5 Salem Men Enter Contest Elmer M. Amundson, Steve Anderson, Dean Ellis, Peery T. Buren and John R. Hay o Sa lem have entered the will-draft-ing competition sponsored by the Trust Companies' associa tion of Oregon for a total of $1500 in cash prizes, M. H. Erz, association contest chairman, reports. The contest, originally to close October 15, has been ex tended until December 2 in re sponse to requests from all over the state by prospective en trants who said they would compete If additional time were allowed. The contest is open to all 1S46 graduates of University of Oregon, Willamette university and Northwestern law schools and to all attorneys practicing in Oregon who were graduated from any law school in Oregon or outside the state from 1940 through 1945. First prize is $500, second $400, third $300, fourth $200 and fifth $100. Erz said application forms and contest rules could be obtained by writing the association office at 325 S. W. Fourth avenue, Portland 4, or from members of the association. Amundson was graduated from Washington College of Law in 1941. His address is 337 High street, Salem. Anderson was graduated from Willamette university in 1942. His address is 214 Oregon building, Salem. Ellis was graduated from Wil lamette university in 1942. His address Is state tax commission, Salem. Buren was graduated from George Washington uni versity in 1942. His address is First National Bank building, Salem. Hay vas graduated from University of Oregon in 1941. His address is state tax com mission, Salem. Generators and Plants Offered Portland, Oct. 17 Priced for immediate sale, approximately 380 mobile power plants and 1200 gasoline powered genera tors were offered today in an announcement from the Port land war assets inter-regional WAA office of Swan Island. Each power plant is mounted on an eight-wheel trailer. The government paid about $0000 each but the selling price de pends on the hours of use. Those having run less than 50 hours are $2263, and those used over 1000 hours are $1544. Also offered are used genera tors which cost the government approximately $3300 each. Those which have been run less than 50 hours are priced at $1490 and those over 1000 hours at S894. The generators are of special interest to heavy construction firms, railroads, well drillers, small airoorts and allied activi ties. district No. 4, beginning the preliminaries this week. Mrs. Hanmm is asking school pat rons to have details of their re ports and ages of all children for whom they are responsible ready for her when she calls at the homes far the information Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Oct. 17, 19463 Mrs. Hannan has been census taker for the local district for many years. BACKACHE, LEG PAINS SHAY BE DANCER SIGN Of Tired Kidney t It baeJtaphc ami lesr palrvsaremakinfryoa mis&rak!e,!)ni'fej5i8tc(mnlrtirranir tin nothing about them. Naturcmnybc wnrninsryou ihaft yfmr kidneys netrct attention. ThekrrfmrrsareNature'HchiffwRyoftafcfne excess acids and point) noun waste out of fcho bhiorf. They help most people pass about 3 pints a day. If the 15 miles of kidney tuben and. fitter don tworfc well, poisonous waste matter stay, in the blood. These poisons may sta-rtnaggimr backaches rheumatic pains, log pains, Jessef pep awl energy, jrcttinsr I nights, swelling-, puffiness under the eyes, headache jmddii ncss. Frequent or scanty pa: sages witbfmarfc. mtfan4iburnirvHsornttim(rsshomitbereisaorae thing wronjr with your kidneys or bladder. LWt waitl Ask your dnitiBi'st for Doanf Fills, a stimulant diuretic, used successfully by mifticma for over 10 yearn. Doan'a giva happy relief and will help the 15 milea of kidney tubes flush out pxisouiiuawastfttroitt the blued. Get iioaa'a Fiifn, Ceramic art attained a high degree of perfection during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar. Ronald Jones Calls River Meeting Oregon City, Ore., Oct. 17 (UP.) Representatives from nine Wil lamette valley counties inter ested in improvements in the river will meet here October 23, Ronald E. Jones, chairman of the navigation locks and chan nel division of the Willamette Basin commission, announced today. Mississippi Is the nation's top tung oil Droducer. Preliminaries Start Upon School Census Silverton Mrs. Martin Han nan has announced the annual taking of the school census for Machine Oil Permanents The hair is literally soaked with VITAMINIZED OIL and LEFT ON during the steaming time. RESULT: A lovely curl without kink or fizz, 7.50 Includes Shampoo and Wave Si O N I Q II II 3 (SOU Stale Fhone 6116 r C0RHS GO F&SY Enjoy Quick relief ami speedily remove aching corna with wondec-work-injl Dr. Scholi'a Zino- pada. Cont but a trili&. ; j v ri : ?- sch.Lesi.nger o co 11? ABOVE: TUNIC SUIT The slimming simplicity of the tunic has no equal. Here, deftly stitched and tailored to make the most of your figure. Sizes 12'$-26'4. 49.75 SUIT YOURSELF for the season with an U u i Si ' It the flattering reflection of your own good taste! Printzess dresses up your coats, your suits with true regal alls . . . into thoroughbreds of tailoring, fabric and fit. Truly fashions that live in fabrics that last . . . truly the flat tering reflection of your own good taste M I J AUDREY JUNIOR moist ntws with th Porit-in-tpirtd kimono lv, th tuclti (or ihouldtr mphattt, th lan pockets tightly belted above o ilim ilim tkirtl In 100 wool wonted twill. Winter white, green, brown ond black. 49.75 AT LEFT: PRINTZESS COAT Knowingly fashioned to compliment a woman's figure. Pains takingly stitched to slimminglines, impeccably tailored to flatter. Sizes 12-46; I2M-26J. 49.50 ABOVE: BOXY CASUAL Tailored to the trim and handsome lines that go everywhere with superb aplomb. Warm all wool, beautifully lines ... for the woman to whom a simple silhouette is important. Sizes 10-46; l2V4-26Vi 49.75 . . . before you. make that all important investment in a new fur coat, we'd like to sug gest you shop Schlesinger & (Vs. superb $100,000 fur showing. The beauty of these lustrous furs will delight you, and the lines are so classically; smart, the tailoring so flaw less, that you'll wear this coat with confidence season after season. RUSSIAX SQUIRREL AMERICAN BROADTAIL (jEXUIXE KIDSKIXS MUSKRATS RUSSIAX POXIES MOUTOX LAMBS PERSIAN LAMBS SILVER FOXES and many other Fine Furs schlesinger ! 6 co. 20 to 30 SAVINGS! Terms fo Suit Your Budget! -I i i ? si SI fv y fr ill a vh h IwM y Jlltrii-14V - K 111 Wilt 1- ,1t Use Our Layaway Plan If You Wisk As seen in SEVENTEEN