V ITH FALL comes the opening ul uiu uancing chid season m Salem. Tillicum Dancing club will resume its Friday evening series October 25 willi a buffet supper and formal dance to be held at the Mirror room of the Marion hotel. Serving as co-hosts and hostesses for the first dance will be Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shalcr, Mr. and Mrs. Al Loucks, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Owens and Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Truax. Mr. Shafer is new president. Mr. Loucks, secretary-treasurer, and Mr. Truax and Mr. Owens are c itgoing officers. Directorate for the dances, which have this year been changed from Tues day evening to the fourth Friday, will change for each dance. Buffet supper will be served from 9 o'clock until 10:3(1 o'clock and dancing, to the music of Guy Albin and his orchestra, will he from 10 o'clock until 1. For this first dance, autumn colors and flowers will provide the decorative note. New members to the organization are Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Linden, Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler English, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Erickson, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Kuhns. Mr. and Mrs Carl Covert and Dr. and Mrs. John ft. Wood. Subscription, one of Salem's oldest formal dancing groups, opens its 1946 season with a formal dinner dance No vember 2, at the Mirror room. Presi dent this year is Bruce Spaulding and secretary-treasurer is Mrs. Breyman Boise. Appointed chairman for the decoration committee for the first dance event is Mrs. Clarence Hamilton. December 31 is the date of the annual holiday dance given by Subscription and ,1,, further plans for dances in March and May will be announced later, The group welcomes this year returned serv icemen and their wives. This year's plans for Town club, young married set dance club, are un derway with Chairman Kenneth Potts. Members of the committee are Mrs. Richard Cooley, Mrs. Vernon Perry, Mrs. Edward Roth, Mrs. Emery Hobbs, Robert Do Almond, W. T. Waterman, Robert White and Robert Needham. The group meets Monday evening to discuss events to come. Tentative dates set for the dinner dances arc November 16, December 21, and two later, in February and April. Already begun are the seasons of Trotters' Dancing club, which meets the first Friday evening of the month and Wisteria, which holds its parties the second Friday evening. Friday evening, the Bonheur Dancing club and the Thursday Night Dancing club began their program of events. Mrs. Josephine Stewart, former Sa lcmite now living in Portland, has bid den sevral Salem matrons to her home Wednesday afternoon for a luncheon party. Motoring to the event will be Mrs. R. P. Boise. Mrs. Frank Snedccor, Mrs. Charles A. Gray, Mrs. Russell Catlin and Mrs. Frank Spears. Board members of Women of Rotary will meet Monday afternoon for a 1:15 o'clock dessert at the home of Mrs. R. L. Elfstrom, Mrs. llnmer Smith, Jr., ,s president. ; Sojoirners will have a dessert lunch eon meeting at the Salem Woman's club house at 1:15 o'clock the afternoon of October 24. Members of the hostess ommitlee are Mrs. Leo Peterson, Mrs. A. J. Becker, Mrs. Rodney Fely and Mrs. Ralph Atwood. Ml AMONG THE MANY SALEM MATRONS attending the YW "at home", a hiihlishl of the organizational year, hold Tuesday at the home of Mrs. A. A. Schramm, was Mrs. R. A. Fedje. Member of the board, Mrs. Helen Goodenough, jreeLi the fuest at the door. (Jesten-Miller studio) V :jx 5 i It ' . " ;'f S J LJ 1 7 ., Li ' 'xl i v, - t s,, . fell-. f w PRESIDENT OF THE YW of the YWCA, Mrs. Floyd FALL fashions will be on display Monday evening, October 28, at 8:15 o'clock at the Salem Woman's club when the Junior Woman's club presents its annual fall fashion bridge benefit. Funds will go to the YWCA building fund. Club members may be contacted for tickets and pinochle and bridge will be in play. Reservations may be made with Mrs. Roy Mink at 9597. Chairman for the event is Mrs. Cal vin Kent. Musical selections will be offered by Mrs. James Smart. Announced as models for the fall high style attractiions, presented by Miller's, are Miss Yvonne Gardiner, Miss Colleen Cross, Miss Vivian Bowen, Miss Lucille Sattcr. Mrs. Leland Sarff, Mrs. Clinton Standish, Mrs. Carl Jordan and Mrs. Earl Cooley. Commentator will be Miss Jean Taylor. Jayceo-ctles will meet for its first session of the season at the