6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Oct. 9, 1946 llniver&itu Jdouie deception Scene Dlturddau By Jean Taylor University House, home of President and Mrs. G. Herbert Smith of Willamette university, will be scene of a reception Thursday evening, when President and Mrs. Smith and their two daughters, Sara Louise and Margaret Alice, are hosts. Guests have been asked to call between the hours of 8 o'clock and 10. Quiet liteS air At the First Congregational church Sunday afternoon at 12:30 o'clock, Mrs. Virginia Hurley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin D. Piercey of Port land, became the bride of Wil liam Kortge, son of Mr. and Mrs Mathias Cleveland Kortge of The Dalles. Rev. Seth R. Huntington of ficiated in the Fireplace room of the church. Attending the couple were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Maxwell Snider of Salem. The bride chose an afternoon gown of muted rose, with which she wore a matching hat and a bouquet of white orchids with wine throat. Her accessories were black. Mrs. Snider wore an aqua aft ernoon gown and her flowers were gardenias. After a wedding trip to the Oregon coast, the couple will make their home in The Dalles. Christening Is Sunday Event Timothy William Heltzel, five month old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heltzel, will be chris tened Sunday noon at St. Paul's Episcopal church. Rev. George H. Swift will officiate. The little boy's godmother -will be his sister, Katherine, and his godfathers will be his uncles, William E. Gabriel and Christopher Gabriel of Portland. He will wear his mother's chris tening dress worn also by his brothers, Thomas and Charles, at their christening. At the dinner to follow at the Heltzgl home In South High street, members of the family present will be Mrs. W. W. Ga briel of Portland and Mrs. James Heltzel, the baby's grand mothers, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin H. Wilman, Mrs. William E. Ga briel, Mrs. Christopher Gabriel, nil of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. John Heltzel. Mrs. Schneider Heads Mothers Mrs. Carl Schneider was elected to head Pi Beta Phi Mothers' club at a meeting held at the chapter house Tuesday afternoon. Hostesses were Mrs. Arthur Upston and Mrs. R. G. Brady. Mrs. George Hull resigned and in her absence Mrs. Helen Eagen presided. At the tea hour, Mrs. Denise L. Murray, new housemother, poured. Present were Mrs. Carl Schneider. Mrs. Denise L. Mur ray, Mrs. W. H. East, Mis. Silas Fairham, Mrs. Stuart Johnson, Mrs. Franklin Bishop, Mrs. Solon Shinkle, Mrs. L. V. Shafcr, Mrs. Homer Egan, Mrs. George Lewis, Mrs. C. L. Car son and the hostesses. Mrs. Rob ert Brady, Sr., and Mrs. Arthur Upston. Mrs. L. F. Hcuperman enter tained the newly elected officers and the outgoing executive board of the Deaconess Hospital auxiliary at a 1 o'clock lunch eon at her home Monday after noon. The newly elected presi dent, Mrs. W. H. Barber was in troduced to the group, as was also the new secretary, Mrs. C. C. Edwards. Oilier guests were Mesdames Frank Jirak, Chris tine Simmons. B. F. Wiens, I. W. Geer, John Wiens, Nettie Rob erts. H. P. Toevs, and C. W. Sta cey. Mrs. Heupcrman is the re tiring president of (he organiza tion. The Laurel Guild of the Knight Memorial church will meet at (he home of Mrs. Pnul Noiswandrr, H45 Gurnet street, Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Mrs. William Draklcy will lead devotions and hostesses will be Mrs. Emory Seller, Mrs. Arthur Fiske and Mrs. Ed Pcrrin. The auxiliary to the West Salem post 4248, of the VFW will meet Thursday evenine at the Legion hall in West Salem. ; WARDS PRESENT II Art Baker AND II HIS NOTEBOOK ON KSLM 9:45 A.IM. