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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1946)
a4fo Program Thursday KSLM riKGW NBO C:flA News Stars of Today Trrry and Pirate l Knox Manning iSlii Superman I Newt Dirk TracT : Muslo B:0 Capt. Mldnliht Stum Jark Armstrong I Nrws 8 Tom Mix Xrws Sprrnnde 1! - 0:00 Gabriel lleatter Mirnlo Hall ! Oral Story I nirk Ilaymes fl:IJ Orchestra I Music Hall I Show ' lrk Hay met 6;3n Popular Demand I Dennis Day Show I Take It From ' Crime PhorW. fi : 45 I Popular Peinanrt I Dennis Day Show I T h e re ' ( 'rlme Pholot. "7:iirV I News i Ahhott & Cotelln . Orchestra Radio Dlet 7:1.V ! News I Abbott & Costello 1 Orrhcslra Itadlo Dlet 7:.1fl I Playboys ! Orchestra i Veterans 1 Plume Asafn I Playboys I Orchestra 1 Itiinae Hlders 1 Phone Aaln "T-illl j Sound-Off S up per Club l,om V Abner I News 8:1.1 I Sound Off I Fleetwood lawton News lack Smith Show g:.iil j OrdicMm Aldrlch Family I Town Mrellnx ! Mil B: l.t Orchestra I Aldrlch Family 1 Tnwn Meelliig 1 Mil " 0:011 I News I Burns and Allen ") Tnttri Mretlnn I Fllerv Queen 0:t.V- James Crowley ! Burns and Allen Town Meelinc l llerv Quern fl:30 I Inside ol Sports ! Nosh Weh(er I Stint ' Political 9:451 Orohrslra I Noah Wehsler ' Peaceful Valley i Over the Rainbow it:fl(iIZ Fulton Lewis. Jr. News Flashes News I Flva Slar Final 10:1(V News I Spnrls j Rhythm t Symphonette I0::i News I Fdilin Cantor f Coneert Hour ' Svmplmnelle 1UM5 Safety Pro ram 1 Eddie Cantor 1 Concert Ilntir I Texas Rangers tl.tirI Orchestra ("News Concert Hour I Serenade 11:1. Orchestra I Orchestra ! Conrcrt Hour Orchestia ll::t0 Orchestra I Orchestra Orchestra Air-Flo 11:1 .V- News I OrchrMr a I Orchest r a 'A I r-F In IfcTuo Sign Off Sinn Off I X-"tra Hour I Silent rriaay da. ivi. w-i i s a w I News I Timekeeper ! Orchestra I News I Jumpln Jacks i Dave West I News t News ?:00 News I Farm Time 7:1,1 Rise and Shine. I Farm Time 7:30 News Old Sonss 7;l.t Music I News 8:0ft I Dr. Louis Talbot I Fred U'Trfiia 8:15 I Dr. I.ouis Talbot Fred Uarlng 8::t( I Silverton Jack lierrh 8:15 I Victor I.lndlahr 1 James Abbe ! Rurke Camera I Oreiton Caravan (llamoiir Manor Kate Smith I 1 . II II 55y-' - . - ! I Morton Downej News (iliimour Manor Aunt Jenny j j - I J I Pastor's Call Slars llrrneman's ltfst. Helen Trent j j 10-17 1 I rf r W- vu w I Art Baker (Masai's Wire llreneman's Bfst. Our Gal Sunday 1 1,1 0:15 0:30 D; IS R2333 SXfc Sr.?... ISSKS "rMr l,.:. The Nebbs By Hess Limbering Up J0:30 (Irt hentra Joyce Jordan My True Story I Dr. Malone 10HS- Orchera aem.ehhej-J My True Stor, Road of l-lfe , . , . HERE.LET SOMEOKie I I ( NOT SO FAST,NlCODEMUS - " DP VOU PECGET IhlW- WoIU Time 1 1 CuMln. Msht Hvmns -Jitd Mrs Burton VvcpTlV J V ME j ( DO IT WUO KWOWS V REMEMBER OUR RHEUMATIZ. Y I VOORS.COOSlKlRODV? ' 11:15 Day Dreams I Today's Children Melodv Perry Mason L eXEKUbfe V lu Sy- " W VT , - J 11:3(1 I Queen for a Day I Women In While I I Istenlna Post I Lone Journey C.r., . ..e'NNlCQDEMUSJ -TTrY . ,v i7 "UW "VVir T A V3 T II :1.1 1 Queen for a Par I Masquerade Ethel A.bert Urt Baker tOh WMZIV 'i-? fiSE' 7 Kino Hymns I News I John B. Kennedy ! News rvvn -nje CPPO BILL K W Of i