EVERAL large events are on next week's agenda of social activities for Salem's matrons. Thursday, especially, seems a popular day for large affairs. The Little Garden club of Salem Heights will entertain with a large tea honoring Mrs. Walter E. Wil helm of Portland, at the country home of Mrs. R. M. Fitzmaurice that day. And Town and Gown will welcome mothers of students new to the Willam ette campus that day, as well, with a large tea at University house, home of President and Mrs. G. Herbert Smith. And no less exciting are the smartly arranged small affairs and informal parties with which Salemites are greet ing the opening of the full fall season. or AU RICVOIHS AHti IllilNG SAID io two attractive young Salem families this monfh. Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Hitchcock and their .sons, Billy and Lee, leave Tuesday for San Francisco, where they will make their home. Both originally from the bay area, their several years' slay in Salem has brought them many friends. (Jcsten-iWillcr studio) esoci, n rip ARDEN lovers will find on their social calendars next Thursday a delightful event when the Little Garden club of Salem Heights enter tains with a tea at the home of Mrs. Robert M. Fitzmaurice. Members of garden clubs in the Sa lem area, including Salem, Indepen dence, Oak Grove, Dallas, Stayton, Rick reall, Woodburn and Brooks, are in vited to meet Mrs. Walter E. Wilhclm, president of the Oregon Federation of Garden clubs. Guests who are expected to number 200, have been asked to call between the hours of 2:30 o'clock and 5. The event will be a silver tea. Receiving guests will be Mrs. Fitz maurice, Mrs. Paul Griebenow, presi dent of the club, Mrs. Ralph Cartwright, Mrs. Wilhelm, Mrs. J. G. Eiscnhauer of Beaverton, secretary of the stale federa tion, and Mrs. A. E. Haight of Corvallis, district vice president. Presiding at the urns will be Mrs. Alice Edmundson, Mrs. Frank Miller, Mrs. C. A. Kells, Mrs. C. A. Graham, Mrs. Charles Sawyer, Mrs. L. L. Ben nett, Mrs. William Niemeyer, Mrs. D. E. Dotson, Mrs. Joseph Van Cleave and Mri. Homer McWain. Assisting In the dining room will be Mr. F. J. Bradshaw, Mrs. Carl Harris, Mrs. Lewis Judson, Mrs. R. D. Cooper, Mrs. Louis Anderson. Mrs. John Doug las will also assist. The Fitzmaurice home is on the South 12th street cutoff and Oak Hill, north of Iufers, by which the Liberty and Boone road bus passes. Salem high school members of the Snikpoh Drama society will gather Thursday at the school cafeteria for an initiation dinner. Miss Lela Jean Evans, president, will preside. Bcldon Owens will be In charge of the program. - - - r vi-w ;4'Y ; 5$ if II 1 WITH Ml'Cll RKCiltKT Hint Salrm nvs "Roodbve" In the Bruce Wil Imm riimilj. who leave Mniiriuy mornlnc for Hhode Inland. The earners glimpses .Mrs. Williams, her son. Amliy. and their (loft Ithodev. In n llvhn room corner of llicir attractive home in West Washington street. (Jestcn Miller studio) ONE OF the largest events of the social calendar this week is the Thursday afternoon opening of I he season for Town and Gown club. Mrs. Melvin H. Geis-t is president this year. Honored guests at Thursday's tea meeting will be mothers of freshman students at Willamette university. Guests will meet at the music hall on the campus at 2:30 o'clock and then re move to University House, home of Pres. and Mrs. G. Herbert Smith, for lea. Charles A. Sprague will give the ad dress of welcome. In concert will be a siring trio. Miss Katherine Schissler, pianist; Wallace Bjorke, violist and Miss Geraldine Schmoekcr, violinist. Chairman of Thursday's tea commit tee is Mrs. E. M. Page. Mrs. A. A. Schramm will be in charge of the liv ing room and Mrs. Margaret Rosecrans will invite to the dining room, where Mrs. Roy S. Keene and Mrs. Henry Compton will be in charge. Receiving guests will be Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Gcisl, Mrs. Robert Moullon Gatke, Mrs. James