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY ! Bidden are members of the faculty and their wives, mem bers of the board of trustees and their wives, and official visitors to the university, Presiding at the urns during the first hour of the evening will be Mrs. Tinkham Gilbert and Mrs. Robert Fenix. Assisting in the living room will be Miss Beryl Holt, Mrs. A. A. Lee, Mrs. Maurice Bren nan, Mrs. Ralph Dobbs and Mrs. Roy Lockenour. Serving during the first hour will be Mrs. Melvin Geist, Mrs. Earl T. Brown, Miss Lorena Jack and Mrs. William Moel lering. During the second hour Mrs. Charles A. Sprague and Mrs. Lawrence A. Riggs will pour In the living room will be Mrs. Paul Black Wallace, Mrs. Mark Finley, Mrs. Herbert Rahe and Dr. Helen Pearce. Assisting in the dining room will be Mrs. A. A. Schramm, Miss Lois Latimer, Mrs. Robert Moulton Gatke and Mrs. Lestle Sparks. To greet guests at the door, Mrs. Smith has asked Miss Lou ise Cutler. Mrs. Sumner Gal laher will introduce to the line. At the second hour, Miss Mary Ann Brady will bo at the door and Miss Mary Jean Huston will introduce guests to the re ceiving line. Mrs. Krueger Visits Legion The business meeting of Capi tal unit No. 9, American Legion auxiliary, was presided over Monday evening by Mrs. I. N. Bacon, president. Introduction of chairman and the announce ment of their committee mem bers and reports was the special business of the meeting. Mrs. Stanley Krueger, president of district No. 2, made her official visit to the unit. Guests were Mrs. Lena Hilde brandt, Sheridan, and Mrs. An na Napravicik, Salem. Mrs. Merle Travis emphasized the early re-enrollment of all members. She invited all mem bership committee members to her home Wednesday evening, October 16, for a business and social evening. Mrs. Don Madi son reported the plans of the postwar planning committee and the honor given the past presi dents, to visit and give the in stallation and Initiation work at many units in District 2 and the Portland conference. Plans for the Christmas gift shop for veterans was announced by Mrs. C. M. Craig. Gifts were sent to the Portland and Rose burg hospitals this month. Marion county council will meet Friday at Woodburn with members invited. Word has been received in Salem of the birth of a son on September 29 to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Shove (Lcla Guerne), at Boston, Mass. The baby, weighing 7 pounds, two ounces, is a grandson of Mrs. and Mrs. George Guerne of Salem. s o y o u r e a one-cream woman! t Helena rubinstci n's "PASTEURIZED" FACE CREAM Too busy to indulge your complexion with the complete beauty routine it deserrea? Then Helena Rubinstein's PATiumiiD" mci cmam is the beauty cream for you. Rich and light. Row thoroughly it cleanses! How it soothes away that parched look! How it cools and refreshes! You'll tow that no other single cream offers so many beauty benefits! For Dry Skin "FAITIURIZID" PACI CMAM fPtCtAl 2.50, 1.00 For Normal and Oily Skin "pASTtutiiiD" pacj ctiAM (Regular) 2.00, 1.00 lJ 10 Willetts CAPITAL DRUG STORE Corner State and Liberty Streets Phone 3118 Engaged Miss Olene Mehl hoi'f, who recently told her be trothal to Lyle White, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur V. White. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Mehlhoff. No date has been set for the wedding. (Jesten-Miller studio.) Alpha Gams Tell Hostesses Hostesses and co-hostesses for the coming Salem Alpha Gam ma Delta alumnae club meetings were announced at the group's second fall meeting Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Robert Tiernan. Mrs. M. D. Thomas, assisted by Mrs. John Dickenson, will entertain the group on Novem ber 12; Mrs. J. Wesley Sullivan and Mrs. Keith Flory, December 10; Mrs. Ervin Peterson and Mrs. Donald Armpriest, January 14; Mrs. Francis Smith and Mrs. A. M. Nelson, February 11; Mrs. Stuart Thede and Mrs. Robert Brown, March 11; Miss Eliza