10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, Oct. 12, 1946 FOR SALE HOUSES 12' A. 5-RM. BUNGALOW, Garasc. Barn, Poultry House. Family Ft. Paved Rd. Beautiful SHADE. 1 Cow, 1 Horse, Equipment. Hay. 17.500.00. tOA.-MOD. BUNGALOW, plastered, lull 'basement, elect- gas. barn, en race. -Beaver Dam land, wood lot. all CHOICE well drained land. (8.500.00. t-A. 5-RM. Bungalow, elect., pressure wa ter, fruit, choice land. Close In. 34. c 200. 00. DUNN REALTY EXC, Woodburn. Oregon ''884 North Paclflo lllway. Ph. Main 13fi a242 BV OWNXR. Modern home, large rooms, oak firs., bevel plate glass oak door3. full basm't.. oil furnace. 2 porches. i cement garage, cement driveway & fir. Cherry ii walnut trees, shrubs. Close In. - Offering for ohort time only. Ph. 24777. a244 WHY RENT7 tWO BED-ROOM Homo for sale by own er. Call evenings 240 West Wilson St. REASONABLE. A24H SACRIFICE MODERN fl rm. home, English type, fire place, hdwd. floors, auto-oil heat, full basement, nook. dble. sarane, lsc lot. many trees, quick possession. Owner leaving city. Price $11,000. Call O. H. Grnhenhorst, Jr. with - GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-2948 n242 FAIRMOUNT HILL HOME 7 LGE. ROOMS with den, 2 fireplacei. hdwd. floors thru-out. basement, oil hrat. immediate possession. A REAL FAMILY HOME. Price (15.000. Call O. H. Orcbenhnr.st, .Jr. with ' GRABENHORST DUOS., REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-2948 n242 WALNUT PARK HOME MODERN 2 bdrm. home, hdwd. floors, auto-oil heat, outside fireplace, pittlo. beautiful yard. Owner leaving city, Price $15,000 Call Dale L. Shepherd with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. aJ42 S. SALEM NEW, 5 RM. home, full basement, dec. heat, hdwd. floors, outside fireplace, enrage A nice home. Price $12,600. Call Richard E. Grabenhorst with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 B. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. a242' McKINLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT MODERN 6 RM. home with auto-oil heat, fireplace, hdwd. floors, clec. h.w. heat er, utility rm., garaite, nice yard, out alde fireplace. COMPLETELY FURN ISHED. $13,000. Call Cob urn L. Grabenhorst with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 & Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 7772 a242 fl.OOO. 2 IIDK.M. hse., unfinished, city water and sas. Tills is liveable, don't miss this. ' OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 045 8. Com'l. St. Pii. 4590. Eve. 21000. 624V S9.500. 3 BDRM. home lit Kcizcr Dist. L.rm., D. rm., kitchen with a lot of built-tna. Just reocc. large garugc with room above, all kinds of fruit, beaull Xully landscaped. Priced for quick sale. . ! OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 045 a Com'L Bt. Ph. 4590. Eve. 21090. 0244 1 BDRM. home north in good location 'With extra lot, closo to school Ac bus. '1mm. Poss., call R. Maddy for more Information. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS JJ45 8. Com'L 81. Pll. 4590. Eve. 21090. , n'J44 W.OOO. It BDRM. home East. Fireplace, V. 'blinds, large L.rm. 1mm, Pass. Owner must sell. This Is a quick sale. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS D45 8. ComX St. Ph. 4590. Eve. 21000. ,X2U 40.750. Z HI) KM. home East. Room lor 2 more. Thia home is in a very wood lo cation. Bus in front of door, full base ment largo lot, all kinds at fruit. Almm. Poss. Just redec. by the best In town. Scu li. Maddy lor more inlor t mallou. . OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 45 8. Com'l. St, I'll, 4590. Eve. 21090. n244 "HI,IHI, a mRM. home East witiTT a c re, hwd, floors, V. blinds, oil heat. flee, 'stove. This can bo tract into lots. Owner 'leaving town, OLSON AND KKEVE, REALTORS 845 8. Com'l. St, i'h. 4590. Eve. 21(190. n244' f),750. BDRM. homo north. L.uii., O. ,rin.. kitchen will) nook, just redec. lull .bairn I., with sawdust heal, owner leav ing town. , OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 04b 8. Com'l. St. i'h. 4MI0. Eve. 21090. U244' 2 UDUM HOME in best locution, hwd. firs, thru-out, fireplace, V. blinds, dec. water heater, lots of bulR-lus, full basement, bcautilul yard. Jual redec. '1mm. Posa., closo to tirade A; high achool. See B. Maddy lor more Infor mation. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 845 8. Com'l. 81. Ph. 4590. Eve. 21000. n244 MAKE AN OFFER MODERN If rma., base., fnrnncr, hdw. fir., fire pi. East front. North. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Ph. 7113 atMI SMALL AIT. House. Close in. Terms. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 1728. Liberty Ph. 7113 a2!2 fOR SALE: 8 rooms A; Bath. Garage & Woodshed, Partly Furnished, 1 ,:i lot. Soma wood. Family Fruit. $3800.00. Hans S Hanson. 776 Blaine St , Wood burn, Ore. n243 WE OFFER TODAY $.VW0. 9 DDR. Homo Ideal location near Hollywood. MUM. A GOOD old 4 Rdr. home near 3 schools north. Exrel location, nice yard. U.JMHl. 3 HDR.. fireplace, hdw. floors, plenty closets Ac butlt-lns. A Rood home. SM..VHI. Jl'ST 3 Blks. to Hollywood. 3 Bdr. well appointed home. Fenced yard .with patio. St'l-.tftO. FINE dtst. North, Rest constr. 2 Bdr., fireplace, pnrty room. Call Crate BURT PICHA. REALTORS PH. 3310 or 5053 337 N. High Street n'J 13- $8,2.10.00 Bedroom home well located on North 30th 11a Hi. I.R.. DR. K. Rulltlns, Electric cooklnu and water Center, iitility room, hardwood floors. Only A years old, well kept bark yard Nice clean house Rus In front and school close. A GOOD HOME. M,5wi.fM I Bedroom home well located on North 14th, (Enslewood District, basement, electric cooking and water heater, bus 1-bloek. Karate, very clean Interior, and we can arrange immediate possession. tl0.5im.iHi Bedroom, nice new home lo cated on North Cottace. electric heat ing, cooking, and water heater, plas tered. Immediate possession, unnine, bin 1-bloek. close to schools, very nice home. Largo rooms. Ternn can bo ar ra ngrd SI I ..MHMHk,1-Bod room modern home, well located North. Hdwd. iloor.s, electric cooking and heater and sawdust heat ing. Hiuemrnl. fireplace, new paint, nlre yard and shrubs, retrlceralor and stove run he bought. Fenced In ha,k varrt. Terms rait be arranged on this property. Garage, allry, possession 40 day. 1 .block to bus and close lo school. tlO.5no.Hn S-Bedrocin luiine located on 1 Acre of choice soil. 2-Hedrooins down and 1 up. Hardwood floors, electric rook ing, bus 1 block, school 2 blocks, 1mm? dlato possession, barn, chicken house and garage. House newly decorated. Good terms can be arranged. HOLLYWOOD McKlllop real estate agency 2075 FAIRGROUND HD.-PHONE 2-5?34 Evening and Sunday, 3-4203 or 0340, B243 BDRMS., L. Rm.. D. Rm., Kit.. N 7.2 lots. Price 17750. I BDRMS., 5 yrs. old. W. Salem. L. Rm.. D. Rm., Bath. Price $7000. 4 BDRMS., basement furnace, nice yard. close in 8. Price $7150. 