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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1946)
10 Capital Journal, Salem, FOR SALE HOUSES BARGAINS HOME BARGAINS $3500. EAST, i Bdr. DR. and Kit. Some Fruit and Berrien, 85200. 8 RE DR., Bath, LR., DR., Kit. Ga- rftKC, Near Dntown and Canneries. $5500. I MM. POSS. 3 Rm. Garage Hse. Move in an finish new Hsc.. In front. Materials on hand. $3350. LGE. OLD ll.ME. Suitable for S Apta. In business zone. Close in. 16500. l AC. 4 Corners. 3 Bcdr, Bath, LR.. DR., Kit. Garage. $1250. GOOD 3 Bdr. Hme. '1 Ac. near Sweglc sch. Hwd. iirs. rirepi. uarage. $10,730. 1MM. POSS, Enclewood Dlst. 2 Bdr., bath. LR., Kit.. DR., Bsmt. Fur- naco. Garase. Call "Elmer" Anderson. BURT PICHA. REALTORS Phone 3210337 N. High Street a240 OWNER OFFERING to sell their nice mod. - home. Close In and priced to sell. Large - rms., nil! basmt., oil furnace, on cor ner, bus by door. Handy to school, church and store. Phone 24777 eves. a240 HOMES FOR SALE $3.'50. UNFINISHED HOUSE, new subur ban building district, two mocks io dus, - 4 blks to Br nrie school. North. $1500. NEW 1 BEDROOM home with la rite living room, utility room. 1 blk. to bus. G.T. only. 94950. TERMS. FOUR ROOM COTTAGE and living quarter, above double ga rage, lame lot with several walnut trees, lawn and shrubbery. 2 blks. to bus. -North Salem. $0000. TERMS. NEW TWO BEDROOM home and unfinished upstairs, electric heat, spacious living room, compact kitchen with plenty or mmtins, tunny . room, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds. - insulated and weatherstrlpped. plenty of closet space, M block to bus. t- ABRAMS AND ELLIS, INC. t 411 Masonic Bids. Phone 6153 Insurance Mortgage Loans b23- McKINLEY SCHOOL MODERN, 6 rm. home with auto, oil heat, fireplace, hdwd. floors, elec. h.w. heater, utility rms.. garage, nice yard, outside "lireplace. Pricr (12.500. Call Cohurn L. Grabenhorst, with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 eves. 7772 n238- CLOSE IN HOME 4 RDRM. home, located on N. Summer St. Basement, furnace, fireplace, hdwd. floors, nice yard. Wonderful family home. Price J 15.750. Call Richard E. Grabrnhorst. with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Phone 4131. a238' HOME SPECIALS 97,000 BUYS this 5 rm. home, full base ment, furnace, fireplace, nice yard, sood location. SEE THIS HOME. $9,850 BUYS this 3 bdrms., basement, saw - dust heat, redecorated thruout. Located , close-in. FOR APPOINTMENT SEE Richard E. with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS . 134 S. Liberty St. Phono 4131. a238 CREEK HOME MODERN. 3 bdrm. home, hdwd. floors, auto-heat, fireplace, patio, finished in 1 knotty cedar. Beautiful flowers and " rounds. Price $15,800. FOR APPOINT MENT CALL Dale L. Shepherd, with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 4131. a238 N. SALEM SPECIAL 8 REDRM. English type home, hdwd. m floors, fireplace, full basement, sawdust heat. Completely redecorated inMde and out. Price 111,500. Call Dale L. Shepherd, with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Phono 4131. a238 HOME AND BUSINESS, email 3 B R. home .with Help Yourself Laundry. Made $100 clear last month with hardly any work attached. This Is a real Uttlo money maker. $0,000. Terms. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 1365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255, Eves. 35103 0239- 11,100 I. RM. CABIN, S. In city on 30x100 lot. No plumbing. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 8365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255, Eve. 25103 239 FURNISHED g BEDROOMS, all on one floor. Living room, large kitchen, lota of nice fir trees around. It's clean and neat. $7350. See Hudktns First CHAS. HUDKINS As SON 375 State Phone 34131 b24w MOVE RIGHT IN I BEDROOMS and bath, living and dining room, kitchen, wood range- and circu lator go with It. Clcso to bus and school. 15050. Sec Hudklns First CHAS. HUDKINS ft BON 375 State Phone 34121 a240' $6575.00 NICE CLEAN 3 bedroom home with bath, LR, DR, kitchen, nook, vene ' ttan blinds, nice fireplace, hardwood floors, basement, close to schools, nice location. This Is a good buy. (7500.003 ACRES with rambling ranch house, 3 bedrooms, LR. DR, kitchen, bath, patio, electric cooking, laxej. only $24.00 per year. Immediate possession, move right In. (BHSii.OO 8 BEDROOMS, nice clean house, gas ranxn and circulator goes, Venetian blinds. Better hurry on this one. 97.'.O0.O 3 BEDROOMS, biitli, LR, DR, kitchen, full basement, electrlo cooking, .automatic oil furnace, owner will sell ns is or will trade fnr 1 or 3 acres close in. I1I.5O0.0O 3 BEDROOM home, English atyle. hardwood floor.i. fireplace, bath. LR, DR, kitchen, nook, full basement, electric cooking, lovely fenced-in back yard, electric stove and refrigerator. Possession 20 days. McKILLAP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 S. High St. Phone 5131 Phone Evenings 0901-7163-4937. a340 8 BEDROOM 3 nice lots. Garage. Lots of shade. Furnished. Move riaht In. Inquire at 838 S. 24th, Salem. a240 J1I.1 SPRlTciTliTT3bT(lroi)iirionierL.H. With fireplace.D.R., kitchen, bnth and 3 bedrooms down, 1 bedroom up. Ilnrd wood floors, full basement with sawdust burner, winter's sawdust in, garage. $10,500. no YOU WANT a really fine home on a large creek lot? This place has everything anyone could desire. Large L.R. with fireplace. D.R.. room, kitchen, musto room and lavatory down, 3 large bedrooms and bath up, hardwood floors thru out. full basement with oil bur nine hot water heating plant, double garage. For more Information call me. FLOYD VOLKEL HEAL ESTATE 474 Court Phone S004. a240 OWNER TRANSFERRED to Siilem: Will exchange for Salem property or sell Portland suburban home. Fine 5 rm. home, glassed In porch, modern up-to-the-minute kitchen, loads of bulll 1ns. New Montag ell furnace. Best con dition. New roof, garage, bam. ft 20x40 chicken house. Family uicliard. on 1V-j A. Handy to school, bus ft stores. Call Mr. Slgea with the Texas Co.. Ph. 9634. a'243 BY OWNER: 3 bcdrm. home, plastered, wired for range. Good bsmt., sawdust furnace, elec. wtr. htr. Garage, on corner lot. Just redecorated. 1 blk. io school. 3 blks. to stares, bus by door. 3105 Norlh 4th St. a 240 BY OWNER; 2 bedrm home. W. Salem. Auto, hot water, oil citculal Hie heal Phone4Q3. b24o f OR KALE: Imm. poss., rloso in. 6 rm. house, some lurnltiire. new dec. water heater, new elec. ranee, 18 bearing applo trees. $45110. Phono 3708. a240 FOR QUICK SALE by owner: $7H(i0. Five room modern house, utility room, elec tric w ater heater, oil circuit or, in laid linoleum, garage, Jauc lot. HKii Mission St. a240 910,000 NICE HOME ral. Larue L R . din, rm., kitchen, nook, 2 bedrmn, bath, unfinished upstairs, basement, furnace. $85008 RM. home, partly furnished. On large lot A; good location south. $8000 rRACTIC ALLY new 3 bcdrm. home near Euglewood school. $78503 HEDK.MS,, L II., kitchen, i al ette, bath, basement, furnace, hdw. floors. North. Call Mr. Walters HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS 341 Chemekcta S; Phone 37D3. Eves. 3jJ00. a-MO $4750 NEAR HIGH school. 