BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES LOOK AOAIN .y TO COURT with 5 units and 4 bdrm. home on 99E close in netting J600 a ' month. Price J19500. Come In or call REIMANN REAL ESTATE "Listings Skillfully Handled" 301 S. High Ph. 3722 or 7838 Eves. 3631 or 24113 cd FURNITURE FOR SALE BED RM. SUITE. Walnut Mod. Seely mat tress 6s springs. Like new. Ph. 25184. d334 HOLLYWOOD BED. like new 8234 WANTED FURNITURE Ph-jne d234 CASS FOB YOUR used furniture PI 7596 8lat Streoi Pure IfiOO Sttu WITI TAKE less for your furniture See Russ Bright. Phone 7511 ds HIGHEST PRICES paid. Phone OIbdd at Woodry Auction Market Ph 6110 da FOR SALE LIVESTOCK 3 YEARLING hellers. 305 Madrona Ave. Clarence Franke. e336 WILL PAY top price for 75 head of cows and heifers Coming fresh within 61 days for Calif, shipment. Drop a card stating where cows can be seen. M P. Kephart. SUveiton, Ore. Route 2 Box 187. e237 CHILDREN'S saddle horse. Q. Call 797f after 6 pm e234 LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED: All kinds 01 fat livestock Valley Packing Company Ph 6935 ea FAT A CANNER COWS for beef Dairy cows, heifers, bulls. veaL Pat hogs, sows stags, boars MkL price. B. O McCand llsb Rt. o Box 373 Ph. 8147. Across from WaMrs ball par, B. 25th. ea24J RABBITS BABBIT prices are up. sell your rabbits to thr Chetry City Rabbitry. 3405 Cherry Ave. eb253 RABBITS, all kinds, top prices paid Bring or write Wm BosserU Rt. 4. Box 66. Salem. eb243 FOR SALE WOOD Sty: iSONED 16' red fir slab. Ph. 24031. 0C239 FRESII CUT SAWDUST, 14 a unit Ore gon Fuel Company, Phone 6533 ce249' WOOD SAWING: R. B. Cross. Phone 8178 ee241 WOODSAWING. Phone 22288. ee23A SPECIAL: Good dry 16-tnch edgings. Iro mediate delivery Double load $15.50' single load S3. Oregon Fuel Co.. Phon 5533. ee249" STOVE OIL, dlesel oil. prompt delivery Barrels available. Geo. Cadwell Oil Co Ph. 9788. S490 State. ee245 SPECIAL ! 5 cord, heavy red fir slab and edgings Phone 6683. eezoi' GOOD DRY 16" slab. Ph. 5533 Oregon Fuel Co. ee239 ee239 WEST SALEM FUEL CO. WOOD AND sawdust, Stove oil and dlese. oil Delivery when promised. Ph. 94031 BONE-DRY mill wood. 16" green slab good to? furnace. Ph. 7721. et 4 FT. HEAVY slab A 16" mm wood. Also dtftsei A stove oils, sawdust, prompt aei anywhere Phone 6444. ee" FOR SALE POULTRY pair thoroughbred Pekln ducka Ph. 24361 1235 vfw Hampshire millets, ready to U For immediate delivery. Every pullet Individually selected. Ph. aaaex we ..Hatchery, f BABY cniCKSt Weekly hatches. New Hampshlrea and other varieties. Ph 32861 Lee's Hatchery. f CHRISTIE New Hampshire baby chick every Wed. Boylngton'a. 3710 State. f CUSTOM DRESSING of chickens, any Dumber Prompt nerriee. Drestea poul try wholesale our specialty Phone 32861 Lee's Witchery P PRODUCE WINTER APPLES, all kinds. TJ-pick, bring boxes, $1 per box. N. P. Wllllam .nn ot i. Tiny naval Green If235 DELICIOUS apples, sprayed and hand Picked. Si. 50 & up. ea. aiaoa or can a US N. 17th St. H234 ISO PEARS. Apples, Rollln Beaver ip Glen Creek Rd. Ph. 47F2. ff243 APPLES Good quality. 11.00 bu. You pick. Mrs Cernik, Rt, 6. Box 293, Fruit land. Phone 73F22. 234 fdr kale AddIbs. Get your winter iup- ply direct from orchard. Red Delicious, Jonathon, Winter Banana. Kings. 75c up. Ammon Grlce, 3 ml West of Salem. Orchard Heights rd. ff253 APPLES: Select sorted Kings, Double Red Red and Golden Delicious. Jonathan Winesaps, Northern Spy, Spitz and Bald wins. One mile north on Wallace Road. E, O. Knap p. Box 145. Phono 22213 ff33S WANTED HELP LAW SCHOOL librarian, library or legal training required. Call or gee Dean Reese, Willamette university, pn. zes, B236 STENOGRAPHER: 17ft 8. High. Ph. 6230. 6236' DISHWASHER & waitress for night shift. 16214 N. Com'l. Chinese Tea- Garden, g239' AVON PRODUCTS, Inc., needs sales ladles. Pleasant, profitable worK. write uist. Mgr., 8225 8. . Yamhill, Portland. 236 BIG DEMAND: Avon Xmas gift sets at this time. Write Dist. Mgr., 8225 8. E. Yamhill, Portland. K236 COMPTOMETER operator. Good salary. Box 4S3. Capital Journal. g236 CAPABLE women for general cleaning, washing As Ironing in rooming house. Phone 5176 after 4 p.m. 239' PRACTICAL nurse to care for invalid. Hours arranged later. Ph. 5176 after 4 p.m. g239" WANTED MEN with lath mill experience. Bouldermen, graders, etc. Inquire 360 State. Rm. 30. Linscott Manufacturing Co. Inc. g236 WANTED GIRL with general lumber experience, musl oe aoio to inure lumber and invoice. Some typing. Ad dress Box 484 Capital Journal in per sonal handwriting g242 WAITRESSES for extra work weekends. Normandy Manor. Also dishwasher. Ph. 5585. g236 PRACTICAL nurse In home or hospital. Ph. 235CS. g235 WANTED: YOUNG lady for clerking In drug store. Apply In person Red Cross Pharmacy g235 SHOE SALESMAN Experienced, capable of managing store. Good pay, excellent future. Box 495 Capital Journal. 