10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Oct. 10, 1946 Columbia Valley Authority Urged by Senator Taylor Describing the proposed Columbia Vailcy Authority as the "grandest opportunity the northwest has ever had or will have" Idaho's Senator Glenn Taylor, a proponent of the CVA, speaking , it M Likes U. S. Ml Host Haufc, 21 (above), a former German prisoner of war, is in jail at Mobile, Ala., after he was ar rested and turned over to fed eral authorities on a charge of stowing away on a merchant ship at Rouen, France, and re turning to the United Stales. Capt. Evan Morgan, skipper of the S.S. Alfred Moore, Raid Haute told him he was interned in a camp in Louisiana, and that he wanted to return to the U. S. because he "liked it so much." Landlords After Bigger Membership The Salem chapter of the Na tional Home and Property Own ers' foundation, which is oppos ing rent control in this district, decided at a meeting of its board of directors Wednesday night to attempt an increase in mem bership from the present 200 to a prospective 1000. A committee was appointed to solicit owners of hotels, auto courts and apartment houses. On the committee are Thomas Roberts, Frank Doolittlc and William Foren, and David O'Haia will be in charge of ad vertising. A meeting of Ihe chapter will be held at the Chamber of Commerce Wednesday night, October 16. Polk October Jury Panel Selected Dallas A panel of 31 jur ors for the Polk county cir cuit court for the October term has been drawn to report on Thursday, October 17, at 0:30 a.m. in the courthouse, accord ing to Edna M. Pitzcr, county clerk. On tha panrl are Fllf.abrlli Burrilck, Willamlna; Earl C. Burk. SalMni Frpd Connrod. rt. 1. Dallas: Ella Donaldson. Indfpcndc ucp: Tln'odorf R. Kvaiis. rt. S. lndrpfndf ncf ; Farn J. Kratko. lno prnririice; Ldf S. Finscth. Dallas'. Anna E. Flshrr. Indr prnrtrncr: olive llrricra. liirtrpfnnVner: Orvillr II. lull. Indepen dence; Blanche llosman. Dallas. M. W. Kelly, Independence: Rlanche M. Klrkendall. Independence; Dprnlliy Kletrmg, Independence: Frances I. Lew Is. Snlem: Delia Mlddleton, nirkreall; Lola M. Mun.snn. Salrmi Martha Neuter. Ma,M ya. a aratlr .u.utltd it aata frrautat ilotnach dl,t(r,t amm. from itomarh hIic. da, la rt acid You ma, b.lttta any auaoMltoni ta affofd rl,l I, on, h.aii aura, aai. taut tloma'H. indi.rihon. ftl.al. aautia. etc.. dua fa ctctit and dut ta .indiilurni-r. a,a u,t a much bunk That n ch, TIKSIN tabid, a,a n a,ailatlc in a la-ccnt bitttla anauah to ara. the, buna QUICK ictirl II', much ih.aa.r- al eoiirt. la buy tht laiqrr bottle but It yaa're u.eMral tha 41. cat bottle will condnea yau. AT VOI R LOCAL Inmo RTORR ACCURATELY FILLED PRESCRIPTIONS A safeguard thai should not bo over looked : Choose n re liable dnig pict. Bring jour doctor's prescription to Schac fer's, where utmost care is taken. Rely on us for Accurately Compounded Prescriptions SCHLAEFEETS DRUG Tuesday atternoon to members of the American Veterans' com mittec and their guests gave his reasons for supporting the proj ect. Stating that eventually the country would get such things as the CVA even though it may be defeated at the present time, the senator, a liberal democrat, listed tht benefits derived from the Tennessee Valley Authority, noting that he had personally contacted the people of Ten nessee to determine their reac tion, spending a day interview ing everyone from salesmen in the stores to bankers. The senator maintained the establishment of CVA will not only give work during the period of construction but pro vide the working people with steady employment following its completion because it would draw major industries and in this way will indirectly aid bus iness men. Noting that he found no opposition or hike warmncss to the authority in Tennessee after it was completed and func tioning, Taylor asserted that the government did not go into com petition with private enterprise there, but rather opened the way for industry by experiment ing in new industries that later were taken over by private con cerns. Taxes, he slated, were not affected because new indus tries replaced those that came under public ownership. Fur ther commenting on the TVA the speaker drew attention to the fact that it had increased the tourist trade through the re stocking of the lakes and rivers with fish for sportsmen. Listed by the Idaho senator as opposing the CVA were the power companies, big coal com panies, fertilizer trusts, news papers, the republican party and business men, the majority of whom he states, are republicans