2 bedrms. down, L.R.. kKchen, 3 rms. up, with dbl. plumbing. Can be made into ant. 96800 4 BED KM. home north. L.H., din. rm kitchen, largo lot. $7500 NEAR Klngwocd Drive. 3 bcdrm. home, hdw, floors, fireplace, large lot. 93000 DOWN Buys this 3 bcdrm. home. L.R., dinrtle. kitchen, fireplace, base ment. Also 3 rm. apt. as Income. CALL OMER HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS 341 Cbemeketa St. Phone 21549. Eve. 250B1. a240 Journal Want Ads Pay Oregon, Tuesday, Oct. 8, 1946 FOR SALE HOUSES Siooit 4 BEDRM. hsc.. Lg. din. rm., ft bath, all on one floor. Wired for ranee Just off center on ism si. See this before you buy. SIMM RICHMOND dist. 3 bcdrm. home, basement, corner lot. Bus line. 3 BEDRM. home close to-McKinley school. Hdw. firs.. V. blinds, fireplace, full basement. Elec. water heater, auto. heat. Immediate possession. $7500 3 BED KM. home In West Salem Heights. Hdw. firs., fireplace, fenced In backyard, imm, poss. S5330 3 BEDRM. home east, with 3 lots Fireplace, gas water heater, garage, close to school ft bus. Imm. poss. $12110 3 REDRM. home south, wttb 3 lots. Priced for quick sale. SfWiiO 3 UEDR.M. home In Keller dlst. Tills Is one of the best. Beautifully laimscapcd. jri;uH) V. A., 3 bcdrm. home, new gar, wired for range. Laundry trays. $:tinn "t a. m Kulzcr dlst. 4 rm. hsc on paved road. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 045 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590. Eves. 21090 a240' $0Cmi IMMEDIATE POSSESSION: Com pletcly furnished. Neat and clean 3 bed' room house in N.E. part of town. Oil heat, automatic water heater, electric refrigerator, radio, rugs, etc. Lot 75x1 2 walnut trees, 1 peach tree, 1 cherry tree. ROSTEIN ft ADOLPH, INC. 110'.. N. Com'l. Ph. 3030. Eves. 8314 and 7980. a239' A SHOW PLACE OF YAMHILL VALLEY IIEAUTH-'UL 3 bedroom home, modern in every respect. New burn, mod. turkey brooder house, chicken hsc., caretaker's home, three other houses now rented. All land best bottom soil, all under Irrigation, main line permanent, lat erals removable, rhls place, truly a gentleman's estate, should pay for It self in 3 years. Total price $23,500; 11b terms. MYRTON MOORE REAL ESTATE OCEAN LAKE, OREGON. a238 FOR SALE By Owner, house, 4 rms. downstairs, 3 upstairs, remodeled ft re decorated, gas range, hot water heater & rm. heater goes with place, $4500. 53250 will handle. Close to high school A: bus. Inquire 2300 Fairgrounds Rd. (Barber shop). Eve. or Sundays at ins W. Luther St. a242 WALT AND EVELYN MUSGRAVE REALTORS J 5500 I ACRE Independence, edge of town. 2 BR. house. Wired for elec. range elec. water heater; close to school and bus. Quick Poss. Plenty of fruit and nut trees small barn. SUNNYVIEW DISTRICT NEW 3 BR bungalow on 55x247 lot. Elec tric heat, H.W. floors, attached garage. Own elec. water system with 60' well. ' Will decorate interior to suit the buyer. $3000 down. $55 per month at 4'i Interest. Full price $11,000. We recom mend this ns an exceptional buy. NEW. IMM. POSS. BEAUTIFULLY finished 2 BR home In flno location. Has floor furnace, hwd. floors, wired for a range, elec. wtr. htr. Just outside city limits. Close to bus and schools. $11,075. IMM. POSS. NEW HOME In south Salem. 3 BR. H.W. floors. Venetian blinds, wired for range, elec. wtr. htr.. floor furnace. Lot 66 x 192. KINGWOOD HTS. EXTREMELY modem 4 BR home with huge LR, den, DR. Kitchen, nice bath, basement, oil furnace, elec. wtr. htr. Flagstone fireplace, located In very pri vate neighborhood with beautiful sur roundings. This Is priced to sell $14, 000. WEST SALEM REALTY CO. 1233 EDGE WATER ST. Phone 5109 a239 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Neat A; Clean 5 room 2 bed room FURNISHED house, near Pcnn 4 Comers, on about Va Acre good garden land. Has a good garage, fruit room ft wood shed. Included In tlio furnlturo Is a Eice. refg., elee. washing maeh., good wood range & wood circulator heater. Price $6000. ROSTEIN Ac ADOLPH, INC. 1105 N. Commercial St. Phone 3030 Eves. 8314 n238 SMALL, partly furnished house. One bed room, living room, dinette and kitchen. Shower. 300 Market Ave. Pcnn 4 Cor ners. n240 BUY FROM LIST AT THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 24703 i243' ROSED ALE ADDITION LOVELY 5 KM. home, wired for range. V. bhnds, rove ceilings; full bsmt. with nice rumpus room, separate utility and furnace rm. Large lot with lovely landscaping. (13.500. Terms. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3355. Eves. 35103 239N. RETIRING? WANT A REAL SHOW PLACE? We have It. Six spacious rooms and double ga rage. It has everything. Large room tile bath As kitchen. Auto heat, dbl. flreplare, new wall to wall rug In L.R. and D R. Small new home In rear for m u id or caretaker. On I'.i acres lust N of Salem city limits. Everything you would want In fruit, berries and nuts. Built for his own homo by one or Htilctii'.i well known contractors. This home la new and the construction wilt Aland any Inspection. $20,000. Lens than 'i cash will handle. Easy monthly payments. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 35103 2.19 LOVELY 5 BEDROOM HOME ON LARGE creek lot. very nice yard with landing mi creek. Has living room, din ing room, kitchen, breakfast nook, 3 bedrooms down and 3 up Full base ment, auto oil fin naco Carpet wall to wall In living room and dining room, Very nice fireplace. Elee. water heater, wind for range, $12,000. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 2417m 239 $1 1. 500 3 Bedroom modem home. Close to Richmond school. Home In very good condition. Some furniture. Elec. re frig, and winter's wood In basement goes. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS l.3 S. High Ph. 4121 a239 jiix. ENGLISH type home North. Has 3 Bit's plus sleeping porch. Basement with oil furnace. 3 car garage. Large lot. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. HUh Ph. 4121 a239 VERY NICE. J blinu, late built, 11W Ill's, fireplace, V blinds, elec. water htr, wir ed for range, nulo. sawdust furnace. Immediate possession, near schools. Price $12,000. One half cash will han dle. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. Rich St. Phone 7660 a238 PARTIALLY (uniLshed 3 bdrm. I1W, Llv. it Din. rms., firepluce, gas for water htr. and cooking. Furniture Includes nuntc, refrigerator and washing ma chine. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 1 II N. Iluh St. Phone 7RH0 n2HB "C" KIH (OtiE FOR THE.SK jii.'.Mi I I'M IMMll ll, Keier dlst. $ itHio I lU DUOOM.s near business dial. M.'iio S. dUe of city, 4 rooms. srLiMi A room, Salem Heights, SV-'lio ROOMS, Yew Park Add. s .(.'- Ill lutoo.MS, full basemnt. north, yinon I.Avr, 2 bedroom, new, largo lot. h:uo i bedrooms, good location for business. SH'.i'.'.-i i:.M 2 bedrooms, full basement, very goid locution. $10,500 P. UK Ave. 5 rooms, large lot, furnace. $11. .loo ENGLISH style, Rose dale dlst., 5 rooms, full basement. 