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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1946)
m 10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Oct. 15, 1946 FOR SALE HOUSES IMMEDIATE POSSESSION THREE BEDROOM home partly furn ished. 2 walnut trees, Lot 100 x 100. near G. school. HI school, Bus, Needham's Real Estate, 341 State St. Room 4. a244 SACRIFICE MODERN G RM. home, English type, fireplace, hdwd. floors, auto-oll heat, full basement, nook, dble. garage. Ige. lot. many trees quick possession. Own er leaving city. Price $11,000. Cull O. H. Grabenhorst, Jr. with ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-2948 a244" CLOSE IN HOME 4 BDRM. HOME, located on N. Summer St. Basement, furnace, fireplace, hdwd. floors, nice yard, wonderful family home. Price $14,200 Owner leaving city. Call Cobtirn L. Grabenhorst with GRABENHOR5T BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 7772 B244- N. SALEM SPECIAL f BDRM. English type home, hdwd. floors, fireplace, full basement, sawdust heat. Completely redecorated inside As out. Price 11, 500. Call Richard E. Grabenhorst with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 a244e 4 BEDROOMS CLOSE TO Bush School, basement As fur nace, lge. corner lot. This is a real investment. Price $7,500. Call Cobtirn L. Grabenhorst with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS .134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 7772 a241 K1NGWOOD HEIGHTS MODERN 1 IIDRM. home, hdwd. floors. 2 fireplaces, rumpus rm.. lee lot, beau tiful view SEE THIS BEFORE YOU BUY. Call Pale L. Shepherd with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS "134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 s244 HOME SPECIALS 7.00 BUYS this 5 rm. home, full base ment, furnace, fireplace, nice yard. Rood location. SEE THIS HOME. $0,8.-O BUYS this 3 bdrm. home, base ment, sawdust heat, redecorated thru out. Located close in. FOR APPOINT MENT Call Richard E. Orahenliorst with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 B. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 a244 N. 21ST STREET B BDRM. HOME, basement, auto-heat, hdwd. floors, fireplace, corner lot. re decorated thru-out. An excellent family home. Close to schools. Price $13,700. Call Richard E. Grabrnhorst with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 a244 J8450, CLOSE IN 4 BEDROOM home, good rental property. S9750 NORTH 8 BEDROOM home with nice Living Room, Fireplace, Dining Room. Kitchen, wired for rangp, basement, oil furnace, double garage. Close to bus, school and stores. srmso $ BEDROOM HOME, Close to Capitol. Grade and Hi Schools. Immediate Pos session. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High Just north of Center St. Phone 247D3. Eve. 6375 or 23052. h246- SAVE $300 WE TIAVE 4 unfurnished houses In Keizer Olst. "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE ' 425 S. 12th. Open till 8 p.m. Ph. 4R55 (124 5" 4 RF.D ROOMS HOLLYWOOD district, completely Teno vated. New roof, auto, heal, full price . $10,000. ' M. O. HUMPHREYS REALTORS 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 7820 a210 1 BEDROOM (3.200 NEW nORSE on 2 lots Just outside of city limits. Call Dale FIIupo. GENERAL REAL ESTATE CO. Rm. 10 Ladd & Bush Bldg. Ph. 7770 n245 THE LITTLE OFFICE WITH A BIO BUSINESS OFFERS A 2 B.R. mod. home with un fit!, attlo for 2 more B.R.s., full base., wood furnace. North. to High- in i School. $sooo. H'ElX LOCATED, well built. 3 B.R. home, Iff rue living and din inn. full 1hm, oil burning furnace, for iii!ck sale $8500. Worth your consideration. EXTRA WF.M, located 3 11 R. home first fjrmr, large living and dining, lull bane., sawdust furnace, double gar. Lot 0(1 ' 106. Fruit, shrubs. North. Inspect thl? nice home, make offer. SMALL 'i B.R. home, rloso in bus, store, lot 50x150. Price $3850 cash. ' O. H. Saildcrs-231 N. Illuh-5fl:iB. n245 ULTRA MODERN country home. Largp living room with fireplace, dlttlug room, both cameled, sun room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, full basement, party mum with fireplace, automatic heat, garage, small house on rear, l'i acres, lots of fruit Aj berries. A deluxe home for only $20, 000. BRAND NEW S bedroom home, large liv ing room, dinette, kitchen, utility room, l'a baths, electric heat. Insulated, doors ju'eathers tripped, double Baragc. lawn and some ah rubs In. A dandy home for $13.0(10 FLOYD VOLKEL REAL ESTATE 474 Court Phono 3904 a216 SPECIAL 4 bedim, homo in Englewuinl dl.4t. Lg. L.Rm., llllni., tiled (Irnin boards In kitchen. 3 lg. bdrms up, with dbl. plumbing. Full basement with saw dust flint ace, Elec. hot water heuter. This homo In first class ennd. OliSON & REEVE. REALTORS 045 8 Coin'l. Ph. 4590 Eve. 21090 a2ltl' SUBURBAN NORTHEAST M.WK). ACE 0 tno. 4 Bdr. Lit, I1R. Kit. Utll. room. Bath upstairs ft down, Hdw, floors throughout. Call Craig. BURT PICHA, REALTORS ! PH. 3210 or 5053 337 N. High SI reel i 24:5' MCE BEDROOM home on large lol 1 e lose lo srliool and ultue. North, thii Will aell right away. Price JH950.00. MORRIS REALTY CO. 070 S. COMMERCIAL 1)70 PHONE 4217 a246 WODI',KN2 BEDROOM home. Full base. ment, sawdust heat, corner lol. close to school. This Is a Kooti buy. Ni'at at t, n pin. See us now. don't wait. $7700.00. MOHHIS REALTY CO. 070 S. COMMERCIAL 1)70 PHONE 4217 24ti BY OWNER: Beautiful new King wood Heights home. Largo party room with ! fireplace, patio over garage with fire place, 3 bedrms , large L.R . nook A kitchen, lots of built-ins. Hdwd. Ilrs. thruout, one of the beat constructed houses In town. Imined. possession. For appointment Phone 21080. n249 BY OWNER IMRI.V POSSESSION: $9850. 3-4 bedroom modern home, near schools, bus. Plas tered, Venetian blinds, lull basement, oil furnace, good lot. Close In, N.E. Trees, nuls, fruit A: shrubbery. Addi tional ground with workshop available If desired. 1145 Nebraska Ave. Ph. 3817. n24tt JIEW ft ROOM hou.s $3800 350 A St.. MONEY TO LOAN on Tirst i 4 10 0. Call for rietnih. EI) BYHKir A: CO. 3.19 Chemekela. Phone 5;i8l. HIHN) I ROOM suburban home. Partly furnlshrd, including nrw gas Tanuc. $2000 down. Call Mr. Wallers. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY 1 Rraltors 341 Chcmeketa Ft. 1 Phone 3793. Eves. 25260. 24ti 157.10 ft ROOM siimirhnn home on bus . line. Living room. kUcliru. nook, 3 bed- , rooms, batit. fireplace, hardwood floors. . Call Mr Walters I HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chcmeketa St. Phone 3793. Eves. C520O. a'J46 fl.KHI NEW 3 bedroom home. Large lol, i all modern. Located Turner. Call Dick Smith HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chcmeketa St. Phone 31549. Eves. 22286. a246 9K.MKI BEDROOM home nouth. Partly furnished, new oil circulator. Wear ichool & bus. Call Mr. Wallers. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chcmeketa St Phone 3793. Eves. 25260. h246' S5WHI 1 ROOM home north. Living room. dining room, kitchen, 1 bedroom iV bath down: 3 bedrooms up. Large lot. Call Mr. Walters. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 34 Chcmeketa St. Phone 3793. Eves. 35260. a24tl' MODERN 3 b'-drrn. house and garage. Im- mediate possession. Phone 4o8l. a246 Journal Want Ads Pay FOK SALE HOUSES $25(io DOWN 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen. All on one floor. Hardwood floors, oil furnace. Full price $13,600. Call OMER. HUPP REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 21549. Eves. 25001. a246 HH?5 NICE 2 bedroom home. Living room, dining room, kitchen, full size basement, oil furnace, on bus line. Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chcmeketa St. Phone 21549. Eves. 25091. a246' SILVERTON PROPERTY 270(1 4 ROOM unfinished house As bath on Enst Hill, south end of Church St., on corner of Kent At Rock St, Beautiful location. Snaked on outside, windows As doors are installed. Look it over. If interested ree Norman Jensen. Fosholm Rd., north of Union Oil tanks. Silver ton. Oregon. s248 A $:.V1 Terms. Unfinished Harare house, 2 rms. A; bath, several walnut trees. Keizer dist.. near schl. As stores 2 blks. W. of highway to Newberg on Churchdnle Ave. Call owner at River side Trailer Court. F. J. Beiveal. a245 :t BEDRM. house, corner lot. 1320 Franklin. West Salem. OWNER LEAVING MUST SELL new garage house nestled In half acre walnut grove, Keizer dist. Tf you are looking for Inexpensive llv ine quarters this should satisfy. Ex cellent Mtburhf.n location. Only $3250. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 76(30 a244 MOVING TO SILVERTON? SEE THIS 2 bdrm. home, elec. cooklnit and water htr.. extra large lot. chicken hse.. fruit trees, large garden space. $5500. SALEM REALTY CO REALTORS I in N. Hlch St. Phone 7660 a241 NORTH CHURCH STREET 3 BDRM. home on lot 60x132. See it today. JfiO.'iO ?. IIDKM.. large lot, nice clean property north. $7250. 2 HDK.M., corner lot, new garage, gas Tor cooking and water htr.. S7900. 3 DDRM., large lot on Glen Creek Drive. HW firs., V. blinds, elec. water htr. $H!)50. A NICE clean 2 bdrm. home on large lot east, full basrment. furnace heat. $0750. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 7G60 a244 BY OWNER COMFORTABLE two bed room plastered home on really desirable corner lot. Ten blocks north from postolltce. In quire 550 Market Street. a244 FOR SALE by owner 3 room house and two lots In Wcodburn. Good location. Electricity, gas and city water. Also gas stove and water heater. Reason able. Immediate Possession. Inqulro at J Huforrt Brown, Rt. 1 Box 268A. Wood burn, Oregon. 14 miles north of Salem on Sulem-Chanipoeg highway, a244 BY OWNER. Modern home, large rooms, oak firs., bevel plate glass oak doors. full basm't., oil furnace, 2 porches. cement garage, cement driveway As fir. Cherry A; walnut trees, shrubs. Close In. Offering for short tlmo only. Ph. 24777, 244 WHY RENT? TWO RED-ROOM Home for sale by own er Cull evenings 240 West Wilson St. REASONABLE. a248 S-'imii. 2 IU It M, hse.. unfinished, city water and gas. This la liveable, don't miss tins. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS Q45 S. Com'). St. Ph. 4590. Eve. 21090. a241 S' a BDRM. homo In Keizer Dist. L rm., D. rut., kitchen with a lot of buill-lns. Just retire, largo garage, with room above, all kinds of fruit, beauti fully landscaped. Prired for quick sale. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 045 S. Coin'l. St. Pi). 45D0. Eve. 2101)0. B244' I ll li it .M. home north in good location with extra lot, close to sctiool As bus. Hum. Poss., call R. Maddy for more Information. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS D45 8 Coin' I. tit. I'll. 4500. Eve. 21000. B244 $;,imil. :t BDRM. homo Ea.wt. Fireplace, V. blinds, large L.rm., 1mm, Pons. Owner must sell. This is a quick sale. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 915 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590. Eve. 21090 a244 $9,750. 2 llDRM. home East. Room tor 2 more. This liome Is In a very goon lo cation. Pus In front of door, full base ment, large lot. nil kinds ol fruit, limn. Poss. Just rrdec. by the best In town. Seo R. Maddy for more infor mation. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 9t; S. Coin'l, St. Ph. 4590. Eve. 21000, n244- $ii,iiiio. ll ll l) KM. homo East with 1 acre, hwd. floors, V. blinds, oil heat, elec. stove. This ran be tract into lots. Owner leaving town. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 94j S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590. Eve. 21090. n'.!44 7.1 ,",ll. '! Ill) It M. home north. L.l D. rut., kitchen with nook. Just redec. Full basmt., with suuiiust heat, owner leav ing (own. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 946 B. Coin'l. St. I'll. 4590. Evo. 21090. n244 ItDltM HOME lit best location, hwd. Ilrs. thru-out, I lie place, V. blinds, elec. w uter heater, lots of bul It-Ins, full b.vsi'iuent, beau I ilul yard. Just re dec. Im ni, Posh., close to made At high school. See R, Maddy for more iufor mul ion OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 045 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 459U. Eve. 21090. a244 Ml i ST SEEL Immediately, 1-bedrm. home, clean, Venetian blinds, hut water heater, wired lor range. Doublo lot, 2485 N. Church. Ph 2.980. a245- STOP LOOK READ OWNER leaving town. 5-room house, 3 bedrooms, basement, corner lot on bus line across from store, .school 3 blocks llmiso n.-wly decorated. 410 Ford street. Phone 211190. a245 $1600 2 ROOM t'libln with 4 city lols on Salem huts. Well with pump, some fire wood. No plumbing, -0" KILGORE HEAL ESTATE 425 S. 121 h. Open till 8 P.m. Ph. 4855 B245 W 1 1 AT MOKE COULD YOU WANT? LOVELY I bedroom home, on 'j A., fine location North. Excellent floor plan, double plumbing. Near school and bus. Lots of fruit and nuts. Owner trans ferred. Price S12.5011 JOE HUTCHISON, REALTOR 455 Court St. Phone "tiOfl Hcs. 24789 245 BUSINESS ZOSEI AT'I RACTIVE 'i bedroom home, cute kit chen and nook. Near Bush and Les lie schools AND chicken house, fruit house. 2 cherry trees, 3 walnut trees, grapes, st rawherrles. and shrubbery. Trice 58500. Adloinlng lot. J 1000. CALL MILES HENDERSON JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 4 .5 Court Phone 7696 Res. 246B?a2t5 $11, .100 ;t Bedroom modern home cloie to Richmond school, Home in very good condition. Some furniture. Eire, refrlg. and winter's wood in basement Call O. V. Hume wllh STATE FINANCE CO.. 1VJ S. High REALTORS h. 4121 a'-M J9S.1U. EN( 1LISH type home North. Has 3 Mi's plus sleeping porch, basement with oil furnace, 2 car garage, large lot. Csll O V, Hume with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High Ph. 4121 a245 CLOSE IN 4 BEDROOMS IDEAL IOR largo family or room ren tals Full bsnit.. wired tor range. Im mediate possession. Bids, is In very good condition. $8,450. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves, 35103 345 NFAIl HIGH SCHOOL VERY GOOD all plastered 4 bedroom home, bMut., fuel furnace, wired for range, large lot. This is really ft well built h.tme and clean & neat throughout. 