Here Are Answers to Your Rent Control Questions (This U the ilxth In t lerlcs of articles explaining the opeiatlon of the rent con trol program established In this area on October 1, under the direction of the office of price administration.) Keitel Asks for Bullet Death Nuernberg, Germany, Oct. 10 (IP) A letter of Field Marshal Wilhelm Kcitcl asks the allied control council, which met in Berlin Wednesday, to have him shot instead of hanged. The former chief of the Ger man high command told the council, composed of the top oc cupation generals of the four big powers, he hoped his execu tion as a war criminal would serve as a "blessing" to the German people and a "credit to the German army." Bases for Adjustments Listed yesterday's article listed eight grounds for adjusting rents frozen under the office of price administration's rent control program. There are a few more. OPA is authorized to grant an increase in rent: 9. Where there has been a substantial increase in the number of persons occupying the rented In dwelling, either in a. The number of sub-tenants occupying the home under a rental agreement with the ten ant. b. A substantial increase in number of occupants in excess of normal occupancy for that type -of dwelling on the freeze date, or c. An increase over the num ber of occupants contemplated by the rental agreement on the date fixing the ceiling where the landlord had a regular practice of charging different rates for various numbers of occupants. This applies to housing accom modations only, not to hotels or rooming houses. 10. Where on the date fixing .the rent ceiling the property " was temporarily exempt from real estate taxes and the land lord was passing the benefit of this tax exemption on to his tenant, the result being a rent )ver than the level for com parable accommodations. 11. Where, after one year of operation of rent control, the landlord is able to show that his net rental income is sub stantially lower than before rent control because of substan tial and unavoidable increase in property taxes or operating costs. But landlords should realize that the matter of rent adjust ment works both ways, and the OPA rent regulations provide the basis for decreasing the rent as well. The OPA has authority to or der a decrease in rent under the following conditions: 1. Substantial deterioration other than ordinary wear and tear since the date fixing the ceiling. 2. A decrease in services, fur niture, furnishings or equip ment. . . 3. A special relationship be tween the landlord and tenant which, in this case, resulted in a rent on the freeze date higher than prevailing rents in the area. 4. A schedule of varying rents that was at it peak on the freeze date. 5. A schedule of seasonal rents likewise at its peak when rents were frozen. 6. A substantial decrease in occupancy. V7. A situation wherein the fails necessary to determining the rent ceiling were in dis pute, in doubt or nof known. There are other bases for de creasing the rent but these are the most common. Landlords are reminded that the OPA rent office cannot dis cuss or accept petitions for ad justing the rent on any dwell ing until the registration period Is over. Hunters Get Deer Wheatland Eugene Wilson, Denzil Wilson, Frank Windsor, Clyde M. LaFollette and Roy Wright of the Wheatland district returned home Wednesday with two large deer after a vacation spent hunting near Burns. The deer were fat and some of the tallow will be used for making oap at home, one lady reported. Nuernberg, Oct. 9 VP) Mai. Frederick Teich said Wednes day that Hermann Goering, the picture of bravado and courage in public, finally has succumbed to the strain of waiting for the hangman and has become "a beaten and broken man." Goering, who wept for the first time yesterday after see ing his wife, now lies despond ently on a cot on his cell staring into space, said Teich, the secur ity official who makes a daily check on the condition of the prisoners. None of the other prisoners "have a good word to say for Goering," Teich said, adding that most of them feel the former reichs-marshal's conduct contributed in large measure to the severity of the penalties im posed on the others. Most of the 11 condemned men have fallen into a state of resigned depression and decline to discuss the verdicts and sen tences any more. keeIJ 111" StJoseph( ASPIRIN WORLD'S lARBEST SlUtA AT 101 Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With More Comfort FASTEETH. a pleasant alkaline (non acid) powder, holds false teeth more firmly. To eat and talk In more com for just sprinkle a little FASTEETH on you plates No (tummy, eooey, pasty taste or feeling. Checks "plate odor" (denture breath). Get FASTEETH at any drug store. Adv. KIDNEYS MUST REMOVE EXCESS ACIDS Help 15 Miles of Kidney Tubes Flush Out Poisonous Watt If too havean excesiof acidi In yourblood. Tour 16 mtlea of kidney tubes nay ba over worked. These tiny filter and tubes are work in day and night to help Nature rid your ysiem 01 excess aciae ana poisonous watte. When disorder of kidney function oermits poisonous matter to remain In your blood, it may cause nagging nacKftcne, rneumaue pains, leg pains, loss of pep and energy, getting up nitchta. swelling. Duffinesa under the v headaches and dizziness. Frequent or scanty passages with amarting and burning some times shows there is something wrong with uur muneys or oi&aaer. Kidneys may need help the same sa bow els, so ask your druggist for Doan's Pills, a stimulant diuretic, used successfully by mil lions for over 40 years. Doan'a give happy relief and will help the 15 miles of kidney tubes flush out poisonous waste from your HVWU4 wit sua m i Yes sir, it HAS been a long, long tfms since we have had padlocks! Solid brass, high quality, pin tumbler. "Eagle" padlock with hardened steel self locking shackle. No oiling needed! 