1 1. moo park Ave.. 4 bedrooms, douole Pltniibini. Intnlwood floors throughout. $i;Mu!lOSEI.LE add. 5 rooms, beau tiful hiiinc, parly room In basement. $i:uf."iii so. View property, new, electric lieal. l l.mni 5 BEDROOM, fireplace, full base ment. "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12lh Si. Open till 8:00. P.M. Phone 4H..5 a339 SMALL 1 10. ME. built 11,41. Solid con st met Ion, hdw. Moors, cement found. Plas'.eird, clean. Furn.. Incl. new retrii. Lot 40x100. Take late car as part. Quick poss. Call 1U 4 6th St., West Salem. 242 MAKE ME AN OFFER LET ME MIOW you this home In Engle wood dist. Homes that compare with this one are selling for from $13,000 to $14,000. Owner la leaving town A; must cll immediately. Call Ed Lukin benl, ED RYRKIT, REALTOR 308 Not th High. Phone 5981, 338 FOR SAKE nouses BY OWNER 4 bedrm. hse., dble plumb ing, fireplace, hardwood firs., sawdust furnace, full basement, desirable resi dential dlst., neRr high sch., $15,000. By appoint.. Ph. 6219. a242 3-BEDROOM home, desirable location, bus bv door 1 block to sch). & stores Large lot. fruit iz nuts. By owner. Price $6500. 1233 N. Church. a238' HOME ON HILL NICE VIEW, large lot. Lots of shrub' bcry. Very fitw home, large L.R.. fire place, 2 bedrms. down. auto, oil furn Fully modern. C!l Ike Bacon ED BYRKIT. REALTOR 308 North High. Phone 5931. a238 I ACRE. CLOSE INt 3 bedrms., pecan firs., large L.R.. din. rm.. Duo-Therm oil circulator, electric range As water heater eo with Place. Dbl. garage, small barn, i0.!)00, call Fd Liiklnheal, ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 208 North H!rh. Phone 5981. R23R SHKio DOWN; Home close In. L.R., 2 bedrms., kltch., bath. 2-room apt. !n rear rents for $35 mo. Full price $7900. Call Ike Baeon. ED BYRKIT. REALTOR 308 North Hhrh. Phone 5981. a?3R LESLIE " and" 5ieKINLEY school dist. 4 bedroom, older type, remodeled house, on extra large lot. Good rental prop erty. Priced to sell. S7000. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phone 7696 Eve. 24789 n238 GLEN CREEK Drive Reduced ! 3 bed room, story and half house, extra large lot, berries, fruit, chicken house. Pay that rent, to yourself. Call "Kent" JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phono 769C Res. 7475 a23 NEW t bedroom home, fireplace, Vene tian blinds. 1 1 j bath, full basement. to Enirlewood school: Property that Will keep Us value! Price S13.8O0. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phone 7696 Res. 24789 a238 FOR SALE 3 brm. home. living rm.. dining rm.. kitchen, furnished except for bedrooms, gas range, frlgldalre. A year's supply of wood in basement. This Is priced right. Possession In ten days. See Mr. PEMBERTON with HAWKINS ft ROBERTS, INO. REALTORS Phone 4108 n238 BY OWNER: Attractive 3 bed room home In Klngwood Heights. Hardwood floors, fireplace and cove ceilings. Attached garage, fenced in yard, nice lawn and shrubs. Only B years old. Price $7. 500.00. Phone; 8360. a240 S8200 3 APT. HOUSE. Large lot. 470 8 25th. Owner. N pyle. P. O. Box 207. McMInnvll'o Phone 100. a23B HONEY TO LOAN on first mortgages. 4 to 6", Call for details. ED BYRKIT As CO. 208 North High Phone 5981. a341- MONEY TO LOAN on first mortgages. 4 to 6 Cill fnr details. ED BYRKIT & CO. 308 North High. Phone 5981. a24l FOR SALE: 4 Rm. Mod. house As 6 lot?. Kitchen range, floor coverings Includ ed. Possession Immediately. $4500.00. See Oltn Brown at Gervals. Ph. 1503. Ger vats. a238 FOR SALE Home, living rm.. kitchen, 3 Brms., bath, garage, utility rm.. Lot 50x100. work shop In rear of house, located tn good neighborhood In W. Sa lem. $6,850.00 Possession Immediately. See Mr. PEMBERTON with HAWKINS As ROBERTS, INC. REALTORS Phone 4108 a238" FOR SALE 7 room home, full bsmt.. wood furn . gas hot water heater, gas cooking, downstairs has living rm., dining rm., brm.. kitchen, breakfast nook and bath. Upstairs living rm., kitchen, bdrm.. and bath. Both kitchens have new unused gas ranges, lias been completely remodeled nnd redecorated. Lot 87x92. Located 1 blk. from Junior High Vi blk. from High School. $12,- 500.00. Possession at once. See Mr. PEM BERTON with HAWKINS At ROBERTS, INC. REALTORS Phone 4108. a238 NICE 2-Bcdroom home well lo cated near grade school and Catholic school and church In North Salem. Bun galow type, concrete foundation, elec tric cooking, double garage, close to bus, $2.400 00 will handlo this and good terms on balance, possession on or be fore 30 days. Better seo this one. 57,300.00 3-BEDROOM homo well located In South Salem. Bus at door, has fire place, basement, garage, concrete foun dation, oil heat, gas conking, lot 50 x 120 ft. Good terms can be arranged on this home. $0.300.00 2 BEDROOM home. located north, bath, LR, DR, K., built-lns and Venetian blinds, basement, lot 45 x 172 ft. Price furnished $6,300.00. Unfurn ished $5750.00. Some fruit trees. Good terms on this. Sa.lMMl.oo 3 BEDROOM home, H.W. floors. Dutch colonial fireplace, garage. This Is good home with large lot, GO x 252 ft Bus by door. G. school 1 block. Nut trees nnd largo garden space. Very good term:;. $0,000.004 BEDROOM home, well located North Nth St. Possession Immediately. Has basement, electric cooking and wa ter heater, plastered, furnaco heat, ga rage, bus 1 block, alley. Interior very clean. Terms can be arranged. I.7.-.0.O0 3 BEDROOM home well located North, hardwood floors, fireplace, base ment, plastered, automatic oil heat, cooking and water heater electric, ga rage, all.'y, bus and school close. SlO.oofl.oo pine Modern Home In Fair mont District. Has 4 bedrooms, hard wood floors, fireplace, bedroom In base ment, bus and school close. This Is a fine home with largo rooms and in fine condition. Good terms can be arranged. Possession 30 days. HOLLYWOOD McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 3075 Fairground Road Ph. 3-5224 Ph. 9340-242ti3 a23 FOR SALE Unfinished house on 3 lots in West Salem. $3150 Easy terms. Inquire 1127 Third St Phone 7659. a23S FOR SALE by owner. 1 bedroom home. clean, double lot, electric hot water heater, wired for range. Ph. 21080. n238' FOR SALE LOTS BUSINESS LOTS 50 x 114 FT. Excellent location for Enrage. cabinet shop, grocery store, etc. Price $850 and $1,050. Call Coburn L. Grabrnhorst. with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 Eves. 7772 na2.t8 USED CAR LOT LOCATION CORNER LOT In No. 3 business zone ad joins used car lot. stores on other 3 corners A main street, an excellent lo cation. FOR GROUND LEASE ONLY. Call Cohurn L. Grabrnhorst. with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 Eves. 7772 a233 SUNRISE HEIGHTS FINEST VIEW LOTS EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. WONDERFUL VIEW OF MTNS. ft VALLEY. SALEM'S FINEST RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. LOCATED WEST OF SOUTH COMMERCIAL ST. SEE THIS DISTRICT. A REAL INVEST MENT. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 1.14 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. aa238 LOTS 8 LOTS CLOSE In. east on Park Ave. some on pavement just across from City Limits, only 1600 each. S125 down. First come gets best choice. Don't wait. R EI MANN REAL ESTATE 201 S. High. Ph. 3722 or 7838. a FA1RMOUNT HILL building site. Lot 74 x 00 Price SI 500. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. Htgh Ph. 4121 au239 FOR SALE FARMS 20 ACRES fine Chehalis soil in Mission Bottom, large barn and house, priced to sell. Ph. 4423. b330 I ACRES N.E. Has 2 very neat attrac tive homes. Bain, chicken house. Sold complete with tractor, tools, cows, feed, etc. Price $17,500 complete. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High Ph. 4121 b239 $17,500 48 ACRES on Silver ion Road, at Central HowelL 7 room house, bath, garage, barn with 8 stanchions, poultry house, silo, all Incultlvatlon. Willamette ilt. will exchange for house in Salem. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3355. Eves. 24479 bJ39 Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE FARMS $7,000 56 ACRES north. Large old style house, barn, chicken house, etc. All in culti vation. 10 acres squash go with place. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 24479 b239 $5,500 30 ACRES, unfinished house, on pavement, 1 mile west of McClay. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 24479 b233' FOR SALE 100 acre ranch. 1st class bides.. 4 ml. S. of Dayton on paved highway. Write Rt. 2, Box 99, Dayton, Oregon. Phone 8X10, b239 BUY THIS FARM any of these three ways. 22 acres all stocked and equipped (or ji7.j00.00, or buy 5 acres with house and barn, chicken house, family orchard for $0500.00. or buy 2 acres with 5 room new house $7500.00. All new tractor and equipment, cow, hay, feed, chickens and everything goes for the 117,500 amount. McKILLAP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 S High Phone 5131 Phone Evenlnss 6901-7163-4937. b240 AMAZING VALUE 30 ACRES IN ORCHARD. DON'T BE MISLED BY THE SOUTH LOCATION. BEST OF SOIL. PAVED ROAD ON ONE SIDE, 15 ACRES PRUNES. 8 ACRES WALNUTS. 7 ACRES CHERRIES.- GOOD LIVING QUARTERS, ONLY $7500. CALL BARON DAIRY FARM 12 MILES NORTH AMITY SILT SOIL. NEW 2 BEDRM. HOME. 2 NEW BARNS ft OTHER OUTBUILDINGS. ALL EQUIPMENT GOES ALONG WITH ALL STOCK IN CLUDING 8 REGISTERED COWS AND REGISTERED SIRE, 85 NEW HAMP SHIRE CHICKENS. YOU CAN STEP RIGHT IN AND START OPERATING OWNER SELLING AT COST OF $26. 000. REIMANN REAL ESTATE "Listings Skillfully Handled" 201 S High Ph. 3723 or 7836 Eves, ft Sun. 3621 or 34113 b" FARM BUYERS) BEFORR YOU decide on a farm, get a copy of our Special Farm List, with descrip tion! of 63 farms. NELSON & NELSON REALTORS Rms. 300-a Masonic BldK. 495 State St. Ph. 4419 or 4623. Eves. 3-5547 b' FOR SALE ACREAGE FOR SALE Almost acre In new subdi vision, north. Several nice houses al ready up. Income from fruit on place will pay for it in few years. Price $1500 Phone 21853. bb210 $0500 fl RM. modern house on Hi acres. double garage, close in south. $7.ift it ACRES with 8 rm. house, 8 acres walnuts, some fruit trees, all furniture, refrigerator ft tractor go. Call Mr. Clancy HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS 341 Chemekela St. Phone 21549. Eves. 9757. bb240' t ACRES 5 R005I house with bath, full basement, double garage. IBX30 barn, 24x34 chicken house, 1 'i acres alfalfa. 4 acres wal nuts, cherries, prunes. This Is a nice place. S9.000. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 24479 bb239 "C KILGORE FOR THESE X3.100 t ROOMS. 5 acres, all cleared. $53 r,o 0 finished, 3 bedroom house, 10 acres. S7-iMt I ROOMS. 3 acres, close In. N.E. $!.io NEW 3 bedroom home, 3 acres. N.E. jji.vio a rooms. 31i yrs. old, 1 acre, more land if desired. Keizer. $9,1003 ROOMS, good barn, acres, or 5:4. $12,500. "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th St. Open till 8:00 P.M. Phone 4855 bb239 Y A. ON GARDEN Road. 5 rm. unfin ished hse., also 3 rm. hse. ft garage, 4 ml. from State House, immediate pos session. $5500. 181 A. h IN cult., bal. pasture ft timber. All year creek, good soil. 2 houses, wir ed for ranges, 3 large barns, on paved road. 4'.a ml. from Dallas. $17,000. MELVIN JOHNSON 549 N. Cottage St. Ph. 3723 bb238 AMBITIOUS? A LITTLE work, will pay BIO dividends. 71 j A., 3 room house, elec. pump, lo cated JUST RIGHT A good Investment at $5600. Call "Hobby" Habemicht JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phono 7696 bb238 1B4 ACRES $16,800 90 TO 100 ACRES cultivated, formerly In hops. Bal. pasture and timber. 2 good houses, 3 largo barns, creek, springs, good dairy or small stock farm. On paved Ht-way. This la really a good buy. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. Hlch just north or Center St. Phone 34793. Eve. 23953 or 6375 bb238- 10 ACRES NEAR 1IAYESVILLE school and near 99E. 3 bedroom home In excellent condition. All Willamette silt loam with good drainage. Excellent strawberry ground. This Is a place you would be proud to own. $12,500, SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 21413. bb239' 12 ACRES NEAR HAYESVILLE school, with good In come. All Willamette silt loam. No buildings. This is a dandy. $8400. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. . 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 21413. bb239" REAL ESTATE IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 1 BEDROOM house Englewood district. living room, dining room, basement, furnace, electric hot water heater, wir ed for electric range, corner location, nice yard, fruit trees, priced right at $9,000 for quick sale. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION BARGAIN NOW VACANT, move right in. 2 bedroom plastered home, large living room with fireplace, dining room, bath between bedrooms, garner. 55.500. Terms. SUBURBAN 3 BEDROOM two story house, nice living and dining room, hardwood floors, tile bath, wired for electric range, full basement with furnace, laundry trays, large garage. 3.2 acres, fruits and nuts, excellent soil, located east, near school. A well built home about 8 years old. ?9,250 We believe this one has G.I. loan possibilities. EXCELLENT late built two bedroom house. attached garage, large living room with circulating fireplace, dining room, sun porch, wired for electric range, 'a acre, east, good garden soil, paved road. bu line, near school. $7,250. FARM SPECIAL EXCLUSIVE 38 ACRES al) in cultivation about ; mi from Keier school. 7 acres filberts. 15 acres of peaches and walnuts, berries, etc. John Deero tractor and other ma chinery goes with place. 2 bedroom house and other buildings. Crop alone last year brought over $7,000. This Place will pay for Itself In 3 years If properly managed. You will look a long time for a better buy around the Kei zer district. $19,000. FOFtKNFR-nouRNE. REALTORS JOE SPURLOCK. SALESMAN Phone 3031 tB53 N. Capitol St. c23t f.Mlli SUBURBAN SMALL NEAT home with 4 acre of land, 3 rooms and bnth, double garage, in cludes rin ven port and chair, oil clrc. and complete bedroom set. Also has chicken house. Located Just off East Turner Road IMMEDIATE POSSESSION MODERN 5 ROOM home, hardwood floors. H.C. Little floor furnace, wired for range, elec. water heater. Insulated, double garage Large lot 77x125. $7500. CREEK LOCATION BE.U'TIFVL 80 x 320 creek lot. plenty of large fruit trees. Has older type home with 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and bath, wired for range. Priced at $8000. 