I f 01-- 1.:ia (News (Ma Perkins I stBrs of Xid.iy ! Come and Get It IWKIHt rtbU DLL .1 BKjT J? (V J W"fcv W '' W 'Irl ft Pfi taa J2:atl Hillbilly Serenade I Pepper Vounjr Find Me I Hurrltt Wheeler TM JPIIfl II I tVl I l . . W SO tVp "7 " r' - .'vJ j fh' ji55v"-X t!V , li:lft Variety Show Rlslit Happiness ! Come and Hat It Sina : . rTtftl ZJYf JA j! F ) APQTf?VL 9 (gj J-J O. VX f-' " 1:110 News BackslaKe Wlfo I Mea" Me j House Party H ) I ''Vl I -f v Jwl-c Ki'jWtW I OrV-'X ? ' tr"""1.!! 1:l. 'n' Abner I Stella Dallas Mce Me House Party "I y i U-T B W: ' WfCfZi T I "xv JS- ilW Mf&C CD :;) Turner ) I,oreno Jones (inlen Drake Newspaper of Air - w 1 jl if 1 iLwV-A l3 V J&y$$llJr-m) 4 ' 1 L I EKwJir 1 s fy 1:15 Turner Young Wlddei- Cliff Edwards I Newspaper of Air p-lA j V f TVvl -B I A. 1 T 1 Cj'TS 'HTmi J Vour Nelnhbor When a Girl j WhiirOuin' I School of Air 'ZVSrWo li LltiH "t-1 'F1! C 1 VUjA V S lUi i A T K:I.V John J, Anthony Portia Faces I.lfa I Eadh-s School or Air A IF 'Ratv"rNr"" (.V VS4' SaaTlH- . 1 IVtxI JAJ Wsb jV 2 ) Heart's Desire Just Plain Bill I Al Hr,nc I Meet the Missus s H ffll 1J. i1 l J Aj Vnl fcr.fl ' (l l JO I I fT J B:t.W Heart's Desire Front Pace At Hone Mret the Missus J9$pi ii T I VjXA HTLJ'AO Zilf ' v .l?Stit M5 A V-Wj WLS "sTliO lied Cross lload of Life Bride and Groom I News ZtPTf fr" V'V)CvV5 X "lTi-' -"fo?'?' liwW 3:15 I!. S. Navy David Ha rum Bride, and Groom I Evehn Winters IjUfV ( f (O - '')L'' L, 3::tft News Aunt Mary Ladies He Sealed Serenade, 7 IJ-jML V V t. t, Sfsv . B:I5 Four Corners Dr. Paul Ladies Be Seated I News U- ;( f " A V'.' .Vi.,!::' Q-l7-4e S CLso 4:dr Fulton Lewis. Jr. J Woman's Secret Footlinhts ! Plains 4:1ft Kea Miller News Northwest Today For Book , . n rr i i - ltmL - J j. 4: Ersklne Johnson Life Beautiful Mr, Motorist ' Llnaer Awhile Little Orphan AllIUC By Harold Gray 1 tlC IMaUdlllR CTOWd 4:I.V j Buck Koscrs Knllenliorne Tennessee Jed Orchestra ".ajaaaai ' MJSSii MBiHBHMBMMMpmBmaMMWMHHi "ZlZLr-l 1 " ' "" rr ' pJjdfS Ichee? whv. dsts oldW sure he's dead, g what does it say read n: I l -V-J f FAP.mR AWAY FROtA PEACEFUL j I OLIVER WARBUCKSf BUT W YOU CHUMP- W) B ABOUT THE OLD GOAT? "I FATAL- J I --J j 1 v ' ' ISiBi' The Gumps By Gus Edsnn " The Letter .B- ai JRk I ' I I TOOK ME NO TIME BUT WHAT 1 'S TOO SLOW--NHiM ACTION? Si!K; yk. & a-"51u S ixfr VVl X V TO PUT THE J ABOUT VOUR V I'M NOT THE W AND . L&&f,S ts. fer. 3 VIMmJCJL ALL'S WELL THAT YoH.VES THISl FINGER ON THATBOOK? SEEMS TYPE TO SIT fftTHE SNA1US' jj Zrirf'raLA JJLSJlBeSZjhimsS EN0S WELL, MY BOY.'S DETECTIVE PAIR -TO ME YOU AROUNO WRITING-lyn 'Ami yH O)- rf!S3SW YOU'RE COMPLETELY BUSINESS ISN'T ) , 1 T PLANNED TO I'M A MAN OF ff tf;'. '-4 Ti NWfc ailvJ CLEARED AND THE AS COMPLICATED A T1SW?I BE A NOVELIST-; CTION M8T HERE'S A. J&t l iiZWBl REAL CULPRITS ARE J AS THE RADIO i J vlll, bxjr-lT ( I LETTER, MR. SUMP y X"- j' rultcrn No. U233S Autumn Accents High-style fashion often costs so little you ran have a variety of accessories to match different costumes. This matching hat and bag will add glamour to old clothes. Pattern envelope contains complete easy-to-rcad and easy-to-follow directions for the above, plus