i I; u (I 9 I MISCELLANEOUS HI AT 7 mi nami electrically. It'a eon- rtaMDV eieaa. economical. ee us ioi (rat estimates. YEATER APPLIANCE OO. 266 N Liberty a' 0XAVT HAULING. excavation nd road , building, land clearing doier work I dl uJUaa. buement excavation. sand travel, crushed rock, iduod sand, eon f arete mix. cement SAIjEM SAND A GRAVEL OO. 1405 N FRO fTI ST.. ULOL OREGON f Phone 9011 or 11924 a' IFOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ,' ONE :2xS:5. 18 Inch lire. tube. tt I wheel. Also one :25 x 31 tire, tube At wheel. About a cord old fir knous. 640 S. 19th. 11345 NKW LADIES coats sue 42. 1 electric mangle. 1415 N 4th. n245- rUITIKS. Shepherds, terriers, males & females. Salem Veterinary Hospital. Portland Road. 245 FOR SALE or Trade. Spark gas circula tor lor oil circulator. Phone 1092. n245 VE CAN NOW supply the cream separator lor your own particular need. See them at Wards Farm Store, Trade and High 6ts. 1 TABLE CREAM separator. 1 electric churn, 3 h.p. gasoline engine. Ph. 8908. n245 ENGAGEMENT & wedding ring for sale. Price new, guaranteed !300. Will sell for hall price. Write Box 9. Capital Journal "24 PRE-WAR BICYCLE. Ph. 21253. 130 Madrona Ave. . n245- 1 STEWART Warner cab. model radio. 3S; 1 used davenport, $10; 1 rocker, S3; 1 library trable, 15: 2 high chairs. $2. Phone 3056 or 1260 N. 11th St. n24 Ifttlfl GAL. CAS storage tank. D. B. Brown. 3130 Portland Rd. Moran Motel. n245' GOOD USED Bteel furnace with sawdust burner, automatic controls. 1038 Hazel Ave. 11343 LIKE NEW, "Stockllne" baby buggy. J27.50. Good condition. Upright steamer trunk 120. 3545 Portland Rd., first house south of Oregon Fuel Co. n-HJ- -4T)Y'S BROWN ski pants, size 16. Ph. 3372. n3M" WATER HEATERS. Tliermarior auto. elec. MHCHEliL RADIO A: APfblAINUJ!, State at 19th. Phone 7577. n TABLES: Heavy. 3x5 ft. t5 earn. MITCHELL RADIO it APPLIANCE State at 19th. Phone 7577. . i ONE I.ARCE circulating wood heater. 818 S. 25th St. n344 GOOD OIL STOVE. 2263 Claud St. n214 1 S1NBLE BED with springs; 1 dresser with mirror; 1 dining room table, buf fet a mirror, 6 chairs. 90 Falrvtew Ave. Ph. 7687. n243 12 GAUGE Reminston pump shotgun. 4 boxes shells. 165. 2110 University. n244 PERFECT 30-06 Sporter with sling, re coil pad. case As shells. $100. 1395 Pearl St. Phone 8852. nC44 COUPE SEAT covers, never been used. $3.50. Phone 24361. n244 GENE'S BIKE SHOP 1126 EdKrwatcr. West Salem USE!) CUSHMAN motor sconier, new girl's bicycle, 2 used boys' bicycles, side walk chain drive bike. All in A-l shape. Guaranteed. n244 30 H.P. G.E. Motor & compensator. R.P.M. 1765. $350. Ph. 5145. 1244 PANSY PLANTS reaey now. Arthur Plant's Greenhouse. 1293 b. win ei. Phone 4670. 0344 STOVE OIL. dlesel oil. prompt delivery. Barrels available. Geo. Cadwell Oil Co. Ph. 9788 2490 State. n245 POPCORN machine, A-l condition. Ph. 3197. . "243 OLD COW fertilizer by tack or load. Phone 25617. n243 DORS YOUR ROOF LEAK! Use 100 as phalt shingles. Unharmed by any weath r rain or shine. Fireproof. Installed by experienced men. For FREE estimate phone 7177. western auio ouppiy a. n258 INDIRECT floor lamp and torchiera ATTRACTrvE aluminum kitchen step lad ders, and step-on refuse cans. YEATEB APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty SL D.313' SILVER PLATED & brass candle holders, V weather vanes, copper lanterns A signs 7 for sale. Also steel clothesllno posts ' 1146 North Liberty. n262 kava.io RUGS and saddle blankets. Guaranteed 100 native wool. Woven by NavaJo Indians on tneir reservation, ns a nish. Paul Stoner. Phone 608H. n26fj 7x9 USED walk-In cooler, complete with meat ibcks, aueifiuK, i imin-iu uuu.. 1 h.p. compressor. Burton Refrigeration CO.. 3UU fOltiana no. ruuuo uuu smart suits, coats, sweaters and skirts: as well u dresses for all occasions from afternoon to formats. Grand materials and scarcely worn, sizes to 44. r none 4845. anytime. n303 vr.TtnB.ESCENT. .commercial and Indus- ml. east on Macleay Hiway. J. H. trial llahting fixtures for Immediate de livery. Salem Lighting and Appliance Co, Temporary location aaa no. ijioerty, Salem, Oregon. Phone ana. moj MIRRA PIANOS from $395. Terms. See these beautiful spinet style pianos with the tone of a baby grand at Tallman'a. 396 S, 13th. A mil irom Qig a prices. 249 ELECTRIC Pants Pressers, curling and soldering irons. YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 255 N. Liberty St, n243 AT MO RAY'S. OZONE Sell or rent. H. C. Pugh, Ph. 22458. P. O. Box 463. n250 GARDEN sand. gravel, crushed rocs, Shovel St drag-tine excavating. WALL INO SAND AND ORAVEX CO. Ph. SSfll tvE BUY A Mil funmure. tool, stove dtabea motors radios, electrio appli ances, household sooda. KLIO MAN'S 28b N Commercial Phone 9886 n FLUORESCENT Commercial and Indus trial lighting fixtures for Immediate de livery. Salem Lighting and Appliance Co. Temporary location 255 No. Liber.. Salem. Oregon. Fnone imu. nj POWERFUL 8-tube Tropic Master over seas electrio radio. Ideal for outdoors or ooastal location. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 256 North Liberty. n246' r.i-1 1 nn7i Dc. Unit iVfllrilna Jti Machine i ShoD. Independence, aiib .. FULLER BRUSHES. 