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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1946)
Radio Program Saturday KSLM KGW tr.n ku NBO f!:0f Newi ft:15 I Sport! fi-HO I Tabernacle 5:1, Tabernacle 1 Mnorlj I Band. Hands 1 Hand Author Meett I Ro,v Ttottrs Show Author Meett I Roy R users Show Meet the Prrsn I Can Vou Top Meet the Presa 1 Can Vou Top 7:fMl Xewi 7;1 ! NeW I Red Ryder 7:45-- Red Ryder ft:0n I Symphony ft:lf fSimphony . H:aft Symphony 8:45 I Symphony I Judy Canova I Judy Canova I (irand Ole Opry I Grand Ole Qpr,v I Truth or I Truth or I Life of Rilrv I Life of Riley I News I Orchestra ! ' Orchestra 9:1. I Music 9:30 1 New 9:4 A I Orche tra IfliHft I Chlcauo Theatre I News IHilft Chicaro Theatre I Vletv Khnn I Chlcaao Theater I Orchestra 10:4& Chicaio Theater I Dick hoy Orrh. 11:0ft I News I Orchestra I Orchestra I Talk ll:lfc i Orchestra I Orchestra Orchestra I Orchestra J 1:30 Orchestra I Orciimlra I Orchestra I Air-Flo 11:40 I Newt I Orchestra i Orchestra I Air-Flo K':IIQ j sign Off I sTnToff I X-tra Hour sTleTit Sunday :fl0 I I World News I Mornine News H:l,w I Story to Order t Power linen :30 I I Words Musie v.. Power Run Bt.W I ! Words & Mil tin Choir Practice r7:00 I Radio Bible Class I Re I'lVloiia I Reliflous I Church or the Air 7:1.5 Riidiu Bible Clasi I Rclljiioiii I KHiaiou I Church of the Air 7:Rft VP Church Air I Voices I Southemaires church of the Air "' 7:4.V- I VP Church Air I Voices Southemaires f c)mrch of the Air H : nr. Dr. Talhot I Church In Home I Sunday Sunshine I Warren Sweeney , ft:lft Or. Talbot I Church in Home Sunday Sunshine I WNiirs Oer Jurdan ft:,10 Voice of Prophecy I News Hour of Faith Tabernacle 8:45 I Voice of Prophecy I Orchestra I Hour of Failli j Tahrrnacle I):nft 1 Relltloua I Carveth Wrlla j Strictly Musio I InvKalion to 9: IB Rclljrfmi News In Adv. j Strictly Miimc Invitation to ft:, 10 I Religious ! Eternal Mht I Sunday Strings I Treasury Salule ' fl:!5 1 Rcllnlout Internal Llcht 'Sunday Strlnits I Newt l(l:0OJ Newa I America United Johnny Thompson ! People' Plaiform . 10:1 5 I Commander Scott I America United Green Hornet I People's Platform 10:30 I Sweethearts I Round Table Sammy Rave I l ime or Reason 10:1 ft St a r s I Ro und Table Sn in in y Kaye Howard K. Smllli 1l:0O Warden Lawn Music ! Warriors uf Prace I Harmonies j:tfi News I Music ! Warriors nl" Peace I Oman ll:3n I Orchestra 'Harvest of Stan I To He Annmincrd I Stradavari Orrh. "11:45 I News ! Harvest of Start 'To He Announced I Stradavari Orch. 12:00 I News I Carmen Cavallnro Sunday Serenade I Philharmonlo l?:1ft I Political ! Carmen Cavallaro 1 Sunday Serenade I Philharmonic 11:30 I Voiini People t One Man's Family 1 Cadrls Philharmonic 12:4ft 'I Vount People: 1 One Man's Family Sam Petlinnilt i Philharmonic ' l;flo Mvstery I Ouir, Kids I Our Children Philharmonic 1:1. f Mystery ! Ouiz Kids ' Our Children I Philharmonic 1 ;:!( I Detective Music I Green Hornet (Hour of Charm 1:4,V 1 Hctrctlvc I Music I (ireen Hornet (Hour of Charm 2:1)01 The Shadow I Symphony Darts Tor Douch I Family Hour 2:1ft I The Shadow I Symphony I Dnrts for Douclt I Family Hour 2:30! Quick is a Flash I Symphony Wayne Klnc llnaa.v Carmlcharl 2:1ft I Quick as a Mash Symphony I Wayne Minn I William I,. Shlrer 8:00 Thnse Wehslers Catholic Hour I Sun. Kve. Parly Oirle & Harriet S:I5 Those Wehslers I Catholic Hour I Sun, Fve. Party 0.le A Harriet 4t:30 I Nick Carter I Orenwn Album I Dude Martin Your Hope Clicst g:j, Nick Carter I Oregon Album I Oude Martin Vour Hope Chest i . 