JO Capita! Journal, Salem, FOR SALE HOUSES JIW.10 NICE HOME In Englewoed district. Hdw. firs. In living is dining rms., fire place, las furnace, bedrm., bath, kitch en is laundry rm. down, 2 small be fi rms, up. Oarme. Also bids, 12x20 In back, several trees, beautiful lawn ' 6s shrubbery. ' MELVIN JOHNSON M N. Cottage St. Phone 3723. a250 OPEN HOUSE, 11 A.M. TO 5 P.M. -. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20 . 645 Breys Ave., Englcwood District LOVELY a bedroom home nil on one floor. nice living room with fireplace, dining ... mom with corner cupboards, ultra modern kitchen, bath, larce attic ttU - neady planned for third bedroom, hard wood floors throughout. Venetian blinds, lots of bullt-lns and closet space, full eement basement with laundry trays. rice, water heater, auto, oil heat, air conditioned, larce attached garage, en closed backyard with lots of flowers and .- shrubs. Near store, bus and schools. . This home Is only six years old and must bo seen to be appreciated. Imme diate possession ns owner lea yum city. A reftl buy at $12.ono. WARREN J. BUTLER, REALTOR a249 BUY OWNER: For quick sale, S74002 bednn. plastered home. Hollywood dist. Excellent cond., full bsmt., atilo. saw dust furnace, elec. wtr. htr., wired for range. Bus by door, close to school. Owner leavlntr town. 2105 N. 4th. a23l) BY OWNER: 1mm. poss. WclP bul 1 1 5 la mo rooms, party room In basement, auto, air cond. Gas furnace A: hot water. .Insulated. Dbl. garage, landscaped gar den. Lot 60x153. 555 N. 20th. a243 $6000 t BEDRM. modem home, cntrilly locat ed. Dbl. garage, cement foundation, plastered. Call lor Mr. Izaak. M. O. HUMPHREYS. REALTORS 8035 Portland Road. Ph. 7820. n250 1 RORM. home north in Rood location with extra lot, close to school As bus. I mm. Poss. Call R. Maddy for more Information. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 015 S. Cotn'L St. I'll. 4590. Eve. 21030 J250 tfl.0410. 3 BDR.M. home East. Fireplace. V blinds, lame L.rm., I mm. Poss. Owner must sell. I his Is a quicK Rale. ' OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 045 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4530. Eve. 21000. n25jT 3 B1HIM. homo East. Room for 2 more. This noma is m a very soon lo cation. Bus In front of door, full base ment, lame lot, all kinds of fruit. Imm. Poss. Just redec. by the best In town. Sco It. Maddy for more Infor mation. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 015 8. Com'L St. Ph. 45!lO. Eve. 21000. a-'.-iO 9111,000. 3 BDRM. home East with 1 acre, hwd. floors. V. blinds, oil heat, i-lcc. stove. This can bo tract into lots. Owner leavlntr town. OLSON AND REFVE. REALTORS 945 S. CoraX St. Ph. 4590. Eve. i 10:10. ? 17,750. 2 BDRM. homo north. L.rm.. I). nn.i kitchen with nook. Just re dec, Full basm'l., with sawdust, heal, owner leav ing town, OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 045 S. ComX St. Ph. 4530. Eve. 1090. nil 50 ' SPECIAl"fOR.3 DAYS ONLY tlMJOO 4 fill KM. home, N., close to hi school, bus In front of dr. Full base ment with furnace. Lee. lot with fruit, Imm. possession. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 645 8. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590. Eve. 21 OHO. nlijO' 92.MHI. t DO KM. hse., unf lnlshrd, city water and gas, This la liveable, don't miss this. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 645 S. Com'l. St, Ph. 459U. Eve. 21090. u2.i0 'tU.OtHt, II I) KM. homo in Kcizer Dist. L.rm., D.rni., kitchen with a lot of bullt-ins, Just re doc, largo garage with room above, all kinds of fruit, beauti fully landscaped. Priced for quick wale. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 045 B. Com'L St. I'll. 4590. Eve. 2 1 0110. a'JMl "i IIDRAt,IIOMEln best location." iiw d7 firs, thru-out, fireplace. V. blinds, dec. water heater, lots of bullt-lns, lull basement, beautiful yard. Just redec. limn. Po(3., close to grade hmh school. Sco R. Maddy for more Infor mation. . OLSON AND TIEEVE, REALTORS 045 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4 MO. Eve. 2101)0. . i!.)0- Il.RAO.IIO FINE Modern home well o catcrt within 3 blocks of I'arrish Jun ior High School. Lot 50 X 105 ft. Span ish type, hardwood floors, fireplace, basement, electric cooklmr and water heater, furnace heat, possession Immedi ately. Very clean house, newly dr unr ated, beautiful yard, nice shrubs, li-need back yard, new roof with ten your unrantcc. Good lenus can be arranged, Will bo a pleasure to show this home. iiit.wto.on ;i-m;imooM home well lo cated IN EVERGREEN DISTRICT WITH 1-Acro of Bond soil. Only 5 years old. Has hardwood floors, electric water heater and cooking, healed by oil, Dou ble. Kara He. Possession Immediately. Has barn and bus by door, tirade school 5 blocks, electric rniiBC noes. Well Untiled yard and nuts, fruit and berries. MAKE AN OFFER ON THIS. You cannot im wrong. Good terms can be arranged. Call us on this and wo will show any time, HOLLYWOOD McKlllon ll'Ml Estate 3075 FAIRGROUND ROAD I'll. ( Evenings and Sunday 0340 or 2-4263 n ;ai DRIVE BY 512 South ISth Street. A 3 bedroom homo for $5,000. Immediate possession. noSTKIN A: ADOLPlf, INC. llO'.i N. Commercial St. Phone 3n:to Eves. 8314 SOUTH 3 liEIHt(OMpiasterrd house in excellent condition. Full basement with automatic oil luniare. wired lor rantc. ust front. Price J7.S00. R OSTEIN & ADOLPlf, INC. tlO'.j N. Commercial St. Phone ' Eves. 6314 n 2.HI SACRIFICE MODERN 0 ItM. home, English type, fire ( place, hdwd. floors, auto-oil heat, lull basnnem, nook. dhle. Harare, Inc. lot. many trees, quick possession. Owner leaving city. Price til. 000. Call O H., Jr. with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 3-2:UIl 2) SOUTH RIVER ROAD HOME WIDE RIVER I UONTAiE hntilUhll A rm. niodiru home with lirephtce, bal cony overlooking Willamette River, ten uis court k picnic it rounds, boat land ing, dhle. mirage, npprox. 1.75 aeres or Strniillds. THIS IS TRULY YOUR COUN TRY HOME. Price 12,500. Call Cobiim L. Orabenhorst with CiRABENHOItSr BUGS., HEAI.TOUS 131 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131, Ees. 7712 H24H HOME BARGAINS $7,1(00 BUYS this & nn. home, full mcnt, furnace, fireplace, uu-c yard, nood location North. t?,.W 1 It HUMS., Ik p. corner In!, bnse ment, clue t schools. A leal v.tlne. a.tMX--2 IIDHMS., l, on JUliiaud Ave. Modern thru-out, tll.fHN) GOOD 3 hflrm. liomr. bii.Tiiient. auto-Oil heat, hdwd. Moors, fireplace, dble. garane, Inrue lot, fruit trees. A REAL FAMILY HOME. Ht.nuo 3 BBIIM. Eiultsh type home, basement, sawdust heat. hdwd. Ikvirv, fireplace, completely redecorated inside and out. Lm-fUed Novtli. ia,l(Hk MODEItN 3 lirirm. home, liise ment, auto-hent, hdwrt. floor-, fire place, corner lot. redecorated tliru-out. Located on N. 21st St. Call Richard E. Grabenhorst with ORAUENHORST BROS., UEALTOUS 134 S. Liberty St. Pli. 4t?l :ia 1 M M ED I A T EPOSS ESS It J N B SM. burnt alow type home, fin-place Inc. lot, nice location. Price ou. Call Dale L. Shepherd with OHAUFNHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 a --MS CREEK." HOME MODERN 7 rm. home, autu-olt heat, hdwd. floors, dble. s a rase, spacious mounds. One of Salem's finest homes. Foil APPOINTMENT Call Dnla L. Shepherd with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTOKS IM S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 u248 G.I. ONLY KOOMY, B Rms., lino construction, very ntc Kitchen, Idry. rm., nar. ihmio. WILLAMEITE HEAL ISl'ATE 173 8. Liberty Ph. 1Y a24R PROSPECTIVE BUYERS WE HAVE new modern 5 room homes for sale. One North, one South, C. H. tianders-231 ti, Hith-iaja asis Oregon, Saturday, Oct. 19, 1946 To place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037. FOK SALE HOITSCS 105 A. 8 MII.ES from Salem on 99E. 50 A. In eul tivatton, ha), pasture & timber. LI v. stream, beautiful 6 rm. plastered hse. Lovely bath. 2 B.R. Comb, sitting rm A; din rm., fireplace, elec. water system. Nice place for auto court on front atr. Born C0x30 with feed. Wood up for winter. 