complete directions. Send 15 cents (coin) for Pattern No. K 2:133 to Capital Journal, lNecdlc Arts Dept., 828 Mission Street, San Francisco 3, Calif. ACROSS 1. Kinmllty 4. Culd dlbb 1. Fulnt 12. I'eor (Jynt'l inutliur 13. AMtvnd 14. SilKwurm 1. Itt-VCIKKO 1G. Colm 17. In luvot of IK. Kortuiiiittly 20. OudtlesH of IK'ilCO X2. Annual en closure 1. Contliifin Li. Puhtlc d I lay of lotnpor 15. Spurkle 'i'J. Town i it th mouth 0. Korc Svmtml fo? sodium 37. Mulitvitn Ribbon G3. I'ri'iMOl .14. Rowed 3i. Nt-iir Sofc Iftither 37 MriiHiirv of caii.ulty 3H. Itei.av 4(1. ritnihvri 41. Vhnch 4". Intcrweiive 13. Mixed rain ii nd snow ib. Kntrtinco 4S. Kiernil.v 4fi. Positive iml 61. Soul hftn con fltrlliitlon 53. Nervim iwitclnnt hi. Fin product M. LfHeMo o boo 31. 7 U 13 t; - 15 1 7 10 w I4? 10 W ff4 "L 75 if'5 "fW,' 2? '-rr 1 w; 24 23 2fe 7 Jfl sr far 1 ' I, hw I L I 1 , L. ,vJ , I 1 P. M. IKEX i tin to 1:10 1 I llusler 1 dueler Solution ot Yesterday's Puzzi S5. r-. Efi. i-:shti 67. Motii DOWN 1. Coursw 2. On (he Gcenn 3. Come Into view uKiiln 4. Salty St't'd cover In 6. Kl. nvcr 7. Hit.liral klm 8. l- 9. H.-at HI. Metal II. Mud 19. lie In prof? of dt('lloQ LM. Ceremoiiv :'3. Sim llur 24. Of tlie nun 2b. SIiIiumhr con tainer L'fi. ltn-Miif 27. portray rlra niatirHlly f. Hinvs .10. Two-pit rt com position 33. Hundred- vii;rit 34. Estt'ilonn of oldicatlons fi. Cennlri 37. Slrp KUIIIBllHh Ciitv-tTiinient urn in ItM-ilfiMl nrlstl l-Vmlnln tinmt IVpartrd lclon M..iur of 1'lHCll T A R 31 AJRlO M All PAN 1 c EssH A ir e m?1r i- E R AH I se R E 61 6 0 p P E C AjMiPHG RjAjP E S JESMh JsjBjH! e iJnIeBJI 0 pie riaiTieHcIaJl l a M AS tBS0 L L AiSA L E N)DJ1R p E HJuHt o 6 Eff HbE NJd I N A L I K EgR O TlT J K G 33T 1 N ElSlJ R A S L A!T E Rfi P AIL M E R EONpJz'ON I CJIfRE 1 R J H" p u ?IN 1 L sH? al r "e iNrr is y dj ay Journal Feature DonaM Duck Henry YOU CAN'T PLAY UNLESS YOU HAVE A HELMET - HENRY Mult and .'.elf Rcc'li'r l'-' Tarzan rps onlvI hp r swear V ON H Iwell, Uxcan see rr U T V)Y$f Sti'l (A STONE'S THAT'S TRUE, YVVOKP, SIR! NOT BAP PBOAA OUT HEBE iSSIl iCrSTOMffi rk) .eil isySHE3st v ff SIX PORK CHOPS WeSSlRlTotf Ko MEAT OK, I 60T CH.BOV.'M-M! f I'UL PUT THE PoT K -"- c LEASE AND MAKE THE '1 MEAT. I'M x HAVEK'T RIGHT ON TKE TABLE, V T2!mi S?EFT?i SVI EATEN STEW TKEM VOO CAN HELP i FOR WEEKS.' IOUELF Mors By HOT A oi0 CHEERS TnEVER SOT MOR6n EASVtSN I nn f wv too, eurcH. fortv-fiwe or fiftv in ) ( p'5ERf SiTv 1 V Wt. 1 ALL TH I JEiT fiOT ( 'RITHM6TIC IN MY UFB.' I , . JJfiM J j--j VHEERI. HUNNERT I CAN'T BELIE VE T as their eyes became accustomed to the slackness, stranoe and FORBIDDING SHAPES LOOMED AHEAD- m miil 14 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Oct. 17, 1946 By Walt By Carl Gene j III I i? V If I SS M I 11 I By Hud Fishor By ICduar Rice Burrouphs WHILE GROTESQUE FINGERS SEEMED TO REACH FROM The SUBMERGED ROOTS WARD THE FRASilE DUS0UT. Disney Anderson It's the New Meat Dish Byrnes I F'NALLV, TO THE APE-MAN'S I rr sill Pae Called Steak a La Aqueduct No Ceiling on Dumbness Cloud of Mystery --AND FAR AHEAD, IN A SHAFT OF LIGHT, A WHITE ClOuD S5ED TO FLOAT AT THE TUNNEL'S END. Chapter 25 Barbara Ennis was not at home. She