T. Brand, Mrs. Ralph Dobbs, Mrs. Charles McElhinny, Mrs. George Allen and Dean Olive Dahl. Assisting about the rooms will be Mrs. Moses Adams, Mrs. Wells Baum, Mrs. Clay Cochran, Mrs. Arthur Hay, Mrs. George Alexander, Mrs. C. B. Spencer, Mrs. Merle Travis, Miss Elean or Stephens, Mrs. S. Raynor Smith, Mrs. Irwin Potter, Mrs. E. C. Richards, Mrs. T. S. Roberts, Mrs. C. H. Robertson, Mrs. A. A. Rogers, Mrs. F. H. Rose, Mrs. William Thielson, Mrs. P. H. Schnell, Mrs. L. Goldball, Mrs. Charles Gray, Mrs. Dan Johnston, Mrs. C. H. Murphy, Mrs. Theodore W. Olson, Mrs. E. W. Pelerson, Mrs. A. A. Keene, Mrs. A. A. Lee and Mrs. L. H. McMahon. mmrrerff mm mi mm T UNDAY EVENING, students from Salem high school and Willamette university who are affiliated with the Episcopal church, are invited to at tend a special student vesper service to be held at St. Paul's Episcopal church. Immediately following the services, at which Rev. George H. Swift will olticiate, a Sunday night buffet supper will be held in the parish house. ' Mrs. F. W. Poorman is coordinating chairman for the event, sponsored by all the women's guilds of the church, Assisting her will be Mrs. Glenn Paxson, St. Anne's Guild: Mrs. Rue Drager, St. Paul's Guild: Mrs. V. E. Kuhn, Junior Guild; Mrs. Robert Brady, St. Eliza beth's Guild; Mrs. George Hill, St. Hel ena's Guild, and Mrs. O. A. Macy, St. Agnes Guild. COLLEGE HIGHLIGHT of next weekend will be the 52nd annual homecoming at Willamette univer sity. Invitations have been sent many prominent alumni of the school, many of whom are expected for the festivi ties Friday and Saturday. Friday evening's events will begin the weekend, rotating open house dances at the four sororities, Alpha Chi Omega, Chi Omega, Delta Gamma and Pi Beta Phi, and Lausanne hall. Saturday, Pi Phi will honor its alu mnae with a late breakfast scheduled be fore the 2:15 o'clock football game be tween the College of Puget Sound and Willamette. An informal reception at Chresto Cottage will follow the game and later the Delta Gamma house has planned a dinner for alumnae and their friends. At 9 o'clock in the gym, an all-school dance will end festivities. THE SALEM DISTRICT of the Oregon Music Teachers' associa tion is presenting a concert o musical interest for the pleasure of the public Tuesday evening at 8:15 o'clock, in Willamette university music hall. Two Portland artists, Sylvia Weinstein Margulis, violinist, and Lillian Petti bone, pianist, are appearing in the fol lowing program of sonatas for violin and piano and groups of solos: Sonata, Op. 24 Beethoven Reflets dans L ean Debussy La Puerto del Vino Debussy Miss Pettibone Chant de Roxane Szymanowskl Ao te da fogueira Valle-Heifiti Mrs. Margulis Sonata Cesar Franck Following the concert a reception will be held for the artists and the as sociation members at the home of Mrs. Frank Burlingham in North 14th street. The program was arranged by Miss Margaret Hogg, president of the Salem association. Mrs. Leonard Goldblatt, sister of Mrs. Margulis, will be hostess Tuesday eve ning for a small dinner parly honoring the artists. Returning Sunday night from a week's visit in Seattle is Miss Mary Klizabeth Sisson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brown Sisson. Miss Martha Chaves of Albany and Salem, daughter of Mrs. Howard Wise of Santa Monica, Calif., and Ray Griffin, son of Mrs. Nannie Griffin of Salem, will be married Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the First Church of the Naz arene. Rev. Robert Coulter will perform the ceremony before a small gathering of the couple's friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Ledweller of Albany will attend the couple. The bride has chosen a grey wool crepe afternoon frock, with which she will wear blak accessories and a cor sage of lavender orchids. Mrs. Led weller will wear a rust gown will) black accessories and gardenias. A wedding dinner is planned to fol low the