8 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, Oct. 18, 1 946 4-H Girls Top In Home Ec Show Marion county 4-H club girls were at the top in home econo mics exhibits and home econo mics contests at the Pacific In ternational Livestock Exposi tion says Mrs. Constance Hamp ton, assistant county club agent. Girls from Idaho, Washington, and Oregon competed. Bringing home the highest honors was Bonnie Klein uf Aumsvillc who, having 10 exhi bits, won eight blue ribbons. In the interstate judging contest, Donna Weidcrkehr and Jean cttc Gilmour, the home econo mics team from Sidney, placed second, only to be topped by a team from Idaho. Jcanette also placed third as an individual judse. -Marion count;- girls exhibited 2 jars of canned produce which was more than any other coun ty in Oregon was allowed to display. Following Is ii tl.it of ilrl unci '.heir placniss: Bonnie Klein: blue awrd Krc'p. clothing. canned blueberries, canned brans, canned pears, canned ioat beet, canned meatballs, canned ruast pork, and canned chicken; red. canned carrots: and sixth place with rnnncd salmon: Donna Lee Kletn ot Aums villc: Peaches, blue; loganberries and prars. red; Jcanette Ollmour or Sidney: praelirs, red: Belly Wlntermantel ot Hia ney: Peaches and pears, blue: boysenber neti red: and pears, atxth; JoAnne Lana ot Sublimity: gooseberries and cherries. rd: Olive Keillor or Gervals: cherr.es. sKitiv. Donna Wtederkehr of Sidney: canned beet and canned beans, blue: aaunon, red: and beets, sixth: Lucille Jauuet ot Victor Point: clothing, red. hnmemaking, red: Vlvlennc Jaquct or Victor Point: clothing, red; llomemakliK. Training Meeting Set for October 28 An all day training meeting fur county home economics 'ex tension unit officers and other interested organization officers will be held October 28 in the Chamber of Commerce rooms of the Dallas City hall from 10:15 to 3:30 according to Mrs Viola B. Shaffer, home demon stration agent. Mrs. Azalea Sagcr, state home demonstration leader, will lead the discussion, Mrs. Erma Little, extension special is! in family relationships, will give assistance on the care of children at group meetings. The Polk county home economics extension council will bo host esses. Mrs. Paul Wishart will act as chairman. Mrs. Charles Bowman and Mrs. H. A. Flux will be in charge of registration, Mrs. J. B. Emerson will lead the singing, and Mrs. Grove Peter son will be program chairman. This meeting is open to the officers of any group in Polk county who wish assistance on business meeting procedure. Those attending will bring a sack lunch and coffee will be served by the committee. Grangers Told To Get Rooms Secretary of Agriculture Clin ton Anderson will be the prin cipal speaker at the 80th annual convention of the National Grange, which opens in Port land, November 13, according to an announcement made to day by Morton Tompkins, mas ter of the Oregon State Grange. Anderson is tentatively sched uled to address the session Fri day afternoon, November 15. Anticipating record attend ance which will tax the hotel facilities of Portland, Alvin Ho bart, chairman of the Grange housing and transportation com mittee, has been requested by the hotels of the city to set a deadline of October 31, after which the committee will no longer accept reservations. Re servations made prior to thai date should be addressed to the Oregon State Grange, 1135 S.E. Salmon, Portland 14, Oregon. An advance deposit of S3 must accompany each request. The housing shortage will be alleviated in part through spe cially chartered Pullman cars and special trains which will be parked on sidings near the Port land business district, which will serve as sleeping quarters for some visitors travelling by train. HEADQUARTERS "Salem Model Airplane Club" Airplane. Bouts Railroad Kits Cherry City Model Aircraft 21st & Market Streets FOR SALE T. D. 14 TRACTOR with Isaacson angle ilo.cr and Carco towing wench, (Mud guards, pull honks. Excellent condition. W. 30 TRACTOR Mounted on new rubber, thoroughly reconditioned Brand new heavy duty equipment trailer. Lowboy type. New. 0.00 x 20 rubber. 