club rooms in Maple street for a dessert supper and installation Monday evening. Chairman and her committee are Mrs. Richard Lockard, Mrs. Don Cooper, Mrs. Wendall Ewing. Mrs. Elmo Lindhom and Mrs. A. C. Newell. Ladles of the' Altar society of St. Vin cent de Paul church will hold a card party Wednesday evening at 8:15 o'clock at the church. Mrs. George Van Cleef and Mrs. Ed Payseno, chairman and her assistant, have announced that bridge and pinochle will be in play and refreshments served al a late hour. t Tim BOARD, Mrs. Oscar I. Paulson, glimpsed talking to members of the Young Matrons' club McNall, and Mrs. A. B. Pederson. (Jcslen-Millcr studio) THE SALEM GARDEN CLUB has secured as speaker for its No vember 4 meeting Mrs. H. G. Stalon of Portland, who will give a lecture and demonstration of flower ar rangements and criticize arrangements brought by members and guests. Mrs. Staton, a member of the Way side Garden club of Portland, is a rec ognized authority on flower arrange ments. President is Mrs. R. M. Fitzmaurice and program chairman, Mrs. J. B. Van Cleave. CAPITAL UNIT, No. 9. American Legion auxiliary, will meet Mon day evening at the Salem Wom an's club at 8 o'clock. The membership committee, with Mrs. Merle Travis as chairman, will be in charge of the social hour. Special entertainment in observance of Navy day is being arranged by Mrs. H. J. Smalley, Americanism chairman. At the business meeting, plans will be made for the district conference, Oc tober 27. Twenty-two units will attend, with Capital unit as hostess. Willamette Shrine, No. 2, White Shrine of Jerusalem, will meet at 8 o'clock Monday evening at the Masonic temple. Supreme officers, Mrs. Wayne Henry and Mrs. Miller B. Hayden, will re ceive honors. At the ceremonial, Miss LaVerne Kantner, worthy high priest ess, and William Niemeyer, watchman of shepherds, will preside. All White Shrine members are invited. AST PRESIDENTS of the Salem Woman's club will bo honored Saturday afternoon, October 26, at the annual past presidents' luncheon, to take place at the club house in North Cottage street at one o'clock. Speaker will be Mrs. J. M. Devers, who will discuss the Children's Farm Home in Corvallis, one of the main club projects. Officers and members of the staff of the home will be present and show pictures of the work at the home. Airs. Estill Brunk is chairman of the no-host luncheon committee. Assisting her will be Mrs. U. G. Shipley. Mrs. Fred Keeler, Mrs. Arthur Jones, Mrs. W. L. Lewis, Mrs. G. A. Rechcr, Mrs. Karl B. Kugcl, Mrs. W. H. Elgin, Mrs. How ard Jcnks, Mrs. Donald Ballantyne, Mrs. J. D. Berwick and Mrs. Lelha A. Staals. Justice and Mrs. Harry II. Belt ars in Gold Bcacii for the week-end, visit ing with their son and daufrhter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Bell who this week became parents of a son, Christo pher Harry. Salem Navy Mothers' club will meet at the YWCA Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. There will be an important session, and all navy mothers are urged to attend. Mrs. Florence Wright, com mander, will preside. ' Mrs. Floyd Utter leaves Wednesday by plane for San Francisco, where she will be guest of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Utter. He is in the manufacturing business there. Mrs. Utter will go south to Los An geles via the Daylight, and be a guest of Mrs. Raymond Fistcr at San Fernan do. Mrs. Fistcr is a former Salcmile. She will also be with Mrs. Ward Fish er, who lived in Salem, at Pomona. Expecting lo be away twelve days, Mrs. Utter will spend time in Berkeley before returning north. Returned late this week from a 12 day visit in Vancouver. B.C. were Mrs. George Waters, her house-guest, Miss Bertha Sroat of Pasadena, Calif., and Mrs. Howard Dickson of San Francisco and Salem. The trio niolorcd to Vancouver lo meet Miss Lavena Kocnig who has re cently returned from Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Moore arc in San Francisco for several weeks in celebra tion of their golden wedding anniver sary. They are guests of their nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Charles II. Mer cer, ir2(i Santiago street. A dancing parly was held at the Wal ter C. Germain home in Norlh Kith struct recently. Hostesses for the event were Miss Patsy Filler, Miss Pat Wagner and Miss Helen Germain. Guests fur the event were Miss Mar gery Dunigan, Miss Mary Sundct, Miss Gail .Lochead, Miss Marilyn Hart. Miss Buss Covall, Deb