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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1946)
I WATFI HELP APPRENTICE (or garnso St service na tion. 809 Edsewater SI. W. Salem. g250 To It E UlN JO ns: World-wide "list i ns of available Job opportunities. including South America revlsrd monthly. postpaid. FOREIGN SERVICE REGIS TER, Baltimore 3. Maryland. g248 SALESMAN: Opportunity to build a Rood paying permanent business. National organization offers local territory. Ex perience In maintenance materials de sired but not essential. Commission and bonus. Write: united Laboratories, inc., Cleveland 12. Ohio, for full details 24B DISTRIBUTOR SALESMAN EXCLUSIVE territory given to distributors and salesmen. Your opportunity to en- Joy permanent connection representing national manufacturers. Call on whole sale automotive trade. Must have car: capital required for merchandise busi ness. Can be operated from your nome. We help supply salesman and start vou In a business of your own. Oive age, experience, phone number and address. Box No 17. Capital Journal. B249 EVENING AND part time key punch op erator urgently needed at the Unem ployment Compensation Commission. 550 Marlon St., applicants may work entire twins shift from 3:10 p.m. to 11:30 P m. 1 30 min. rest period) or a part of the shift on an hourly pay basis. Ccntaet Mr. Clinton. Personnel Officer, during days in Room 205, or Mr. Aaron, shift supervisor. Room iw evenings. Experienced operators espe cially needed, however qualified typ ists will be trained. 524a WALNUT TICKERS. Ph. 5211 Eve. s248 HOUSEKEEPER for small houso & cart of Invalid. Ph. 31757. gM&J FULL TIME candy cleric. Apply In person. Orand Sweet Shop. k" BOARD Ss care for elderly woman. Semi invalid. Phono 4166, 9 to 5. C248' WOMEN WANTED for day ft evening shifts as spinnlnit operators. Net mach ine operators and net sewers. Clean, steady work at good wages. No work after midnight. Apply at plant. Miles Linen Co.. 150 Fairgrounds Road. g25l SALESMAN: Making from $25 to J40 a day Payday everyday. Call A M. 403 Oregon Bide. b25D' GROCERY CLERK, steady, top pay. Sav- lng Center PortJano Koaa. SALESWOMAN: Ane 23-35, for Jewelry store. Some typlns experience. Modern air-conaitioned surroundings. Top sal ary. Peimanent position. References requlrrd Write to Box 13. Capital Journal. J APPLY AT the School Administration of fice (Ph -9137) if you are interested id a well paid secretarial position. The work will be varied, interesting and tenure permanent. 460 N. Hieh. g249 IF YOU LIKE to draw, sketch or paint, gee Talent Test ad In Educational col umn. G248 EXP. LADY for fur repair St alterations Price's. 135 North Liberty. 8j TELEPHONE operators wanted No ex perience necessary. Hiuh pay right at the start 129 for a 40-hour week whilt learning. Frequent scheduled Increase three 'he Hist year. Safe, whole some surroundings vacations with pay. A real opportunity for young women who are looking to the future who wanr a Job that Is pleasant. In teresting and profitable. Do not delay Inquire NOWl EXPERIENCED OPERATORS LET US tell yo'n how much you can cam. Call Mrs. Goodwin. Pacific Tele phone St Telegraph Co., 740 State St C258 MIDDLE AGED couple to manage St oper ate apt. hse. Apt., phone, electricity Si salary furnished. State qualifications Write Box 10, Capita'. Journal. g219' LADY FOR general housework. Steady employment, good salary. Phone 4959 after 6 A2!9. WANTED POSITIONS rLUMHING AND repair work. Prompt aeivlce. Just phone 8601. Larry Traviss. h252 FOR INTERIOR painting and minor fix it Jobs address card to 1908 N. 5th tt. Salem. h25l CARPENTER Experienced workman. Re model or new. Built-in Cabinets. City or Country Phone 24933 after 5 p.m. h243 WILL take care of children week days In my home while mothers work or shop. Ph. 21712. h248 RXOM wanted In exchange for work In ' the mornings, by young woman. Call Margie Locke at the YWCA. h24B LET US till your new lawn and garden the quick, modern, easy way. Salem Tree Co., Ph. 2120JL h248 EXP. DIESEL mechanic, able to take full charge of fleet of trucks. Write Box 15, Capital Journal. h2i8 YOUNG VETERAN with ten years business experience desires active Interest in go ing business . . . will Invest to twenty thousand ($20,000). Box 13, Capital Journal h250 SPRAY PAINTING, houses, roofs or barn. Phone 24248. h253 EXPERIENCED carpenter wants repair or remodel work any type carpenter work. 1327 3rd St. West Salem. Ph. 7059. h248 GENERAL carpenter work, also finish. Call at house. 1128 S. 12th. h248 LOCAL and long distance hauling. R. L. Phillips. RL 8, Box 118. Ph. 08F22. h2fl7 WOOD SAWING. Phone 21583. WANTED Paperhangins. Call 8745 and leave address. J GoodselL h25) fLOOB WAXING, wall cleaning, general housacleanlni, lawns mowed and trim med. Work guaranteed. Veteran. 1750 North Church. b260' RUGS AND Upholstereo Furniture cleaned in your fcorrt New process. R. e. Noni gren Ph. 21080 after 6 p.m. h2i AUTO PAINTING Just a shade belter by Ray Bttet. Call Shrock Motor Co. SMTj EDUCATION IF YOU LIKE to draw, sketch or paint. writ for Talent Test (no feet. Give age and occupation. Box 6. capita, Journal. hh248 RAWLINS MUSIC STUDIO Piano and Violin. Phone 25927. hh248 FOR RENT SLEEPING room. 1520 N. 19 til. NICE SLEEPING room in nice location. Christian gentleman. 1520 3. com i. J250' fi-ROOM FURNISHED house. Middle aged couple without children or pets prefer red. Inquire at 480 S. 23rd. J248 SLEEPING room for gentleman only. No drinking. By week or month. 770 Cheme keta St., upstairs. ' J248 SLEEPING room with bath privileges. Gentleman only. Phone 3008. J248 SLEEPING room by day or week. Private home 1126 S. 12th J250 HOWSER'S RENT-A-TOOL 1132 Edsewater TOOLS OF all kinds. Call 3646 for Infor mation. J249 NEW LOOKING floors at small tost Rent a Dreadnaught Sander oy hour or day. Western Auto, Ph. 7177. 1258' GOOD USED PIANOS B U Stiff FLOOR sander for rent. Montgomery Ward. J WANTED TO RENT WANT APT. on ground floor, suitable for quiet young couple. Furn. or unfum. Box 16. Capital Journal. Ja251 " " !25 REWARD FOR INFORMATION leading to the ren tal of furnished or unfurnished house or apartment. E. M. PERM AN Gen. Del., Salem, or Cabin 1, CasMe Hall Court. Rt. 4. Box 83. Ja250 WANTED: 2 or 3 rm. furnished apl. by working couple. Desperate for place to live. No drinking, children or pets. Phone 7730. Ja253 VETERAN, WIFE and baby must have small house or apartment. Phone 25512. Ja232 VET St WIFE In perm, business desire furn. or unfurn. house or apt. Ph. 4171 Ext. 410, before & p.m. or 6317 after 3 P.m FURNISHED OR unfurnished sin. hse. for young cple. urgently needed. Ph. 6424. Ja249' LIBERAL REWARD ENCi INFER and wife urgently needfurn. W"t. No smoking or drinking. Perm. 