1 8.500. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3363 Portland Rd. Ph. 3253. Eves. 2M03 24.f HOSF.HALE ADD. WANT A REALLY ntca 5 room homo In Salem's finest district? We have It. Full bsmt., party room A: one o( the nicest yards In town. $13,500. Terms. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3363 Portland ltd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 2M03 343 FOR SALE HOUSES RANCH STYLE 3 B.R. SUBURBAN HOME on 2 acres of realty good ground. New paint, wired for elect, heat, nice yard and ideal for children. Lots of fruit and shade trees. Well located N.E. A: bus close. Priced lor a quick sale $6,850. Terms. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 25103 a245 HOMES FOR SALE Phone 6155 $1.100 NEW 1 BDRM. BUNGALOW, con venient to add one more bedroom, large living room, kitchen, utility room, laun dry trays, electric water heater, 1 blk. to bus. SIJ150 TERMS 4 ROOM COTTAGE plus two room apt. over dble. garage, large lot, lawn, shrubbery, 3 blks. to bus. $.VW0 TWO BEDROOMS, fenced yard, grge., 5hrubbery( fish pond, shade, 1 blk. to bus. SfiMHt 5 ROOMS, 7 YEARS OLD, well built, 100 x 80 lot, fenced, six large cherry trees, strawberries, laundry trays, elec. water heat, Venetian blinds, nice shrubbery. HV.HUt RICHMOND DISTRICT, two bed rooms, liv. room, dining room, compact kitchen, full basement, new garage, newly redecorated and remodeled. li blk. to bus and store. $05(HI EAST SALEM, well located two bedroom home, unfinished upstairs, full basement, piped furnace, double ga rage, beautifully landscaped grounds, large lawn. Vi block to bus and store. $l-,.-,(!0 SPACIOUS THREE BEDROOM home, full basement, auto, oil furnace, garage and large workshop, 56 x 160 lot, plenty of room to erect another house, various fruit and nut trees, con venient to grade "and high school. i block to bus. ABRAM3 AND ELLIS. INC. 411 Masonic Bldg. Phone 0155 Insurance Mortgage Loans a244" 5!r,(0 MCE home, hdw. firs, in living St dining rms., fireplace, gas furnace, bed rm.. bath, nice kitchen As laundry rm. down, 2 small bed rms. up. garage, also bldg. 12x20 on lot. Several trees and a beautiful lawn, good location. MELVIN JOHNSON 549 N. Cottage St. Ph. 3723 a245 THE LITTLE OFFICE WITH A BIG BUSINESS OFFERS A 2 B.R. mod. home with un fin. attic for 2 B.R., full base., wood furnace. North. Close to Highland Sen snooo. C. H. Sanders-231 N. High-5838. a244 FOR SALE LOTS J LOTS on Park Ave. Only $000, $125 down. First get.s best choice. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 'Listings Skillfully Handled" 201 S. High Ph. 3722 or 783fi Eves. As Sun. 24113 or 3621 aa' BUILDING SITES 07x1.10 NEW district. East. $700. 1't ACRE KEIZER District. $700. 1(10 x Mill LAKSEN Ave. 5800 LONE OAK Village lots. S850. IIKIxl.'IT LARfiE Walnut Trees. $1000. r0xl.-.(l LOT E. St $1000. !)v:t:io VIEW, Vl.sta Ave. $1150. IIHIxl.'iO NEAR Hollywood, S1500. MOST OF THESE on easy terms. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. Hiah Just north of Center St Phone 24793. Eve. 23952 or 0375 aa24b" LOTS OF LOTS S37.1. .10x100' S.W. Heights. s.l.-,o, MixltiV Near Leslie Jr. Hi. $.17.1. llxKO1 Near Highland School. ;tm. .Illxri.V Just off Berry t. St;:i. iinix2(HI W. Salem Hillside. Sft.Kl. (Wxl.lir On Sllverton Rd. $(.10, 17x1(1(1' Capital Park Add. some lumber At blue prints. Incl. $87.1. .iu.l Hi' East, off Center St. 2 street Frontage. $1100. up, View Lots. Call Elmer" Amundson BURT PICHA. REALTORS PH. 3210 337 N. High Street aa245 NICE BUILDING lot on N. Church B Close to School and bus line. Price $775. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High Ph. 4121 aa216' FAIR MOUNT HILL building filtc. Lot 74 X 90. Price $1500. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. Hiuh Ph. 4121 ail'JIS FOK SALE FARMS FARM BUYER3I BEFORE YOU decide on a farm, get a copy of our Special Farm List, with descrip tions of 03 farms. NELSON At NELSON REALTORS Rms. 300-3 Masonic Bldg. 495 Statl St. Ph. 4419 or 4622. Eves. 2-5547 b' 21 ACRES N.E. Has 2 homes, Barn, chick pii house, excellent berry soil. Bold with tractor and tools, 2 cows, 2a0 chick ens, Prlco $17,500 complete. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 8. High Ph. 4121 1)245' 147 A. NORTH 111.1 A. Cult.. Amity Soil. Pavement on sides, 11 room house, large barn. Ideal farm fur sub-dividing. Prlco $210 per acre. Call Henry Torveud JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phone 7696 Res. 25141 b2i; DAIRY FARM NORTH $ I It, 5110. 4,1 A. All Cult. 32 x 48 barn b room mod. house. Prlco Includes ctec. range, hay and feed in barn, 6 A. corn, VERY attractive farm home. Ad ditional 55 A can be bauaht. Call Henry Torvend JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phone 7ti9fl Res. 25141 b245' THIS-IS W 1 1 AT YOU WANT! WIL. SILT LOAM. 03 A. on Pudding riv er. 30 A. cult, 3 room house, ta mi, to ftthool and church. 15 A. cherries, 4 A. Iilberts 1 A. orchard. 10 A. Held. 1 Tun nel dryer, tractor und full equipment. All for $13,590.. Call Henry Torvend JOE HUTCHISON RKALTOR 455 Court Phone 7696 Res. 25141 b-'45 i2,:oo 10 ACRES NORTH NEAR HAYESVILLE SCHOOL. VERY NICE THRHE 11 LU ROOM BOUSE. BAltN AND OTHclit BUILUINUS THIS LAND 18 WILLAM ETTE SILT AND THE FINEST STRAW BERRY GROUND IN OHECION. JOIN ING LAND YIELDED 51i TONS PER ACHE. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Poitland Rd. Ph. 3253. Eves. 24479 1)215' THE LITTLE OFFICE WITH A BIG BUSINESS 1 ACRES, lair home, extra nood barn, nu Ik house, imp. shed, .spring, creek good family orchard, some fir timber elec. Only $7400. C. II. Sander-'Jlll N. HUii-5838. b245 YOU GET YOUR MONEY'S WORTH PLUS 350 ACRE STOCK FARM WITH LIVE year around stream, Eleclii city available. 100 acres In cultivation. 25 of which can be irrigated. Fair room house. HOxjO barn. WM. B LIV EN L. C. COONEY 4J9 Oregon Bldg, Phone 7:06 Evenings 8918 b244 TURKEY RANCH It's A. ONLY 3 mtn. from Salem. 36x110 brooder house, 4 bedrm. residence wltli base, and furniue. All lor $19,500. GENERAL REAL ESTATE CO. Rm. 10 Ladd & Bush Blda. Ph. 7770 b243 SILVERTON ROAD FARM KM. HOME, excellent condition, elec, hot water heater. A splendid family home. .13 acres of rich farm land, under cult. This is truly a real buy at $15. COO. Will also sell fully equipped. TOR DETAILS Ca!l Dale L. Shepherd with GRAHENHOHST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 b244 IIHi-ACKK Dairy or Seed farm. Lots ( hl-wa.v frontage. Suitable for sub-di Close to Salem. 2-st y. modern 7-rm. hse. Lnrgo dairy barn. Tractor A equip goes. Fine Irrigation sys. 3 A. peachei Family orchard. A good buy, Only $250 per acre. See Mrs. Isherwood BURT PICHA. REALTORS Phone 3210 or 6FU 337 N. High St b216 12 ACRE FARM A NICE 15 acre farm, close In on Gar den road. Good soil, lots of frontage, modern 4 bedroom home, full basement, sawdust heat, wired for range, H. A floors, good bam, 3 chicken houses. acres fruit and nuts. This place will not last. Priced to sell. See us now, MORRIS REALTY CO. 970 S. COMMERCIAL 970 PHONE 4217 M48' $73 AN ACRE 13,1 ACRES under cultivation. 