2 brats keys! '$&fc&M. fuAoujuj ceadc Sawyer Sees Dark Picture Omaha, Neb., Oct. 10 U.R President Robert W. Sawyer. Bend, Ore., of the National Rec lamation association, Wednes day forecast a dark future for reclamation and irrigation proj ects because of President Tru man's economy order slashing appropriations. "The future holds nothing but uncertainty," Sawyer, Bend, Ore., publisher, told approxi mately 1000 delegates from 17 eastern states at the opening session of the association's 15th annual convention. Sawyer said President Tru man's economy order cutting the reclamation program appro priation from S214, 000,000 to $85,000,000 for the current fis cal year after congress ad journed "was major surgery performed on unwilling patients without previous examination, diagnosis, or understanding of its effects. Congress, I feel cer tain, would not have permitted the action to go unchallenged." Relief At Last For Your Cough Chronic bronchitis may develop If your cough, chest cold, or acute bron chitis is not treated and you cannot afford to takeachance with any medi cine less potent tnan ureomulsion which goes right to the seat of the trouble to helD loosen and exoel eerm laden Dhleirm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed oroncnial mucous membranes. Creomulsion blends beechwood creosote byspecial process with other time tested medicines for coughs. It contains no narcotics. m No matter how manv medicines you have tried, tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough, per mits n rest and sleep, or you are to have your money back. (Adv.) "In other years," Sawyer said, "it has been possible to review the work accomplished by the bureau and this association, and to consider the program for the current fiscal year as deter mined by congressional appro priations. "This year all is different. Confusion reigns. The record of the immediate past, so far as congressional action is con cerned, has been erased. The future holds nothing but un certainty." Thanksgiving Day Set for November 28 Thanksgiving will be ob served November 28, Governor Earl Snell said Wednesday. He said the date conforms with a congressional resolution fixing the date as the fourth Thursday in November. Neuberger Will Appeal His Case Portland, Oct. 10 WP Appeal will be taken to the Oregon su preme court from the decision by a three-judge Multnomah county circuit court that reap portionment cannot be required of the legislature, Richard L. Neuberger said Wednesday. Neuberger brought the suit in the allegation that failure to follow the state's constitutional provision for reapportionment every 10 years denies adequate representation to the more populous counties. The court held that although the constitution directs the leg islature to make the apportion ment, there is no power vested in the courts to force it to do so. Americans smoke 250,000, 000,000 cigarettes a year AAfttittmtnt From where I sit ... Joe Marsh Are Returning Veterans "Different"? During the war you heard a lot about how hard it waB going to be for returning veterans to get ad justed to civilian life . . how they'd be "different." Well, plenty of them have re turned to our town, and a finer, steadier bunch you couldn't ask for. Most of them are back at the same jobs . . . going with the same nice home-town girls (get ting married, some of them, and setting up families) . . . renewing the same old friendships. Even their amusements are the same. Nothing more exciting than fishing Seward's creek or pitch ing horseshoes . . . enjoying an outdoor barbecue with friendly wholesome beer and pleasant talk. If they've changed at all it's in the direction of maturity and tol erance . . . tolerance for everything except dictators, and those who would destroy our democratic principles of live and let live. And from where I sit, that's another reason to be proud of them. Copyright, 1946, United States Brtven f ounaatum 9'ue been, amJjpfamitiJL acuuv Capital Journal. Salem. Oregon, Thursday, Oct. 10, Ifljfi $ "jf? "Controlled Roasting". . . that's what takes the guesswork out of coffee roasting. By roasting the blend a little at a time . . . continuously ... the automatic control of this exclusive Hills Bros, process insures an even roast for every coffee bean none overdone, none underdone. And that means the same matchless flavor in every pound of Hills Bros. Coffee YOU BUY! Hills Bros Coffee is packed in both glass jars and cans Since metal auppliei are still limited, there may be occasional shortage of Hills Bros. Coffee in cans in your neighborhood. W J Salem Hardware Co. On Sale Friday AILS WE HAVE THEM Limit 10 lbs. EACH SIZE TO CUSTOMER 52-Gallon Electric Water Heater 129.95 30-Gal. Gas Water Heater 99.50 Rival Can Openers, wall type. Special 99c Small Mail Boxes, cast aluminum 2.65 Aluminum Circle Clothes Dryers 13.45 Molded, Carrylight, Duck decoys, dozen 17.50 Rubber Tired 2-Wheel Lawn Carts 7,50 TROUBLE SHOOTERS, LIGHTS AND EXTENSION CORD All Steel Rubber Tired Wheelbarrow 11.95 ENAMEL WARE STAINLESS STEEL WARE ALUMINUM WARE For Thanksgiving ALUMINUM ROASTERS 5.97 to 5.1 8 REMEMBER CHRISTMAS IS NOT FAR OFF ELECTRIC TRAINS 22.50 to 35.50 PERFECTION OIL RANGE All while porcelain finish, (rimmed in black. Built-in oven temperature gau", ny : 125.45 Food Choppers 2.95 to 3,75 Leaf Rakes 1,15 up Rubber Indust. Gloves X.60 Ironing Board Pads and Covers 2.35 to 3.50 Tow Cables, complete with hooks 2.85 Bread Boxes 2.25 Bassinettes , fc.75 Baby Strollers 12.75 Kitchen Stools 330 up Inside Clothes Dryers 1.75 up Vise Grip Wrenches 1,95 Saw Filing Guides 3,00 Hook Scrapers 75c COMPLETE FIREPLACE SETS Solid screens, curtain type screens, andirons, poker and broom .sols, coal and wood grates. KIDS' SWINGS All Metal Stand, Complete Tin Snips 2.00 Hand Drills 5,25 Breast Drills 6,75 Butcher Saws 2.65 lP Electric Soldering1 Irons 4.50 Swedish Buck Saws fc.85 Comfortair Heater and Fan Combination ..- 24.15 Lightweight Footballs 5.95 Hunting Coats 11,95 up Roller Skates 3.95 Underground Garbage Cans 14.50 Door Chimes 7,95 to 8.95 Feather Dusters 1,75 All Sizes FIELD FENCING Chicken Netting Stucco Netting Barbed Wire Salem Hardware Co. 484 State St. 120 North Commercial Phone 4906