1745 Grant Ph. 8351 031) YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. L'berty St. 0243 SINGLE and two-burner hotplate. YEATEB APPLIANCE CO 256 N. Liberty St. Q3' FARMERS. Attention Electrio and bat tery fence controllers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty SL n243 INSULATION pneumatically installed Prlc. material, workmanship guaran teed. Salem Rock Wool Co. Ph. 374a 3225 N. Liberty. ' n FARMERS. Attenilon - Portable electric milking machines YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n243 BLACK Lapin fur coat. Size 14. $22 50. Phone 7586. n243' INDIRECT Floor Lamps and torchiera YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty 8L n243' LIMITED Quantity 5-tuoe electric table model radios with wooden case. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St, n243 WALL Type Can Openers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. - 255 N Liberty BL n243 GUARANTEED Forever. Flashlights Quiring no batteries: two and three eeU flashlights, railroad type lantern YEATEP APPLIANCE Ctt 255 N Liberty St. nl3 Metal Tool Chests. YEATEP APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n243 KITCHEN and Industrial Exhaust Fans. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n243' OUTDOOR PorUble Lights tor your yard or driveway YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N Liberty SL n23 ELBCTRIC TOASTERS. $2.10 and $3.85. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N .Liberty Sl 0243' Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FLUORESCENT Kitchen Fixtures and single tube brackets for use near your mirror YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty 8L o243 ELECTRIC Chimes, long and short tubes. mechanical chimes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty 8l n243 SMOOTHIES tor perfect Ice cream. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty Sl n243 FIGURINES and small gltt Item. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty SL n243 ELECTRIC Rcom Heaters, tan. steam and reflector types. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty SL n243 COILED Trush Burners. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty SL n243 TWO-WAY and Intercom Telephone ar.s YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty Sl n243 ALUMINUM Sauce Pans. Well and Tree platters, trying pans, cookie sheets. clothes ham peri. 1 YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty Su o243a PLASTI-KOTE the durable paint with the cellophane like finish YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N Liberty 6L n243 SINGLE and Two-Burner Hot-plates, YEATER APPLIANCE CO 256 N Liberty Sl n243 FARMERS. Attention Wesllnghouse au tomatic eieo. milk cooler, capacity so gal YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty Sl n243' TABLE and pin-tt-up lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty Sl n243a KITCHEN and bathroom light fixtures YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N Liberty SL n343 ELECTRIC desk, mantel and wall clocks YEATF.R APPLIANCE CO 255 N Liberty SL . n243 AUTOMATIC electric sldearm water heal era YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty Sl. n243 GAS REFRIGERATOR. Lang wood range. 1016 Highland. Phone 8363. n243 SPECIAL prices on tulip bulbs, perennial plants. Pembcrton's, 1980 S. 12th. n247 FLORAL SPRAYS, potted plants, etc. Pemberton'5. 1980 S 12th. n247 MYRTLEWOOD gifts. New choice asst. Pembertons. 1980 S. 12th. n247 BEAUTIFUL twelve-tuhe cabinet radio. Excellent condition. Price $65.. 985 Pine St.. or Tel. 5716. n243 CLARINET Ideal for beginner. $45. Li brary and or study table, $7.59. Phone after six. 21484 or 9923. n243 12 GAUGE automatic. Fine condition. Sale or trade for repeater pump. 190 8. 14th St.. Salem. n213 ROLLAWAY bed, excellent condition. 760 N. Church, rear apt. n243 1 1-FT. airplane spruce boat, tine condi tion !1?5. Also small outboard. Phone 5707 n243 ONE WOOD or coal circulating heater. Medium size. Good as new. one mangle suitable for home laundry, apartment utility room or family use. Excellent condition. J. C. Emmons. Phone 8949. n243 GOOD used wood range, colls. 30-gat water tank. $65. Phone 7445. n243 1 VICTOR portable phonagraph, one 25 quart pressure cooker. 1 baby crib and mattress Ph. 24105. n243 MAN'S OVERCOAT. si2c 38. also Fluores cent desk lamp, almost new. 737 D St.. Salem n243 APPLES Spitzenburg. Jonathans, Winter Bananas Golden Red Delicious. Roman Beauty. A. T. Glover, Rt. 2, Box 149. Salem, l' j miles west of Kelzer. n243 MAN'S BICYCLE. $25. 1015 So. 15th. n243 WOOD FURNACE, complete. At your ow price. 1545 N. Liberty. n243 THE FAMOUS Keyston and Buck Stelner saddles are now available. We carry a full line of riding equipment. Ward's Farm Store, Trade and High ts. n214' FOR SALE: Complete layout ot auto mechanic s hand tools including clec, drill, micrometers and tool totter. 160 Hansen Ave n243 GOOD AS NEW wardrobn trunk. Ladles shoes, size 8'i. Phone 8280. n243' SAWDUST BURNER Sz hot water tank As colls for sale. Phone 21058. n243' FOLEY HANDSAW FILER MODEL T"i. automatic handsaw filer. nearly new. Can be seen at A.llen's Hdw. 236 N. Com I. na SLEEPING BAG. curled chicken feathers. Arctic type. new. price $9.00. Wholesale price in lots or eight. $7.00. Wholesale rates to veterans. 713 Court St.. Dallas, Phone 42J. n252 LAWN TABLE A 2 cnaira As presto qut. jars As 28 books La Salle Extension course on salesmanship. Phone 34U14 n243' DECORATIVE and lighted bouse number YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty SL 0243 AT STUD Cocker (Stockdale Town Talk) Fee .