3 BEDROOM HOME LARGE WELL built 6 room home, 1 bed room down, 3 bedrooms up. double plumbing, 'i basement with oil furnace, wired tor range, elec. water heater, in fine conditio! throughout. Double lot. 100x100. nice yard. $10,500. NORTHEAST 3M ACRES located on the Silverlon high way, close tn. Has 5 room home, very comfortable, 3 bedrooms, nice yard, good barn. If you want some acreage and sttll live close In, you should look Into this property. $12,600. $5950 VERY COZY, neat, clean and comfort able 1 bedroom home, plastered, located on 1 acre of land, within 1 block of the Liberty cannery. Approximately 320 foot frontage on paved road, only 1 block to transportation and grade school. 2 larse chicken houses. IMME DIATE POSSESSION. All for $5950. LEE OHM ART ft CO.. REALTORS 477 Court 81. Ph. 9680 ot 4035 C REAL ESTATE WORKING MAN'S HOME 3 BEDRM. ON ONE FLOOR INCLUDING OARAGE ft WORKSHOP, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. $5500. CALL RUBERO, HERE'S INCOME LADIES I 4 BEDRM. I103IE WITH ROOM FOR AN OTHER, CLOSE TO CANNERIES. BASEMENT, FURNACE. STORAGE HOUSE. ONLY $7950. CALL SPREAD- BOROUGH DON'T BUY ' TILL YOU SEE THIS 3 BDRM. HOME. FIREPLACE. BASEMENT. WORKSHOP, OUT5IDE FIREPLACE. $2900 DOWN. $8250 FULL PRICE. CALL RUBERO DON'T PASS THISI 123 FT. FRONTAGE ON 99E. ABOUT 7 MILES OUT. 4 RM. MODERN HOUSE WITH 2 MODERN CABINS WITH AT TACHED GARAGES. ALSO CHICKEN HOUSE, OTHER BUILDINGS. LOT IS 365 FT. DEEP. THINK OF THE POS SIBILITIES. $9500. CALL McGLAUF- LIN CLOSE TO STATE HOUSE 3 BEDRM, HOME, BASEMENT. FURNACE, WIRED FOR RANGE. WALKING DIS TANCE TO CITY CENTER, $9850. CALL McGLAUFLIN ANY REASONABLE TERMS ON THIS 2 BEDROOM MODERN HOME COMPLETELY FURNISHED. WITH LOT 55 X 300 WITH FRONTAGE ON 99E JUST NORTH OF UNDERPASS. EXCEL LENT BUSINESS SITE. $12,000. CALL EARON WORKING COUPLE? HERE IS A LOVELY MODERN 3 BDRM HOME ALL HDWD FLOORS. COVED CEILINGS, VEN. BLINDS. ALL INSU LATED ft WEATHER STRIPPED. FULL BASEMENT CEILED AND PAINTED WITH PARTY ROOM. BAR AND STOOLS. LOVELY SHRUBS AND FLOW ERS. SUNKEN GARDEN. ROSEDALE DIST. $13,500. CALL SPREADBOR OUGH SON JUST HOME? HERE'S ONE FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY. 4 BEDROOM HOME WITH A 4 RM. APT. IN BACK! JUST THE THINS TO SOLVE YOUR WHOLE FAMILY'S HOUSING PROBLEM. LOT IS 122 X 176. PRICE $14,500. DON'T MISS THIS CALL McGLAUFLIN 2 HOUSES 3 ACRES WITH 2 FIVE ROOM HOUSES. MODERN, ELECTRICITY. ONE HOUSE RENTED FOR INCOME, OTHER HOUSE IMM ED. POSSESSION. GOOD WELL. ELEC. PUMP. 90 CHERRY TREES, 6 MI. SOUTH. $7850. CALL RUBERG. REIMANN REAL ESTATE Listings Skillfully Handled" 201 S. Hlch Ph. 3723 or 7836 Eves, ft Sun. 24113 or 3621 c NELSON NEWS AMONG THE BEST IN SALEM BUILT BY OWNER with no thought of ever selling. Now forced to sell due to transfer of business. The very best pre war materials were obtained throughout the northwest. Beautiful setting with adjoining park Including Oregon's native shrubbery, running water with several falls and fish pool. Very substantial fcntf, type home with large L. R. wit 11 fplace, D R.. bdrm., study withfplace, bnth on 1st fir., 3 bdrms., bath, sun porch on 2nd fir., full basmt., auto, oil furnnce. Compare this one with any of them. A real value at $24,500. NEW. MIDDLE GROVE, 3 AC. 6 RMS.. BATH and utility rm.. hwd. firs.. elec. heat, elec. water heater, elec. water system, imd. aval). $8950. NEAR STAYTON-MARION HIGHWAY 4 AC, 7 RM. house, barn, dbl. garage. 2 chicken houses, family orchard, ex cellent soil, near store and school, $3500. GOOD FARM, WOODBURN 31 AC. TILED Will, soli, very good home. barn, good out bldss., 11 ac. corn to harvest, family orchard, wood lot, $10,000. 41 AC. HIGH PRODUCTION. KEIZER II AC. ALL IN cultivation. Newberg silt and Chehalis soils. 21 ac. young filberts. 19 ac. strawberries, 1 ac. prunes, good bldg. site 011 surfaced rd. $20,500, ',3 down. SERVICE STATION WITH SHOP, fuel oil and ice business. In good Valley town, price includes shop and station equip., Dodge fuel oil deliv ery truck, some stock, netting; $400 per mo. Only $5500. IF THESE do not meet your require ments tell us what you want, we pro bably have it. NELSON is NELSON diet I. Nelson Thco. G. Nelson REALTORS Rm. 300-2 Masonic Bldg., 495 State St. Ph. 4419 or 4622. Eves. 21350. Farms 25547 c237 HOMES Fl'LL BASEMENT. 2 bedrms., fireplace, wired ror elect, range, elect, water htr. Near Parclsh. Furnace. $8450. Sal 120X. fl ROOM HOUSE. Bush Bchool district, I bedrms., 50x150 lot, furnace. Apples, cherries, walnuts, $8000. Sal 116X. DUILT-INS APLENTY. 4 bedrms.. wired for elect, range, 'a basement, full acre, family orchard. Close In. $9250. Terms. H7X. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. 3 rms.. Wired for elect, range, 40 gaL hot water tank, lots of built-ins and inlaid lin. Near Four Corners. Sal 121X. $6300. MODERN HOME. 2 bedrms.. hardwood floors, wired for elect: range, elect, wa ter htr. Full basement, gas furnace. Refrigerator, elect, range. $13,650. En glewood. Sal 113X. RICHMOND BUNGALOW. 3 bedrms., fire place, wired for elect, range, elect, water htr. Full basement. Garage, 50x100 lot, Backyard fenced. $9350. Sal 100X. FARMS PARADISE ISLAND 40 i acres all cult. Lovely home, complete grade A dairy. Private park with going picnic business. No "blue sky" with this one at $35,000. Shown by appointment only. Sal 110. WALLACE RIVER ROAD. 8 A. peaches. 1 A. barley, 33 cherries, peach stand with living room nnd kitchen comb. 1 bedrm. Elect., 165' well, press, syst. $9500. Sal 105. NEAR AMITY Smalt dairy farm, 15 acres. 10 Guernsey and Jersey cows, purebred bull, some chickens. 5 room house, 21 cow barn. lBrge chicken house, hog shed, garage, all for JS500. Sal 121. ORCHARD, GOOD VARIETY, pears, ap ples, wainut.s, cherries and prunes, Fur nished 3 bedroom hse., largo barn, chicken hse., 2 pickers' cabins. Nearly new 46 Ho Cletrac tractor, sprayer, duster, brush burner. $23,000. Sal 118. PUP GOES TOO. Fordson tractor. 5 cows, narrow, iresuo. drag saw. wagon, hay rack, stoves, lots of furniture. 3 houses. 3 barns, 60 A. timber, orchard, pasture and pup. all goes for S90O0. Near Falls City. S11I 116. WILL TRADE. 103 A., 60 A. cult., creek bottom posture. 7 room hse.. Improve ments: barn, nut dryer. $31,000 OR $13,000 city property plus cash. Near Sublimity. Sal 111. SIDELINE FARM. 9.11 A. cult., grey oats. pears, apples, peaches. Loam soil, wov en wire fencing. Close In. $5900. Sal 106. TURKEY FAR.M. 48 acres. 40 in cultiva tion. 2 bedroom hse., barn. mnch. shed, other btdss., lots of shade trees. SE of Turner. $10,600. Sal 119. ORCHARD. GOOD VARIETY, pears, ap ples, walnuts, cherries and prunes, Fur nished 3 bedroom hse.. large bam. chick en hse.. 3 pickers' cabins. Nearly new 4fi no Cletrac tractor, sprayer, duster, brush burner. $23,000. Sal 118. NOME IN COUNTRY. 54 acres, excellent for grain and turkeys. 8 room house. 8 brooder houses for turkeys, good ga rage. Near Jefferson. Sal 120. SVNSET RANCH. Stock ranch, 202B acres. Would run laOO sheep or 300 cattle. Re seeded with Fescue, clover, Lotus Major and others. 3 rm. hse.. dble. garase, 2 barns. Near Jewell. $20,000. Sai 115. GRADE A DAIRY. 