4 BDRMS., N., 3 lots. ribl. plumbing, show Place, one you'll bo proud to own. Price 112,500. Call Mr. Bishop GENERAL REAL ESTATE Rm. 10 Ladd St Bush Bldg. Ph. 7770 n 42 DON'T LET TIMS ONE GET AW A Y FROM YOU BRING your favorite building critic with you. It wih stand the tckt. New 2-bdrm.. full basement, hardwood floors, dandy combination furnace, fireplace. No liner vtew. 19500. See F. G. Delano or Vlck Bros. 2'J0 N. Church. Phone 5710. a243 $A3io A-Rnn.M home near Leshc schooL Call OMfcll HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY , Realtori 341 Chemcket St 31548 Eves 35081 a243 I FOR SALE HOUSES TODAY'S SPECIALS CHEERFUL ft room home in Englewood District. Fireplace, breakfast nook. 2 garage Gas stove and oil circulator included. Price only $6a00. ONE ACRE GOOD B ROOM house with bath and utility room. Gas. well and electric wa ter system. Garage; chicken house; barn. Some fruit, excellent soil. Paved road, on bus line. Price only $7500. CLOSE IN UNFINISHED but liveable 3 room house. 2 fine lots. South. City water, gas and electricity available. Prico $2000. 1800 cRh, balance J2o per month. See K, N. VOORHEES or JAMES B. HART MAN with LEO N. CHILDS. INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9201 a243 Sl.'.liO SMALL HOUSE on Market st. Has large living room, kitchen with built ins, bedroom and full bath. Wired lor range. Close to ft ore and bus. ROSTEIN &, ADOLPH. INC. 110',i N. Com'l. St. Ph. 3030. Eves. 8314 B242- DO VOU want a country home? 0 acres. Creek on place with water right, also Bpriiiu. 7-room home, 2 fireplaces, base ment with furnace, clec. water aysLein, duublc gin-Hue, other bldgs $9000. Thli is a real buy. FLOYD VOLGEL REAL ESTATE 474 Court, Phone 3904. a243 $ioo DOWN. 3 bedrooms, living room and kitch., hiVKts lot in good dist. on No, Winter. $5500. "C" KILUORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th. Open till 8 p. m. Ph. 4853 Q242' S77.10 no. 2 bedrooms, living and dining room carpeted. I-nil buaeiucnt, sawdust lunmco. Cur. lot. "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12 111, Open till a p. in. I'h. 4855 a242' Si0,.1im i-BEDROOM iiomo on Park ave. Hwd. Hums, oil lurnutc, very good lo cition. C KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 8. 12 Hi. Open till S p. m. Ph. 4855 0242 ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT $13,500 VERY NEAT Well-built, home Living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bath, purty room In basement, sawdust furnace, fireplace. $1 1 .i;imj DESIRABLE 2-bed room home. Full ba.se men t, ana pipe furnucc, hard wood floors, nlcu lawn, paved street. KNOB HILL DISTRICT $Il.uoo 3-tlhUKOOM homo in beautHul be i ting. Large looms, double plumbing, oil furnace, fireplace. $l.-,llU-BEI)RUOM home, completely fur. nished, including washing machine, kitchen rum:c and coolerator. NORTH SUMMER ST. $1.i,7.iU 1 BEDRUOM Colonial type home. Largo rooms, double plumbing, hard wood flocrs, fireplace. U,uih BKAUTII'LL English type 4-bcd-rotii) hoiuc. Large double living room, oil I urn ace, near Capitol grounds. 1'AIKMOUNT DISTRICT St.")liO WELL built 3-bud room home. Largo living room, li replace, hardwood floors. Ext la slet iing room in basement. $K.ihi l-BEDROOM liome, partly fur nished. Large lot. on bus line. Call Mr. Walters HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Clieinekcta St. Ph. 3793. Eves. 25200 a243 l 1.800 I BEDROOMS, hwd. IlOOri throughout, papered and plastered, fire place, beautiful large corner lot. "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12lh. Open till B p. m. Ph. 4855 B242- NEW MOIH'RN houso at Amity, 2 bdrms., L. R., dining rm. and kitchen, sealed upstairs, clec. range and water heater. Imine rl. possession. Contact Mrs. Stew art Hardle, Amity, Ore. r242 SD.hio 'A ACRE. Kelzcr district. 3-bed-room home 6 years old. Llvintr room, dining room, kitchen, hardwood floors, family orchard. This is a beautiful home. Call OMER HUFF HEAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. 21540. Eves. 2I091 a243 WALT &i EVFLYN MUSGRAVE Realtors $3000 DOWN NEW 2 B. R. hnnio with electric heat. hdw. ilooiH, own rice, water system, attached garner. Extra inrno lot. Will decorate Interior to suit buyer, Payments $55 per month at 4', a interest Open lo reasonable olfcr, $4450 3 11. R. HO ME with ramlljf orchard. Has rlec. water htr,, wired for range. Is on exceptionally laruo lot. Movo In today. 1MM. POSS. NEW beautifully finished 2 R. R. home. Has Iluor furnace, hdw, floors, wired for rmme. elec. wirtcr htr. Close to bus and school. $11,075. KING WOOD I ITS. RAMIILING type 3 II. It. home with large L R. Flaustono fireplace. D. R., den, air conditioning furnace. Private neighbor hood. Will consider rcasonablo offer. LOTS WE HAVE many Kood lota on King wood Hts. Buy now before building material is available and nave. WEST SALEM REALTY CO. 1233 Eikewater Street PHONE 5100 a243 OWNER leaving town, reduced price for quick sale. Good 2 B. R. house. Wonder ful location 2290 Stale st. Phone 21401. A243 s;miil 10 ACRES, luruished 4-rm. scaled linu.se, southwest of Liberty. See Mrs. FiUzcr, HURT PICHA. REALTORS 2543 Portland Rd. Ph. 0472. Eves. 24 SO 4 jiliHHf '-IlllltM. plastered house, south, by Ltv.Uf. Lot fitix 1 0.. F:trn lot can bo bought. Variety of fruit. See Mrs. Pat rcr. Rt'RT PICIIA. REALTORS 2543 Portland Rd. Ph. 6472. Eves. 2404 B242- BACHIF1CE NEW 2-bdim. home North, rlec. Water heater, wired for range, complete pluuiu Ing. Near bus, store and t,chuol. Extra large lot. $f2.0 with liberal terms. M. O. HUMPHREYS & CO.. Realtors 3035 Port land Rd. Ph. 7820 2JHli Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 24.VJH a242 FULL PRICE $7250 MtllU KN 2-bdrm. Dutch Colonial home, near school. Largo lot 602j2. Ask for Mr. Corey. M. O. HUMPHREYS A; CO., Realtors 3035 Port land Rd. I'll. 7B20 b'J42 KING WOOD HEIGHTS $4800 DOWN A VERY nice new 3-bdrm. house, dbl. fire Place, basnuent. hdwd. Moors, No. 526. S9.0 FULL PRICE LAUtiE LOT, 2 bdrms. down. 1 up. hdwd. Hours. Priced to sell. Call Mr, lsank. M. O, HUMPHREYS Ai CO. Realtois 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 7U20 a242 OW.NEK LEAVING Attractive home N. Salem, Liv. rm., dm rm., tiled kitchen, nook. 3 bdrms., double plumb., fire place, lull bsint., piped furnace, elec. wat. luikter. 3 lots, fruit and nuts. Garden, landscaped yard. 2045 Maple. I'll. 38!13 n242 FOUR-ROOM house, two rooms and bath, partly Unified. Material lo finish. Write or call Howard Smith, city marshal!, Amity, Oregon. n243 NEW LISTING $rij(i 3-RM. HOFSi;. slmarr. etc. Gas burner stove, hot water system, Lot 2l)0100, nii'O shade trees, my water, Nice loca t ton. Sc t lits a t once. Possession and til ins. M. D. Looncy with WM. E. MOSES 331' a State. I'h, 4993 a243' EXCELLENT buy, new 2-rm. houso with shower, etc. One rxlra lot. city water. electricity, nice built -Ins, linoleum on liuor. M. D. Looncy with WM. E. MOSES 331' i State. I'll, 4903 n243t .MUST SELL immediately, 1-bcdrm. home, clean, Venetian blinds, hot water heater, ncd for ramie. Double lot. 2485 N. Church. I'll 2i980. a'J45 SI'OP LOOK-READ OWNER tern lug town. 5-room house, 2 bedrooms, basement, comer lot on bus Hue acro.