Society, Edited by BPW Pdtic fai Eaud Climaxed dudineii lAomen 5 lAJeei The Salem Business and Professional Women's club concluded its observance of the 27th annual Business Women's week Thurs day evening at the Marion hotel. The Public Affairs formal ban quet was attended by more than 125 citizens of Salem. Miss Mathilda Gilles was in charge. The tables were attractively decorated with autumn flow ers. Blue and gold menus marked each individual place. Soloist of the evening was John Schmidt, who sang two numbers, accompanied by Mrs. Schmidt. A welcome was ex tended to those present by Mrs. Carmalite Weddle, president Hesponse was given by Mayor I. M. Doughton. Speaker was E. B. MacNaughton, president of the First National bank in Portland. "Let's Work Together for Better Communities," was his subject. Guests of the evening were presidents of the various serv ice clubs of Salem and neigh boring B.P.W. clubs at Albany and Silverton. Those assisting Miss Gillcs in arranging the banquet were Mrs. Jessie Bush Mickelson, Mrs. Mabel Parker, Mrs. Ruth Verslecg, Mrs. Dorothy Lin foot, Mrs. Anna Morgan, Mrs. Helen Richards, Mrs. Mabel Ilaylcs, Mrs. Ruth Voorhees, Miss Betty Elofson and Miss Gertrude Koke. Mrs. Jess Barnes opened her home Wednesday to members of the Carpenters auxiliary for a no-host luncheon and quilt ing party. Plans were made for -UNIVERSITY OF OKEGON; Campus Clippings By Jean Swift The Webfools really flew that maroon and gold of Montana at their game Saturday afternoon. Could it be that the 34-0 score is an indication of a Rose Bowl trip for Oregon? .... Hmmmmm. Alpha Phi Miriam Shellen bcrger was at the game. . . . Pat Ray was Miriam's week-end guest and she was thrilled to see Oregon win by such a large margin. Sally Ann Barr was in the College Side inn after the game having a coke. . . . Saw Vern Flake, Marjorie Tate, Jane Carson and Jack Barsch playing a hand of bridge. The music school seems to be the scene of much activity as far as Salem's music-minded stu dents are concerned. Marjorie and Bob Reeves are both study ing voice and are students of Professor Gclhausen. . . , Gor don Reeves is attending the university also. Talked to Elizabeth Nelson on her way to Choral union class today. . . . she is continuing her singing as is Dick Taw who entered Ore gon as a senior this year. Mrs. Oliver Huston and Jane were In Eugene to see Harriet Mon day . . . both looked very smart in their new fall suits. Con gratulations to Jack Burris who is a new pledge of Kappa Sigma fraternity. Saw Bob Strcbig and Phyllis Schnell al a party Saturday evening. . . . Phyllis looked stunning in a black silk crepe dress with white eyelet top. . . . Bob is a pledge of Phi Gamma Delta. The library is the scene of much confusion this year. It is necessary to arrive at the li brary early in the evening in order to find a place to sit down . , . and still earlier if you are in search of a particular book that 50 or other people would like to read. And sometimes it is not a question of whether or not you would like to read it. Saw Bob Skopil and Bill Juza waiting in line at the reserve book desk for outside reading material . . . farther down the SWEET AS ilfl I i Precious 04 your love . . enduring and glotving with beauty. For you to hove and to hold . . , to pledge your faith and devotion. 6-Oiamond Bridal Duo $199 Alexanders J Diamonds Watches Silverware Jean Taylor, Phone 3573 Salernite with Signal Corps in Manila i ' Miss Elizabeth Fitzpatrick, .-; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ; Thomas Fitzpatrick, arrived Thursday in San Francisco from where she will sail for -r Manila soon. Having served with the : WAC in the signal corps i headquarters in Washington, ; D.C., during the war, Miss Fitzpatrick will work in : communications with the war department at Nicols field, just north of Manila. the annual bazaar to be held December 5. Members and guests present were Mrs. Gertrude Lunkin, Mrs. Helen Haines, Mrs. Viola Carter, Mrs. Janett Pratt. Mrs Billie Pratt, Mrs. Al Thomas, Mrs. Veda Maude, Mrs. Orel Ethel, Mrs. Mary Gcrkin. Mrs. Irene Smith and the hostess, Mrs. Barnes. Guests at the Estill Brunk home is her mother, Mrs. Guy