beth Odle and Mrs. James Turn bull, April 8; and Mrs. Carl Cover and Mrs. Herman Jochim sen, May 13. Miss Kathryn Hill was wel comed to the group and a social evening of cards followed the dessert, which was served by the co-hostesses, Mrs. Tiernan and Mrs. Estill Brunk, at tables for four decorated to carry out the Hallowe'en motif. Members present included Mrs. E. B. Bossatti, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Brunk, Mrs. Dickenson, Mrs. Flory, Miss Hill, Mrs. Nel son, Miss Odle, Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. Sullivan, Mrs. Thede, Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Turnbull, and Mrs. Tiernan. Jackie Fisher ' Birthday Girl Little Miss Jackie Fisher was honored on occasion of her 7th birthday anniversary Tuesday afternoon when her mother, Mrs. Gerald Fisher, was hostess for an informal party. The Hallowe'en theme set the note for games and decorations. Guests were Pattie Claggett, Keith Burris, Sharon Sasey, Stephanie Kurtz, Wallace Dum ler, Karen and Jean Cole, San dra and Deanna Dickey and Joyce Hausen. Prof, and Mrs. Johnston en tertained the faculty of the St. Paul high school recently on the occasion of Mrs. Johnston's birthday anniversary. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. James C. Lodge and Jann, Miss Cary, Miss Devereaux and Mrs. Kelso Dra per. Salem chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, will hold a regu lar meeting Saturday evening at 8 o'clock at the Masonic temple J North Salem WCTU Plans Roll Call Tea The North Salem WCTU will hold its annual roll call tea Fri day at the home of Mrs. C. M. Roberts, 815 Shipping street, at 2 o'clock. Joint hostesses will be Mrs. Roy Roberts and Mrs. Frank Barnes. Devotions will be in charge of Mrs. Milton Coe and DeVerne Fromke will be the sepaker. Mrs. Howard Bartholo mew will sing, accompanied by Mrs. Owen Ryles. Seh f eeun 9 Mrs. Virgil Golden entertain ed members of the executive board of the Salem branch, A.A.U.W Tuesday evening for a dessert supper. Present were 17. Next general meeting of the group will be held Saturday afternoon, October 19, at the Carrier room of the First Meth odist church at 1:30 o'clock. It will be a regular business meet ing with Mrs. Claire Argow, executive secretary of the state prison association, as speaker. Tea will be served. Mrs. Roy Hitchcock resigned as chairman of the study groups with Mrs. Sylvia Riley appoint ed to replace her. Visitors Will Be Honored Mrs. Urlin S. Page will pre side at luncheon Friday after noon at her Fairmount Hill home in compliment to Mrs. Ira Edmonds of Marcus, Iowa and Mrs. Ray Murphy of New York City, houseguests of Mrs. U. Scott Page. Following the luncheon hour, contract bridge will be in play. Covers will be placed for Mrs. Ira Edmonds, Mrs. Ray Murphy, Mrs. U. Scott Page, Mrs. Charles A. Sprague, Mrs. W. I. Needham, Mrs. Harry V. Collins, Mrs. Frank G. Myers, Mrs. George Rossman, Mrs. Leona Johnson, Mrs. Homer H. Smith, Mrs. Wal lace Carson, Mrs. Elbert W. Ro berts and Mrs. Urlin Page. The South Salem Woman's Christian Temperance union will meet Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Ma son Bishop, 1541 South Church street. Mrs. Lillian Conner is assisting hostess. Mrs. C. W. Sta cey, legislative chairman, Ore gon Council of Church Women, will discuss the measures which will appear on the November ballot. I i HfADQUARTtRS FOR FINEST IN PAINT AND WAUPAPER ?1 New Rooms for Old! New one-coat oil-base Wellhide covers any surface. Wash repeatedly without streaking) Choice of 34 colore. Hat ... per sal. S'J.M Srml-Gloss " (iloNS ..." JW.81 Sollax Cleaner Cleans walls, woodwork, dishes; sinks and bathtubs. Softens laundry water. Perfect for housecteanins I IWtb. package) SC Color Dynamics Get a free copy of our revised and k enlarged booklet; "Color Dynamics