'Best ref. Mr. Snort Ph. 6320 or Senator Hotel eve. J a 25! WANTED TO RENT VETERAN i WIFE Ss baby need small house or apartment, Phone 24715. Ja253 EMPLOYED couple needs furn. or unfum. apt. or tmall house. No children, ro smoking or drinking, Ph. 7534 after 5:30 p.m. Ja248 YOUNG COUPLE desires apt. or sleeping room. - No children, pels, smoking or drinking. Phone 6150 Ja248 DISABLED veteran, wife St daughter de sire house in Salem vicinity. D. Ktms bury, 3355 Portland Rd. Ph. 9074. Ja2t8 LEASE t BEDRM. hse. Good care. Ph. 7936 Ja248 VETERAN & wile desire to rent unfur nished court or small house. Refer ences. Ph 5757 or 6123. Ja248 REWARD FOR rental of 3 Rm. Apt. Call D. A. Salndon Stan Baker Motors Serv ice Dept. Pll. 4119. Ja250 VET AND wife, no children or pets, need ant, or house. Furnished or unfum Salem resident 12 years. Responsio:e position Sold home when I voluiv teered for navy service. Please cail Bryant at 4171, Ext. 354. Eves. 24357. ja248 E 51 PLOYED girl needs unfum. apt. im mediately, (Box 8, Capital Journal. Ja249 FURNISHED APT. by employed couple Phone 8124. Ja249 LOCAL MANAGER of a large company, permanently located In Salem, wishes to rent a 3 bedroom home In a good district. No small children and no pets. Please telephone 9296. Ja249 WILL EXCHANGE rental of furnished home in Portland for same in Salem or vicinity Write P O. Box 4642, Portland 2. Oregon, or call TAbor 6570. Ja249 ISN'T THERE a house somewhere (Even though It may need repair) Where a dad, a mom and two kids could Live the way a family should? At It la we're sort of slumming In two rooms devoid of plumbing. It's a roof, we shouldn't grumble Darn It though. It's Just TOO humble) References fine have we Please, have you a vacancy? Ph. 6032. Ja249 THE TWAIN Shall Meet when veteran &z wife from east find a furnished apt or small bouse in Salem. Phone 6676. Ja24B VETERAN St wife, no children, need fur nished or unfurnished bouse. Pb. 5839. Ja248 VET and wife. 2 to 3-rm. furn. home. Ph 25460 after 6pm. Ja250 LEASE ON 2 or 3 bedrm. house. Ph. 4308 Ja248 WANTED. 3 or 4 or 5-rm. house or apt No children, pets or parties. Must Of clean. Will pay 6 mo. or year's rent in advance. Cab Burtner, 9785. Ja248 WANTED: Furnished apartment or bouse Box 326 Capital Journal. Ia27ti ROOM AND BOARD WILL GIVE room and board In exchange for light housework and help with 2 small children to reliable high school girl. Private room. V block from ntsh school. Ph. 24015. JJ248- LOST AND FOUND LOST: LADY'S Gruen" watch. Ph. 23403. Reward, k250 LOST: RIG black long-haired cat from 2070 Court St. Named "Blackie." Call 6193. Reward. k25D LOST. BLUE & white Persian torn cat. 1540 Chemekcta St, Reward. k249 MISCELLANEOUS KEEP YOUR chicken houses clean, dry and free from disease germs. Use our superior quality Clhck-Sed litter. Wards Farm Store. Trade and High Sts. m24B FILBERT As walnut drying. Prompt hand ling. Efficient, careful drying. Phone 22861. Lee's Hatchery. m258 SPORTSMAN Custom tanning and manu facturing of deer and elk hides intc useful trophies Myers Glove St Tannins Co. 1348 Ferry. Phone 6031. m258 MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked. 75c LES SPRINGER, 464 Court St. m265 SALEM WASTE PAPER 1790 North Front WE BUY magazines and newspapers Cardboard sheets and boxes any nee tor sale. m288 YOUR PETS given loving care In my own home while you are away. Phone 484t for 4 reservation. m30t SINGER SEWING Center. New classy starting in dressmaking, enrol) now We spec It. lire in sewing services, ma chine rentals, complete repair service. on all makes of machines. 12 S. High Ph. 3512. m248' DENTAL PLATS REPAIR t-HB 8KRVICB fN UU61 CASES DR. HARRY &EMLH D ENT1ST Adoipb Bid State St Commercial Sts SALEM-Pnoo IIH m DEAD and worthless tnocic removed on moment's notice. Ph 6000 HEAT your boms electrically. It's eon venlent, clean, economical. See ua for free estimates. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 25ft N. Liberty HEAVY HAULING, excavation and roafl building, land clearing, doser work ditching, basement excavation, sand gravel, crushed rock, mason sand, ooo arete mix, cement. SALEM SAND St GRAVEL CO. 1405 N FRONT ST.. SALEU. OREGON Phone 9408 or 11934. ej FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FULL BED size Vlt-O-net electric blan ket. New 18 in. electric fan. Presto-lltc soldering torch with leak detector at' tachmcnt. S radios, oak dining rm. ta ble As chain. Go-electric range. ' alarm clocks, electric mixer. 2 wheel trailer, good 600-16 tires. Will trade for linoleum, wm, Lasley. 4a8 Mill St. n249 PARAMOUNT marble board, lrge wail clock, Stewart banjo, 3 mi. West of Sa lem on Dallas hlway. Box 469. n250 PIANO and bench, mahogany finish. In excellent condition. 1690 B. Cottaqe. n250 MAGIC CHEF gas stove. Good cond. (55. Rt. 4 Box 93. 2 blocks So. of Dixon's Grocery on old hlway. n250 FOR SALE Northern Seal Fur Coat. Sire 16. Phone 4368. n248 AUTO. GAS St elec. water heaters, chrome plated ledge type faucets, laundry trays, . medicine cabinets Si Fuller paints. J. K. Parmenter Plumbln? Si Heating, 2380 Fairgrounds Road. Ph. 8627. n248' 1 WOOD RANGE. 1 ice box. Rt. 6, Box 315-H. ISwegle road). n250 STORE ISLANDS, tables, phonograph re cord display racks. MITCHELL RADIO it APPLIANCES State at 19th. Phone 7577. n 1 SET (TABLE Ss 4 chairs) of CHROM-O-LITE. Durable St light. See Sunday, 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Also Eureka vacuum cleaner, good condition. Butane range, 4-burner. oven St broiler, with tank regulator. 3042 Portland Road. n248 i OVERCOAT, size 39, X2 1 raincoat, 3s7 $2; 3 suits, 38 pan Us, 32x32; 9 shirts, 15, 50c to 12. 395 N. 14th St. Good condition. n24B NEW HAMPSHIRE Red fryers; new 11-ln. Dunlap Jigsaw; 1 used cider press. Ph. 7569. H2o0 WANT TO BUY 3 large oak trees for 1-jcs that will go 25 inches through, or . larger, and 9 leet long and clear. Will pay good price on ground. Write Box 20. Capital Journal n249 RADIO & RECORD player. Slightly used. Call eves. 486 N. Liberty. D250 MAN'S SUIT, size 38, grey all wool, bard finish (Mark Schaeffer). S20. Call 4269 evenings. n250 1 THOMPSON runabout; beautiful new rowboals: some painted; 1 new trailer, suitable for boat or deer, with rack; Telescopic tongue and fenders; 3 used outboard motors, a few rowboats cheap. Salem Boat House, 100 Chemeketa. Ph. 9303. n250a I I'.