10:1 1 1:0ft ll:ln 1 1 :3n 11:4,1 H.IJS. Radio Program Friday KGW r-c" IKSLM ISM it. Nf vi I Superman Canl Midnlta Tom Ml 1 F.lntPr I I Sens ' People Are Funny Orchestra -J Proole Are Funny Spnlltahl Bind ' Wallr Time t Spotliftht Bandi MValU Tim 1;HV Netfs Cnmmntary I Mmtrrr 7:1ft I Newa I Mvsterv 7:3ft Cisco Ktd 1 RHII stern 7:48 I CUeo Kid 1 Rel Lel (jfnrcc Dn It ! Supper Club l.el Grorct Do It I Fire I wood La if ton Serenade 1 Show Orcheilrtt ' Show :0o .IB S' 3ft B:5 New I 1 Rex Miller I B porta Henry J. Tatnr 1 Klnaa Mrn ! Corn In Town ! Public Iiitrrrsl 1 f'lihllr Interest ! Newa N'iri I Newa I trcheitra I Oreheatrs Orchestra I Orrheatra I Newa i New Flashes I Ppnrla I Muair I Band IVatnn Newt Blllmorr Orch. Rnntitt Salt Orrh Ronnie Rait Orrh, 8ltn-M( Saturday 6 A. M. I Newa I Mu. Timekeeper I Orrheatra Pfliator Tarty Ferrolalor Party Newa Have Went Onldmnn Band Hear This niri Sonaa Newa 7:0O ! Newa I Rise and Shine ! News I Music. I Haven nf Rest I I Haven of Rest ' I Sine- I Orchestra ' Adventures i:l Mi( ounell F.d MrCotmell I Judv. JIM A I Jnhnle I Pastor's Call I Orrheatra 1 Rernrri flhop Record Shnp nirnn Aialn Walker's Kitchen in-nn 1 (1: liv id: 30 114.1 iiTon II -Lilt :3ft 11:45 Ji:nn " 11:1ft l!:Hft 12:15 I Newa I Rlne Ainu I Orrheatra I Orrheatra I Orrheatra I Orchestra ( Matinee I Matinee Farm A Home Farm A Home Teen Timers Teen Tlmera Your Host Vnur Host The Baxtera Vela I Mid-day Hymna f I Newa I Hillbilly Serenade ( I Variety Show I Stars Tomorrow Stare Tomorrow Stars Tomorrow Stars Tomorrow I Newa I Bujrs Runny I Orchestra ' Ore, -Montana I To Be Advised I To He Advised I Orchestra 1 Orchestra I Nelson Olmsted I l.vnn Collier t Fd. Tnmllnson I Soma I Football I Football Football I Football I Football ! Football I Football I Football Football" 1 Football I Football I Football Muslo Mualn Bands Bands I Forelcn Pollrv I Forelan Pnllry I Curtain Time I f:nrtaln Time XateJt patter Tattcrn No. U2308 School Scl Smarten up last season's dark skirt and blouse costume by adding brightly embroidered felt suspenders, cut hat and a neat shoulder bag. Pattern envelope contains all pattern pieces, transfer designs, color chart for embroidering, finishing directions. Send 15 cents (coin) for Pattern No. R230B to Capital Journal, Needle Arts Dept., 828 Mission Street, San Francisco .1, Calif. ACROSS L Claturn 4. l.ld 9. Simpleton 12. Ancient win vetaal IS. Color 11. Olrl miialcaJ not H. Sun 1A. KultllM 17. Study IS. LlRht boat 20. Mitka sLiiutbl 12. Warned 2ft Con by 18. Young cow Jft. Not ao much fz. Mothrr S3. FoiiiidatloB tlmbr 14. Lone aent S,S. Broad atxeet S7. Kniatl IS. Rail bird 15. Foundation 40. Symbol for neon 41. Heavenly body 41. Parent' atirttr 43. Church alt tins; 41. Pe,famer 47. Tartly mallad now 49 SliiKKlsh t.5. Rla.k llqul JS Relieved f7. Artlrla M. Mefora b9 Similar (in. Raverac (U. Kilalfd P2. Appoinimeinl fl. Sweet potato DOWN 1. Gam flab I. 1. ' z 3 j Miritl; 5 I if ,a n 7i 73 ;; 73 71 7S ;J 7f 23pT23' 'iu'tf 25" jo in 35 3 i'f ZTFi :,;.:-yrx-' 9 so If H sT 'si' iTpb 7T sjr 35 sf 5o" C Si J'5 P. M. IK EX 1 1 on he ABO KOIN CBS ' rrr and Plrsle ' rf(k Trr I Jark -trmstrom I serrnad ' News ! Gin n if Sims ' (iinnif Sim liuranir A Moorr I Durante A Mnnir I Kpnrta fSprillieht I Strancr 4 Aeera I Malsia MaUfe .Hn sir ' Nf Tnr 1 ' Tlif I Cava Ira ri ' ravalrarir I Ranir RirtVi Mutln j Newa .lark ftmllb Orchestra 1 Orchestra ! I'ann Rrlra j Fann Brlra j Thin Man I Thin Man . This It Flit ' This U PHI ; Break Ihn Ran I Break Iht Bunk Soma New I Newa RhMhm I t rtiieert IIbii r ' Cnnrerl llnur I Newa ' Par tn be 1 Innrant I Triat Ranter I Serenade Serenade I Air-Fin ' Airflow ("onrert Hnnr Cnnrerl llnur Orchestra Orrhealr ' X-tra Hour 1 Stlrnt to 4:45 P. M. ' News ' Western tara I KOIN Klock ' KOIN KlOfk ! Don nrt up ni ' Ma rlin As ton sky I News KOIN KIolU News News Consumer Newa I Wake I'p Sm Wnke I'p A Sm I Wake I'P A m I Wake I p A Sm 1 Let' Pretend ! ' filve and lake 1 filve. and Take I Theatre of Today I Theatre of Today ' C hild Training 1 Kid CrltlCs j firand Crntral I firand Central ' f'niintv Fair County Fair I Mary Lee Taylor ' Football I Football Football i News I Football f Football Football I Research I Farmer I Lire In Peare t l.lt-e In react ! Rvlhmn I Dirt Onrtnr I Opera I Opera 1 Opera ' Opera ' Opera Opera I Opera ' Opera Opera I Oner I Opera I Opera "Vosc-rsfT" I Football Football ! Football I Football I FooIIihII ! Football Football I Football I Football I Newspaper of Air 1 Newspaper of Air Symphony ! Svmphntiy 1 Svmphony ! S mplionv News ! Workshop l Workshop ' News ' Football ! Football I Fnolhall ! Football J Sweenev JL March ' Sweenev A March ! Columbia Feature Solution of Yestertliy'i Puizls ItlHlAVKn Cotton fabrlo MIO BA:AJPErEjClU s ilia o g e rIIr A T per Tic a r p sU a p e see nB l e pHoIt j s E3a D 0 Q E E L) PIO TB A P Hi f E H R EEllA r d I sa ffec 2JIa l e 0 EiH R H1? i a R E TBflo A R FjR!o s t E RMyl?R B n 6 rB t a B) s ajj Rt s p qmBja E. J MJBl e d b(bo l e L 0 TftRIE N E S A;D E S 6 n Ejjfts tTl ca N A ElsrsUPSATLMUY0U 1 Ch'ne.a plillosophar S. Palm leaf J. Vijor 7. Preredlnf nicht S. Forllflcatlon I. Dtrloratlns 10. LonaldM 11. Poverty 19. Noia nf tb arala ?1 Tnk out ;S. Story ?4. I'oorlr 2f Ahont rfi. Aiu'iimnllt "7. Kind of dine in. Part of a play 31. Mousellk a n I tn aj T;mniea 14. SiraiUilea Sfi flbltterntlona ST. Nnrrow mad S9. Undeveloped flower 45. Artlole 43 Good-looking 4. In Ilia lead Tpe inenBiir 47 Tonh slowly 15. St.it In Venezuela. SO. Oslllcli ftl. Cotnpan of pln era 14. Southern atat: bhr s. Oroupv a aaat 56. Pieca out Journal Feature Onnal'' Duck USD BE SUB (POMA.LP? 7 I'UI ULL I HCSt TOS HUM BEFOGi v SO T BED ! Henry Tile N'ehhs Little Orphan Annie t - I DON'T KNOW WHV rr is. dcx:-i just CArn FIGURE I'LL EVER WALK AGAIN I KNOW FOR YEARS n mI'bird on"V-. M) A STICK J f QUICK f WWW3TMeYwE DOMt I I WHAT A Fv6A.U.MICODeMUSll 1 . ( CALL YOUR yZrr,c-r'-'-' V MATTER? KNOW BUT WONDERFUL I IS REALLY J YOUR WILL ON COMING THP0UCH feaa A J2I1 GETTING HOME- The Gumps I'VE TRAMPED TMIS TOWN UKE A MAILMAN, AND NOT A SIGN OF FERRETT -CAN'T REPORT IT TO THE POLICE IAN OUT ON BAIL.' Hcg'lar Fellers PR Mutt and ,'icn By Burl Fisher You'll Have to Ask Phil Baker About This WHAT SEEMS i I DUNNO, Doe.'l HM-YoO Y WELL.YES.'Nl" VOLi PLAY i Y6H! HOW ) V vaMAT ? J -cue V'"' TO BE THE THAT'S WHY 1 ARE A AT Ti.v.ESJ A WIND S Do YOU J .oe-ro.ruT ' f TRoyBLE? J SENT FOR YOU MUSICIAN. WHEN THE INSTRUMENT' I KNOW? J INSTRUMENT . v, ACCORDION, TVTODOU ARE You GuV WHO pPo ifijKlCARRV S HCV.' TT'wY?. VHV DON'TCHA 6UT U I 1 51 Vjf MVSIRL'i- PITOHCR. VJHATCHA OIVIH Me' YV CABRV ZOOUE'J 1 60TNOIDEA W I A WITH ME ALUA TIMC . ) THIS li A PITCHER. S'J PITCHER.'' 5H6'i WHAT A RUM Hi 7 WANNABEE IT? - Of ANNIE MCANNY, Iff I VOUR. GIR.U PITCHER. rVT I t ? t-' v vth" Kid movie Starve L V isn't She? vep.' S ( zoouie J Tarzan By Edtzar Rice Burrouirlis To Save a Boy HiLE ra'TEWcw NA-VS It"1 7f''"'!'t'gSa:al fity-SWIM BEHIND ME" 1 I BOY VAINLY STROVE TO J22I2 -V , - EW?