops or mint, hops or seed crops. Come In and see us about this. DROP IN AND see us. We think we will be able to help you in your real estate deals. MORRIS REALTY CO. 970 S. Commercial 070 Phone 4217 c253 FORKNER-BOURNE. REALTORS $r.5() "i BEDRM. home. 2 years old, with double lot. South. Close to bus and school. A nice home at this price. $0H-;.1 3 BEDRMS.. north. Near bus, school and store. Nice lot. Good sized rooms Immediate possession. On paved st. $8immi -j BEDRMS. near Catholic school. On bus line, near store. Bsmt., laundry trays, furnace, hardwood fir. In liv ing room. Nice lot with peaches, wal nuts, grapes and raspberries. MODERN 4 bedrms. In good location, close to Jr. and Sr. High schools. Basement, auto, oil heat, large lot with warehouse on the back. This la a Bood buy. Lots of fruit, nuts and shrubbery. NEW MODERN 2 bedrm. home. Electric heat, full basement, lgc. dbl. garage, new lawn. Fine apt. could easily be ar ranged In basement. Close to Hollywood,-near bus See this. ACREAGE 2.3 ACRES: 3 bedrm. home In the country. Modern, close to school. Liv. rm.. din ing rm.. bath, full basement, garage. Oood soil. Lots of fruit and nuts. Deep well with elec. pump, $8950. l'i A IMMEDIATE POSSSESSION 3 BEDRMS., near school, paved road. wired for elec range, gas available. Oak floors downstairs, large living room with fireplace. $7250. FORKNER-BOURNE. REALTORS Joe Spurlock, Salesman Phone 3031 1853 North Capitol. c251 57000.00 N. I9th street with living room, dining- room, kitchen, 4 bedrooms and bath. Lot 50x140. Close to schools and bus. Garage. $0'.,.5o.o l ACRE at the State Street Four Corners. 4 bedrooms, basement lurnacc. Garage. Terms can be arranged. $!)H.-o.mi MODERN Home on Nebraska St. Living room, timing room. Kitcnen, j bedrooms downstairs, full basement, oil heat. Lot 56x100. Garage. $10,000.00 IMMEDIATE possession of Home East. Living room, dining room, kitchen, bath, 1 bedrooms down. 3 bed rooms upstairs. Small barn. Double ga rage. I Acre. $! J.ooo.oo STATE Street property with 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, bath, full basement, furnace, trays. Double garage. Immediate pos session. Sleeping porch, P. H. BELL, REALTOR 510 Guardian Bldg. Phone 41196 C249 SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS DESPERATE FOR A PLACE TO LIVE? YOU NEEDN'T be. Let us show you brand new temporary living quarters in Beau tiful Keizer dist. setting. A fine build ing spot for the future. Has two rooms and place for bath. A half acre with walnut trees. You can't afford to pass this up for $3250.00. LOT 63 X 237 FT. VIEW LOCATION In West Salem. 3 bed rms., hdwd. floors. Only 8 yrs. oia. tiec. cooking and water heating. Work shop In garage. Plenty of room for chil dren to play. See this at $8950.00. 3 BED ROOMS ENGLEWD.. lot 150 ft. deep. Newly paint ed, a truly nice home In every respect. Large garage. Full basement. Let us snow you this today. Price $11,500.00. AUTOMATIC OIL HEAT BUILT AT A time when they built to stay. 6'u yrs. ago. Has two bdrms.. elec. cooking and water heating. Ivory bath fixtures. Nicely landscaped with outdoor fireplace, terrace, walks, fence and sprinkler system In Engle wood district, A flue home Indeed. $15,000.00 "LIST WITH SALEM TO SELL 'EM" SALEM REALTY CO. 149 N. High St. Phone 7660 c250 $ I it ,5u DO YOU want a 5 rm. house with '.j acre for about S3500? If so investi