and oppose it because the party is opposed. Art Dow, chairman of the AVC, presided at the meeting, held at the Marion hotel, and introduced former Congressman Walter Pierce, who introduced the speaker. Also introduced at Ihe meeting were Mrs. Pierce, LaMarr Townsend of Klamath Falls, democratic candidate for congress from the second dis trict: Carl Donaugh, democratic candidate for governor; Lyman Ross, democratic candidate for congress from the first district; Mrs. Ross, Roland Jones, Farm ers' Union president, and Mon roe Sweclland. rt. I. Salein: Clyde Park, rt I. Mon mouth: Paul Riley. Mnnmoulli; Blanch O. Robbie. lnd penrience. Grnrae Sniull. rt. 1. Dallas: MozeMe M. Bpoon?r. Dallas: Ruth M. Starbuek. Dallas: Charley Trnbmch, Tails Clly: Martin Van crops. Amity rt. 1; Helen Van Santen. Rkkrrall: Clara Walt. Rlclc reall; Frank II. Windsor, rt. 1, Salem: Lydla. A. wirls. Rlckreall and Arthur B. Woods, Dallas. ENTIRE OPERA DIRECT FROM THE STAGE OF THE SAN FRANCISCO OPERA HOUSE I rtff OPERA BOOKLET Contains synnpitia of ench opera brond cast; pictures of leading stars and broadcast information. Write P.O. Bnr. 3170, San Fran cisco 19, Calif., forVccprograin. Braadcaiit far voiir tnlavnient bv SAFEWAY STORES STORE mm TONIGHT AT t H KWJJ Jj . 1080 KC fiT UtO freacrtptlona ArcDratrly Fillrd - .,9t Oris. nit Tfllow front Drug A Candy Stora In Salrth Kola Acrnti for Prtular Rrmrdlra (n Marlon County. 1,15 North Comiuetrla) 81. Phont 1.191 r fit Smith Aide in Snell Drive Francis I. Smith, Portland at torney and world war II veter an, will be secretary of the Snell-for-Govemor campaign, It was announced from Snell head quarters In Portland today. Smith, a veteran of the Euro pean campaign with the 4tti in fantry division, has the honor of being one of the most deco rated veterans in the state, hold ing the Silver Star, Bronze Star medal with two oak leaf clus ters, the Purple Heart and Pres idential Unit citation ribbon awarded to the 9th infantry regiment of the division, with which he served. The Silver Star was awarded for gallantry in action In August, 1944. A graduate of Washington high school and Northwestern College of Law, Smith practiced law in Portland for six and a half years before entering the army as an enlisted man in Oc tober, 1942. Prior to the war he was an officer and director of the Portland Junior Chamber of Commerce and now is a mem ber of the board of directors of that organization. Me is a mem ber of the reserve officers asso ciation and is associated with George La Roche. Yets May Register Up to October 12 Veterans who wish to enter have until October 12 to regis ter for the first quarter and living accommodations are available for approximately 100 more students, including a lim ited number of married couples, according to Dr. C. A. Howard, president of the Oregon College of Education at Monmouth. Dr. Howard points out that majors in any standard course may get full advanced credit for one or two years' preliminary work at the college. While most of the housing fa cilities are available for single man or women, completion of FHA facilities made it possible for married couples to attend the college, Dr. Howard states. The facilities for these arc smaller than the number of ac commodations for single stud ents. Mill City Holding Clothing Campaign Mill City The Missionary so ciety of the Presbyterian church is sponsoring a campaign for the collection of old clothing during the month of October for the devastated countries of Eu rope and Asia. Clothing can be taken to the Presbyterian church on Thursday between 2 ' and 4 o'clock, where someone i will rprrivp il Mrc W W Al i loll ia artinf n chairman nf the' loca, drive. Solid Brass Andirons $21.00 t-Zflyat ttom on ' f Musgrave Asks For Mayor Vote West Salem, Oct. 10 Walter Musgrave, West Salem realtor, yesterday announced his intent to run for the office of city mayor and filed his petition for a place on the ballot in the fall election. Musgrave states that he is entering city politics be cause he believes West Salem needs a business administration which can best be accomplish ed by electing a successful bu siness man as mayor. Ho fur ther declared that the city needs unity above all things, not only within city limits, but its offi cials must seek the cooperation of the residents immediately outlying the city limits. Ho stressed the water problem as a matter of paramount im portance to the city's economic existence. It is his contention j that West Salem can ill afford to be hemmed in by formation j of an outside water