8 Capital Journal, Salem, Cards Need Bounce From Floor Again St. Louis, Oct. 14 U.W For the lOtlt time in major league his tory, a World Scries went into a seventh game today with the Boston Red Sox 8 to 5 favorites to win from the St. Louis Card inals in the deciding game tomorrow. Those odds were against tradition, for six times in the previous limits scries the National Icheiic came out on top. But v this time they were betting that the Cardinals who have been bouncing off the floor all sea son, couldn't make it. 1'erriss for Sox Joe Cionin, who led the Red Sox to the American league pennant, was going to call on Dave (Boo) Fci riss, his 25-game winner, in the crucial contest while it will be Murry Dickson a righthander rescued from the bullpen, for the underdog Card inals. Tcrriss. the sophomore star who has been the clutch hurlcr fur the Red Sox all season lone, heat Dickson 4 to 0 in the third game played at Bos ton Wednesday. He won 25 games during the regular sea son. Di'.'kson hasn't had the suc cess Kcrriss has enjoyed, but he was a leading figure in the Card inal drive to the National league nennant after a playoff with the Brooklyn Dodgers. His vie torics 14 look a little short acainst those big 25 of Ferriss Dickson's Start But most of Dickson's wins came when the going was rough est after Dyer elevated him to a starting pitcher's role as a re suit of the jump to the Mcxicon league starters Max Lanier and Freddie Martin. He seldom failed his boss after he was promoted from bullpen drudgery, and now Dyer was counting on him to atone for that third game dc feat. 11c allowed six hits and three runs in seven innings before he was lifted for a pinch hitler and during that time made only one mistake he threw a fat one to Rudy York. That Cherokee Indian first baseman met it with a mighty swing and drove the hall out of the park. That turned out to be the ball game. "I'd like to pitch to that guy again with men on bases," Dick son said, after that game break ing blow "He never could do it again." So tomorrow he is going to have a chance to prove that propnesy, lociay Doing Kepi open for tickcl sales. World Scries lickels arc sold only under blocks of three arrangements so when a seventh game is ncccs sary no fans have tickets. Scalpers were anticipating a field day. They took advance orders at $40 for each for the Sfi.25 reserved scats. Warm and clear weather were forecast for the deciding game. The Red Birds kept alive yes terday when Harry (The Cat) Brcchecn, coining up with an other pitching masterpiece, set down the Sox with seven hits to win, 4 to 1. Except for York's triple he would have scored an other shutout. Wnrld Srrlra nxmf VMlfrda (By the United l're.o flos'on uoo nno too 1 7 o fcl. LOWS P03 000 Olx- 4 8 It Harris. Htiahson )3. Johnann tat and partei1: Breclieen and Rice. Lostni pitcher - Harris. Favorites Hold Par As Golfers Hit Semis (Jolfrrs spent 11 free-swinging' wrrUcml on the South River ro;id links with second round piny near the completed stage and semi-finals on the docket for the coming weekend. A roodlcs tournament was held in conjunction with the annual club tournament Sunday. I.loyd Davenport and IMouk Alley lipd in the roodlcs affair. Dnv- enport holed out with a 75. minus 5 handicap, for 38 roodlcs, and Alley shot a 74-4 .ifl. Jack Russell continued to hold up his rating as favor ite in the championship scrap as lie took a 3-2 round from Frank Shafcr. Russell will meet John Gra ham in the semi-finals this week. Championship flight winners: Russell. 3-2; Graham, 1 up; i'.siey, i up; unrigcr. Z up. First fllttht inns: Powell, 2-1; fn , 3 up Si'rond flltiht I up: Htii.. 3-1; Mlkhn. irn, 3-1 : llni t niner-v Mliafei n-2. Tiitrri riiciit winners: Davenport. up: Iimrnm, 3-1: Rncfjue. 1 up. rou i wlit wini Nielwls 1 up; Wise. 3-t: Mi'Crrnry K I in n II. 4 tip. Fifth flu lit ts; mi. ;Mi slit liners Srliv 2-lr Pill. Z, : ,B"rn, '"sin winnrr.s Hoffmiiii. rWaiiH; lt.u;(n. 3-1: Clumiber. 