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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1946)
2 Capital Journal, Salem, iSilverton Council Cooperates jWith School Safety Program ! Silvcrlon Cooperating in safety for school children, the mem- bers of the city council granted M. B. Ford principal of the Eu J gene Field grades and junior high building, the privilege of clos- Girl Scouting Needs Outlined ' Silverton Mrs. Harold Roop, 1 vice president, conducted the i session of the Girl Scout execu j tivc association in the Eugene i Field music room, in the first J meeting of the autumn for for i mulating active work for the ! school year. Active Girl Scouts i number into the hundreds in the j Silverton area. Mrs. Roop was i assisted by Mrs. Harvey DePeel, J secretary, and will be in charge i of the work through November. in the absence of the president, 1 Mrs. Russell Myers, who has moved from town, until the new group of officers are elected. Silverton area council offici als are Mrs. Ted Hobart, presi dent, and Mrs. W. H. Woodard, Jr., secretary. Their advisor is Mrs, Frances Hennc.sey, area di rector. A number of Girl Scout group leaders are needed for the im mediate months was disclosed at the meeting. The association will meet reg ularly the first Monday evening or late afternoon of each month. Several interested in the Girl Scout movement attended the community chest meeting at the Chamber of Commerce rooms, George Manolis, local chairman, and the speaker, H. Saalfeld. community chest director for Marion county. The Girl Scout association lea will be planned for the near future. Lyons Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Berry were Vernon Berry, Richard and Francis Carr and Charlie Berry of Minnesota. Charlie Berry is a brother of George Berry and the other three are nephews. Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Toland and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Toland and daughter Sharron have re turned home from a three weeks' vacation trip to South Dakota. Mrs. Percy Hiatt left for Bev erly Hills, Calif., where she was called by the serious illness of her father. Fannie Wilson went to Mill City Monday morning where she will spend a week at the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Trask. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lewis and daughter, Brulah, spent the week-end at the home of his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Lewis at Reeds port. They also visited his sis ter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mann ing at Norlh Bend. They were accompanied by Miss Lucille Lewis from Philomath, another daughter, who is a teacher in the school Iherc. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bodeker of Alsea visited at the home of his sister, Mr. and Mrs. George Berry. Mr. and Mrs. George Huff man and daughters, Janice. Janet and Jeannette, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Huffman at Oak Ridge. Mrs. George Cllpfell with her mother, Mrs. Cory nf Salem, left the last of the week for Vermont, They were called there by the serious illness of her aunt and sister of Mrs. Cory. Waldo Hills Supper Opens Club Season Waldo Hills Plans for t lie winter series of meetings of the Waldo Hills community club will be announced at Friday evening's first meeting of the club year at the community hall at 7 o'clock, when a covered dish supper will be served. Chest Drive Slated Monmouth The community chest drive will get underway in Monmouth on October IS, un der the direction of O. C. Chris tiansen, local chaiman. A quota of $750.00 has been set for this city. RADIATOR LEAKS STOPPED ANTI -FREEZE Season Is Just Ahead HAVE YOVR RADIATOR and IIOSF. CONNECTIONS prepared NOW. ANTI -FREEZE that has leaked out will never pre vent your car from freezing. We have complete facili ties for preparing jour car for winter driving. Loder Bros. Oldsmnblle Sales & Service 465 Center St. Ph. 6133-S467 18th Year in SALEM Ore., Wednesday, Oct. 9, 194B ing A street to traffic clur- ing the periods when children are crossing the street to the recreational grounds, or playing in the area of the grounds near the street. The type of bar ricades and length of time the streets are closed is to be de cided by the city manager, Ro bert Borland, and" Principal Ford. Mayor George Chrislenson made it plain that he was plen ty disgusted with unnecessary disturbing noises