gate this unfinished one for $1850. $2:too UNFINISHED house In restricted Dlst. Owner is increasing his price as he finishes, so buy now. Call Spread borough. $1.500 HERE IS a 2 bdrm. home with at tached garage that is jusT the thing for low cost housing. Call McGlauI lln. $611.50 THIS IS a small cute 2 bdrm. home with floor furnace, fireplace, close to bus St schools. South. Call Baron. $;;,- A GOOD house with liv. rm., din. rm., basement, sawdust heat, north, don't wait. Call Spreadborough. S7K.54I THIS SETUP can solve many prob lems. 2 houses, both 5 rms., modern on 2 acres with 90 cherry trees. Think of the possibilities. Call Ruberg. $83iio A GRACIOUS home with large rms. and windows, grand lot with Iru.t trees, some of the furniture goes. Call McOlauflin. $9H,50 THIS COULD fit you. 3 bdrm. home, spacious living Sz dining mu., carpeted wall to wall, lare master bed room, glassed in sleeping porch, auto, oil furnace in basement, double garage and shop. Lot is 144x165, additional acreage can be obtained, north. Call McGlaufllll. $r;,imo A o BDRM. home on Falrmount Hill, Double plumbing, oil heat, large home or rental income. Si;, 3(10 t BDUMS. stucco house, hdwd. floors down, basement, furnace, lot Iti0xl60 r.orth. Call Spreadborough. $l-.'.H3t :t BDRM. Hollywood Dist.. dou ble garage, excellent location. Let us show you this. Call Ruberg. $i;(,:.uo UNUSUALLY large rooms thru out. 2 bdrms., with rm. for more up stairs, house 8 yrs, old, auto, oil fur nace St air conaitloniiiK. Call Baron. $14, .500 A ;i BDRM. double plumbed house i.i Salem's best residential Dist. Give Mr. Bacon a ring and ask him. Sio.oiHi LOVELY B rm. home for gra cious living, outside lountam, hundreds of valuable shrubs St plants. 5 acres Iruit. Suitable lor suodividing. Loveliest view iu Salem. MANY MOKE, call and tell our salesmen what you waui. REIMANN REAL ESTATE "Listings Skillfully Handled" 201 S. High P1L 3722 or 7836 Eves. St Sun. 24113 or 3621 . c NELSON NEWS SUBURBAN DUPLEX WHY NOT have your home pay for ll t,clf. Here is raro opportunity. Live in 1 home, other will pay oil balance. L. R.. D. R. combined, bdrm., bath Sz utility porch, large lot with p.emy garden space, garage with odrm.. on bus, close to store, price only $600. GOOD HUME, EXCEPTIONAL LOCATION 3 BDRM. home with iplace, utility rm.. elec. water heater, air conditioning, auto, cil heat, garage, priced right at $8900. W ELL BUILT HOME ON LARGE LOT GOOD substantial home, L. ti., D. R., K.U., nook, i oarms.. oatn, on 1st nr, 2 bdrms Sz bath on 2nd fir., ideal fami ly orchard with many varieties of fruit Sz nuts, large garden area tot ltj x 165, No. NEW, MIDDLE GROVE, 2 AC. 6 RMS., bain Si utility rm., hwd. firs.. clec. heat, elec. water heater, clec. wa ter system, imd. avail. 18950. LARGE .FARM OPPORTUNITY! lot) AC, ALL cult.. Will, soil, 7 rm. mod. home, good 40x60 barn, garage, pump house, milk house Sz other out biam. J well. 40 ac. ready for pease, well drained, on paved hwy, family orchard, near Dayton. $20,000. IF THESE do not meet your requirements tell us wnal you wan;. We probably nave It. NELSON 6s NELSON Chet L Nelson Theo. O. NeDon REALTORS Rm. 300-3 Masonio Bldg.. 493 State St. Ph. 4419 or 4623. Eves. 21350 Farms . 25547 - c24' Journal Want Ads Pay, REAL ESTATE OWNER LEAVING TOWN MUST SELL 1 A. tract, close to city lim its. N.E. Small barn, dbL garage. 