1335 WANT GIRL to do general office wore Part Inside, part outside work. See Mr. Brown at the Capital Journal, e MORNING Waitress, Senator Food Shop. ' (231 BREAKFAST COOK, female. Permanent position. Apply Blue Bird Cafe. g WAITRESS, breakfast shift, permanent position. Apply Blue Bird Cafe. f LEADING MEN'S store In Salem desirous of securing capable young man between 35 and 40 yrs. with previous selling nd merchandirlng experience who Is inter ested In a good starting wage, with promising future. Write letter of appli cation in care of Box No. 473, Capita,' Journal. g234 WAITRESS over 21. $40 per week. Room s board. Brooknook. Ph. Salem 8072. iU'i TYPISTS WANTED See Miss Walker ot Mr Ellis Room 19 Capitol Bid. i23S DISH WASHER wanted (lady) at LQ sanns Hr.ll. Willamette University. Call Miss Jack at 926:. or call at hex office in Lansanne Had. g234 COOK AND WAITRESS wanted. Unioo wages. Terminal Barbecut. South Salem. 12th St. Junction. Phone 9000. g237 WANTED: EXPERIENCED waitress, day shift only, no Sundays or Holidays, top pay. The Ace. WANTED: Waitress and dishwasher. Blact A White Coffee Snop. 1S64 N. CapltoL g236 SINGLE MAN on dairy farm. Must be ex perienced. $160.00, board it room. Phone 87F15. .338 IVATTr tTCCtTQ A wn r k n anna feXCKLLEM PAY Ideal working coo a VWlnona Chalet. Phone 25190. g WANTED HELP ALTERATION lady needed at City Clean. lng Works 1245 State street. Apply In person. g WAITRESS WANTED Good pay, good hours, uniforms furnished. Apply F w Woolworth Co. g234 SALESLADIES WANTED Good pay and chance for advancement. Apply P w Woolworth Co g234 WOOL PRESSER needed. City Cleaning Works, 1245 State. f 3 PART TIME usherettes. Hours suitable for students. Apply in person. Granc Theatre. OTENING FOR rrptesentatlve of Old Line Life Insurance Co. man ol character a no financial responsibility. Write Wayn E Hlbbard. state mtt.. 520 Henry Bide Portland. Oregon. 246 WANTED: Experienced cook. Phone 1141 BUS BOY wanted, full time employment Nn night or Sunday work. Apply F W Woolworth Co. 33i WANTED POSITIONS MIDDLE AGED practical nurse now avail able. Box 477 Capital Journal. h235 RE LI A RLE WOMAN will iron, care for children, invalids or other light work by hour. Box 476 Capital Journal. h23S RUG WEAVING. Dora Tittle. Route Box 695 Mllwnukie. Oregon Rug tor Sale. Phone Oak Grove 3-9102. h238 VETERAN, going to school, wants pir time job. Box 474 Capital Journal. h2i STAY WITH children evenings, any time after 7:30 p m. Call 8854 before 6 Pin. or call at 2209 Mill St. h234 FLOOR WAXING, wall cleaning, general housccleanlng, lawns mowed and trim med. .Work guaranteed. Veteran. 1750 North Church. h260 WANTED - Pa per hanging. Call 8745 and leave address. J. Goodsell. h23S WILL TAKE care of children in our home anytime while their mother works. It3 South 18th St.' hJJl M1SC HAULING PROMPT, INSURED service. Baggage and apt. moving. Salem Moving A Del. Serv Phone 766b. h237 LANDSCAPE gardening. New lawfls a spe cialty Pruning, planting, general clean up. Reel & Laveln. Ph. 25623. h341 RUGS AND Upholstered Furniture cleaned In your homt New process. R. F. Nohl grcn Ph. 21080 after 6 p.m. h2i4' SEWING, knitting, crocheting done. Bee Mrs. Snook, 35 Roberts Ave h238 HOME DESIGNING: Plans drawn. Let n help you Incorporate YOUR IDEAS a your new home Ph. 8731 1930 6. High. h340 tUTO PAINTINO Just a shade better by Ray Btter CaJi Shrock Motor Co 8503 DRESSMAKING, alternations. Mrs. Ar- tnentrout. 1984 State St.. S-ilem. h24i FOR RENT QUIET sleeping room for men close in. 790 N. Church. Ph. 25446. J234 SMALL FURN. apt., good for employed lady or couple only. Call after 3, Ph. 8100. 