district , when it can furnish water, al : a profit to the city, to these out lying districts cheaper than the district can provide its own sup ply. To maintain the patronage of this area, the people must be shown that the city can and will provide the necessary water. Any future expansion is futile, according to the candidate, un til the residents and business firms already here can be as WARNING! ACT FAST ON ill J' in. Worm infection usually apreade like wild fira. And it in now known that the uly creature, living and growl ntt ins id 8 the human body, can cause real distress. So don't take chance with Pin-Worms. And don't sutler a aingle needless minute from the miseries of the aceravatinir. rectal itch or other trouble caused by the pests. Get JAYNE'S P-W at the first sign of Pin Worms. P-W is a medically nound treat ment based on an officially recognised drua; principle which haa proved eo wonderful in dealing with this Infection. The small P-W bible t a act in a special way to remove Pin-Worms easily and safely. Aslc your druggist: P-W for PinWormsI FREE: Amazing metal polishing cloth. Works like magic! Poliahea silver by just rubbing. Good-will gift: yours for the ask ing. This month only. Clip this ad and send with name and ailoresa to Dr. I. Jayn A Son, 3 Vine St., Pbila. 6, Fa.. Dept. RNr,- Our Customers' Confidence Is the Only Thine That Keeps Us in Business See Our Exclusive MASTERPIECE Ring Mountings Make a magnificent new ring out ot your own dia monds. In a Brown setting your diamonds will take on a new and modern beauty that will give you years more use and pleasure. Tnor Dlamenifa Kullr Insured Aralnat Lou Come to us for all of the accessories that make il easy to "keep the home fires burning!" And Andirons. brass finish .5rPc. Fireplace Acccs sorics Set: Folding 3 pancl screen, 4-pc. lire place tools and match ing andirons Wood Carrier SS.50 a big biU 39.75 sured of an adequate supply of water before another summer arrives. He believes that the community can best be helped by ignoring destructive criti cism and building for the future instead. Musgrave has been a resident of West Salem since February of 1945, having moved to Salem from San Francisco in May ol the previous year. In October 1943 Mr. and Mrs. Musgrave opened the West Salem Realty Co. His prior residence in the state was while stationed with the armed forces at Camp Adair, where he served as a staff ser geant with the 70th R.C.N, troop. Musgrave is affiliated and ac tive in the affairs of the Salem Board of Realtor, Salem Cham ber of Commerce, Lodge No. 336 B.P.O. Elks: Kingwood Post of thr American Legion, serv- U n i versa I PRESSURE COOKERS 4-Quart Capacity Electric Kitchen WALL CLOCKS HEATING PADS METAL SILEX TOPS 8-Cup, Wide and Narrow Mouth Stanley Swing-lip GARAGE DOOR SETS Also Pivot Type Sets KLUNDER HARDWARE 265 No. High Ph. 6634 irwitn-oToiHittts w t$&"'u ance on yQUT ) Jf I old mounting. JKWELR MANUFACTURERS if you don't have your own fireplace ... we can supply that, too! Fireplace Accessories r'ire Screens, 3 panels. Adjust- S bT. 10,95 8.95 Fireside Tools, com- Q Fft jilcte with rack O.OU Hearth Broom, HfX. choice of colors. JL.iO Grates for fireplace, large H r (T size i tOO Firepluce Curtain Screen the safe OCT HC Easy Terms. ing with the organization as ser vice officer; member West Sa lem City Planning Commission; West Salem Lions club and Ap prentice Mason. Class Event Held Falls City The Loyal Wo A shimmering beautiful set made of plastic . . . guaranteed water-proof, mildewproof and fast color. It is impervious to heat and cold, and will not crack or shrink. In clear, lovely colors. A real bathroom beautified JZady Qhristina BEDSPREADS Designed by Virginia Harn ill and sketched above, these spreads need no ironing. Wherever you see Lady Christina name, you will find well designed bed spreads and good fabrics. They are made in the moun tains of Xortli Georgia by four and five generations of Americans whose skill in handicrafts is famous. men's class held its annual har vest in gathering at the Chris tian church. The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. Lillie Ward, and dcvotlon als were led by Mrs. Richard Paul. The November meeting will be at the parsonage. c4- little down on a big bill erf-little down on a big bill 275 BUHIOHS If 1,1 Get this quick relief. Litis thoa pressure aootbMj cushions tha sensitive epoU Costa but trifle. Matching Shower and Priscilla Curtain Complete . . . only $Q41 Set 15.95 18.95 19.95 23.95 39.95 Other Spreads 14.95 to 23.95 NORTH LIBERTY ST.