12 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Oct. 10, 1!)46 Teen-Age Footnotes Have you ever noticed how wretched you look when your feet ache? Yet when you feet are comfortable, you are more likely to feel good all over and wear a happy face. Tired or sore feet can make your eyes become dull and youi smile weak. Telltale lines from pain or weariness settle into permanent wrinkles. Be gin at an early ago to give youi feet as much attention as your face and you will be well warded in your good grooming program. Teen-age girls who have been lounging in moccasins and cas ual sandals during the summer months should get their feet in readiness for heavier, trimmer shoes to go with fall and winter ensembles. Bathe your feet regularly, scrubbing them well with soap and water and dry them thor oughly. Here's a good trick to rouse the circulation: Plunge the feet into a pan of hot water, then into cold. Repeat this ac tion several times until you feel them tingle. Then after you dry them, massage some baby oil or mineral oil into them and massage the feet and legs from the ball of the foot up past the ankle and knee. After leaving the oil on to penetrate the skin for five min utes or more, wipe off the excess with a sotl cloth and massage again with good quality witch hazel which will soothe and cool. While the flesh is still soft, get after callous spots, if they have alreay formed, by rubbing them with pumice stone. Razor blades and scissors used for this chore can prove hazardous. A good trick for bobby soxers is to take a pair of white socks that have been saturated with witch hazel, and leave them on while they eat dinner or while they take 15 mintucs' rest be fore an evening's date. All the foot treatments you can think of, however, will not aid the feet unless you are prop erly shod at all times. Make sure that shoes are always correctly fitted. While in your teens your (? Contalni mer A3 body-bulldlng fiFft proteins by II walght than If 1 most lean - ii me 'SOPS I kPWS'li LA" THAT MAVFt t Tho r-lf ALL-PURPOSE 52nfif Household Cleanser jWiE&f WWk J, tVH4 -f'fti i fin mM Polk Damage Action Charges Negligence Dallas Suit for $10,000 has been filed in the office of Edna M. Pitzer, county clerk, by Carl C. Darrar, administrator of the estate of Walter C. Darrar, 77, who died as a result of injuries sustained in an auto-truck crash at Rickreall on March 5, against S. LeRoy Blakkobb of the West- cm Heavy Hauling company and George Keller, driver. The complaint alleges that the truck driver who was employed by Blakkobb failed to observe the flashing yellow signal at the intersection and did not properly have his vehicle under control when the truck collided with the auto driven by Ken neth R. Jackson. Four of six feet are si ill growing, so have the size and width checked each time you buy a new pair of shoes. NOW TRY THIS one perfect cleaner for everything1. i-ypMhtrd 1912 "4qjf bl hrl'te fiodurlt, In. Let new Super Kenu soIe all your washing and cleaning problems. Fast, thor oughsimple to use Kenu does more gives you better re sults with less work. for iparkling dlihei anf Qlasiwar-that thin bright without wiping For mow whitei-brilliont colori-irt your laundry For walli, floor and wood-work-ipollenly dean with out scrubbing Forpotiandpantthalgltam 11 kt ntw-no ttouring or scrap ing All thee are your with Super Kenu. Special water conditioning mikes Kenu cfTectie in any water. Scientific pll Control gives Kenu amazing cleaning pow er yet keeps Kenu sale for finest fabrics and finishes-gentle to tender hands, too. S3 L AxAtr in tho thrifty -id. oo