1159 Center. J234 SLEEPING RMS. on bus line. Ph. 21613 J235' TWO BEDROOM house in Coos Bay, Ore. to rent. sell, or trade for house in Sa lcm. Phone 4141 Salem. J235 LARGE SLEEPING RM.. newl? furnished. Men onlv On bur line. 722 Highland Ave. J234 HOWSER'S RENT-A-TOOL 1131 Edgewater Tools of all kinds. Call 3646 for Infor mation. J237' NEW LOOKING floors at small ost. Rent a Dreadnaught Sander by hour or day. Western Auto. Ph. 7177. izsa1 GOOD USED PIANOS H U Stlft FLOOR Saodw for rent Uonttomery Ward WANTED TO RENT EMPLOYED woman and daughter need unfurnished apartment or small house, Bath none all day. Call 4571 da "is 3750 nights. Ja236 employed veteran, wife Az 2 children need furnished or unfurnished home or apt. Phone 7093. Ja239 HOUSEKEEPING room, apt., house, trail er, or what have yoii7 very untent. Vet. & wife. Phone 3486 anytime. a236 VETERAN, father and mother want fur nished or unfurnished apt. or house. Write Box 4B2, Capital Journal. Ja236 1 OR 2 RM. furnished house or apt. Will pay lent 6 mos. in advance, w. a. Mohler, 805 N. Capitol. Ja236 3 BEDRM. furnished house. North end preferred. Will exchange references. Call 9677 eves., days 21147. Ja239 HOUSEKEEPING room or small apt. wanted by lone lady. Please Phone 3333 or 4044. Ja247 VETERAN, established in business, wife, two children, will pay up to S100 month for furnished house or apartment. Phone 5697 from 8 to 6. Ja236 PERMANENT resident. Veteran, with wife end two children. Needs a two or three bedroom house badly. Call L. W. Klngston-6622 or 4435 Salem. Can furnish references. Ja23B WANTED: SLEEPING room by responsi ble single man. Prefer close In. Box 475 Capital Journal. Ja235 ENGINEER and wife urgently need furn. apt, Perm., best ref. No smoking or drinking. Mr. Short. Ph 6320 or Sen ator Hotel eve. Ja238 FURNISHED ROOMS, house or apt. need ed immediately by lady alone. Ph. 5518. Bertha Fan-In. Ja238 HOUSE or apt. wanted by college man. wife and one child.' References. Will remodel some. 345 South Winter.. ja238 MAJOR oil company executive, working wife, permanent, reliable. 3 bdrm. hse. Unfurn. Ph. 24014 after 6 p.m. Ja235 WANTED to rent. apt. or house, 3 adult ladies. Call 2-5578. )a335 PLUMBER. WIFE, two children, need house to rent. Willing to furnish and install plumbing needed. Box 478 Capi tal Journal. Ja235 VETERAN A WIFE entering business de sire apt. or house, furnished or unfurn ished. No children or pets. Call R. E. Stltes 4151. Ja23i VETERAN and wifr want a 2 or 3 room apartment. No children or pets. Phone 3-1028. Ja237 VETERAN, established in business urgent ly needs furnished apt. No children, no pets. Phone 5697 8 to 6. Ja236 COUPLE urgently need 3 room furnished apartment. Call 22154 between 6 and 7 P.m. Jaii.15 WANTED A pan men; or house. Employed couple, no drinkert no children, no pets. Phone 8016, tm to 5 p.m. Ja237 REFINED COUPLE wishes nice modern Apt. or turn. list. Ph. 3184. Ja236 UROENTLY NEEDED URN. HOUSE or apt. by young couple, 3 children. No living accommodation' at present. Phone 4300. Ja236 MAN WITH 3 adults, carpenter, would like remodeling, repairing in exchange for apartment, furnished or unfurnish ed. -Vrlta Box 472. Capital Journal. J a 233 COUPLE urgently need 3 room furnlsned apartment. Call 32154 between 8 a.m and 5 p.m. and 8 a.m. a235 WANTEDi Furnished apartment or house Box 826. Capita) Journal. a 27(1 LOST AND FOUND LOST: At Orand Theatre Tuesday nite. brown billfold. Contained cash raid papers. Reward. Richard Hoffman. Route 6. Box 314. Salem. k236 LOST, LIGHT brown Daschhund. An swers to name Haiut. In vicinity of T.B. Hospital. Contact Dr. H. H. Tho mas at T.B. Hosp. k236 LOST OR STRAYED: Small black Ion? haired male doc with harness 6t li cense. Liberal Reward. Ph. 67F22. k235 LOST: BROOCH Sun. Morn, between 61. Vincent's Church & 525 Highland Ave. Reward. k235 LOST 3 car keys on red key ring, return to Prances Sanders, room 203 State Office Bids. k235 LOST ONE Jersey Cow. One horn. Call 24252. k235 LOST, DOWNTOWN, black male "Chow" dog. Answers to name of "Tang," Lib era reward. Ph. 6137. k PICKED UP stray horse Monday. Pay damages and identify. Route I. Box 545, Salem. Mrs. Oakman. 23 u LOST AND FOUND LOST About Vt ml. N. of Klezer. Blue suitcase. Finder keep contents but please return pictures, Leonard O. Webb. Rt. 2, BOX 33rF. k234 MISCELLANEOUS WOULD LIKE good home for 5 mo. old don. Very intelligent s pretty, rn. 24361. m235 YOUR PETS given loving care In my own home while you are away. Phone 484& for i reservation. m300 SINGER SEWING Center. New class's starting in dressmaking, enrol) now We specialize- in sewing services, ma chine rentals, complete repair service, on all makes of machines. 143 8. High. Ph 3512 m248 UEI.P YOURSELF LAUNDRY. Ph. 6377. 