3-1. TiKlith flls hi. winners: Opston. 4-3. Bur fait. Mi Cnmnhell. up; Baldoelc, 2-1 Lome Chabot, famed hockey player, died in a Montreal hos pital recently. ARTHUR MURRAY'S will train You to become a DANCE INSTRUCTOR Ari-s 21-35. 2 years colleuc or (he equivalent of business experience preferred. Earnings $10 to $100 Weekly! $1000 WORTH OF TRAINING FREE! Arthur Murray Studios 155 S. LIBERTY Oregon, Monday, Oct. M, 1946 Old Schools Hold Sfrinos Again in NC 'By the A.-.oriatrd PrrsO Northwest Cunleirnce Willamette C.ill. I'uart Scimid Coll. of Idaho l.infleld I'arlrle .1 nrlthh Columbia ... Whitman II 1 H .0 Willamette and College of Pu gcl Sound, traditionally strong in Northwest conference foot ball, reigned jointly today as early kingpins of the 1946 sea son. In a demonstration of power reminiscent of their great teams in the early 'Ii0s, the CPS Log gers knocked Pacific University from the unbeaten ranks Satur day with a lop-sided 33-0 victory at Tacoma. It was Pugct Sound s first conference test. The Dcarcals from Willam ette breezed to their second straight conference win Fri day in humbling the previous ly undefeated Liuficld stiuad 31-6 at Salem. The victory kept unbroken Willamette's 23-ycar grid mastery over Liuficld. College of Idaho moved out of the conference basement, which it had shared with British Columbia and Whitman, by de feating the Missionaries 14-6 at Caldwell, Idaho, Friday. The British of Columbia Thunder- birds, who made their American football debut a week ago. aught a tartar Saturday in Western Washington of the Win- co league, losing at Vancouver. B. C, 25-0. YMCA Schedule Varies Sports Boxing, wrestling and weight lifting have been resumed at the YMCA and the three activities will be carried on during the fall and winter months. Boxing, with Harry Ewing and Jim Dim- it as instructors, will be pro grammed each Monday and Wednesday night from 7 to 9 o'clock. Paul Wishart and Ray Beard direct the wrestling each Tues day and Thursday from 7 to 8 p.m.. while the weight lifters perform each Tuesday, Wednes day and Friday evenings. Don Duncan and Frank Ward arc in charge. The class has a current membership of' nine. ce Hockey Play Begins New York, Oct. 14 ll'i The American Hockey league begins ts longest schedule in 1 1 years tomorrow night as six of its ten teams swing into action to start the 64-gamc 1946-47 campaign DADS CLUB MEET Dads club members will meet In the senior high school audi torium Monday night at 6 p.m. A varied program will include introduction of area coaches, the Viking football team, and Salem sports notables. It ring the wife! There is no open season this year on Hungarian partridge. Now Buying Filberts and Walnuts Will again buy and receive at the Shryder Truck & Trans fer from Monday to Thursday, inclusive. I'l idays at the Woodburn Fruit Growers' Warehouse, Wood burn. No deliveries on Saturday Phone 4966. II. R. JONES lluycr for Itoscnbeig Bios. & GIRLS! UCLA Appears PCCKing San Francisco, Oct. 14 OP) Out in the clear and setting the pace as a real championship team, the University of Califor nia at Los Angeles Bruins today are a lap nearer the goal that all concerned arc now convinc ed will be achieved a visit to the Rose Bowl. 10 YARDS GAIN FOR OREGON STATE rle HALFBACK LKK GUSTAFSON of Oregon State college is shown rounding right end for 10 yards. Quarterback Bob Rciman blocks (JSC Fullback Dunne Whitehead in front of him. Other USC players l-r) Guard Joe Stall (65), Tackle Jack Musick (75), Guard Mike Garzoni (64). USC players arc Tackle Theo Ossow ski (51), and Guard Paul F.vcrscn (55). Oregon State college defeated University of Southern California at Portland 6-0. (AP wircphoto.) WVL Rare on Upsets As Play Progresses Willamette Valley iUolalla Dallas Silvcrlon ( anby Woodburn Sandy Stavlon Kstacada ilt. AllEcl Friday