4:011 Hook Olltx .lark Ilenney j Drew Pearson j Gene Aulrv 4:15 Hook Uuis f Jack Ilenney j Headlines J Gene Autry , 4:30 I Orchestra Phil Harris (Music Hall f News 4:lft I Orchestra I Phil Harris 1 Music Hall Sinircr. Orjranist fiMIO News I Charlie McCarthy Forever Topa "' j Vours Sim?erelT 6:l5Sonts Charlie McCarthy Forever Tops Vours Sincerely ft:30 J In ventilator Fred Allen Forever Tops Songs 6:1. I News I Fred Allen I Forever Tops ( Soma 1:15 i -:tn I fcxplorlni I Merry-Go-Ilnund . Douhle or Nothlnc American Alnui : 1 5 Double or Nothing I American Album 7:0ft Rrif lit Tomorrow 7:IA Briirht Tomorrow 7 i.'ttt Name of Song 7:15 Name of Soni I Don Ameehe Don Amecht Meet Me I Meet Me 8:00 20 Questions N:l, 20 Questions ft:;tO Walter Wlnchell H;lft Sheila Graham "Vila Newt :l. Rex Miller :Htr I Ilymnt lloh Hums I Bob Burns I Symphony Hour I Symphony Hour Symphony Hour Hympnony Hour Jack Hrnney - i:jr- I Sports jack nenney lo:llft Revival Hour I News News Mnry Ann Mercer Orchestra I Mlislo Vtourrs I Sporta Vespers I News Orchestra I Music Hrldse to Dream 10:15 Revival Hour 10:30 Revival Hour 10:1. I Revival Hour 11:00 81m Off 11:15 ll:u ll:45- I Orchestra Orchestra 12:00 Club' Date Changed By Pasl Matrons Woodburn The first fall meeting of the Past Matrons club of Evergreen chapter, Or der of the Eastern Star, was held at the Masonic parlors with Mrs. Minnie Olson presiding. The time of meetings was .changed form the third Thurs day evening of the month to Ilio third Wednesday evening, in order not to conflict with the Business and Professional Wom en's club, which meets the third Thursday. Plans were discussed for the annual lunch to be held after the chapter election in Deccm 1 ber, at which lime a fancy work sale will be held. ACROSS t. Literary frag ment! 4. Mysterious Bib. Ileal word . Entirely 1:'. lOversreen tree Kl Music drama, i t. Oi'tan I.tkely ifi. Sweetheart J7. Tavern 1. Klevated 20. Lawmaking body 22. City In Maasa olniRetla 21. Wager I'ruiiellv :7. Food tish 11. Caelio 2. Spoken 12. Ci, ator or "The Brownlea" . Sun and , SilnKlllR . Pronoun . Kcmtninn name . County In North Caro lina A cross . Heir I 'art or a di esa H. n. Stowe character llestrnln Mint drinks Become ies severe DauKl'tet of Cadmus Let down fid card tarns fish's oruan of mol'im 1 tv hits v st- men I Put w ith I ' 3 I I- IS Ifc 7 18 If IO ir -M IS 'i' lb ij is 1 " 2o af '.' ; 3? "si r"3 So Si Si Til l5i 55 E! if 55 sTTh j" 1 1 1 I UfTT P. M. IKEX Him ko. Anc i KOIN"c"BS" I IK .lins i III Jinx I Labor I Your Business ! Knot Manning I Snnss I Dttnier Ahead I New a ! Green Hornet I Orchestra I tirern Hornet OrchrUra ( Stump Aulhitr Couldn't Happen ) Stump Authors I Serenade I Henry Moritan I Henry Monan lade t Music ' I rtra I in Crime 1 Mutfc t I Deal In Crime t Muste I Sherlock Ilnlmri I Star Time I Sherlock llolmri I Star Time I I.nne Itamci I Mayor of Town 1 I,one Ranaer I Maynr o( Town I GanicliUKters I Ganaliuslera I Sonict I Trio I Hit I'arads I Hit Parade I Hit Parade I Don't Relieve 11 t FlveVta FlnXf" ! Vet Hoard I Ham Dance I Texas Ranters I News ! Orchettra ' Orchestra ! Orchestra I Hlldrjrarde I llildeiturde I Fddy Bracken I Fddy Krackcn J l.oiiella Parsons j Jimmy Fidler Policewoman I Theatre Guild j Theatre Guild I Theatre Guild I Theatre Guild j Take It or Leave I Take It or Leave I Kate Smith Kate Smith I Dr. Dnnfleld Dr. Danfield Willie Piper Willie Piper Crime Doctor Crime Doctor Hlondin