Davis, Miles Kring, Dick Lewis, Bobbie Soggic. Lawrence Scheelar, Larry Chamberlain. Miss Betty Childs will open the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo N. Childs, lo members of Spinsters or ganization Monday evening at 8 o'clock. I'ndcr discussion will be plans for the Thanksgiving dance. Silvcrton Mrs. Lewis Hall will open her home in West Main street Mon day evening to members of Delbert Reeves unit. No. 7, American Legion auxiliary past president's club for the first meeting of the club year. Mrs. Billie Cameron of Salem is presi dent and Mrs. Ernest Starr, Silverton, vice president. Pi Bela Phi sorority on the Willamette university campus sponsored Friday evening's all-school dance following the College of Idaho-Willamette football game. The event was held in the gym, deco rated with both schools' 'colors lor the event. ' A . NNOUNCEMENT Is being made riCS of the wedding plans uf Miss X vera Merk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Merk, who will become the bride of Gordon Beecroft, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Beecroft. They will be married Tuesday eve ning, November 5, at the First Church of the Nazarenc at 8:30 o'clock. Rev. Robert Coulter will perform the cere mony. The father of the bride will give her in marriage. She has asked her sister, Mrs. John A. Holt (Delia Merk) to be her matron of honor, and bridesmaid will be Miss Ruby Friesen and Mrs. James McNul ty. Best man for his brother will be Don ald Beecroft. Ushers will be Louis Os born. Jr., Rogcrt Probert and Robert Beecroft, another brother of the bridegroom-elect. Miss Pearl Friesen and Mrs. William Fawk will light the altar tapers. Fol lowing the ceremony, a reception will be held in the church parlors. Several affairs have been planned for Ihe bride-elect's pleasure these past few weeks. Mrs. William Fawk will be hosiers Friday evening for an informal party at her home in Winona Court. During the evening a kitchen shower will fete the bride-elect. Guests will be Miss Merk. Mrs. Hen ry Merk. Mrs. C. W. Beecroft, Miss Beecroft, Mrs. Robert Comstock, Mrs Mitchell Morrow. Miss Anne Elizabeth Schrocder, Miss Opal Friesen. Mrs. Wil lard Friesen. Miss Frances Malison. Mrs. Adrian Eichelberg, Mrs. James Mc-Nully. Mrs. Charles McElhinny will open her Court street home Tuesday after noon lo members of the Theater Arts club, of which she is president. Other officers are Mrs. W. E. Kirk, secretary; Mrs. Otto K. Paulus, Mrs. Maurice Brennan and Mrs. Melvin Gcist, program committee. Overall study for the year will cen ter around regional drama. This week's program will be records of "The Lone some Train," by Norman Corwin, pre sented by Mrs. Otto K. Paulus. The musical legend follows Abraham Lin coln's funeral train from Washington, D.C., to his birthplace at Springfield, III. Mrs. Melvin Gcist will discuss her summer in New York and Mrs. Mau rice Brennan will speak on the 21st anniversary of the Civic Theater in Portland. v i ' 'El 't '' PCU Vi 1 (iATIIKKKD AROUND THE TEA TABLE, at Tuesday's YW "at home." held at the A. A. Schramm residence are Mrs. Walter Kirk, center, and Mrs. William I Dolf. Presiding at the urns is Mrs. H. G. Maison, member of the YW board. (Jcstcn-Miller studio) Silverlon The thirtieth wedding an niversary of the Ben Zollnors and the birthday anniversary of Otto Schwab, wore double social affairs observed by the pinochle club, at both homes. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Francis, Mr. and Mrs. Otlo Schwab, Mr. and Mrs. Mac McCullough, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Scharback, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Reiling, Mr. and Mrs. W. Stirber and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Zollner. A lale no-host supper was served. a The recreational meeting of Ihe Sa lem BPW club will be in' the form of a Halloween party to be held Tuesday eve ning at the Dairy co-op at 7:30. Mrs. Jessie Mae Lindley, Mrs. Vivian Hocnig and their committees are in charge of the party. The permanent list of reservations will be used. Executive board meeting will be held Friday eve ning, Oct. 18, al the home of Mrs. .Ar thur Wcddlc at 7:30. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Muhs and Air. and Mrs. Leonard Gottfried left by mo tor Saturday morning for a three weeks' trip east. They plan to visit New York, Pennsylvania and Washington, D. C. The United Spanish War Veterans and their auxiliary will hold a business meeting al the VFW hall Monday eve ning at 8 o'clock, following which there vj be a social meeting. Mrs. R. C. Irwin entertained for her daughter, Patricia, on occasion of her ninth birthday anniversary, Saturday afternoon. Birthday cake and ice cream were features of the afternoon. Guests were Sandra Lee and Sharon Johnson. Patty Kriescl, Sandra Kay McMorris, Janice Drakclcy, Kathleen Spoug, Joan Snling, Donna Casey, Di ane and Ross Cooley, Gary and Larry Kanv, Craig McEwcn, Terry Salisbury, Wallace Casillo, Billy Drakoley, Gary Reach, Harold Mclby and George Kau ri icr. IT IS WITH g distinguished record that Rudolf Firkusny, brilliant Czech pianist, comes to the United States. He appoars in the first concert of the 1946-47 season of the Commun ity Concert scries at the high school auditorium on Friday evening at 8:15 o'clock, October 25. From his prodigy days, when he made his debut in Vienna, at the age of 14, he has pro-ed himself an extra ordinary artist. He has long ranked among the elect of concert artists in this country and has achieved great fame in South America. Scheduled for him are more than 50 recitals in this country and Canada dur ing the coming season. He will reap pear as soloist with the Philadelphia Symphony, the Chicago orchestra, and for the fourth successive season, with the National Symphony of Washing ton, D. C. The brilliant artist has long enjoyed (he patronage of royal houses in Eur ope, including those of Great Britain and Italy, and Beligum. Soon to take out his citizenship papers in the United States, he clings strongly to the color and rich vibrancc of life in his native land, which he visited this summer, ap pearing in the Prague festival. His programs include the vital and romantic music of his countrymen, in cluding all the piano works of the fam ous Smetana. He is the only concert pianist, so far as is known, who includes the Dvorak G Minor concerto in his colorful repertoire. He is considered by his confreres as the top authentic in terpreter of Czech music, and has added much to its growth in popularity in re cent years. Of him the New York Times has said: "Pianism of pronounced fascina tion was heard from Rudolf Firkusny . . . the Czech artist absorbed the at tention of the audience by the poetry, vividness and facility of his performance." A regular social meeting of the Sons of Union Veterans and their auxiliary will be held Tuesday evening at 6:30 o'clock with a no-host supper served at Ihe home of Mr. and Mrs. John Robins, 1747 Broadway. The Silverlon club, composed of grad uates of the Silvcrton high school, will meet November 21 at the home of Mrs. Wren C. Crews, 341 North 19th street. All graduates of the Silverton school are invited to attend. Woodburn Sixly-scven members and guests of the Woodburn Businesi and Professional Women's club enjoy ed the dinner meeting and program at the Laurel oafc Thursday evening. Mrs. Mabel Grass, president, extended the welcome to the guests and Dr. Ger ald B. Smith gave the response. This being "Boss' Night," each member in troduced her guest as her "boss." "Public Affairs Are Our Affairs," was the theme of the evening and the speaker was Dean Beuna Maris Mock more of Oregon State college, who tied the theme in an interesting man ner with a talk on "Why People Do the Things They Do," and used blackboard illustrations to bring out her ideas. Miss Ann Avery of Portland was tht entertainer and gave a group of Swed ish impersonations in costume. A brief business meeting was held and invitation was read and accepted lo attend the November 8 meeting of the Salem BPW club. Announcement was made of the reg ular meeting on November 7 at the library and the Chamber of Commerce meeting October 22 at the Legion roomi in the city hall which members were urged to attend. The public affairs committee was in charge of the dinner and program and included Mrs. Thomas Swafford, Mrs. Gail Lansden, Mrs. Gerald Smith, Mrs. P. L. LaBarr and Mrs. B. N. Miller. Returning this weekend from a so journ in Seattle is Mrs. George Alex antler. Mrs. Ralph Hamilton will be hostess r..onday evening at her home in Easl Lincoln street, to members of her con tract bridge group. A salad dessert will be served, followed by several hours of bridge. Members of the club are Mrs. Ronald Jones, Mrs. Karl Becke, Mrs. H. G. Mai son, Mrs. Walter Kirk, Mrs. F. W. Poor man, Mrs. Edgar Pierce, Mrs. Brazier Small, and the hostess. o