$35.00 Also kittens free to good homes. 2604 Hulsey, located off Ra cliff Drive. n243 COAL or briquet circulator. YEATER APPLIANCE Ctt 255 N Liberty SL n243' FLASTIO clothes line, ironing board pad and covers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 25r N Liberty Sl n243' UEAT your home electrically It' con venient, clean, economical. See us tot tree estimates. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty SL n243 DRESS UP your Awnings and outdoor fur nlture wr.h Setfast canvas palnL YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 2b' N Liberty 8l n243 FLUORESTCENT Desk Lamps. Ideal foi student or office. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. liberty SL n343 HEAT YOUR hom electrically. It's con venient, clean, economical See a foi free estimates. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED: Any amount up to 700 ft. of new or used 1 ' to 2" galvanized pipe. Phone 25361. na244 WANT toy or port toy fox terrier. Female preferred. Phone 24969. na243 19n. STANDARD propeller shaft housing. Phone 25352 na243 WANTED: BARKIE telephone poles 8"" to 13" butts. Will buy delivered In yard or on rollwav or slumpage. Saw tim ber aLso wanted Gril and Van Handel, Stayton, ore. P.O. Box 255. na245 WANTED TO buy, old fashioned hand woven coverlets, old glass, china or furniture. Look In your attics or the top shelf in pantry. Write E. Curran. Box 779 Rt. 1. Taccms. Wash., as soon as possible. Be In Salem soon. na244 OLD DISHES over 25 years old. Upstair' Antique Shop. 438 Court St. na260 USED t-'URNITURE Phone 1U EXCHANGE Miscellaneous V1LL TRADE gas for- electric range. Phone 5332. nn244 PERSONAL ARE YOU MAKING frantic long distance telephone calls to suppliers about de linquent orders or delayed shipments? If so it wouldn't cost much more to have an experienced, on-the-spot expe diter to make a personal visit on your behalf. See your representative At give him your personal Instructions before he leaves. Will represent you anywhere between Salem & New York. Call C. E. Wallace. 7820. p244 DIVINE HEALING. Bring your T. B. cases to me, all other ailments. Rev. T. Hey ting. 1103 6. W. 13th ave., Portland. LA 7189 P264 READING: KNOW THE TRUTH. 2361 State P243 ALCOHOLICS. Anonymous. P O. Box 734. p246 PUBLIC STENOORAPHER LETTERS OF all kinds composed and typed Percn&l ones a specialty. Strict ly confidential For ppolntmefl phone 4346. 308 AUTOMOBILES 1937 GRAHAM Cavalier. Good tires. For sale or trade for late model car. Will pay ditf. 2131 Center St. c.345 TO TRADE for cheaper car, 1941 Olds 2 dr. Hydromatic. Call alter 4:30. 170 W, Bush, 1243 litfl CflEV. cpe. Good paint, fair rub ber, good engine, $350. Phone 21235. q245 ft MODEL A 4-door, good tires. $235. 642 Eisewater, West Salem. Cabin 12. 214 22 FT. 'ii Universal trailer. Butane range, oil circulator, sleeps 4. Priced to sell. 2015 N. 4ti). Q2I3 '36 PLYMOUTH 4 dr. sedan to trade for coupe. Richfield Service Station. 2295 Fairgrounds Rd. at Columbia. Phone 9091 between 5 & 9 p.m. Q244 19H5 GRAHAM coupe. Good tires. A-l mechanical condition. See at 81fi 8. Commercial. q244 WILLYS. 1515 N. Commercial. q.243 '35 CHEW, long whlbase, l'a ton truck with 1940 motor. Ray E. Cross. Rt. 6. BOX 284B, h, ml. So. Ol Frultlaild. q243 FOR SALE or trade lor cheap car equity in lot and some lumber Located on bus line close to school and store. Inquire Cottage Cafe, 135 Highway ave. q242 FOR SALE 1937 LaSalle 4-door. 3 new tires. Price below celling. 3280 Sliver ton rd. Ph 9754. q344 WANTED: CAR in good condition. Any kind but would prefer 37, 38 or 39 Mod el. No dealers please. Call after 6:39 p.m. Norman Schroyer, Route 6 Box 37. Salem. (Out 22nd St.) q259 WANTED: GOOD used car, late model preferred. Phone 4547. q259 VETERAN NEEDS car, any model, must be priced reasonable Call alter 6 p.m or write W. Redinger. 2252 Simpson. Salem. q259 CARS NEEDED ANY MAKfc or model. II priced within reason we will buy It. Steven Used Cars 678 S 12th. q259 '36 CHEV. coach, good cond. Cnll Rtter 5:30 p.m. Andy A Klntz, Sublimity Phone Stayton 1828 q2i3 WANTED from private party. '40 or '41 car in good condition. Will pay cash. No dealers. Phone 2-4887 alter 6 p.m. q243 FOR SALE- 1930 Graham sedan. Good .6 6U0 tires $250 1927 Chcv truck flat bed. Motor good Associated station. Hubbard Ph. 3411 qi-i5 WANTED: LATE Model Oar Oy privet party Will pay cash Phone 6380 o' WANTED' TO BUY: Late model trucks: Pickups, panels, flatbeds. loggers and so on Inttrnatiocal dealer James H Ma den Company 3935 Silverton Road Phone 24123. Q -WE PAY TOPS Oet EVERY DIME Tout Car Is Worthl CASH ON rHE BARREL-HEADI "C" SHROCK SALEM'S Oldest Independence USED CAR DEALER ( E Corner Church A Cbemeketa Phone 7923 9 BOATS FOR SALE or Trade Evlnrudc 1 cyl. out board motor. Colts Ace .22 nuto. Want Woodsman. M. Mathers. 1509 N. 6lh, Salem. Ore. Phone fi0"4. qq245 FINANCIAL tVK LOAN on Farm. Residential and Bull ies. Property Will buy mortgage con tracts HA WHINS St ROBERTS DNC 4EALTOK3 QuardlftD Bid r AUTO LOAN! WILLAMETTE CRKUH CO SU) FLOOft- OOARDIAN BLDO License No -M-189 $ MONEY I REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS- e Buy Rev Estate Mortgages aoc Contract STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS Ue 8-216 U-? 