Blondie I Sam Hayei I Sam Spade t Sam Spade I House In Country 1 House in Country I Five Star Final I lixplorrr I Bulletin nuard I Orchestra Report to I Pie Song at Cheer I Ou Duly Orchestra I Orchestra I Orchestra I Orran Interlude I Bridge to Dreai I Itririse to Dream I Kxtra Hour I Silent Refreshments were served by Mrs. Olson, Mrs. Martha Roil ing and Mrs. Gertrude Beach. Holy Name Society Seeking Members Sublimity Plans for a mem bership drive, to be underway for the next two weeks, were made at the monthly meeting of the Holy Name society, under the direction of Al Hassler. president of ll group. The or ganization met for the rirst ;imc in the new clubrooms in the old high school. Rev. Joseph Scher bring, pastor of St. Boniface parish, spoke on the national Catholic convention which he attended in Newark, N. J., in August. Solution of Hense mist Kith one tti&li- anothet Affirmative Yesterday' Puzzle DOWN From r d la ta nca East hid inn palm W i'i era tn lha flna nrta exclusively Altersong coin titui or war WckhI hyaciHlb 10. U.ivi U'limo- rnnly 11. N.iiTi'iv load 13. Ou-hid meal '-'I. Itrcvnlly ho- HUii'ftl w :.i 1'urlii.ih deore -S. I'-.'Jy of ivattT I'-'iHiMin'e- hall hil forth ii". I'Vimh'I river ' Priini beat 37. Country bump kin v r:oiiimtiTia 3. tu.l KreiK'n M-r.-r imm t. iUltHlt..i tli riihic meteri i;priRht t0. Mtitiiaiit 51. Wvor niussl i2. Inrlftl'iile int Km. Bushy clumpi , Ntti,i iiutc; bbt. o mm q b sWTEt.A' I r egge y o e a n a m M E M O ; R I Z EEj p AVO S L 0 V E N B SjT) I M E V mt? As esS 'rIo e Egj w 4 "i hBSSoIr ac jJe s e l aBIa rn i caDr i uUlj aneHpon i n terIe s e SYjR I N JAjBlB'R E W Bm n eHsJtTIl Etegj rje s ed aBa Tb L L s K I SnRlElL AT j" 6 N EVE All jtp O Li C R 6 Journal Feature Donair! Duck Henry Little Orphan Annie The (.limps MOUSE THINKIN3 ABOUT SHADV REST CAN'T TAKE THE TIME THOSE DUCKS'LL HAVE TO SB PATIENT AND WAIT TILL NEXT YEAR TO GRACE MIN's DINNER. "LATE ' Itojr'lar I't'llers w!liAS7' WHAT LL") A VANILLA, CHOCOLATE, ICE 'II rr-q VMV-'yi PEACH, BANANA, MAPLE- S 7 SON? r : ? NUT. PlSTiCUin. L Ill I I . 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 . YE5I THINK I HAVE AN J -J X. d EMPTY PERFUME BOTTLE hH ' rw. 1, w ..n IQ-I9 ANoereaoet The Nebbs By Hess The TryouT ( VEAM,RiSSEr I 'HkY' I I SPLENDID! MAVeE HE'LL I CAWTVOU.lM SUBPRISEDl fiTTSTi 4Po7H-9r "JIaV NIC0DEMUS SEEMSjBE READY FCR TELL ME YODHfiVEUTt . , TRYING MlM OUT ONl 972 . . 7 "VI J ? COMPLETELY 7TME HARNESS ABOUT THE PO0ND OUT .BUT YOO'lL THE BACK ROAD IS J OWT KNOW ' ( W CM9r- RACES AITER MYSTERY BE SURPRISED c" TCEATMENTjWHEN VOL) DO.' j ""'''"'sri VOO DOPrS!WRBUCksfMABEHElj T 6AHf HE SENtT BUT TIDNABTcHEEt PLENTY f WELL, WE KNOW YE AH-AND j WHO CARES I KNEW HE WAS IN A I LIKED HER- B I I HIS SECRET R)r DEA0WH0'0 PEOPLE WOULD, I WARBUCKS AND SO IS 1 ABOUT TH' II 1 TIGHT SPOT- WHY DID JUk I THAT ATOM B0MBJ WANT THAT I BET" YEAH' k DAT GIANT V TIDNAB-I BRAT NOW? M HE WASTE TIME HELPIN' ESjaaKi ' WITH HER- ( SECRET NOW?J CHERCHEZ LA tU::V -iLJCbUyjf T ves, its the old treadmill I f oh.najelu work !;iJ I ,1 OH. MIN.'S rl Mult and .'icl'f By Burl Fisher There Certainly Was No Raisin for It WAITER, WlAT KIND T WHY "1 I'M AFRAID To? I WELLn I CAK'T.' ToM TrtAT'sl RAISIN? " OF A PLACE ISTHIS?iD0K'T IT MIGHT BLOWy EAT THERE'S NOT A FLV TAaT'STHE BZ-Z-Z-Z- )jjgj THIS STEAK IS f YOU -, AWAY.' VOUR A FLY SIRl THAT'S c-ic?x BZ-Z-2-Z- 5-- EE AWi r p nT)' LWig 'XTi Room and Board By Gene Ahem JmP fh' "'' Tf? lJvmim H 5 W but the rooms don't "pf on, is there,cooicing ? 