-j-TON Dodge truck, stack rack, new motor St tires. Can be seen' Sunday. 365 Norway. n248 FOR SALE: 777 Van Norman Cyl. Boring Bar slightly used. Range 2.600 to 5.300. Phone 2394, Lebanon, Oregon, after 6 p.m. n252 ROLLER CANARIES J 15.00. Guaran. to sing. 7 tube caoinct radio $20.00. Rub ber tired lawn mower 112.00. Steel cot 15 00. 3520 Brooks St. No. Aluml. Plant. n249 SIOUX FLEXIBLE shaft body As fender west of Bonneville on Salem-Dallas hl way. H243 FREUHAUS TAN DOM trailer, cab shleid ana ouns, uwa coaaiuuu. u H249 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS HAND MADE Quilts, sheets, caster sit. fancy cups At saucers, Bavarian China A; Havalln, English blue dinner plates, creamer Si sugar sets, Glassware, wood or coal circulator heater, 1 antique chair, wicker baby buggy, 3 ladles wrist watches, Elgin, Gruen A; Swiss. S3C Garnet. nJ48" SHIMON'S SINGLE bed with spring and tnnersprins mattress. Phone 24948. n249" PUPPIES. Shepherds, terriers, males Sz females. Salem Veterinary Hospital. Portland Hoad. ii250- tMBRXLLA; TENT 96"xll'! Used 2"weekT Cost frtB.OO. Sell for J 47 SO. Oalv. laun dry tubs on castors S7.50. One burner camp siovc f6.00. Call at 1362 Elm. Ph. 2-1707. West Salem. n248 BLACK CONEY fur coat. 4 yr. old size, ili 1488 S. Com'. Ph. 6524. n248 FOR SALE: 2 wheel trailer, like new, suitable to convert for slock. i'ib. Rio Vlsia cnbins North Independence. O. L. Goff. FAIKHANKS-MORSE 2j0 gal. per hour shallow well pump. Practically nev. with txnk. Rt. 2, Box 4G. A. F. Lamer Pll. 3194, E. 14. 1149 COILED WHITE enamel trash burner, new dining room table and matching chair. 1085 N. lbih afier 7 p.m. Frl. and Sat. All day Sunday. nCIS' 6 PIECE WALNUT dinette set. maple twin bedrormi suite and bunk beds. STATE STREET FURNITURE 1900 State. Phone 7596. n249 ALMOST NEW Remington automatic in 300 Savage caliber, scope mounted. 330 Weaver recoil pad. three boxes shells. J 165. A beautiful gun. Call 3197, Room 37, from 8 to 4. i24 WATER TANK and sidenrm electric water heaters, $12.50 720 Mill St. n248 'US FORD BLOCK assembly, . J50. Good condition 540 Morgan Ave, Salem n249 MAN'S double breasted oxford gray suit. 36-38. Grey overcoat. 36-38. Baby jum per, nursery seat. Excellent condition. Cheap. Phone 5155. 1400 Hlnes Street. n24B FOR SALE: Like new Montag wood kitch en rine, complete with colls, 165. Also wood circulator In excellent condition. Only S49-50. Please call after 6 p m. 1438 N Cottage St. n246 LEAVING TOWN: Priced for quick sale. 4' i hp. outboard motor; 10 ft. ply wood boat: 30-30 Win. cnrblne: 12 gauge Win pump, model 97, ammunition' boy's Wdtld bike; boy's Chicago shoe roller ikates. size 9: 118 Eastman Ko dak. All good condition, Rt. 1, Box 47. KinsWood Dr., evening. n240 9-TUBE SILVERTONE cabinet radio, coad condition. Phone 3008. Park St., Sal' tn, n24 APPLES. 50e BOX. Bring Boxes. Man's Bicycle 120.00. Good condition. 1st house on left past Middle Grove school on Silverton Hwy. Rt. 7. Box 410. n351 GOOD CIRCULATING wood heater. Rea sonttble. Ph. 9150 Eve. n243 FOR SALE 3 ladles good coats size 33. Other articles. Phone 5785. n248 FOR SALE: Settling estate: Cedar chest, two desks, secretary, three bookcases. buffet, china tloset electric range, two fillnz cabinets (wooden), love seat, ele:trlc attachments and magnifying glasses. Also knlck-knacs and stationery supplies suitable for Chrlstmns gifts. All at 158 S. Liberty St. After 1:00 on Sat. St Sun., Oct. 19 and 20. n248 FIVE 1939 (,'IIEV. wheels. 5 6 00x16 tirei Sz tubes. 505 Madrona Ave. n248 1 WOOD circulator, excellent cond. (25. Phone 25669. 1345 N. 18th. n248 3 SIZE 13 maternity dresses. 2120 Myrtle Avenue. n248' STANLEY MITRE box. J50. Almost new. Rt. 2. Box 51-A. Phone 21260. n248 TWO D.C. Westinghouse welding mach ines, one 4 ft. hand brake. Ph. 24135. Electro-Watt Inc., formerly Casper & Cutler n219' 4-IN. SOIL pipe fittings, all kinds. 300 ft. best flooring, cedar celling, siding, finish lumber, to trade for 2 lavatories. Tom Murray, 99E south of 12th St. 1 n248 lUdll GAL. GAS storage lank. D. B. Brown, 3130 Portland Rd. Marlon Motel. Phone 9797. n248 CONCRETE mixer with gasoline motor. Small arc welder. Call after 5 o'clock. Lester Haypole, route 7, box 439. Sa tern, Hollywood drive. n248 MONTAG wood circulator. Good cond. 135.00. 352 N. 21st. n248 A. C. DAYTON cabinet type radio. 255 Center St n24S PIANO in good condition. Ph. 4656. n24B WANT a warm, cozy place to live? See this 25-ft. Palace trailer. 3 rooms, lots of bullt-tns. etc. Call after 6 p.m. 3560 Portland Rd. n251 ALL enamel Montae range with colls. cellent cond. 3745 Brooks St. Ph. 9346 or 24379. H2481 CROSLEY -TUnE table model radio. J39.50. 481 Ferry. n248 GLASS GLAZING. Table St dresser tops. any size. R. L. Elfstrom Co., 340 Court. n251 SAND, GRAVEL, silt, garden sand, fertiliz er. Boslcy Ss Meyer, Ph. 3046. 944 North Commercial. n272 DELTA SAW, Vi h.p. motor, 4 in. Jointer, S in. rip on steel stand. Thomas Daike, 1042 7th. Phone 7017. n243 DELICIOUS APPLES. SI. 25 box. H mile north of Kelzer school. 4t h house on east side of highway. Bring box?. O. T. Brown. n248 WATER HEATERS. Thermador auto. elec. MITCHELL RADIO St APPLIANCE S'ate at 19th. Phone 7577. n TABLES: Heavy 3x5 ft. (5 each. MITCHELL RADIO St APPLIANCE State at 19th. Phone 7577. i INSULATION pneumatically Installed Prlc.-. mpterla). workmanship guaran teed. Salem Rock Wool Co. Ph. 2748 2225 N Liberty 0' NEW BLACK wool trousers, siie 31-32. 540 South 19th. n243 DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK! Use 100 as phalt shingles. Unharmed by any weath er, rain or shine. Fireproof Installed by experienced men. For FREE estimate phone 7177. Western Auto Supply Co n258 SILVER PLATED Si brass candle holders, weather vanes, copper lanterns St signs for sale. Also steel clothesline poets 1145 North Liberty. n262 NAVAJO RUGS and saddle blankets Guaranteed 100 native wool Woven by Navajo Indians on their reservation 175 3 High Paul Stoner. Phone 6088 n260 x9 USED walk-in cooler, complete with meat racks, shelving. 