1944 STUDEBAKER 6 x 6 flat bed. 2,0(10 actual miles. New rubber. Excel lent condition. 1940 G. M. C. 2'5-lon, 18-foot bed. 9.00 x 20 rubber. Airbrakes. Excel lent condition. 1937 FORD PICKUP Good rubber, top shape Well Built Trailer House complete. Priced to sell. Bird & Zysset Co. 871 Wallace Road I'hiinc (ifibfi West Salem "Boy, What I Could Do for Thai Room!" No need lo be dicouraKcd it your walls and woodwork have become rtrab and dingy looking! . . . .lust slick up with sparkling new PABCO PAINT from Keith Drown's . . . It's simple to apply, economical and lasting! We'll be happy to show jiiii our color charts 1 whenever you slop in! Sec our "BROWNWOOD" Kitchen Cabinet Line Complete line of Builders' Hardware KEITH BROWN Court and Front Streets Phone HI 63 Pelrillo Asks Wage Increase of 50 Percenl Chicago. Oct. 18 W) James C. Petrillo, president of the AFL American Federation of Musicians, said today the union had offered to negotiate a new contract with the recording and transcription industry for a 50 percent wage increase "across the board." Petrillo, currently negotiating with industry representatives for a contract to replace the one which expires October 20, said the management represen tatives at first and offered the AFM 1 7 '-4 percent wage hike. which the musicians' termed "rdluculous." After a conference among themselves, Petrillo said, the industry representatives in creased their offer to 20 per cent. "We turned that down, but we made them a counter-offer and leader! we now offered to settle for 50 I percent across the board," the I stocky union leader told pews-1 Christmas Special Sewing cabinets in several new styles now available in walnut, mahogany or maple. Come in and select yours now Singer Sewing Machine Co. 142 South High I FOR RENT I Floor Sanders, and Edgers j By DAY or HOUR ' COMPLETE LINE OF FLOOR FINISHING MATERIALS ! McGILCHRIST & SONS i 255 North Commercial Phone 8478 WALLPAPER, PAINT AND ROOFING conference to talk about that I No point in Now Zealand is proposition." ' more than 80 miles from the sea. men "They've gone back into aaa::!::::;;:::::::::: The ;: ! BEAUTY BAR I; 201 First Nat'l Bank Bids. :: ; Formerly Beauty Hacienda ; : Under the $ 1 New Management of ! Nan Williams : and.Zana Hales i Features ; l! NESTLE Permancnts ; ; and HALLIWELL :: I; Cold Waves J 5 Other tf" aa and J ,; Permanents WvW Up $ Phone 3925 PLANTING TIME Peonies 75c UP CROCUS TULIPS CHINESE SACRED LILY CAMELLIAS Jap Iris 20c Bearded Iris 10c HYACINTHS DAFFODILS RHODODENDRONS Plant Now: Shrubs, Peonies, Iris and Bulbs. Plant after November 20: Fruit, Nut, Shade Trees and Rose Bushes. Knight Pearcy Nursery 375 S. Liberty (3 blks. S. of State St.) Open afternoons only this month Vp ( i v f mmm Combine Style and Comfort With versatile beauty to give you rich atmosphere! Transform your home into conversational elegance with one or more deep, luxurious Period chairs. They're custom-built for sure comfort, and styled with perfect care by masters in the craft. Your wise judgment in choosing chairs for beauty, too, at moderate prices is a compliment to your good taste. Salem's Largest Selection of Upholstered Furniture SECTIONAL DAVENPORTS DAVENPORT SUITES LOUNGE CHAIRS SWING ROCKERS OCCASIONAL CHAIRS . . . f Nijflitstand lamp of crystal. Com plete with shade. 12.50 Table lamp, pas tel floral design on base. Rayon satin shade. 11.90 Many more floor lamps, reading lamps and table lamps from which to choose. Electric Appliance Deparlment 2 BURNER ELECTRIC HOT PLATE. 4Q A Well Constructed XD3v 1 BURNER ELECTRIC Xft HOT PLATE JJV lilt; SQUEEZE JUICE AP EXTRACTOR ELECTRIC TOASTERS A Two Slice AXW SAMSON AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC g i HEAT PADS 3 GENERAL ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC A A 4 ULAN KET 100 r'c Virgin Wool 4UX CURTIS VACUUM COFFEE A MAKER NUTONE DOOR X OS CHIMES GLOWMASTER ELECTRIC f g) flg ROOM HEATER XV75 ELECTRIC ROOM HEATER m A with Fan. 800 Watt X 3V ELECTRIC WATER HEATER 40 Gal. f A A C Double Element. Immediate Delivery.... !U7lJ? APEX ELECTRIC VACUUM M A A CLEANER 35vW UBS " vL xslfC ' ' ' t , te nt It; i t 111S:' "x CONVENIENT TERMS