3 cows, team of Rood horses A; farm much. This will be sold soon. Terms & poss. U3.000. M. D. LOONEY with WM. E. MOSES 33 1 H Stale Phone 4993. a343' 139 A. IIF:rE Is what you ore look In? for. 10 ml. from 5 n k-in on paved rd. New highway fl9E under construction. 100 A. cultivit- ed. pasture & timber. 30 A. chewtne frsque. 19 A. subterancan clover well fenced A; cross fenced. AH rich black loam for berries, orchard or truck (tar den. Nico place for auto court & bids, at intersection of new highway 1)9 & paved rd. Lame modi, shed, chicken hse. & out bliiK. Family orchard. Mod. 8 rm. hse. 4 B.R. besides 2 sip. porches. Full basemen f. fireplace, furnace, flee, hot waler heater, ven. blinds, clec. wa ter sy-t.. stationary tubs. Large dbK tear. This Is one of the most beautiful farm homes in Willamette valley. Beau tlj'il view, nice lawn As shrubbery. Near public seh. Bus at door for High Sch. This Is priced riijht. J30.000. Terms. Puis. 60 days. CALL MR. LOONEY with WM. E. MOSES 33I'i Slate St. Phone 4393. a248 13300 ROOM house, 1 lrc. room can bo made into 2. Plumntns, nice nas .stove, elec, hot waler. lame closrt and shade trees. Lot 200x100. City water. Nice home for the money CALL MR. LOONEY with WM. E. MOSES 331'i State St. Phone 4993. a243' $7930 FULL PRICE 6 RM. HOL'SE close In, hrdwd. floors, full basement. A very nood buy. Lge. lot. Call for Mr. Isaak with M. O HUMPHREYS. REALTORS 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 7H20. a249 OWNER leaving town. 8 room house. lame llvln room, kitchen, lots of cupbonrds and closet npacc, dinette. 3 bedrooms. bath, unfinished attic with plumbing and heatlna rouithed In, basement, auto. oil furnace, lame lot. fruit trees, lame Karace. Immediate possession. 1470 Mar ket St. Phone 9520. a249 js.liio 1 ItumoOM home south. Partly furnished. New oil circulator. Near school and bus. Call Mr. Walters. HUFF REM, ESTATE CO. REALTORS 311 CHEMEKETA ST. PH. 3793 EVES. 25200 a249 5.-,wi(i7 hoom nnme north. L. room. D. room, Kllnhen. one bdroom and bath down, 3 hednn.s, up. Largo lot. Call Mr. Walters. HUFF PEAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS 3(1 CHEMEKETA ST. PH. 3793 EVES. 252H0 a249 ST.7.MI S KM. SI'ltl'RBAN home on bus line. Living room. Kitchen. Nook. 3 hrdrms., hpth, fireplace, hwd. I loori. CaU Mr. Wnlters. HUFF RFAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS 341 CHEMEKETA ST. PH. 3793 , EV. PH. 252G0 a240 $2,100 IKHVN. 3 bedrms., L. room. Dining rm.. Kitchen, all on one floor. Hdw. floors. Oil furnace. Full price, $13,600. Call Omer HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS 341 CHEMEKETA ST. PH. 21549 EV. PH. 25091 A249 $H!7.w SICK TWO bedroom home. L. rm.. Dining rm.. Kitchen. Basement, Oil fur nace. On bus line. Call Omer. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. . REALTORS 311 CHEMEKETA ST. PH. 21540 EV. I'll. 2fi0fll alMO $r..inh-;non home close in North. Lame L. rm. Dlitlnic rm. Two bedrms. Glassed In PoTh, Nook, Hwd. floors, fireplace, basement, oil furnace. Call Omer HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS 341 CHEMEKETA ST. PH. 21'49 EV. PH. 2.VWI a249 Si.-iflii new. MonntN Home in Turner. L. rm. Dlnlntr Rm. Kitchen. Two bed rooms, call Mr. Smith. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. HEALTOHS 341 CHEMEKETA ST. TH. 2154a EVE. 223flff a240 $3:im new 1 bedroom modern home on 2 lots just out.sldc the city limits. SI .',00 I ROOMS on 1 acre. Elec. pump. Borne furniture rocs. Bus 2 biles. SSKilll NICK 1 bednn. modern home. Large liv. rm. Niee kit, and nook. SifitiHl a 111 I1KM. modern home. Fire place. Oil heat. Bus by door. 5ij.-,imv ; BliltMS. Partial base. Good cor ner lot. Che in. Bus one blk. Call Dale Flippo GENERAL HEAL ESTATE CO. Ph. 7770. Rm. 10, Ladd & Bush Bid. a249' SdKOO N 3 bedroom home on 1 acre, Full basement. Ganmc. Chicken house. City waler. SiiK2.-i 3 III IllUXm liouse. Lot 70x150. Gaine. Close to schools. $7H;."i 2 ACHES with ft room home. Ex tra & room house on acreace. SMiiu ti ROOM home, den. basement, ga rage. Nice location. SK.'.iHt s. 13th St. 3 bedrooms, fireplace, caraiie. S!ntiia'.j ACHE North. 3 bedroom home. Guraiie. Electric heat. Excellent gar den space. Siii.;loaMOIii:itN 3 room home Norlh. Basement, in in ace. House completely redecorated and painted. P. 11. BELL, REALTOR M0 Guardian Phone 4896 a237 ion sale By Owner: 6 year old home. 2 It It. plus 3Hx21) upstairs room com pletely scaled In plywood. H W. floors lliruout downstairs. Fireplace In 18x13 L R. Dinette adjoining 10xt2 with built in coi ner cupboard. V. blinds, L.R. A DR. Downstairs carpet wall to wall, beautiful nil-wool carpeting. Oil heat, wired for elect, ramie. New flfl-gal. flee, water heater in comb, utility room A ni,ie. Lovely yard npprox. 05x130 lie (kid with 3 yr. old laurel on 3 sides and t-Hmbtim rosea on other side. Out side fireplace with pallo. 1 Ring cherry tree and 1 apple tree tu yard. S bl. Mc Klnley school nnd 4 to Leslie Jr. Hluh. J12,MH). Teh-phono. 515ft. nJ49 BY OWi:it 2 rm. hse. on &0xl00Tot :n cllv limits So. Ph. 6377. 248 'I HE LI TI LE OFFICE WITH A BIG BUSINESS WI.1L I nt'All ll. well built 3 B R. home liirtf lainn and dlntm:, full base., oil burning f urn;; re, for nulck Sale $8500. Worth ycur conMdirn! Ion. NOiiTH r XI li , W ILL located, attractive 5-room modern home, full baie., automat lc .sawdust burlier. You will like this house, J!t7."i0. -ROOM MOD. home (ex. bnse.l fl yrs old. hwd. floors, close to bus and school, I'lic ("JiPO. Terms. Imm. Poss. C II. tSanders-23t N. llleh-5ti3H. B248' THE LITTLE OFFICE WITH A BIG Bt'SINESS 2 n.R. SMALL house-:8.i0. B it. HOME N.K ill.OO ONE At RE Small house-'2650. ACKE, 3 11 R home J 6000 I At Hi:, new home. N E. S73.SO. C. II. S.mders-231 N. Hlch-5838. a248 $r-8i0 1 BBIIM. L.R.. Kitchen, bath, oil fir. ht., Close to bus, 2 lots, Immed. posa. Call Mr. Bishop. GEN EH At. REAL ESTATE Rm. 10 Ladd .V Bush BUlg. Ph. 7770 a248- BIHtMS. North, t It., DR., Kit. Nook, bath, tnli h.isrment, S D. ht., bus at door. Price $7750. Cull Mr. Bi.'hop. GENERAL REAL ESTATE Rm. 10 Ladd A. Buth Bldg. Ph. 7770 a24fl ROSEDALK DIST. 3 BBIIM. Dinette, L R., Firep'.ace. full mt.icment, S D. heat., large lot. price $10,7.10. Tmmed. poss. CnU Mr. Bishop GENERAL REAL ESTATE Rm. 10 Laud Ai Uusu BUU. Ph. 7770 a? 48 FOR SALE HOUSES COZY COTTAGE REDUCED! B.R., L.R., Dinette and Kit chen. 2 blks. to school, bus at door. Price $7350, Terms. Call Habby Habernicht JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court St Phone 7636 a249 CLOSE IN 3 BEDROOMS, L.R., DR., Kitchen and bath, all on one floor. Hdw. floors, good basement. Newly painted As decor ated. Worth seeing, worth buying. Price 112,000. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phono 7690 Res. 24789 a249' 'VERY I) ES 1 1 tA n I. K2 bodrm. home. So 16th St.. Hdwd. floors thruout. full hasemrnt. Immaculately clean and well decorated. See Mrs. Parmentter witt HAWKINS ft ROBERTS, INC. REALTORS Phone 4108 After 65127 a249' FURNISHED $7350. POSSESSION tomorrow. 3 bed rooms, livinit loom. lame kitchen, bath. garage. Ir. a si-1 tine of fir and n:A trees. If lf.i privacy you would like this homo has It. Plenty of city water and to bus line. CHA3. HUDK1NS & SON 275 Stato Ph. 24129 a2 BEAUTIFUL VIEW Suburban 2 Bdr. all large rooms, 3 fireplnces, party room, oil A. O. furnace, dble, garaue. Call Craig for appointment. BURT PICHA, REALTORS PH. 3210 or 5053 337 N. High Street a249' KEYS ARE READY 0 ROOM plastered bungalow, plumbin?. built-ins. Needs redecorating. Lame ca- inge. East front lot. Some trees. Price LEO N. CHILDS. INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 92il a2 A REAL HOME ENGLISH type. 3 bedrooms: fireplace: plenty of bullt-lns. Full hasement; au tomatic oil heat and all weather strip ped. Double garage. Shrubs, flowers. garden, fruit and nut trees. Lot ap prox. 66x195. Own this for only 511.000. SCO JAMES B. HARTMAN with LEO N. CHILDS. INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. !)21 a24!)' SimiO. I.r.E. old hnie. in Business zone for remodeling. Call "ELMER" AM UNDSON BURT PICHA. REALTORS PH. 3210 337 N. Hifth Street a249' IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $8900. NEW 3 Bdr. Hme. Hwd. Firs. Ml. Onrafre. 2 Ae. No. East. Call "ELMER" AMUNDSON BURT PICHA, REALTORS PH. 3210 337 N. Htnh Street 219 FURNISHED Completely. Including elect. refrtit. & (tns ranee, 3 bedrms. choice corner. 45O0 down. GENERAL REAL ESTATE CO. Th. 7770 Rm. 10 Ladd & Bush BM? B2481 FINE S BEDROOM Home In Choice lo cation. $15,000. Has lame livimr room A; dlnlmr room, beautiful kitchen A: hath. Hdw. floors, nuto. oil heat, love ly yard with sprinkler system. Call Hnrold McMlllin with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 15.1 S. Hitth Ph. 4121 Eves: 81F21 n24fl $12.0(10. LATE built 4 bedroom home. Elec. heat, hardwood floors, modern kitchen, attached garage. Corner lot. See this home. It's a buy. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High Ph. 4121 b248' $.V.. FIVE room home N. Close to bus line. Completely furnished with elec. refrlg., oil clrc, clec. washer, gas ranice, auto, gas water htr. Also, living, din ing and bedrooms furnished. Laundry trays. Fruit trees. Immediate posses sion. Call O V. nnme wllh STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 B. High Ph. 4121 a248 ULTRA MODERN. SUBURBAN 8 Rm. home & small new home for maid or caretaker. This home Is new & the construction will stand any Inspection. Lots of choice fruit, nuts A; berries. One and one half acres of excellent oil. You will have to see it to believe. $20,000. Less than j down will han dle. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3235. Eves. 25103 a248 REIMANN GARDEN'S SUBURBAN, NORTH 3 B.R. homo 8 years old First time offered for sale since new. Fine dist., one acrp. excellent gai don soil, lovely yard, family fruit and berries. Jfl.950. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 25103 248- KANCH STYLE. Suburban 2 B.R. home. 3 acres excellent garden soil. Nice fenced yard, ideal for children. Bus close. $6,850. $2,700 will handle. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 25103 n248 ENGLISH STYLE HOME NORTH ON ONE OF Salem's lending streets. Has living room with fireplace. Dining room, kitchen, breakfast nook, hath. 3 bed rooms, full bnrement, sawdust furnace, garage, lenced back yard with large slmdo tree. Immediate possession. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Port I u II d Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 25103 a243 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION MODERN 4 bedrooms, large living rm., li replace, imrciwoon urs., lull basement. Some terms. $13,000. A. N. DUNCAN 12-14 Ladd A: Bush Bldg. Phone 9658 a248- BY OWNHt: 1 bednn home on extra largo lot, nice yard, neat As clean throughout. 1345 N lBIh. a251 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION S7950 LARGE Lit., DR.. kitchen, bullt-lns. utility rm.. 2 bedrms.. very nice bath, hdw. & fir firs. Inlaid kttchen A; bath & utility rm. Plastered, A-l cond. Sco Mrs. Patter. BURT PICHA. REALTORS 2543 Portland Rd. Pit. 6472. Eves. 24504 a24a OWNER: 7 rms.. 4 bedrms. Sound, well built, older ( vpo house. Needs some repair. Ideal for large family, Excl. location near schools A: bus Base ment, furnace, trays. $75(10. Call 8456. 0251" JtWIW BEDROOMS, rtreplace, full base ment, hardwood and lir floors, bat h. L.R., kitchen, nook, Venetian blinds, electric cooking, nice clean house, good location South Salem. SrtH25 3 BEDROOMS, bath. L It., kltch ou, nook, cement foundation, Venetian blinds, gas range and gait ctrculutor go with sale, Si!t.-o KKIZLIt district. Brand new 2- . bedrooms, bath. L.R . DR.. kite hen, Venetian Minus, cement foundation, electric cooking and water heating. Possession 15 nays. Electric rantic and oil circulator go. Better hurry. $ti5M three acres with 6 room home built 5 years pko, oil circulator goes, electric water system, poultry house 3030, family orchard. Immediate pos session. Slti.i.Mt LOVELY new homo with hard wood floors, plastered, oil furnace, elec tric cooking, 3 B.R.. bath, kitchen. D.R., L R Possession Immediately, 5Mi..oo I CORNERS district. Lovely home Wltn '.; arte of soil, hardwood floor., nice- fireplace, Venetian blinds, electric range goes, also oil stove And retrl,--erator. Lovely yard and shrubs, family orchard and berries. Close to bus and at pres. McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 South Hinh St. Phone 5-1-3-1. Phono evening. 4937, 6901, 7103. a248 BY OWNER: 3 brdroom house, men and clean. Close in. 3 nico lots. Wonder ful location. Furnished or unfurnish ed. Move right in. Payment down, batsnco like rent. Inquire at 538 8. 