Capital Journal, Salem. Oregon. Thursday,. Oft. 17, 1946 5 foi (n n n "tp a r 136 NORTH COMMERCIAL STREET THE STORE OF BETTER VALUES mm Nj 24-Inch Metal Bar r , HIGH in I LOW in VALUE PRICE BOXED 12x16 CHRISTMAS CARDS SCENIC PICTURES Box of 21 different cards TP jfa g Brighten up any room with jMt A with enve.ope, BUyour ILMP jft Ul C cards early and avoid the nil -U mountain, snow and water tjll I rush. scenes to choose from. 1 'N--NC LADIES' 100 Wool SUIT SWEATERS Has a cap style sleeve, buttons down the hack. Colors yellow, rose, black, tomato red. Just the sweater to wear with a suit. FOR YOUR XMAS DECORATIONS FOIL ICICLES HAD BUNNY ESMOND BABY BLANKET These warm, durable blankets come in either pink or blue back grounds, with white design. Size 36x50. Special, Regular 1.49 $n.ns USED PHONOGRAPH RECORDS Friday and Saturday Only! PLASTIC RACING CAR Exact model of REX MAYS' famous racing car. Regular 2.49. Special$ fl ROLLER SKATES With Ball Bearing Wheels INFANTS' DRESSES Will fit infants from six months to two years old. Made of fine grade cotton in pink, blue, white and yellow. vre& 1 IN- ft A Extra Thick 56 Pages 25c Value Waiting Tablet gc MEN'S COTTON WOI&UC SMUTS Sizes 11-17 Khaki Color 88 VANITY TABLE LAMP Complete with Shade Regular .$2.79 $Ho98 A iff"Th,g., rT MEN'S WHITE COTTON SHIRTS Small, Medium, Large Regular $1.19 Friday and Saturday Only! ROMA DECORATIVE WALL PLAQUES Will Brighten Up Any Room IHIead Scai?l?s All-wool scarfs in colorful plaids, and also plain colors. Size 26 inches square. MEN'S GREEN Raincoats $2, PINK AND BLUE BABY HARNESS 69 MEN'S RIBBED ANKLETS 50 wool, 50 cotton. Assorted colors. Regular 79c. Special (&)c CRYSTAL WATER SET 7-piece set, consisting of jug and six tumblers. Similar to photo. l-QUART ALUMINUM Sanne IPaims CRYSTAL REFRESHMENT SET 24-piece set. consisting of 8 sher bets, 8 cocktails and 8 goblets. HAPPY HOME HOUSE DRESSES Two styles in assorted cotton prints from which to choose. Large sizes, 40-52. and $&.8(Q) MEN'S ALL WOOL BOOT SOCKS OPA 97c FRESH HALLOWE'EN LICORICE CUBES DOLLS For Christmas get that little girl something which will please her most ... A DOLL. One dressed in red and white or blue and white checkered dress with white organdy pinafore and bon net to match. Soft body with composition head, arms and legs. a v. 1 GIRLS' SEERSUCKER DRESS Sizes 7-10, in pink, blue or yellow background wilh flowered design. Ideal for (he young school Miss. 50c Down Will Hold Anv Doll 1