in 18 Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Thursday. Oct. in. 19IS V '. & V k... .A FLUORESCENT CHANNEL . . . Chrome 5.95 A fluorescent fixture for con cealed home lighting or commer cial use. Bulbi are not Included. DAMPER CONTROL REDUCED 'Z';f 12.44 PRICE SLASHED on Wardi AUTO MATIC damper control. Cuts fuel waste . . . controls heal! Buy now. LUCKMAN "PRO LEAGUE" FOOTBALL I 6.49 For Ward Week! Select ed pebble cowhide cover. Official size and weight! RIVERSIDE SPARK PLUGS CUT-PRICED! 3fic Specially engineered to give you belter mileagel Gel a set NOW for economical startsl PRINTED DISH TOWELSI ABSORBENTI . 24c Absorbent cotton dish towels gaily printed with fruit or floral borden. 17" x 30. Red or blue. AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC IRON A.C.0.V 7.95 No more guessing for correct heal . . . just dial fabric. Chrome fin Ish, cool handle, cord ond plug. ONCE AGAIN! AMERICA'S GREATEST SALE! WiSwZlrfMaJ mi . iri J. LwfcJ kw-i L.,..J L...e-.K;..a ,.,,.i..vrt.J 1.. J; WHEN ALL AMERICA SHOPS AND SAVES! WINTER KING HEAVY SERVICE GUARANTEED 24 MONTHS Fx- change price 9.50 DovbU Boiltr 1.45 Here's the battery that gives you instant starts and plenty of power for extra accessories) 110 ampere-hour capacity, 51 bavy-duty plates, high quality wood separators with glass fiber retainer mals to hold active material in plates. long Type . . . same quality as above with 120 ampere-hour capacity, 57 plalesl Genuine hard rubber case. Exchange price 12.75 WARD WEEK SPECIAL . . . SHINING ALUMINUMWARE Wards made a special purchase of this smart, modern aluminum ware for Ward Week selling ... so be sure to come early to get a complete set! Mirror-finish outside, ond sunray finish inside; quick to heal, and easy to clean. Make your kitchen shine! 4-qt. Side-handle Pat 99c 6-qt. Side-handle Pot. 1.16 1, 2 and 3-qt. Saucepan Set. 1.34 8-cup Percolator 1.41 9.44 CHENILLE BEDSPREADS REGULARLY PRICED 10.98 This is a sale to make you homemakers pop right down to Wards to take advantage of this super value! Where else can you find such thick, soft, closely tufted spreads at such a little price? What's more, they're washable and require no ironing because they will not wrinkle. Beautiful multicolor flora! designs on soft pastel shades in both twin and double bed sizes. Save by buying now! CHECK EVERY SINGLE ITEM! THEY'RE VALUES ONLY WARD WEEK CAN BRING! SALE! KITCHEN TOOLS REDUCED! Take this opportunity now to furnish your Kitchen with these efficient helpers . . . in- 6Cg eludes Indies, spoons, potato mashers ELECTRIC FUSES . . . REDUCED! sizes ! Get Heatproof, shockproof fuses in a your supply today at Wards , reduced! 5 for they're M A REDUCED! 2.98 HANDBAGS . . . NOW Choose from our bir collection of Fall hand- bags . . . grained plastics in Fall colors, f I Plus tax AtOD LOW PRICED! BEST LOOPED SHAGS 5.67 Ko cut ends to shed ! Loops won't pull out! All avo sunfast, pi-cshrunk! Use in any room! 2x3 feet WELL-BUILT BABY CRIB Adjustable Rpnnjr clrnpnirto. All well made in lovely natural finish Fine Youth Bed Ideal for growing young slersl Hardwood frame . Maple finish. Complete with all-iteel spring. 18,70 SAVE EXTRA ON SPAR VARNISH! Cut-priced for Ward Week! Durable . . . weather-resistant outdoor varnish. Dries 4 in -1 hours! Quart AJ9 25-FT. TROUBLE LIGHT . I ". REDUCED! Take liKht wherever you need it! A steel wire Kuard protects the bulb from breaking. Get it now! COTTON DRESSES FOR WARD WEEK! 2.98 Practical, washable, printed percales so nice ly made. Limited Two to a Customer. Sizes 16-44 :. FIRE-KING GLASS ROASTER Class roaster for fast oven cooking. Guar anteed for two years against breaking from oven heat. Holds 6-lb. roast 1.00 Platorm Rocker Comfort , , . charm . . . and Real Value! See this plat form rocker at Wards. Be Satisfied and Sovel "1 42S- USE YOUR CREDIT! Buy on Wards Monthly Payment Plan! GORflERY 'WAR.D TO l it Brass Table Lamp Compare the Value at 19.951 Polished bran . .. tole type shade In gun metal color . . . reflector bowll 13ij REG. 98c COTTON KNIT SHIRTS 77c A basic need for all boys . . i stacks of striped cotton knit hirtsl Save at Wards. 4-10. J SALE PULLOVER SWEATERS, n 11 WERE 2.98 I Pure woolen worsted sweaters with round neck, long sleeves. Huge color assortment. 7-14- SALEI REGULARLY 2.79 TWILl PANTS 2.37 Herringbone cotton twill that won't show soil. Pra-shrunk. Blue or brown. 1 0 to 1 8. CAPESKIN DRESS GLOVES 2.50 Ward Week special! Hand some capeskin in firey. They're popular slip-on style. GOOSENECK YARDLIGHT Reg. 3.35 For safety's sake ; t ; light up those dark spotsl 1 2" shade with a baked-enamel finish. 23" long. LOCK-GRIP WRENCH REDUCED I 2.38 lever action locks aws fo work with ton pressure. Tough alloy steell Buy at cut pricef 4.84 IRONING TABLE with Metal Trim Firmly braced, wood top metal frame with rub ber shoes. WARDS ELECTRIC FUSES ...REDUCED! s hr 27 C Shockproof, heatproof fuses In all sizes. Don't wait for the lights fo go out i i stock up nowl )Yr-r AUTOMATIC GAS WATER HEATER JO-gal. 96.00 AUTOMATICALLY gives constant supply of hot waterl Fully Insu lated. Buy yours TODAYI 4, BOYS' COSSACK JACKETS ARE TOPS 4.98 Zipper-front All Wool Jacket. Adjustable side tabs. Plain back. Dark plaids. 4 to 10. SMART TIES FOR MEN 1.39 to 1,97 Ward Week value! Rich rayon ties in handsome foulards and woven figures. They're interlined. 1 -'i K il.;.-.v:.:T.'.. REGULAR SET now 1.59 CORD 1.38 Here's a sturdy steel coil sprinf that does keep cord off the Iron Ing boardl Get it now at Wards! J w r OUTSTANDING VALUES IN RAG RUGS... 3.19 Washoblel' Reversible for extra wearl Practical rugs for bed rooms, hallways! 2'x4' size. . nr.-. . . ..v'j 4xfi IMPORTED NUMDAH RUGS 6.98 Soft while wool . . . Intriguing "Tree of life" design embroider, ed In brilliant colors. Buy nowl USE YOUR CREDIT! Buy now on Wards Monthly nnd save! Pay later oul of income. The mcrchan to use!