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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1946)
16 Capital Journal Siilem, Oregon, Thursday, Oct. 10, 1946 FOR SALE HOUSES NEW MODFRN house at Amity, 3 bdrms.. L. R., dining rm. and kitchen, sealed upstairs, eice. range ana water neater. Immed. possession. Contact Mrs. Stew- arc Hardte. Amity, ore. a24: $WW10 ACRES, furnished 4-rm. sealed house, southwest ot Liberty. See Mrs. Fatxer. BURT PICHA. REALTORS 3S43 Portland Rd. Ph. 6472. Eves. 34504 a242' $6000 2-BDRM, plastered house, south, by Leslie. Lot 56x105. Extra lot can be bought, variety ol Irult, Sac Mrs. Pat ter. BURT PICHA. REALTORS 3543 Portland Rd. Ph. 6472. Eves. 34504 a242 SACRIFICE JiF.W 2-bdrm. home North, clec, water heater, wired for range, complete plumb ing. Near bus, store and school. Extra large lot. 15250 with liberal terms. M. O. HUMPHREYS St CO., Realtors 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 7820 2286 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 24536 a:i: FULL PRICE $7250 MODERN 2-bdrm. Dutch Colonial home, near school. Largo Jot 60x252. Ask fcr Mr. Corey. M. O. HUMPHREYS Si CO., Realtor 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. TB.'O a:M2 KINGWOOD HEIGHTS $4800 DOWN A VERY nice new 3-bdrm. house, dbl. llre placc, basement, hdwd. floors. No. 526. J8950 FULL PRICE LARGE LOT, 2 bdrms. down, 1 up. lidwd. floors. Priced to sell, Call Mr. Innate. M. O. HUMPHREYS Aj CO., Realtors 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 7820 n242 OWNER LEAVING Attractive homo N. Salem, Llv. rm.. din rm., tiled kitchen, nook, 3 bdrms., double plumb., fire place, full bsmt., piped furnace, elec. wat. heater. 3 lots, fruit and nuts. Garden. landscaped yard. 2645 Maple. Ph. 3895 a242 FOl'R-ROOM, two rooms and bath, partly finished. Material to finish. Write or call Howard Smith, city marshal!. Amity, Oregon. a242 NEW LISTING $3550 S-RM. HOUSE, shower, etc. Gas burner stove, hot water system. Lot 200x100. nice shade trees, city water. Nice loca tion. See this at once. Possession and terms, M. D. Looney with WM. E. MOSES 331',iState. Ph. 491(3 a242 EXCELLENT buy. new 2-rm. house with shower, etc. One extra lot, city water, electricity, nice bullt-ins, linoleum on floor. M. D. Looney with WM. E. MOSES 231 '.4 State. Ph. 4993 r242 MUST SELL Immediately, 1-bcdrm. home, clean, Venetian blinds, hot water heater, wired for range. Double lot. 2485 N. Church. Ph. 2J980. a245 STOP LOOK READ OWNER leaving town. 5-room house. 2 bedrooms, basement, corner lot on bus line across from store, school 2 blocks, House newly decorated. 410 Ford street. Phono 24900. n245a 2 BEDKM. plastered home, all 111 Rood. clean cond., nice yard, large garage. Rood location, close to schools, on city bus route, by owner at reduced price. Immed. pais. If Interfiled be at 1002 Highland Ave. Sat. 10 a.m. to 0 p.m., Oct. 12, or call Monmouth 6."02. a242 4 BEDROOMS $7150 BASEMENT. Purn. Nice lawn A; shrubs. Call Mr. Bishop. GENERAL REAL ESTATE CO. Rm. 10 Ladd & Bush Bank Bid. Ph. 7770 o241 3 BED ROOM HOME $9750 LIVING B.M., fireplace, dining rm.. nice kitchen, basement, auto, nil furnace, double garage, close to bus, schools and stores. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High Just nnrth of Center St. Phone 24793. Eve. 6375 or 23052 a242 33750 7 ROOM HOUSE. CLOSE IN. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 43S N. Utah Just north of Center St. Phone 24793. Eve. 0375 or 23052 a242- THE LITTLE OFFICE WITH A BIO BUSINESS MUST BE SOLD EXTRA WELL located. 3 D R. home first floor, 2 B.R. unfln. up. largo living and dining, plnssed In rear porch with fire place, full base., sawdust furnace: dou blo gar., lot 86 x 106, fruit, shrubs. North. Inspect this nice- home, make orfer. OUT OP TOWN OWNERI BATS SELL this strictly modern 2 B.R. home completely furnished Northeast on bus. Inspect this well built home. Make offer. 9 B.R, HOME, base, oil floor furnace, elect, water hratcr. $7500. J B.R. NEW home. East. f7;(in. 4 B.R, HOME, part, furnished. $6850. NORTH SMALL J B.R. home, close to bus, stor. lot 90x150. Price $2850 cash. C. II. Sanders. 231 N. HIh-5B3B. 24I LOVELY CREEK LOT GOOD ft bedroom home, fireplace, full dbl. plumbing, auto oil heat, wired for range, wall to wall carpet in L.R., D.R., and den. Lots of fruit and shade. Close to bus, school, and stores, idral for children. Really a lino buy at $12, 000. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 1365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 2.'iin3 . n242 31.100 I R.W. CAniN S. In city on 50x100 lut. No plumbing. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 1365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 2:I03 NEAR HIGH SCHOOL VERY GOOD all plastered 4 bedroom home, bsmt., fuel furnace, wired fr ranpc, large lot. This is really a well built home and clean As neat through out. 8B.500 SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 2365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 2.M03 a242 mnr.DAljK AIM. WANT A REALLY nice 5 room home In Salem's finest district? Wo have it. Full bsmt., party room St one of the nicest yards In town. $13,500. Terms SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland ltd. Ph. 3355. Ees, 25103 024C HOME AND BUSINESS, antull 2 luf home with Help Yourself Laundry. Made 1100 clear last month with hardly any work attached. This is a real hulc money maker. J6.0OO. Terms. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3363 Portland Kd. Ph. 3355. Eves. 25W3 n242 ULTRA MODERN SUBURBAN THIS Al WOULD cost too much to tell you all the fine features of this lovely new home. If you aro looking for Rome thing different and something Just a little better, let us show you this one. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 1365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 2M03 n24J HOMES FOR SALK Phone 6155 8LVI0 G.I. ONLY. New I bdnil. home, large living room, kitchen, utility room. 1 blk. to bus, En?,t Sulcni. iO,iO TERMS. I ROOM COTTAGE, plus large apt. over double garaiie, Junto lot, linvn. walnuts. North Salem. $"110 NEWLY REDECOJIATED 6 YRS. OLD, two bedrooms, uti porch, living room, dining room, oak floors, double garage, laundry trays, auto, oil Hoar furnace, lane 77 x 125 lot. shrubbery. block to 30 mln. bus service, 1 block to graae Bchool. SMUO G.I. ONLY. NEW TWO BEDROOM home. Spacious living room, dining room. Inrk-e kitchen, utility room, hard wood floors, automatic air condition ing furimce. Also space for two more rooms upstairs. 2 blks. to bus. This lite everything to be desired lu a perma nent home. ffttOO EAST SALEM WELL LOCATED home. Two bedrooms, largo living room and dining room, full basement, piptl furnace, upace for two largo rooms uu-S'-Hlrs, 60 x 136 foot lot, double garage. Bus to door, store block. Large lawn, beautiful shrubbery. 9U50O ENGLEWOOD COLONIAL. Three bedroom home, nil large spacious room-, utility room, attached garage, corner lot, convenlei.t to bus and school. Terms. A B RAMS A; ELLIS, INC. 411 Masonic BJcig. Phone 0155 Insurance Mortgage Loans a241 ACCRUED Inflation obtains In some more than other houses. This 4 B.R. house is In the latter class. Bight near schools, nlco setting. LUBE REALTY Oregon Bide. 7952 a240 SMALL, partly furnished house. One bed room, living room, dinette and kitchen. Shower. 