1 reach-in door. 1 h.p. compressor. Burton Refrigeration Co.. 3050 Portland Rd. Phone 24060. SMART SUITS, coats, sweaters and ikirts as well u dresses for all occasions from afternoon to formats. Grand materials and scarcely worn. Sizes 9 to 44. Phone 4845. anytime. n303 FLUORESCENT commercial and Indus 4 ml. east on Macleay Hlway. J H trial lighting tlxtures for Immediate de livery Salem Lighting and Appliance Co Temporary location 255 No. Liberty. Salem. Ore eon. Phone 9412. n253 UIRRA PIANOS from (395 Terms. Ser these beautiful spinet style pianos witt the tone of a baby grand at Tallman'a 395 a 12th. A mil from high prices n249 ATM O RAYS. OZONE Sell or rent. U C. Push, Ph 22458 P. O. Box 463 n250 GARDEN sand, gravel, crush nJ i-ock Shovel St drag-line excavating WALJU LNG BAUD AJ4D GRAVEL CO Pb 6561 ('E BUT A sell furniture, tools, stoves. dishes motors, radios ttectrio appli ance, household eoods KUOMAN ft 38b N Commercial Phone 988s n FLUOREeCENT - Commercial and Indus trial lighting fixtures for immediate de livery Salem Lighting and Appliance Co. Temporary location- 255 No. Llber.v. 3iiem. Oregon Phone 9412 n253 SLEEPING BAG. curled chicken feathers. Arctic type. new. price 19.00. Wholesale price In lots of eight. 17.00. Wholesale rates to veterans. 713 Court St., Dallas. Phone 42J. n252 HEAT YOUR horn electrically It' con venlent, clean, economical. See us lot free eftlmatea TEATER APPL1ANC1 CO. 255 H, Liberty m WANTED MISCELLANEOUS DESPERATELY NEED electric range and refrigerator Must be good condition. Will pay well. 3625 Monroe. na249 RADIO REPAIRINO KT. 6, BOX 417, Salem. All work guar anteed. Phone 22707. na248' WILL PAY 1250 cash for trailer house. Phone 24925. 20 Salem Hgts. Ave. na249 OLD DISHES over 25 years old. Upstair" Antique Shop. 438 Court St, na260 USED fURNITURfc Phone Slab EXCHANGE Miscellaneous WILL TRADE brand new elee. sewing machine for apt. size elec. stove. De pendable make. Ph. 4219. iin2t-l EXCHANGE for 16 or 20 gauge shot gun. clarinet or bicycle, or a radio that cost $300 Ph. 8980 after 6 p.m. nn'J48 CKKSONAL ALCOHOLICS. Anonymous. P. O. Bos 7L4, P309 I WILL rot be responsible for any bills contraci-d (or other than my own af ter tins dale. Lee T. White. p248 READING. KNOW THE TRUTH. 2361 State p251 DIVINE DEALING. Bring your T. B cases to me. all other ailments. Rev. T Hey ting. 1103 6. W. 13th ave., Portland LA 7189 P-64 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER LETTERS OF all kind composed ano typed Perrenal ones a specialty Strict ly confidential For appointment, phone 4845 P30R AUTOMOBILES ALL INSULATED truck body. 10' Ions. 6' high. 6' wide, metal in good cond. Rt. 4 Box 93. 2 blocks So. of Dixon's Grocery on old hiway. E. A. Ward. q250 '41 FORD dump truck. 1198 6. Com'l. Ph. 9724. q-'oO mid CUSIIMAN motor scooter. Plus ac cessories. Ph. 24188. q'J-iO- W CHEV. sedan 1400. 6" tires, seal beam lights, motor Just overhauled. 1810 N. Cottage. 0.218 FOR SALE: 1937 Nash sedan, radio Sz heater, good cond., good tires. Ill Set tlrmier Ave., Woodburn. Ore. q2j0 1g Ft7I ioVs E trailer.- license. Fur" nlsned and ready to bo. S850. R35 Court. q248 FORD 4 dr. sedan. 1702 Center. q250 '3S PLY. COUPE. 1940 N. Call after 6 p.m. Capitol. J17.V q2,)0 1911 BUICK SEDANETTE with radio, heat er, Spartllte and good tires. Ph. 22330. Rl. 7, Box 447J q:48 '31 CHRYSLER at reasonable price. E. R. Butler, Rt. 2, Box 64B, Salem q249 WANT OR '31 Plymouth 4-door or se dan with or without motor and tires. Body main object. Harold Rodkey, Rt. 4, Box 131. Salem. q249 39C HEV. COACH. Good' condttton." See from 1 to 5. 830 Norway. q2!8 FOR SALE: V.Htt Chev. truck Hi ton stake-body. Call Silverton 4451. q?4t FOR'sAI.EModel A FordwiTh 1 eTires? tr0. 643 Edsewater St. West Salem. Cabin 12. q2)3 '2o""motCL A Panel" "with 85' rubber and In excellent condition to trade lor sedan of equal value. Call evenings and Sundays. 3520 Brooks St. N. Alum. Plant. q249 TlTlCKSTON Duel Carb. Manafold. Fits all Ford V-8 St Mercury Motors. Com plete with 2 Stromberg Carbs, 91 velooi ty stocks. Seo at Commercial Body & Fender Shop, 1042 S Com 1. q'248' FOR SALE or trade 1941 Bulck Scdanette. Radio or heater, nice clean car. Come after 6 p.m. 691 Rosemont. q248 lull PLY. 5 passenger cpe. Radio St heat or. for sale or trade. 298 W. Miller. Call after 6 p.m. q24S HOUSE TRAILER. Like new, 1650. 2085 N. Com'l. q248 1941 ARMY PICKUP. Value J625.00. Cash or trade. Evenings after 5. 2325 Mis sion. Phone V072. q249 WANTED FROM private party. 40 or "41 rar in good condition, will pay cash. No dealers. Phone 2-4887 after 6 p.m. q249 HEAVY DUTY stock tractor, like new Chev. wheels St 6.00x16 tires. 505 Mad rona Ave. q248 FOR SALE: '35 Chev. Master conch. Good condition. 2155 University, Ph. 5303. q248 3I DODGE pickup. Good mechanicfllly, rough body S285. 196 8. 25th. q248 VETERAN will pay top price for a clean, late model five passenger coupe. Phone 21244 after 6:00 or after 12:00 Satur day. q'248 11)11 HARLEY, 74-OHV. Excellent condi tion. A-l tires, extras. 1273 Franklin St.. West Salem, after 5:30 p.m. q248 !!:; HUDSON 8 custom deluxe sedan. Ra dio, heater and other extras. Clean original upholstery. A fine appearing car. mechanically A-l. Only S685. Mc Call's Used Cars, 1297 State. Dial 8108. q249 MODEL A pickup roadster. Excellent me chanically. Good solid body, 600x16 tires. Sealed beam headlights. A real value at 325. McCall's Used Cars, 1297 State St. Dial 8108. q249 lim CHEVROLET Coupe with rumble scat. New tires, good condition mech anically. Clean Inside and out. S3S0. McCall's Used Cars, 1297 State St. Dial 8108. q249 USED CARS WANTED REGARDLESS of year, make or model, we will make you a spot cash offer. McCall's Used Cars, 1297 State tit. Dial 8108. q249 TRAILER HOUSES TWO reasonably priced, for home or in vestment. Shell Service Station, 12th and Mission. q251 '37 CORD. For sale or trade for ,ate Chev., Ford or Chrysler, Ph. 7000, l a.m. to 6 p.m. After 6 Phone 22943. q249 WANTED; CAR in good condition. Any kind out would prefer 37, 38 or 39 Mod al, no dealers please, call after 6 p.m. Norman Schroyer, Route 6 Box 37, Salem. (Out 22nd St.) q259 WANTED TO BUYi Late model trucks. Pickups, panels, flatbeds, loggers and so oa Inttrnatiocai dealer. James tt Maden Company. 3955 Silverton Koaa Phone 24)23. q FOR SALE 1930 Graham sedan. Good 6 600 tires 1350 1927 Chev. truck flat Deo. Motor gooo. Associated station, UuDoara Ph. 3411. q2ai VETERAN NEEDS car, any model, must be priced reasonable Call after 6 p.m or write W. Reding er. 2252 Simpson. Salem. q29 W A NTEDr GOOD used car, late mode, preferred. Phone 4547. q2o9 CARS NEEDED ANY MAKb or model. 