-s from store, school 2 blocas. House n.-wly decorated. 410 Ford street. Phone 2490. a245 : lit: I) It M. plastered home, all in lood. clean cund . nice yard, large garage, good location, close lo schools, on city bus route, by owner at reduced price. Immrd. poss. II interested be at 1002 Hignlnnd Ave. Sat. 10 a.m. to i pm., Oct. 12 or call Monmouth 6S02. a242 3 RED ROOM HOME $l)75u LIVING R.M.. fireplace, dining rm., nice kitchrn, biisrmcnt, auto, oil furnace, double garage, close to but. schools and stores THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. Rich Just north of Crnter Phone 24703. Ee. 6375 or 23953 242 FOR SALE HOUSES ?3750 7 ROOM HOUSE. CLOSE IN. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. Hlsh Just north of Center St Phone 24793. Eve. 6375 or 23052 242' LOVELY CREEK LOT GOOD S bedroom home, fireplace, full dbl. plumbing, auto oil heat, wired for range, wall to wall carpet in L.R., D R., and den. Lots of fruit and shade. Close to bus. school, and stores. Ideal for children Really a fine buy at $12. 000. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 2103 8242 $1,100 2 RM. CABIN S. in city on 50x100 lot. No plumbinc SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 25103 0242- NEAR HIGH SCHOOL VERY GOOD all plastered 4 bedroom home, bsmt., fuel furnace, wired for ranee large lot. This Is really a well built homo and clean A: neat through out. SR.sno SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 25103 a242 ROSEDALE ADD. WANT A REALLY nice 5 room home In Salem's finest district? We have it. Full bsml., party room A: one of tho nicest yards In town, $13,500. Terms. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3305 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255, Eves. 25103 a24i HOME AND BUSINESS, small 2 BR. homo with Help Yourself Laundry. Made $100 clear last month with hardly any work nttached. This is a real little money maker. $0,000. Terms. SULLIVAN REJALTY CO. 3305 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 2.H3 a242- ULTRA MODERN SUBURBAN THIS AD WOULD cost too much to tell you all the fine features of this lovely new home. If you arc looking for some thing different and something Just a little better, let us show you this one. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Porlle.nd Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 25103 ft242" BUV FROM LIST AT THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 24793 a243" SMALL HOME, built Ii41. Solid con struction, hdw. floors, cement found. Plastered, clean Furn., incl. new refrlg. Lot 40x100. Take late car as part. Quick pass. Call 1174 8th St., West Salem. A242 BY OWNER COMFORTABLE two bed room plastered home on really desirable corner lot. Ten blocks north from postofficc. In quire 550 Market Street. a244 FOR SALE by owner 3 room house and two lots In Woodburn. Good location. Electricity, gas and city water. Also gas stove and water heater. Reason able. Immediate Possession. Inquire at J fluford Brown. Rt. 1 Box 268A. Wood burn, Oregon. 14 miles north of Salem on Salem-Champoeg hishivay. a244 BY OWNER 4 bedrm. hse.. dblo plumb In?, fireplace, hardwood firs., sawdust furnace, full basement, desirable resi dential dist., near high sch.. $15,000. By appoint.. Ph. 0210. a242 FOR SALE By Owner, House, 4 rim. downstairs, 2 upstairs, remodeled As re decorated, gas range, hot water heater A; rm. heater goes with place. $4500. $3250 Will handle. Close to high school & bus. Inquire 2380 Fairgrounds Rd (Barber shop). Eve. or Sundays at 198 W. Hither St. a242 OWNER TRANSFERRED to Salem: Will exchange for Salem property or aell Portland suburban home. Fine 6 rm. home, glassed in porch, modern up-to-Uir-minuto kitchen, loads of but It ins. New Mont an oil furnace. Best con rill Ion, New roof, garage, barn. A: 20x40 chicken house. Family orchard, on Hi A. Handy to school, bus & stores. Call Mr. Slgca with the Texas Co., Ph. 0034. n243 14250 FULL PRICE NEAT 2 BEDROOM shake house on 100 X 100 lot inside cily limits. M. O. HUMPHREYS CO., REALTORS 2286 Fairground Rd. Phone 21.!G 0213 THE LITTLE OFFICE WITH A BIO BUSINESS WELL LOCATED. Well built, 3 B.R. home. burning furnace, for quick salo $8500. O II. niirirrs-231 N. Hltih-JiR3fl FOR SALE LOTS 1 AC. CLOSE III. Apples. Fine .site. $1900. 11 FINE LOTS (a corner). May sell sepa rately. $1800. LOTS. Just out or rlly limits. U0O WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Ph 7113 na242 BUSINESS LOTS 50 X 80 CORNER lot. located on S. 12lh St. No 3 -one. Price SI. 250. NO. 'I RESIDENTIAL zone. 110 X 125 ft. located S. vn paved st. Ideal court site. Price $2,000. Call Richard E. Grabenhorst. with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 na242 SUNRISE HEIGHTS FINEST VIEW LOTS EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. WONDERFUL VIEW OF THE MTNS. Ar VALLEY. SALEM'S FIN EST RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. LO CATED WEST OF SOUTH COMMER CIAL ST. SEE THIS DISTRICT. A REAL INVESTMENT. Call Dale L. Shepherd with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 131 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 aa-'12- THE LITTLE OFFICE WITH A BIG BUSINESS 2 CHOICE bids, sites, about fiflxl.'.O. with oak irees, paved road, on bus. city water, close school, store. Only JI.MU). C. H. SANDERS, 231 N. High. 1.338. na242- A GOOD LOT 03x150. Cherry trees. North. Among new homes. J825. General Ilea! Estate Co. Ph. 7770. Rm. 10, Ladd .t Rush Bltig. iia242 SACRIFICE CORNER lot. 23rd and lrfe. $575. Owner In the bind, needs cash. M. O. HUMPHREYS &, CO. REALTORS 22R6 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 2t':ifi na243 Siloit LOT near Hollywood. 50x125. Phone 7445. 243 BRIGHT ACRES FORECAST A bright future for you. Bids. Lois. H)0 X 221)'. price $550.00 to $775.00. You make YOUR choice. No salesman necessary! 14 Lois, each marked as to price, sie and number. Drive out Gar den Road, past Swecle school. Be first 10 choose) Terms j Cash. JOE HUTCHISON, REALTOR 455 Court Phone 7(iilfi Res. 21780 aft2l3 BUSINESS LOTS 50 X HO CORNER lot. located on S. 12th St. No. 3 rone. Price $1,250. NO. 3 RESIDENTIAL zone. 110x125 It. located S. on paved st, Ideal court site. Pi Ice $2,000. Call Richard E Orabenhorst with Oil ABKNHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S, Liberty Bt. I'h. 4131. na2U IN ENGLEWOOD dist. Lot .Mlxtlft ft. and approv 0 or 10 thousand feet 'of lum ber. 1007 Huge st.. rrnr. W. Salem. aa242 FOU SALE FARMS FOR SALE: 200 acres with iotl' acres 1903 water right. 25 acres cleared and half In rye. 75 acres more can be cleared. 3 room house. Next to outrange. 25 tons rye hay in sta.-k. Price S2:00. Canal being built through place. Make a good cow or horse layout. Jerry Groszkruser. Sisters. Oregon. b243 140 A. FARM 10 MI. NORTH of Salem in fabulous Mt. Angel, Lablsh, Brooks. Woodburn i'U" cle. All cult., loam soils. Pvd. road A HUE close. 2 houses. 2 elec. pumps, silo, bam. Nice home site. Complete modern power nipt. &. seeded crops. $28,000. 