300 Market Ave. Penn 4 Cor ners. SL340 FOK SALE HOUSES McKlNLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT MODERN, 6 RM. home with auto-oil heat, fireplace, hdwd. floors, clec. h.w, heat er utility rms, garage, nice yard, out side fireplace. Price 312,500. Call Coburn L. Grabenhorst with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 413L Eve. 7772 a240- WALNUT PARK A COZY If rm. home, auto-oll heat, out side fireplace, beautiful grounds. A won derful location. SEE THIS TODAY. Call Coburn L. Grabenhorst with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eve. 7772 B240" ENOLEWOOD OWNER LEAVING city 5 rm. home with basement, lurnacc, fireplace, elec. h. w. heater, lge. lot with many trees. A HEAL BUY AT 37.300. Call Coburn L Grabenhorst with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eve. 7772 a240" VERY ATTRACTIVE. bdrm., south Sa lein near Leslie and McKlulcy schools, HW firs, fireplace, full baiemcnl, auto, sawdust furnace, range wired, elec. water htr, lovely large lot. Price $12. 600. 4 cash, ball. 340 per mo. plus Int. 3 BDKM. Hollywood dist, lireplace, V. blinds, auto, sawdust furnace, double (carafe, wall to wall carpet llv. St din. rms, winter's fuel In basement. Price 312.850. 3 HUitM. nicely located north, fine large lot 60 X 132. t950. SALEM REALTY COMPANY REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 7680. a241 CREEK HOME MODERN, 2 bdrm, home, hdw. floors, auto-oll heat, 1 Ircphtce. patio, finished In knotty cedar. Beautiful grounds St flowers. Price 315,800. FOR APPOINT MENT Call Dale L. Shepherd With GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Sr. Ph. 4131. a240 BEST BUSINESS SPOT IN SALEM IT. FHONTAGE. 393 It. deep. Has a very nice two bedroom home. Just re decorated. Completely furnished includ ing clec. range, water heater, and refr. Dbl. garage and shop. All for 312.000 nt very easy terms. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 24479 8242' NEAT Z MDItM. home 6 yrs. old. Price reduced to 3B450. Call Mr. Bishop with General Rcnl Estate Co. Rm. 10, Ladd Ai Bush Bank Bldg. Ph. 7770. a240 NORTH CAPITOL ST. 4 BDRMS. Double plumbing. Large lot. Hdwd firs. Full basement. Furn. Price $12,600. Cnll Bishop, with General Real Estate. Room 10, Ladd St Bush Bank Bldg. Ph. 7770. b240 REALLY NICE VIEW HOME Just south of town. 2 bdrms. '.j A. land. Nice trees. Bus every 'j nr. 310.950. GENERAL REAL ESTATE CO. Rm. 10, Ladd As Bush Bldg. Ph. 7770 a240 COMPLETELY FURNISHED S ROOM HOUSE on a choice corner lot 100x100. nest district, south. 310,500. Only M.'iOO down. GENERAL REAL ESTATE CO. Rm. 10. Ladd St Bush Bldg. Ph. 7770 R240 5H.-.00. CLEAN 4 BR home North. Close to Salem Htnh school. Auto, water heater. Wired for ranee. Basement. Furnace. Garage. Immediate Posses sion. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 1T.3 S. High Ph 4121 Eves. 25561 a241 J97.-.U. MODERN 2 BR homo close In in East Stale street. Large lot. Basement, furnace, nuto. water heater, Immedi ate Possession. Call Stanley Drown With STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High Ph. 4121 Eves. 25561 a24l $11. mill. MODERN 3 DR home North. Fire place, Venetian blinds, hardwood floors, auto, wnter heater. Att. garage, beau tiful grounds. Call Stanley Rrown with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High Ph. 4121 Eves. 25561 a241 $7,-.mi. modern 2 BR home S.E, 6 yrs. old. Auto, oil furnace. Auto, water heater, 2 car garage. Insulated. Imme diate possession. C.ill Stanley Diown with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High Ph. 4121 Eves. 25561 r241 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION C-ROOM plastered bungalow, plumbing, built-in. Needs redecorating. Garage. Workshop. East front lot. Price 35500. SEE ; LEO N. GUILDS. INC. Realtors 344 State St. I'h. 8261. n240 II Y OWNER: 2 bedrm. home, plastered, wired for range. Good bsmt., sawdust furnace, elrc. wtr. htr. Garage, on corner lot. Just redecorated. 1 blk. to school. 2 blks. lo stores, bus by door. 2105 North 4th St. a 240 ItY OWNER: 2 bedrm home. W. Salem. Auto, lint water, oil circulating heat. Phone 4033. a240 FOR SALE: Imin poss., close in. 6 rm. house, some furniture, new elec. water heater, new elec. range, 18 bearing apple trees. Cash, 34500. Phono 370R. a240' FOR UtIICK SALE hy owner: 37600. Five room modern house, utility room, elec tric water heater, oil circulator. In laid linoleum, garage, large lot. 1480 Mission St. a240 5HUHH NICE DOME east. Large L.R.. din. rm.. kitchen, nook, 2 beclrms, bath, unfinished upstairs, basement, furnace. SH.nui 8 RM. home, partly furnished. On In me lot A; cood local Ion south. jKnim ru.c TiiwLLY new 2 bedrm. home near Enalewnod school. s:k,-,o2 redkms., L R., kitchen, din ette, bath, basement, furnace, hdw. floors. North. Call Mr. Walters HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS .141 Chcmckcta St Phone 3"!3. Eves. 25260. a240" $l7.-0 NEAR Hl(;il school, 3 bedrms. dnn, Ml. kKchen. 2 rms. up, with dbl. phi in In nt:. Can be made tnlo apt. S.-himi I 11KDKM. home north. L.R., din. rm , kllclu'ii. lnrtte lot. $7.",nti NEAR Kitwwood Drive. 3 bedrm. hume. hdw. floors, fl replace, large lot. $!imu DOWN Buys this 2 bedrm. home. L li , dinette, kitchen, fireplace, base men'.. Alsu 3 tin. apt. as Income. CALL OMER HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 21549. Eve.i. 2.091. a240 RI Y FROM LIST AT THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 24793 a 243 SMALL HOME, built 1941. Solid con struction, hdw. Iloors. cement found. Plastered, clean. Furn.. Incl. new refrlg. Lot 40x100. Take late car as part. Quirk poss. Call 1174 8lh St.. West Salem. H242 BARGAINS HOME BARGAINS $3.on. E.WT, 1 Bdr. Dll, and Kit, Some Fruit and Berries. .W.'im. 2 Ml lilt., B,ith, T.R.. DR.. Kit. Ga- rnse. Near Lint own and Canneries. S.V'OU. I MM. 1'OSS. 3 Rm. Garage Use. Move in an finish new Hse, In front. Materials on hand $.v:;o. l;e. old ii ME. Suitable for 3 Ants, lu business rone. Close In. $t".im '; AC. 4 Corners, 2 Bedr. Bath. LR.t PR . Kit. Osrage Si:.ti. cooo 3 Bdr. Hme. ! Ae. near Swede Prli. Hwd. llrs. Flrept. Oarage. 51P.7:. I MM. POSS. Englewood Dist. 2 Hdr. bath. I.R.. Kit., DR. Bsmt. Fur nace. Oarage. Call "Elmer" Anderson. BURT PICHA. REALTORS Phone 3210337 N. High Street 240' OWi:it OFFERING to selt their nice mod. home. Close in and Priced to sell. Large rum., full basmt.. oil furnace. On cor ner, bus by door. Handy to school, church and Store. Phone 34777 eves. a 1210 FURNISHED 3 UrmtooMS. all on one floor. Living room, Ir.ruo kitchen, lots of nice fir trees around. It's clean and neat. 37350. See Httdklus First CHAS. HUDKINS As SON 275 Stale Phone 24139 a240 MOVE RIGHT IN 3 BEDROOMS and bath, living and dining room kitrhen. wood rane and rireu Intor go with It. Clcse to bus and school. 