3 bedrms.. dining rm.. Iv. rm hwd. floors, nice kitchen, elect range, elect, wtr. ht., oil circ, East front. Will take a good offer. Call Ed Luktnbeal ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Cliemeketa St. Phone 5981 c250 MONEY TO LOAN on flrsi mortgages. 4 to 6. Call foi details. ED BYRKIT St CO. 339 Chemekcta. Phone 5981. c TO BUY OR SELL SEE CHARLES DELFEL HOMES IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 2 rm. hse.. wired for elect, range, good location, 2 walnut trees and 1 apple tree. $2750. Sal 121X. i GOOD HOME SITE. Near Crawfordsvllle. 2 lots. 59x12a each, 3 blocks from school. $350. Sal 123. FARMS SUNSET RANCH Stock ranch, 2028 acres. Would run 1500 sheep or 300 cattle. Re see ded with fescue, clover, lotus major and others, a-rm hse., dble, garage, 3 barns. Near Jewell. $20,000. Sal 115. ALSO THREE CATS: 3 good houses 60 A., J5 cult., some timber, exceptional prune orchard, tractor, 5 cows, harrow, frcsno. drag saw. 3 bams, lame dog and 3 cats, priced below market at $9000. Sal 116. OWNER SAYS REDUCE! To $16,500, this top grade orchard. 46 A. nearly all cult. Pears, apples, prunes, walnuts, cherries, occver crop In. $7500 yrly. gross. Sal 118. HOME IN COUNTRY: 54 acres, excellent lor grain and turkeys. 8 room house, 8 brooder houses for turkeys, good gar age. Near Jefferson. $25,000. Sal 120 CHICKEN OR TURKEY FARM. 10 acres. i ucuroom nouae, 0X214 iced room and brooder house. other smaller bldgs. 3'i acres cherries, w 11 handle 7000 birds. SE Salem. $10,600. Sal 122 GENERAL & STOCK FARM, bordering. open range. About 40 head sheep. 120 A., 55 under cultivation, has 3 crecxs and some timber. Could be subdivided. Nice 4 room house. $14,000. Sal 125. WILL YOU BL THE LUCKY ONE? 43 acres, o mnes south or McMinnvllle, can bo bought for $8,000. Neat 5 room house. Call us for details. Sal 126. DAIRY FARM. B3',i A. near Turner. All cuiuviuca, uas creek, large barn, family orchard, good Income. Price $10,500. Equip, available. Sal 127. GENERAL FARMING and a real buy. 163 acres, uo under cull., 8 room house, fireplace and lots of other buildings Sz equipment at extra cost. $32,500. 3 miles West 01 Mt, Angel. Sal 130. INCOME GROCERY BUY. Central location in Sa- iciu. ADout sjioo inventory, meat case, ics cream refrig., 2 scales, cash register, adding machine, meat grinder, coffee grinder. Good lease. $5200. Equipped. Sal 102 Inc. DO YOU WANT $100,000 YEARLY? Have excellent going business in entertain ment field confidential proposition. No telephone Iniormallon, ask for Mr. Bcnham or Mr. Nilscn. DON'T SLEEP IN THE PARK Here's A Piaco io live anti an income. 6-unit apartment house, lurnished. $236 month ly, good location. $18,000, Sal 104 Inc. EXCELLENT LOCATION apartment house wun b sleeping rooms and one 3-room apartment. Full basement, gas furnace, elect, hot water tank, 3 blks. from Cap itol and Center St. Intersection. $20,000. Sal 106 Inc. K1LROY WAS HERE S640 per mo. net income irom tins ii pump service station complete with garage, lube room, ice houuc, quick charger and about $2600 stock. Good location In Portland. $8500. Sal 108 Inc. OWNER INJURED. Combination butcher ttiiop. locker storage, apt. bids. A apts. 3 sleeping rooms. 60x100 2 story bldg. Room lor 300 more lockers. Way below market at $14,000. In Falls City. Sal 110 Inc. UTOPIA! A place to live and a steady in come uotng business, large stock and equipment. 