ceremonies, immediately after which Ihe couple will leave for a wed ding trip to Canada. They will live in Salem The bride attended schools in Vivan, La. Her fiance attended Southern Ore gon schools aud served with the army air forces 3'j years in the South Pa cific. The first fall meeting of the Dine and Do club was held recently at the home of Mrs. W. P. Conboy, with a noon luncheon served. It was voted to sew during the coming year for the Shrine hospital in Portland. Welcomed as new members were Mrs. D. J. Good, Mrs. E. S. Thompson, Mrs. J. C. West. Mrs. T. O. McFarland. Mrs. P. T. Andregg. and guests, Mrs. W. C. Watson and Mrs. Ellis. Next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Gerald Lappen in Cummings lane, November 15. Saturday evening Frederickson hall on the Willamette campus will hold a dance honoring men students living in private homes. Hours for the informal party will be from 8 o'clock until midnight at the recreation room, with games, dancing and refreshments features of the evening, WELCOMING GUESTS Is Mrs. A. A. Schramm, left, at whose home was held the Salem VWCA "at home." on Tucsf clay. She is visiting- with Mrs. Ernest Rostcll, Mrs. Wallace Carson and Mrs. John R. Canghcll, the hitler two mem bers of the YW board, (Jesten-Millcr studio) THE 97TH BIRTHDAY of Mrs. Mary Patton was feted Friday afternoon when her daughter, Mrs. Lewis Judson, with whom she makes her home, entertained with a small tea. Sisters of Mrs. Patton are Miss Elaine Weller and Mrs. Rose Chamberlain. Oth er guests present were Mrs. Charles Weller, Mr. and Mrs. George Weller and a few close friends. Visitor on Thursday in Corvallis with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Coleman was Mrs. Roy S. Keene. K ' 1 'dr 1 " ' fir J ,, . , WEI.CDMKI) AMONG THE NEWCOMERS TO SALEM is Mrs. Willis Clark, who poses on Ihe steps of her home In South High street with her friendly chow, Rouriv. Mr. and Mrs. Clark three weeks ago came from Portland. He has assumed managership of Tidewater Associated Oil company for Salem. IJestcn-Miller studio) St. Anne's Guild will meet Monday afternoon at the West Lefcllc street home of Mrs. Carl Nelson at 2 o'clock. Hostesses for the meeting will be Mrs. Donald McCargar, Mrs. Theron Hoover, Mrs. Stewart Johnson and Mrs. Sidney Kromer. Mrs. Glenn Paxson is presi dent. Each member is asked to bring a white elephant for the special table to be arranged at the St. Anne's rummage sale, to be held Thursday, Friday and Saturday. A new AAUW drama group will meet Monday evening, 8 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. E. S. Oliver, 1498 Marion street. Mrs. Herbert Rahe will review "State of the Union" by Howard Lindsey and Russell Crouse, which she recently saw in New York. T ALEM ZONTA CLUB will meet tor a no-host dinner next Thursday evening at the Golden Pheasant at 6:30 o'clock. This will.be the business session, and Tor an informal program, Mrs. Theodore Madsen, Jr., club president, will report on the recent district conference at Olympia, Wash. Attending the confer ence were Mrs. Madsen, Dr. Helen Pearce and Mrs. Margaret Rosecrans. This coming Monday evening, twelve Salem Zontians, or more, will go to Corvallis to attend the formal dinner being given by the club there in obser vance of Zonta day. The dinner will be at the Benton hotel. (pi Mrs. George McLeod (Winifred Gard ner) and her small son, Evan, arrived Saturday morning to be guest at the new North 13th streej home of her mother-in-law, Mrs. L. C. McLeod. Her husband arrived earlier this week from Berkeley, where he has just com pleted work for his master's degree in law at the University of California. He will practice in San Francisco fol lowing a visit with his family in Salem, Members of the Salem Credit Wom an's Breakfast club motored to Eugene earlier this week for the Eugene club's installation of officers. They are Mrs, Bessie Kayser, Mrs. Alta Meyers, Mrs. Ethel