359 jO. See Htidkln First CHAS. HUDKINS As SON 275 State Phone -4129 a340- 2-ROOM HOME BY OWNER WHY SLEEP in the park? Partly fur nished house with city water, gas and electric, automatic gas heater, etc. On Pacific highway 99E. Lot 50x100. Im mediate possession. Full price 13450. Call 21300. 2U FOR SAT E HOUSES BEAUTIFUL VIEW PROPERTY LOT about 100x160 ft. Beautifully land scaped. Well arranged 6-room house; good plumbing: plenty bullt-ins: base ment; automatic air conditioned oil heat. A place you will be proud to own. Price 313.500. Sec JAMES B. HARTMAN With LEO N. GUILDS, INC. Realtors 344 State St. Ph. 9261 a240 2-APART.MENT house near city center and university. 37500. Will take 2-bed-rm. suburban home about 34500 as part payment. 730 Mill or Pli. 24831 a244' NORTH WINTER STREET'H LIVING room, dining room, nook. 2 bedrooms. Htrdwood floors, full base ment, electric heat, double garage. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3793. Eves. 9441. a240 NORTH FOURTH STREET $750 LIVING room, dining room. 3 bed rooms. Wall-to-wall carpet. Wired for range. Sawdust furnace. Possession 15 days. HUFP REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors. 341 Chemeketa St. Phi 3793. Eves. 9441 a240 NORTH CHURCH STREET I69.V1 LIVING room, dining room. 3 bed rooms. Utility In basement. Lot 61x132. HUFP REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors, 341 Chemekct St. Ph. 3793. Eves. 9441 a240 BY OWNER 2-bdrm, house, nice and clean, half down. 1640 A st. a241 OWN YOUR HOME ENGLEWOOD School District Bung, well built, 2 bedrooms, plenty of bullt-ins. Fruit, garden, nice lawn and shrub bery. Priced lo sell "8000.00. Call "Myles" Henderson JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 4,15 Court Phone 7696 Res. 24682 a241 NEW! MOD. HOME In the City. 2 bedrooms, tile bath, lovely rooms throughout. Ex cellent buy Pt 39500. Call "Habby" Hahernlcht JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phone 76a6 a241 THE LITTLE OFFICE WITH A BIG BUSINESS MUST BE SOLD EXTRA WELL located. 3 B.R. home first floor. 2 B.R. unfln. up, large living and dining, glassed in rear porch with lireplace, full base., sawdust furnace, double gar., lot 86x106. fruit, shrubs. North. Inspect this nice home, make offer. OUT OF TOWN OWNERI SAYS SELL this strictly modem 3 B.R. home, completely furnished. Northeast, on bus. Inspect this well built home. Make offer. 3 B.R. HOME. base., nil floor furnace, elect, waler heater. S7500 2 B.R. NEW home. East. S7500. 4 B.R. HOME. part, furnished. 16850. C. H. Sauders-231 N. High-5838 a210 BY OWNER COMFORTABLE two bed room plastered home on really de.sirablc corner lot. Ten blocks north from postolfice. In quire 550 Market Street. a244 FOR SALE by owner 3 room house and two lots In Woodburn. Good location. Electricity, gas and city water. Also gas stove and water heater. Reason able. Immediate Possession. Inquire at J. Buford Brown. Rt. 1 Box 268A. Wood burn, Oregon. 14 miles north of Salem on Salem-Champoeg highway. a244 BY OWNER 4 brdrm. hse., dblo plumb ing, fireplace, hardwood firs., sawdust furnace, full basement, desirable resi dential dist., near high sen., 315-000. By appoint.. Ph. 6219. a242 BY OWNER: Attractive 3 bed room home In Klngwood Heights. Hardwood floors, fireplace and covo ceilings. Attached garage, fenced In yard, nice lawn and shrubs. Only 6 years old. Price 17. 500.00. Phono 8360. a240 MONEY TO LOAN on nrst mortgages, 4 to 6. C.tll ror details. ED BYRKIT As CO. 208 North High Phone 5981. a241a MONEY TO LOAN on first mortgages. 4 to 6-; Cill for details. ED BYRKIT Ss CO. 208 North High. Phone 5081. a241a $6.-7..fHI MCE CLEAN 2 bedroom home with bath, LR, DR, kitchen, nook, Vene tian blinds, nice fireplace, hardwood floors, basement, close to schools, nice location. This Is a good buy. $7."ioti.uo 2 ACHES with rambling ranch house, 2 bedrooms, LR, DR, kitchen, bath, pallo, electric conking, taxes only 324.00 per year. Immediate possession, move right lu. SWK.Voo ;t BEDROOMS, nice clean house, gas range and circulator goes, Venetian blinds. Better hurry on this one. $; :i bedrooms, bath, lr, dr. kitchen, full biusement, electric cooking, automatic oil furnace, owner will sell as Is or will trade for 1 or 2 acres close in. $11. .11111.(1113 BEDROOM home, English style, hardwood floors, fireplace, bath. LR, DR, kitchen, nook, full basement, electric cooking, lovely fenced-in back yard, electric stove and refrigerator. Possession 20 days. McKILLAP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 S. Iilsh St. Phone 6131 Phone Evenings 6901-7163-4937. a340' 3 BEDROOM house. 2 nice lots. Gariu-c Lota of shade. Furnished. Move right in. Inquire nt 538 S. 24th. Salem. A240 $KHK1 t 1IEDRM, hse., Lg. din. rm.. A: bath, all on our floor. Wired for range Just off Center on 19lh St. See this brfore you buy. Si. Mill RICHMOND dist. 2 bedrm. home. basement, corner lot. Bus line. 2 1IEDHM. home close to McKlnley school. Hdw. firs.. V. blinds, fireplace, f nil basement. Elec. waler heater, auto. heat. Immediate possession. SLUiu 3 BEDKM. home In West Salem Heights. Hdw. firs., fireplace, fenced in backyard Tnim. poss. $j-.MO BEDRM. home cast, with 3 lots. Fireplace, gas water heater, garase. close to school A; bus. limn. poss. Si'lHl ' BEDRM. home south, with 2 lots. Priced for quick sale. S'IKim 3 BEDKM. home lu Kelzer dist. This is one of the best. Beautifully landscaped. $R.tiHi l'i A., 2 bedrm. home, new gar.. wired for range. Laundry trays. $mkhi V'i A. in Kclzcr dist. 4 rm. hse- on paved road. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 S, Com. St. P. 4.'90. Eve. 21030, a240 FOR SALE By Owner, house, 4 rms. downstairs. 2 upstairs, remodeled A; re decorated, riis range,, hot water heater A: rm. heater goes with place. 34500. 33250 will handle. CIoms to high school & bus. Inquire 2380 Fairgrounds Rd (Barber shop). Eve. or Sundays at L8 W. Luther St. a242 HI.1-si'Rl't:Es"T. 3 bedroom home. L R. with fireplace, D.R.. kitchen, bath and 2 bedrooms down, 1 bedroom up. Hard wood floors, full basement with sawdust burner, winter's sawdust In, garage. S 10.500. DO YOU WANT a really fine home on a large creek lot? This place has everything anyone could desire. Large L.R. with fireplace, D.R., breakfast room, kitchen, music room and lavatory down. 3 large bedrooms and bnth up, hardwood floors thruout. full basement with oil burning hot water heating plant, double garage. For more Information call me. FLOYD VOLKKL REAL ESTATE 474 Court Phono 3904. a240 OWNER TRANSFERRED In Salem: Will exchange for Salem property or sell Portland suburban home. Fine 5 rm. home, glassed In porch, modern up-to-ihe-miuute kitchen, loads of bullt ins. New Montag oil furnace. Best con dition. New roof, garage, barn. & 20x40 chicken house. Family orchard, on l'j A. Handy to school, bus A stores. Call Mr. Slgca with the Texas Co., Ph. 9S34. aJ43 FOB SALE LOTS SUNRISE HEIGHTS FINEST VIEW LOTS EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. WONDERFUL VIEW OF MTNS. At VALLEY, SALEM'S FINEST RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. LOCATED WEST OF SOUTH COMMERCIAL ST. SEE THIS DISTRICT. A REAL INVEST MENT. Call Dale L. Shepherd with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. aa240' IN ENGLEWOOD dist. Lot 56x115 ft. and approx. 