24th St. a248 11 V OWNER: Modern 3 be d r m. hom. fireplace, hardwood floors, nice kitchen with dinette. Attached gorasc. Only 0 years old. $7250. No dealers. Ph. 83C0. a250 LOVELY 3 B.K. homo in Kclier dis:. This is a show place In A-l condition. Priced right to sell. Call Mr. OUlley with WM. E. MOSES 331 'i State St. Phone 4lU3. ' o243 BY OWNER: Beautiful new KUmwood Heights home. Large party room with fireplace, patio over garate with fire place, 3 bedrms., laue L.R., nook & kitchen, lots of bullt-lns. Hdwd. firs, thruout. one of the best constructed houses in town. Immed. possession. For appointment Phone 21086 iC4 To place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037. FOR SALE HOUSES ULTRA MODERN country home. Large living room with fireplace, dining room, both carpeted, sun room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, full basement, party room with fireplace, automatic heat, garage, small house on rear, VM acres, lots of fruit A,- berries. A deluxe home lor only szo. 000. BRAND NEW 9 bedroom home, large liv ing room, dinette, kitchen, utility room, l'i ba'hs. electric heat, Insulated, doors weatherstrlpped. double garage, lawn and some shrubs In. A dandy home for $13,000 FLOYD VOLKEL REAL ESTATE 474 Court Phorte 3904 a240 SPECIAL 4 bedrm. homo in Englewood rilst. Lb. L.Rm.. D.Rm.. tiled drain- boards In kitchen. 3 g. bdrms up, with dbl plumbing. Full basement with saw dust furnace. Elec. hot water heater. This home In first class cond. OLSON As REEVE. REALTORS !M5 8 Com'l. Ph. 4590 Eve. 21090 a219 MONEY TO LOAN on first mortgages. iTi to 6. Call for details. ED BYRKIT Sc CO. 33D Chemeketa. Phono 5381. a SILVERTON PROPERTY $3100 1 ROOM unfinished house te bath on East Hill, south end of Church St, on corner of Kent & Rock St. Beautiful location. Snaked on outside, windows fc doors are Installed. Look It over. If Interested see Norman Jensen. Fosholm Rd., north of Union Oil tanks. Silver ton, Orecon. a248 WHY RENT? TWO RLD-ROOM Home for sale by own er Call evenings 240 West Wilson St. REASONABLE. 8248 $6500 BY OWNER IMM. POSS. or new modern 3 bedrm. home. Gleaming white inside is out.1 Ec, hot water, wired for range, piped for cas. Larce utility with trays, at tached garaned. On paved hiway. 1 block past intersection at Rlckreall or Dallas Salem hlway, 0 ml. from city center. Open 6 to 0 p m. a248 Itl ltl t ID TO $5500. Must sell Immedi ately. 1 bedroom home, clean. Water heater. Venetian blinds. Wired for range. Wood circulator. 2485 N. Church. a25l" S70nn I BEDRM. home all on 1 fir. Good location between Center As State St. Plastered. Garage. Paved street. S77.iO 2 BEDRM, home north, with lartre L. rm . D. rm., kitchen, nook, full basement, sawdust furnace, clec, water heater. Imm. poss. Sl' I BEDR5L home In Englewood dist., hdw. urs., ureplace. l large bed rm. down, 3 up, upstairs bath. Full hasement, sawdust furnace, elec. hot water heater. Priced for quick sale. 3 BLDRM. home In good location, hdw. firs, thruout, fireplace, V. blinds, large ki'chen with lots of built-ins. Just redec., full basement. Auto. heat. Imm. por. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 045 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590. Evea. 21090. a248 FOR SALE LOTS 3 CHOICE Building Lots. 60x113 ft. On Suburban Bus Line. Close to school. Price $300 each. Inquire Hubert Evans, Sweirle Store, aa249 NICE BUILDING SITE (13s ISO LOT North in District tit new homes Cherry trees, north front. GENERAL REAL ESTATE CO. Th. 7770 nm. 10 Ladd & Bush Btdt. na248 BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITES ABOUT acre. Lots of trees. Creek. City water. Price $800. ANOTHER of a double corner lot. 120 10, Nob Hill Annex. One of the good buys. Price only $1100. See K. N. VOORHEES with LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 314 State St. Ph. 9261 na249 LOT, SI'MIOIIi 49l;(84. App. 25,000 board It. of used material. See Mrs. Patzcr. BURT PICHA. REALTORS 2543 Portland Rd, Th. 6472. Eves. 24504. aa248 DESIRABLE lot. For particulars. 425 North 17th. art25l WANNA BUY A LOT PREPARE FOR FUTURE BUILDINO NOW I NAME YOUR location and price, we can satisfy your needs. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 119 N. High St. Phone 7660 "TO BUY OR SELL 'EM COME TO S A LEM" aa24 8 ROSI BALE ADD.; Lot 50x100. Ph. 3012 after 6 p.m aa2a0 FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE: GOOD TEN acre home, with 5 r. home wuh basement, furnace, fireplace, oak fir., shade trees, 6 acres of bearing Kooseberries, I'.i acres boysenberries. small patch of strawherrles. Electricity, plumbing. Price $11,000. Located about 5 miles out. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 b24fl HOMELESS? U-NEEDN'T B 5 A., apple, pears, prunes, berries, nuts and garden. Spring water. 5 room house, furnished. Price Includes new radio, garden tractor. 2 wheel trail er. Only $6000. '-j cash bal. Terms. Cull Mvles Henderson JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court St. Phone 7fi96 Res. 24682 b249 LET'SMOVE TO" THE COUNTRY 15 A. ALL cult. Good 5 room house and elec. ranue barn 32x48 chick house and carnKC. Your land will pay for Itself. $13,500 and worth It. Call Henry Tor vend JOE HUTCHISON 455 Court St. lies. 25141 REALTOR Phone 700H h2l!) THE LITTLE OFFICE WITH A BIO BUSINESS 31 ACRES, lair home, extra good barn, milk house, imp. shed, spring, creek, sood family orchard, some fir timber, elec. Only $7600. Sli ACRES S.E. 50 or more under Plow. some timber, small house, barn with 17 stanchions. Price $10,500. Sell stock As equipment. C. H. Sanders-231 N. High-5R38 b248 $30,00072 ACRE RANCH IN POLK COUNTY 25 ACHES in timber. 12 ncres In walnuts. 6 n errs In filberts, 21 acres prunes. 6 acres cherries. 1 acre o( peaches. Good house and out bldts. Call Mr. Smith. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS 341 CHEMEKETA ST. PH. 21549 EVE. PH. 32286 b249 BY OWNER 35 acres good soil, will grow anything. Larte Brick House. Lar'TC Barn. Old Fir Grove contains about 300 cords. Year Round Creek. Small Lake. 12 miles SE. of Salem. Immediate possession. Price SU 500. Tills place will not only be a flue nnc to live on but can be developed Into a money maker besides. Write or Phone C S RONDEAU lit N 2nd . Corvalhs. Ore. b?in A FINE 40 ACRES W I" n E never seen a more perfect ;opuu tract exactly square and set up (or Irrigation from inexhaustible B Inch well. Equipment to reach over entire farm. 8 ac. Ladlno clover A; fes cue, 12 ac. seeded to vetch is oats. IS ac. oak timber, balance clear. The older type modern homo will appeal to you. Good dairy barn. This farm will sup port 3D cows. An excellent berry farm. For more details, see Art Holmes SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 113 N. High St. Phone 7660 b2IS WANT TO RAISE STOCK? HI RE'S THE TLACE. 128 acres. 10 miles east Has largo modern ranch type home. Big living room with stone fire place. 3 bedrooms, dining room, kit chen on first floor, unfinished upstairs, part bitsement. Year around stream and five or six springs. 10 acres In English walnuts, 3 acres filberts, abundance of family fruit, 80 acres in cultivation, 35 acres in fir and oak timber. Will ex rhaneo for 1 to 10 acre place with 3 bedroom home. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 24475 b248- ALL PURPOSE FARM NEARLY -.'on ac good land within 10 miles of Salem, north, good drainage and mostly in cultivation. Buildings are old but ery usable. Owner really wants to sell. Priced Vt $177. per acre. Look this over and make otter. Terms. See Art Holmes. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High SU Phona 7660 b348 FOR SALE FARMS CHOICE 10 ACRE farm with 3 bedroom home. Neat. Barn for 0 or 8 cows, nice chicken house, good elec. pump as well. Nice yard, best of eolls. Broadmead Dist. $6500. Call Harold McMlllin with STATE FtNANCE CO., REALTORS 153 8 High. Ph. 4121 Eves: 81F21 b248 FARM BUYERS I BEFORE you decide on a farm, get a copy of our Special Farm Llsu with descrip tions of 63 farms. NELSON A: NELSON REALTORS Rms. 300-2 Masonic Bldg. 495 State St Ph. 4419 or 4622 Eves. 2-5547 b $17,300 I ACRES northeast. Willamette silt loam. Two houses, one new 5 room home. Other 3 room with bath. 40x30 barn. 20x40 new poultry house. Family fruit. New A. C. tractor, full attch ments. including power lift, cultivator and fertilizer att. 3 cows, about 300 chickens. 175 b;:les of hay. 4 or 5 tons barley This place lavs nice to subdivide. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 24479 b248 FOR SALE ACREAGE KEIZER-CHEMAWA ROAD LATE BUILT modern 3 B.R. home, 1-3 A. of finest silt loam. City and school buses. Owner built this for home. It's good 56.000. 2 HOMES 2 ACRES IMMED. POSS.! 2 B.R. plastered. Other house it 5 rm. stucco, rented. 30 days' poss. 30 line cherry trees. All this for $7900. BEAUTIFUL STUCCO NICELY FINISHED I B.R. home, all on 1 fir. Ba5cm't., furn., swell shrubs & fruit trees, garage. Sec this at 2030 Ma ple. Tt-rms. $ 12.000. LARSEN HOME Ar LOAN CO. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 104 S. Com'l. St. Phone 8389, Eve. 7440 bb250- 5 ACRES In Liberty district with 2 bed room house. On paved road and su burban bus line. Some timber, cherries, walnuts and prunes. Price s.1500. R OSTEIN & ADOLPIt, INC. 1I0'i N. Commercial St. Phone 3030 Eves. 8314 bb250 HOUSES, '' ac. line soil. Chicken hse. & barn, orchard, tractor on rubber, 200 chickens. Suburban N,E. $17,500. WILL SELL homes separately with small er ncreane. $6500 & S7500. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Ph. 71 13 bb248 $2500 DOWN BALANCE cood terms. 1 acre suburban. 2 bedrm. home, good barn, cast on paved road. M. O. HUMPHREYS A: CO. 3035 Portland Road Phone 7820 2286 Fairgrounds Road Phone 24596 bb230 WELL LOCATED ! ACRE tracts. New district south. 30 cherry trees, water it gas are avail able. Bus line, on paved road. OLSON A: REEVE, REALTORS 045 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590. Eves. 21090. bb248" 10 ACRES ON N. RIVER Rd. No buildings. All In cultivation. $1,500 down, balance of $4,500 at $412.00 yr.. 2r,n Int.' SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 24479 bb248 GARAGE HOUSE on 'j Acre, near 4 Cor ners. Has good well with clec. pump, chicken house. $3000. Call Harold McMlllin with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. Hlcli Ph. 4121 Eves: 81F21 bb248 $8lMH. 4!i Acres, 'i A. prunes, balance cultivated. 8 room house, bath, septic tank, electric water system, other bldgs. 3 miles out. Sll.OdO. VV.-i A.. 2'i A. Cherries. 4 A. al- fnlfa, balance timber and pasture, 6 room modern home, close in. 9 A. MOSTLY timber. 7 room house. 2 fireplaces, basement, furnace, creek with dam, spring, electric water system. 2 garages, small house. 7 miles out. A Real Buy at $9000. FLOYD VOLKEL REAL ESTATE 474 Court Phone 3904 bb243 10 ACRES WILLAMETTE SILT In Hayes- vllle district. Very nice 3 bedroom home, large barn, water tower and other outbuildings. This Ls good soil for strawberries or cane berries. This full lino of equipment available at a very reasonable price. SULLDAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 24479 bb248 THE LITTLE OFFICE WITH A BIG BUSINESS 2 CHOICE bldg. sites about 80x150 with oak trees, paved road, on bus, city water, close school. S 1575 each. 3 A. RICH soil, close to Keizcr school. $1250. 3 A. RICH soil, close to Kelzer school. $2000. Acrer.ce in this district selling for S1200 per acre. C. H. Sanders-231 N. Hkh-5838 bb248 icS0 MO DER XIOLSE on l'i acres. All In Prunes. 3 miles south of Salem. Call Mr. Smith. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS 341 CHEMEKETA ST. PH. 31549 EV. PH. 22288 bb24D FOR SALE HI Acres. j ml. S. of Clear Lake Sch. $600 per acre. Terms. C. O. Bercstrom. Rt. 2 Box 266C. Salem. bb249 REAL ESTATE NELSON NEWS OPA IS vaporizing. As a result It seems likely that there will be a further rise In many prices. Some of them will be temporary. Supply and demand will get in bain nee quickly on commodities In which supply can he Increased rap idly. Real estate Is not one of those commodities, THOSE WHO need homes now will wisely buy them when they need them. Those who have property which they can rot use themselves and which must be rented miner OPA will o(tcn find P. advisable to sell now. HELP WANTED WE ESPECIALLY need help now to find 3 suburban homes this week. One wants Ji to 1 acre with $5000 cash. One wants small acreace .on suburban bus. Would pay $7000. Another will go out 4 or 5 miles for n good suburban home that can be bought for SH.OOO. WE NEI-;n help to find more than a do?en city homes in prices ranging from J6. 000 to ,n.nnn. Some will bo as high as S1S.000. This week we have had 8 re quests for 3 bdrm. homes at a price below $10,000. We need service station lease with or without option to buy ground. SUBURBAN SPECIAL STRICTLY mod. 4 bedrm. home. L. R.. D R.. Kit,, bath. hwd. firs, (place, elec water heater, basmt., furnace, na tive timber setting with year around creek, familv orchard. 2 ac. ATTENTION HORSEMEN! HERE IS one of the best acreages in the Sulem area for anyone interested in horses. 10 ac. nearly nil sowed to sub. clover, creek, very mod. home. L. R.. D. R.. Kit., bath, bdrm,. utility rm., dbl. carafe, new small barn, very spe cial 6 pole corral, breaking corral, shop, lovely yard. S12.600. NELSON & NEISON Chet I. Nelson Thco. G. Nelson REALTORS Rm. 30-2 Masonic Bids.. 43i State St. Ph. 4411 nr 4622. Eves. 21350 Farms 25547 c248 $;7:0.oo ON N. 4th .street, we offer a plastered home with 3 bedrooms, liv ing room, dining room. bath, basement, sawdust furnace, front room rug and linoleum included. Shrubs. jWH.Ml.PO ACHi;s East of Salem, a new house with 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen and bar. nook, electric pump and tnnk with electric heating. Garage. $!.vimmi 3 ACRES North with good plas tered home, living room, dining room. 2 bedroom, bath, kttchen. Garage. Im- , mediate possession. Tile fruit house. Sin.otMi.ort IMMEDIATE possession of home Ea.M. Living room, dining room, kitchen, bath. 1 bedroom down. 2 bed rooms upstairs. Small barn. Double ga race. 1 Acre. P. H. BELL, REALTOR 510 Guardian Bldg. Phone 4S5S c248 OWNER LEAVING TOWN Mt'ST sell l A. tract, clec to city lim its. N.E. Small barn, dbl. garage- 3 bedrms., dining rm.. lv, rm., hwd. floors, nice kitchen, elect range, elect, wtr. hi., oil circ. East front. Will take a good offer, c.itl Ed Lukinbeal ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemeketa St. Phone 5981 c250 NICE NEW 3 B.R. home, close In to city limits. East, almost i A living room with hwd. floor. Il'vxl6 att. garage, elect, pump, elect, wtr. htr., Idy trays, nice b.ith Poss, in 3 weeks. $7900. Call Ed Lukinbeal ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemeketa St. Phone 5931 c250 To place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037. HEAL ESTATE TO BUY OR SELL SEC CHARLES DELFEL HOMES FILL BASEMENT: 3 bedrms., fireplace, wired lor clec. range, elec. water htr. Furnace. Near Parrish. Sal 120X. $8000. COMPLETELY FURNISHED: 3 rms.. wir ed for elec. range, 40 gal. hot water tank, lots of bullt-lns and Inlaid lln. Near Four Corners. Sal 122K. FARMS GENERAL FARM: 25 acres. 