40 acres. 35 cult . all fenced. 3 wells, elect, press, syst. 3 bedrm. hse.. 26-cow barn. large milk hse.. small hse.. ninrh. shed. Disc, plow, mower, rake, drill, milking mach. Other equip. $21,500. Near Rickey School. Sal 117. INCOME GROCERY BUY. Central location In Sa lem. About $2i00 Inventory, meat case, Ice cream refrig., 3 scales, cash register, adding machine, meat grinder, coffee grinder. Good lease. $5200. Equipped. Sal 103 Inc DON'T SLEEP IN THE PARK. Here's a Place to live AND an Income. 6 unit apartment house, furnished, $236 month ly Income, good location. $18,000, Sal 104 Inc. NATURAL SIBD1VISION 86 acres, al ready surveyed for subdivision. Cross fenced. Water at 18 feet: I well now In. Adjoining Gervals. $10,70. Sal 101. FINELY EQUIPPED. Going business. Res taurant concession adjacent to tavern. $80 daily gross, could be much more. Seats abt. .40. Good lease. $2100. Sal 101 Inc Gl'EST HOUSE on 99-W. 8 rms. Ideal motet, gas or cafe location. 300 ft. front age, frplce. 3 bedrm, suites incl. $12,500. 50 Inc.- WANTED GETTING FALLEN ARCHES? Drop US a cara or pnoue iO0i giving us your re quirements and let us do the hiking. No other broker advertizes this service. CHARLES D ELF EL CO. 815 N. Capitol St. Phone7003 If no answer call 5923, c23S Journal Want Ads Pay REAL ESTATE $6.500.00 HOMESTEAD ROAD, 1 acre, 3 bedroom house, unfinished upstairs, 310-foot frontage on highway, will sell on terms. $0,800,00 MODERN fl room home, full basement, furnace. Good view to east. 1 acre. City water. Chicken house. Garage, $7,750.00 NO RTn. Modern 5 room home, full basement, furnace. Corner lot. Ga rage. $7,873.00 APPRO X. 3 ACRES with 5 room house. Electric pump. Extra house on lot. Cherries. $8,935.00 ENCLEWOOD district. 3 bed room home, hardwood floors. Garage. Nice lawn front and rear. Only 6 years old. $8,0.10.00 SILVERTON highway, close In. New electric heated 5 room home Imme diate possession. 2 acres. Garage. Hem lock floors. $9,500.001.73 ACRES with 5 room home, east of Salem. Immediate possession. 337 feet on highway. Additional ground can be bought extra. $13,0005 ROOM house, full basement, party room In basement, air conditioned, hardwood floors, fireplace, double ga rage. Outdoor fireplace. Close to school. $13,500.00 NORTH 18lh STREET. Only 6 years old, 5 room home, full basement, air conditioned, party room and bar In basement. Immediate possession. Garage. $14,750.00 8 BEDROOM home, double plumbing, oak floors, fireplace, Venetian blinds, full basement, den, 2-car garage. Lot 98'xl00'. MODERN turkey or chicken ranch on 15 acres of ground. Modern 7 room home. Tile and cement brooder house 36'xll0'. All equipped with lights, water, gas and tools. Nice location, close in to Salem. Call for further particulars. P. H. BELL, REALTOR PHIL BELL H. A. LAMMERS H. P. Gustafson 510 Guardian Bldg. PHONE 4896 C233- WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED HOUSE or store building In business zone. Ph. 4656. ca239 WANTED 50 to 300 acre farm located preferably East or Northeast Salem, good land and buildings, preferably equipped. Have a beautiful 2 bd. rm. brick home located North Salem whicn can use as trade If party desires. What have you? Name price, location, give description In 1st letter. Write Box 489 Capital Journal. ca239 WANT HOUSE, all on one floor. Prefer older house. In east or north Salem. Ph. 6315. 490 N. Caplto). en 241 FOR PROMPT and courteous service list your property with FLOYD VOLKEL. Real Estate Broker 474 Court Phone 8904 ca WE DAVE CASH Buyers for 2 A t bdrm homes. For quick sale call MR- OOOD WIN with HAWKINS ft ROBERTS. INO. REALTOR! Phone 4108 After ft 71B. ea WE ABM In otM oi good homes to tell In or near Salem If you with to Rat rour property for sale, see GRABENHORST BROS REALTORS 134 S Liberty St Phone 41SL ea NOTICE! If your property it for sale rent or exchange, list It with ua We bave all kinds oaaa buyer. STATE PIN AN CI CO REALTORS 15S 8 High St. ea MAY 171 HELP You Sen Tour Property SALEM REALTY CO REALTORS 14V N HUrh St. Phone 7 MO RESORT PROPERTY ELECTRICAL SHOP FULLY EQUIPPED including all stock ft franchise. Located In thriving coast town doing big business. Owner In ill health says sell. 14500. Terms. GARAGE ft SERVICE STATION LOCATED AT popular Otis Jet, Includes stock, shop, eqpt. ft good Interna tional wrecker. Does large volume auto mobile parts ft gas business. Nets approx. $600 per mo. Don't be late on this one for $5850. NELSCOTT VIEW HOME ATTRACTIVE well arranged bungalow type model kitch. ft bath, fireplace, oil heat, full basement, garage, dbl, lot. Priced tor quick sale. $6500. Terms. TAFT HEIGHTS VERY MODERN 3 bed rm. home. Cheery fireplace, attached garage, nicely land scaped, million dollar view. Owner leav ing. $5900, Easy terms. WECOMA LARGE LIVING rm., fireplace. Dinette, nice kltch., 1 bed rm. ft bath down, 3 unfinished up, large grounds, ocean view, garage, completely furnished. On ly $5750, Small down payment. FOX REALTY ft ACCOUNTING SERVICE Branch No, 5 Nelscott, Oregon. Phone DeLake 414 cc238 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MR. INVESTOR 3 FINE STORE fronts, plus apts. on sec ond floors. Shows excellent income. A NEW BLDG. ON A MAIN ST. FOR DETAILS Call Coburn L. Grabenhorst. with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 Eves. 7772 cd238' THE REAL ESTATE MARKET offers for sale LIGHT LUNCH -ICE CREAM Business earning approximately $1000.00 per month. $8500. GENERAL GROCERY STORE with living quarters. Gross sales last year $50,000. This very good business can be bought at Inventory. (No Blue Sky) about $8000. COURT OR TRAILER PARK SITE on Pav. Hi-way, within city limits. Approx. 200 x 600. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High, Just north of Center St. Phone 34793 Eves. 6375 or 23952 cd240' MOTEL TRAILER PARK SITE 309 FT. FRONTAGE on 99E Just north of Salem city limits. Lovely setting in large trees. Ideal auto court or trailer park site. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255, Eves. 25103 cd239 COURT SITE AND HOME IN CITY LIMITS on 99E Just N. of the underpass. Really nice 5 rm. well fur nished home incld. elect, range, refr. Lot sire 55x193. Dbl. garage and lots of shade. $12,000. Good terms. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255, Eves. 25103 cd239' SERVICE STATION 57330 BUYS this bldg., lot ft business. now, doing about sooo gaL per monin. Call Omer HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS 341 Chemcketa St. Phone 21549. Eves. 25091. cd240- $14. 500 FURNISHED apt. close to state bldss. Has basement with oil furnace. Each apt. has bath. Bringing in good income. Call O V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High Ph. 4121 cd239 C" KILGORE FOR THESE AUTO COURTS $8950 UNFINISHED 4 units and owner's qutrs. $0.100 3 NEW units, 4 room house on 99E, North. $39.300 i.i t'NITS. trailers, strictly an Income proposition. $38,0003 ROOM house and 8 large un its. 99E. North. 40,000 LOVELY units. 