1785 Berry SL Bi2" FILBERT & walnut drying. Prompt hand ling Efficient, careful drying- Ph. 32861. Lee's Hatchery m23 MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked 7Se. LES SPRINGER, 464 Court SL 01239' DEAD and worthless tock removed on moment' notice Ph 6000 m UEAT your home electrically It's con venient, clean, economical See us 'or tree estimates Y EATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N Liberty m DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR SERVICE FN MUSI CASES DR HARRY SKMLER DENTIST Vdoipb Pidg State A Commercial Sts SALEM-Pnone 331 m OEAVY HAULING, excavation and road building land clearing dozer work ditching basement excavation, sane travel, crushed rock. ma0D una con crete mix crmenl SALEM SAND A GRAVE! CO 1405 N FRONT ST SALEU OREGON Phon 9408 or 11B3 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS JOHNSON outboard motor No A45. at Mac's Used Car Lot, Center and Church siren.- n235 NEW MODEL Manic Chef ens range, sllffhtly used. Ph. 24490 Eves. 6 to 9 p.m. n236 KITCHEN TRASH burner with coils, good ennd. 110 Madrona Ave. Salem He Ik Ms. Ph. 25207. n23G SQUIRREL fur coat, size 10. Ph. 3981 n236- FISHERMEN NEW FLY RODS and salmon rods of ail kinds. Level wind reels and salmon reels. all kinds of .salmon tackle Kalns Out board ano Sport Shop, 1201 S Commcr cial Ph. 6050. n236- CONCRETE block machinery, new, imme diate shipment. Wm. Chase, 15 Lin- wood. Buffalo. N.Y. n236' DOUBLE bed new coll springs and fai' mattress. $30 Sincer tredle sewing ma chine. J20. Ph. 963B. n235' .303 SAV. with box sheets. 12-ft. plywood rowboat with oars. 3105 8. Winter. n236 RADIO Table model, 5 tubes, new post war. Reasonable. Ph. 6322 eves. n236 FOR SALE: Coal and wood circulating heater. Like new. 1161 Elm St.. West Salem. n236 Ls75 WOOD circulator, like new, for 135. Phone 4531. n235 7x9 USED walk-in cooler, complete with meat racks, shelving, 1 reach-In door, 1 h.p. compressor. Burton Refrigeration Co.. 3050 Portland Rd. Phono 34060. n" BLUE DAVENO with springs. 75 lb. Ice box. Phone 24106. n236 3 SAWS, one ripsaw, 1 trim, & band saw. Phone 21279. n236 STORM S. Borlngbar 6 volt battery charg er, hdraullc press. Delta scroll saw, 24-fnch. Opposite S P. Depot. Call resi dence, 753 Mill St.. Sheridan, Ore. n236 3-DECK electric oven. 3 showcases. Ph. 3454 or 4G63. n236 WOOD CIRCULATOR, year old. Route 2. Box 138-C. '.s ml. west Keizer school. n235 FOR SALE: Wood circulator heater, $30. Swivel chair, 14. 2 bikes, 118.50 and S22.50. Br Irks &z Stralton 'i h.p. ft as motor & bike. 175. 1730 Water St., Apt. 8. n234 BUZZ SAW: A-l condition. 3 blades. Ph. 21583. n230 FOR SALE: McCormlck-Deerlug 10-20. Good fihape, on rubber, 6 It. tandem disc. Plow. 2-16 In. Rl. 2, Box 219-C, Grcsham, Oregon. n236 MK YELLOW GOLD wedding ring set. Call 25156. n230 24-1N. CIRCULAR saw blade. Wood heat er, good cond. Phone 3279. n236 FOR SALE Lartte Bridge Beach wood cir culator Ph 4218 n234 MONTAG circ. heater. Montag range. 66 Singer sewing machine All household furniture. 815 Electric Ave., Thursday and Friday only n234 LATE model Monarch comb wood and elec range 1050 N 21st n235 CIRCULATING heaters. 129 to (60 Wood ry's Market. 1605 N Summer n238 LOVELY black male cocker puppy. 210 Vista Ave n235 CIRCULATING heater, canaries, also bird dog. 875 Gerth. n235" J-FT. FOUNTAIN for flale, like new. Stainless steel top. Suver Store 7 ml. south of Monmouth on 99W. n235 TOILET SET. 1288 8th St. West Salem. n234 SCHICK AND Gillette electric razors. Glass top coffeo table. Want party to pick apple; on shares. Call 7930 after B P.m. n234' LADY'S RIDING boots, like new, size 8'.i, lady's new b.ue suit size 14, one pair lined floral drapes, used 8 months $6. Ph. 21021 before 8 p.m. n234' WANT CHILDREN to board by month. School ase or younger Ph. 38F14. h237 LATHE FOR SALE 16" x 8. Hendey quick change. New motor and 4-Jaw chuck. Good condition. Lambert's Texaco Sta tion. Aumsville, Ore. n2J4 FOR SALE Beige daveno. $35. or trail for double bed. 896 N. 17th. o234 SMOOTH TOP sat range, perfect cond.. !50. 1060 East- Rcyal, Salem. n234 WOOD HEATING stove, $12. Rocktui chair, $5. Call mornings, 1165 Madison. n23! 8-PIECE WALNUT dining room set Includ ing extenrion tablt. 6 chairs and buffet. 1365 Pearl St. Phone 24416 n237 LAWN MOWER, rubber tired, 6 blale Phone 3C4b n237' 1,0(10 FT. oak fir to trade for l'.i" and W galvanized pipe and fittings. Phone n237 2 GOOD BIKES, bey's and girls. Also Philco table radio 365 S. 16th, upstairs. between a.m. to 2 p.m. Barry. n23t STRAW, $15 delivered. PhT22504 n237 FOR SALE 4 ft. metal hand brake. 