11 priced within reason we will ouy It, Stevens Usee Cars 678 8 12th. q259 WANTED: LATE Model Oar at private party Will pay cash. PDone 6280. q WE PAS TOP3 Oat EVERY (JIM a Tour Car Is Worth! CASH ON J7HE BARREL-HEAD I "C SHROCK AJLEM'S Oldest Independent USED CAB O&AUER N. f Corner Churcb si Cbemegeta Phone 7923 FINANCIAL SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 INTEREST S to 40 Years and NO Commission t Leo N. Chllds. Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9261 r249 PAAM AND CITY LOANS 4 'A 7. AND 6 VOUB OWN IbKMS ot reparoles with reason Cash for Rest Estate Contract and Seconc Mortgages. CAPITOL 8ECJKITI CO. 107 Pioneer Trust Bids. -Pb. 7 162. r G&NERA1 FINANCE CORP LOANS 6V1I6 and U-3M ano ROY H SIMMONS INSURANCE ano LOA-MS 126 8 commercial St Tsl HI61. YOrR SURPLUS MONEY WILL EARN YOU 6 PERCENT INTEREST, BUY A REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE. EXAM INE THE SECURITY YOURSELF. MORTGAGES AVAILABLE IN AMOUNTS OF 1500 TO $7500. WE COLLECT ALL INTEREST AND PAYMENTS FOR THE INVESTORS. NO EXTRA CHARGE. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 S. HlBh St. Journal Want Ads Pay CASH "NOW FROM PERSONAL tb year In Balam Ws lend money quickly privately to men or women, married or tingle. LOANS S25 TO S300 For home or business on furniture, sal ary, business equipment. On auto 1500. Choose any one of our convenient loan plans and repay in 15 months. WE LIKE TO SAY "YES" to loan requests. So for faster service, phone first PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 618 State St., Rm 125. Phont 3191 Lie S-132; M-165. E. Galllnser Mgr. r23fl Wl LOAN oo Farm. Residential and B-iii-tea? Property Will buy mortgages, con tracts HAW WINS Si ROBERTS. INC REALTORS Guardian Bids r AUTO tDANt WILLAMETTE OR EDIT CO. 6tb FLOOR GUARDIAN BLDO. License No M-189 t MONCT S R&AL E8TATK LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS Buy Real Estate Uortg ages and CODirscl STATE FINANCE CO- REALTORS Lie 8-J16 U-223 (IS J S Kih St TR A NSPORTATION DRIVING to Rochester. Minn. Oct. 27th. Want a driver A; share expenses. No drinker Contact Paul Booce. Falshone ruad, north 10 end of ro,id. Silverton. X250 DRIVING to San Frnncisro. Take 2 pas sengers, share driving & expenses. Ph. 5094. x248' Directory AUTO BRAKES MIKE PA NEK. 275 8 Com'L Ph. 6161 tira kb a: wneri aligning specialist, ujdj' ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING and bookkeeping Reason able rales Dependable service Buinea Service. Inc. Uasonlo Buildings, Salem Phone 8737 0 MM'LIAM'E REPAIRS EXPERT BF.NDlX and commercial and domestic refrigeration service Ralph jonnson appliances. IZi Center Pa. 40j AUTOMOTIVE MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE 440 Chemeketa Phone 7838 BRICK LAVING A. R. RICKS. 2K25 Cherry Ave. CEMENT WORK GENERAL CFMENT CONTRACTING. Cl'f Ellis. 1905 N. 19th St. Ph. 4071. o266a CHIMNEY SWEEP FURNACES. CHIMNEYS vacuum cleaoeu ENSLEY. 771 S 21st Ph. 7176. O" DELIVERY SERVICE SALEM DELIVERY and Pickup Service 145 S. Church Phone 4711. o249 DRESSMAKING ALTKRATIONS-Remodclinc. 1984 State St. Mrs. Armentrout. o266' EXTERMINATORS ARDF.E MAINTENANCE CO. Bedbugs, roaches, rats, fleas, moths Pest con trol cun'TPct service. Materials sold guaranteed rtddnnce. 825 N KUlliiKV worth St.. Portland 1L Ora Pb, WEb stcr 3265. 0 COCKROACH EXTERMINATOR service Ph. 3056. LEE CHOSa 12G0 N. 17th. 023f Rreuhaupt' for flowers Dial 9195 FUNERAL DIRECTORS HOWELL FUNERAL HCUB Ph. 1672 BAGGAGE and apart, moving our special ty I mm. attention. Salem Moving A Delivery Service Pb 7665. o248 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R. WA'IKINS CO PRODUCTS. 1717 Center SL Phone 6395. O250' MUSIC LESSONS SPANISH and HAWAIIAN Guitar. Mando lin banlo etc 1533 Court Ph 7569 MATTRESSES CAPITAL REDDING. Phone 4069. PAPER HANGING EXPERT paperhanging. B. J. Wool- worth. Phune 3015 PLUMBING AND repair. Prompt service. Larry Traviss. Phone 8801. 0272 SAND A GRAVEL GARDEN SOIL, crushed rock. Shovel A dragline excavating WaUlnc Sand A Gravel Co. Phone 8361. o SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED KKNNETII II A MEL. 1143 8th St.. W. Ba le m. Ph. 7404. Guaranteed service. 0267 CESSPOOL Septic tanks. Ph. 8745. 0268 HOT O-ROOTER SEWEB SEUVICB Sev ers and drain cleaned Free estimate Prompl service Ph.. 6327 0 TRANSFER AND STORAGE LOCAL A DINSTANCB Transfer storage Burner oils. coaL briquets Trucks tc Portland dally Agent. Lyon Van Line for household goods to California polnia L.irmer Transfer St Storage. Ph. 1131. 0 VACUUM CLEANERS ELECTROLUX Sales St Service As Repairs. Limited amount of new machines avail able. Office 175 S High. Ph. 6038. o262 FREE Irutpecttn in your boms author .zed Hoover service. W service all make of cleaners. Hogg Bros. Ph. 9149 o WEATHER STRIPPING FREE estimates. T. PULLMAN. Ph. 60GS. 0260 WELDING WELDING St BLACKSM1THINQ BODY As FENDER WORKS WE Specialize in trailer hitches, Penn 4 Corners 3955 E. State o2Q9 WELL DRILLING J. A SNEED St Sons Will drilling. 3505 Brooks St. Salem Phone 6809 02f WELL DRILLING U D Enio Rt 6 Box 321-L. Saiem, Ore First nous eoutb Ot Swenie school. Ph. 24267 WINDOW CLEANING 4 CMS WINDOW CLEANERS. Windows, floors, woodwork eieaneo, Pb 1317 til Court Si Langdoe St Culberison 0 PROFESSIONAL C LEAKING SERVICk Phone 4157. o Lodges Meet every Wednesday evening Visitors wel come. IOOF Building. A Kinwoot yiSV a.m.. AN p.m. M.J wood lodge No. 204 A.P. Monday evening. M. Degree. By order of the secretary, L. L. Sloper. 249- LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon FOR MARION COUNTY Probate Department. In t'ie matirr of the estate of E. H, KENNEDY, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the under signed, by an order of the Circuit Court of tin: State of Oregon, for Marion Coun ty. Probata Department, marie and rn tered on tlin 13th day ot October, 1946. was appointed executrix of the estate of E. H. Kennedy, deceased, and that she has duly qualified as such executrix. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified ss required by law. .o W. C Wins ow. at Salem. Oregon. within six '6 months of the date of UiIj notice. Dated this Kth day or October, 1946. ELM A II. KENNEDY Executrix of thi estate nf E. If. Kennedy, Deceased. W. C. WINSLOW. Attorney lor Executrix. Salem. Oregon First publication: October 19, 194B. Last publication: November 16, 1146. Oct. 19, 26. Nov. 2, 9, 16. The banana plant is believed to have originally been native to southern. India or the Malay peninsula. Market Quotations Portland Prodnea tnt-nans Bolt wr Prices to metiers: Orade A cartons. 