163 S KlCb St CASH "NOW" FROM PERSONAL 6th year In Salem We lend money-uickly privately tn men. or wamen. married or single. LOANS $25 TO $300 For home or business on furniture, sal ary, business equipment. On auto $500. Choose any one of our convenient loan plans and repay In 15 months. WE LIKE TO BAY "YES" to loan requests. So tor taster service, phone firfit PERSONAL FINANCE CO 818 State St., Rm. 125. Phone 3191 Lio. S-122; M-165. E. Gallinicr, Mgr. r358 YOUR SURPLUS MONEY WILL EARN YOU 5 PERCENT INTEREST. BUY A REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE, EXAM INE THE SECURITY YOURSELF. MORTGAGES AVAILABLE IN AMOUNTS OF S500 TO $7500. WE COLLECT ALL INTEREST AND PAYMENTS FOR -THE INVESTORS. NO EXTRA CHARGE. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 8. High St. SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4re INTEREST 5 to 40 Years and NO Commission! Leo N. Chi Ids. Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9261 r243' FARM AND CITY LOANS 47, AND 6 rOUft OWN lEHMs ot repayment within reason Caab for Real Estate Contract and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 107 Pioneer Trust Bids. Ph. 7162. r GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS 8-138 and U-3M and ROY H SIMMONS INSURANCE and LOANS 136 8 Commercial St TeL 9168 Directory AUTO BRAKES HIKE PANLK. 275 8. Com'L Ph. 5161 Brake At wheel aligning specialist. 0253 ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING snd bookkeeping Reason able rates Dependable service. Busmen Service. Inc. Uasonio Building. Salem Phone 8727. o APPLIANCE REPAIRS EXPERT BENDIX and commercial and domestic refrigeration service. Ralph Johnson Appliance. 353 Center Pb. 4036 AUTOMOTIVE MARION MOTORS NASH SERVTCK 40 Uhemefceta Phone 7838. BRICK LAYING A. It. KICKS. 2?25 Cherry Ave. CEMENT WORK GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING. Cliff EUls, 1905 N. 19th St. Ph. 4071. 0266 CHIMNEY SWEEP FURNACES. CHIMNEYS vacuum cleaned ENSLEY. 771 S 21st Ph. 7176. 0 DELIVERY SERVICE SALEM DELIVERY and Pickup Service 145 8. Ch irch Phone 4711. 0249 DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS-Remodeling. 1984 State St. Mrs. Armentrout. o266" EXTERMINATORS ARDEE MAINTENANCE CO. Bedbugs, roaches, rats, fleas, moths Pest con trol contract service Materials sold cuaranteed riddance. 825 N Killing, worth St.. Portland 11. Ore Ph. W te ster 3265. o COCKROACH EXTERMINATOR service Ph. 3056 LEE CROSS. 1260 N. 17th 0251 Sretthaupt's for flower Dl' 9195 PUNERAL DIRECTORS ROWELX FUNERAL BOMB Ph 3672 BAGGAGE and apart moving our special ty 1mm attention Salem Moving St Delivery Service Ph 7665. o248' HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R. WA1KINS CO PRODUCTS. 1717 Center St Phone 6396 o250 MUSIC LESSONS SPANISH mod HAWAIIAN Oultar. Mando lin Dial 3 etc 1533 Court Ph 7569 1 MATTRESSES CAPITAL BEDDING. Phone 4069. 0261 PAINTING AND PAPER H AN GING PAPER!! ANGING JERRY JOHNSON. Paoae 349i. Market Quotations Portland Cast Side Todavs active session ot Portland's East Side Fanners' Wholesale Produce market saw best quality packs of north west fruits and vegetables move at stea dy, general prices, aomn items were in surplus. Tomator. No. 1 flat, brought DOc-Jl 25. and brat bushel boxes brought $1.50-2. Tiie tase end of tie speare nicion crop was quoted generally $1.75-2.25 crate. Good jipifs. orchard run. soin sonic fancy lots sold up to S3. 2a buihel oox. Best Concord grapes sold up to $1.40 lug. though the general price was around $1.-1.25. , Portland Produc eirfliow RutterPrlccs to retailer: oraas aa cartons. 91c. AA prints 90c. A prints 87-BOc. A cartons 85-90c, B prints B5-88c. "4 lb cub Vio higher Ens Prices to retailers: AA large. 6ac; A la; b l, 6l-62c; AA medium, S9c; A medi um. 5t-59c; A small, nominal. 44a dozen Chetse Ta retailer in rurtlano ureaur triplets 46-47c lb., daisies 43V4-44ic laf 47-50jO lb. joooers pay ac id. iw Tn wholMftlen Portland Oregon single 50-53c. loaf 51-56C. triplets. 50-52c lb. Portland Wnotrsaie Mret Butter (f o b bulk 68 lb. tubs) AA grade 92 score 86c. A grade 93 score 8lc. B grade 90 score 83c. C grade 89 score 60c. Bultrriat (Tentative, suoieet to imme diate change) Premium quality maximum of 35 ot I percent acidity, delivered In Portland. 85C-I1.16 lb.: first quality 99c lb.: second quality 82-95c: valley routes and country points 2c less than first, or 82-97c. Cheese- Celling price "0 Portland re tailers: Ore. singles 53-55c lb. Ore. loaf 54-57C lb. triplets. 53-55C. Eggs To wholesalers. A large sac-59',-jC dozen, mcd 55-56 '.ic. B grade 43 '.a -45 'Ac Rai bits -Average country Killed to re tailers 43-fOt lb Live fryers, colo'i-d 34c white 13-27a lb Old bucks and does it lbs. and up) 15o lb. Live Poult n Live Chiclrens No 1 broilers 3-4 lbs 38-40c fryers 2-3 lbs 40c Colored hen 30-31c. Leghorn hens 3'i lbs. and over. 24-2Gc. under 3li lbs. 18-19C. Roosters and stags 15-19c. Dressed Chickens To retailers: Spring oroilers 3 tbs up 62c lb. colored hens 37c Leghorn fowl 32c: old roosters and tag 28c Frub Veaetnbles Bean Call t 17c lb Mld-Columbl B'u Lake. mid-Columbia and Walla wlla DIRECTORY EXPERT paperhanrlDg. B. J. Wool worth. Phone 3015 o SAND A GRAVEL GARDEN SOIL, crushed rock. Shovel At dragline excavating Walling Saod & Gravel Oo Phone 8581 o SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED KENNETH IIAMEL, 1143 8th St.. W. ti 1cm. Ph. 7404. Guaranlrcd service. o267 CESSPOOL Septic tanks. Ph. 8745. o2i8 KOTO-ROOTER SEWER SERVICE Sew ers and dra'.na cleaned Free estimate Prompt service Ph 6327 0 TRANSFER AND STORAGE LOCAL A DINSTANCE Transfer atorage Burner oiLi coal, briqueu Trucks Portland dally Agenc Lyon Van Lines for household goods to California points Lirmer Transfer At Storage Pb. 3131 o VACUUM CLEANERS ELECTROLUX Sales At Service At Repairs. Limited amount of new machines avail able. Office 175 S. High. Ph. 6088. 