Results: Molalla 21. Eslacada 0: Dallas 24, Ml. Angel 0; Silvcrlon 6, Sandy 0; Canby 27, Woodburn 0; Sacred Heart 13, Stavlon 0 (non-league). Coming Games: Friday, October 18. Sandy at Dallas. Wood burn at Mt. Angel, Iistacada at Canby, Silvcrlon at Stayton, Molalla bye. Dallas Three of the four games scheduled in the Willamette Galley football league this week might be termed "breathers" Vtilli-v rf til teams, but ihn tail-cndcrs turn ine lames' moves to get out o the cellar. The comiiiR Dallas-Sandy con test, to be the first home game for the Dragons, looms on paper as the most evenly matched fray of the week. In the stand hiRS, the Dallas eleven has two viflories. inuludiiiK their 24 to 0 victory over Ml. Ansel Fri day, while Sanely has a tic wilh Canby and a B to I) loss to Sil vcrlon Friday, which is not too bad a record against two of the loop's most powerful clubs. Games Scheduled Other camps pit Woodburn against the buffelcd Preps of Ml. Angel; Canby's Cougars against Eslacada; and the Foxes of Silvcrlon againsi siayion Victories bv Ml. Angel, Eslacada nr Stavtmi would have to be classed as distinct upsets. The most surprising re sult of last week's play was Canby's 27 to 0 triumph over Woodburn's Bulldogs, champions of the Duration league last year. The out come stamps the Cougars as among the class of the league and the fur should fly when they meet the limits of Molalla on Nov ember 8 or 11. Eslacada valiantly held Mo lalla to three touchdowns Fri- Co. When the Southern Bruins bowled over Stanford's good and previously undefeated eleven Saturday the last vestige of doubt was removed. UCLA may run head-on into unexpected trouble, and undoubtedly will have to go ail out to overcome the California Bears at Berke- s League Standings W L .3 n T Pet. Pf Pa o l.ooo sr. n 0 1.000 30 (I 0 1.000 26 6 1 1.000 66 II 0 .500 19 27 1 .000 0 fi 0 .000 0 52 0 .000 6 4 7 0 .000 0 104 2 0 2 1 1 0 1 0 2 0 J 0 3 it could also be a week where day, but the Bucks marched on with an unblemished record by virtue of their 21 to 0 victory. Dallas showed increasing power in throttling Mt. An gel, 24 to 0, playing reserves through most of the second half. Silvcrlon dented the Sandy goal line but once, but that was good for a win, and the Foxes also held their perfect season's re cord, G to 0. Working on the point system, whereby each win counls two points and a tie one point, Mo lalla is the leader with six. Can by second with five, and Dallas and Silvcrton tied at four each. Pilots Need First Win Portland, Ore., Oct. 14 tU.Ri The University of Portland Pi lots still had their first football game of the season to win today after dropping a 6 to 0 game here yesterday to Santa Clara. sportIhorts Tommy Holmes of the Brook lyn Eagle heads the Baseball Writers' association of America. In seeking 44 pennants. PCL club owners have employed 149 managers. Willip.in Mulligan is business manager of the Portland Beav ers. 1st post 8 p.m. I MILS NORTH CITY LIMITS THE NORTHWEST'S MOST ley this Saturday, but every thing considered, UCLA figures to ramble from here on in. In running up a 26-6 count on Stanford, the Bruins outscored what now shapes up as the sec ond best team in the coast con ference. The UCLA outfit had whipped Oregon State 50-7 and Washington 39-13, a worthy feat in cither instance. The victories are the more im pressive in view of the fact that Oregon State has beaten South ern California 6-0. and Washing ton bounced back for a 21-7 de cision over Washington State Southern California, the pre season championship favorite, struggled to beat Washington Stale 13-7 in the schedule opener. The UCLA-California meet ing at Berkeley rales as the West Coast's "game of the week." California showed im proved power to win from St. Mary's Gaols, 20-13, last week Oregon, 34-0 victor over Mon tana and undefeated in the con ference but less impressive in its victories