11 A. LUSH, rich, irrigable. Tops for lliies, beans, mint, corn. 2 A. peaches. New plumbed hse., gar., tractor, etc. Sell all for $12,000. 5 A. at $7500. 3 mt. capital bid,, hlway stages near. STULLER. BROKER, Wallace Ro.ul. Salem. Oregon. b243" ONE OF THE BEST! 46 A. CENT. Howell Farm. Well built. 7 R House. Good bam. S Main' hum (room for niore. Silo and 2 chicken houses. Trie., lights, running water. Price J 17. SCO. Cill Henry" Torvend JOE HUTCHISON, REALTOR 4S5 C.nirt Phone 76!iR Res. 25141 b24.'i- Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE FARMS FARM BUYERSI BEFORE YOU decide on a farm, get ft copy of our Special Farm List, vito descrip tions of 63 farms. NELSON A; NELSON REALTORS Rms. 300-3 Masonic Bldg. 495 State 8C Ph. 4419 or 4622 Eves. 2-5547 b THE LITTLE OFFICE WITH A RIG BUSINESS 8 ACRES FILBERTS. 21 yrs. old. A well located and good producing acreage worth your consideration. $13,000. 00 ACRES. 20 acres good filberts 14 yrs. old. 20 acres prunes, 5 acres fir tim ber, creek, balance under plow. Price $23,000. 37 ACRES near McClay, $3700. 31 ACRES, fair home, extra good barn, milk house, imp. shed, spring, creek, good family orchard, some fir tlmoer, elec. Only $7600 C H. Sandcrs-231 N. H!ah-5B38. b241 50 ACRES near Frultland, small house not modern, on Little Pudding river, some fruit, several pieces equipment, incl. tractor, fine, land. $12,500. 23 ACRES, main Pacific highway north, wide frontage, no bldas. $10,000. ' SATjEM REALTY COMPANY REALTORS 140 N. High St. Phone 7660 b241 FOR SALE ACREAGE l A., 2 R.M, house, wired, wood, stove & furniture. 66 ft. well, 24 fruit trees. Near Kclzcr schl. As bus. $3500 for quick sale. 1047 S. Com'l. St. bb244 NOW VACANT .MODERN 5 rms. and bath, Part basement. Wired for rg. Elec. hot water heater. 1 't acies. Mostly largo fruit and nut trees. $7150. MIGHT consider selling '.i acre with hse., chicken line, and some nut and fruit trees for $5850 WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty. Phone 7113 bb242 $6400 DOWN BAL, AT C, 19 A fruit farm. Pull price 12,8U0. Close in. Immediate possession. Good bldas. Call for Mr, Isaak. M. O. HUMPHREYS As CO.. Realtors 3035 Portland Rd Ph. 7820 bb243 Vt acre with 5-room modern house on Child's avenue. Hardwood floor a throughout. Auto, oil floor furnace, el. wuler heater, fireplace. Unfinished up stairs. Price $10,000. Hi ACRES with 6-room house Just off Sllverton highway. House has L. R D. R., kitch., 2 bedrooms and utility room. Range and ref. goes with place. Garage, chicken house, barn and work shop. Some fruits and berries. Price $7000. ROSTEIN Si ADOLPH. INC. 110 la N. Com ). St. Phone 3030. Eves. 8314 bb242 EXCEPTIONALLY attractive and well built 5-room home, fi years old. Located above Kingwood heights. 13 acres, witn li nest view of the valley and mountains. Fireplace, lull basement with automatic oil furnace. House completely insulated and weather stripped. Double garage. About 0 acres of mixed orchard. Price $20,000. ROSTEIN A: ADOLPH. INC. v 1104 N- Com'l. St. Ph. 3030. Eves. 8314 bb242 5 ACRES, close in south, has walnuts. cherries and prunes 4-room house needs some work 2 chicken houses, garage and well $3500 $2650 down i ACRES North with nearly completed r.ew 4-room home, electric water sys tem. $5800. Terms. FLOYD VOLKEL REAL ESTATE 474 Court. Phone 3004 bb243a NOW VACANT MODERN 5 rms. and bath. Part basement. wirtu tor rg. Elec. hot water heater. I'll acres. Mostly large fruit and nut trees. $7150. MIGHT consider selling ti acre with hse., chicken hse. and some nut and fruit trees lor $5850 WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty. Phone 7113 bb24I 2 ACRES near Middle Grove sch., new 6- room house, elec. heat, tin. poss. $0950. "C" KILOORE HEAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th. Open till 8 p. m. Ph. 4855 bb242 lo ACRES, fenced, some timber, unfin ished houso, on Battle Creek rd. $5250. "C" KILOORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th. Open till 8 p. m. Ph. 4855 bb242 V ACRES, $12,500 or acres $0500. 5 roo m liouse. good barn, Imra, poss, "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 3. 12th. Open till 8 p. m. Ph. 4855 bb242 1 2-ACRE tract with wonderful view to tho North and East, no buildings. Priced at $2000.00. 1 2-ACRE tract with an Eastern view with lurire garasc for $2500.00. P. H. BELL, REALTOR 510 Guardian Rldg. Phone 4808 bb243 l'2 ACRES IN HA YESVILLE DISTRICT. S ACRES IN LARGE BEARING PEAR TREES. BAL ANCE IN OPEN LAND READY FOR CROP. ALL WILLAMETTE SILT IN HIGH STATE OF CULTIVATION. THIS IS A REAL BUY FOR $700.00 AN ACRE. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eve. 24479 bb242 $12,500 Ift ACRES NORTH NEAR HAYESVILLE SCHOOL. VERY NICE THREE BED ROOM HOUSE, BARN AND OTHER BUILDINGS. THIS LAND IS WILLA METTE SILT AND THE FINEST STRAWBERRY GROUND IN OREGON JOINING LAND YIELDED 5! TONS PER ACRE, SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eve. 24470 bb42' S3. -.00 TRAILER HOUSE A 10 ACRES CHERRIES. Prunes and berries, good chicken house, well, wonderful view, building site. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 4.13 N. HUh Just north of Center St. Fiiune 24703. Eve 23352 or 6375. bb242 5 A. $4500 FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY 3 MILES from rtty limits. 300 yds. off mh. All near ground, excellent for ber ries. New 3-rm. house, shower, etc. Electrir water system, new barn for 3 rows. All furniture goes, Including new oil burning range cost $136. 2 fine cows. Possession at once. Terms. M. D. Looney Willi WM. E. MOSES 331'.. State. Ph. 4!!I3 bb242 2"-i ACRES BY OWNER DON'T PASS THIS ONE UP Near Sunny- Mde school. 000 it. on Old Pacific high way. Wei; on property. Good building sites. Reasonable. Call 21200. bb24t 8.7.(1 A. ROAD on 3 sides, choc, soil; 40 A. Filberts. 20 A. Walnut.1. West of Mc Chiy, GOOD INVESTMENT. Price $12.- (500. Call "Henry" Torvend JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phone 7606 Res. 25141 bb241 REAL ESTATE SOUTH SMALL 3 ROOM house, water, lights, good garage. Close lo bus and store. Needs work Inside. I m media to possession, $2. 830. KE1AKR DISTRICT 2,', ACRES with 3 bedroom home, living room, kitchen and bath, closo to school. Has year around creek $0300. SOUTH LIBERTY STREET A NEAT ft room home In very good con dition, has 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and bath, sun porch. V. blinds, wired for range. Large lot with 4 large oak trees in front yard. Close to bus. $7500. CREEK LOCATION OLDER STYLE home, living room, din ins room. 2 bedrooms, kitchen and bath, wired for range. Largo lot 80x220, 00 foot of creek frontage, wonderful land scaping possibilities. $8000. FU RNISHED HOME CUTE MODERN 4 room home, complete ly furnished, fireplace, hardwood floors, wired for range. V. blinds and elec water heater, part basement with ex cellent floor furnace. Close in, walking distance to town, large shade tree in front yard. $8050 complete. ROSED ALE ADDITION MODERN & ROOM home, 3 bedrooms, liv ing room, dining room, kitchen and bath, hardwood floors, fireplace, elec tric water heater, full basement with purty room, auto sawdust furnace Lovely yard, deep lot. $14,500. LEE OHMART & CO. REALTORS 477 Court St. Ph. 0680 or 4035 C srjO.'HHi. GROCERY store, good location, extra U stock. Gross sales over $12. POO. prr mo. $4000. Coffee shop and lunch. Well located, doing nice busi ness, priced for unined. sale.