trek into the wilderness and the scaling of a mountain never known to have been climbed by white men. The search team has a plane constantly standing by at the Sichang airfield with a medical officer, supplies and ransom goods in case any captives are located. If any Americans did fall into Lolo hands, chances were con sidered good that they were sur viving in excellent condition, for all authorities in this west ern corner of China said the Lolos valued slaves too highly to mistreat them. verton In many years, to begin Sunday morning with Father Frank Fitzgerald, CSSR, of the Rcdcmptionist order in Port land, to conduct all services. The mission is a series of ser mons and meditations and of fers a wealth of information to which both non-Catholics as well as Catholics are invited to at tend. Evening services begin at 8 o'clock. Instruction will also be given at the 8 o'clock morning mass each day. , Find Bones of Lost Airman Sichane, China, Oct. 15 (De layed) tfP) The bones of an unidentified American airman who died in a B-29 crash in March, 1945, were brought here today by mountain-scaling U.S. army searchers who said months of work remained to prove or disprove reports that some sur vivors were living as slaves of the district's savage Lolo tribes ing as slaves of the tribesmen. Thus far nothing further has developed. Colonel Wurtzler said there were four other known B-29 crashes in the general area and he intended to check all of them. This, he warned, may take weeks or months, because of the remoteness and rugged terrain. For example, the crash recently investigated involved a week's Silverfon Offers Mission Services Silverton Father John Walsh of the pastorate of St. Paul's Catholic parish, announces the first mission to be held in Sil WILL BE HERE SOONER THAN YOU THINK! r7 H Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, Oct. 18, 1946 i'-t men. The body brought in today was the fourth recovered from j the wreck on 14,400-foot Mount Liangpao, southwest of here. Six other crew members are missing, but what happened to j them is still speculative, said Lt. Col. Herbert Wurtzlcr, who j headed the search party. ' The hunt began last month ' after missionaries relayed a re- port from native sources that ' five white men were seen work- STOP CHEATING Yourself Out of SOAP' Are you one of the 2 out of 5 women who've quit turning in used fats? If you are . . . and don't get back in the habit of saving right now, you and every other person in America may lose one whole month's supply of soapl 0 mi 30 The only extra source of fats to help make soap and other peacetime goods dur ing this terrific shortage of fats all over the world is America's kitchens. We can't import what we used to . . . we must depend largely on what we salvage at home. VOUY LET SOAP SHORTAGES GET WORSE! ASK YOUR. NEIGHBOR... ASK YOURSELF IF YOU'RE SAVING EVERY DROP OF USED FATS possible! r TURN IH MORE a it 4$ for. ev6.r pouno' (on all makes) Heider': ALL U'UHK GUARANTEED I FARM STORE FEATURES li i - m-iiriiMi QnDQraLs I ! Aluminum Roofing BUILT TO LAST A LIFETIME! 4 Now . ; . for the first time ; : . your home, your farm and other buildings can have lifetime roofs of Aluminum . . : the same Aluminum thai rolled out of the huge mills, mile upon mile, for our warplanes! Imagine having a roof that will never rust or rot ... a roof you won't have to paint . . ; a roof lhal gives you protection against sparks and light ning ... a roof that's so light to lift, you can easily put it on yourself! In Aluminum Roofing you get all these great advantages at a most economical cost. See it today! BUY ON WARDS HOME IMPROVEMENT PLAN I With its lower carrying charges, no down payment, and from 12 to 24 months to pay on purchases of $60 or more. 26" x 6' Sheet 2.10 26" x 8' Sheet 2.80 26'xlO' Sheet 3.50 26" x 12' Sheet 4 20 Light in weight . .. Easy to handf ll doein't put a heavy load on your building. Can't rust . . . won't look Put it on right and you have a leokproof building. Ov Softer than steel... easier to handle Easy to put on . . . easier to get water tight obits. Fireproof . . . lightning won't hurt it Ground it correctly and forget about It , , , it's fireproof) sheet lays 24" wide with overtop) E ! t ALL STEEL LO-LOAD FARM TRUCK 201.50 Complete with 6.00-16 Riverside Tires Here's the easiest-loadinR. fastcsl-liaiiliiis truck we've seen! Just IS inches from the ground. Equipped with Timken roller bearings for high speed. S-fl. tubular steel, bnlt and socket hitch for use behind autos. Strong aic-wclded all steel frame. Buy lt now at Wards! STURDY MIXER FOR 30-cu. ft. 44 AM rcuiur capacity "flit" CEMENT OR FEED a.Iowwaiv Here's the ideal mixer for cement, or feeds! It's light ... yet strong Has rugged 16 gauge Jleel hopper; well-braced angle iron frame for nearly lifetime service! One mart can operate it by hand for dry jobs . . . with motor for wet! Three 1 -piece fins mix thoroughly . . . a batch a minulel Hopper is balanced and mounted high for easy dumping on either side! See it at Wards today! 539.75 fftV -fiSJ Y 'Mm Aiein thli year The Jewel Box li rift heidquarien for Chrlitmai xhopperi. See our exclusive (elec tlon of diamonds. The Mulll-Faeet xolilairet are breiithtakin because 4n extra facets around the "equa tor" add beauty and brilliance! These facets help prevent chlppinr. too. Also come In and see America'! finest Jewelry gifts, A small de posit reserve! your choice until wanted. A. CinrreouK bridal duel. 11 Kt. sold mountinsk. A SMALL DEPOSIT RESERVES ANY GIFT or THE JEWEL BOX C. Six diamond bridal ensemble. 14 Kl. told. $75.00 Lovely II Kt. rold tnountlnr holds brilliant diamond. " $100 Ladies bitlhstone rinr. Bra ul 1 fol colored blrthstonei for all birlhmonlhs. $19.75 Heavy masculine strle birth stone rim. Richly engraved. 527.50 Ladies blrlhstone wilk ta leamint side diamonds. Q Fully jrwrird f n r accuracy. Tiny, dependable. Butova . . . IHtinr live masculine stvlc. Others at dlffrrrnt prices ... 1? and 21 Jewels. $12.50 SILVERWARE 1847 Rogers Community Plate 1881 Rogers ffm, Rogers Alvin Sterling National Sterling and many others for delivery J Beautifully dcknrri. Accurate 1) Jewel movement. $15.00 PAYMENTS TIMED TO YOUR CONVENIENCE 428 Court St Call MZ2