8 ft. metal hand brake 400 amp. Westln? bouse D.C. wcidci. Ph. 24135 ELECTRO-WATT INO Formerly Caspar A; Cutler. n2J5B BOY'S BIC1CLE. excellent cond. Goj-I paint Job. Phone D792. n234 NOW IS the time of year to plant ne lawns and to retuvtnate the old. We carry a full line ot grass seed, fertilizers and peat moss. WARDS FARM STORE Corner Tade and High Sts. n236 JUST RECEIVED at Ward's Farm Store. Rustic log fence. Three or four rail fencing, split peeled, round peeled and picket with matching gates Ideal tnr back yard decorations. Ai low as 13.95 per section "YARD'S FARM STORE Corner Trade and High Sts. n236 FOR SALE Lcve seat. 1505 North 31st, aaicm. airs. J. u Foley. aiM FOR SALE 32 squares red composition shingles 425 Marion St. n234 FOB SALE Circulating wood heater. Ilk? new. $30.00. Also andirons and used fireplace screen set, complete with tool. 9S0 Saginaw St. n234 DO BE R. MAN puppies. Reg. litter, fiu breeding. Salem Veterinary, Portla.ic Rd. n236 BLUE CONCORD grape vines, 3 year roots Four for dollar M. C. Madison, 455 Kapp hahn Rd, first left turn north of un- derpass across R.R tracks. n234 ONE 6-VOLT elec buttery driven winch. cap ijuu ids., iou tienry w. Gool. Donald. Ore. Ph Aurora MOS. n234 SMART SUITS, coats, sweaters and skirts: as well as dresses for all occasions from afternoon to formals. Grand materials and scarcely worn. Sizes 9 to 44. Phone 4845, anytime. n303 Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FLUORESCENT Commercial and indus trial lighting fixtures lor immcaiate at livery. Salem Lighting and Appliance Co. Temporary location 255 No. Liberty, Salem, Oregon. Phone 9412. n2o5 RECONDITIONED MACHINERY; Cover- crop Disk "Mellon Carrier" Just Ar rived Sizes 4'i, 5, 6, and 7 foot. A new styled covercrop with transport trucks that also balance, control depth, and give even penetration. The only disk maJe that will turn the soil at any con trolled depth. Also have cord woud saws: trac'or post nole diggers; cement mixers. LEHMAN BROTHERS. Am:tv. Ore. 2 M West. Phone 777. nJ38 ELECTRIC FAN. practically new. Call 22518 at 7 p.m. n237 ATTENTION HUNTERS! One and two wheel trailers now on display a' Ward's Farm Store, Trade and His1) Sis. n234 WOOD CIRCULATOR, child stroller, nur srry chair, piggy bank &i crib. Ph. 6410. n?35' BABY BUGGY, collapsible type. Ph. B.il3. n234 8 PIECE Fireplace Set. Elect. Room Heat, ers. RALPH JOHNSON APPLIANCES Valley Motor Bldg. Ph. 4036 11235 GENERAL ELECTRIC Heating Pads. Si lex Ccffeo Makers. Monitor Carpet Sweepers RALPH JOHNSON APPLIANCES Valley Motor Bldg. Ph. 4036 n235 KITCHEN HELPS STAINLESS Steel Kitchen Tools. Pop-up Lid Garbage Palls. Electric Kitchen Clocks. RALPH JOHNSON APPLIANCES Valley Motor Bldg. Ph. 4036. n235- BE ALL SOLARAY Oil Burner Conversion UnlU RALPH JOHNSON APPLIANCES Valley Motor Bldg. Ph. 4036. 11235 FOWLER WATER HEATERS JUST A FEW left. Also Ruud & Mission Gas Water Heaters. Get yours now while they are still available. RALPH JOHNSON APPLIANCES Valley Motor Bldg. Ph. 4036. n235 R.C.A. VICTOR combination battery and electric table model radios. RALPH JOHNSON APPLIANCES Valley Motor Bldg. Ph. 4036. n235 SOLID OAK wall type hardware display storage cabinets. 8 sections. 8 ft., 4 In. Ions. 4 glass showcases, 14 oak hard ware display tables, 2 wrapping coun ters, 1 dlshware display table on cas ters. Salem Hardware Co.. 120 N. Com mercial. Phone 4906. Ii238 MIRRA PIANOS from J395. Terms. 6e these beautiful spinet style pianos witb the tone of a baby grand at Tallmao's. 395 S. 12th. A mile from high priees. n249 BROWN ENAMEL wood circulating heat er. Price 115.00. 30 gal. galvanised hot water tank. Price $2.50. 700 Beck Ave. Phone 24229 n235 MAN'S 1IARVEL wrtstwatch. Good con dition. Just overhauled. Ph. 6124. n235 ELECTRIC Pants Pressors, curling and soldering irons YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n243 GIRL'S ALL WOOL coat. Extra good. $5. SUe 10 to 12. 2262 State St. Ph. 2-1808. 11335 BRAND NEW Portable bat. or elec. Rec. ord player $50, or will trade for 16" Ford wheels. Phone 2-2808. n23o FOR SALE. Good prewar bed springs Complete set students' reference books, high chali. Phone 3667. n234 MONTAG WOOD circulator, like new. Call after 5:30 p.m. 250 Strand Ave. Between 15th and 16th St. near Trade. n23S BODY AND lender men's solder spriy guns for sale. 700 N. High St. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Salem. r.234 ONE PRINCESS Montag all white ena mel wood or coal range with heat reg ister. Good as new. Several doors and windows, 1897 S. 12th. niJl ATMORAYS- OZONE Sell or rent. H. C. Push. Ph. 22458. P. O. Box 463. n25U Q ABU EN sand, gravel, crushed rocs. Shovel & drag-nne excavating WALL ING SAND AND QRAVEX CO Ph 8561 WE BUT A sell furniture, tools, stove duuea motors, raoios. eiectno appli ances, household goods K. LI OMAN y 28o N Commercia. Phon U88a Q" FLUORESCENT Commercial and Indus trial lighting fixtures for Immediate de livery. Salem Lighting and Appliance Co. Temporary location 255 No. Llber'.y, Salem. Oregon. Phone 9412. nJoi POWERFUL 8-tube Tropic Master over seas electric radio. Ideal for outdoor or coastal location. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. n246 BULLDOZERS: Holt Welding it Machine Siiop, Independence. n24t SUN LAMPS (ultra-violet &t infra-red), portable and stand models with timers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 North Liberty St. 042 INDIRECT floor lam pa and torchlers YEATER APPLIANCE CO 355 N. Liberty St. n243 SINGLE and two-burner hotplates. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. n343' SAND, gravel and silt. VM mL W o! Keizer. Meyer it Bosley. Ph. 8048. n240 PARMERS. Attention Electric and bat tery fence controllers, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 258 N. Liberty St. n243 BUTCHER knives pinking sheers, lawn mowers and misc. tools sharpened at your door from our modern equipped truck. Call Dexter. Ph. 6833 or P081 esse INSULATION pneumatically Installed Price, mrterlal. workmanship guaran teed. Salem Rock Wool Co, Ph. 3748 3225 N. Liberty. n FARMERS. Attention Portable electric milking machines. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N Liberty Sl n243 INDIRECT Floor Lamps and torchlers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty SL n243 LIMITED Quantity 5-tUDe electrlo table model radios with wooden case. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n343 WALL Type Can Openers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n243 GUARANTEED Forever. Flashlights re quiring no batteries: two and three eel) flashlights, railroad type lanterns YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N Liberty Sl nJ43 ALL Metal Tool Chests. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty Sl n243 KITCHEN and Industrial Exhaust Pans YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N Liberty Sl n243 OUTDOOR Portable Lights for your yard or driveway YEATER APPLIANCE CO- 255 N Liberty SL n243 PLASTI-KOTE the durable paint with the cellophane like finish. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N Liberty St. n243 ELECTRIC Chimes, long and short tubes, mechanical chimes YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty SL n243 SMOOTHIES for perfect Ice cream, YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N Liberty St n243 FIGURINES and small gift Items. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N Liberty SL n2l3 COILED Trx&h Burners. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N Liberty St. TWO-WAY and Intercom Telephone eu YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty 8l n243 ALUMINUM Sauce Pans. Wei) and Tree platters, frying pans, cookie sheets. olothes hampers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n343 ELECTRIC Room Heaters, fan. steam and reflector types. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty SL n343 FLUORESCENT Kitchen Fixtures and single tub brackets tut use near your mirror YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty 8L n343' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS I SINGLE and Two-Burner Hot-plates. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 35i N. Liberty St. n243 FARMERSt Attention Westinxhouse au tomatic elec milk cooler, capacity 60 gaL YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n343 COILED TRASH burner. 440 N. 17th Bt. Ph. 4654. n235 TABLE and p'.n-lt-up lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St, n343 KITCHEN and bathroom light fixtures YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty SL n243 ELECTRIC desk, mantel and wall clocks. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n243 COAL or briquet circulator. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n243 AUTOMATIC electrlo stdearm water heat, ers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty SL n343 PLASTIC clothes line. Ironing board pad and covers YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 35f N Liberty Sl n213 UEAT your home electrically It's con venient, clean, economical. See us tor free estimates YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty SL n343 DRESS UP your Awnings and outdoor fur nlture with Set fust canvas palnL YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 35 N Liberty Sl n243 DECORATIVE and liirhted house numbers YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N Liberty St. n.243 ATTRACTIVE aluminum kitchen step lad ders, and step-on refuse cans YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N Liberty St. n243 ELECTRIC TOASTERS, $2.10 and $3 8 YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. Liberty St. n243 FLUORESTCENT Desk Lamps. Ideal Tot student or office YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. liberty St. n243 HEAT YOUR horn electrically It's con vent en t, clean, economical Sea us foi free estimates YEATER APPLIANCE CO 256 N Liberty i WANTED MISCELLANEOUS TO BUY: Slnsle or double garaBe to move. Phone 9650. na23D WANTED TO nUY: A good .22 Winchester or Marlin rifle. Box 373. Philomath, Ore. na236 WANTED: CfDER press In good condi tion. J. C Theadore Rte. 7 Box 129-F. 3 miles N. of underpass on htghwav 99- na238 WANTED TO BUY GOOD bedrm. set. Phone 8036. SANTA CHI'S is looking lor a cidewai bicycle. Phone 7312 na234 nsKIl I't'RNITIlRft Phone 9185 as OLD DISHES over 25 years c'.d UptalrF Antique Shop. 439 Court St n234 PERSONAL 4LCOIIOL1CS. Anonymiijs. P O Box 724. P245 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER LETTERS OF all kinds composed and typed. Personal ones a specialty. Strict ly confidential. For appointment, phone 4845. P308 AUTOMOBILES HOUSE TRAILER: Howards Trailer Park. 3560 Portland Road. q236 FOR SALE: 1940 Bulck Super 6 passenger coupe. Radio, heater, good tires. Nlrc car throughout. 936 Jefferson. q234 19.14 RUMBLE seat Chevrolet coupe. Good transportation. Be sure and see this car before you buy. Only $325. Mc Call's Used Cars, 1297 State. Dial 8108. q231 mm FORD Model A Pickup. A quiet run ning motor. Front tires nearly new. rear ones 6-ply and a good spare. A handy car to own. All rendy to bo. Price $335. McCall's Used Cars, 1297 State. Dial 8108. q235 I0:tl CHEVROLET rumble seat coupe. Ori ginal pair.t. very good tires, clean in side, mechanically very good. $350. Mc Call's Used Cars, 1297 State St. Dlnl 8108. 0.235 'a:t CHF.V. 4 dr. sednn. 16" wheels. Also two 17" wheels. 1440 Ferry bet. 5 and 7 p.m. q23S 1012 SCIIULT house trailer. 22-ft., sleeps 4. Goon condition. 1011 SPORTSMAN house trailer, 21-ft.. sleeps 4 on permanent bed. 3205 Port land Road. Ph. 31073. q236 WANTED: GOOD used car, late model preferred. Phone 4547. q259 WANTED: CAR in good condition. Any kind but would prefer 37, 38 or 39 Mod el. No dealers please. Call after 6:30 p.m. Norman Schroyer. Route 5 Box 37. Salem. (Out 22nd St.l q259 VETERAN NEEDS car, any model, must be priced reasonable. Call after 6 p.m. or write W. Redlliger, 2252 Simpson. Salem. q259 CARS NEEDED ANY MAKE or model. If priced within reason wo will buy it. Stevens Used Cars, 678 S. 12th. q259 TRAILER HOUSE, fully equipped, $325. 3 ml. west of Salem on Dallas Hiway. BOX 460. q236 HOUSE TRAILERS 3 VERY NICE Factory built. Reflnished inside & out. Priced to sell or will traae. Terms ir desired. SHELL STATION Phone 9770 W. Salem Open Sunday q236 SPORTSMAN Custom tanning and manu facturlng of derr and elk hides Into useful trophies Mvers Glove As Tannin? Co., 1348 Ferry. Phone 6031. o25G TRAILER HOMES SJ200. HOME on wheels. 18 ft. Schultr. sleeps 4. newly reflnished. $I.i(0. 20 I T. Elcar, sleeps 4, lots of built- Ins, modern, mnhogany finish. Sea these at once. Just in from the East. See M. D Looney with WM. E. MOSES 331'.j State St. Phone 4903 q235 1U4I DODGE Army pick-up type truck. New motor, dual tires. A-I condition in every way. Sale or trade for late mo del car. Rt. 3, Box 773. 2 mites West of Liberty q235 1031 MODEL A truck. Duals. 3300 N. River ftond. q235 tOiitt OLDSMOI11LE sedan, 1037 Willys sedan. 2h h.p. Bearcat garden trac tor. E. Anderson, Rt. 1. Box 97, Hn?el Ave off the Hobart Rd. Bll verton. q23fi GOOD BUYS IN USED CARS 1031 PLYMOUTH 2 ooor sedan. 1031 CHEV. 2 door sedan. I9: TFRRAPLANE Coupe. OTHERS TO choose from. Your Kaiser Frazer Denlrr. TEAOUE MOTOR CO. 355 N. Liberty. Ph. 7001. q235 l'' HOI SE trailer, $575. 16' HOLSE trailer, vac. brakes, $775. Both furnished, 1835 Court St. n235 '37 FORD coupe "60" Good cond. Ph. 35013 or call it 670 N. High after 5:10 P.m. q234' WANTED Model A Ford Immediately. 511 Norway Ave. Sllverton, Ore. q239 1030 FORD Model A pick-up. Runs O.K. reason jIc. 640 Union. q234" FORI) 4-door sednn, 16-ln. tires, good motor, transmission, fair body. 1235.00. 3295 Portland lid. u22b 103.1 'i-ton pick-up, 16-ln. tires, over drive and In first clasc cond. through out. 1325.00. 