- Call Ed Lukinbral ED BY R K IT, P EALTOR 339 Chemeketa St. Phone 5981 c244 REAL ESTATE TO BUY OR SELL SEE CHARLES DELFEL HOMES HOME SITE. Close to store, good location 52x112 lot. Near Grant School. $1000. Sal 119X. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 2 rm. hse, wired for elect, range, good location. 2 walnut trees and one apple tree. $2,750. Sal 121X. FARMS NO WASTE LAND HERE: All 148 acres cult. Oat.s. barley, flax. 5 rm. hse.. barn, chicken hse., near Gervais. $20, 000. Terms. Some equip. Sal 103. GENERAL FARM. 25 acres, 20 cult., small p. mount of timber, sandly-black loam all lenced. Elect, and tel. Near Sunnyslde. $7500. Sal 108. WILL TRADE: 103 A.. 60 A. cult., creek bottom pasture. 7 room hse.. Improve ments: barn, nut dryer. $21,000 OR $13,000 city property plus cash. Near Sublimity. Sal 111. SUNSET RANCH: Stock ranch. 2028 acres. Would run 1500 sheep or 300 cattle, Resceded with Fescue, clover, dble. gar age. 2 barns. Near Jewell. $20,000. Sal 115. GRADE A DAIRY: 40 acres. 35 cult., all fenced. 3 wells, elec. press, syst. 3 bed rm hse.. 26-cow barn, large milk hse., small hse., mach. shed. Disc, plow, mower, rake, drill, milking mach. Other equip. Near Rickey school. Sal 117. THIS ONE IS FOWL. 48 acres, wheat, oats and barley, small liouse and all equip ment necessary for raising turkeys, $10,600 Sal 110 NEAR AMITY: Small dairy farm. 15 acres, 10 Guernsey and Jersey cows, purebred bull, some chickens. 6 room house, 21-cow barn, large chicken house, hon shed, garace. all for $9500. Sal 121. BULB AND BERRY LAND. 14 acres, 13 acres cult., now In Glad, bulbs, good potato or berry land. Elect, avail. 2 miles from Corbett. M950. No. 398. 3 MILES FROM OREGON CITY. 27 A. cult, oats Ai vetch 10 A. pasture, fam ily orchard Ar berries, 5 rm house, ga rage, chicken house, other bldgs. $6500. No. 309. NEEDS WORK 9 a.. 2- cult. Small creek, well. Frplac. 30x40 barn. Chick, lise. j ml. to crd. store $4500. SE Ore Bon City. No. 414. INCOME GROCERY BUY. Cei trnl location In Sa lem. About $2700 inventory, meat case. Ice cream refrig.. 2 scales, cash regis ter, addinx mechine, meat grinder, coffee grinder. Good lease. $5200. Equip ped. Sal 102 Inc. DON'T SLEEP IN THE PARK. Here's a I place to live A'lD an income. 6 unit I apartment hous-. furnished. $236 month- ! ly. Rood location. M8.000. Sal 104 Inc. I EXCELLENT LOCATION Apartment house with 8 sleeping rooms ic one 3 room apartment. Full basement, gas furnace, elect, hot watrjr tank, 3 blks. I from Capitol & Center St. S20.000. Sal 1 106 Inc. GROC. AND CONFECTIONERY STORE. Beer and wine license: good 3-year lease; close in SW busy dist. $18,000. 61 Inc. GROCERY Apt. neighborhood, clean stock, gd. equipment, small living qtrs. , Low rent. $5500, includes inventory. 50 Inc. i CROC. FEED. GAS, FRUIT DEPOT ! Near Vernonia: also rent rms. to hunt ers. Owner says S700 mo. net. price in- i eludes I1, j a. and bides. $16,500. 58 Inc. I NEW SERVICE I NOW 21 HOUR phone service, 7 days a week. CHARLES DELFEL, REALTOR 615 N. Capitol St. Phone 7002 If no answer call 5923. c242 NELSON NEWS THE CONFUSION with respect to rent control has naturally caused a little slow-down In the transfers of residen tial property. There are however a lot of people who are now making up their minds to buy homes Instead of living any loner r under the harassing Inse curity which perplexes everyone that rents a home. SO.liioA retired couple has asked for special help to find a good 2 bdrm. home near bus line that can be had for $6500. There are also many others who want homes near the $0500 price bracket. $I2.iiihi A couple wishing to movo into the city from the suburbs want a good bargain In a 3 bdrm. home on city bus close in East for $12,000. $12,000 WIDOW with children who have 2 riding ponies wants a good home on 2 to 10 acres north or east. Would pay ',s cash. $10,000 CARPENTER foreman wants to 2 acres with good home on highway lo cation for fhop. Prefers Dallas Rd. SOOtltl COUPLE wants to buy home for friend with aero or 2, preferably cast or northeast. $.Mhio TO sio.iHHi A sheep man wants to rent with option to buy a larm de sirable for sheep raising. Does not re quite 1st class improvements. Would consider anything from $5000 to $10,000. WANT CORNER LOCATION WE HAVE been asked to find a corner about 75 x 100 or larger on or near an arterial street. Prefers vacant but would consider something with 1 or 2 " old homes on It. Price will depend on location. If you haven t anything like that yourself please tell friends or ac quaintances about this opportunity to sell a corner. WE WILL appreciate greatly help to find property for these people and many oth ers who have this week asked us for properties of various kinds. NELSON & NELSON diet I. Nelson Theo. G. Nelson REALTORS Rm. 300-2 Masonic Bldg., 495 State St. Ph. 4419 or 4622. Eves. 21350 Farms 25547 c242" APT. HOUSE, close, on largp lot. This Is older type place. Has $95.00 Income. Call Ike Bacon ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemeketa St. Phone 5981 c24( A REAL SHOW PLACE AND WORTH the money too. 'i A. all in flowers and garden. 6 years old. 3 bedrm.. dinette, hwd. floors, V. blinds, pla.stcred. Elect, wt. ht. Glassed In back porch Stairway and room for living quarters atove att. garage. Lst. wood circ. goes. A sub. home you will be proud to own. $9500. Call Wcs Goodrich ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemeketa St. Phone 3931 c244 MAKE AN OFFER FOR THIS l A. tract close to city limits. N E. 3 bdrm.. amine rm. Elect, range. Dbl. gar. Sinai; bam. Owner leaving state. Call Ed Lukinbeal ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemeketa St. Phone 5981 c244 NEW ELECTRICALLY heated 2 bed room home on 2 acres. Hemlock floors, ga rner. Only 4 miles from City Center. RO.-iO.OO IMMEDIATE possession of ft 8 Room Home, 1 acre of land. Hardwood floors, Venetian blinds, double garage. $10, 000. MODERN ? bed room home, hardwood floors, fireplace. Venetian blinds, base ment, furnace, trays. Garage. Rumpus room in basement. Attic sealed and room for 2 beds. Fruit and nut trees. JIO.000.00. EXCELLENT location near Senior High School. 2 bed room home, full base ment, furnace. Immediate possession. Garage. 10. 500.00. NORTH, -I bed room home, oak and fir floors, fireplace, Venetian blinds, full basement, trays, furnace. Garage. Elec tric ranee and refriserator can be bought extra. S12.000.no. NEW ft ROOM home in West Salem. Hard wood floors, fireplace, full basement, re crentlon room with fireplace, bed room and hower. Immediate possession. Large garden space. Unfurnished $13. 