50 acre: pasture As timber. 5 springs, woven wire fenced At cross fenced. Livable Use. Fair bam. $5,000 down. OENEHAL REAL ESTATE Rm, 10 Ladd 6i Bush Bldg. Ph. 7770 bin' FOR SALE FARMS 12 ACRES IN HAYESVILLE DISTRICT. B ACRES IN LARGE BEARING PEAR TREES. BAL ANCE IN OPEN LAND READY FOR CROP ALL WILLAMETTE SILT IN HIGH STATE OF CULTIVATION. THIS IS A REAL BUY FOR $700.00 AN ACRE, SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves, 24479 b245 56 ACRES ALL IN cultivation, house, barn, chicken house. 10 acres squash in field go at $6,500. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph, 3255. Eves. 24479 b245 31 ACRES in Clackamas County. 4 miles northeast of Woodburn, 30 acres culti vated, 6 acres of this Chehalls Butte creek bottom land, balance Willamette. Abundance of FREE irrigation water available from creek. Family orchard and berries. 6 room two story modern ized home. Barn In good condition. Ford Ferguson tractor, with full equipment. 5 acres good corn. Barn full of hay, 2 good cows, 1 heifer and one calf. Total price Including stock, equipment, grow in? crop and hay in barn, $21,500. Part terms If desired. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 24479 b245 60 ACRE FARM GOOD FARM 6 miles" of Stayton, good five room house, barn built in 1944 has 0 stanchions room for more. 20 tons of hay. 3 cows, team of horses and all farm equipment goes. SI 1, 000.00. MORRIS REALTY CO. 070 S. COMMERCIAL 970 PHONE 4217 b246 FOR SALE ACREAGE NICE country home nr. Wheatland. Well built, modern, 3 bdrms., wired for range. Patio, shrubs Ai flowers. Ap prox. :i acre. Attached garage. Only $6300.00. See Mrs. Isherwood BURT PICHA, REALTORS Phone 3210 or 6F11. 337 N. High bb246 THE LITTLE OFFICE WITH A BIG BUSINESS CHOICE BLDG. sites about 80x150 with oak trees, paved road, on bus, city wa ter, close school, $1575 each. 3 A. RICH soil, close to Keizer school. $1250. A. RICH soil, close to Keizer school S2000. C. H. Sanders-231 N. Hlgh-5833. bb245 SO.Kiii Hi ACRES. 6 room modern house. Close in south. Good terms. Call Dick Smith. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemcketa St. Phone 21549. Eves. 22286. bb24G FOR SALE 10 Acres. a ml. S. of Clca- Lake Sell, S600 per acre. Terms. C. G. Bergstrom. Rt. 2 Box 266C, Salem. bb249 THIS IS VI IE plr.. h"ve looked for, acre of good rich soil right on the edge of the city, close to school and bus. north. Excellent 4 bedroom house with nice Moor plan. H.W. floors, fire place, full basement, double plumbing, furnace, garage, plenty of fruit, nuts and shrubbery. Reason for selling at this price owner leaving city. $12,500.00. MORRIS REALTY CO. 070 S. COMMERCIAL 070 PHONE 4217 bb246 NEW 3 II I) It M. hse. Ac 2 acres. Weather stripped & insulated. Electric heat. Elec tric hot water tank. Dble. garage. Elec. water system. $8950 Call Mr. Bishop. GENERAL REAL ESTATE Rm. 10 Ladd & Bush Bldg. Ph. 7770 bb244 CHOICE I Acre Close in Northeast with good 3 Bedroom home. S9850. Call Harold McMillln with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High Ph. 4121. Eves. 81F21 bb245 SUBURBAN NORTH li ACRE, modern Cape Cod, l'.i story 3 bedroom home, living room, dinette, kitchen, bath, utility, garage, large In sulated fruit room, water system. This is a nice r.11 plastered home 4 years old. for $8,459. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Poitland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 24479 bb245 1 A,, 'I RM. house, wired, wood, stove & furniture. 60 ft. well, 24 fruit trees. Near Keizer schl. & bus, $3500 for quick pate. 1047 S. Com'l St. bb244 REAL ESTATE MONEY TO LOAN on first mortgages. 4ri to Call for details. ED BYRKIT As CO. 339 Chemcketa. Phone 5981. c BUILDING 36'xllO constructed of ce ment and tile. Could be used for many businesses. At 'present It Is a brooder house fully equipped with water, lights, gas and all conveniences. Modern 7 room home, basement, furnace, trays, 15 acres of land, berries and fruit trees. 100' water sy.sleni. Nice location, close to Kalrm. $22,000. 1H ACRES East of Salem. 8 room home. garage, barn, tllo chicken house. Small orchard. $15,000. P. H. BELL, REALTOR Phil Bell H. A. Lammers H. P. Guslafson 510 Guardian 4806 c244" SHifi.1 EAST 3 bedroom home. Nice grounds SHI.r.tMl ENGI.EWOOD DIST. 2 hedroorr home in excellent condition. Corner lot $I,)KMii:ast3 bdrms. and sleeping porch, Full basement. Dbl. garage. See this for location. I ACRE just outside city limits. 3 bdrm. utility room, oil circulator and Hot point ratine goes with this. Nice loca tion. P. H. BELL. REALTOR 510 Guardian Bldg. Phone 4898 c241' REIMANN REAL ESTATE $il!i,in HDRMS., comer lot. close to bus Az schools, fireplace, paved street. Call Ha ron. Si)H.-,a:i bdrms. spacious living At dining rms.. carpeted wall to wall, large master bdrm.. glassed in sleeping porch, nn to oil furnace in basement, double garage and shop, lot 144x165 A; acreage can be bought close in north. Call MeOlauflln. LOVELY H rm. home built for gracious living, outside fountain, lots of valuable shrubs, best view in Salem. 5 acres of fruit, suitable for subdividing. Excel lent value for 20.000. s,ih..o i.mimsiiki) large on 'j aero .south, wouldn't take much to make livable. y.Mim UNFINISHED modern house In re stricted district. This Is an excellent buy. Call Spreadborough. $1,1011 HDRMS, modem attached garage. lot 5UX1-J0. call McGiauflin. Sii.MHi ,t HDRMS, basement, furnace. cellent rental locality. $2500 dn. Call Spreadborough, 5-,7..t J HDRMS., liv. rm.. din. rm., brk fast nook, basement, sawdust heat, don't miss this, north. Call Spreadborough. SJtt.Mi 2 3-rm. modern houses on 2 acres ground, rented other, Imined. poss. DC cherry trees. Call Huberg. 3iji-ltn li BDRMS. home niado for comfor table living, grand yard with fruit, stuno furniture. Call McGiauflin. Sl'.'.(MM LOT 55X300 close in on 09E with modern 5 rm, furnished house, valuable property, any reasonable terms, Cml Huron. JT.miiio ,1 Unit MS wllh double plumbing on Fainuuuui hill, furniture can be DOUKIIt. 5 1?. 5i it i I ltDKMS, stucco house, all hdwd. floors down, basement, furnace, lol 160 x lt0, norih, Cull Spreadborough. MANY OTHERS. Call and talk to our salesmen. REIMANN REAL ESTATE -Listings Skillfully Handled" 201 S. High Ph. 3722 or 7836 Eves. & Sun. 3621 or 24113 MAKE AN OFFER FOK THIS I A. tract close to city limits, N E. 3 bdrm.. dining rm. Elect, raiiio. Dbl. gar. Smal barn. Owner leaving slate. Call Ed Lukmbeal ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemcketa St. Phone at81 C2441 WE HAVE a fine home with view. Neat Glen creek road Beautiful lg. living rm. Fireplace. Basement. Auto. furnace. Tills Is a uico home. Call Ike Bacon ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemcketa St. Phone 5981 c244' It ACRES, all cultivated. 