9 or 10 thousand feet ot lum ber. 1067 Ruse St., rear, W. Salem. a24'J 8I.OTS ON Park Ave. only 3600. 3125 down, first Beta best choice. RE1M ANN REAL ESTATE "Listings Skillfully Handled" 201 S. High Ph. 3723 or 7X36 Eves, ft Sun. 24111 or 3621 aa" FOK SALE FARMS FARM BUYERSl BE FORK YOU decide on a firm, get a copy of our Speciat Farm List with descrip tions of 6J farms. NELSON A NELSON REALTORS Rms. 300-3 Mason lo Bldg. 495 Stale SL Ph. 4419 or 4922, Eve. 3-4547 b FOR SALE FARMS THE LITTLE OFFICE WITH A BIG BUSINESS 8 ACRES filberts. 21 yrs. old. A well lo cated and good producing acreage, worth your consideration. 313,000. CO ACRES, '-.'0 acres good filberts 14 yrs. old. 20 acres prunes. 5 acres fir tim ber, creek, balance under plow. Price 323,000 37 ACRES near McClay. 33700. 31 ACRES, fair home, extra goad barn. m'lk house, imp. shed, spring, creek. Good family orchard, some fir timber, elec. Only S7600. C. H. Sandcrs-231 N. Hlsh-5838 b240' BUY THIS FARM any of these three ways. 22 acres all stocked and equipped for 317.500.00, or buy 5 acres with house and barn, chicken house, family orchard for 10500.00. or buy 2 acres with 6 room new houso 37500.00. ' All new tractor and equipment, cow, hay. feed, chickens and everything goes for the 317,500 amount, McKILLAP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 S High Phone 6131 Phone Evenings 6901-7163-4937. b240 I2li ACRES of fine Amity silt soil, a'l new buildings, stocked (mostly rcnts teied) and equipped for dairying. This Is t he place you' ve been looking for J26.000. R EI MANN REAL ESTATE "Listings Skillfully Handled" 201 S. Hish Ph. 3722 or 7836 Eves. A: Sun. 24113 or 3621 b THE LITTLE OFFICE WITH A BIG BUSINESS 8 ACRES FILBERTS, 21 yrs. old. A well located and good producing acreage worth your consideration. 313,000. 00 ACRES, 20 acres good filberts 14 yrs. old. 20 acres prunes, 5 acres fir tim ber, creek, balance under plow. Price 323.000. 37 ACRES near McCtay. 33700. 31 ACRES, fair home, extra good ham. milk house. Imp. shed, spring, creek, good family orchard, some fir timber, elec. Only 17600 C. H, Sanders-231 N. Hlgh-5838. b241 50 ACRES near Fruitland. small house not modern, on Little Pudding river, some fruit, several pieces equipment. mcl. tractor, fine land. $12,500. 23 ACRES, main Pacific highway north, wide frontage, no bides. 310.000. SALEM REALTY COMPANY REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 7660 b241- FOR SALE ACREAGE 12 ACRES IN IIAYESVILLE DISTRICT. S ACRES IN LARGE BEARING PEAR TREES, BAL ANCE IN OPEN LAND READY FOR CROP. ALL WILLAMETTE SILT IN HIGH STATE OF CULTIVATION. THIS IS A REAL BUY FOR 3700.00 AN ACRE. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eve. 21479 bbl!42- 312,500 10 ACRES NORTH NEAR, HAYESVILLE SCHOOL. VERY NICE THREE BED ROOM HOUSE. BARN AND OTHER BUILDINGS. THIS LAND IS WILLA METTE SILT AND THE FINEST STRAWBERRY GROUND IN OREGON. JOININO LAND YIELDED 5!i TONS PER ACRE. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eve. 24479 bb242- 33500 TRAILER HOUSE Si 10 ACRES CHERRIES. Prunes and berries, good chicken house, well, wonderful view, building site. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High Just north of Center St. Phone 24793. Eve. 23952 or 6375 bb242 5 ACRES, northeast, near Swegle. Good bulb land. 31800. LUSE REALTY Oregon Bldg. 7952. bb240' 5 A.' 34500 FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY 2 MILES from city limits, 300 yds. off 9UE, All clear ground, excellent for ber ries. New 3-rm. house, shower, etc. Elcctrl? water system, new barn for 3 cows. All furniture goes, including new oil burning range cost 3136. 2 fine cows. Possession at once. Terms. M. D. Looney with WM. E. MOSES 331 'i Slate. Ph. 4993 bb242 2s-. ACRES BY OWNER DON'T PASS THIS ONE UP Near Sunny xidc school, 909 ft. on Old Pacific high way. Well on property. Good building sites. Reasonable. Call 21200. bb241 85.(1 A. ROAD on 3 sides, choc, soil; 40 A. Filberts, 20 A. Walnut.. West of Mc Clay, GOOD INVESTMENT. Price 312,- 600. Call "Henry" Tnrvend JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phone 7806 Res. 25141 bb241 F'OR SALE Almost i acre In new subdi vision, north. Several nice houses al ready up. Income from fruit on place will pay for it in few years. Price 31500 Phone 218.13. bb210 50.IWI fl rm. modern house on acres, double garage, close In south. $7.100 1 ACRES with 8 rm. house, 8 acres walnuts, some fruit trees, all furniture, refrigerator & tractor BO. Call Mr. Clancy HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 21549. Eves 9757. bb240 REAL ESTATE SOUTH SMALL 3 ROOM house, water, lights, good Karaite. Close to bus and store. Needs work t nitric. Immediate possession. 32. 850. KEIZER DISTRICT ACRES with 3 bedroom home, living room, kitchen and bath, close to school. Has year around creek 36300. SOUTH LIBERTY STREET A NEAT A room home in very good con dition, has 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and bath, sun porch, V. blinds, wired for range. Large lot with 4 large oak trees in front yard. Close to bus. 37500. CREEK LOCATION OLDER STYLE home, living room, din ing room. 2 bedrooms, kitchen and bath, wired for range. Large lot 80x220. CO foot of creek frontage, wonderful land scaping possibilities. $8000. FURNISHED HOME CUTE MODERN 1 room home, complete ly furnished, fireplace, hardwood floors, wired for range, V. blinds and elec. wnter heater, part basement with ex cellent floor furnace. Close in, walking distance to town, large shade tree -in front yard. 58950 complete. ROSEDALE ADDITION MODERN a ROOM home. 2 bedrooms, liv ing room, dining room, kitchen and bath, hardwood Iloors, fireplace, elec tric water heater, lull basement with party room, auto sawdust - furnace. Lovely yard, deep lot. 314.500. LEE OHMART Si CO. REALTORS 477 Court St. Ph. 9680 or 4035 c NELSON NEWS W. SALEM, 36500 VERY NEAT 2 bdrm. home, L.R.. Kit., bath & utility rm. with L. trays, clec. water heater, garage, nicely landscap ed with picket fence, on bus. 3 BDRMS. NEAR SR. Ill SCHOOL ENG. STYLE With L. R.. dinette, Kit., 2 bdrms., bath, on 1st fir., hwd. flr&., 1 laruo bdrm. up, sawdust heat, full basmt., Iplace, insulatrd & weather stripped, on bus. 310.500. SUBURBAN WITH INCOME 2 AC, l'i ac. commercial orchard, L. R., D. R., Kit.. 1 bdrm., bath, utility rm., on 1st fir.. 3 bdrms. up. 37000. GOOD HOME St ACREAGE & AC, 7 KM. mud. home, L. R., D. R.. Kit., 4 bdrms., full bsmt.. new well, oth er out b.tUs., family orchard, close in. $8600. GOOD FARM ON WALLACE RD. MOD, HOME, good large barn, other out bldgs.. some bottom land. 2 wood lots, irrigation right St pumping equipment. 325,000. Complete set of farm machinery avail. VERY GOOD FARM NEAR PRATUM 31 AC, ALL Will. St peal soils. 4 bdrm. home, 36 x 42 bnm, dbl. garage, chick en house, strawberries, boysens. rasp berries Sz loganberries, family orchard, creek. 314,000. Easy terms. IF THESE DO not meet your require ments tell us what you want. We pro bably have It. NELSON Ss NELSON Chet I Nelson Theo. G. Nelson REALTORS Rm 300-2 Masonic Bldg. 495 State St. Ph. 4419 or 4e23. Eves. 213j0 Farms 2S547. c240 J9850. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 3 BEDROOM home, close to capital, grade and Hi-schooL Basement, id. furnace, garase. 384.10. CLOSE IN GOOD RENTAL property 4 bedroom,1", large living room, fireplace, basement, sawdust furnace. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High just north of Centtr St. Phono 21703, Eve. 37& or 33932 C241 REAL ESTATE A BUILDING 36' x 110' constructed of cement and tile. Could be used for many businesses. At present It Is a brooder house fully equipped with wa ter, lights, gas snd all conveniences. Modern 7 room home, basement, fur nace, trpys. 15 acres of land, berries and fruit trees. 100' water system. Nice location, oose to Salem. 322,000. 18 ACRES EAST of Salem. 8 room home, garage, barn, tile chicken house. Small orchard. 315,000. P. H. BELL. REALTOR Phil Bell H. A. Lammers H. P. Guslafson 510 Guardian 4896 c240 HOMES COMPLETELY FURNISHED. 3 rms.. Wired for elect, range, 40 gal. hot water tanl:, lots of bullt-ins and inlaid lln. Near F'our Comers. Sal 122X. FULL BASEMENT. 2 bedrms., fireplace, wired for elect, range, elect, water htr. Near Parrlsh. Furnace. S8450. Sal 120X. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 2 rm. hse.. wired for elect, range, good location, 2 walnut trees and 1 apple tree. Just reduced to 32750. Sa! 121X. FARMS ALSO THREE CATS, 2 houses, 60 A. 35 cultivated, some timber, exceptional prune crchard, tractor. 5 cows, harrow, frcsno, drag saw. 3 barns, lame dog and 3 cats, priced below market at 39000. Sal 116. CHICKEN OR TURKEY. 10 acres, 1 bed rm. Use., 20x214 feed room Ss brooder hse. Tile incubator hse. and other bides. Will handle abt. 7000 birds. S.E. of Salem. 310.600. Sal 122. GRADE A DAIRY. 40 acres. 35 cult., all fenced. 2 wells, elect, press, syst. 3 bedrm. hse.. 26-cow barn, large milk hse.. small hse., mach. shed. Disc. plow, mower, rake, drill, milking mach. other equip, 321,500. Near Rickey School. Sal 117. .. , 40 PICKING LADDERS and they're used plrnty on this top condition orchard. Nearly all cultivated. Cletrac tractor, lots of furniture, good duster and spray er, cover crop in. Don't miss this at S23.000 Sal 1)8. THIS ONE IS FOWL. 48 acres, wheat, oats and barley, small house and all equip ment necessary for raisins turkeys, 10.600 Sal 119. GOOD LIVING AND A PLACE TO DO IT: 8 A. peaches. 22 cherries, 1 A. barley, on hiway. Attractive road stand with living quarters attached. Good water. 9500. Sal 105. NO WASTE LAND HERE. All 148 acres cult. Oats, barley, flax. 5 rm. hse.. barn, chicken hse., near Gervals. 320,000. Terms. Some Equip. Sal 103. PARADISE ISLAND 48' j acres all cult. Lovely home, complete grade A dairy. Private park with going picnic business. No "blue sky" with this one at S25.000. Shown by appointment only. Sal 110. WILL TRADE. 103 A., 60 A. cult., creek " bottom pasture. 7 room hse.. Improve ments: barn, nut dryer, 321.000 OR J13.000 city property plus cash. Near Sublimity. Snl 111. SUNSET RANCH. Stock ranch, 2028 acrei. Would run 1500 sheep or 300 cattle. Re seeded with Fescue, clover, Lotus Major and others. 2 rm. hse.. dblc. garage. 2 barns. Near Jewell. 20.000. Sal 113. THERE'S A BULL TO SLING HERE. 15 A. all cultivated, good pasture, large chicken house, garage. 10 cows pure bred Jersey Bull, double unit milking machine, winter supply of wood. 39300. Sal 121. no.ME IN COUNTRY. 54 acres, excellent for grain and turkeys. 8 room house 8 brooder houses for turkeys, good ga rage. Near Jefferson. 323.000. Sal 120. FRUIT DIVERSIFIED. 60 Acres. 30 A. cult. Berries and grain, loam soil, part ly fenced. 5 rm. hse.. 3 bedrms., barn, garage, chicken house, hog house. Near Shaw. 36000. Sal 114 INCOME GROCERY BUY. Central location In Sa lem. About 32700 Inventory, meat case, tee cream refrlg.. 2 scales, cash register, adding machine, meat grinder, coffee grinder. Good lease. $5200. Equipped. Sal 102 Inc NATURAL SUBDIVISION 86 acre, al ready surveyed for subdivision. Cross fenced. Water at 18 feet: 1 well now In. Adjoininc Gervals. s 10,750. Sal 101. DON'T SLEEP IN THE PARK. Here's a place to live AND an income. 6 unit apartment house, furnished 3238 month ly, good location. 318.000. Sal 104 Inc. 814 YEAR, LEASE on comb, service sta.. garage, grocery, 2 cabins St trailer space. Includes some tools, furniture. , sta. equip., inven. of groceries, and 2 welders. Good location. 38975. Sal 105 Inc. WANTED GETTING FALLING ARCHES? Drop US ft card or phono 7002, giving us your re quirements and let 11.1 do the hiking, CHARLES DELFEL CO. 815 N. Capitol St. Phona7002 If no answer call 5923. c230 N EAR ST. V INCENT. 3 b.r.. h.W. Hrs.. fireplace, dn rm.. liv. rm., has wall to wall carpets. Elect, cooking, elect, wtr. ht.. V. Blinds, basmt.. auto, sawdust furn.. winter's supply of swd. soes. Bus by door. dbl. garage, close to shopping dist. 313.850. Call Wes Goodrich. ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 208 N. High Phone 5981 c241B NORTH. ENG. STYLE. Is. lot. 3 bdrm., hwd. floors, fireplace, din. rm.. nook, V. Blinds, eject wt. ht.. wired tor range. Full basmt.. 2 car garage. Land scaped, with fruits and nuts. All you could desire In a home and neighbor hood. 312.600. Call Wes Ooodrlch. ED B YRKIT, REALTOR 208 N. High Phone 5981 c241 POSSIBLE 6 BDRM. ! BASEMENT. FURNACE. IN EXCELLENT RENTAL LOCALITY, ONLY 36500 WITH 32500 DOWN CALL SPREADBOROUGH TWO FOR PRICE OF ONE 3,VRM. HOMES ON 2 ACRES. MODERN, ONE HOUSE RENTAL. IMM. POSSES SION IN THE OTHER, 90 CHERRY TREES. ONLY 37850. CALL RUBERO HOME FOR PLEASANT LIVINO 2 GOOD BEDROOMS DOWN. I UP, GOOD SIZED LIV. A: DIN. RMS. WITH LARGE WINDOWS. A GRAND BACK YARD WITH LOTS OF FRUIT. SOME FURNITURE GOES. 38500. CALL Mc GLAUGHLIN. 5 RM. HOUSE COMPLETELY FURN. WITH FRONTAGE ON 09E. EXCELLENT BUSINESS SITE. 312.000 WITH ANY REASONABLE TERMS. CALL BARON. FAIR MOUNT HILL 5 BDRM. WITH DOUBLE PLUMBINO, LIVING RM.. DINING ROOM, GLASS ED BREAKFAST NOOK. AUTO. OIL HEAT. SUPERB LOCATION, 313.000. CAN BE BOUGHT FURNISHED OWNER. LEAVING TOWN SAYS "GET AN OFFER" ONE ACRE ON 99E. GOOD 4 RM. HOUSE, 2 NEW MOD. CABINS, GARAGE AND OTHER BLDGS. CALL McGLAUGHLIN. IF WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR IS NOT AMONO THESE. CALL AND TELL OUR SALESMEN WHAT YOU WANT. RE1MANN REAL ESTATE "Listings Skillfully Handled" 201 S. High Ph. 3722 or 7836 Eves. St Sun. 3621 or 24113 c OLDER TYPE home, close In. can be made into apts. This is a good buy at $3500 Cail Ike Bacon. ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 208 N. High Phone 5981 c241 SMALL 3 BM. house, good location on bus lin. Full price 33750.00. Call Ike Bacon. ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 208 N. High Phone 5981 c241 HOUSE CLOSE in with fireplace, full basement, swdst. furnace. With apt. in back that rents for 333.00 per month. Full price S70OO. Call Ike Bacon. ED BYRKIT. REALTOR 208 N. High Phone 5981 c241 n.WE TWO houses that will go O.T. that are well built. NEW ADDITION. Call Ike Bacon. FT) BYRKIT, REALTOR 208 N. High Phone 5981 c241 NICE HOME, Fireplace, lg. dining rm.. 2 o.r., basement, auto, heat, party rm., yard landscaped, dbl. gar., east front, good const. 