135.00 or furnished $14,200.00. P. H. BELL, REALTOR M0 Guardian Bldg. Phone 4898 c242' 25-ACRE orchard, cnerrles. prunes and walnuts with modem excel, home, fire place, hdw. firs., full basement and furnace. Good location three-miles out. S 18.000. CHICK, hatchery, estab. business, excel. bldss., 10 acres, good home besides quar ters for help. $25,000. Attractive terms to exp operator. AUTO REPAIR In good location. Low rent, long lease. Tools, equip and stock worth $9000. Goes for $5000. MOTOR COURT in exc. local. 14 rental uiiiu besides groc. store, restaurant and gas pumps. Court Is well built, attrac tive and can be purchased on terms where It will pay for itself. GEO. D. ALDERIN or JOHN E. BLACK Realtors Eves, or Sun. Ph. 4568 or 21 462 c242' 431 Ore Bldg. Phone 5730 WE HAVE a fine home with vtew. Neat Glen Creek road. Beautiful Is. living rm. Fireplace. Basement. Auto, otl furnace. This Is a nice home. Call Ike Bacon EO BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemrketa St. Phone 5981 c244 Journal wnnt Ads Pay KRAL ESTATE 108 ACRES, all cultivated. 8 room house, poultry house. Large barn, (i mile off Hwy 99. $35,000. Some terms. Call Ross Coppock ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemeketa St. Phone 5081 c244 HAVE TWO houses that will go O.L that are well built. NEW ADDITION. Call Ike Bacon. ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 208 N. High Phone 5981 c24l 7 A. OF ORCHARD, apples, pears and cherries Paved rd. Bus. East slope. 3 miles East. Place highly improved. No buildings. $0300. Call Ed Lukinbeal ED BYRKIT, REALTOR ' 339 Chemeketa St. Phone 5981 c244 ON HWY. 99 19 ACRES. 0 of which Is Beaver Dam. 112,500. Call Ross Coppock ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemeketa St. Phone 5081 c241 FINE LITTLE house close in, with 2 bedrms. Fireplace. Full basement. Swd. furnace. Nice little apt. in back rents for $35 00 This Is a buy at $7000. Call Ike Bacon ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemeketa St. Phone 5981 c244 ATTENTION BUILDERS & A. NICE view property on hill, Just East oi cottage farm. Road on caca side. Timber and brush on each side. About 2'i A. in middle all clear. Room for several nice homes. All with ex cellent view. $4500. Call Ed Lukinbeal ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemeketa St. Phone 5981 c244 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANT LISTINGS HOUSES, Acreages, business properties Sz farms. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Ph. 7113 ca242 LISTINGS WANTED DUE TO the great demand from out of fitate and local buyers, we have not been able to supply enough houses, farms, and businesses to meet this ur gent demand. If you have any of the above properties you are thinking of selling, please call us. Our sales force Is lOOi World War Two Veterans. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 21413 ca242 FOR PROMPT and courteous service list your property with FLOYD VOLKEL. Real Estate Broker 474 Court Phone 3904 ca WE HAVE CASH Buyers lor 2 81 8 bdrm homes. For quick aala call UR. GOOD WIN with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. ENO. REALTORS Phone 4108 After 88718. ea- WB are id nexi oi good homes to sen in or near Salem u rou vltb to list row property for sale, see GRABENHORST BROS REALTORS 134 8 Libert? St Phone 413L ea NOTICE! II your property t tor tale rent or exchange, list it vltb us. wt have all Kinds cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO REALTORS 153 8 High St em $UY WK HELP You Sen Your Pro party? REALTORS 149 ft Hlh St Phone 7680 ea SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? WE HAVE SOLD A LARGE SHARE OF THE PROPERTY LISTED WITH US LAST WEEK. IF YOU WANT HONEST. EFFICIENT, COURTEOUS SERVICE. AND QUICK SALES, "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th. Open till 8 p. m. Ph. 4855 Ca242 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE IMPROVED I J A. on South Yamhill river. trade for Salem small acreage. Box 4, Capital Journal. cb242 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TRANSFERRED from Portland. Interest ed in trading 5 nn. house, automatic heat & hot water, fireplace, V. blinds. 2 bedrooms, full basement, with gar age. 50x100 corner lot in good dist. Call 8709. Cb242- BY OWNER: Good Income from nine e'ean. spacious rooms divided into a apartments, plus extra sleeping room. Fuel & storage basement, laundry trays Ac nice lBwn. $7300. Will trade for 2 bedroom home & cash. Ph. 24831 or call at 730 Mill St. cb247 DUPLEX NEAR STATE Forestry Building. 3 2-rm. apts.. newly redecorated, large 101, ah excellent investment for $8,400. Coll Coburn L. Grabenhorst with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 7772 Cd242 AUTO COURT 18 RENTAL Units plus owner's cottage. 163 ac. on Hwy. 99E. Close In. Terms. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Ph. 7113 cd242 HWY. FRONTAGE ON SALEM-Dallas hwy. Close In. (Also Joins railroad with possibility or rail road spur. I'a acres with Modern 6 rms. A; bat hi Part base., wired for rg.. elec. h.w. heater. $7150. Now va cant. Might sell ac. with hse. for 5850.00 WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Ph. 7113 cd242 CAFE ON HIWAY NORTH $18,500 FULL PRICE I.RDRM, home, fireplace, one acre ground, ideal court site. Cafe can bo bought separate. M. O. HUMPHREYS & CO., Realtors 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 7820 Cd242" RESTAURANT LOCATED In a good valley town. Owner claims gross take $4000 mo. Business, bids., equipment all goes for $7000 If sold this week. $3500 down, balance $100 mo. FLOYD VOLKEL REAL ESTATE 474 Court. Phono 3904 cd243 $1,000 M. NET. A real drive In and chick en fry. 3 can manage nicely. S7au ouya eaulp. and lease with option. Good re turn on investment. "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th. Open till 8 p. m. Ph. 4855 Cd212 S2MKI DOWN. $30 per month buys this 2- bcdrooin home. Living room, dinette, kitchen, basement, sawdust heat. Also income from rental. Call OMER HUFP REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. 21549. Eves. 25091. cd243 BEST BUSINESS SPOT IN SALEM 33 FT. FRONTAGE. 393 ft. deep. Has a very nice two bedroom home. Just re decorated. Completely furnished includ ing elec. range, water heater, and refr. Dbl. garage and shop. All for $12,000 at very easy terms. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 24479 cd242 $12,5110. BUSINESS Property on one of our through streets. 3 rentals, income $140 per mo. A good Investment. BURT PICHA, REALTORS PH. 3210 337 N. High Street Cd242 MOTEL TRAILER PARK SITE 209 FT. FRONTAGE on 99E Just north of Salem city limits. Lovely setting in large trees. Ideal auto court or trailer park Mtp. SULLIVAN REALTY CO, 3365 Portland Rd. Th. 3335. Eves. 35103 Cd242 APARTMENT HOUSE IN VERY NICE DISTRICT, One 5 room apt. One 4 room apt. One 3 room and one 1 room apt. All furnished but 5 room apt. Auto oil furnace, hardwood floors, fireplace. 2 elec. ranges, 3 re frigerators, etc Income now about $180.00 per month. Building about 12 years old. Full price $14,500. $6500 will handle, balance at be. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Pa. 3355. Eves. 24479 Cd242 SERVICE STATION RESTAURANT AND HOME ON HIWAY 99E north. 3 bed room home. 6 yrs. old, ls bath. One acre of land with large sewer system to handle auto court or trailer park. This has real possibilities. Price Is right at $20,000. Terms. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3363 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 24479 cd243 FOR SALE 3 apt. furnished house. Pres ent Income $70. and own apt. Large lot-landscaped. Price $6000. 341 Mon mouth St. Independence. Ore. cd242 ON S9E NORTH 3 IDEAL business sites, close In. J have bldgs. for business and living quarters. These are real buys. See us at 3035 Port land rd. Ph. 7830. M O. HUMPHREYS & CO.. Realtors 2286 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 24598. cd243" FOR SALE: West Salem Taxi Co, Gnw $";21 per year, equipment in lst class cond. Price $3500 eash. Call 8774 or 146 Geith St., West Salem. cd243 FURNITURE FOR SALE MODERNISTIC chrome upholstered chair and libre.ry table. 1938 Hazel Ave. d243 PRE-WAR mahogany bedroom suite com plete, davenport Sz chair, electric range, writing desk, rugs, dining room set. swing rocker and breakfast set. Tele phone 7585. No dealers. d244 FOR SALE $79 SLIGHTLY used red and cream chroma 5-piece dinette set with plastic top. See Myra Hallcy, 888 N. Com'l. St. No. 12. d243 NEARLY NEW chrome breakfast set. 1545 Rugc, West Salem. d243 FOR SALE New 3 piece Sectional Dav enport. 831 S. Commercial. d242 ONE FLAT top desk, size 32 Inches by 50 inches, light oak finish, solid con struction, in fine condition. Phone 4751. d242 WANTED FURNITURE CASH FOB YOUR used furniture. PI 7598. State Street Pum 1800 State. WHY TAKE less for your furniture? See Russ Bright. Phone 751 L da HIGHEST PRICES paid. Phone Olenn at Woodry Auction Market Ph 4110 da1 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK REGISTERED Jersey cows, 3 years old. freshening soon. Heavy breeding stock heifers, 6 months pld. Chickens laying. Rt. 3, Box 545 Liberty Rd,, South Cunningham Lane. e247 FOR SALE 2 Jersey heifers Just fresh. J. Butord Brown, Rt. 1 Box 268A, Woodburn. Oregon. 14 miles north of Salem on Salem-Champocg highway. e244 LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED All kinds 01 fat livestock Valley Packing Company Ph. 6935. ea FAT A CAXNER COWS for beef. Dairy cows, heifers, bulls, veaL Fat hogs, sows stags, boars Mkt. price. E, O. McCand Ilsh Rt. a Box 373 Ph. 8147. Ac rose from Waters ball park, 8. 25th. ea243 RABBITS RABBIT prices are up, sell your rabbits to thr Cheiry City Babbitry. 3405 Cherry Ave. eb253 rabbits, all kinds, top prices paid. Bring or write Wm, BosserU Rt 4. Box 66, Salem. eb243 FOR SALE WOOD OAK & ASH old growth at ceiling prices. Call at 714 S. 19th. cc247 CORDS 4 ft. slab. $35.00. Ph. 7378. ee246 TRY OUR drlve-ln Cafeteria today. Fin- est dry wood as little as $1.00 worth or sacks of choice coal. 75c. "Take it with you." Also large loads of dry wood, 10-ln. or 4-ft. You haul. Ready to go. Oregon Fuel Co, 3555 Portland road ee262 FRESn CUT SAWDUST, $4 a unit. Ore gon Fuel Company, Phone 5533. ee249 WOOD SAWING: R, B Cross. Phona B178 ee247 SPECIAL: Good dry 16-lnch edgings. Ira mediate delivery. Double load $15.50: sinsle load S3. Oregon Fuel Co.. Phone 5533. ee249 SPECIAL $5 cord, heavy red fir slab and easmgs rnone 6683. ee2S4 DRY SLAB wood and edging. Immediate delivery. Phone 6683. ce243 WEST SALEM FUEL CO. WOOD AND sawdust Stove oil and dlesei ou. ueuvcry wneo promised. Ph. 24031 BONE-DRY mlR wood. 16" green slab sooa ror rurnace. Ph. 7721. ee t FT. HEAVY slab St IB" mm wood. Also aiesei at siove ons. sawdust Prompt deL anywhere. Phone 6444. ee FOR SALE POULTRY GRAPES: You pick. Bring containers. 3845 Portland Road. f244 NEW HAMPSHIRE pullets, ready to hij ror immediate delivery. Every pullet Individually selected. Pn. 2288L Lee's Hatchery. t BABY CHICKS: Weekly hatches. New Hampshlrcs and other varieties, Ph 22861. Lee's Hatchery. f CHRISTIE New Hampshire baby chick every wca uoyington's, 3710 State. I CUSTOM DRESSING of chickens, any number. Prompt service. Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty. Phone 32861, Lee's Hatchery t PRODUCE APPLES, Spitzcnbcrg and Rome Beautys. $1.50 per box delivered anywhere in Sa lem. Call 24280. ff244 CANNING tomatoes now ready. Imlah Fruit Farm, la mile on Wallace rd. Phone 22326. If243B APPLES 50c Box. Bring Boxes. Rt, 7 Box 410. lst house on left past Middle Grove School on Sllverton Hwy. ff 242 APPLES, KINGS & late Gravcnstelns, 50c, 7jc & $1.50 a box. Also grapes, darK Si light, 5c a lb. Ernest Anderson Or chard Heights Rd. 1 ml. off Wallace Rd. Bring boxes. 11244 BOSC PEARS, Apples. Rollln Beaver 'ip Glen Creek Rd. Ph. 47F2. ff24S FOR SALE Apples. Get your winter sup ply direct from orchard. Red Delicious, Jonathon. Winter Banana, Kings, 75c up. Amnion Grlce. 3 mt West of Salem, Orchard Heights rd. ff253 WANTED HELP LOCAL DISTRICT MANAGERSHIP OPEN FOR man over 45: independence with !22a monthly draw against lio cral commissions, small quota. Essen tial rooting materials. Chance for own business Exclusive permanent terri tory. Home every night. Productive di rect sales experience desirable. Furn ish business record past 5 years. Amerl-can-L-R-Cement, Box 1766, Cleveland. Ohio. B242 FOREIGN JOBS: World-wide listing of available job opportunities. Including South America (revised monthly!. $1 postpaid. FOREIGN SERVICE REGIS TER, Baltimore 3, Maryland. g242 STENOGRAPHER for state work. Apply Corporation .Dept.. 518 Stato Office Bids. 8243 GIRL WANTED for part time help. Par- rish Food Store. 805 N. CapltoL 6246 EXP. LADY for fur repair & alterations. Price's. 135 North Liberty. a WAITRESS wanted. No night or Sunday work. Uniforms furnished. F. W. Wool worth Co. 8247 WOMAN TO do housework and cooking and care for small boy. Board, room and wages. Permanent. References required. Phone 9739. g246 MORNING WAITRESS. Senator Food Shop. 8242 WAITRESS WANTED, day work. White's Lunch. 1138 South Commercial. g245 COUNTER girl 7 to 12 p. m. Dishwasher 5 to 11 p. m. See Mr. Harvey In cafe at Calif. Packing Co. 8242 WAITRESS wanted, day Work, White's Lunch. 1138 South Commercial. B345' LEADING MEN'S store in Salem desirous of securing capable young man between 25 and 40 yrs. with previous selling and merchandizing experience who is Inter ested in a good starting wage, witn promising future. Write letter of appli cation, giving age, previous experience, education, etc.. in care of Box No. 473. Capital Journal e245 WOMEN wanted at once for work on first or second sunt. Appiy in person, ure gon Flax Textiles, 859 7th St., West Salem 8245" TELEPHONE operators wanted. No ex perience necessary. High pay right at the start $29 for a 40-hour week while learning. Frequent scheduled increases three the f U st year. Safe, whole some surroundings . . . vacations with pay. A real opportunity for young women who are looking to the future who wan' a Job that Is pleasant, in teresting and profitable. Do cot delay inquire NOW! EXPERIENCED OPERATORS LET US tell you how much you can earn. Call Mrs. Goodwin. Pacific Tele phone As Telegraph Co.. 740 State St C258 SOMEONE to care for 2 children In their home. Aces 9 mo. and 2 years. Ph. 22236. 