88c. A A prints 87c. A prin'.s 85-B6c. A cartons 8!-B0c. B prints B5-8Bc. "A lb cubits fee higher Esrs Prices to retailers: AA large. 6?s; A israt. 61-62e; AA medium. 59c; A medi um. 58-59c; A small nominal, 44c dozen Cheese To retailor in rartland Oregon triplets 46-4To lb., daisies 434-44 o af 47-50 'fl lb. Jobbers pay e lb. lesi To wholesalers Portland Oregon ilnglM 56 - 5 7c, loaf 58-39C, triplets, 50-52c lb. fortland Whoiraalt Manet Butler f ob bulk 68 lb. tubs) AA grade 9 score 84 1 A grade 93 score R:c. B grade 90 ore 83c. C grade 89 score 79c. Hutterfat (Tentative, sublect to imme diate change) Premium quality maximum of 35 of 1 percent acidity, delivered (n Portland. 92c lb: first quality 93-96c lb. i second quality 91 -92c: valley routes and country points 2c less than first, or 91-02C. Chrese Selling pnee o Portland re tailers: Ore. singles 53-550 lb. Ore. loaf 51-57c lb - triplets, 53-55c. Kcga To wholesalers A large I84e S9o dozen, med. 65-S6c B grade 43 4 -45 Vic Kaliblls Average country Killed to re tailers 43-f0c lb Live fryers. eolad 2ia. white 22-37o lb Old bucks and does it lbs and up) ISo lb. Lire Pnultr Lire Chickens No. 1 Leghorn broilers. 1 to 2 lbs., 33-37c; fryers. 2 to 3 lbs., il iac: 3 lo 4 lbs.. 37-39C. roasters. 4'i los. and over, 37-38c: under 3',j lbs., 22-35C; roosters and slags, 15-19c. Dressed Chickens To retailers: Spring orollers 3 lbs up 62c lb. colored hens S7e. Leghorn fowl 82ct old roosters and stai' 28o. Fresb Vegetables Beam Ualll 17o Id Mld-Oolumbla R'ur Lake. mid-Columbia and Walla Wus green and wax 9-luc lb Oregon Qlant 10-120 lb Kentucky Wonders B-lOo Shell Dean (1 50-1 75 10-16 lug. Was and Blue Lake 9-10c. Berl Calif B0-S!c. local 80-90e dozen r.rorrollM 50-1 65 lug Cabbage Local round type, f3.40-3.65'. red. 7-8o lb. Carrots Local, banched. 5-doa erata 13-3.35 Cauliflower Local No. 1. sl.90-2. Celery California la tot stumea erata Lablsh, Mllwaukle 12-2.25 crate; blanche, 12 75-3; Hearts. S3 -2.35 doe Corn Best. J2-2.25 a 5 -dor. box. Dill- -20-2SC lb i Cucumbers Slicers 18 lb, flats, f 1.50- I. 65. Eggplant 20 lb. crate. S2.10-3.25. Garlic Oreoon 20-230 lb Lettuce Local, dry pack, SI. 75-2. 35 per 4 d.iz. Onions Wish, dry No. I, Sl-1 35i 51) tb sacks: Idaho, white. No. 1. Sl.50-l.C5; large. '1.85 yellow Spanish. SI. 20-1.35; Parsley Local 75-80o dorn Peppers Green Caltl 35-lb eratc S3. 50-75. Mld-Columbla 12-lb. flat Blc; 30- lb. SI. 75; red. flat 11.75; chill, Sl.fiJ SI. flats Potatoes Washington Russets, S2.50 2.75: 50 lbs.. No. 2. 90-95c: local long white. 12 65-2.75; Klamath Russets, No. 1. S2.75-2.85. Deschutes. No. 1, S2.75-3.85. Pumpkin 3'i-4c lb. RadUhes Local reo 80-flOo dos. tmnehen. Rutabagas New crop Wapato SI 7S-SJ 50-lb sack. New crop Colo S2 60-lb. sacs Spinach 20 lb. box, SI. 50. Sprouts Local to S2. 50-2. 65 flat. Squash Zucchml 75c-M flat. Scallop. 75c-fl. 14-lb. shakrd SI. 25-45 35-lb. pear box S2.75-J3. Danish, lugs. 85-DOc. Sweet potatoes Calif., 50 lb. basket. $3.75-3.90; yams. 50 lb.. S3. 60-3. 75. Tomatoee Local IB-lb flat. No. I SI. 15-1. 25; California wrapped S3-3.75: re packed. S4-4.25: Woodland. Sl-40-l.flj. Turnips Bunched, idano SI -SLID dozen Topped S3 for 60-lb sack. Yams Louisiana S3 35-3.60 erata. Fresh Fruit Apples Taklma Dertcions. wrapped and packed, cumb bo S4. 50-4.75, Jumble box S3 40: Hood River Spits face-fill box SI. 75 2.00: Yellow Newtowns S4.35 Winter Ra nanas S2.90: Ortleys S3.60 box. Jona than fArf 13.40 H. R. Delicious S3.86 lumble box. Yakima Wlnesana S4.49; Astra chan 40 Iba S4 40, Maryhtlla. Wash, di trlct Transparent SI. 50-2 face lug; Red Delicious, wrapped and packed. S4.50-4.75; loose, S3-3 50. Avocado Puerto 14 25, choice S3 ffl-S fancy S4-4 25 20-30 flats. Calif. Dicken son all sizes, S4.50-l.75; Itzlmaa. S4.75 5.75. Bananas 04c-10o lb. cut bands. traUr extra Cantaloupes Speares, S3.35-2.50; Dll lards, 13-3.25. Melons Hone r dew, Jumbo flats, tt.tb crate. Casahas Crate S3 50-751 bulk 4o lb Cranberries Oregon, 35-lb. boxes, 18.75- 10. GrapefruKCatlf. large S5.50-S.7S, small S3. 75 case. Texas pinks IS. 10. white S4.B0. Cochells S4.B5 case: Cuban, all sizes, S8 8.50 Florida pinks, larger, S7.50-8; small S6.75-7.25; white larger. S5 90-5.75; small 57- 7.25. Grapes California Thompson seed less $3.75; Rlblers, S3.7S: local Concords. lUKS; SI 50; TnkaV. S2. 65-2. 85 lugs: Lady Fingers, S4-4.25; white Malagras, S3.25. Lemons California, 252-300. and 360. S7.G5-7.0Oj 432. S6.50. Limes Tuba of 20a 35o. Honey Dew Melons Jumbo flat S3-I2.10 Wapato 35S-4&S SI 85-S3L Oranshaws S2.35 3.7o; casabas, S2.50. Oranses Oellings; Calif. Sfl 09. PI a. f and up to S6.14; Valencies, 288s and lariter, S6 50-6.65: smaller, S5.35-5.50, Quince Local, 2Vt-Zz !b. Pears Bartlctts. comb pack S6-lb boa S3. 23-3.35: Medford wrapped and packea $5-5 25; Hood R.ver, S4-4.75: orchard cun II. 75-3 Yakima W St P.. $4.35: D Anloo $4.75, wraoptd and packed boxes: wrapped and packed. $4.25; loose $3 25 3.50; Hood River D'AnJou. 84.60-4.75. Plneapplrt Cubin Pomegranates S2.75-2.85 lug. Meat Country Meats Rollback prices to re tailers. Country killed hogs, sst butcher 120-140 lbs 19-19 Vio lb Vealera AA 23 We A 31V B IflU, 8 17-17 -Pic. eullf 13-15 lb Beer: AA 210, h 30V B 18o. eanners ou Iters 13-140. Lambs: AA 3 fie, A 24 'Ac B 34MrC O 30e lb Ewes: F8 13 U 12c R 10VO Veal AA 20-380. A 24 -28c B 32-240 lb lull 18-300 lings Fancy block 27-38o lb Blocs outchers. packer style. 155-213 lbs. 33 It over 213 lbs. Shipper style 172-334 Iba 21 over 335 lb. Lambs A A 28 'Ac A 26-28c, B 24-21o lb Mutton Fane; A I0-I4o according U and w tip hi Beef AA 28-20. A 26-28 B 33-250. C 3 1 - 22c canner-cu-.ter bulls 18-20o lb Caaeara Hark Green 8-8 'Ac dry 20a lb Wool Oovernmnt control. Mohair 40e lb on 12-moa growth. Hay Wholesale iniomenis Alfalfa Mo J or oeiler 131-132 50 Oats-vetch mixed nay valley growers price $19-123. elover nar $19-122$ oiled oo farms Hides Calves 20 34c green beef IDo in ild iHc Oreen bulls on lb Hops Normal contracts 1S44 Bfte up 104b 75c lb 1948 (Wc 104" S0e Lb Nut Dlslrlbalnrs- Rail Chestnuts Local Italian SOe lb. Altimnih Cam 13-3ftt lb FUberls 100 Iba Rnr-e- o flrlt lonas Cblllys Nun (New Crop! JumOO 34-35'.Se 34-350 34c Large 23 'A -30c 26-3 lo 34-35 'AC F'nncy .25'i-2Cc 33-24e 29'-Jic Baby .... . 