312.000. Some terms. Call Ed Luktnbeal. ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 208 N. High Phone 5981 c241 SPECULATORS ATTENTION NO. I MOD. 4-room home, furnished, plus 2 cabins for rentals. Needs redecorating. Won't last. 34500. NO. II FOUR-UNIT court furnished on i acres ground. 383 feet highway frontase. Sr.crillce JR000. 'j cash. GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION LOCATED at pppulor Jet. on highway 101. Fully stocked and equipped, including wrecker. Nets 3600 per month. Think of It only 35850. LARGE GARAGE BUILDING IDEAL for 3-man shop. Nearly new build ing. Finest construction. Cannot be dupli cated for 38500. Terms. TAFT HEIGHTS LOVELY 2-bedrm. bungalow, rake shake exterior, attached garage, oil heat, fire place. Nice lot. Million dollar view of ocean. 35900. terms. FOR further information on the above call or write Lloyd Moore. FOX Realty and Accounting Branch No. 5. Box 168, Nelscott. Ore. Phono DcLake 414 c241 WANTED REAL ESTATE LISTINGS WANTED DUE TO the great demand from out of state and locaj buyers, we have not been, able to supply enough houses, farms, and businesses to meet this ur gent demand. If you have any of the -above properties you are thinking of selling, please call us. Our sales force is 100i World War Two Veterans. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3363 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 21413 ca24! WANT HOUSE, all on one floor. Prefer o'der house, in east or north Salem. Ph. 6315. 490 N. Capitol ca241 FOR PROMPT and courteous service 1UI your property with FLOYD VOLKKL, Real Estate Broker 474 Court Phone 1904 ca WB HAVE CASH Buyers tor 2 A 8 bdrm homes.. For quick sale call UR OOOD WIN wltb HAWKINS St ROBERTS. IN a REALTOKtJ Pbons 4108. After 88718. ea WK ABB in oex 01 good homes to tell in or near Salem. If you Ub to list rom property for sale, see GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 8 Liberty St. Phone 413L ea NOTICE) U your property la for tale rent or exchange, list It with ua We bave all kinds cash buyers. STATE FINANCE OO REALTORS 1S3 8 High St oa MAY WE HELP You Sen Tour Property SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 148 N fltfb St. Phone 7660 ea EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WILL EXCHANGE my five-room home !n Salem for smaller home. Want 2 bed rooms, living 1 00m and kitchen. Box 496, Capital Journal. cb241 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES THE LITTLE OFFICE WITH A BIG BUSINESS GOING GROCERY, all equipment Incl. 600 refrigciator. Also the stock, store building, with 6 room house attached, 1 gas pump. Business and home. 38500. NEW MODERN garage and filling station. the latter rented 3100 month, located In small town. Price 310.000. ONE LARGE house with 3 apts.. 2 small houses on rear, lot 66 x 122. Income 385. 38000. North. C. H. Sanders-231 N. Hlgh-5838. cd241 DUPLEX NEAR STATE Forestry Building. 2-2rm. apts, newly redecorated, larse lot. An excellent investment for $8,400. Call Coburn L. Grabenhorst with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 7772 cd240 USED CAR LOT LOCATION CORNER LOT in No. 3 business zone adjoins used car lot. stores on other 3 corners. A main street. An excellent location. FOR GROUND LEASE ONLY. Call Coburn L. Grabenhorst with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 7772 cd240 33000. DOWN BUYS HOME and additional apartment which rents for 530 per mo. 2 bdrms. in owner's quarters. Walking distance from down town. Full price 37950. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 7660. cd241- yii.3U0. BUSINESS Property on one of our through streets, 3 rentals. Income 8140 per mo. A good investment, BURT PICHA. REALTORS PH. 3210 337 N. High Street cd242 MOTEL TRAILER PARK SITE 200 FT. FRONTAGE on 99E Just north of Salem city limits. Lovely setting In large trees. Ideal auto court or trailer park site. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3235. Eves. 23103 cd242 APARTMENT HOUSE IN VERY NICE DISTRICT. One S room apt. One 4 room apt. One 3 room and one 1 room apt. All furnished but 5 room apt. Auto oil furnace, hardwood floors, fireplace, 2 clec. ranges, 2 re frigerators, etc. Income now about 3180.00 per month. Building about 12 years old. Full price $14,500. $6500 will handle, balance at 5. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 24479 cd242 SERVICE STATION RESTAURANT AND HOME ON HIWAY 99E north. 3 bed room home, 6 yrs. old, Hi bath, One acre of land with, large sewer system to handle auto court or trailer park. This has real possibilities. Price is right at $20,000. Terms. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 24470 cd242" FOR, SALE 3 apt. furnished house. Pres ent income $70. and own apt. Large lot-landscaped. Price 36000. 341 Mon mouth St. Independence, Ore. cd242 ON ODE NORTH 3 IDEAL business sites, close In. 2 have bldirs. for business and living quarters. These are real buys. See us at 3035 Port land rd. Ph. 7820. M O. HUMPHREYS Si CO.. Realtors 2266 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 24596. cd242 FRIED CHICKEN CAFE lift FT. HIGHWAY frontage. 17 stools, also 7-rm. house. 4 bedrms., fireplace, full basement. 1 A. Close-in. Cafe can be bought alone. Very nice. For further details call M. O HUMPHREYS St CO.. Realtors 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 7820 cd242 THE LITTLE OFFICE WITH A BIG BUSINESS GOING GROCERY, all equipment, Inc. $600 refrigerator. Also the stock, store building, with 6 room house attached 1 gas pump. Business St home. 38500. NEW MODERN garage and filling station. the latter rented $100 month, located in small town. Price $10,000. ONE LARGE house with 3 apts.. 3 small houses on rear, lot 66x122. Income 385. $8000. North. C. H. Sanders-231 N. High-5838 cd240" BUSINESS BLDG. 33.500 Sq. Ft. floor space. 2 Floors. Industry Zone. Sec Joe Hutchison for full particulars. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phone 7696 Res. 24789 cd241 TAVERN $,50,000 BUYS this going business on N. 89 highway. Price includes real estate, stock and fixtures; also 4-bedroom modern home. Gross 33000 per month. Seats 50 persons. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors. 341 Chemeketa Street Ph. 3793. Eves. 9441. cd240 APARTMENT HOUSE $10.000 SI DOWN. Three-story apart ment house with nine rentals. Hard wood floors, fireplaces and refrigerators. Price also includes brick dwelling. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Ph. 3793. Eves. 9441 cd240 GROCERY STORE $16,500 BUY'S this grocery business, stock and real property. Includes living quar ters and apartment. Good monthly gross Income. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors. 341 Chemeketa Street Ph. 3793. Eves. 9441 cd240 RESORT AUTO COURT WORDS cannot describe this lovely 8-unlt mod. court, plus owner's beautiful home, completely furnished throughout. Including all linens. Each have separate garage. Located on highway 101 In the heart of one of Oregon's finest fishing resorts. Shows good return on your in vestment. Only a few yrs. old. Shown by appt. only. 335.000. terms. For further Infor. call or write Lloyd Moore. FOX - Realty and Accounting Service Branch No. 5. Box 168, Nelscott, Oregon. Phone DeLake 414 cd241 GROCERY St GAS STATION LONG LEASE. Low rent. Lots of hard to get Items. Llv. quarters. Call Bishop at GENERAL REAL ESTATE Rm. 10 Ladd St Bush Bids. Ph. 7770 cd240 THE REAL ESTATE MARKET offers for sale LIGHT LUNCH - ICE CREAM ' Business -taming approximately 31000.00 per month. $8500. GENERAL GROCERY STORE with living quarters. Gross sales last year 350.000. This very good business can be bought at Inventory. (No Blue Sky) about 38000. COURT OR TRAILER PARK SITE on Pav. Hl-way. within city limits. Approx. 200 x 600. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High. Just north of Center St. Phone 24793 Eves. 6375 or 23952 cd240' SERVICE STATION $?;.V BUYS this bldg.. lot A business. Now doins about 8000 gat per month. Call Omer HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS 341 Chemeketa 8t. Phone 21549. Ives. 35091. cd240 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE: West Salem Taxi Co. Orois 37221 per year, equipment In 1st class cond. Price 33500 cash. Call 8774 or 146 Gerth St.. West Salem. cd243 S600 A MONTH NET ON THIS 5 UNIT AUTO COURT ON 99E. WITH 4 BDRM. HOME CLOSE IN. 319.500. ONE OP THE BEST GROCERY STORES WITH LIVING QTRS IN THIS PRICE RANGE. IDEAL LO CATION. EXCELLENT LEASE, DOING EXCEPTIONAL BUSINESS. 312,600, CALL SPREADBOROUGH REIMANN REAL ESTATE "Listings Skillfully Handled" 201 S High Ph. 3722 or 7838 Eves. & Sun. 3621 or 24113 FURNITURE FOR SALE FOR SALE New 3 piece Sectional Dav enport. 631 S. Commercial. d242 DINING ROOM set. oval extension table, walnut finish, Duncan fyfe, with five chairs and a masters chair. All In ex cellent condition. One flat top desk, size 32 inches by 50 Inches, light oak finish, solid construction, In fine con dition. Fhone 4751. d242 REMINGTON upright piano, 195.00. Beau tiful 8 pc. walnut dining suite, 125.00. 3 pc. bedroom suite complete with coil springs St Sealy mattress, 369.75. Full size, metal, spool bed with double deck coil spg. St Sealy mattress, 359.00. 4 Oak leather seated chairs, table, St bullet all matching, 359.00. Full cast Montag wood circulator, $40.75. Daven port and chair, full spring construe tion. $49.00. 5 pc. . breakfast set, $19.75. White utility cabinet with drawer, cup board Ss natural finish hardwood top. 317.50. 4 drawer chests unfinished. 311.50. Strong, heavy duty unfinished chairs, $3.95. Bunk or as twin beds, complete set with springs At mattresses, 337.50. BRIGHT-FURNITURE 453 Court Phone 7511 o241 SUI'ERBUILT davenport and chair. 9x12 all-wool rug. 8-plcce dining rm. set. Coffee table. Ph. 5653. d241 OLD COLONIAL Jr. wood range. $15. 1310 Waller st. 241 -TUBE Phllco and record player, A-l shape. Call after 6 P. M. 250 So. 16th. Ph. 5304. d241 WANTED FURNITURE CASn FOR YOUB used furniture. Pb 7598. Stat Street Furn. 1800 State. da WHY TAKE less for your furniture? See Russ Bright, Phone 7511. ds HIGHEST PRICES paid. Phone Glenn at Wood 17 Auction Market. Ph. 6110 da FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 2 Jersey heifers Just fresh. J. Buford Brown, Rt. 1 Box 268A, Woodburn, Oregon. 14 miles north of Salem on Salem-Champoeg highway. e244 SADDLE HORSES, one red roan, three Pint 03. D. Becker, Rt. 5, Box 90, Salem. c241 LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED: All kinds ol fat livestock. Valley Packing Company Ph. 6935. ea FAT A CANNER COWS for beef. Dairy cows, heifers, bulls. veaL Fat hogs, sows stags, boars. MkL price. E. O. McCand llsh Rt. a Box 373. Ph. 8147. Across from Waters ball park, S. 25th. ea243 RABBITS RABBIT prices aro up, sell your rabbits RABBITS, all kinds, top prices paid Bring or write Wm, BosserU Rt. 4. Box 66, Salem. eb243 FOR SALE WOOD TRY OUR drive-in Cafeteria today. Fin est ary wood as little as $1.00 worth or sacks of choice coal, 75c. "Take It with you." Also large loads of dry wood, I6-in. or 4-ft. You haul. Ready to go. Oregon Fuel Co. 3555 Portland road ee262 Drv slab wood and edgings. Immediate delivery Phone 25454. ee240 FRESH CUT SAWDUST, $4 a unit. Ore con Fuel Company, Phone 5533. ee249 WOOD SAWING: R. . Cross. Phone 8178 ee247 SPECIAL: Good dry 16-Inch edgings. Im mediate- delivery. Double load 315. 50 single load $8. Oregon Fuel Co.. Phon 5533. ee240 SPECIAL 55 cord, heavy red fir slab and cdslngs Phone 6683. ec254 WEST SALEM FUEL CO. WOOD AND sawdust. Stove oil and dtesei olL Delivery when promised. Pb. 24031 BONE-DRY mill wood. IB" green slab good 10. furnace. Ph. 772L ee FT. HEAVY slab St HT mm wood. Also dlesei et stove olla. sawdust Prompt del anywhere. Phone 6444. ee FOR SALE POULTRY YEAR-OLD HENS. $1.75. Box 154. Rt. 2 l'j mile west or Kelzer school. 1241 NEW HAMPSHIRE pullets, ready to lay For immediate delivery. Every pullet Individually selecte Ph. 2280L Lee'' Hatchery. f BABY cniCKS: Weekly hatches. New Hampshlrcfl and other varieties. Ph 22801 Lee's Hatchery f CHRISTIE New Hampshire baby chick every Wed Boylngton'a, 3710 State. f CUSTOM DRESSING of ohlckent, an number Prompt service. Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty Pbont 33861 Irf!ej Hatcherr f PRODUCE APPLES 50c Box. Bring Boxes. Rt. 7 Box 410. 1st house on left past Middle Grove School on Silvcrton Hwy. II242 GRAPES You pick. Bring containers. 3845 Portland road. ff241 APPLES. KINGS & late Gravenstelns, 50c, 75c St 31.50 a box. Also grapes, dark Sz light. 5c a lb. Ernest Anderson Or chard Hclchts Rd. 1 ml. off Wallace Rd. Bring boxes. II244 FOR SALE Spitz and delicious apples. Sprayed. l.oo and up. Will deliver. Phone 21853 or 536 N. 17th St. 1240 BOSC PEARS. Apples. Rollln Beaver 'ip Glen Creek Rd. Ph. 47F2. ff24! FOR SALE Apples. Get your winter sup ply direct from orchard. Red Delicious. Jonathon. Winter Banana, Kings. 75c up Ammon Grlce. 3 mL West of Salem. Orchard Heights rd ff253 WANTED HELP MORNING WAITRESS. Senator Food Shop. g242 WAITRESS WANTED, day work. White's Lunch. 1138 South Commercial. g245" COUNTER girl 7 to 12 p. m. Dishwasher 5 to 11 p. m. See Mr. Harvey in cafe at Calif. Packing Co. 242 WAITRESS wanted, day work. White's Lunch. 1138 South Commercial. g245 LEADING MEN'S store In Salem desirous of securing capable young man between 2,i and 40 yrs. with previous selling and merchandizing experience who Is inter ested In a good starting wage, with promising future. Write letter of appli cation, giving age, previous experience, education, etc.. In care of Box No. 473. Capital Journal g245 WOMEN wanted at once for work on first or second shift. Apply in person. Ore gon Flax Textiles, 859 7th St., West Salem R245 TELEPHONE operators wanted. No ex perience necessary. High pay right at the start 29 for a 40-hour week while learning. Frequent scheduled increases three the fiist year. Safe, whole some surroundings . . . vacations with PRy. A real opportunity for young women who are looking to the future who want a job that Is pleasant. In teresting and profitable. Do not delay inquire NOW! EXPERIENCED OPERATORS LET L'S tell you how much you can earn. Call Mrs. Goodwin. Pacific Tele phone St Telegraph Co., 740 State St. B258 A FEW WOMEN needed tor day and eve nitiE shift for our netting dept. as ma chine operators and net sewers. Clean steady work good wages. Apply at plant. 