0262 FREE Inspecttjn to your home, author rod Hoove 1 service We service all make? f cleaners. -Hogg Bros Ph 9149 o WEATHER STRIPPING WELL DRILLING J. A SNEED Si Suns Well drilling 2505 Brooks St. Salem Phone 6809 o2nP WELL DRILLING M D Enioe- Rt 0 Bos 321-L. Salem. Ore First house ou.t of Swegls school Ph 34267 a WINDOW CLEANING 4CMB WINDOW CLEANERS. WiDdowi. floors, woodworg oleaned Pb 3337347 Court St Lanndoe At Culbertsnn 0 PROFESSIONAL CLEAN INO SERVICK Phone 4457 0 Lodges A SALEM LODGE No. 4, AP. & VSyA-M., Wed., I gree, 7:30 p.r Oct. 16, r. 4J. ae- 245 LEGAL . IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOB UMATILLA COUNTY: In the Matter ot the Person and Estate of Norman L. Knowlrs. a Minor. NOTICE OP GUARDIAN'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Notice is hereby given, that Ralph Knowles. ruardian ot the person nri estate of Norman L Knowles. a minor, will sell. 011 or alter the sixteenth day of October. 1946. In the county ot Umi tilla. state ot Oregon, to the highest and best oldder. and upon the term and conditions hereinafter mentioned, it private sale subject to confirmation oy said county court, the following describ ed real property belonging to the esta'.e of said minor An undivided one-half Interest tn Lot 10. Block 3. Cnnltola, County of Marlon. State of Oregon. Terms and conditions of sale: Cash, in United State lawful money, upon deliv ery of the deed of fa Id guardian, and after confirmation at sale by said county court: deed at expense of purchaser. Bids and otter must be In writing and may be left at the office of Mr John E. Wa.ker. attorney for said guar dian, or may be delivered to said guar dian personally, or may be filed witi the clerk of said county court, at ny time after the first publication ot th' notice and befor the making of said sale. Dated September 11. 1946 RALPH KNOWLES Guardian ot the Person and E.s'-ate of Norman L Knowles, a Minor. JOHN E. WALKER. Attorney for GiiBrdtan. Hermiston. Oregon. Sept. 16 23 30- Oct. t 14 Child Star's Salary: S2500 Weekly (Pi Margarctr O'Brien, nine-year-old film star, and her mother, Mrs. Gladys O'Brien, look over Margaret's new movie contract which provides for a salary of $2500 weekly. The contract won court approval, neces sary in the signing of film minors. The O'Briens are shown at Santa Monica, Calif. green and wax 9-10o lb. Oregon Qtentt 10-120 lb Kentucky Wonders 8-10c Shell beans $1.50-1.76 30-lb- Lug. Wax and Blue Lake 8-loc. Reels Call! 80-850. local 60-90fl doien Krorcoll $1.50-1.65 lug. Cabbage Lcca' round type, $3.40-3.65 Carrots Local, bunched. S-doa. erat 33-3.26: California $4.50-4.75. Cauliflower Local No. 1. $2-3.38: Beet le No 1. $3 6G Celery California S for sturdee erate Labish. Milwaukie $2-2.25 crate; blanche. $2 75-3; Hearts. $2.-3.25 dot Corn Ctllf $4 75-$5 crate 1 doten Idaho 70-75o dozen Vale $1.75-$2. Local No. 1 $1,25-2 IB; No. 1 $3-2.25. 6-dti. box Dill 20-25O lb Cucumbers SHrers 18 lb. fists. $1.60. Erplant Seattle No. 1. 12.50 Orange boxes, $1.75-2 Garlic Oregon 20-25o lb Lettuce Local, dry pack. $1.75-2 per 4 doz. Onions Wash, dry No. 1. $1-1 3! 90 ib sacks; Idaho, while. No. 1. $1.50-1.65: large. '1.85 yellow Spanish. $1.20-1.35: Oregon pickling onions. lOo lb. Parsley Local 15-SQo dOM Peppers Green Calif. 35-lb crate 3. 50-75. Mid-Columbia 13-lb. flat 81c: 10-ib. !.; red, flat $1.75; chill. $1.65 $1. flats Potatoes Washington Russets, $2.50 2 75: 50 lbs.. No. 2. 9fl-95c; local long white. J2 65-2 75; Klamath Russets. No. 1, $2.75-2.85. Deschutes. No. 1, $3.75-2.85. Pumpkin 3'i-4c lb. Radishes Local rea 80-90e dot bunches Rutabagas New crop Wapato $1 76-63 so-Ib sack. New crop Cola $2 SO-lb sacx Spinach Local new crop $1.90-$2.10 JO lb box. The Dalles new crop $1.85 orange box. Sprouts Local to $2.50. box Squash Zucchini 50-65c flat. Crooked Nerk. Scallop tl-$1.10 flat. 14-lb haked $1 25-45 35-lb pear box 13 75-J3 Danish. Iur. $1 35-1 40 Sweet potatoes Calif.. 50 lb. basket. $3.75-3.90; yams, 50 lb.. $3.60-3.75. Tomatoes Local IB-lb flat. No $1.15-1.35; California wrapped $3-3.75; re packed. $4-4.25: Washington, II. 40-1. 