8 room house, poultry house. Large barn. S mile off Hwy 99. $35,000. Some tor ma, Call Ross Coppock ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemcketa St. Phone 5981 c244( A. OF ORCHARD, apples, pears and cherries Paved rd. Bus. East slope. miles East. Place highly improved. No buildings. $6300. Call Ed Luklnbe&l ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chcmeketa St, Phone 6981 244 ON HWY. 99 19 ACRES. 0 of which Is Beaver Dam $12,500. Call Ross Coppock ED BYRKIT. REALTOR 339 Chcmeketa 8U Plioue 5931 c3l4 REAL ESTATE FINE LITTLE house close in, with 2 bedrms. Fireplace. Full basement, Swd. furnace. Nice little apt. In back rents for $35 00 This is a buy at $7900. Call Ike Bacon ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chcmeketa St. Phone 5981 c244 TO BUY OR SELL SEE CHARLES DELFEL HOMES FULL BASEMENT. 2 bedrms.. fireplace, wired for elect, range, elect, water htr. Near Parrish. Furnace. S8450. Sal 120x. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. 3 rms.. wired for elect, range. 40 gal. hot water tank. lots of built-lns and Inlaid lin. Near Four Corners. Sal 122X. FARMS GENERAL FARM, 25 acres. 20 cult., small .mount of timber, sandly-black loam all fenced. Elect, and tel. Near Sunnyslde. $7500. Sal 108. ALSO THREE CATS. 2 house. 60 A. 35 cultivated, some timber, exceptional prune orchard, tractor. 5 cows, harrow, fresno, drag saw. 3 barns, lame dog and 3 cats, priced below market at $9000. Sal 116. 40 PICKING LADDERS and they're used plenty on this top condition orchard. 46 acres. Nearly all cultivated. Cletrac tractor, lots of furniture, good duster and sprayer, cover crop in. Don't miss this at t 23. 000. Sal 118. THIS ONE IS FOWL 48 acres, wheat, oats and barley, small house, and tur key range equipment. $10,600. Sal 119. HOME IN COUNTRY. 54 acres, excellent for "grain and turkeys. 8 room house. 8 brooder houses for turkeys, good ga rage Near Jefferson. $25,000. Sal 120. THERE'S A BULL TO SLING HERE. 13 A. all cultivated, good pasture, large chicken house, garage, 10 cows pure bred Jersey Bull, double unit milking machine, winter supply of wood. $9500. Sal 121. MORE FUN THAN ANYBODY I U A! -Rabbit farm in Keizer district, net in come $550 per mo. New 3 room house, 12x110 rabbit shed. Rabbits and addi tional equipment available. $7500. Sal 123. TIMBER!!! 505 A. stock ranch with 1 mil lion ft. timber. 100 A. cleared pasture, 100 A. pasture in timber. 2 good roads, house, barn, 25 Mi. out. $16.00p. Sal 124. GLENMORRIE SACRIFICE. Only S7500. 4-bedrm. house on Willamette river. Newly papered and painted. Dbl. gar. beautiful view, select dist. Owner must sell. 140 Sub RUSTIC RIVER HOME. Newly rcnovatd. Rustic 6-room house and guest house in grove of firs 100x195 river front. $15,500. Jennings Lodge. 181 sub. COUNTRY GENTLEMAN. 55 a. 39 a. cult., 17 a. walnuts, filberts. 17 a. timber park: fam. orch., city wtr. Yamhill river frontage, irrigation rights. 8-rm. home, 3'i baths. 5 bedrms.. frplc. full bsmt., furnace, 3-rm. tenant hse., bath fireplace, grade A Barn, milk house, 2 chick hses. 4-car garage; 2 a, lawn, etc $55,000. Nr. Carlton. 343. DO YOU WANT SIO.O(il) YEARLY? Have excellent going business in entertain ment field Confidential proposition No telephone information, ask for Mr. Ben ham or Mr. Nllsen. )!t YEAR LEASE on comb, service sta.. garage, grocery, 2 cabins As trailer space. Includes some tools, furniture, sta. equip., lnven. of groceries, and 2 welders. Good location. $8975. Sal 105 Inc. INCOME COUNTRY CLUB LOCATION. 56 acres Of rolling subdivision land. On highway, close in As pretty a view as there Is in Oregon. Land drained well enough for basement under every building. $20,500. Sal 107 Inc. NATURAL SUBDIVISION 86 acres, al- reody surveyed for subdivision. Croas fenced. Water at 18 feet; 1 well now In. Adjoining Gervais. $10,750. Sal 109 Inc. COUNTRY GROCERY Inventory approx. $4200, in hollow tile bldg. on gd. hwy. corner, 5-nn. mod. apt. 2 pumps aver age 5000 gals, summers, 3500 gals, win ters. 8000 sals, past two months. 77 Inc. FURNITURE, HARDWARE Bldg.. Hv. qtrs., lol, 2-car garage, $17a0, inven tory, new hardware, furniture. $4500. 72 Inc. SHAKE SHOP Gd. equipment. Opp. high school. Brisk trade. Lease 1 yr., option 4 yrs. 4-rm, living qtrs. Completely furnished. 2-car garage. $8000. 70 Inc. ROOMS OR DUPLEX 6 bedrms., 2 baths, full base., auto, oil furnace. Wired for ranges, elect, wat. heater. $5500, Gd. dist. Close to bus. Add. lots may be purchased. 69 Inc. OWNER. INJURED: Combination butcher shop, locker storage, apt. bldg., 4 apts. 3 sleeping rooms, 60x100 2-story bldg. Room for 300 more lockers. Way below market at $14,000. Iu Falls City. Sal 110 Inc. NEW SERVICE NOW 21 HOUR phone service, 7 days week. CHARLES DELFEL, REALTOR 15 N. Capitol St. Phone 7002 If no answer call 5923. c244 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION THREE BEDROOMS, well arranged house Euglcwood District, large living room with fireplace, nice dining room, kit chen, full basement with furnace, en closed back yard, good landscaping. $11,500 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION OLDER TYPE 0 bedroom plastered house, 2 bedrooms down, 3 up, excellent loca tion for high school, Junior High and the Englewood grade school. Home can have double plumbing, the building of excellent construction and in good repair, but needs painting. This will make .romeone a splendid family home or could bo used for home and income property. It is reasonably priced at $8.' 500. COUNTRY HOME MILES from down town Salem, 3 bed room house about 9 years old. Living and dining room, large kitchen wired for electric range, tile bathroom, birds eye maple floors, full basement, laundrv trays, furnace, double garage, electric water system, fruit and nut trees, nice yard. 2 Acres of excellent soil, near school, quick possession. $8950. MILL CREEK HOME nKDROOMS. large living and dining room, kitchen and nook, full basement. Also a 4 room large modern apt. A beautiful large corner lot. You can go fishing in the creek from your back yard. A fine family home with $100 per month, income, near schools and park. Must' be seen to be fully appre ciated. SPECIALS $4000-$5500 I BEDROOMS with income $4000. BEDROOMS South $4250. i BEDROO.MS North with Income 5500. FOHKNER-BOURNE. REALTORS Joe Spurlock, Salesman 1853 N. Capital Ph. 3031 c245 APT. HOUSE, close, on large lot. This is older type place Has $95.00 income. Call Ike Bacon ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemeketa St. Phone 5981 c244 LEE OIIMA RT Az CO REALTORSl WEST SALEM EAT I bedroom with unfinished up stairs, electric heaters, garage, has a 2 room rental on rear of lot. S20.00 a month, partially luruished. Has C fruit and nut trees, 2 blocks from school, '.i block to bus S5500. 458 MILL STREET VACANT NOW drive by, very c!ose in. 3 bedrooms, basement, clean. Ca .1 easi ly be converted into 2 apartments, bu siness zone 56350 '.j down. MODERN HOME BUILT AITROX. 6 years ago, 5 rooms. 2 bedrooms, hardwood floors, wired for range, elec. water heater, H. C. Little oil floor furnace, double carage. insu laled. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $7, 500. fl ROOM HOME MODERN NORTH tXTH Street, very neat modern 3 bedroom home, combination living-room and dming-room, 1 bedroom, kitchen and bath down, 2 bedrooms up. garage. Extra 12x20 building on rear of lot, 3 fruit and nut trees a nice place for $9500. NORTH 5TH STREET CLOSE IN, corner lot. modern 4 bed room home, fireplace, basement with auto oil furnace, elec. water heater, wired for rAiige, attached garage. $10, 800 $3500 down. S1500 DOWN NEAT SUBURBAN home, double garage, chicken house, includes davenport and chair, oil circ. and complete bedroom srtt App. 'a acre of land priced at $5500. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION A VERY substantial 4 bedroom home, fireplace in living-room, basement and furnace, dec. w titer heater, V, blinds throughout, part hardwood floors, alee sun porch on main floor. Lovely yard. fish pc und. 15 tilbert and walnut trees. lot is 65x130 $12,000. HOME WITH AN INCOME MODERN HOME with income, one of Sa ' lr m's best duplexes, hardwood floors, fireplace, basement, and furnace. Ren tal income about $130 a month, owner transferred. Offered at $13,000. LEE OHMART & CO.. REALTORS 477 Court St. Ph. 9680 or 4035 Journal Want Ads Pay REAL ESTATE $0,000. GROCERY store, good location, extra lg stock. Gross sales over $12. 000. per ino. $4000. Coffee shop and lunch. Well located, doing Dice bust ncss. priced for immcd. sale. Call Ed Luklnbeal ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemeketa St. Phone 5981 c244 SEE THESE! EXCELLENT 0 large rooms with den. car peted, fireplace. Beautifully landscap ed! Lovely view. Automatic oil heat; attached garage. Restricted neighbor hood. The home you want lor only $13,500. VERY GOOD CONDITION SMALL CAPE Cod. 1 bedroom, double lot. fruit trees, garden. Nice location. Full price $5800. BEAUTIFUL CREEK PROPERTY '. ACRES few miles out on good road. Part timbered little cleared. Electricity available. City water piped to property. Ideal place to build a future home and have park, boating and swimming and raise fish. Price only $3250. Part terms. CHOICE BUILDING SITE WELL LOCATED East front lot 62x100 in North Salem on paved street. Price on ly $950. See K. N. VOORHEES or JAMES B. HARTMAN wllh LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9261 c246 NELSON NEWS 'i ACRE N. E. L. R., D. R., Kit.. 2 bdrms., bath, on 1st fir., 1 bdrm. up. piped air conditioned overhead furnace, lawn with some Iruil & nuts, close to bus Az store, $7150. 3 BDRMS., NEAR HIGH SCHOOL ENG. STYLE with L. R., dinette. Kit.. 2 bdrms., bath, on 1st fir, nwd. ilrs., 1 large bdrm. up, sawdust heat, full tuml., fplace, insulated & weather stripped, on bus. $10,500. BEAUTIfUL CROISAN CREEK SETTING STRICTLY mod. 4 bdrm. home, L. R., D. R.. Kit., bath. hwd. Ilrs., Iplace, elec. water heater, basmt., furnace, na tive timber setting with year, around creek, family orchard. ACREAGE, NEW HOME, $4500 ,7 AC, 4 rm. house, fplace, bath, elec. lights, auto, water system, small barn, As chicken house, timber &t pasture, 7 mi. S. W. Furniture available. GOOD HOME As ACREAGE, $7500 1!4 AC, GOOD 6 rm. mod. home, L. R., Kit., 3 bdrms.. bath, lull Dasini., utility rm., garage, chicken house, barn, ber ries, cherries, filberts, apples, pears, walnuts & prunes, near store As school, on paved rd., $7500. 3 ac. pasture ad joining can be leased $5 per year, 10 ml out See photos in our office. GOOD FARM, WOODBURN 21 AC, tiled. Will, soil, very good home, barn, good out bldgs., 11 ac. corn lo harvest, family orchard As wood lot. $10,000. IF THESE DO NOT meet your require ments tell us what you want. We pro bably have it. NELSON Az NELSON Chet I. Nelson Theo. G. Nelson REALTORS Rm. 300-2 Masonic Bldg. 495 State St. Ph. 4419 or 4632. Eves. 21350 Farms 25347 c244 A REAL SHOW PLACE AND WORTH the money too. 'i A. all In flowers and garden. 6 years old. 3 bedrm.. dinette, hwd. floors. V. blinds, plastered. Elect, wt. lit. Glassed In back porch. Stairway and room for living quarters above att. garage. Lg. wood circ. goes. A sub. home you will he proud to own. $9500. Call Wes Goodrich ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemeketa St. Phone 5981 c244 ATTENTION BUILDERS A. NICE view property on hill, lust East of cottage farm. Road on each side. Timber and brush on each side. About 2'.i A. in middle all clear. Room for several nice homes. All with ex cellent view. $4500. Call Ed Luklnbeal ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemeketa St. Phone 5981 c244 WANTED REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE WANTED WE ARE urgently In need of listings. A phone call or card will bring us out. BURT PICHA, REALTORS PH. 3210 337 N. High Street ca249 FOR PROMPT and courteous service list your property with FLOYD VOLKEL, Real Estate Broker 474 Court Phone 3904 ca WE nAVE CASH Buyers for 3 Si I txlnn hom&a Por Quick aale call MR GOOD WIN with HAWKINS & ROBERTS. SNO. REALTOR! Phono 4108 After 715 WE ARE in opto oi good homes to MH id or near Salem tf vou vlib to lUt tout oroperty for nale, see GRABENHORST BROS REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. Phona 4131. NOTICE! tf roar property U for tale rent or exchange, list It with tu We have all klnb cub buyeri. STATE FINANCE OO REALTORS 163 S Rtzh St oa MAY WE HELP You Sen Your Property SALEM REALTY CO REALTORS 14S N. Rich St Phone 7M M EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE or trade: Duplex. 1942 Hazel Ave. for small farm. C. G. Bergstrom Rt. 2 Box 266C Salem. Cb249 BY OWNER: Good income from nine c'.ean. spacious rooms divided into 2 apartments, plus extra sleeping room. Fuel As storage basement, laundry trays At nice lawn. $7500. Will trade for 2 bedroom home As cash. Ph. 24831 or call at 730 Mill St. cb247 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $1850 FULL PRICE PUMP service station As 3 car repair shop. Full tools At Inventory included. K2450 FULL PRICE HAMBURGER stand. Hlway frontage. Ideal for man As wife. BEAUTY SHOP CHOICE downtown location. Good 5 yr. lease. All stock At equip, goes lor si,- 500. M O HUMPHREYS. REALTOR 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 7820 2886 Fairground Rd. Ph. 24596 Cd246' SERVICE STATION $1850 THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 24793 cd246' 2 APTS. $13,000 EXCELLENT corner. 2 bedrm. apt. with kit. and bath up. Lovely l bearm. bpc with Ige. liv. rm, and kit. Fireplace down. Oil furnace. GENERAL REAL ESTATE CO. Rm. .0 Ladd At Bush Bldg. Ph. 7770 cd24. WE HAVE a well equipped garage i blacksmith shop with living quarters on acre of land in a small town 8 miles of Salem. This place Is doing a good business. All equipment goes. $8500.00. MORRIS REALTY CO. 970 S. COMMERCIAL 970 PHONE 4217 Cd240' $I4..mio. FURNISHED apt. close to state bldgs. Has oasement wnn on iurnacf. Each apt. has bath. Bringing in good income Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High Ph. 4121 cd215 MOTEL TRAILER PARK SITE 209 FT. FRONTAGE on 99E Just north of Snlem eltv limits. Lovely setting in large trees. Ideal auto court or trailer park site. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 336.S Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 25101 cd245 SERVICE STATION. RESTAURANT AND HOME on hyway 99E north. 3 bedroom home. 6 yrs. old, l'i bath. One acre of land with large sewer system to handle auto court or trailer park. This has real possibilities. Price is right at $29,000, Terms SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 24479 cd24. BEST BUSINESS SPOT IN SALEM 53 FT. FRONTAGE. 393 ft. deep. Has a very nice two bedroom home, lust re decorated. Completely furnlsnea lnciun- in? elec. range, water heater, and rcfr. Dbl. garage and shop. All for $12,000 at very easy teims. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 24479 Cd245' OAS AND OIL BUSINESS GAS STATION, repair shop, fuel oil dis tributorship with two 4000 gat. storage tanks, delivery truck, also 2 B.R. home and enough lumber for another. All heavy eouio. incld. welders, air com pressor, drills, etc so. Has a real in come. $25,000. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 24479 C0244 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES REIMANN REAL ESTATE 520003 PUMP station, pumping 4500 gats, a month, also shop. Call Spread borough. $21.1(1 l: PUMP station, close In, good equipment, car washing and steam clean ing, good lease, semi-living quarters. Call Ruberg. $9000 plus INVENTORY, buys service station, shop and restaurant, living qtrs.. corner location on hi way. Don't miss this. Call Spreadborough, $19,-1(10 AUTO COURT on 99E, close In, nettins $600 a month. Also 4 bdrm. house. REIMANN REAL ESTATE "Listings Skillfully Handled" 201 So. High Ph. 3722 or 7838 Eves, and Sun. 3621 or 24113 cd DOE 100 FT. FRONTAGE on highway. 800 ft. deep. Ideal setup for any kind of business. 'C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th. Open till 8 p.m. Ph. 4855 Cd245' TRADE OR SELL YOUR HOME and 2 to 10 acres for this lovely home and auto court. Here's a big income and a swell home with a beautiful setting. Certainly worth in vestigating. For appt. "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th, Open till 8 p.m. Ph. 4855 Cd245' S UNITS with 4 room attached living qtrs. on 09E No. 2 acres of ground. App. 150 ft, frontage. Very low overhead. $38,000.00; V3 down. For' further In formation. "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th. Open till 8 p.m. Ph. 4855 cd215' LISTEN OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS! Act Fast! A really proiitable restaurant, seats 24, price includes all stock and equipment. Clean and attractive. Good equip. Good lease. Call "Habby" Habernicht JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phone 7696. cd245' ROADSIDE RESTAURANT DUE TO illness Owner unable to handle All new equipment. Doing a good busi ness for years. Priced for immediate sale. Ph. 25086 or 7972. cd248 S'hHiO DOWN $50 per month buys this clean 2 bedroom home. Living room, dhiing room, kitchen, fireplace, base ment, furnace. Also income from "2 room apartment. Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chcmeketa St. Phone 21549. Eves. 25031. cd246 FURNITURE FOR SALE NEW TWIN BEDS with box springs & mattress, small desk, small bookcase As chair. All S175. Phone 8028. d245" TRE'WAR mahogany bedroom suite com plete, davenport As chair, electric range, writing desk, rues, dining room set, swing rocker and breakfast set. Tele phone 7858. No dealers. d245 WANTED FURNITURE CASH FOR YOUR used furniture. Ph 7590 Statt street Purn. 1900 State WnY TAKE less for your furniture? See Russ Bright. Phone 7511. da QIC, REST prices paid. Phon Glenn at Woodr? Auction Market Ph. 6110. da' AUCTIONS COMMUNITY AUCTION WED. OCT. 16th at 10 a.m. As 7 p.m. Household furniture of all kinds. Vege tables, linens, blankets, bedspreads, cooking utensils. linoleums, liquid washing soap, cook stoves, heating stoves. Remember our furniture sale at 7 p.m. on Wed. for the convenience of the working folks. COME. Farm ma chinery, feed, hay. cedar fence posts. Several good lots of weaner Ac feeder hogs. Fat hogs. Buy your locker meat at this sale. Livestock sold at 1 p.m. sharp. Good milk cows As heifers, veal calves, beef stock, horses. LANE SUDTELL'S COMMUNITY AUCTION 1 '1 ml. East of Fairgrounds on Sil verton rd. Sub. Bus Service. dd244 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK 'OR SALE: 4 yr. old half thoroughbred mare. 143 high. 1.000 lbs. Gentle broke. Phone 21800 or 4519. e245 OR SALE 2 Jersey heifers just fresh. J. Buford Brcwn. Rt. 1 Box 268A, Woodburn, Oregon. 14 miles north of Galcm on Salem-Champoeg highway. c244 LIVESTOCK WANTED AT A CANNER COWS for beef. Dairy cows, heifers, bulls, veal, Fat hogs, sows, stags, boars. Mkt. price. E. C. McCand llsh, Rt. 5, Box 373. Ph. 8147. Across from Waters Ball Park, S. 25th. ca269 WANTED: All kinds 01 fat livestock Valley Packing Company Ph. 6935. ea' RABBITS RABBITS, all kinds. Top prices paid. Bring or write Wm. Bossert, Rt. Box 66-B, Salem. Cb269 BECAUSE OF ill health, must sell my entire stock of New Zealand White rab bits. Some pedigreed, all good stock. Phone 8776. Claude Spoon, Rt. 4, Box 388. Wallace Road. eb249 RABBIT prices are up, sell your rabbits to thr Cheiry city Rabbltry. 3405 Cherry Ave. eb2o3 FOR SALE WOOD OVER 3 CORDS dry oak 16 inch $40, You haul. 1670 Broadway. Ph. 4735. ee246' DRY SLAB wood and edgings. Immediate delivery. Phone 6683. ce2! DRY OAK. 2 cd. loads. Phone 24031. ce249' BONE DRY red fir slab. Phone 24031. ee248' CORDS I ft. slab S35.00. Ph. 7376. ee246 TRY OUR drive-in Cafeteria today. Fin est dry wood as little as $1.00 worth or sacks of choice coal. 75c. "Take it with you." Also large loads of dry wood, lli-ln. or 4-ft. You haul. Ready to go Oregon Fuel Co. 3555 Portland road ce262" FRESH CUT SAWDUST, S4 a unit Ore gon Fuel Company, Phone 5533 ee249 WOOD SAWING; R. B Cross. Phone 8178 ee247 SPECIAL: Good dry 16-Inch edgings. Im mediate delivery Double load $15.50 itnele load SB Oregon Fuel Co.. Phonr 5533 ee249 SPECIAL- 55 cord, heavy red (ir slab and Phone 6683 ee25i' edsings WEST SALEM FUEL CO WOOD AND sawdust. Stove oil and dlesei OIL Delivery when promised. Ph. 34031 BONE-DRY mill wood. 16" greeo slab good for furnace. Ph. 7721. ee 1 FT HEAVY slab At 16" mlD wood. Also dlese At stove oils, sawdust Prompt del anywhere Phone 6444. ee' FOR SALE POULTRY FRYERS. TIIONE 22520. Center St. 1244" GRAPES: You pick. Bring 3815 Portland Road. NEW HAMPSHIRE pullets, ready to lu For immediate delivery. Every pullet individually selected. Ph. 2286L Lee Hatchery f lABY CHICKS: Weekly hatches. New Hampshire? and other varieties. Ph 22861 Lee's Hatchery. f CHRISTIE New Hampshire baby chick every Wed Boytngton's, 3710 state. I" CUSTOM DRESSING of chickens, any number Prompt service. Dressed poul try wholesale out specialty Phone 23861 Lee'. Hatchery t PRODUCE APPLES Several varieties. You pick 75c box. Bring box. 280 Brook St. Phone 25482. H245 CANNING tomatoes now ready. Imlah Fruit Farm, , mile on Wallace rd. Phone 22326. ff246 TOMATOES, pears, apples. mi. north Keizer school. Rt. 2 Box 30. Ph. 342-52. ff245 APPLES. Spitzcnberg and Rome Beautys. $1.50 per dox delivered anywhere in Sa lem. Call 24280. APPLES. KINGS A: late Gravenstelns. 