2150 Fairgrounds Rd. Miles Linen Co. u' WILL SHARE our home with reliable cou ple, elder preferred. In exchange caring for children 5 hours 5 evenings a week. Apply from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 145 South 24th street. Salem. g240 WANTED: Receptionist in office. Some knowledge ol bookkeeping and typing. Phonr. 3141. i WANTED HELP YOUNG LADIES. 18-24, free to travi.' California, eastern states Ss return. Excellent earnings, permanent position. $42 a wk. drnc. act. to start. Trans portation furnished. See Mrs. Olgnac, Marlon Hotel. EXPERIENCED maid. Grand Hotel. g240 UOL'SEKEEFER wanted, cooking, general housekeeping and part care of 3 chil dren, excellent wages. Ph. 3025. g242" REAL ESTATE salesman wanted to work on a large assortment of listings Musi be neat, courteous and agnresslve Apply at Huff Real Estate Co.. 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3793. E240 WANTED Reliable, experienced fire and automobile insurance salesman for Sa lem. Ore. Box 493. Capitol Journal. b241 PIANO PLAYER wanted, afternoons only. Ph. 21089. g241 PRACTICAL nurse. 11 p. m. to 7 a. m. Ph. 7020. R241 WOMAN to care for 5-months-old child day times while mother works. Ph. 4262. K244 PERMANENT positions open for two sales ladies. Hours 9:30 to 5:30. Apply Woth's Dept. Store. 177 North Liberty St. LADY for housework and care of two children. Sunday's off. Room, board and wages. Call Mrs. Patzcr, 6472. or 24504, evenings. g241B NATIONALLY KNOWN BUSINESS WILL employ one junior salesman In Salem, preferably between ages 25 and 35. The man who qualifies will receive special training here and In the east. Give complete information as to educa tion, experience and background. Write Box 492. Capital Journal. R241 LADY WANTS housekeeper. 1255 N. 18th. Ph. 7021. Good wages, k241- FILBERT PICKERS for second picking, 9 miles cast of Snlem on AumsvlllQ Hiway at Shaw Junction. Pickers can make good wages. Geo. C. Hull. g240 WOMAN WANTED for house work In Portland. Cooking for family and light housework. Private room, good pay. Write Mr. Nacle, 1800 S.W. Jefferson, Portland. Oregon r.241 WANTED Experienced bookkeeper for General office work, good salary. Apply Leonard's Supper Club between 2-3 p.m. WAITRESSES AND CAR HOPS EXCELLENT PAY. Ideal working cond. Winona Chalet. Phone 25190. ALTERATION lady needed at City Clean ing Works 1245 Stata street. Apply In person. gB WOOL PRFSSER needed. City Cleaning Works, 1245 State. g" 3 PART TIME usherettes. Hours suitable for students. Apply In person. Grand Theatre. g OPENING FOR rcptcsentatlvo of Old Line Life Insurance Co. man of character and financial responsibility. Write Wayne E Hlbbard. state met., S20 Henry Bide . Portland, Oregon. r246 WANTED POSITIONS PAPERIIANGING Exclusively. Ph. 4400. h2M HIGH SCHOOL girl wants to work for board and room. Box 494, Capital Journal. h242 WOOD SAWING. Phone 21583. WANTED Paperhansinn. Call 8745 and leave address. J. Goodscll. h2al EXPERIENCED man and wife wauls job as caretaker in country or city home. Pli. 22136. h241 CARPENTER, painting, odd Jobs. Hour or contract. Ph. 21413. h244 WOMAN wishes houseclcanlns. Box 491. capital Journal. h249 MAN WITH 3 yrs. refrigeration experi ence wants work with refrigeration service co. Contact at 1203 Leslie St.. Salem. h24l FLOOR WAXING, wall cleaning, general housccleanlng, lawns mowed and trim med. Work guaranteed. Veteran. 1750 North Church. h260 DRESSMAKING, alternations. Mra. Ar- mcntrout. 1984 Stato St.. Salem. h24 LANDSCAPE pardoning. New tawns a spe cialty pruning, planting, general clean up. Reel Ss Laveln, Ph. 25623. h241 RUGS AND Upholstered Furniture cleaned In your home. New process. R. F. Nohl trrcn Ph. 21080 after 8 p.m. h254 HOME DESIGNING: Plans drawn. Let me neip you incorporate YOUR IDEAS m your now home. Ph. 8732. 1930 fk. Hteh. hT40 AUTO PAINTING Just a ahade better by tear enter, can enrocl Motor Co. 8303. h FOR RENT SLEEPING ROOM by month. Healed with gas. Phone 3035. J242 SLF. ROOM Private home. Gcntlemni preferred. 6D4 N. Church. J242 TWO SLEEPING rooms. 918 Trade st. J241 SLEEPING RM. for 2 men. 305 N. 14th. j240 LARGE sleeping room, 2 beds, 2 closets. Ph. 24071 before noon Wed. J240 SLEEPING rooms for men. 1505 N. Capitol at. Fnone 3425. - J240 HOWSER'S RENT-A-TOOL 1132 Edgewater Tools of all kinds. Call 3646 for Infor mation. J243 WAREHOUSE space. 13 miles out. Will rent by month or lease. Lablsh Center. Rt. 1, Box 176, Brooks. Phone 4161. Salem, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. j243 ROOMS for rent. 692 S. 25th. J240" NEW LOOKING floors at small cost. Rent a Drcadnaught Sander by hour or day. Western Auto, Ph. 7177. 125R' GOOD USED PIANOS H U Stiff FLOOR sandcr for rent. Montgomery Ward. WANTED TO RENT NEEDED by young couple, furnished apt. write capital Journal. Box 3. Ja242 VETERAN and wife both employed ur gently need furnished or unfurnished apt. or small house. No pets, children, smoking or drinking. References. Call 7534 after 5:30 p. m. Ja242 YOUNG business couple, no children. 00 pets, oveiscas veteran, badly in need of an apt., furnished or unfurnished. Ph. 3734 day3 or 3367 eves. Ja24l VET and wiTe. 2 to 3-rm. furn. home. Ph. ajiBu alter e p. tn. Ja250 BUSINESS MAN St family nred 2 bedroom mm. nouse or apt. by Nov. 1st. Ref. Rt. 4763 or 23173. Ja244' 5W.0O REWARD for Information leading to tne rental or furnished or unfurn ished house or apartment. Businessman, wife St 2 children. Permanent. Refer ences If desired. Phone 5697 from 8-8. JB241 VETERAN,, wife and son need furn. or unfurn. house or apt. Willing to pay 6 months rent in advance. Steady Job with Orepon Pulp and Paper. Ph. 3644. 2590 Maple .Ave. Ja240 QUIET WORKING girl looking for room, aot,, or house Furn. or unfurn. Box 400. Capital Journal. Ja243 WANT TO RENT building with floor space about 50x100. Salvation Army, Ph. 9346. Ja240 VET EMPLOYED by national organization needs furn. or unfurnished apt. or house for wife St son. Ph. Mr. Johnson, 9187. jfl243 URGENTLY NEEDED FURN. nouSE or apt. by younr couple, 2 children. No smoking or drinking. No living accommodations at present. Phone 21793. Ja242 LEASE ON 2 or 3 bedrm. house. Ph. 4308. Ja248 WANTED. 3 or 4 or 5-rm. house or apt. No children, pets or parties. Must be clean. Will pay 6 mo. or year's rent In advance. Cali Burtncr. 9785. Ja248 RECSGT. AND wife urgently need fur nished apt. or house. No children or pets. Permanent. Paul E. Laden, Rm. 211. P.O. Bldg. Ph. 7679. Ja241 WE URGENTLY need a 3 rm. apt. or house, furn. Husband St wife, both em Ployed. Must be In Salem city limits. Box 487, Capital Journal. Ja241 GOOD 3 OR 3 RM. furnished apt. Will pay $30 reward for rental of such. Im portant. Employed couple. D. A. Sain don. Stan Baker Motor Co., Service Dept. la 240 HOUSEKEEPING room or small apt. wanted by lone lady. Please Phone 333 J Or 4044. a242 WANTED: Furnished apartment or bouse. Box 328 Capital Journal taI7fl ; (Continued on Page 17?