and felt that "you gotta get tough with 'em" to slop the motor noises in cars, trucks, motorcycles and bikes, not to mention night serenades of animals, including dogs and cats. This is under way in Ordinance Wo. 315, sec lion 74, and was read for the first time at Monday's meet ing. The police arc to judge the temper of noises and stop such by legal procedure. Tiie question concerning just what bus company has a right to park where on the streets came up for final decision. The council voted to permit the use of designated parking spaces, given free to the com panies, by any and all busses and taxis. The vote was pass ed unanimously. Around six more street slop signs arc to be placed at inter sections where speeding might endanger the lives of pedes trians, especially children. Am ong these locations the city park streets and Third and Jer sey streets were mentioned as badly in need of enforced slop ping for safety's sake. The city reslrooms arc to be opened to the public again af ter a period of being closed because of vandals wantonly destroying the properties and not respecting the rules of de cent sanitation. The restrooms are to be opened during busi ness hours at the discretion of the city manager. Gates House gnosis at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Kelle are Mr. and Mrs. A. Newman from Quincy, 111.; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sexauer of Oakland, Calif., sis ter and brother-in-law of Mr. Kelle, and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Salmon from Chicago. Salmon and Mrs. Kelle are brother and sister, Mrs. Elmer Stewart has as her guests her mother, Mrs. Loret la Fancher, from Seattle, and her sister, Mrs. Waller McKean and daughter Karon of Oakland, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Millsap and two children were Sunday visitors at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mill sap. Mrs. Harold Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson have returned from a month's visit with relatives in Citibank, Mont. Visiting Middle West Silverton Mr. and Mrs. S. M. McClung have written home friends from Wyoming and Ne braska where they are touring by automobile, planning a two months' trip. Numerous rela tives in the middle western stales-will be visited in the first lime Mrs. McClung has been to this section of the country with McClung not having been "back home" since he was a small bow Acts AT ONCE to relieve WW MM Prescribed by thousands of Doctors! pkrtur.sin Is scientifically prepared to act at otter not only to relieve such coughing but nlno to loosen tlrkltiift phlegm and mnke It easier to ralne. Safe, and mighty effective for both old and young. Pleasant tasting! Any drugstore. $ PERTU SSI N" AOIICII The Sensational Mineral Surface Coating LEAK-PROOF. . SEEPAGE-PROOF. . DAMP-PROOF FOR CELLARS FOUNDATIONS . BUILDINGS RlTAININd WALLS SWIMMINQ POOLS A war-proved development for keeping porous masonry surfaces above or below ground bona dry. Use Aquella for interiors; Aquella No. 2 for exteriors. CAMPBELL ROCK WOOL CO. LOCAL DEALERS 1132 Broadway Missions Topic For Breakfast Silverton "The Crusade for the Christian World" was the topic selected by the secretary of the Christian Missionary so ciety for the state of Oregon Mrs. John W. Jordan, at the Silverton annual missionary breakfast program at the First Christian church social rooms Tuesday morning. Mrs. Jordan stressed the lime of the crusade to extend from September, 1946, to June 30, 1050, throughout all America and Canada in organized Chris tian churches. The financial goals already set as revealed by the speaker are $14,000,000 by the entire brotherhood, wilh $1,000,000 by the women of the missionary organizations. ' Mrs. Carl Spccht, president, and Mrs. Vcrna Bailey, secre tary, conducted the brief busi ness session. The working aims for the coming year were given as an offering in material and money to be sent lo Salem Tuesday afternoon for the bene fit of Kenneth and Grace Hen dricks, living link missionaries from two Portland churches, leaving for foreign fields in the orient during the coming week. Local offering aim to be $225 for the year, 50 members and an average attendance of 35 members at meetings. The quota for World Call subscriptions is to be 25. Falls City O. P. Driggs of Salem has helping his father to get been the property recently purchased in shape to move. Mrs. Anna Starr was in Port land to