50c. 75c As $1.50 a box Also grapes, dirtt As light. 5c a lb. Ernest Anderson Or chard Heights Rd. 1 mi. on wauace no. Bring boxes. f44' FOR SALE Apples. Get your winter sup ply direct from orchard. Red Delicious- Jonathon. winter Banana, sings. i5r up. Ammon Grlce, 3 mU West of Salem, Orchard Helsbu rd. 11353 WANTED HELP APPLY AT the School Administration ol- flee (Ph. -9137) il you are imeresiea in j a well paid secretarial position. The work will be varied, interesting and tenure permanent. 460 N. High. g249' WOMAN to caro for b-months-old child day times while mother works. Ph 42K2. e244 ALTERATION lady needed at City Clean ing Works 1245 State street. Apply 'n person. WOOL PRESSEK needed. City Cleaning Works. 1?45 State. WANTED: FILBERT pickers on shares. Half of what you pick. Cleanup pick ing. Located 9 mi. East on Aumsvllle Cut-off Highway at Shaw's Junction. Geo. Hull. Phone 4294. DELIVERY BOY. full time. Capitol Auto Parts. IF YOU LIKE to draw, sketch or paint. umn. B248' LADY FOR general housekeeping for el derly couple. Light wont. pn. zsmi. B245 WILL SHARE our home free In c.chane sitting with children evenings. 2 wccks out of 3. while parents are at work. Ap ply 145 South 24th St.. off State St. Mrs. Paul Marquiss. 6245 WANTED: COOK for school lunch at Eola. Apply Mrs. Blivcn, Rt. 4, Box 445-F, Salem. 245 GIRL WANTED for part time help. Par rish Food Store. 805 N. Capitol. g246 EXP. LADY for fur repair As alterations. Price's, J35 North Liberty. s' WAITRESS wanted. No nisht or Sunday work. Uniiorms lurnisiiea. r. w. wooi worth Co. e247 WOMAN TO do housework and cooking and care for small boy. Board, room ana wages. Permanent. References required. Phone 9739. g246 WAITRESS WANTED, day work. White's Lunch. 1138 South Commercial. g45" WAITRESS wanted, day work. White's Lunch. 1138 South Commercial g24p" LEADING MEN'S store In Salem desirous of securing capable young man between 25 and 40 yrs. with previous selling and merchandizing experience who Is inter ested in a good starting wage, witn promising future. Write letter of appli. cation, giving age. previous experience, education, etc.. in care of Box No 473, Capital Journal g245 WOMEN wanted at once for work on first or second shift. Apply in person. Ore gon Flax Textiles, 859 7th st., West Salem e245 TELEPHONE operators wanted. No ex perience necessary. High pay right at the start $29 for a 40-hour week while learning. Frequent scheduled increasea three ,ho fiist year. Safe, whole some surroundings . . . vacations with ay. A real opportunity for young women who are looking to the future who wanf a lob that Is pleasant. In teresting and profitable. Do not delay inquire NOW! EXPERIENCED OPERATORS LET US tell you how much you can earn. Call Mrs. Goodwin. Pacific Tele phone As Telegraph Co., 740 State St. g258- OPENING FOR repiesentatlvo of Old Line Life Insurance Co. man of character and financial responsibility. Write Wayue E Hibbard. state met.. 520 Henry Bldg . Portland. Oregon. "2A MIDDLE AGED couple to manage As oper ate apt. hse. Apt., phone, electricity As salary furnished. State qualification'!. Write Box 10, Capital Journal, r24G WOMAN WITH lumber exp. No bookkeep ing req. Apply Teacue Lumber Co.. 355 North Liberty. Phone 7541. S249 LADY FOR general housework. Steely employment, good salary. Phone 4959 after 6 e249 GIRL WITH shorthand As typhis exp. for Ken. oflice work with dependable motor firm. No bookkeeping req. Apply Teacue Motor Co., 355 N. Liberty. Ph. 7001. C249' WANTED POSITIONS WILL CARE for children, any nsc, days in my or your home. Phone 24582. h246 EXPERIENCED carpenter wants repair cr remodel work any type carpenter work. 1327 3rd St. West Salem. Ph. 7659. h248 WILL CARE for small child In my home while Mother works. Hollywood Dist. r-. Phone 21021. h245 HOUSEKEEPING for gentleman or moth erless family, by capable woman. 640 Marlon St., Trailer house No. 2. Sa lem h245 GENERAL carpenter work, also finish. Call at house. 1126 S. 12th. h243 MARRIED MAN wants job on farm with living quarters. Marion J. Chcshicr, Rt. 1, Gervais, Oregon, h245 LOCAL and long distance hauling. R. L. Phillips. Rt 6, Box 118. Ph. 68F22. h267 SCHOOL CHILDREN or mothers with small children to board. Phone 38F14. h246' PAPERIIANGING Exclusively. Ph. 4400. h246 WOOD SAWING. Phone 21583. WANTED Paperhanslng. Call 8745 and leave address. J. Goodscll. h261 CARPENTER, painting, odd Jobs. Hour or contract. Ph. 24413. h244' FLOOR WAXING, wall cleaning, general houscctcaning, lawns mowed and trim med. Work guaranteed. Veteran, 1750 North Church. h.260 RUGS AND Upholrtcrco Furniture cleaned In your home. New process. R,, F, Nohl eren Ph. 21080 after 6 p.m. h254" AUTO PAINTING Just a shade better by Ray Etter. Call Shrock Motor Co B502, EDUCATION IF YOU LIKE to draw, sketch or paint. write for Talent Test (no fee). Give age and occupation. Box 5, Capital Journal. hh248 RAWLINS MUSIC STUDIO Piano and Violin. Phone 25127. hh248 FOR RENT RM. CABIN. 1st house west of Sunny side school. 5 ml. south on old high way. Ray Ball. J244 HAVE COTTAGE 12 mi. out. Some re modeling necessary. Will rent to re sponsible parly if they finance repairs. If interested sec Siefarth at the water office. J246 HOWSER'S RENT-A-TOOL 1132 Edgewater TOOLS OF all kinds. Call 3646 for infor mation. J249 NICELY FURNISHED room, business man preferred. 1143 S. Liberty. J246" SLEEPING ROOM for gentleman. 407 Un ion St. J244- SLEEPING room. 395 N. 14th. AIT. OR ROOM to plumber to install plumbing. Phone 9307. 1244 NEW LOOKING floors at small cost, Kent a Dreadnaughl Sander by hour or day. Western Auto, Ph, 7177. J258 GOOD USED PIANOS H L. Stiff. FLOOR sander for rent. Montgomery Ward. J WANTED TO RENT YET AND wife, no children or pets, need apt. or house. Furnished or unfurn. Salem resident 12 years. Responsible position Sold home when I volun teered for navy service. Please call Bryant at 4171, Ext. 354. Ja218 EMPLOYED girl needs unfurn. apt. im mediately. Box 6. Capital Journal. Ja243 TRAILER SPACE by 2 students Aj parents. - Walking distance of WU As Parrish. State accom. As terms. Write Box 11, Capital Journal. Ja246 VET & WIFE in perm, business desire furn. or unfurn. house or apt. Ph. 4171 Ext. 410, before 5 p.m. or 6317 after 5 p.m Ja248 LOCAL MANAGER of a large company, permanently located in Salem, wishes to ren. a 3 bedroom home in & good district. No small children and no pets. Please telephone 9296. Ja249 WILL EXCHANGE rental of furnished home in Portland lor same in Salem or vicinity. Write P. O. Box 4642. Portland 2. Oregon, or call TAbor 6570. Ja249 S25 REWARD: Want to rent unfurn. 2 bedroom house by war veteran and wife. Employed as druggist. Ph. 6529. Ja249 j (Continued on Page 11)