for the Home". Explains how you can make your house lovelier; more cheerful and en joy able. f Color Harmony In 1 J&S Do Be Deled at De ea The Glen Creek drive home of Mrs. Clarence Hamilton will be setting Sunday afternoon for a smartly arranged tea when Mrs. Hamilton and her mother, Mrs. Rue Drager, entertain in honor of Mrs. Douglas Drager of Lebanon (Margaret Bell), who was wed during the sum mer. Guests have been asked to call between the hours of 3 o'clock and 5 Sunday afternoon. Welcoming guests at the door will be little Miss Nan Mishler. The honor guest, her mother-in-law and sister-in-law will greet guests informally in the living room. Mrs. Harry H. Olinger and Mrs. C. S. Hamilton will pour. Assisting about the rooms will be Mrs. Harold Olinger, Mrs. Ruby Mishler of Portland, Mrs. C o b u r n Grabenhorst, Mrs. James Nicholson, Jr., and Mrs Robert Drager. Guests will number 75. . Mrs. Halvorson Board Member Mrs. Carl Halvorson is a ney member of the Salem YWCA board of directors, having been voted in at the group's meeting Tuesday. She replaces Mrs. Claude Glenn, who resigned when she left the city. Names of two more members will be announced later. At the Tuesday meeting, board members were given their assignments to assist at the "at home" to be given the afternoon and evening of October 15 at the homo of Mrs. A. A. Schramm. Invitation is extend ed especially to all newcomers and others who have worked with YW, as well as to all other members and friends. The board turned over to the Y-Teen department committee the project of organizing a "baby sitters" course, designed for interested junior high and high school girls along lines of a similar class conducted a few years ago. It is designed especi ally to assist mothers who will be doing volunteer work for the YW. Also, plans were discussed for a housework employment class for girls and in coopera tion with the USES, the group looking to the time when such workers might be available. . For an extended stay at the home of her mother, Mrs. P. W Byrd, in Chemeketa street, is Mrs. Max McMillin of Van couver, Wash. " New Ideas In the 1947 Line of PITTSBURGH UNITED WALLPAPER Chooia from many artistically correct and harme nixad camplsla room tmombUs designed and colored for this express purpose. Under one roof Pittsburgh offers you a complete homo decorating service . . . Including famous Pittsburgh Paints for walls, floon and woodwork; alto pure bristle brushes, wax and polish and home cleaning aids. PRICES HAVI NOT BEEN INCREASED ON OUR NEW 1947 WALLPAPERS. SEI OUR STYLE ALBUM BOOK Trimz DDT Cedar Closet Wallpaper Kills moths and other insects. Made from real cedar wood has fresh, clean cedar smell. 2 boxes do average closet complete walls and ceiling. Box $2.98 PURE BRISTLE BRUSHES NOW AVAILABLE Rental Equipment We suggest you phone for reserva tion and avoid possible disap pointment. Fleer Polisher. ... Fleer Sander Floor Idger Rented by the day and Yl day PITTSBURGH PLATE GLASS COMPANY 254 N. Commercial St. Phone 3636 Oregon Wins Honors At Legion Convention Mrs. I. N. Bacon, president '! of Capital unit No. 9, Amer- ' ican Legion auxiliary, and Mrs. Stanley Krueger, presi- f dent of district No. 2, have i returned from San Francisco, where they were department X delegates to the American Le gion national convention. Oregon won first place in Poppy Poster publicity and juniors in sewing; tied Penn sylvania, Oklahoma and ; Washington for the largest ' percentage of unit histories filed. Credit was given Mrs. r. Earl Andresen, Capital unit ,' member and chairman De- -partment of Oregon History l committee for the recognition ? given to Oregon. Dra tern I tied Deii J-iedg.e6 Pledges at Willamette univer sity's three local fraternities, all of which will become chapters of national fraternities this fall, were announced