x ot your grocer's todoyl 'Lightem ilnuseuruk thru CSfmtrn Journal Want Ads Pay CORH FUKES P.S. You can also get this cereal in Kellogg't VARIETY 6 different cereals, 10 generous pack ages, in one bandy cart on 1 occupants of the auto died as a result of injuries received The complaint also alleges that the truck was traveling in ex cess of 45 miles per hour. Cake, Jaurcguy, Tooze of Port land are attorneys for the plaintiff. LEGAL NOTICE ti herfhy Biven that the Stan Lund lonrd of the State of Oregon recti vp sea 'nd bids at its of flea in ne State CapUtjt Bilildliu at Salem. Oregon, up to 10 00 A M., on Tuesday. October !9 m. for all of the intereu of the State ftf Oreson !r. and to (lie tide and overflow !and here.riBf If r described. living, how ever to trie owner or owner of Rnj lands ahuttintt or fronting thereon the preference right In purchase tald tide and overflow land' at the hithett prlca offered for a per;otj ot 4A hours after Lh opernni of said hlris. provider! such offer la made in mod fairiv, and provided that the boar'4 reserves tha niht to reject anj and all bidi Said landt are illuated In Polk CountT. Oregon, and are more particularly da cribed as tollowa; Betlnnlna ar a point on tha Weal m ander Una of tha old West ehanml of tha Willamette River (Survey 1851 1 that I South SB degrees 40 minute East 6.03 chaini from the section corner common to Section 0. 10. 15 and 18 In Township South, Ranee 3 Wen of the Willamette Merldl. n and runnina thenct South 6 00 i-hains: thenc South 0 degrees East tl On chain!! thence South 17 degree East 12.40 chains: thence East 3.00 chains; thence South 29 degrees biatt 46 098 chains; thence East 6.616 chains to the low water line ot tha main channel of the Willamette Rivir as nl June 1D46: thenc North 6 degree 38 mlnutCN E'bsI 4.342 chains, to the inter section of said low water line and 'he East meander line ot the old West channel of the Willamette River ( 1861) Rurve.fi ' thence Nortn 45 degrera West 5.311 chain, thence Nortn 2h degree West 16.40 chain; thence Nortn 28 degrees West 21.0 chains' thence North 14 degrees West 21.0 chains i the lntoraec;:on ol . the East meander tin ol tha old We, st channel of tha Wll- RIGHT-NOW CLEANER For General House Cleaning Dishes, Laundry, Woodwork Harmless Sanitary place Soap Softer for Hands ASK ALL GROCERS Comes in packoges 2Se KHr ti nn UFRunCA BDnniirre rr 104 N.I. Rutiel! Strait, Portland, Oraaoa Itmette Rlar and tha section Una hetwean Sections 10 ana 15, Township 7 South, Range 3 West of tha Willamette Meridian: thence North 89 deireea 40 minutes West 6.52 chains to the point ol beginning, con taining 68.38 acres, mora or leas. sKuaied in Section 16. Township 1 South. Range West. w. M-, In Folic County. State of Oreion. Applications must be accompanied by a certified check or draft for tha full amount old and m Olds will be considered for ess than (2331.20 (or the entire tract. Tha lueersiful b'dder must pa?. In addi tion to the amoun bid. the actual cos, of survey of the above described land aa.1 advertisement of this sail. All bids should be sealed and addressed to E. T. Pierce. Clerk f the State Land Board. Salem. Ore i! o.i. and marked "Application and Bid to Purchase Tide and Overflow Lands. Dated a Sa'em. Oregon, this 23rd da of Septembur. 1946. S. T. P1EROE. Cleric. State Land Board. Sept. 36l Oct. 3. 10. 17. 