3 bedroom home. a court you would be proud to own, "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th St. Open till 8:00 P.M. Phone 4855 cd239 FOR SALE: West Salem Taxi Co. Gross $7221 per year, equipment In 1st class cond. Price $3500 cash. Call 8774 or 14n Gerth St.. West Salem. cd243 DRIVE IN MARKET COURT OR TRAILER PARK SITE APPROX. 300 x 600 on Pac Hiway within City Limits. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High Just North of Center St. Phone 34793. Eve. 6375 or 23952 Cd238 $14,500 APT Hse., 3 apts., 5 rm. on 1st fir,, fireplace, bath. 3 two rm. apts.. completely furnished. Income 175. per mo. Double garage. $17.000 APT Hse., 5 apts.. mostly all furnished, good location, corner lot 100 x 100. Basement, sawdust burner fur nace, garage. MELVIN JOHNSON 549 N. Cottage St. Ph. 3723 cd:3B' $600 A MONTH NET ON THIS 5 UNIT AUTO COURT ON 99 E. WITH 4 BDRM. HOME CLOSE IN. $19,500. ONE OF THE BEST GROCERY STORES WITH LIVING QTRS IN THIS PRICE RANGE. IDEAL LO CATION. EXCELLENT LEASE, DOING EXCEPTIONAL BUSINESS. $13,600. CALL 3PHEADBOROUGH REIMANN REAL ESTATE "Listings Skillfully Handled" 301 S. High Ph. 3723 or 78.15 Eves. Aj Sun, 3631 or 34113 cd BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY $2500.00 VAN TRUCK In good condition. Use of office and telephone and park ing space for truck. Best location in Hollywood district. See us about tms. HOLLYWOOD McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 3075 Fairground Road Phone 3-5224 Ph. Eve. ft Sun. 2-4263-9340-7272 cd238' y:mi DOWN: Income property, 3 apts., small house in rear rents for $15 month. 89 '-.1X150 ft. lot. Rental will more than make payments. Call Wes Good rich. ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 308 North Hish. Phone 5981. ed238' FURNITURE FOR SALE FOR SALE: Davenport ft chair, good condition. 1295 Fir St. d230 PIANO. DINING Rm. set, bed, radio ft odd furniture. Ph. 7648. d239 WANTED FURNITURE CASH FOB YOUR used furniture. Pa 7580 state street Furn. UQ0 State. 4a WHY TAKE less for your furniture? See Russ Bright. Phone 7511. da HIGHEST PRICES paid. Phone Olenn at Woodry Auction Market Ph 8110 da AUCTIONS COMMUNITY AUCTION Wed., Oct. 9 at 10 a.m. or 7 p.m. ONE 0 FT. Stewart-Warner electric re frigerator, new linoleum, beds, coil springs, chest, dressers, dishes, radio, cooking utensils, vegetables, apples, blankets, linens. Several cases of grape fruit Juice and blended Juices. DON'T FORGET OUR BIG SALE AT 7 P.M. FOR THE WORKING PEOPLE WHO CANNOT ATTEND OUR DAY SALE. 1 BOTTOM 71" John Deere tractor plow, cultivators, 1 horse plow, 12 ft. lime spreader on rubber. Chickens, rab bits, ducks. Many good feeder and weancr pigs. Fat hogs. Day old calves, veal calves. CO.ME AND BUY your locker meat. We always have a good selection. SEVERAL GOOD milk cows and heifers. Beef stock. Horses. LANE SUDTELLS COMMUNITY AUCTION I'l ml. east of Fairgrounds on Sllvcrton Road, Salem, Ore, Suburban Bus. dd239 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 2 fresh heifers. LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED: All kinds of fat livestock Valley Packing Company Ph. 6935. ea FAT A CANNER COWS tor beef. Dairy cows, heifers, bulls. veaL Fat bogs, sows stags, boars. Mkt price. E. O. McCand lish Rt. a Box 373. Ph. 8147. Across from Waters ball park, 8. 25th. ea243 RABBITS RABBIT prices are up, sell your rabbits to the Cheiry City Rabbltry, 3405 Cherry Ave. eb253 RABBITS, all kinds, too prices paid. Bring or write Wm, Bossert Rt. 4. Box 66, Salem. eb243 FOR SALE WOOD TRY OUR drive-in Cafeteria today. Fin est dry wood as little as $1.00 worth or sacks of choice coat, 75c. "Take it with you." Also large loads of dry wood. lC-ln. or 4-ft. You haul. Ready to go. Oregon Fuel Co, 3555 Portland road ee262 Drv SLAB wood and edgings. Immediate delivery. Phone 25454. ee240 SEASONED 16" red fir Slab, Ph. 24031. ee239 FRESH CUT SAWDUST, $4 k unit. Ore gon Fuel Company, Phone 5533. ee249 WOOD SAWING: R. B. Cross. Phone 8178 ee247 SPECIAL: Good dry 16-Inch edgings. Im mediate delivery. Double load S15.50: single load S3. Oregon Fuel Co., Phone 5533. ee249 SPECIAL $5 cord, heavy red fir slab and casings Phono 6683. eeSal GOOD DRY 16" slab. Ph. 6533. Oregon tun co. ee239 ee239 WEST SALEM FUEL CO. WOOD AND sawdust. Stove oil and dlesei oil. Delivery when promised. Ph, 24031 BONE-DRY mill wood. 18" green slab gooa ror rurnace. Pn. ?72L ee 4 FT. HEAVY siat) ft is" mm wood. Also aiesei ft stove oils, sawdust. Prompt deL anywhere. Phono 6444. e FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE pullets, ready to ly ror immediate delivery. Every pullet Individually selected. Ph. 2286L Lee'j Hatchery. 1 BABY CHICKS: Weekly hatches. New Hampshircs and other varieties, pn 22861. Lee's Hatchery. V CHRISTIE New Hampshire baby chick, every wed. Boylngton'a. 3710 State. t CUSTOM DRESSING of chickens, any number Prompt service. Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty. Phone 22861. Lee's Hatchery t PRODUCE FOR SALE Apples, fine grade, hand pick ed. Kings and winter Bananas. Also red delicious. $1.50 bus. box, hand pick ed. $1.00 field run. Ph. 33F3. Rt. 7. Box 331. (238 FOR SALE Spitz and delicious apples. Sprayed. $1.00 and up. Will deliver. Phone 21853 or 536 N. 17th St. 1240 GRAPES FOR SALE, you pick, bring con tainers, E. J, waidcn. 3845 Portland Rd 1338 BOSC PEAKS, Apples. Rollln Beaver -ip Glen Creek Rd. Ph. 47F2. ff243 FOR SALE Apples. Get your winter sup ply direct from orchard. Red Delicious, Jonathon, Winter Banana, Kings, 75c up. Ammon Grlce, 3 ml. We.t of Salem. Orchard Heights rd. ff253 WANTED HELP A FEW WOMEN needed for day and eve ning shift for our netting dept. as ma chine operators and net sewers. Clean steady work good wages. Apply at plant, 2150 Fairgrounds Rd. Miles Linen Co. g240 WILL SHARE our home with reliable cou ple, elder preferred, in exchange caring for children 5 hours 5 evenings a week. Apply from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 145 South 24th street, Salem. E240 YOUNG LADIES, 18-24. free to travel. California, eastern states ft return. Excellent earnings, permanent position. $42 a wk. drng. act. to start. Trans portation furnished. See Mrs. Gignac. Marion Hotel. g340 WANTED: Receptionist in office. Some knowledge of bookkeeping and typing. Phons 3141. g EXPERIENCED maid. Grand Hotel. g240 RECEPTIONIST, young woman, neat ap pearing, must bo able to type. Call at 425 S. 12th St. E239' HOUSEKEEPER wanted, cooking, general housekeeping and part care of 3 chil--dren, excellent wages. Ph. 3025. g243 KEY TENCH trainees needed. If you can operate a typewriter by touch, we wilt train you tn the operation of the key punch machine and give you the ability for a higher paying position. Ap ply to Mr. Clinton. Room 205, Old High School Building, 550 Marlon St. g239 CLERK-TYPISTS wanted. All we require is that you are a high school gradu ate and can type 30-35 words per minute. An opportunity will be given to take a State Civil Service examina tion at a later date. Short hours, pleasant working conditions. Apply to Mr. Clinton, Room 205. Old High School Building, 550 Marlon St.. or phone the Unemployment Compensation Commis sion, 9141. g239 BOOKKEEPING machine vacancy. The Unemployment Compensation Commis sion has an opening for a man or wom an who can operate a Remington-Rand bookkeeping machine. This position will have State Civil Service status. App:y Mr. Clinton. Room 205. Old High School Building. 