today. Alpha Psi Delta will become a chapter of Phi Delta Theta, Kappa Gamma Rho will become Beta Theta Pi, and Sigma Tau will become Sigma Chi. The pledge list includes: Alpha Psi Delta Cecil John son, Pendleton. Kappa Gamma Rho Fred Eggiman, Wes Bolliger and Wil liam Gusey, all of Portland. Sigma Tau Tom Bradley and Robert L. White, both of Portland; Robert O'Neill, Bu coda, Wash. The Mothers' club of St. Jo seph school will hold its first regular meeting Thursday at 2:30 o'clock at the hall. Invited have been all mothers of the parish. Included in the business meeting to be followed by re freshments, will be elections. T H E C A P I T A L 'S S T Y L E C E N T E R CvaoCou Barrett Jed at Dirit WetLdist Ciurci Miss EvaLou Barrett, daughter of Mr and Mrs. L. J. Barrett, became the bride of Walter LeRoy Stotlei, son of Mrs. Maude Stotler, Saturday at 8 o'clock. The riles took place at the First Methodist church. Rev. Joseph M. Adams officiated. Lighting the altar tapers before the ceremony were Mis. Harry Scraff , sister of the bride, wearing blue, and Mrs. Warren Barrett, sister-in-law of the bride, wearing pink. Mrs. Percy Kelly sang, ac companied by Mrs. Merl Kem ple. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white gown with brocaded bodice and a full skirt. Her fingertip length veil was held in place by a beaded crown and she car ried a white prayer book, top ped with an orchid. Mrs. Calvin Keuscher, wear ing a yellow gown with elbow length sleeves, and carrying an old-fashioned nosegay, was mat ron of honor. Best man was Harry Scraff, brother-in-law of the bride, and ushers were Warren Bar rett and Calvin Keuscher. The bride's mother wore a soldier blue suit with black ac cessories and a corsage of gar denias and chrysanthemums. Mrs. Stotler wore a black suit with matching accessories, and a corsage of gardenias and chry santhemums. At the reception which fol lowed at the church paflors, Mrs. Walter Craven cut the bride's cake and Mrs. Edward Antrican and Mrs. George He mann poured. When the bride left on her wedding trip, she wore a black and white check suit with black accessories. Her flowers were orchids. The couple will make their home near Pratum. Entertaining members of her contract bridge clubTuesdayaft- ernoon with a dessert luncheon was Mrs. Charles B. Pomcroy. Additional guests were Mrs. Fred Hageman and Mrs. Robert Cannon. See If In Junior Bazaar and Photoplay CUWD'S CAPTIV1" Cay embroidery 'n a demure sweetheart neoVline., strictly romane stuff.., A Corole King Original of soft, lush, wool ond royon. frost KIIPIN' TAB" C"' Double sets of buckles Iff l Itrdpp'ed light ot your waist ond ft: pfe, 1 shoulder 'n a free-swinging J 7 k I plealed-oll-oround skirt... ft J I J a j i O mpu sosuol by Corole King. fjf 'li j I li? Of diagonal weove wool ond r 4i - fiW J royon in coa or glider grey. if a I - i This is an exclusive Jta 1 I Carole King pattern. 4p-"3i Jrf Junior sires 9 to 1 5. Kje1 f 81498 No, 9886 tM See It In Glorrvr Anniversary Is Honored Mr. and Mrs. John Veer were honored Monday evening when a group of their friends enter tained with a dinner party, giv en in compliment to the cou ple's 25th wedding anniversary. The dinner was held at the Mennonite Brethren church in West Salem. Guests numbered 37 for the event. Arrangements were in silver and white, carrying out the anniversary theme. WITH NESTLE BABY HAIR TREATMENT It's so easy, Mother, to give your' baby lovely curls with the aid ofi Nestle Baby Hair Treatments Used for over 30 years by rhou- sands of Mothers after babyV second growth of hair w about' one inch long. Commended by 'Parents' Magazine. $1.00 bottlel jnahea l fall quart of taaatoaaaj Willett's CAPITAL DRUG STORE Corner State & Liberty Sts. Phone 3118 sail111 aqua, romance pink, dove grey or Rio topper. Junior tfoe 9 so 15.