1 Ss-in -WJ fVVr H r4?V - 'J37Z EvJe most important- ' ( preserve uke jelly y '''""'art By Edgar Rice Burroughs i Man and Giant ""jlP?" y 8 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, Oct. 19, 1946 By Walt r-r- V- VANILLA, CHOCOLATE. PEACH, BANANA, MAPLE - ; 7 NUT. PISTACH O. SisS-. LIAAE, ALMOND, I tZJ 7, CUSTAKP By Carl By Harold Gray By Gus By Gene fOR ANDY GUMP ONE A HURTS NOBODY-SOME Villi ; WHERE'D VOU STORE 1, IB DAY OF REST WITH gM FOLKS JUST LIKE TO AJ' ijlf MY OLD SH0TSUN?'t ' II SIX CENTUFJIES SLIDE DOWNHILL (', -k IV OF WORK IN J I ENJOY DRAGGING )"'' ''.f 1- i tfS I TWEENl-ra ;.v: THE SLED UPHILL ' JL7l A X.. ;. 1 SI 1 . . T. ' U V(X iWA S P.. LV tfiX..t"'Af . . Disney ...KASPBEee, stbawberrv, Pineapple, fupge.-wave t COCOANUT, MALT&P, mint, WALNUT, PECAN, ANP TUTTI- FRUTTI I Anderson Edson Byrnes Pae JlSST ARR-iVEO.' HeNRl'S FAMiS jMPoRTiO ODORLESS PeBFUMe one senr A suiRT . The Brain Not Interes(ed(?) Handle With Care Chapter 27 Cloud caught up with Mor rissey, all right. He said with out preliminaries, "You're un der arrest. You, Morrissey, for kidnaping. You, Hemingway, on general principles till we can find a better reason. You, King, as a material witness something you might have avoided if you hadn't run out. You, Dexter, are the one excep tion; I have nothing on you ex cept that you keep bad com pany." "You haven't anything on me, either," Morrissey said. "I'll want to phone my lawyer." "That's all right. He won't be able to spring you. Mickey Logan, the bum you imported from Philadelphia with the late Danny Myers, has talked, and so has Joe Lark." "They don't worry me. What can they prove?" Cloud looked frostily at Mar tin. "What a big jaw you have, grandma. Wisdom tooth?" "Never mind. Look, Cloud, those snatchers spoke of Bar bara Ennis. She's missing. Mor rissey practically told me he'd had her picked up." The front door opened again and Doran entered. He seemed surprised to find Cloud and the others there. He nodded to Marty. "Just passing by," he said. "Thought I'd have a quick drink. What's the convention about?" "Right now," Martin said, it's about Barbara Ennis. What did you find out, Bill?" "Nothing. I made all the calls I could think of." "Did you report it?" Doran shook his head. "I wouldn't without seeing Ennis. How do I know they aren't to gether?" "Together in a trap, maybe," Martin said angrily, "with Mor- ne's gunmen guarding them, ready to kill them if things look bad." Cloud said. "You've been reading the comic strips. Noth ing's going to happen to her." The telephone in Morrissev's office rang. Doran said, "It may be for me." "Or for me," said Cloud, heading off Morrissey. It was for Cloud. His vnirfv answering, reached all of them. He said. "That's miehtv inter esting ... No, don't turn them loose just yet. Tell Haggerty to bring them both to the Gold Mine club . . . Yes, right now." Cloud looked at Martin, emit. ing faintly. "You'll be glad to know Barbara is in good hands. She and her father wilt inin nc shortly. I wasn't worried about ner Because 1 had her tailed, too right to that garage where you rented the car vou smashed up the other morning. Both of them were after the letters vou hid under the carpet." Morrissey looked at Dexter. "So," he said. Martin told Morrissev. "Dex ter didn't know where your let ter was, if that's what you're making faces about. But I knew, and I was hoping it would help burn you." "Now, now," Cloud