550 Marion St. c233 STENOS urgently needed. It 1$ true that we can't offer the fabulous salaries of private Industry for beginning steno graphers, but we can offer a regular plan for salary increases, a fair oppor tunity for promotions based on merit. Civil Sevice appeal rights, pleasant working conditions, short hours, lu servtce training, and Interesting work. Apply Mr. Clinton. Room 205, Old Hih School Building, 550 Marlon St. s33fl WANTED IIELP NEEDED Counter clerk for part time txL City Cleaning Works. 1245 State, b' GENTLEMAN needs housekeeper. Elderly lady prefcrcd. 2277 N. Liberty between 10 a.m. -5 p.m. g238 WANTED: BEAUTY operator, good wasea for one who wants to work. Box 488 Capital Journal. E238 COLLECTOR for residential debit, Salem and vicinity. Light car desirable, per manent with earnings above average. Write or apply. 720 S W. Washington, Room 721. Portland, Oregon. g238 WOMAN to care for 3 small children 5 days a week or will give room, board and salary. Apply 396 Park. g238 WANTED Experienced bookkeeper for general office work, good salary. Apply Leonard's Supper Club between 2-3 p.m. DISHWASHER ft waitress for night shift. 162 N. Com'l. Chinese Tea Garden. g239 CAPABLE women for general cleaning, washing ft Ironing In rooming house. Phone 5176 after 4 p.m. g239 PRACTICAL nurso to cara for Invalid. Hours arranged later. Ph. 5176 after 4 p.m. g239 WAITRESSES AND CAR HOPS EXCELLENT PAY. Ideal working cond. Winona Chalet. Phone 25190. g ALTERATION lady needed at City Clean ing Work 1245 State street Apply In person. t WOOL PRESSER needed. City Cleaning Works. t?45 State. g 3 PART TIME usherettes. Hours suitable for students. Apply In person. Grand Theatre. g OPENING FOR representative of Old Line Life Insurance Co man of character and financial responsibility. Write Wayue E Hlbbard. state msL. 630 Henry Bldg . Portland. Oregon. e243 WANTED POSITIONS WOMAN wishes housecleaning. Capital Journal. WANT CHILDREN to board by mon'.h. School age or younger. Ph. 38F14. h338 VETERAN attending school wants part time job. Harold Horning, 723 Ferry St. h238 WANTED Paperhanclng. Call 8745 nn, leave address. J Goodsell. h23) MAN WITH 3 yrs. refrigeration experi ence wants work with refrigeration service co. Contact at 1295 Leslie St., Salem. h241 RUG WEAVING. Dora Tittle, Route 17 Box 695 Milwauklc, Oregon. Rugs fer Sale. Phone Oak Grove 3-9102. t)33B FLOOR WAXING, wall cleaning, general housecleaning, lawns mowed and trim med. Work guaranteed. Veteran. 1750 North Church. h360 DRESSMAKING, alternations. Mrs. Ar mentrout. 1984 State St.. Salem. h24i LANDSCAPE gardening. New lawns a spe cialty Pruning, planting, general clean up. Reel ft Laveln, Ph. 25623. h2U RUGS AND Upholstered Furniture cleaned In your home. New process. R, p. Nohl grcn Ph. 21080 after 6 p.m. h254 SEWING, knitting, crocheting done. Bee Mrs. Snook. 35 Roberts Ave. h238 OOS1E DESIGNING: Plans drawn. Let me help you Incorporate YOUR IDEAS In your new home. Ph. 8733. 1930 S. High. h340 AUTO PAINTING Just a shade better by Ray Btter- Call Shrock Motor Ca 8303. EDUCATION GOOD PAY Jons offered trained auto body-fender men in daily "want ads." Put In few hours weekly learning weld ing, painting, metal work, etc. Chance for high wages or your own business. Write for free Information. Auto-CraHi Training, Box 480, Capital Journal. hh238 FOR RENT SLEEPING R3I. for 3 men. 395 N. 14th. J240 SLEEPING ROOM. 575 Marlon. LARGE sleeping room. 2 beds, 2 closets. Ph. 34071 before noon Wed. J240 SLEEPING rooms for men. 1505 N. Capitol St. Phone 3425. J240 HOWSER'S RENT-A-TOOL 1132 Edgewater Tools of all kinds. Call 3646 for Infor-. or-y 143 mation. WAREHOUSE space. 13 miles out. Will rent by month or lease. Labhh Center. Rt. 1, Box 176, Brooks. Phone 4161. Salem, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. J243 ROO.MS for rent. 692 S. 35th. J240 DOUBLE SLEEPING Rm. Air Condition ed. 2131 Center St. J239 ROOM FOR RENT. Men preferred. Ph. 24032. 507 N. 20th. J238 LARGE BARN, suitable for warehouse. 40x60. 3'i mi. N. of Salem. Ph. 22263. Ben Brown, Rt. 2, Box 257, Salem. ' J238 NEW LOOKING floors at smalt eost. Rent a Drcadnaught Sander by hour or day. Western Auto, Ph. 7177. 1258 GOOD USED PIANOS H L. Stiff. FIX) OB Sander Ward rent Montgomery WANTED TO RENT VETERAN, wire and son need furn. or unfurn. house or apt. Willing to Pay 6 months rent In advance, steady Job with Oregon Pulp and Paper. Ph. 3644. 2590 Maple Ave. Ja240 QUIET WORKING clrl looking for room, ant., or house. Furn. or unfurn. Box 490, Capital Journal. Ja243 WANT TO RENT building with floor space aoout auxiuu. salvation Army. Ph. 9346. Ja240 VET EMPLOYED by national organization needs turn, or unfurnished ant. or house for wife ft son. Ph. Mr. Johnson, 91B7. jn243 URGENTLY NEEDED FURN. HOUSE or apt. by young couple. -j cnuarcn. no smoking or drinking. No living accommodations at present. Phone 21793. Ja242 WANTED: 3 bedroom house or apart ment, uniurnwnea or partly furnished. Family of 5. References. Phone 21768. Ja239 VETERAN AND wife, both working, wish small apartment or house. Phone 6860. EUccn. jB239 LEASE ON 3 or 3 bcdrm. house. Ph. 4308. Ja248 WANTED, 3 or 4 rm. house or apt. Must C do clean, win pay 6 mo. or year's rent In advance. Call Burtner, 9785. Ja248 RECSGT. AND wife urgently need fur nished apt. or house. No children or pets. Permanent. Paul E. Laden. Rm. 311. P.O. Bldg. Ph. 7679. Ja241 RELIABLE YOUNG couple urgently need 3 bedrm bouse. Good references. Ph. 33713. Jn23B WE URGENTLY need a 3 rm. apt. or house, furn. Husband ft wife, both em ployed. Must bo In Salem city limits. Box 487, Capital Journal. Ja24l SOUTHERN LADY ft working daughter urgently need 3 rm. furn. apt., close in. No smoking or drinking. Can give local references. Call Mrs. Ault, 25573, Ja238 GOOD 3 OR 3 R.M. furnished apt. Will pay $20 reward for rental of such. Im portant. Employed couple. D. A. Saln don. Stan Baker Motor Co.. Service Dept. Js240 EMPLOYED veteran, wife ft 2 children need furnished or unfurnished houie or apt. Phone 7092. Ja239 3 BEDRM. furnished house. North end preferred. Will exchange references. Call 9677 eves., days 21147. Ja239 HOUSEKEEPING room or small apt. wanted by lone lady. Please Phone 3333 or 4044. Ja24? WANTED: Furnished apartment or house. Box 328 Capital Journal. a270 PERMANENT resident. Veteran, with wife and two children. Needs a two or three bedroom house badly. Call L, W. King5ton-6623 or 4435 Salem. Can furnish references. Ja238 ENGINEER and wife urgently need furn. apt. Perm., best ret. No smoking or drinking Mr. Short Ph 6320 or Sen ator Hotel eve. Ja238 FURNISHED ROOMS, bouse or apt. need ed immediately by lady alone. Ph. 5518, Bertha Farrln Ja238 HOUSE or apt. wanted by college man, wife and one child. References. Will rerrode: some. 345 South winter.. (Continued on Page lir A