24-301, 20c Walnuts Pranq'ieuef No I (umbo 16c large 33 34c med 31c baby 2440 ,b No 2. I nm bo soft shells 14 "Ac large I2c med 39 'Ao Chfrago Grain Chicago. Oct. 19 (UP) Cash grain sales: Wheat nominally steady; no sales. Corn hliilier. old 2 yellow 186; sample arnde yellow 180. New 3 yellow 174: 4 vclln-jf VDnn, mi:. sample grade yellow 132.-152 ' i . Oats firm: 1 mixed heavy 84';: 1 white 84'i: 2 white hravy 84; 2 white 81 la. Barley: Malting 16.r-178 nominal; leed 135-148 nominal. Chicago Markets Chicago. Oct 19 T UBDA Salable hoax 1.000 (estimated; total not given: compared week ago barrows and ilis 6.U0-7.5O higher; sows 4.00-5.50 higher. Salable cuttle 2.000 (estimated; total not given, compared week ago on a de controlled market all classes and grade shot sharply forward but promptly re pcted. a slut developing at week -end; approximately 130.000 more cattle show ed up around the 12 market circle then week earlier, cxpanMon at Chicago about 30,000 head; receipts mainly led steers. yearlmas and beef cows; net gains lor week on choice steers and yearllnitB which were celhr.ged at 20 25 last week were 8.00-15.00: load lot top reached 38.00. odd head 37.50; practical closing top 35.00; common, medium, and good grade fleers finished 1 00-5.00 higher after los ing 4.00-7.00 on week-end ptleup; choice Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, heifers approximately S.00-1O.0O htgher than last week, extreme top 31.50: other grades 3.004 00 higher; most medium to good steers closed at 18.00-23.00: com parable heifers 16.00-22.00; all cows fin ished 1 50-3.00 hither, with good cows up most: bulls very lopheavy late, gen erally 4.00-7.00 higher, beef bulls having reached 23.00 and sausage bulls 31.00: vealers 4 00 higher, but heavy calves gained 5 00-7.00 selling up to 25.00 agatnn vealers at 32.00 downward; choice west ern stock cattle strong at 30.50 downward, but medium lo good grades closed 50-75 lower at 15.00-17.50: most beef cows fin ished at 13.50-18.00, strictly good offer ings stopping late at 30.00 when ean ners and cutters fell back to 9. 00-12, 00. Salable sheep 300 (estimated); total not given. Compared week ago; wooled slaughter Inmbs generally 50 higher, top 1.00. after being up 7.50 at the mid-week high time, late bulk good and choice natives 21.00, with closing top 32.00. week's peak and all-time record 18.00 Wednesday with bulk for week 31.00-25.00, medium to good 18.50-19.50 at close; common lightweights at close 11.00-12.10: several loads western short fed wooled lambs 99 lbs. down 25.00 and a few loads of fed shorn lamns wearing No. 2 pelts 22.50-24.50 on Thursday; load most ly choice around 85 lb. yearlings with fall shorn pelts 30.00 to shipper st close, these 3.00 higher than best yearlings last week; shorn slaughter ewes largely 1.50 lower, laic bulk good and choice 8.50 with week's top 12.50, common to good west erns 6.50-8.00 at close; replacement stock scarce, few small lots medium to good western feeding lannb 17.25-18.00. Portland Grain Portland. Ore., Oct. 19 (P Wheat: No futures quoted. Cai-li grain: Oats No. 2-38 lb. white 63.00: barley No. 3-45 lb. B.W. 63.00. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 1.83; solt white (excluding Rex) 1.85; white club 1.85; western red 1.85. Hard red winter: Ordinary 1.85; i0 percent 1.87; 11 percent 1.93; 13 percent 1.08. Hard white Baart. ordinary unquoted: 10 percent 2.27; 11 percent 3.29: 13 per cent 2.31. Today's car receipts: Wheat 36: barley 7; Hour 3; corn 3: oats 3; mllKeed 4. Portland Livestock Portland. Ore., Oct. 19 ( (USDA1 Report for week ending Oct. 19: cars for livn days: Salable 31; total 94; cattle: For five days, salable 2.348, total 3,375; calves salable 627; total 65a; market closing around 3.00 higher than week ago, some mid-week sales 3.00 up and some closing deals scant 1.00 htgher on cows; few good steers late 20.00-31.00 but nothing choice offered; good heifers UP to 19.00; good beef cows 16.00-50; medium grades 14.00-1500; canner-culters 9.00-12.00; good beef bulls 15.50-16.75: good-choice vealers and calves 20.00 31.50; extreme top vealers 22.00: record high: general price levels at record high. Hogs: For five days, salable 531, total 1921, compared week ago. barrows and gilts around 8.80 and sows 7.80 higher; closing sales good-choice 300-270 lb. bar rows and gilts 26.00, week'a extreme top new record high; sows closed 34.00 25 00: good-choice feeder pigs late 31.00 22.00. Sheep: For five days, salable 3.413, to tal 6,978; compared week ago market fcO cents to 1.00 higher on lambs, steady on ewes; good-choice wooled lambs late 18.50-19,00: few large lots of fed thorn No. 1 pelt lambs 19.50-20.50, latter record high for other than odd head lots: com mon down to 14.00; good ewes 6.00-50; culls down to 3.00. Hectic Market Noted in Grains Chicago, Ocl. 19 (P) A hectic market with wide price fluctua tions developed in grain futures today after a relatively quiet opening. Wheat dropped five cents, the daily limit, at one time and corn and oats had loss es extending to more than three cents. Prices rebounded somewhat from their lows when a little mill buying entered the wheat pit. In addition there was some shortcovering in corn and oats. Wheat closed to 5 cents lower, January $1.96 'A; corn was off 1 to 2 cents, January $1.35'-58, and oats dropped Ilk to 3 cents, November 77-14-78 Ve . OPEN HIGH LOW CLOSE Wheat: Jan. ..ljfl 2.00; l.OS'i I.flfl'i Mar. ..1.02 l.n.1'4 1.R0U l.HD'4 May 1.90-1.871 1.801 l.St'.i l.SI'.j New York Stock Quotations (By the Associated Press! New York, Uft CIosim auotaitooe lilted Chem at Dye. ... mericsn Can m Power St Light...,,, mer Tel St TeL t naconda Oopper ...... Atehiaos SendlJt Aviation Bethlehem 8tel Boeing Alrereft (Jallfornia Packing; Csnsdlan Paclflo ...."....!! J 1 Case Chrysier Corp Oommonwealth St South """" CottxollAaied Edison Uonsoliaaied Vuliee ,.".'.'..","," Continental Insurance Crown ZellerDacb Jurtlsa Wright Oouglas Aircraft Oupont de Nemours .... iJenerai Elect rlo ....... " Jeneral Poods . """" Uenerai Motors ...... Claodvear Tire rest Northern ofd Interna on a; Harvester Ini Paper pld. Johns Marmiie Kennecott ......... ' bong Bell k- Maytag . . ',.'...'.'. Miami Copper . . Montgomery Ward ..... Main Kelvinnior .'.','.!!'.'.!'.! National Dairy N Y Oential Morth Am Co ....... Northern Psritlo Pac Amer IMsn. Pacific Uas Kieo Pacific r St T. ."."... '.U!"."! Pan American Penny j C. itadio Corp Aaronier rlsynmei Pfd HytiaJQ Uetals jafeway Sears K-jebtlcK '.'".'!!...!. Sincian on . Soutnern Paclfle J !.'.."