chided. "Morrissey. I think it would hp nice if all of us, including those who haven't vet arrived rnnlrl sit down together and compare notes about the murders of Searle and Mrs. Messmer. I'd planned on a 1am session at. headquarters, but this may save some persons the indignity of being police guests. Do you feel like closing down your bar business for an hour in the interest of justice?" Morrissey shrugged. "Whv not?" He veiled at a white. jacketed man behind the bar. Put out the hehts. Pete. Nn service till I give the word." tight people faced each other in a circle. Eight uneasy peo ple drawn into an ill-matrherl group by the crimson thread of murder, and of them only Cloud was not on trial for his life at this moment. Of the seven oth ers, at least one had the ugliest of all crimes on his conscience. Knowing it was not himself, Martin nevertheless felt inse cure as he studied the faces around him; he was certain that none looked guiltier than his own. Cloud dominated the circle. Everyone watched breathlessly as he thumbed the pages of a notebook, frowning. When his gray eyes lifted there was an in crease of tension as if each were bracing himself for what was coming. When he spoke. Cloud's voice was even and impersonal. "I could have saved myself trouble by throwing the whole kit and caboodle of you into cells in the beginning., That way I'd have dodged a lot of criticism from the newspapers and let the district attorney de cide which suspect he'd prefer to prosecute. But because I preferred not to make difficul ties for innocent people which all but one or two of you un questionably are I've forced myself to go slowly, gathering evidence where I could and test ing it as I went along. It hasn't been easy and I can't say that I've managed to win the confi dence of any of you." He tapped the notebook. "I've jotted down the main points of the evidence as it touches each person here. I'm going through it now briefly. When I've fin ished, we'll talk. I don't want just your explanations and alibis, but also whatever real ir formation you may be able to offer and whatever considered opinions you may hold. I want you to be as fair and frank as you dare to be. "This is your last chance, if you're innocent, to get clear of this case without going through the official mill. We've had two murders and in investigating them we've had to kill a crimi nal who did his best to murder two of my detectives. I'm not going to risk any more lives. "When we're through here when we've exhausted all the possibilities of this informal gathering I'm going to take the murderer with me, or else the whole lot of you." He paused, and an unhappy cough from Ennis was the only sound in the room. (To be continued) Harry Davenport, 80, and vet eran of 75 years in acting, rep resents the seventh generation of his family to be In the theater. 13035 'IJJ SIZES MM MM I ' 1 A I I Soft Simplicity Round out your figure in a slim-lined dress with a becomingly curved shoul der yoke, front button closing, ' and knife-sharp pleats in its gently gored skirt. No. 3035 is cut in stees 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 4fi and 48. Size 3 requires 3' yds. 39-in., or 23i yds. 54-in. Send 20c for PATTERN, wtilca tncludes complete sewing guide. ' Print your name, address tnaf style number plainly Be sure to state size you wish. Include pos tal unit or zone number In your address. Address: Pattern Department, Capital Journal. 552 Mission St.. San Fran cisco, Calif