24. All IGA Prices Advertised in this paper are effective in Gervais at RONNER'S MARKET saImoderby st Restaurants. Cottage. AX,'' Hotali, Amusement "Hoioilolity Commmaa" I Journal Want Ads Pay I' r V--j r I BACK AGAIN! BACK AGAIN TO ITS OLD-TIME HIGHEST QUALITY STANDARD! BAKE NOW . . . LIKE YOU USED TO! DRIFTED SNOW GOLD MEDAL CROWN BEST PATENT 10-lb. Sack 71 FLOUR $1 25-lb. Sack 65 A NEW HEALTH DRINK! THE JUICE OF ALL THREE BLENDED TOGETHER LEMON, ORANGE, GRAPEFRUIT ANAGOLD CITRUS COCKTAIL Anatnld nnsweetenefl Citrus Cn-ktail Is a remark able breakfast pic hup. A skillful blend of purr California Orange .liilre with lust the right amount of Lemon and Grapefruit Juice, added. No. 2 can 27C IrbJc and what's more THEY'RE LOW EVERY DAY of the WEEK "Saturday Priett" art alwayi in affect at XGA. Do your buying any day vary day, and aava mora at ii?A. NATURAL BARRIER AGAINST COLDS CANNED FLORIDA FRUIT JUICES FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT JUICE . . ?a217c No. 2 Fred Warfnj at H A. M. Mondar. Wednedar and Friday , - over N. B. C. Stations tella why ynn should use Florida 4D OZ. Grapefruit Juice. ra h FLORIDA BLENDED JUICE . . Oianee and Grapefruit .lulce hlended .lu4 rirht Im i . dellrhtful drink inist on Florida Blended Jniee and OZ. en Joy the fine flavor of fresh fruit. ran No. 2 can FLORIDA ORANGE JUICE . . . DAINTY MIX FRUIT COCKTAIL . . GRAND TASTE CORN BEEF HASH . F.nlor the fUror f Old Fashioned Torn Beef HashGrand Taste Is full of flavor and is low In price at IGA EVERY DAT. No. 2 can 2'j can 15 oz. can 40C 20C 51C 23c 37C 37C MATMOR RIPE OLIVES IVi oz. can Extra I.arre Olives. Verr reasonable at this low every-day price. I SOUTHERN BEAUTY APRICOTS 25C No. 2'2 can SILVER FALLS PLUMS in 24C THI NEW WAY TO DRINK YOUR VITAMINS AH I AND L1KI 'IM! VITAMIN-MINERAL FORTIFIED FOR DELICIOUS HEALTH-FOOD DRINKS CHECK THESE EVERYDAY LOW PRICES! Baker's Premium CHOCOLATE, y8 lb. 17c Ghirardelli Baking CHOCOLATE, Y2 lb. 15C Baker's BREAKFAST COCOA, V2 lb. IOC Hershey's BREAKFAST COCOA, V2 lb. 10c Elsinore CUT GREEN BEANS, No. 2 2Jc Tasty Pak CUT GREEN BEANS, No. 2 J5C Del Monte DICED BEETS . .No. 303 jar HC Del Monte DICED CARROTS, No. 303 12c Elsinore Whole Kernel CORN, No. 2 can Igc Tasty Pak GARDEN PEAS No. 2 can 17c Kounty Kist PEAS No. 2 can l&c Dennison's PEANUT BUTTER, 1 lb. jar 31c Dehnison's PEANUT BUTTER, 2 lb. jar 57c Golden Grain Twistee Noodles, 15 4 oz. 15c U. S. NO. 2 KLAMATH FALLS POTATOES.. 5b 93c U. S. NO. 1 SWEET POTATOES 2 lbs. 25c EXTRA GOOD QUALITY BOILING kllOkklC 10-lb VMIWINO . . . Mesh Bag 25c FLORIDA SWEET AND JUICY GRAPEFRUIT 3 for 29c TASTY PAK BRAND DRIED PRUNES 2-lb. cello basr 39C CARNATION MILK 2 tall can .... 25C 40 FATHOM MINCED CLAMS 1!: 31c nder White Flavorful I I RIELLO-CUP COFFEE Mb. can . ..45C Gold Medal 25-lb. Sack FLOUR 1.65 Prlftcd Snnw ' 25-lb. Sack FLOUR 1.65 Kelloejt's 11 oz. Pkj. CORN FLAKES He Quaker OATS Quaker OATS Quaker 20 ot. Pk;. 13c 48 oz. Pkg. 29c Package 3 g The WHITE LINE is the CL0R0X LINE! CL0R0X PKEI FROM CAUSTIC Disinfects NOMIIZf! . UUCHB icmovd nim Kelloeg's PEP ... 8 oz. Pk(f. lie Quart Bottle 13C Sperry 4 lb. Bag PANCAKE FLOUR 4Jc 1 lb. Pkg. Crackers PUFFED RICE 1JC Quaker Package PUFFED WHEAT He Slaley's 1 lb. Pkg. GLOSS STARCH 10c Argo 1 lb. Pkg. BR1LLO SOAP PADS 'Pad carton 6 3. ATOMA TOMATO JUICE 46 oz. can 27C PRICES EFFECTIVE AT THE FOLLOWING IGA STORES KRUEGER'S KASH & KARRY BERG'S GROCERY STATE STREET MARKET RDnAu?RvYfsDnrPDv 1 tocSr.HSfsSr 1701 Cet.r Street 1230 ft. St,f Ji plenty of parking space Corner of 17th "In the Heart ot the City" complete food store ! LEMMON'S MARKET CARTER'S MARKET MODEL FOOD MARKET independence ; Ample Parking Space 17th and Market Streets 275 N. High Street FOOD MARKET 598 N. Commercial Street It's Easy to Park at Carter's Free Parking Lot INDEPENDENCE. OREGON