attend a reception at Hotel Benson honoring her son, Louis Starr of Portland, who has been elected commander in chief of the V. F. W. Mr. and Mrs. John Wceden of Guyman, Okla., were week-end guests at the Leslie Grippin home. Cecil Johnson of U. S. service and Art Mack, a merchant mar ine, are home on a short leave. Rev. Quenton Schenck of Sa lem preached his first sermon at the Falls City Methodist church Sunday morning. Mr. Garrison left for the old soldiers' home at Roseburg Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Al Groll are visiting her mother, Mrs. Katie Graham, and other relatives. Walter Bush left Tunesday for Garland, Tex., where he will meet his wife. J. B. Hatch is visiting at the Roy Moffit home at Bend and Mrs. Hatch is at the J. L. Mc Bririe home on Blue river. The Ariventisls are holding evangelistic meetings at the Free Methodist church, begin ning Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. , Charles Siebcrt of Los An geles visited his sister, Mrs. Vir gil Davis, Monday. The Netherlands Indies island of Bangka provided three-fifths of the Indies' tin output before World War II. ICE CREAM All Flavors QUARTS 11 n NO LIMIT JJC SAVING CENTER Salem and West Salem A Three Days Cough is Your Danger Signal Croomulsion relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel (term laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, In flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un derstanding you must like the way It quickly allays the cottRh or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION (or Coughs, Chest Colds. Bronchitis A10 r PER BAH MIXCD WITH WATER MAKES ONE BALLON Ph. 8496 Two Hopewell Boys Accident' Victims Hopewell Emery Roberts, 19, son oi Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Roberts, who is home on leave from the army at Camp Stone man, Cal.. is in the McMinnville hospital with a badly injured left shoulder caused by the acci dental aischargc of a .22 cali ber rifle he was putting in a car after cleaning it. He has been in army service since in March. James King, 18, while split ling stove wood at his home, caught the handle of the ax causing i to strike the back of his left hand, requiring 38 stitches to close the wound. Silverton Library Donors Are Listed Silverton Mrs. H. B. Lath am, chairman of the Silverton library board, submitted the fol lowing report at the regular meeting of the city council Mon day evening: Total circulation for Septem ber, 1020; registration of new borrowers, 9; books added by gift and purchase, 27; books re moved from circulation, 39. Dnrtori during Srptembrr were Mrs. E. R. Bovd. Mm. William Scartrt. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Latham, Mr. and Mrs. Walter arn, Mrs. Will HUchens. Miss OUa Johnson. Dr. and Mm. C. W. Keene, Dr. and Mr. R. E. Klcinsorup, Miss Betty Klelnsorir, Mrs. F. J. Roubal, Mr. and Mm, F. Glenn McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Loyall Beali. Mrs. W. L. McOlnnls, Mrs. R. A. McClanathan, Alvls DeGutre. Mrs. R. P. McNerr, Mrs. George Chrislenson. Mrs O. B Lee. BETTER HEALTH! HamorrJiofth Jtacrof and Coen AllmmntB Oairrc Ulcer Trald without Hotpital Operation Writa or call lor FPEK daacriptir Booklet Memdmy Ihrngb Friday; 10 A. M. P. M. kvtnmgu Monday, Wtdmtsday, Frtdat 9 Dr. C. J. DEAN CLINIC Physician and Surgmen N. R. Corner E. Bumilde and Grand Avnu Tlphon CAat J91ti, Portland 14. Oiogon For Christmas ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANN1CA "The Gift of Knowledge" Britannica Senior Britannica Junior Bi'ilannica World Atlas Britannica Year Books Convenient Terms Call or Write A. A. CARPENTER, Representative 495 North Cottage St., Salem, Oregon Phone 4406 (. GOLD MEDAL ) ( ' Distilled Dry, F"""j GIN. Ill 0 PROOF (Diilillcd from (rain) fl I j V Another Gold Medal ' J v I by Record, and V Oold.borough. Inc.. tlSJ" ffgf'fg fj.: I Maryland', distin- gPg " .