20 cult., small amount oi iimoer, aanay-oiacK loam, all fenced. Elec. and phone. Near Sun nyslde. $7500. Sal 108. ALSO THREE CATS: 2 good houses 60 A., 35 cult., some timber, exceptional prune orchard, tractor, 5 cows, harrow, fresno, dras saw, 3 barns, lame dog and 3 cats, priced below market At $9000. Sal 116. UOME IN COUNTRY: 54 acres, excellent for grain and turkeys. 8 room house, 8 brooder houses for turkeys, good gar age. Near Jefferson. $25,000. Sal 120. MOKE FUN THAN ANYBODY: l'i A. rab bit farm in Kcizer district. Net income $550 per mo. New 3 room house. 12x110 ft. rabbit shed. Rabbits and additional equipment available. $7500. Sal 123. TIM BER ! I ! 505 A. stock ranch wuh 1 million ft. timber. 100 A. cleared pas ture, 100 A. pasture in timber. 3 good roads, house, barn, 35 miles out. $16,000. Sal 124. RETIRING? Let us show you this Idea! location. Modern 3 bedrm. hie., double garage, 18x24 barn, chicken house, landscaped, patio, 6a A. 3 ml. cast Lancaster Drive. $19,000. Sal 128. IN THE RED HILLS: Orchard Aj grain rarm, 40 A. Prunes, walnuts, bernes Aj blackcaps. Oats is vetch, 1 bedroom house. Price Includes trac tor & machinery. S 13.000. Sal 129. COUNTRY GENTLEMAN: 55 A., 30 A. cult., 17 A walnuts, filberts, 17 A. tim ber park: fam. orch.. city wtr. Yam hill river frontage, irrigations rights, a rm home, 3'.i baths, 5 bedrms., frplc, full bsmt., furnace; 3 rm. tenant hse.. frpl., bath. Grade A barn, milk hse, 3 chick hscs., 4-car garage; 2 A. lawn, etc. $55,000. Near Carlton. OATS AND BARLEY. 106 a.. 65 cult., 45 in crops, 41 a. timber. 1 a. fam. or chard, creek. 5-rm. farm home in good cond. 7 buildings, all bldgs. have elec, 3 horses, Hereford bull, 13 cows. 5 calves, chickens, machinery. Nr. Carlton. SU 500. 371. T-BONE HERE. 40 a., 13 a. cult., some 2d growth fir., fam. orch., 2-bcdrin. unfin, (livable); 6-cow barn, 3 cows, 3 horses, 2 Shorthorns, chickens, mow er, rake, harrow, seeder, 3 plows, disk, separator, 2 tons hay, equip. Near Col ton. 437. INCOME DO YOU WANT SIOO.lHHl YEARLY? Have excellent going business In entertain ment field confidential proposition. No telephone Inlormatton, ask for Mr. Benham or Mr. Nllsen. 8'4 YEAR, LEASE on comb, service sta., garage, grocery, 2 cabins A; trailer apace. Includes some tools, furniture, sta. equip,, Inventory of groceries and 2 welders. Good location. $8975. Sal 105 Inc. COUNTRY CLUB LOCATION: 56 acres of rolling subdivision land. On highway close In. As pretty a view as there Is In Oregon. Land drained well enough for basement under every building. $29,500. Sal 107 Inc. NATURAL SUBDIVISION: 86 acres, al ready surveyed for subdivision land. Water at 18 feet; 1 well now in. Cross fenced. Adjoining; Gervals, 110,750. Sal 109 Inc. OWNER INJURED: Combination butcher shop, locker storage, apt. bldg. 4 apts., 3 sleeping rooms, 60x100 3 story bldz. Rcom for 300 more lockers. Way be low market at $14,000 In Falls City. Sal 110 Inc. GROCERY Apt. neighborhood, clean stock, gd, equipment, small living qtrs. Low rent. $5500, Includes Inventory. 59 Inc. CENTRALLY LOCATED. Quiet, reserved clientele. This 10 suite, 3 sleeping room, apt. hse. is increasing in value every day. Auto, oil, full basement, furnished. Excellent Condition. Shown by appoint ment only $42,500. Sal 114 Inc. PORTLAND INCOME FOUNTAIN LUNCH, at bus stop on Sandy hi Portland. Newly dec. bldg. 5-yr. lease. Steady trade, sd. net. All equip ped. $8000. 75 Inc. FURNITURE, HARDWARE Bldg., llv. qtrs., lot, 2-cnr garage, $1750, Inven tory, new hardware, furniture. $4500. 72 Inc. GROCERY Apt. neighborhood, clean stock, gd. equipment, small living qtrs. Low rent. $5500, Includes Inventory 59 Inc. GROC, FEED, GAS. FRUIT DEPOT Near Vernonla: also rent rms. to hunt ers. Owner says $700 mo. net. price in cludes l'i a. and bldgs. $16,500. 58 Inc. GROCERY AND MEATS Owner says $4, 000 or better monthly gross. Good lo cation. $3000 Inventory and modern fixtures go with business; 6-rm. living qtrs. $18,500. 57 Inc. BODY & PAINT SHOP. $110 rental In come. Nr. shop and small house. 50 x 200 lot. Location will increase In value. $8000. 51 Inc. MILK &. FEED ROUTE. 1943 Interna tional truck, van body. Good dairy dist. S.W. Wash.. $4500. 47 Inc. GUEST HOUSE. On 99 W 6 rms., Ideal motel, gas or cafe location. 300-ft. fron tage. Frpc. 3 bedrm. suits Incl. $12, 500. 50 Inc. NEW SERVICE NOW 21 HOLE phone service, 7 days a week. CHARLES DELFEL, REALTOR 615 N. Capitol St. Phone 7002 C248 SPECIALS 5 RMS. As bath, close In, $5200. $2200 will handle, balance at $35 per month. 3 BEDROOM house, 1mm. poss. A good buy at $5500. 4 RMS. Ac bath on Vt A. This Is a real buy at $5000. 5 RMS. A bath, older type home In good cond. South near school. $6000. NEW 4 RM. house on U A., $4500. Furni ture can be bought. Call Bcrgland BURT PICHA. REALTORS 2543 Portland Road Office Phone 6472. Res. 6433. C248 LARGE LOT for your future home. North. Just off Pacific highway. Joins city limits. Will sacrifice for $1000. Call Wcs Goodrich ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemeketa St. Phone 5981 c250 HAVE YOUR own business with no blue sky In the price. Located in growing town. Garase. service station and Ice agency. Delivery truck with meter. Low rent. Ire business alone netted per month through summer. $5500. Call Wcs Goodrich ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 333 Chemeketa St. Phone 5981 C250 THIS IS IT !-i ACRE of fine soil and a modern 4 bed room home, double plumbing, hardwood floors, full basement and furnace, lots of fruit and nuts. Located north just at edge of city limits. Owner is leavine Salem end must sell. Price 12,500.00. VERY GOOD LOCATION 3 BEDROOM home. Full basement, oil furnace, plastered, this is close to htch school and bus. good home, better sec this. Price $9850 00. MODERN SUBURBAN HOME LOCATED on Lancaster Drive with l'i ncres Has hardwood floors. 2 bedrooms down and floored upstairs, fruit and nuts. This Is a good place to cut down on cost of living by having a cow and chickens nnd growing a good garden. Price $10,000.00. 13 ACRE FARM THIS IS A nico place on Garden Road close in. 4 bedroom home, hardwood tloors. full basement, sawdust heat, good bnrn and 3 large chicken houses very good soil, fruits and nuts. A very good place. Phone In and make an ap pointment to see this place. 