had gone out with in the hour, after receiving a telephone call, saying nothing about her destination or when she would be back. He hooked the receiver and dug in his pockets for more coins. He spun out the num ber of the Morning Record on the dial and got Bill Doran without difficulty and said, "Check on Barbara Ennis right away. Get hold of her friends, her old man, everybody. If you can't find her. get the cops and the FBI and tell them she's been kidnaped." Doran's voice shed its cus tomary gruff cynicism. "Good Lord, Marty, if you're sober " "I was snatched by a pair of gunsters who made some cracks about her. Cloud had detec tives tailing me or else I would n't be talking to you now. If you haven't already got a story about one of the gunsters being killed, you'll be getting it any minute." Who?" "They were working' for Morrissey, I'm sure. Joe Lark, the Gold Mine doorman, put me on the spot. Barbara got a call about the same time I did and went out, and hasn't been seen since." "I'll get busy right away, Marty. Where are you?" 'West Twentieth street sta tion. I came here with the de tectives, but I'm not staying, I'm going to hunt up Morrie and give him the beating he order ed for me." "Marty, you fool, listen " Martin broke the connection and got out of the booth. Cross- winds ' of powerful emotion whipped through him a gale of fear for Barbara and gusty wrath for Morrissey. He had told Williams and Weber he would follow them upstairs to Cloud's office. In stead he went into the street and got a cab to the Gold Mine club. The gilded doors opened to his thrust. Lights gleamed about the bar, but there were no customers and no bartender. As Martin strode toward the gloomy back regions, however, Hemingway appeared among the ghostly tables. "I want to see you, Marty," Hemingway said. Martin said, "Later. '.I'm in a hurry." 1 "If you're after trouble," Hemingway told him, "you're in a good place for finding it." Ho moved aside and Martin brushed past him, heading for the half-open door of Morris- scy's office, from which a band of yellow light shone through the gloom. Morrissey looked up from his desk as Martin entered. If he was surprised he did not show it, although that could mean merely that the sound of Mar tin's voice, talking to Heming way, had prepared him. Mor rissey said, "Well, Marty?" Martin leaned over the desk, his glance probing the gambler's steady blue eyes. Where is Barbara Ennis?" he demanded. Morrissey shuffled together an array of cancelled checks; he snapped a wide rubber band around them and dropped them into a drawer of the desk. "If I wanted to find out I'd try her home," he said. "That's the best I can offer." "It won't do, Marie. An hour ago two of your gorillas picked me up after Joe Lark spotted me for them. They cracked about a girl before the cops killed one of them and shackled the other. Now Bar bara is missing and you're on a spot." Morrissey leaned back; he looked tired and bored. "Sit down, Marty." Morris sey watched him speculatively. "You'll get further by being reasonable than acting like a hunk of muscle. If you're tell ing the truth about somebody getting killed, it's too bad, be cause nobody would have hurt you unless you'd begged for it." "That's not how they told it to me. But I didn't come here to discuss that." Martin leaned farther across the desk, his im patience mounting. "Where is Room and Board . AHAA- AH- VOUR. DUTIES WLL BE GENERAL HOUSEWORK.; BEDMAKING,--k:EEPlNG ALL THE ROOMS IN ORDER.,--ETC.