50. Turnips Runrhea. idano II $1 1U dosen Topped $3 for 50-lb sack Yams Louisiana $3 25-3.50 crate. Fresh Fruit Anplrs Yakima Delicious wrapped an packed, comb box $4.50-4.73. Jumble 10s 13 40: Hood River Spitz face-till box $1 75 2.00; Yellow Newtown $4.35 Winter Ba nanas 2.90: Ortleys $3 60 box. Jona than fA'f $3.40 H. R Delicious $3.H5 tumble box Yakima Wlnesaos $4 49; Astra ehan 40 lb $4 40. Marvhllle Wash dl trlct Transparent $1.50-2 face lug: Red Delicious, wrapped and packed, $4.50-4.75; loose. $3-3 50 Avotadn Puerto $4 36. choice $3 19 $ fancy $4-4 26 30-3P flats. Calit Dickin son all sizes, $4,50-4.75; Itzimas, $4.73 5.75. Bananas PSic-lOe fb cut bands. erta extra Cantalnupes Speares, $235-250: Dil- lards. S275-3. Melon Honey dew. Jumbo flats, $2. it crate. Casahas Crate $2 50-75: bulk 4c lb Cranberries Oregon 25-lb. boxes, $8. lb 1.00 Grapefruit Calif, large $5.50-6.75. small $3. va case. Texas pinks $5.10, white $4.80. Cochells $4,95 case: Cuban, all sizes. $8 8.50. Florid pinks, larger. $7.50-8; small $6.75-7.25; white larger, $5.90-5.75; small $7-7.25. Grapes -California Thompson seodie $3,75; Rlblers. $3.75: local Concords, lugs; $1.50; Tokay. $2 65-2.65 lugs; Lady Fingers. $4-4.25: white Malagras. $3.25. Lemon California, sizes 252-300. and 360. $7.65-7.90: 432, $6 50. Limes Tubs 01 8 20a 25c. Honey Dew Melons Jumbo flat $2-$2.Ht Wapato 36-45 ll R5-$2 Cranshaws 12 36 2.75; casabas, $2.50. Orajisei oiliiiu Calif. IS 09. PI t and up to $6.14: Valenctas. all sizes. 16.65: Pears Bartletts, como pack IS-lb ku z.a-2.35; Mealord wrapped and packea $5-5.25: Hood R.ver. $4-4.75: orchard run $1.75-2 Yakima W At P.. $4.25: D'AnJou 14.75. wraiped and packed boxes: uou wrapped and packed. $4.25; loose 13.25. 3.50; Hood River D'AniOU, $4.60-4.75. Pineapples curinn 1 Pomegranates $2.75-2.85 lug. Meal Country 61 eats Rollback prices to re tailcrs: Country Killed nog. oit du tenet uu-hq 10s lB-ivvfco lb vealers AA 13Wc A 31' B IS1. S 17-170. CUllS 12-160 lb Beer AA a like, A 20Ak B 18c oanners cutters 13Vi-14o Lambs AA 26a A 24Uj B 240, O 20o lb Ewes FS 1 3 'Ac U 1 2c K 1Q0 Veal AA 36-380. A 24-260. B 33-340 ib aull 18-200 Hogs Fancy block 27-380 lb. Block butchers, packer style, 165-213 lbs. 33 Si over is 10s. snipper style 172-334 lbs 21 "4 over ids. Lambi AA 28 UC. A 26-28e. B 14-2Ba ih Mutton Fancy A 10-lio according tf quality and wtlght. Beef AA 28-20c A 26-38, B 23-2&0, C 21-22c canner-cutter bulls l8-20o lb. Caseara Bark Green 8-8 40. dry Sue lb Wool Government control Mohair 40o lb. on 12-moa growth. Hay Wholesale moment: Alfalfa. No a or better 3l-$32.60 Oats-vetch mixoc hay. valley growers price 1 19-$31 elovei hay $I9-$22, baled on farms. Hides Calves 20-24& green oeel 100 m old 16c Green culls 60 Ib. Hops Normal contracts: 1044 I6e up 1945 760 lb. 1946 65c 194" 60 & Nut Distributors' Best Chestnuts Local Italian 30c lb. Almonds Calif 33-35c lb. Filbert 100 lbs. Bar- Do Brtx lonae Cfalllye Nutt (New Crop) 'umbo 34-35'ic 34-360 34c Large 28 1 a-30c 26-31c 34-35 Fancy 25U-260 23',a-24o 29',i-31c Baby 24-30o 29c Walnuts Franquettes No 1 Jumbo It 36c. largo 33 34c. med. 31c, baby 24 Vie ib No. 2, Jumbo soft shells 34&c large 12c. med. 29VaO. Portland Grain Portland. Ore., Oct, 14 (JPf Wheat fu tures uiumotrd. Cash grain: oats No. 2-38 lb. white 63.T0. Barley No. 2-45 lb. 63.25. Cash whrat (bid): soft white 185: soft wiilir (rxcluding Rex I 1.83', a; white cli:h ISiV western red 1.85'i. Hard rrd winter: ordinary 1.85'i ".! 10 percent 1.87; 11 percent 1.91; 12 percent 1.97. Hard white Bsart: 10 percent 2.28; 11 percent 2.30. 13 percent 2.32. Tniiav's car receipls: Wheat 48; barley 22. oats 7; hay 5; millfeed 6. Portland Livestock Portland, Ore., Oct. 14 U'j fUSDA)- Chiang's Troops Drive in North Peiping Oct. 14 (IP) Govern ment forces striving to clear the railroad between captured Kal- gan and the Great Wall captured Hwailai after bmer street fight ing and marched unopposed through two smaller towns, frontline government dispatches reported today. Other troops driving north westward across Jehol province seized the rail and highway hub of Dolon on the Jehol-Chahar border 13 miles north of Kal gan. The communists, however, clamped a new siege on long belabored Tatung in northern Shansi, south of Kalgan, and had the Hopei provincial capi tal of Paoting effectively iso lated as fighting flared along 90 miles of the Peiping-Hankow railroad. Communist capture of Yuan- shih, 20 miles south of Shih- chiachuang. was acknowledged. Heavy fighting with consid erable casualties was reported at Kaopeitien, 45 miles south of Peiping. The communists were destroying railroad bridg es and carrying the rails into the hills. The communist radio at Ye nan, while admitting loss of Kal gan insisted yesterday that "Chi ang Kai-Shek can never clear the railways or highways, be cause "his frontlines are too far- flung and will become more so with all-out civil war." By taking Kalgan, the broad cast said. Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek "militarily and politi cally h:.p swallowed a bomb." Stock Quotations (By the Associated Press) New for (At ilieo Chem At i today ..159 .. 81 T4 .. 12i ..nnT .. 37'i me r lean Can .... m Powei it LKht ... trier l ei A rL nacondk Copper tchisob Sendts Aviation rlethleherr steel ...... Boeing Aircraft ..... Jallfornta Picking ... Janadian Paclflo J 1 Case Jhryoer Corp Commonwealth A Booth ConsuIlOaicO EdLSOD Jonsoiidated Vultee Continental insurance Ironn ieilerDscb , Jurtiss Wrtgni Jougias Aircraft ... . Jupont de Nemouri .... ienera. Eieciri Jeneral Poods lenerai Motors ieodjear rira Jreat Northern ofd Internationa; Harvester Int Papei pld tohns Man vine Kennecott . ......... uons Hell A tlavtag tia mi Copper Montgomery Ward ash Kelvinstor National Dairy H y Osntial J or tit Am Co ' Northern Paclflo ' Pac Amer Fish ' Pacifio Gas Eleo ' Pactflo r A T. ' Pan American Penny t. C... . rtadio Corp. Rayonier ttayonier Pld .......... rteynoids Uetals ..182 ,...50i .. 57'i .. 44 xi ... 74'. .. 45 son .. 10 'i .. 11 ...10 .. i4(; ... 37 .. 30 i ..124 .. 14 1 .. 46 'i .. 10 ... 