-Jj I juuhtd distiller, and tftj'i 3 " "" I Medal Gin is famous SSBII t fYl 1 lion of oumandinj Gin quali- A'? IIQIU llllUQl I ties necessary lo produce that l . ,.'" A certain something discrimina- V ff,'tTZ I ' ( rpnw To Tho Nation! u(0t DISTILLERS & RECTIFIERS I 1 13-1 19 West Lombard St. Baltimore 1. Md. LUUimi ( ESTABLISHED 1SI5 - i::!; SEEING IS BELIEVING mm mSXMm I ffiiiiiiiWiiin 1 OPTICAL SERVICE SINCE 1928 Liberty and Court Streets Campus Groups Name Officers for Year Oregon College of Education, Monmouth Major office elec tions have been announced by campus organizations. Officers now assuming office include: Jerome Willma. Portland Freshman class president. Art Chapman. Louisville, Ky. Sophomore class president. Mary Ely, Stayton Fieshman class representa tive to student council. Richard Smith. Monmouth Freshman class representative to student council. Doris An ic leer, H ills bo ro Freshman class representative to Associated Women Students' council. Wit da Robblns, Toledo Sophomore class rep resentative to Asfoclated Women Students' council. Jean Mattlson, Wendllng Junior class representative to- Associated Women Students' council. Allen Petersdorf. Wen dling West house president. Edward Belknapp, Rtckreall Arnold Arms president. Dallas Policeman Resigns Position Dallas Floyd (Bud) Am brose has resigned from the city police force and is leaving Dal las this week with his family for Vancouver, Wash., where he will take up his duties assisting with physical reconditioning at the Veterans' hospital there. J. T. King who served on the Dallas force for some time be- "UNMOCK'V DIGESTIVE TRACT And Stop Dosing Your Stomach With Soda and Alkalizers Don't expect to set real relief from headache, aour stomach, gas and bad breath by talcing anda and other alkalizers if the true CBUM of your trouble is constipation. Jn this case, your real troublft Is not In the etomarh at all. But in the intestinal tract where 80 of your food is digested. And when the lower part gets blocked food may fail to digest properly. What you want for real relief la aome thine tn "unblock" your lower intestinal trart. Something to rlean it out effectively help Mature gnt bark on her feet. Get Cartrr'a Pills right now. Take them aa Airectod. They gently and effectively "un block" your digestive tract. This permita all 6 of Nature's own digestive juicea to mix better with your food. You get genuiw relief from Indigestion so you ran fee really good again. Get Carter's Pills at any dnigstor 2W. "Unblnrk" your intestinal tract for real relief from indigestion. When correct glosses arc', placed before your eyes, you may experience a thrill, if your eyes are not just right at present.' Find out for sure. JIWrnit'OPTOMITtlSTt fore entering the navy during the war returned Tuesday from Portland to take the position again. Mrs. Ambrose resigned from the staff at Crider's department store where she has been a clerk. Foot Sufferers Relax in a hot, sudsy Reainol Soap foot bath. Then relieve dry. itching burning akin with toothing Reainol. Begin today this helpful foot can. resindi::k STOMACH Pf'? lot Never upset an upset itomaeh with overdoses of antacids or harsh phys ics. Ba gentle with it. Take toothing PEPTO-BlSMOL. Not a lazativa. Not an antacid. It calms and soothes your upset stomach. Pleasant to the tasta children love it. Ask your druggist for pepto-bismol when your stom mch ia upset. A NORWICH rnoDver Dine Dance Floor Shows 10-12 This Week's Show RUSTY COLMAN presents CARMEN DeLAVEDA Spanish Singing and Dancing Star ALICE HULETT Dancing Body Beautiful DICK GARDNER Mimicry - Magic -Ventriloquist Abbe Green's Orchestra starring Jean Fontainne STEAKS CHICKEN TURKEY CHINESE DINNERS No Cover Charge Before 8 P.M. LEONARD'S SUPPER CLUB Open Every Night Except Sunday Report to people waiting for telephone service ...Pacific Coast's amazing growth makes job bigger than ever We are adding equipment and installing telephones just as fast as conditions permit ... at a faster pace this year, in fact, than ever before. But continuing shortages of equipment and restrictions on building construction have so far made it impossible for us to keep pace with the Pacific Coast's spectacular growth. Though we have already added more than-253,000 new telephones dur ing the first eight months of this year and every bit of our equipment is working to capacity, there is still a big job ahead. You can be sure we are doing everything we can to get your telephone to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding and patience. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company 740 State GStoy&dyftoei. . . Sec tb In Stock for Immediate Delivery TEAGUE MOTOR CO. Your Kaiscr-Frazer Dealer 355 North Liberty Phone 7001 TRA VEL THE DIRECT ROUTE EAST! THROUGH BEND - BOISE - TWIN FALLS - OGDEN AND SALT LAKE Buses leave Salem at 1 :50 p.m., Daily HAMMON STAGE LINE Fhone 5051 St. Telephone 3101 'fieyfofy COMMUNITY :0 CHEST HIVi k Greyhound Depot