;1 16 Capital .TmirnaT. Salem. Oregon, i . POLISHED BRASS 3-WAY FLOOR LAMP 19.88 Solid bran 1 1 1 59 Inches hlghl Gun-metal poper parchment shade, glass reflector bowl. NEW, IMPROVED STOKER , REDUCED IN WARD WEEK!,' Here's a "super" Ward Week "buy" Wards NEW, betrcr-lhan-ever stoker ... at an astonishingly low CUT price! See il . . . buy it NOW . . . and enjoy automatic heal conlro in your home this win ter! All you do is dial the temperature you want . . . Wards stoker does the workl Eliminates messy furnace tending ; . . saves extra fuel dollars. See il for yourself . . . buy at Wards sae pricel CHECK EVERY POLISHED BRASS TABLE LAMP Lovely urn shape in solid brass! Opal class reflector howl, gun-metal paper 4Tt A A naivhmane shade JLJf"l EASY COMFORT PLATFORM ROCKER KcsU'ul, coil-sprint: seal. . . . all hardwood frame in cheerful maple finish. Durable A0 cotton covers "1 5 UNFINISHED STUDENT DESK Well made, shell end. Heady inir. liuv now and save V- Folds fc-rvi ,,... 'i ' i "Minis J-v.u wi MUHiy ii a '5SN I hardwood. Easy to use j A fuliM vD.A ... just clamp it on fix- 1X7 I ri3S t lure. Maple or birch Oi !' finish. Friday. Oct. 11, 1946 COLORFUL RAG RUGS REDUCED TO... 3.19 Washable, all-purpose kind . ; I use throughout your homel Re (Kiiblel 2x4 size. . . . . AMERICA'S GREATEST SALE IS 129.50 SINGLE ITEM! THEY'RE VALUES ONLY WARD WEEK CAN BRING! for linish- M A AUI Easilv ' ... ELECTRIC APPLIANCE PLUG I3C Ideal for Irons and other appli ances up to 1000 walls. Strong, heat - resisting molded case. WHEN ALL AMERICA SHOPS AND SAVES! 'I 20 GAL. AUTOMATIC WATER HEATER Enjoy a constant supply of hot water at the' turn of a faucet! Wards heater is fully AUTOMATIC . . . with snap thermo stat control, plus safety cut-off! Heals up to 30.8 gallons per hour ... is thoroughly insulated to keep water hot! Has rust-resistant zinc lining. Hoavy steel tank . . . built for years of trouble-free service! Sec it . . . buy yours . . . during this big Ward Week event! IRONING PAD AND COVER SET Soft, fluffy cotton pad, and bleached drill cover. Elastic band makes cover fit board sinicly SAVE EXTRA ON SPAR VARNISH! Cut-priced for Ward Week! Durable . . weather-resistant outdoor varnish. Dries A in 4 hours Quart XJJ 25-FT. TROUBLE LIGHT.:: REDUCED! 1 Take ht wherever you need it! A steel wire Kuard protects the bulb from break- f.Q ing. Get yours now! A00 S3 Play IHp SSS3 ms I CSt li non-poisonous flnlshl I 1 ygP COATlMfc,j CUT-PRICED ROOF COATING I 49C Asbestos fibers bind and seal fait, tile, metal or composition roofs. Cut-priced I Buy and savel S!1 GAS 76.50 .1.19 Yard L-iiiJ fc.i ml ,,j, L il l ii.. j BOYS' UNION SUITS AT REAL SAVINGS 91C Medium weight, rib knit of fine quality cotton. Fit snugly without binding. Sizes 6 to 16. HERE! EXTRA WARM SUPER CORAS REGULARLY 29.95 . . . NOW 26.88 Next to a fur coat. Ward's exclusive Super Goras are the warmest coats we can think of! Heavenly soft, thick 100 wool fleece face . . . with cotton knit back for extra warmth. Choose from favorite classic styles in important new Fall shades. Blue, grey, green, red, aqua, kelly, brown, or black. It's your first choice for Fall af this exciting Ward-low price. 10-18. Buy now and savel FLUFFY CHENILLE ROBES Especially for Ward Week cold weather and your Chri cold weather and your Christmas shopping. V 0 Usually sell for 7.98. Neat REDUCED! SATIN SLIPS that's grand for everyday. Tearose only. Sizes 32-40 COLORFUL BATH SETS Absorbent floor mat . . . cover. Soft, thick pile Sturdy SALEI STURDY LINK DOORMATS... 1.67 Remove mud, dirt efficiently) Heovy rubber-tire links bound with wire. 1 6"x24" size. . in time for A fkO tailored style 1,70 close fitting lid AFJ 34 Hiojh Chair Full panel back keeps drafts off baby . . . A fr don't tip! Sturdy hard- 7.7J vood construction. PRINTED PLASTIC FILM, AN EXCEPTIONAL VALUE 89c The . s-vle fabric that wears like Iron. Sponges clean . . . can be stitched Into aprons, curtains. White on white, cop en, maize led on white. 36. COTTON KNIT SHIRTS WITH LONG SLEEVES 77c Multicolored stripes on long sleeved shirts In fine cotton knit. Perfect for wear with overalls, shorts, suits. Washable. Many colors. Sizes 3-6. WARDS RANGE BOILER 2.66 JACKET 30-boI Thoroughly insulated jacket helps freep water hoi Saves fuel and money! PRICED LOWI SALEI NEW RIVERSIDE SPARK PLUGS 36c Specially engineered &tested for long, dependable servicel Get a el NOW and SAVEI CLAMP-ON CAN OPENER REDUCED! 13c Clamp on can, then turn screw to epenf cuts above rim. Rust resist ing nickel-plated. Opens ony cars PLAID SINGLE BLANKET OF COTTON OMBRE 4.59 Beautiful ombre effect cotton blanket that Is slow to show soil. Hemmed ends. "Coreyarn" wo ven. 3 lbs. 72 x 84" wldth.f 4, blue, and green plaids. GOOD NEWS) WOMEN'S COTTONS UP TO SIZE SJ 2.98 Colorful, washable, printed (per cales In those scarce large sizei ; . . special for Ward Week. Sor ry, Only Two fo a Cojomer. 1 I RUBBER-COVERED WIRE REDUCED I too ft. 1.32 Easy to strip . j ; resists fire and moisture. Pries Is for No. 14 wire; No. 12 reduced fo 1.46 PLASTIC PILLOW COVER REG. 1.39 .7 Waterproof plastic film cover with zipper closing. Protection s gainst perspiration, dust, soiL TUBE REPAIR KIT REDUCEDI 24C Everything you need for quick repairsl Bevel -edge patches, rubber cement, buffer. SAVEI