(SH0UTEg TARZAN. QUICKLV IjuJCljajr 12 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, Oct. 11, 194 G l-Jv Walt Disney IT y 1 POH'T CURB I 3PJ1 I I PI II I I'TWcl T I l5 L "J j By Carl HERE'S A SOILED BIRD YOU CAN HAVE FOR A NICKEL - SON By raK) V 1 UH vvr 7. By Harold Gray 4f W WELL. THAT WILLPOWER jk- BUT REAL COURAGE I SEE WHAT YOU l I BROUGHT YOU THROUGH- AND FAJTH NEVER I MEAN -WELL. fLL I I J J YOU JUST ABOUT WORE J REALLY WEAR OUT, J TRY AGAIN tVE I I IT OUT BY THE TIME m. FRED THEY ONLY & GOT A REASON I j " m ilwu G0T HERE" srl&$m 11 GET T1RED BSsr "to try. now- li WHY IT IS- YOU SET By Gua By Gene ALREAOY PLENTY UNDER Wtiflfiw I ANDY SUMP AAlSSlNtS FROM T ' 1 I SUSPICION THEY'LL THINK WiftMSlI I 1 HO'VAE POLICE SUSPECT HE II A ITS SOVE NEW KIND OF SaBmEl I V JUMPED BAIL DRAGNET M I' CROOKED TRICK OF MINE. PfeFi IL Jffei OL)T -TOfl Anderson POTEST I Hess Edson Byrnes Pac A Place for Everything Call for Breakfast Something Has Been Added A Fugitive Again! Unreasonable Facsimile Chapter 20 Cloud returned to the kitchen doorway. He looked at both of them sharply. Barbara lift ed her head and freed herself from Martin's arms: she was careful not to look again toward the stove. Cloud said, "She didn't do it herself." Martin tried to interpret his somehow meanful inflection. 'How about the note?" he ask ed. I'll show you." The detec tive started back for the liv ing room. "Don't walk on that rug; use the floor." They followed. Cloud slop ped by the writing desk and pointed to a fountain pen, un capped, lying on the blotter. 'She wrote it with that, bhe wasn't alone; someone stood here at her shoulder, making her write, cither by threat or trick ery. He had this in his hand " Cloud indicated a heavy silver candlestick at the nearer end of the mantel, one of a pair with globes the size of a man's fist at the base. "The bottom is filled with lead. There are traces on it, showing how he used it." "That bruise behind the ear," Martin said. "He hit her just as she finish ed the second sentence. The point of the pen dug into the paper and spattered ink across the note; it's bent out of shape. That's why I think perhaps he tricked her. If it was supposed to be her own confession, made in fear of death, he'd have wait ed for her to sign; but if he was pretending to dictate his own confession, which she expected him to sign, he wouldn't wait." Martin drew a long, gusty breath, seeing with his mind everything except the features of the other person who had been in the room. "And then," Cloud said, point ing again, "he dragged her to the kitchen. There are her slippers under the desk as they fell from her feet. There are the two furrows in the pile of the rug where her heels touched the floor." Through the open doorway came the noise of several pairs of feet on the stairway and in the hall. A policeman in uni form came first; he stopped on the threshold and looked In quiringly at Cloud, while three or four plainclothesmen, carry ing a huge suitcase and various smaller cases, gathered behind him. Martin recognized two of the men and nodded. Cloud disappeared briefly in to the bedroom as the men en tered, then emerged and beck oned to Martin and Barbara. "You two wait in here where you won't be underfoot. I doubt if anything in this room will help us, but just In case I'm wrong, please don't romp around unnecessarily." In a sense, Martin felt, he was partly responsible for what had happened to Clarabelle. If he had not called on her and plant ed fear in her mind it might have been different. Quite likely she had hastened her doom. He could imagine her. childishly troubled, at the tele phone, pronouncing her own death sentence: "He knows 1 was there . . . I'm afraid he suspects . . . I'm afraid . . ." But who was the killer, the man who had been shrewd enough to hit upon a simple and convincing scheme to solve his problem at her expense, yet clumsy enough