Johnston of Azalea. lemon-lime banner over the hall in the browsing room were George Manning, Bob Zeller and Max Maude. Jane Walsh has already established herself well in the journalism school . . . she has contacts with both the Emerald newspaper and the Old Oregon magazine. Marilyn Archibald also has a position with the Emerald staff. Talked with George Alexan der the other day. He is chair man of the bonfire committee for Homecoming this week-end. Last Saturday groups from every house on the campus left by truck to scout for inflam mable materials ... a gigantic bonfire was built ready for the touch of a match Friday night. Tuesday night some "un knowns" set fire to the pile of wood . . . just for fun . , . and the bonfire was no more. . . . However, George has now re organized his committees and has promised that there will be a Homecoming bonfire. Homecoming is one of the biggest events of the year on the Oregon campus. Festivities take place the whole week-end. . . . Sign judging Friday after noon, Bonfire and Talent pro gram in the evening, football game with Washington State Saturday afternoon and the Homecoming dance Saturday night. Many Oregon alumni will return to the campus this week-end, and all in all . . there is a lol'lo look forward to. Chest Colds To Relieve Misery WICKS VVapoRup, Rub on Tested A LOVE SONG Dignified Credit 1 I, . ' I bU H. fcA. 1 1 i L 11111 nff" fti fail 'ti n mn,a,I.J-..' J td Business Women Members of Salem Business and Professional Women's club which participated in nation-wide celebration of business women's week, climaxed by the annual public affairs banquet held Thursday evening at the Marion hotel. They are, seated, Mrs. Carmalite Weddle, president, Miss Ida Mae Smith, chairman of the week's activities, rear, Mr".. Ruth Vcrstccg, Miss Mathilda Gilles, Miss Effic Smith and Miss Dorothy Cornelius. (Jestcn-Miller studio.) WaL. YUU peaLer ot lAJomen 5 Council Tile Salem Council of Wom en's Organizations held its first meeting of the year Thursday at the Chamber of Commerce with Mrs. Lawrence W. Fitzgerald, new president, presiding. Other officers are Mrs. W. J. Beard, vice president; Mrs.. John Sohrt, recording secretary; Mrs. Fred Gast, corresponding secre tary and Mrs. Paul Griebenow, treasurer. Miss Mathilda Gilles, princi pal of Richmond school, spoke on the basic school bill, which the council voted to support. Miss Marjorie Wells, young adult program director of the YW, discussed work of the YW. Guest speaker was Walter Norblad, representative, who spoke on "Women in Congress." New Members Taken by BPW Silverton Mrs. Carmalite Weddle, president of the Salem Business and Professional Wo man's club was present Thurs day evening at a banquet pro grain at the First Christian church, presenting the charter to the Silverton group. Miss Hannah Olson, local president, received the charter for her members. Accompanying Mrs. Weddle from the Salem club was Miss Anna Morgan, second vice president of the club. New members were initialed in a formal candlelight cere mony with Mrs. Lctha Brokke as reader, Miss Klceman and Miss Jean Thostrude, assisted by Mrs. Keith Heinz, Mrs. Ina Har old, Mrs. Lillie Larson, Mrs. iftm AAUWtoIIear Mrs. Clare Argow Mrs. Clare Argow, executive secretary of the Oregon State Prison association will be the speaker for Saturday after noon's tea meeting of the Sa lem branch, American Associa tion of University Women, states Mrs. Floyd Utler, president. Mrs. Argow's topic will be "Oregon Faces Her Under-privileged." Mrs. Virginia Ward Elliott will sing and Mrs. Ralph Dobbs will be her accompanist for this, the second fall meeting of the organization. , Marie Ekman, Mrs. Peggy Scott. Miss Helvic Silver directed the musical program and Mildred Weiby was at the piano. New members received in the group were Mesdames Vashti Stollz, Lois Starkey. Velda Sathcr, Lois Riches, Bessie Por ter, Anne Powell, Mildred Wei by, Minnie Mascher, Ruth Bar ber, Clara Palmer, Mabel Smith, Vera Givens, Lillian Bloch, Irene Moseng, Marie Loar, Car oline Naegeli, Irene McCul lough, Opal Roop and Letitia Olscn. Clifton Hills Honors Guests Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Hill were honored recently at a din ner given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Bigelow of McMinn ville. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Mul likin, Ed Ferguson, Mrs. Winnie Hammon, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Web Wood, Mrs. Carrie Harwood. Mrs. Rose Dickinson, Mrs. Alice Fletcher, Mrs. Carol Hoeye and son, Steven, Mrs. Marguerirte Porter. Marilyn Ferguson and Diana Mullikin. v0H GETS. CUR 398 WluuLs KiJeofW,: OLn At Qde5 in J(enl, lAJadnintt Silverton In a candlelighted ceremony at the Kent, Wash., Lutheran church, Saturday evening, October 12, at 8 o'clock, Miss Ardis Aarhus, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Aarhus of Silverton, became the bride of Robert W. Olson, son of Mrs. John Ziltener of Kent. Rev. A. H. Rogen read the lines before ia pink and white floral banked omecomina ami ene a As the week-end comes closer, more and more Salemitcs make plans to attend the Oregon Washington State college foot ball game and Homecoming fes tivities on the University of Oregon campus. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gra benhorst will be motoring down, as will Mr. and Mrs. Alan Sie wert. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Page, Mr. and Mrs. George Schwarz and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kirk will be attending the post-game annual party to be given by Mr. and Mrs. Tom Russell in Eugene. The Russells formerly lived in Salem. Mrs. H. G. Maison and Mrs. Karl Becke will be on the campus and coming over from Corvallis to meet them will be Mr. and Mrs. William Shinn. Marion Legion Is Reported , Silverton Speaker for Mon day evening's meeting of Del bert Reeves unit No. 7, Ameri can Legion auxiliary, will be Robert Miller, member of the high school faculty, who will discuss the education bill and other ballot measures, it was announced at the unit's last meeting. Mrs. Roscoe Reeves, president and Mrs. Wesley Grogan pre sided at the meeting, giving re ports on th Woodburn meeting of the assembly. A speaker was Mrs. F. M. Powell, department legislative chairman, who re ported on the San Francisco convention. Guest at the meeting was Mrs. Thomas J. Wilson, formerly of Grand Forks, N.D., where she served as unit president. Also honored was Mrs. Pearl Daven port, now of Eugene, a past president of Silverton unit, now visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Jennings. Announced by Mrs. A. J. Mc Cannel as membership cam paign workers were Mrs. Harry Kuch, Mrs. Ray Boe, Mrs. John Demas, Mrs. S. A. Pitney and Mrs. Lewis Hall. Guests this week at the Leo N. Childs home are his sister, Mrs. Mark Parr of Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Childs. his brother and sister-in-law, from San Francisco. Vf. COa'ous...with NYLON 2-WAY STRETCH GIRDLE AND PANTIE WITH CORDTEX NON-ROLL WAIST What wonderful things nylon does for your figure! Knit with laiHe, eotton ond royon for tht comfwt end most flgur-flattering ' 2-way stretch you'v tvr slipped into. It hat more stretch sideways. , . more stretch up-and-down, h's sheer yt firm enough to sculpture you to litht loveliness. Cordtx non-roll waist assures a smooth fit. titrwr pontic or girdle style in small, medium ond lorgt sizes. ion altar. Miss Helen Hiden play- ed the wedding music and Miss Marguerite Hanson sang "Be cause" and "O, Perfect Love." The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore ivory satin and net fashioned in princess lines with bodice, deep lace yoke, net applique, and full gathered train-length skirt. Her veil, finger tip length, was held in place by a sheer Juliet cap. She carried a cascade bouquet of white bouvardia, carnations and pink rosebuds. The maid of honor, Miss Gladys Burch of Salem wore shell pink chiffon and carried a bouquet of carnations, cream rosebuds and yellow chrysan themums. The bridesmaids, Miss Charlotte Johnson and Mrs. Marguerite Hussey, sister of the bridegroom, wore blue net over pink chiffon and car ried pink and white carnation arm bouquets. Walt Ashwill of Eugene was best man. Ushers were Elser Aarhus, brother of the bride, and Jack Olson, brother of the bridegroom. The bride's mother wore a black silk crepe and