-- AS TO THE COOKINS. THERE ARE SIX OF US GENTLEMEN,-- OUR TASTES ARE FOR. SIMPLE BUT WHOLESOME FOOD. IN VARIETY. Or COURSE . ..ll- M.W1I.OIU..I she?" "You'd like to know, wouldn't you? And I'd like to get my hands on that note. Why don't we make a deal?" "The only way I'll deal with you is with my hands doubled." "Give me the note and both of us will be satisfied. I'll guar antee it." "You'll guarantee it!" Martin was sick of talk; it stuck in his throat and made a maddening noise in his ears. "I'll give you something that will satisfy both of us for a long time to come, and I'll guarantee it will make you come clean on your dirty snatch racket." He rounded the desk in three swift steps. His left hand shot out and grasped the lapels of Morrisey's coat, his right hand drew back to strike. Blood pounded in his ears and a crim son film of rage flickered in front of his eyes. He did not observe the simul taneous movement of Morris sey's arm toward the drawer before him. But he saw the gleam of the pistol barrel as it chopped down on his left wrist, imparting a flashing pain that turned to numbness almost in,, stantly, and in the same split second a hand seized his right forearm and arrested the blow he would have delivered. He became aware of Hem ingway at his shoulder just as Hemingway's open hand, swung with body weight behind it, ex ploded against the side of his head and sent him staggering. Bells pealed within Martin's skull as he leaned against the big old-fashioned safe in a cor ner, staring at the impassive Hemingway and the poker-fac ed Morrissey, and at the muzzle of the automatic in Morrissey's hand. A sense of outrage swell ed within him, and a sense of ' helplessness, too. Morrissey asked, "Who's out front, Hemingway?" 'Pete Milncr." "Let him run things for a while. Lock the door." (To be continued) The Pacific ocean has thn deepest known depression in the earth's surface; Mindanao Deep, off the Philippines, is 35,400 feet deep. It would take two and one- half Pikes Peaks to fill the hole. mam 3066 SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE Coverall Apron A nicely made apron that effectively pro tects your clothes from kitchen stains because it covers you completely in front and in back. Pretty braid livens it up. No. 3066 is cut in small, me dium, and large sizes. Medium requires 2'.i yds. 35-in., 414 yds. braid. Send 20o for PATTERN, whlcn includes complete sewing guide. Print your name, address and style numbe plainly Be sure to state size you wish Include pos tal unit or zone number in your address. Address Pattern Department, Capital Journal. 552 Mission St.. San Fran cisco. Calif By Gene Ahern SI PEOPI F7.- OU ' I THOUGHT THEY WAS JUST TWO IN THE FAMILY- MORE THAN THAT MAKES ME .NERVOUS. AND I I DROP THINGS' NO, ' I DONT THINK. 1 CAN TAKE rr Is i Hit? j Inula rtr rNKttt tM