27 'i ... 2.i'i ... 37i 15'i ... 41 ...37 ... 55 ... 14'j ... 20 'i ... 11 "k ... 21:' ...110' -i ... KBS ... 21'i ... 69 "i ... 187,i ... 25 Jalewsy . ......... Sears Roebuck jinclan Oil Southern Paclflo Standard Brands itandard On Caiit Stewart arner iiuaebagei iun Min.ug Jnioo On ' Jo ion Pacifio Jnued Airline Jolted Aircraft United States Steel arner Brothers West Elec. Ufg Oo .... Woolwnrih Richfield Cattle: salable 1200, total 1950: calves lable 27.), total 300; market rather slow and uncertain, but most sales steady to strong: some medium-good cattle 25 cents higher; several lots and few loads medium-good steers 15.30-18.50; one sort ed load 19.00 and tew head sorte.d from how lots up to 20.00; common grades down to 12.00; common-medium heifers 11.00-15.50; good heifers 16.50-17.25, odd head 18.00: canner-cutters less active. mostly 8.00-9. SO; fat dairy type cows 11.50; medium-good beer cows 12.00-14.00, few 14.25-50; good beef bulls 13.00-00: common - medium sausage bulls 10.50- 13.00: good-choice vealers strong to 50 cents higher at 17 00-50. few lfl.00. Hoes: salable 100, total 625; market ictivr. steady, all slaughter classes in eluding sows 17.20: good-cholec feeder PiKd 20.00-21.00. Sheep: salable 1800, total 3600; market slow, fairly steady with late last neck. .some unsold; good-choice shorn lamos largely IE. 00; one large lot early 18.30; good-choice shorn lambs mostly 17.50 will early top 18 00; common grade down to 14.00; good ewes 8. 00-50; culls down to 3.75. Chlcaio Livestock Chicago, Otto, tf4 ip USDA Salable hogs 1.000, total 1,800; steady; all good and choice barrows and gilts as well as sows and stags cleared early at 16.25, i he cmllng; very few good and choice On r rows and gilts in run. Salable cattle 6,500, total 6,500; salable calves 800. total 800; fed steers and ea tunas, yearling heifers and beef cows ib-bu cents higher; active at advance: practically everything selling on eastern shipper account; top steers 20.25, yearling heifers also bringing the price; bulk slaughter steers 18.25-20.25; good west rrn srass steers to 19.75; western grass nrurrs to 18.40 and grass cows to 17.35. Salable sheep 6.000, total 6.500; slaugn- ur lambs active, strong to mostly 50 crnts higher; top 21.00 for several loads and dcks good and choice natives; good to cholc-i wcMcrn lambs carrying medium end 20 25-20.50; medium to good natives and westerns 17.50-20.00; common throw. on it 14.00-15.00; shorn yearling steady; deck medium to choice 16.50; 20 head common out at 11.00; early sales common to medium shorn slaughter ewes about steidy a'. 8.00-9.00; bidding around 50 cents lower on good to choice kinds; best held above 10.00 Salem Markets Complatea from reports of Salem jeAlers for the guidance ot Capi tal Journal Reader. (Revised dally.) Retail Prlees Rabbit Feeds PeUetJ. 31.05 ewt. i;l Mash-14 50 cwt. Ilairv Feed 13.70 cwt. Pnullry Heavy colored hens. No. 1 30c Ib. No. 2 !oc. Colored fryers, no, i, oo id. Csss- Btjyere Price- White eno Brown, extra urge trade A 57c. med, 63 c. atanaara1 50c dozen. Wholesale price Large 62a dozen, med 68c. standard 55c. Buller Wholesale. A 89e. Retail Grade A, 95c. Bulterf at Premium. 96e; No. 1, 15c; No. 2, 91c. Journal Want AdS Pay Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, Oct. 14, 1946 18 MacArthur Orders Less Meat Eating Tokyo Oct. 14 Gen. Douglas MacArthur today or dered a general tightening up on moat consumption by all U. S. army personnel in the Pa cific in the face of the sharp meat shortage in the United States. The action was taken to con serve stocks now on hand. Ma jor commands were ordered to enforce rigid restrictions on the amour. of fresh, smoked and canned meat rationed individ uals. Assert Krug Barnstorming Seattle, Oct. 14 W A repub lican charge that Secretary of Interior Krug was on a '"politi cal barnstorming tour" of the west in an army plane drew only scoffs from the secretary on a week-end visit here. Krug, on his third visit of the year here, and his party left in their coast guard plane late Sat urday night for the east after he addressed a public power rally Saturday afternoon. The charges were made by Rep. Clarence J. Brown of Ohio in Washington. 'Good, effective, efficient government administration is, in my mind, the soundest politics," Krug said. "If that is what Con gressman Brown had in mind by political barnstorming, he is ex actly right ... If that elects every democratic candidate, I will be very pleased with my contribution.'1 At the rally, he endorsed Sen. Hugh B. Mitchell (D., Wash.) who seeks re-election. And ex pressed support of a proposed Columbia valley authority. Lebanon Pedestrian Killed by Auto Lebanon. Ore. Oet. 14 W) Carl B. Marklcy, 61, formerly of Bremerton, Wash., died last niRht in the Lebanon General hospital of injuries suffered in a traffir accident on the San- liam highway east of the city limits. Citv police said W. H. Bacon, Jr.. told them he saw Harkley step onto the highway Saturday night. He swerved his automo bile to avoid the man, hit a taxi- iab bound in the opposite di rection and bounced into Mark ley, polict said. There was no arrcl. MarliU'y came here from Bre merton two months ago to be come nitilit watchman at a ply wood mill. Survivors arc the widow in Lebanon and a daugh ter in Detroit, Mich. The body will be sent to Detroit for bor ial. Herman Sperling Monmouth Funeral services for Her- who died in a Salem hospital as the re sult of an automobile accident south of here, will be held Troin the Smith fun eral home, Independence, at 10 a.m. Turs- l.sier oi i n or jr line nee, oiiicirmhk minis ter. Interment in Belcrest Memorial park, Jessie Belle Stephenson Monmouth Jessie Belle Stephenson was born January lfi. 1863, In Mercer county, Indiana, and died In Monmouth Septem ber 30 at the aiic of HU yenrs. She mar ried David M Bihland In Kansas, Septem ber 11, 1888, moving to Oregon In l!):if. Her husband died some yenrs ago. She is survived by four of their five chil dren, Kathryn. Bntha L.. Dale M and Virgil L as well as a sister. Mrs. Arandn Davis of Albany. 