than UCLA, will take on the visiting Washington State tram at Eugene, the latter a two time league loser. Southern California and Wash ington, each with a win and a defeat in the championship race, meet at Los Angeles. Each won from Washington State, the com parative scores favoring Wash ington by a touchdown. The USC Trojans, for whom such high hopes were held, apparent ly are still floundering in the throes of disorganization. Stanford's Indians should win handily from a Santa Clara eleven which is a far cry from the Sugar Bowl predecessors of some years ago. San Jose State, potentially strong but which has blown hot and cold, travels to Moscow to face the University of Idaho, re turning from a 46-6 larruping from Marauctte. San Jose tied the fast Hawaiian All Stars 19-19 last Saturday. Coast conference standings: w l t pp or u c i. a ' o o "s Oreion 2 0 0 48 13 stsn'ord 1 1 0 SI -8 Wnshtliaton 1 1 0 34 46 Orecon State 1 10 13 SO Southern Calif 1 10 13 13 Wash. Stale 1 3 0 46 34 California 0 10 13 14 Montana 0 10 0 34 Idaho 0 2 0 0 77 PP Points for. OP Opponents' points. A I Rambles, Fans Roar Hollywood, Oct. 14 W) The beefy Hollywood Bears won a Pacific Coast professional foot ball league game from the San Diego Bombers 28-14 yester day, but what the fans were mostly talking about today was a 100-yard .kickoff .runback turned in by Al Waldcn, full back for (lie losers. It was late In the fourth quar tcr when Waldcn took a Bear kickoff on the goal line. Behind splendid interference he darted the length of the field while a sparse crowd of 2500 at Gil more stadium roared. Dayton Takes Opener Dayton The Dayton Union high school football team won from Sheridan here Friday af ternoon in the first game of the season. Final score gave Day ton a 12-0 lead. CALLOUSES Doctor's Quick Relief I You'll quickly forgft you tendertvM on bottom of T your foot when you use ' 1 clothing, cushioning Dr. Medication included for nnccd ily removing callouBM. Get thin wonder-workinn relief todity. Costa but a trifle. Sold everywhere. NIGHT 1 I 1 I f RAH NR Continues DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Located netir interiection of Union and Vancouver Avenuei . . . Direct but aervice: from Portland, 5-minuta aervice from 3th and Stark ltarting6:00 p.m.: from Vancouver, 30-minut ervice from 5th and Main atart. ing 6:15 p.m. Adminion: Grand tand 83c plua tax; Clubhoui $1.2S plua tax. For table reset ration! phone GArfield 5017. BEAUTIFUL CLUBHOUSE Majors Aces Rumole Little In Exhibition "All stars" from the Ameri can league triumphed over a similar aggregation represent ing the National loop in a post season baseball game at Waters field Sunday afternoon, 2 to 1, before 700 fans who sat on their hands during much of the ball game. Floyd Bevens, resi dent of the valley and a mem ber of the New York Yankee pitching staff, got credit for the win, while Charlie Schanz, ex Salem Senator chuckcr and now attached to the Phillies, ab sorbed the loss. Bevens turned the pitching job over to Gordy Maltzbergcr of the Chicago White Sox at the start of the 8th. Although the contestants played like automatons, dis playing little enthusiasm, their performance was up to the best traditions of the game. The nine innings were played in 1:40. The players' share in the World Series this year was the lowest ever. SERVING See Your TAKE A DEMONSTRATION RIDE ON TOMORROW'S GREAT NEW PREMIUM TIRE mr ( I.S10MI ifl 1 If you drive a car, yon should discover what it means to ride on the new U. S. Royal Air Ride Tire. And you can do just that today! Al though the Air Ride has not yet been released for sale, your U. S. Tire Dealer is waiting now to take you lor a demon stration ride in an Air Ride-equipped car . . . waiting to let you experience an en tirely new and thrilling kind of tire per formatted Your first mile on these great new pre mium tires will tell you that here, indeed, is