Gallinger, Mrs. Medora Hyatt, Mrs. Dorothy Hill, Miss Lorna Lucas, Mrs. Rena Skaggs, Mrs. Dorothy Walker and Miss Myrtle McClay. Mrs. Louise Jones was installing officer. A' DVANCE NOTICE is being giv- en by Mrs. Carl Emmons, presi dent of the Salem Oregon State College Mothers' club, to new members of the first meeting of 'the year, a tea to be held at the YWCA Monday, Octo ber 28. Welcomed to the meeting will be mothers of young people who have this year entered Oregon State. The pro gram will be largely explanatory of the work of the organization, main pro ject of which is providing grants for deserving students. Funds for the grants will be gained from a rummage sale to be held later in the month. Hostesses will be the officers, Mrs. Carl Emmons, president; Mrs. Edwin Viesko, vice president; Mrs. Claude Post, secretary; Mrs. Linn Smith, treasurer; Mrs. O. I. Paulson, regional director, and Mrs. George Hi.g, stale vice presi dent. Friday evening, in a setting of yel low chrysanthemums, Mrs. Doris Fuqua became the bride of William Reid Ham ilton, son of Mrs, Iva Hamilton. The rites took place at the East Mil ler street home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hansen, at 7:30 o'clock. The bride's uncle, Rev. Henry Turnidge of Jefferson, performed the ceremony. Mrs. Turnidge sang the wed ding music. Lighting the tapers were Miss Mar garet Ann Hamilton, sister of the bride groom, and Miss Deloris Di Filippi. Both wore blue gowns. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a street-length rose petal pink two-piece gown with a peplum ef fect at the waist. Her flowers were ivory roses and her accessories black. Mrs. Howard Blankley was the bride's only attendant. She wore a street length gown of grey crepe and her ac cessories were black. Pink carnations made up her corsage. Best man was Elwood Obert. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Hansen wore a black gown with a corsage of gardenias. Mrs. Hamilton wore blue with gardenias. At the reception, Mrs. Charles Hagan and Mrs. Carl Allport poured. Cutting the cake was Mrs. F. L. Van Doozer of Portland, and passing the guest book was Miss Margaret Ann Hamilton. Mrs. Joe Di Filippi was in charge of gifts Mrs. Selwyn Mauer and Mrs. Donald Hamilton served. Following a wedding trip north, the couple will be at home at 843 North 20th street. Guests next weekend at the country home of Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Tupker wll be Mr. and Mrs. Clare Shaw of Kenni wick, Wash. 1 ecu? Lucky: Newcomers. Mr. and Mrs. Wil lis Clark, here from Portland, are thrill ed to death ... in the three weeks they've been in Salem, they have ac quired a new house and a telephone . . .' which is a pretty good record . . he will manage Tidewater Associated Oil here ... Long Trek: Rhodey (named for Rhode Island), dog belonging to the Bruce Wil liamses, will have a long, lonesome, but comfortable trip . . . he'll be shipped while his family drives east, missing the bad weather by cutting across the continent to Florida and then north . . they'll see lots of country and have fun . . . Heading East: Another Salem couple going east, but only for-a visit, are Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hamilton, who leave Saturday for Chicago, where they'll stay a few days, then go on to Cleveland and then either New York or Louisville . . . they'll go on the train to Chicago and fly the rest of the trip ... She's Come Home: Ruth Kellogg is home again . . . she's been in Chicago for the past 14 months, working with a mortgage company , . . she flew home last week . . . when she took her vaca tion there last year during tne time she was working she took a 3500-mile .cruise on the Great Lakes . . . she went down the St. Lawrence and through the Thousand Islands (where the dressing got its name), stopping at Detroit, Toron to, Dululh . . . Mrs. H. A. Pugh, path's ister, went on the trip with her , .