6 room houso, main street Falls City. $13,700. Sal 112 Inc. CENTRALLY LOCATED, quiet, reserved Clientele, this iu suite, 3 sleeping room, apt. hse. is Increasing in value every day. Auto, oil, full basement, furnish ed. Shown by appointment only. $42,500. Inc. 62. NEW SERVICE NOW 21 IIOUK phone service. 7 days a HCCK. CHARLES DELFEL, REALTOR 615 N. Capitol St. Phono 7003 c240 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED from owner: Well built older Jiome. can be in need of decorating. Under $4000. Robert N. Wright, Newbe.-g, Oregon. Gen. Del. ca254 REAL ESTATE WANTED WE ARE urgently In need of listings. A pnone can or card will bring us out, BURT PICHA, REALTORS PH. 3210 337 N. High Street ca240 FOR PROMPT ana court eouj teivict uit your property with FLOYD VOLKEL, Real Estata Broker 474 Court Phone SOU c' IVfc UAVK CASH Buyers lor a S Mrm. nomea. rot quick atU call Hit. OOOD WIN wttb HAWKINS S ROBERTS, INO, K&ALTOiU Phone 4108. Alter a $718. ea WIS ARE in nro oi good nomei to mu in or ntsar Saiem u you muh to tut rout property for sale, see ORAJjUNHUHST tiKQ& REALTORS 131 a. Liberty St. Phone 13L c NOTICE) if your property la lor aaje rent or exchange, ust It witb ii. we have ail Kino cuaa Divers. STATE FIN AH US OO REALTOR!) 153 B. High Sb. e MA tVS II ELF you Sec Tour Propanyl SALEM HKAJjTi CO. REALTORS 149 N. HLKb ai. -Foona KM ea EXCII AN G E REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE, new 5-room house with double garage Just outside city limits ot Eugene, for comparable property in Sa.em. Cail 1908-R evenings or write C. N. Beadle. 1865 W. 6lh Ave. c-o In terstate Tractor at Eugene, CD249 WILL TRADE !j A. with garage house in walnut 6 rove with email mtg. lor equipped trailer house. Sleeps 4. See 1. J. Bel veal, Riverside Trailer Court. CD240 FOR SALE or trade: Duplex, 1942 Hazel Ave. lor small iann. C. O. Bergstrom Rt. 3 Box 2tibC bale in. C024SI BUSINESS OFFUKT UNITIES FOR SALE WEST SALEM TAXI COMPANY. Gross $7221.00 per year. Equipment in Iir.M class condition. Price $3600.00 Cash. Phone 8774 or 146 Gertn Ave. West Salem. cd260 (iOl.N'U GROCERY, all equipment Inc. fuuu relrigerator, also the stock, More bicu,, v.ith 6 rooms attached, 1 gas pump, own your own home and busi ness. J8300. ONE LARGE house with 3 apts.. 2 small houses on rear of lot 66x123. Income t85 mo. J6000. North. NEW GARAGE and filling station, equip ment, 2 gas pumps, all modern, doms good business. Price $10,000. C. H. Sanders-231 N. High-5838 cd250 EOR SALE: Service station lease Ss in voice. Inquire J. C. Weigel, Gervais, Ore. cd254 $17.otHt AN APT. hse. 6 apts. Mostly all furnished, sawdust burner furnace. fine lot. Income $185 per mo., besides owner's apt. MELVIN JOHNSON 549 N Cottage 3t. Phone 3723. cd230' NEW LAI H MILL. Complete. Rt. 4, Box 131. So. Pacific Hwy. to Baxter Rd. Harold Rodkey. cd249 S7.060.DO SAND AND Gravel business. For information call Mr. Ruskln. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO., REALTORS 341 CHEMEKETA ST. PH. 2-1549 EVE. 3687 Cd249' DUPLEX TWO lovely units with hardwood floors throughout and basement apt. with bath. Auto, gas furnace, water heater and ranges. Dble. garage and bus at door. Half down will handle. $15,500. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3355; eves. 25103 cd251 LUNCH STAND ON 99E NORTH SEATS i:i 14V ft. ref.. 7 comparements deep frec2e box. Dishes, silver, hot plate, etc., sleeping room. On iot 63x800. Business netting $35.00 a day at noon to 9 o'clock run. A good buy at $8,450. i down will handle. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3355; eves. 35103 cd251 To place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SAW AND LAWN MOWER REPAIR SHOP EQUIPMENT worth $2,000. Income about $400.00 per month. Price $3,600. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255, Eves. 25103 cd251 $2900 SERVICE STATION PRICE INCLUDES slock, equip. Ss lease, Lccated In city on 99 E. Imm. poss. M. O HUMPHREYS. REALTORS 3035 Portland Road Phone 7820 2286 Fairgrounds Road Phone 24596 Cd2.i0 OUT OF TOWN Restaurant. 17 stools. Owner claims gross of $4000 mo.. 12. 000 worth of equipment, lot approx. 27x100. Bldg. 27x40, All this for only $7000. FLOYD VOLKEL REAL ESTATE 474 Court Phono 3904 cd249 REIMANN REAL ESTATE $10003 PUMP station, pumping 4500 gals, a month, also shop. Call Spread borough. $24.503 PUMP station, close In, good equipment, car washing and steam cleaning, good lease, semi-living quar ters. Call Ruberg. $0IHH PLUS INVENTORY, buys fiervlce station, shop and restaurant, living qtrs., corner location on hlway. Don't miss this. Call SpreadboroiiRh, $10,500 AUTO COURT oil 09E, close In, netting $600 a month. Also 4 bdrm. house. REIMANN REAL ESTATE "Listings Skillfully Handled" , 201 S. Hlsh Ph. 3722 or 7838 Eves, and Sund. 3621 or 24113 cd CHEV. 4 YD. dump truck, on lob. (48 day. rot sale or trado for lato model car or pickup. 106 S. 25th St. cd251 LATH MILLS for sale, 18 to 20 thousand lath per day, boulder Sz striper. $1450. New outfit. 703 West First St., New berg. cd253 GARAGE Sz GAS STATION BRICK BUILDING. All new equipment. Building, stock, equipment and 154 154 lot. Price complete $10,000. See K. N. VOORHEES with LEO N. GUILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 0261 cd249 DOWNTOWN RESTAURANT $1000. Includes all stock, fixtures Sz busi ness. Good location, expanding future. Sec this today. Call "ELMER" AMUND SON BURT PICHA, REALTORS V" PH. 3210 337 N. High Street cd249 DON'T WAIT GROCERY STORE, SOFT DRINKS, LUNCH COUNTER. EVERYTHING MAK ING MONEY. FOR YOUR OWN GOOD. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS. $12,600. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 SO. HIGH PH. 3722 or 7836 EVES. Sz SUN. 24113 OR 3621 cd ROADSIDE RESTAURANT DUE To Illness Owner unable to handle All new equipment. Doing a good busi ness for years. Priced for Immediate sale. Ph. 25086 or 7972. cd248 FURNITURE FOR SALE 3 NEW Mahogany lamp tables. Ph. 25058. laso Koosevelt. d251" 6 ROOMS of high class furniture. Com plete wan ciec. reirittcrator, clec. stove, elec. washing machine, 3 bdrm. sets, dining rm. set. overstuffed living room St etc. Ph. 8218. Reynolds. d250 8-PIECE dining rm. suite, $100; 8 ft. ex tension, a twin ocas (iron) $4 ea.: dress er. 545 E St. Call after 4:30 or Sunday. d25l- MAPLE TWIN beds, box springs Ss matt ress. L,utQ new, not water tank & few Pipe fittinBS. Ph. 5257. d249 WANTED FURNITURE CASH FOB YOUR use furniture. Pa, lava, oiau etreei rum. IS DO Stt. WnY TAKE less for your furniture? See Russ Bright. Phono 751L d UIGHEST PRICES paid. Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Market. Ph. olio, da" AUCTIONS COMMUNITY AUCTION WED., OCT. 23 at 10 a.m. & 7 p.m. Beds, coil springs, mattresses, tables, chairs, upholstered chairs, davenoes. daven ports, 1 16 m.m. movie projector. 