..'.' .'. Stanford Uranos liandard (Ji Oailf Stewart amer !.!. '..'. ituOPdaget 3un Mining Union OH ' Jmon Paclflo United Airlines , United Aircraft .' United Stales Steel , Warner llro'.hers West Elec Ufa Oo Worn wo rU) Richfield todav .158', 314 OS 3!'i 7.1 nn'i Markets Briefed (By the United Press 1 Stocks irregular in quiet trad ing Bonds lower. U. S. govern ments fiiiled to appear on tape. Curb stocks irregularly tower. Wheat futures off the limit. Saturday, Oct. 19, 1946 11 Stocks Decline In Light Trading New York, Oct. 19 m The stock market today tried for selective recoveries but most leaders failed to attract worth while support and dealings were among the smallest for the past year or so. While modest advances per sisted at the close, declines oj fractions to a point or so were widely distributed. Numerous pivotals were unchanged. Trans fers ran to around 350,000 shares. Recently slumping commodi ties, brokers suggested, served to accentuate speculative and investment caution. Another climb of industrial inventories, it was said, was viewed by analysts as a warn ing factor. In the backward shift were Bethlehem, Chrysler, Goodyear, U.S. Rubber, International Har vester. Westinghouse Electric, N.Y. Central,' Southern Rail way, Du Pont and Alied Chem ical. Resistant were Texas Co., Chesapeake & Ohio, Philip Mor ris and Air Reduction. Closing Dow-Jones averages: Industrial, 171.34. off 0.31: rail, 47.50 off 0.05; utility, 34.85, up 0.05; 65 stocks, 61.65, off 0.07. Sales totaled 300,000 shares comparci. with 370,000 shares on Oct. 5, the last short session. Curb volume was 100,000 shares against 86,825 on Oct. 5. Bond turnover of $1,300,000 compared with $1,654,000. f Air General Killed in Crash Memphis, Tenn., Oct. 19 (U.B A P-80 jet-propelled plana crashed on a hill near Brooks ville, Ky., yesterday, killing Brig. Gen. Mervin E. Gross, 46, commanding officer of the Air Institute at Wright field, Ohio, Fourth ferrying group here re ported today. Births, Deaths Births Silverton To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kfl 11s or Scotts Mills, a daughter, Oct. 17 at Silverton hospital. Grandparents are , Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kellta of Scotts Mills, first grandchild. Hill To Mr. and Mrs. HarrT L. Hill. 1343 Ruse, West Salem, a son, Robbie Lee. Sept. II. Wilkinson To Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Wilkinson. 1810 Cross, a ion, Lawrencs Lester. Sept. 24. Drains Georee A. Rlrhmond George A. Richmond, lale resident of 248 North Commercial street. October 19. Survived by a daughter. Donna Rich mond of Salem. Announcement of ser vices later by Clough-Barrlck company. May E. Raker At the residence, 545 Court street. Mat E. Raker, Friday, October 18. at the ass of 76 years. Wife of Joseph H. Baker oE Salem; sister or E. T. Barnes and Mrs. Amie Mills, both of Salem; and aunt of Waldo O. Mills of Salem, Harry Q. Mills of Beverly Hills. Call!., and Mrs, Ruth Mulholland of Tacoma, Wash. Ser- t vices will be held Monday, October 21 at 10:30 a.m. in the W. T. Rigdon cha pel with concluding services In the Cl'.r View cemetery. Dr. Joseph Adams will officiate. Jessie Hurley Pratt Near Kings Valley. Oregon, October IT, Jessie Hurley Pratt, late resident of Hos kins, Oregon, at the axe of 23 years. Son or Mrs. Etllih Kelly or H oak Ins; brother of Bob Kelly and LeRoy. Carl, Keith and, : Connie Pratt, all of Hoskins, and Mrs. Christine Mitch of Vanport City. Servic announcements will be made later. Doyle Stafford Doyie Stafford, Isle resident of Oranta Pass, at a local ho&pltal, Friday, October IS. Announcement of services later by Howell-Edwards company. Mrs. Rosa Lelth Woodburn Mrs. Rosa Lelth. 6A, died Friday night at her home near Qervals. She hsd lived in the vicinity of Oervsis all of her life and 33 years at her pres ent home. She was born at Melvern. Ohio, June 3, 1878. Member of Saored Heart church and St. Rita's Altar society of the Gorvais Catholic parish. Surviving n'lalivrs are her husband. William Leith of Oervais Route I; daughters, Mrs. Ma bel Weiss of Oervais. Mrs. Eva Hendrickv of Sublimity, Mrs. Asnes Love of Long Bescli and Mrs. Rose Nathman of Wood burn; brothers, Gregory Relllng of Sil verton; Lawrence. Albert and Thomas Relllng of Woodburn; sisters, Mrs. The resa Nlbler nf Woodburn. Mr. Rena Lowa of Moline. Illinois and Miss Agnes Rrll lng of Chicago. She also leaves nine grandchildren, flrciiatlon of the Rosary will be held at the Rmgo chapel In Wood burn Sunday evening, Octobr-r 20 at 8 p.m. Funeral services at the Sncred Heart CalholK; church ol Oervais Monday, Oc tober 21 at &:;m a.m., followi-d by inter- ' mcnt In the Oervais Catholic cemetery. John R. Rnmtc Amity John Unckl R Ro-g of Mc Coy, age 10 years. 8 months and -S days, died as a rrsult of a motonyrlc ncct-di-nt that occurred on Saturday near Tlmird on h:s nv honif from the Ol"C vs. Southern Ctlitornla football nani'V He wn-H a stiul'-ul at Orron St.ite and A gradiinte o( Ilrthel Folk count vt huh school He In the only .son of Mr. snd Mrs. John Hoiihk o( McCoy and Is sur vived by his pa rents, one sister, grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. George and other relators, Memorial services were held nt the McMlunvllle Funeral homt! Tuesdny afternoon, Rev. Bruce Caldwrll of Amtiy Church ol Christ of ficiating. Interment, Evergeen Memorial park. Rosror R. Wlnslow SUvrr ton t uueral services for Rucoe B. Wniilow w ill be held Monday. Octo ber 21. at 2 im. roni the Memorial clu pe ol the Ekinan Funeral home. Final ritrs will be held at the Valley View cemetery wn!i Rev. S. L. Almlle in charge. He died October IB at the family home. 1102 Ilpj-ervc street. Lived in Silverton iS years and in Otegou 46 yrius. Born .a Eaalc Lake. Minn. Survived by the wi dow, Ida; mother. Mrs. Theodore Far ringUm. Dallas; one aunt. Mrs. Ruth Keeue, Centralis, Wash,; an uncle. W. P, Whitman, Vicka, Calif. Salem Markets Com pie t. ia hum reports ol Qaiem debtors loi the guidance ol Capi ta. Journal Readers. (Revised daily. Retail Price Rabbit Feeds Pellets. 14.05 cwt. Ess lih H 50 CWt. D tlry Feed 13 "0 CWt. pitultry Heavy colored hens. No I loa lb No. 2 36c Colored Cryers. No. 1. 40c D. ES Buvera Prices Whltt and Brown exira isrge fciade A 57o, med. S3o. standards 50c dozen. Wholesale price Large fl2a doten. oawfl. 8e srandird Butter Wholesale. A 8 SC. Retail Clrnde A. !)2c. Butlf rfat I'rcinium, 83oi No. 1, 91c, No. 2, 88o, Obituary