so that Cloud had broken down the pretense within five minutes? He thought of Clarabell's first husband, Dexter, who had been loyal aft er all other, men had forsaken her. Dexter had given her money and promised more; but he had done that often, long before any question of murder had arisen, not to buy favors but out of steadfast love and pity. He thought of Ennis. It was difficult to picture the publish er as a murderer the first time, but with that hurdle taken it was absurdly easy to assume that he would kill again. Martin thought of Morrissey and there was the most impres sive suspect of all, by tempera ment, report and such intangible evidence as was available. Room and Board fWHO TAKES THE ROCWi RENT WHILE MRS. PUFFLE IS AWAV .... vTll I ' "D I f fcVl I BERT 7----UMM SUESS AHM- kJAPP- JUST PUT V 1 T'l I PAV rr u- Mkitx .... 11 i-uc unu-vm rTin -rr, jtfS, 'HEWC-nYGIVEMEA J' OLD CRACKED TEAPOT IN 1 RECEIPT VRITTESl f THE PANTRY MY BOY'- d"V. i IN TRICK. 1 THE SUM IS SO TRIVIAL, All.- 1 FADE-OUT I IT'LL OUST BE USED l- TCfiC, INl- y V FOR SMALL KnCHEN Barbara said, "It doesn't seem real. Who would be capable of such an awful thing?" "Whoever was capable of killing Searle," Martin replied, wishing with all his heart that she might hrvc been spared this ' But she was so pathetic, so inoffensive." "I guess a murderer has to lake His victims as they come. He can't pick them for their pitiable or hateful qualities, but only becaus-" they're In his way." "It's so dreadful, so frighten ing." He leaned forward and put his hand over hers, lying on the army of the chair. He said, "This time they're almost sure to catch him. He'll be twice as vul nerable. They'll be able to elim inate some suspects in the first murder who couldn't possibly have done this one as they've eliminated Clarabells alrerady and that will let them con centrate on the ones who are left." "How long will they keep us here?" "Cloud wants to talk to us. Right now he's busy rounding up all the self-evident facts. The medical examiner will be 'here and Cloud will want him to, guess at the time of death. He'll have special orders to give, er rands to send men on. Then, I imagine, he 11 get rid of us as soon as he can." "I wish he'd hurry," she said. She rested her head against the back of the chair and closed her eyes. Her hand beneath his was still, her breathing was hardly perceptible. She seemed to be asleep, lost in a grave and remote dream He looked at her for a long time, sensible only of a deep, persistent yearning. Scarcely knowing what he was doing, he leaned over and kissed her lips. Her eyes opened slowly. There was no expression in their hazel depths, or else there was an unfathomable expression. "Why did you do that, Mar tin?" "Because I wanted to." He was about to kiss her again because he wanted to, more than he had ever wanted anything, when the door opened. (To be continued) s, Versatile blouses Here is a blouse to make two ways and wear many, many more. First have it with a pretty peplum and bow neck to grace a favor ed skirt . . . then make one with , a simple belt and key-hole to wear with suits. No. 2701 is cut in sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 36, 38, 40 and 42. Size 16 requires IVt yds. 39-in. for blouse with peplum. Send 20c for PATTERN, whia ' includes complete sewing guidt.. Print your name, address and style numbe- plainly Be sure to state size you wish. Include pos tal unit or zone number in your address. Address: Pattern Department, Capital Journal. 552 Mission St., San Fran cisco. Calif By Gene Ahem HW" A SLY DIG ATMV INTEGRITY'' v7 A Nawafaatwrtu LONG rrVAOtlLD T STAY THERE-