the bride groom's mother wore deep blue silk crepe. Each wore a carna tion corsage of varied colors. Seventy-five guests attended the reception in the church so cial rooms immediately follow ing the ceremony. For traveling Mrs. Olson wore a dressmaker's suit of hunter's green with black accessories and a gardenia corsage. Mr. and Mrs. Olson will make their home in Redounda Beach Near Tacoma, Wash. jfarlu Joih Mrs. Harold Busick will be hostess Saturday afternoon when she entertains a group of 20 of her friends at a bridge event. Following an afternoon of contract, the hostess will serve late tea, assisted by her sister, Miss Kathleen Phelps of Port land, visiting her following her discharge from the WAC. Out-of-town guests will be Mrs. Wayne Page of Dallas, Mrs. Dan Schreiber of Independence, Mrs. Joseph Harvey, Jr., of Portland and Mrs. Thome Ham mond, also of Portland. Fred W. McKechnie, Jr., pub lisher of The Red Bluff, Calif., Daily News, arrived here yes terday to visit his cousin, Mrs. Ross H. Wood, her daughters and his aunt, Mrs. Hannah Evans. The Robert Sears Will Flv East i ' , . M .iv; Saturday at 1 o'clock, Mr ; and Mrs. Robert Sears will : leave from the Portland air port for New York City. They plan to be away 10 : days on a combined business , and pleasure trip. While in J New York, they will be reg- : (stercd at the .Park Central hotel. a. , Mrs. Corey Heads Club St. Joseph's Mothers' club Wednesday afternoon elected Mrs. Harry Corey president. Mrs. Austin Walker is vice president and Mrs. Morris Ebner is treasurer. Mrs. Robert Gent zkow will serve as secretary for the coming year. Hostesses for Wednesday's meeting were outgoing officers of the organization, Mrs. J. E. Albrich, Mrs. Irving Hales, Mrs. A. E. Kloos, and Mrs. Morris Ebner. Decorations were in the Halloween motif. Under discussion were plans for the children's cafeteria. Present for the meeting was Rev. T. J. Bernards. St. Paul Mrs. Chester A. Davidson recently returned from Chicago, where she has been visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Nelson, and grandson, Mich ael Davidson Nelson, born Sep tember 12. jv(..rfir co., imc. SALEM, ORE. Saturdays Features OCTOBER 19 ALARM CLOCKS ASSORTMENT OF f ALUMINUM BAKING TINS . 10c to 59c Cookie Sheets, Muffin Tins, Pic, Loaf and Cake Tins PRESTO PRESSURE PAN . . .13.95 CHENILLE BATH SETS ... 1.98 SILEX STEAM IRONS . . . 16.75 DOWNSTAIRS STORE MEN'S FANCY STRIPED mgk DRESS SHIRTS MEN'S BLUE PAYDAY m JA BIB OVERALLS BROADCLOTH PAJAMAS i98 MEN'S FULL LENGTH BLACK AA OIL SLICKER. Clearance CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' . MA. FLEECE MITTENS & UC MEN'S LEATHER 4 fkfk WORK GLOVES. Reduced 1WU CHILDREN'S ONE-PIECE FLANNEL SLEEPERS. Size 2 to 8 INFANTS' NITE GUARDS. TODDLERS' CHENILLE ROBES. Reduced TODDLERS' QQt WOOL SWEATERS. Clearance. .. OOc WOMEN'S A AQ BETTER DRESSES. Close Out . 4.00 ODD LOT CORSETS. Close Out WOMEN'S CHAMBRAY SLACK SUITS. Reduced s4u le fevoir IJoung Couple ei Two young couples who leave Salem early next "week to make their homes elsewhere arc in centives of much gala entertain ing this week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hitchcock, who leave Tuesday for San Francisco, will be honored Sun day evening when Mr. and Mrs. J. Parker Lineberry entertain with a small buffet supper. Covers will be placed for Mr. and Mrs. Hitchcock, Mr. and Mrs. Eric W. Allen, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Maynard McKinley and Mr. and Mrs. Lineberry. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Williams, who leave by car Monday morn ing, going to Rhode Island via the southern route, will be guests Saturday evening at a supper party given by Mr. and Mrs. John Powell in Turner. The Past Noble Grands' club of the Rebekah Lodge, met atj, the home of Mrs. William Beard ' Wednesday evening. Mrs. Lydia Roadman of Roseburg was a special guest. Prizes were won by Mrs. Charles Neubauer, Mrs. Chalmers and Mrs. Mable Gart ner. Assistant hostesses were Miss Hazel Price, Mrs. Emil Otjen and Mrs. Victoria Stiffler. Present were 25 members. . . . . : 1.79 Reduced 1.88 1.44 88c 2e44 IS 441 Court Street SECOND FLOOR SM Shop Early Doors Open 9:30 L SA .