a new kind of driving ease and comfort. You're riding on more air a substantially bigger, noticeably softer air cushion. But that's only the beginning. That sense of control, of smooth, effortless handling, tells you that the Air Ride is a magnificently balanced tire swift, nim AVAILABLE NOW! U. S. AMERICA'S NEWEST At last you can equip your car with true safety inner tubea at moderate coat! The new U. S. Royal Air Guard tube gives you new protection against sudden flats, loss of car control. Ordinary tubes tend to pull away from a puncturing object the hole becomes larger, frequently tears wide open before there's a chance for a safe stop. The Air Guard put more rubber into the critical puncture area rubber under compres' -SEE THESE Walter H.Zosel Comer Chemekela and High Streets Salem, Oregon UNITED STATES RUBBER COMPANY Few Perfect Squads v Ousted on Weekend New York, Oct. 14 That dwindling collection of unbeaten football teams, thinned last Saturday by the fall of such stalwarts as Michigan, Yale, Stanford and St. Mary's, is due for another reduction this week when some of the better all-victorious out fits come to grips with each other. Having met and mastered Michigan 20-13, Army returns to West Point to find its bid for a 23rd consecutive victory chal lenged by a Columbia team that is making a habit of spoiling per fect records. Lions Dark Horse The Lions ran their own vic tory string to three games Sat urday by bouncing Yale out of the unbeaten class, 28-20, just a week after they had put the first blotch of the season on Navy's slate. Texas, which had all it would handle in turning back Oklahoma 20-13 for its fourth win in t row, now must meet the invasion of an Arkansas team which blanked Baylor 13-0 and is unbeaten in four starts, although once tied. Alabama and Tennessee, un defeated favorites in the South eastern conference, collide at Knoxville Both teams warmed up to this one with breathers, Alabama breezing through THROUGH U. S. Tire Dealer Today ble, "light on its feet" responsive to your slightest touch on the steering wheel. Try a sudden stop. When you touch your brakes, the Air Ride stops fast! For it has the exclusive U. S. Royal Brake Action Tread with literally thousands ol sure-gripping, swift-acting tread surfaces to wipe away road film and bring you to safe, straight-line stop. You'll agree there never has been a tire like this before. Building the Air Ride re quires new molds, new machinery, new methods but we hope it won't be too long before the Air Ride is offered for regular sale. In the meantime, see your U. S. Tire Dealer! Stop in today actually ride on this dramatically different premium tire prove for yourself that the Air Ride is the tire you'll want to ride on for keeps! ROYAL OvlGucwcL TUBE d SAFETY INNER TUBE tion. When punctured, this extra rubber squeezes tight around the object keeps air intide where it belongs. The U. S. Royal Air Guard Is a 100 Butyl tube for better air retention, Ies frequent inflation. longer and safer service. Chances are. your U. S. Tire Dealer already has your size in stock. For mfety's sake switch today to new U. S. Royal Air Guard tubes alt around! NEW U. S. ROYAL PRODUCTS AT- Southwest Louisiana 45-0 and Tennessee swamping Chatta nooga 47-7. UCLA which put the first dent in Stanford's hopes for a Pacific Coast conference ti tle, 26-fi. moves in against Cal ifornia, the team that knocked St. Mary's out of the unbeaten ranks in a 20-13 upset. About the only major all-victories eleven that won't be in any immediate danger this week is powerful Notre Dame. The Irish, who routed Purdue 49-6 for victory No. 3, are idle this week, awaiting their invasion of Iowa Oct. 26. Doesn't Take Long St. Louis, Oct. 14 (Pj More than 3000 persons were in line for reserved seat tickets to to morrow'.' World Scries game within five minutes after the last putout in yesterday's game. SCIENCE