12 grandchildren, elgnl great grandchildren and a number of nieces and nephews. Today and Tomorrow is your " Sidneys. Along with 21 other acts now showing with the Polack Bros, circus for the Kiwanis club underprivileged children fund at the Leslie junior high school auditorium. Matinee at 4:15, night shows at 8:15. Take the South Commercial bus to Howard and Cottage. Yes, a circus can be staged indoors. That is well demonstrated by the great variety of acts that arc performed by tl.o Pnlark Rrnc nrfivU ar-fnr. c-lowns and other Performers. 'including the musical horse. Record Spurt in Wheat Futures Chicago. Oct. 14 U.R Wheat futures spurted to record highs today while corn and oats lost on the board o trade. Oats, however, recovered in the last dealings and finished V to l' cents higher. Wheat was to 2-1 higher and barley gained 2 V-i to 3 ', j cents. Corn was unchanged to down Va cent. January wheat at $2.09 wag top for any delivery since 1920. March hit S2.05 and May $1.09 'A before profit taking cut the peaks. Buying was encouraged by pending flour ceiling action. Wheat opened unchanged to 'i cent higher. Flour mill pur chases and shorts uncovered limited scale-up offerings and prices leaped. Reports from southwestern slates discouraged talk that wheat prices would cause larger grain offerings. Although crops were helped by rain, muddy roads hampered shipment. Corn rallied to become ner vous after opening mixed, up ','4 to down cent. Traders await ed President Truman's decision on meat control. A commission house sold March corn while professionals unloaded other commitments. A liberal corn ac cumulations was reported over the double holiday. Oats opened unchanged to Vi higher and followed a narrow pattern. Intermittent war has gone on for centuries between the Chi nese and the Lolo tribesmen ot southwest China. Births, Deaths Birth Irvine To Mr. and Mrs. Melvln Trvinj nf Monmouth, a son, Randall Clark, Oct. 10. Silvcrt on To Mr. and Mrs. Freddie f.ong. A son. Friday. October 11. b Silverton hospital. Grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Maelll and Mr. and Mrs. Al hert Long. The new arrival also hai four great grandparents. Silverton To Mr and Mrs. noy Good, a son, Oct. 13, at Silverton hospital. Deal ha Bertha Doris King At the residence, at mute S. Salem. October 10. Bertha Dons King, at the age of 21 years. Wife of James Ft. King of the U.S. army: daughter of Mr and Mrs. Christian Kihs of route 3. Salem; und sister of Ernest Kills and Henry Kihs. both nf Hines. Oregon. John Kins of Cave Junction, Frederick Klhs of Roherts Sta tion. Anna Janney of Phoenix. Ariz., and Edward Klhs Mabel and Betty Alice Kfh and Mamarct Bowman, all of route 3. Sa lem Announcement of services later by the W. T R Is don company. Mrs. Miiaheth Wait Mrs. Elizabeth Walt, nt the rrsirVn-e l.MO North 19th street. Survived bv diuu liter. Mrs. Genrie D. White ot da lein; two sistr-rs. Mrs. E A. Strnson ot FliekreiiH. Oregon, and Mrs. J. 11 Nr ni It li of Port in nd: n bi o! her, Jolin rf of Alsca. Oiejon: and n untmld'ii- t . Mt:is Unrnthy White of Silem. Berv : 1 will be held Tuesday. October 13. at i ;10 p.m. nt the Clnush-Bnrrkk cotnpnnv w.-ti Rev. W. Harold Lyman oiritintiiu. Inte meut will be in Belcrest Memorial par'c. .Mrs, Sarah A. I.owry Mrs. Sarah A. Lnwry, at the rcMdcnce. 15111 South Hiah street. October 12. Sur vived by fie step-children. Mrs. Ehcna Hor-ers of Trosky Minn.. Mrs. Addic Har rison of Watcrvliet, Mich., Mrs. La lis Faulkner of Tmard. Orecon, Frank Lo ry of Alsra. Oregon, anil Mrs. Althca Wiliu'l of Salem; a brother, Eben Eisen linuer ot Belfast. Maine: and a sister, Mrs. Clara Hamburgh of Klrklnnd. Wasit. Services were held Monday, October 14. at 3:3 pin. at the Clom;li-Barrlck chapel wiih Itcv. Joseph Knoiu off lcialiug. In lennenL was in the City View cemetery. Kvr Harris (K. H.) Kennedy At the residence, route 3. box (tiA, Sa lem. October 12, Evry Harris i E. H.I Kennedy at the age of 54 years. Husband of Elma Kennedy; brother ol Mrs. Chat lot le Hardslt-y, Tacoma. Wash.; uncle .f Mrs. A. P. York and John C. Bardsley. both of Tacoma, Wa.sh. Member of BPOB 33ti, the Shrine, American Legion and 40 et 8 and of St. Paul's Episcopal church. Services will be held Tuesday, August IS. at 11 a.m. at St. Paul's Episcopal church with Hev. George 11. SwUt officiating, isntombment at Mt. Crest Abbey Mauso leum. Direction W. T. Rlgdou company. Infant Smith In this city October 12. the Infmit, son of Mr. mid Mrs. Herbert V. Smith of Mnn mouth. Announcement nf service later by the W. T. Rigdun chapel. last chance to see those celebrated