210 ACRE FARM THIS IS ONE of the best money-making farms tn the Willamette valley, 2 sets of buildings, 100 acres of Chehatts silt loam, 110 acres of Willamette silt loam, all irrigated, modern 3 bedroom home. This place cannot be beat for canning crops or mint, hops or seed craps. Come in and see us about this. DROP IN AND see us. We think we will be able to help you in your real estate deals. ' MORltlS REALTY CO. 970 S. Commercial 070 Phone 4S17 c250' $10,500. Fine home, large lot. Elect, heat, hwd. floors fireplace. Truly a beautiful place. APT. house, close In. Lg. lot. Good location. $2000 down. $25,000 HOME on creek. Close In. Hwd. floors, 4 bedrms.. hot water and oil heat. Has everything for a fine home. Call Ike Bacon ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemeketa SU Phono 5981 C250 REAL ESTATE SOME GOOD acreage, close In. Fine soil. If interested. Call Ike Bacon ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemeketa St. Phone 5981 c250 K.Wtt DOWN. New 5 room plastered house. Hwd. floors, large lot. 12-15 fruit trees. Lawn. Full price $7200. "C" KILOORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th. Open til 8 p.m. Ph. 4855 024 H TRAILER HOUSE at trade In on this 4 room house House not modern but has city water. $4200 or $4500 or $4600 furnished. "O" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. I2tli. Open till 8 p.m. Ph. 4855 C24B' YR. OLD 5 room nousc, hwd. floors, full basement, air con. furnace. Insu lated. Only S7750. "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. mil. Open till 8 p.m. Ph. 4855 C248 LEE OHMART A: CO.. REALTORS WEST SALEM NEAT 1 bedroom with unfinished up stairs, electric heaters, garage, has a 2 room rental on rear of lot, $20.00 a month, partially furnished. Hai 6 fruit and nut trees, 3 blocks from school, '.b block to bus $5500, 458 MILL STREET VACANT NOW drive by. very close in. 3 bedrooms, basement, clean. Can easi ly be converted Into 2 apartments, bu siness zone $6350 M down. MODERN HOME BUILT APPROX. 6 years ago. 5 rooms. 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors, wired 'or range, elec. water heater, H. C. Little oil floor furnace, double garage, insu lated. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $7, 500. 8 ROOM HOME MODERN NORTH 18TII Street, very neat modern 3 bedroom home, combination living-room and dining-room. 1 bedroom, kitchen and bath down, 3 bedrooms up, garage Extra 12x20 building on rear of lot. 3 fruit and nut trees a nice place for NORTH 5TH STREET CLOSE IN, corner lot, modern 4 bed room home, fireplace, basement with auto oil furnace, clec. water heater, wired for range, attached garage. $10, 800 $3500 down. $1500 DOWN NEAT SUBURBAN home, double garage, chicken house. Includes davenport and chair, oil circ, and complete bedroom set I App. hi acre of land priced at $5500. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION A VERY substantial 4 bedroom home, fireplace In living-room, basement and furnace, elec. Wdtcr heater, V. blinds throughout, part hardwood floors, nice sun porch on main floor. Lovely yard, fish pcund, 15 filbert and walnut trees, lot Is 65x130 $12,000. HOME WITH AN INCOME MODERN HOME with Income, one of Sa lem's best duplexes, hardwood floors, fireplace, basement, and furnace. Ren tal income about $130 a month, owner transferred. Offered at $13,000. LEE OHMART is CO., REALTORS 477 Court St. Ph. 9680 or 4035 C MONEY TO LOAN on first mortgages. iV. to 6. Call for details. ED BYRKIT A; CO. 339 Chemeketa. Phono 5981. e WANTED REA4L ESTATE WANT MODERN 3 to 4 bedroom home $10,000 to $15,000. Immediately WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Ph. 7113 ca248 WANTED G.I. HOMES to sell Immediately WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Phone 7113 ca248 REAL ESTATE WANTED WE ARE urgently In need of listings. A Phono call or card will bring us out. BURT PICHA. REALTORS PH. 3210 337 N. High Street ca249 FOK PROMPT and courteous servlct Uit your property with FLOYD VOLKEL. Real Estate Broker 474 Court Phone S904 ca WE HAVE CASD Buyers for 2 A S bdrm homes. For quick sal call HR. GOOD WIN with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. SNO. REALTOR Phone 41 0B. After ft 71S. ea WE ABB in neo oi good homes to Mil in or near Salem If you visa to list your property for sale, see GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. Phone 413L ea NOTICE) If your property Is for sale rent or exchange, list It with u We have all kinds cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO REALTORS 153 8 High at. MAY WE HELP You Sen Tour Property? SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N Hlxh St. Phooe 160 ea EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE, new 5-room house with double garage Just outside city limits of Eugene, for comparable property In Saiem. Call 1908-R evenings or write C. N. Beadle, 1865 W. ffth Ave. C-o In terstate Tractor at Eugene. cb249 WILL TRADE j A. with garage house In walnut grove with small mtg. for equipped trailer house. Sleeps 4, See I, J. Bel veal. Riverside Trailer Court. cb249 4 ROOM HOUSE with bath, north. Nice lawn and shrubbery, garage. Also Pal ace trailer house, modern. On paved street. One block to school, store nnd bus. For acreage with house outside city see this at once. M. D. Looney with WM E. MOSES 33Pi State. Phone 4933. cb248 FOR SALE or trade: Duplex. 1942 Hazel Ave. for small farm. C. O. Bergstrom Rt. 3 Box 266C Salem. Cb249 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AUTO COURT A FINE buy of 18 rentals plus owner's. Close in on Hwy 99E. Some terms. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Phone 7113 Cd248 in RM. HOL'SE TO REMODEL INTO APT. Fine location. '1 blk. to bus Az stores. Solid with good foundation. Quick possession. $6950. Some terms. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Phone 7113 cd248 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY MODERN restaurant. Good location, equipment, lease nt $50.00 per mo. Seats 50. Net approximately $150.00 per week. A REAL BUY AT ONLY $4,500. Call Dale L. Shepherd with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 cd248 SIMHHt AN APT. hse. 6 apt. Mostly all furnished, sawdust burner furnace, fine lot. Income $185 per mo., besides owner's apt. MELVIN JOHNSON 549 N. Cottage St. Phone 3723. cd250 $2900 SERVICE STATION PRICE INCLUDES stock, equip. A; lease. Located In city on 99E. Imm. poss. M. O. HUMPHREYS, REALTORS 3035 Portland Road Phone 7820 2286 Fairs rounds Road Phone 245E16 Cd2.i0 OUT OF TOWN Restaurant. 17 stools. Owner claims gross of $4000 mo.. $2, ooo worth ol equipment, lot approx. 27x100. Bids. 37x40. All this for only $7000 FLOYD VOLKEL REAL ESTATE 474 Court Phone 3004 cd249 NEW LATH MILL. Complete. Rt. 4, Box 131. So. Pacific Hwy. to Baxter Rd. Harold Rodkey. cd249 57,(10(1, o SAND AND Gravel business, For information call Mr. Ruskin. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO.. REALTORS 341 CHEMEKETA ST. PH. 2-1549 EVE. 3687 Cd249a HELP YOURSELF LAUNDRY LET YOl R wife run the business at home. Small 2 B.R. home. Close to bus. school and store. This Is really a good side income. Equipment A home all for $6,000. $3,500 will handle. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 25103 Cd348 TRY TO MATCH THIS DUPLEX, close in location on suburban two acre tract. Late built 2 bdrm. on lower floor. HW firs., fireplace, full basement, furnace, 80 gaL elec. water htr.. 3 rm. apt. up. with outside en trance Apt. rents for $40. mo. Bnrn, chix hse.. pressure water system. Call Art Holmes. SALEM REALTY CO. " REALTORS 149 y. High St. Phone 7660 cd248 AUTO COURT. 15 units. Located on 99 Hwy. Doing good . business. See this court. Price $29,500 Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High Ph. 4121 cd248a BUSINESS OPPOKTUNITTFS DUPLEX TWO LOVELY units with hardwood floor1! throughout, and brmt. apt. with bath. Auto, gas furnaces, water heaters and ranges. Dbl. garage At bus at door. Half down will handle. $15,500. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3305 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 25103 Cd248 S.MALL restaurant on ODE. City water, gas and electricity. Price Includes land, building is equipment, neon eIbu. electric cash register, auto, gas heater, etc. Full price $2250. Call 31200. cd243 C11F.V. 4 YD. dump truck, on job. $43 day. For salo or trade for late model car or pickup. 196 S, 25th St. cdl $55110 GROCERY store with 3 year lease well located In Salem, Stock and equipment and 2 bedroom living quar ters. Grossing $5000 per month, $fl,V)0 A DANDY restaurant, well located downtown, grossing $1000 per week. All fixtures and equipment. Better hurry on this one. $;:;:,o SERVITE station and grocery store with 3 bedroom house for owners, 3 pumps, fixtures and equipment, and stock. 1 acre of land. BEER PARLOR: EXCELLENT LOCATION IN SALEM, NETTING $1000 to $1500 per month. Business and equipment plus Inventory, McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 South High St. Phono 5-1-3-1. Phone evenings 4937. 6901, 7163. cd248 LATH MILLS for sale. 18 to 20 thousand lath per day. boulder A' striper. $1450. New outfit. 703 West First St., New berg. cd253 GARAGE A: OAS STATION BRICK BUILDING. All new equipment. Building, stock, equipment and 154 154 lot. Price complete $10,000. See K. N, VOORHEES with LEO N. CHILDS. INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9261 cd249 DOWNTOWN RESTAURANT $1000. Includes all stock, fixtures is busi ness. Good location, expanding future. See this today. Call "ELMER" AMUND SON BURT PICHA, REALTORS PH. 3210 337 N. Hish Street cd249 DON'T WAIT GROCERY STORE, SOFT DRINKS, LUNCH COUNTER. EVERYTHING MAK ING MONEY. FOR YOUR OWN GOOD, DON'T OVERLOOK THIS. S12.600. -f REIMANN RFAL ESTATE 201 SO. HIGH PH. 3722 or 7836 EVES, is SUN. 24113 OR 3621 cA P.OADSIDE RESTAURANT DUE TO Illness Owner unablo to handle All new equipment. Doing a good busi ness for years. Priced lor immediate sale. Ph. 25086 or 7972. cd24fl FURNITURE FOR SALE 6 R005IS of high class furniture. Com plete with clec. rerriitcrator, elec. stove, elec. washing machine. 3 bdrm. seti, dining rm. set, overstuffed living room is etc. Ph. 8218. Reynolds. d250 8-PIIX'E dining rm. suite, $100; 8 ft. ex tension, 3 twin beds (iron) $4 ea.; dress er. 545 E St. Call after 4:30 or Sunday. d251" MAPLE TWIN beds, box springs is matt ress. Like new. Hot water tank A; few pipe fittings. Ph. 5257. d249 COMPLETE LINE household goods, beds, dressers, stools, radio, etc.. all good, must sell. 1488 S. Com'l. Ph. 6524. d248 WANTED FURNITURE 12x15 RUG or larger, large oil circulator, large dining room suite, cream sep arator. Call 24829. da24B CASD FOR YOUR used furniture. PH. laso. state street Puxn. 1900 State. da WnY TAKE less for your furniture? See Russ Bright. Phone 751L da HIGHEST PRICES paid. Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Market Ph, 8110. da LIVESTOCK WANTED FAT is CANNER COWS for beef. Dairy cows, heifers, bulls. VeaL Fat hogs, sows, stags, boars. Mkt. price. E. C. McCand lish. Rt. 5. Box 373. Ph. 8147. Across from Waters Ball Park. S. 25th. ca269 WANTED: AU kinds of fat livestock. Valley Packing Company Ph. 6935. ea RABBITS RABBITS, all kinds. Top prices paid. Bring or write Wm. Bossert. Rt. 4, Box 66-B, Salem. eb209 BECAUSE OF ill health, must Bell my entire stock -of New Zealand White rob- w bits. Some pedigreed, all good stock. Phone 8776. Claude Spoon, Rt, 4, Box: ' 388. Wallace Road. cb249 FOR SALE WOOD DRY 16" slab wood and edgings. Im mediate delivery. Phone 2o454. ce256' SPECIAL: Green 16" mill wood. 2 cord load $8; green 16" edgings, double load $10. Prompt delivery. Oregon Fuel Co.. Phone 5533. ee270 DRY SLAB wood and edgings. Immediate aenvery pnone 6683. ce255 16" DRY OAK. 2 cd. loads. Phone 24031. ee249 BONE DRY 16" red fir slab. Phone 24031. ec248 TRY OUR drive-In Cafeteria today. Fin est dry wood as utile as $1.00 worth or sacks of choice coal. 75c. "Take It with you." Also large loads of dry wood. 16-in. or 4-It. You haul. Ready to go Oregon Fuel Co. 3555 Portland road ee262" FRESH CUT SAWDUST, $4 a unit. Ore gon Fuel company. Phone 5533. ee249 SPECIAL: Good dry 16-Inch edgings, tm- mediate delivery. Double load JlS.iOt single load $8. Oregon Fuel Co., Phone 8533. e341 SPECIAL $5 cord, heavy red fir slab and edging! Phono 6683. ee354 WEST SALEM FUEL CO. WOOD AND sawdust. Stove oil and dlesel ou. Delivery when promised. Ph. 24031. BONE-DRY mill wood. 16" green slab. good for furnace. Ph. 7721. ee I FT. HEAVY slab A 16" mtH wood. Also aiesei et stove oils, sawdust. Prompt del. anywhere. Phone 6444. ee FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE: A few Leghorn fryers. F. D. Mitchell. 3095 Silverton Rd. 1248 500 TURKEY Brooder hens. Gath Bros. Stock, broad-breasted bronze, large type. Third house west of Bonneville on Salem-Dallas Hiway. John A. Gib son Rt. 4 Box 471. Salem. 1219 NEW HAMPSHIRE pullets, ready to Hy. For immediate delivery. Every pullet individually selected. Ph. 228GL Lee's Hatchery. ( BABY CniCKS: Weekly hatches. New Hampshlres and other varieties. Ph. 22881 Lee's Hatchery. ( CHRISTIE New Hampshire baby chick i. every Wed. Boylngton's, 3710 State. f CUSTOM DRESSING of chickens, any umber. Prompt service. Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty. Phom 323 8 L Lee'n Hatchery f PRODUCE ROME BEAUTY Ac Sp:tzenbers apple $150 per Bu. Delivered anywhere in Salem. Ph. 24230. f(250- LARGE FRANQUETTL walnuts 15c per pound, you pick. Rt. 2 Box 170C. Phons 2-2388: T-jrn lert at Kcizer School, fol low pavement 2 miles. ff252 GOOD TOMATOES 75 cents per lug. Go out Silverton Hiway to McCain Ave. 4th house on right. Schmidt. f(248 APPLES. NORTHERN spies and winter bananas. North Pacific Hwy. to Claxter Rd. First house off highway. 11249 CONCORD GRAPES. 4c lb. U-Plck. R M. Diem. Rt. 2. Box 245, Salem, near Quinaby. ff249) WALNUTS 10c and 15c. You pick. Eric C. Kreft, Rt. 3, Box 652. Croisan Creek. 11210 GRAPES. YOU Pick. Also cabbage. H. Schuedel. Rt. 3. Ph. 22650. fI248 GRAPES 3 CTS. a pound. You pick. Bring boxes. E. F. Walden, 3345 Portland Road. 11243 FOR SALE Apples. Get your winter sup ply direct from orchard. Red Delicious, Jonathon. Winter Banana, Kings. 75o up. Ammon Grlce, 3 ml. West of Salem. Orchard Heights rd ff25J WANTED HELP NEED 10 MEN wanting steady Jobs. Can make over $600 a month and build life time Income. 360'i State. Rm. 34, be tween 9 a.m. and 2:30 P.m. g2i2 (Continued on Page 11) v