243 TYPISTS wanted, permanent position with chance for advancement. See Mlsi Walker or Mr. Ellis, Rm. 19, Capitol bldg. S243' OPENING FOR rcpiesentatlve of Old Lint jife Insurance Co man of character ano financial responsibility. Write Wayne E Hlbbard. state mat 830 Henrr Bldg . Portland, Oregon, g2t6 IVAMTPn I1FLP PART or full-time stenograph? r. rmte know shorthand, o. w. tmmons, i-no Court. Phono 3049. SPRAY PAINTER, must know how. Apply 549 N. Cottage, apt. 3, 1 to B p. m. Year-round work. 243 HOUSEKEEPER wanted, cooking, general housekeeping and part care of 3 chil dren, excellent wages. Ph. 3025. 242 WOMAN to care for b-months-old child day times while mother works. Ph. 4282. t244 PERMANENT positions open for two sales ladies. Hours 9:30 to 5:30. Apply Worth's Dept. Store. 177 North Liberty St. AXTERATION lady needed at City Clean ing Work 1245 State street Apply in person. t' WOOL I'RESSER needed. City Cleaning Works. 1245 State. 3 PART TIME usherettes. Hours suitable for students. Apply In person. Grand Theatre. e WANTED POSITIONS BOOKKEEPER experienced in general ledger work, government reports and routine bookkeeping, wishes position with responsibility. Good salary. Write Box 7, Capital Journal. h243 LOCAL and long distance hauling. R. L. Phillips. Rt 6. BOX 118. Ph. 68F22. h267 SCHOOL CHILDREN or mothers with small children to board. Phone 38F14. h246" PAPERUANUl.NG Exclusively. Ph. 4400. h248 HIGH SCHOOL girl wants to work for board and room. Box 404, Capital Journal. h243 WOOD SAWING. Phone 21583. WANTED Paper hanging. Call 8745 and leave address. J. Goodsell. h251 CARPENTER, painting, odd Jobs. Hour or contract. Ph. 24413. h244" FLOOR WAXING, wall cleaning, general housecleantng, lawns mowed and trim med. Work guaranteed. Veteran. 1750 North Church. h260 RUGS AND Upholstcrco Furniture cleaned In your home New process. R. P. Nohl gren Ph. 21080 after 6 p.m. h254" AUTO PAINTING Just a shade better nr Ray Etter. Call 6b rock Motor Co 8502. FOR RENT APT. OR ROOM to plumber to install Plumbing. Phone 0307. J244 SLEEPING ROOM by month. Heated with gas. Phone 3035. J242 SLP. ROOM Private home. Gentleman preferred. 694 N. Church. J243 HOWSER'S RENT-A-TOOL 1132 Edsewatcr Tools of all kinds. Call 3646 for Infor mation. J243 WAREHOUSE space. 13 miles out. Will rent by month or lease. Lablsh Center. Rt. 1, Box 176, Brooks. Phone 4161. Salem, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. J243 NEW LOOKING floors at small cost. Rent a Dreadnaucht Sander by hour or day. Western Auto, Ph. 7177. J258 GOOD USED PIANOS H U Stiff FLOOR sander for rent. Montgomery Ward. J WANTED TO RENT 3 OR .1 RM. Apt. Veteran, wife & three yr. old girl. Call 25496. Ja242 EMPLOYED girl wants furn. or unfurn. apt., large or small. Near bus. Box 6. Capital Journal. Ja245 REFINED elderly couple (no children need an apt. at once. Phone 3184. ja24S LIBERAL reward. Engineer and wife ur gently need furn. apt. No smoking or drinking. Best ref. Perm. Mr. Short. Ph. 0320 or Senator hotel eve. Ja246 NEEDED by young couple, furnished apt. Writo Capital Journal. Box 3. Ja243 VETERAN and wife both employed ur gently need furnished or unfurnished apt. or small house. No pets, children, smoking or drinking. References. Call 7534 after 5:30 p. m. ' Ja242 VET and wife, 2 to 3-rm. furn. home. Ph, :34t0 alter B p. m, Ja250 BUSINESS MAN Si family need 2 bedroom furn, house or apt. by Nov. lst. Ref. Rt. 4762 or 23173. Ja244 QUIET WORKING girl looking for room. ant., or houso. Furn, or unfurn. Box 400. Capital Journal. Ja243 VET EMPLOYED by national organization , needs furn. or unfurnished apt. or house for wife Ss son. Ph. Mr. Johnson, 9187. Ja243 URGENTLY NEEDED FURN. HOUSE or apt. by young couple, 2 children. No smoking or drinking. No living accommodations at present. Phone 21793. Ja242 LEASE ON 2 or 3 bedrm. houso. Th. 4308. Ja248 WANTED, 3 or 4 or 5-rm. house or apt. No children, pets or parties. Must be clean. Will pay 6 mo. or year's rent in advance. Call Burtncr, 9785. Ja248 HOUSEKEEPING room or small apt. wanted by lone lady. Please Phone 3333 or 4044. Ja243 WANTED: Furnished apartment or bouse. Box 326, Capital Journal. Ja270 ROOM AND BOARD WANTED Room and board. Mother and 5-yr. old child. Care of child whiie mother works. Phone 5874. JJ243 CONVALESCENT woman desires room Ac board In private home. Phone 21909. JJ242 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Child's red pleatrd skirt between Court As Liberty on Thurs. Ph. 4547. k244 LOST White Persian cat, oranse eyes, vicinity of Com'l. and Oak. M. M. Hug gins, Fisher apts k242 LOST, KEY case containing 6 keys. Fh. 7152 or 3568. k242 LOST Black billfold containing money and valuable cards, etc. Reward. Phone 25558. k242 LOST 2 Kittens bet. S. Commercial As Saslnaw. One yellow, one long haired Maltese. Rtward Ph. 3282. k242- MISCELLANEOUS FILBERT & walnut drying. Prompt hand ling. Efficient, careful drying. Phone 22861. Lee's Hatchery. m258 SPORTSMAN Custom tanning and manu nu- into f facturing of deer and elk hides Intc useful trophies Myers Glove At Tannin? ' Co. 1348 Ferry. Phone 6031. m258 MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked, 75c. LES SPRINGER. 464 Court St. m265 1AKE a Christmas gift a week In our special class. Call Singer Sewing Center for additional Information. Phone 3512. m244 SALEM WASTE PAPER 1790 North Front WE BUY magazines and newspapers. Cardboard sheets and boxes any size for sale, m288 YOUR PETS given loving care In my own homo while you are away. Phone 4345 for i reservation. m300 HELP YOURSELF LAUNDRY. Ph. 6377. 1785 Berry St. m243" SINGER SEWING Center. Hew cIbssm starting In dressmaking, enroll now. We specialize In sewing services, ma chine rentals, complete repair service, on all makes of machines. 143 & High. Ph. 3512. m248 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 8-HR SERVICE FN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMUER DENTIST Adotpb Bldg. State At Commercial Eta. SALEM pnone 331 DEAD and worthless stoct removed on moment's notice Ph 5000 m HEAT your home electrically. It's con venient, clean, economical See ua for free estimates. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty m HEAVY HAULING, excavation and road bulklins. land clearing dozer work dltchinc, basement excavation, aaod craveL crashed rock, mason sand, con crete mix. cement SALEM SAND St GRAVEL CO. 1405 N FRONT ST SALEM. OREGON Phone 9408 or H924 a FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SINGLE BED. $7.50. Single double deck springs. $10. Single lnnerspring matt ress, like new, $20. Cattlebrand bed spread. 2 prs. drapes to match. $12.50. Universal Wood Range. 135.000. Phonn 7203 n342 (Continued on Page 11