1 good vac. sweeper, linoleum, blankets, bed spreads, linens, towels, vegetables, feed stoves. Farm machinery Many useful nice articles. Remember our big osale at 7 p.m. Furniture & misc. vegetables. Several good lots of weaner pigs, 8 head of feeder hogs about 170 lbs., sows, fat j hoss. 1 registered Hereford bull. 5 yrs old, good breeder. A good selection ot heavy springer cows Sz hellers. Beef , stock, horses. LANE SUDTELL'S COMMUNITY AUCTION l'l ml. East of Fairgrounds on Silver ton Rd. Salem Ore. dd250' LIVESTOCK WANTED FAT Si CANNER COWS for beef. Dairy uwa, iicucib, onus, veai. Fat hogs, sows, stags, boars. Mkt. price. E. C. McCand ltsh, Rt. 5, Box 373. Ph. 8147. Across irom. waters iau Park. S. 25th. ca269 WANTEDi All kinds of fat livestock. - Jfeiff I -p.ac--"A ComPany Ph. 6935, ea RABBITS RABBITS, all kinds. Top prices paid. Bring or write Wm. Bossert, Rt. 4, Box 66-B. Salem. Cb269 BECAUSE OF ill health, must cell my entire stock or New Zealand White rab bits. Somo pedigreed, all good 6tock, Phone 8776. Claudo Spoon, nt. 4, Box 388. Wallace Road. eb249 FOR SALE WOOD DRY 16" slab wood and edgings. Im mediate delivery. Phone 25454. ce256" SPECIAL: Green 16" mill wood, 2 cord load $8: green 16" edgings, double load $10. Prompt delivery. Oregon Fuel Co.. Phone 5533. ce270 DRY SLAB wood and edgings. Immediate acuvery rnone 5b3. cc255 IC" DRY OAK. 3 cd. loads. Phone 24031. CC240" TRY OUR drive-in Caretcria today. Fin est dry wood as little as $1.00 worth or sacks of choice coal, 75c. "Take it with you.'' Also largo loads of dry wood, lii-ln. or 4-ft. You haul. Ready to go. Oregon Fuel Co. 3555 Portland road ce262" FRESH CUT SAWDUST, $4 a unit Ore gon Fuel Company, Phone 5533. ee249 SPECIAL: Good dry 16-inch edgings Im mediate delivery Double load $15.40; single load $8 Oregon Fuel Co.. Phone 6533. ee249 SPECIAL $5 cord, heavy red fir slab and A edging Phoue 6683. ee2ai WEST SALEM FUEL CO. WOOD AND sawdust. Stove oil and dlesei oU. Delivery when promised. Ph, 34031. BONE-DRY mill wood. 16" green slab. good for furnace. Ph. 772L tt i FT. HEAVY slab & IB" mill wood. AIM dtesei & stove on, sawdust. Prompt det anywhere. Phone 6444. FOR SALE POULTRY 500 TURKEY Brooder hens. Oath Bros. Stock, broad-breasted bronze, large typo. Third house west of Bonneville on Salem-Dallas Hlway. John A. Gib son Rt. 4 Box 471. Salem. 1249 NEW HAMPKlftnv n,,ll.,. ,. For immediate delivery. Every pullefc individually selected. Ph. 2386L Lee' a Hatchery. BABY CHICKS: Weekly hatches. New Hampshirea and other varieties. Ph. 32861. Lee's Hatchery. f CHRISTIE New Hampshire baby chick every weq aoyington's, 3710 State. ! CUSTOM dressing of chickens, any number. Prompt service. Dressed poul try ffhotesals our specialty. Phone 23861, Lee'a Hatcbery. f PRODUCE 1 ACRE BUR RANK potatoes in the field. Inquire 1935 Center after & p.m. Mr. McGee. ff254" GRAPES, 3 CTS. a pound. You pick. Bring boxes. E. F. Walden, 3845 Portland Road. ff251 FOR SALE Apples. Gel. your winter iup Ply direct from orchard. Red Delicious. Jonathoa. Winter Banana, Kings. 75o up. Ammon Grlce. 3 ml. West of Salem, Orchard Heights ret f(255 WALNUTS 10c and 15c. You pick. Eric C. Krelt, Rt. 3, Box 652. Crolsan Creek. If249 ROME BEAUTY Ai Spltzenberg apples $150 per Bu. Delivered anywhere in Salem. Ph. 24280. ff250 (Continued on Page 13)