3293 Portland Rd. q235 1036 MASTER Ch-v. Coupe. Call foi noons 348 N. 12th. Apt. 8. n235 FOR SALE '42 Harley 45 Actual mile age 8000 ml. Excellent condition. Extra.. Price $500. 259 South Monmouth Ave. Monmouth. Oregon. After 5 p.m. or Sunday. qj8 AUTO PARTS TO INSTALL 11942 Ply R R. Fender. 11941 rord or Merc. R. P. Door. 31940 Pont. Run. Boards. 11937 Pont. Run Boards. 1937 Pont. Grill Parts. 11939 Cnev. L. P Fender. 11938 Chev. Orlll. New. 11837 New Dodge. Ply. or Chev. R. R. Fender. 11936 Ford Hood. 11934 Ford R F. Pender and Grill. 11934 Ford WneeL 31934 Fcrd, New Rear Hubt Ac Drumf, 12TH ST BODY At PAINT SHOP 109f South 12th St. Phone 6465 q234 VJA1 FORD SEDAN, new llrei. Assoclatrd Station. Brooks, q23t FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS GUARANTEED RECAPPINO LET US examine your tires. We can give you extra mileane at low cost. Drive Safrr 6s lonser on tirade "A" Rubber, 6i Save, Don't Delay Conic in Today. q23. TRAILER HOUSE, Autocrall, 24 ft. Will 1029 CHRYSLER roadster. Call morn, only. Gerald Carper. 1057 Highland q2J FOR SALE 1930 Grnham sedan. Good t6 600 tires $250 1927 Chev. truck flat bed. Motor good Associated station. Hubbard Ph. 34U QloS AUTOMOBILES MIS PAN AMERICAN house trailer. 27 ft 1943 G. I. Chcv. truck with tram Oed A-l cond. 1928 Model A sedan. 3580 Ho. Commercial. Tip Top Auto Court, n'ii'l WANTED:' LATE ModePoat oi orlvaw onrtt Will oat cash Pbona S280 a WANTED TO BUY: Late model truck Pickups, panels, f imbeds. loGcer. nd so on International dealer Jnmen H Maden Company 2955 Sllverton Road Phone 24123 q NEW Ifi-FT. trailer house for sale. A real nice one, priced right. Also a Vnuhn drns saw in good court . $75 011 Merle Swearingen. Rt. 4. Box 386. Salem. Ore. ml. out Wallace Road. q234 WE PAY TOPS Get EVERY DIME "out Ca la WorUii CASH ON t"HE BARREL-HE1ADI -' CT SHROCK 8ALKM 8 Uideit tndr pendtnee USED CAR DEALER H t Corner Church & Chemeketa Phone 7933 a FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN WANTED: l:EAL ESTATE mortgage loans. city or (aim properties: loans made ?s small as SOO. See us nbnut refinances your present contract or mortaaee. APPROVED City Loans G. 1 LOANS On NEW Construction. 4"V LEO N. CHILDS. INC. REALTORS 344 Slate Sireet. Phone 9261. r234 CASH "NOW" FROM PERSONAL Slh year In Salem. We lend money quickly privately to men or wDinen, imurlt'd or simile. LOANS $25 TO $300 For horn oi biiMiiess on auto, furni ture, s.uary bi:Miie.s. equipment. Choose any one nl our convenient loan plans and repay In 15 months. WE LIKE TO SAY "YES" to loan requests. So for faster service, phone f Iff t PERSONAL FINANCE CO 518 Slat" St.. Km. 125. Phone 3191. Lie. 6-122; M-105. r2i8 1 MONET. 3 KAL fcSlAm UJANS P&RSONAI LOANS CAR LUANfr Vt Buy Reaj Estate Uortgases uic eoDirtcu STATF. FINANCE CO., REALTORS Lie B-Jie U-J'J2 it3 S Uisa at r YOUR SURPLUS Money will earn you h percent Interest Buy a real estate imm ense, examine the security yourself. Mortgages available In amounts of tV:c to $7500 Wt collect all interest and pay ments for the investors, no extra charge STATE FINANCE CO. 153 8 Hih Si r AUTO I O A N 8 WILLAMETTE CRKDn CO. 6U FLOOtv OUARDIAN 8LDO Ltcensa No -M-1S9 WB LOAN on Farm. Residential and 8'iai ias Property Will buy mortgages con tracts HAWEflNS A ROBERTS. CMC 4KALTOK3 Guardian Bid r FARM ANO CITY LOANS 4 '4 AND 6 rum OWN 1KUMS ot repayment irith'ji reason Cash for Real Estate Contract; and Second Mortenges OAPITOL SECJRrrXISB CO. 107 Ploneet Trusi Bldg Ph. 7181. r OSNKRAL FINANCE CORP LOANS S-138 ano M-3U and ROY H SIMMONS ENSUHANC& and LOAMS lie S Commercial St ri 0169 Directory AUTOJtltAKES MIKE I'ANLK, 275 S. Com'L Ph, 6161 Brake A; wheel aligning specialist. 0253' ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING and bookkooplng. Reason able rates Dependable service Busmen Service, tna Masonio Buildings, Salem Phone 8727. o APPLIANCE REPAIRS EXPERT BENDIX and commercial and domestic refrigeration service. Rilpn Johnson Appliances, til Oentei Ph. 403A AUTOMOTIVE MARION MOTORS NASH SERV1CK 4U Chemeketa Phooe 7838 BRICK LATINO A. R. RICKS. 3i!25 Cherry Ave. CEMENT WORK GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING. Cliff Ellis, 1U05 N. 10th St. Ph. 4071. u240 CHIMNEY SWEEP FURNACES. CHIMNEYS vacuum cleaned ENSLEY. 771 8 31st Ph. 7176. o DELIVERY SERVICE SALEM DELIVERY and Pickup Service 145 S. Church. Phone 4711. 0240 EXTERMINATORS ARDEE MAINTENANCE CO. Bedbugs, roaches, rat, fleas, moths Pest con trol contract service. Materials sold eun ran teed' riddance. 825 N Killing. worth St., Portland 11. Ore. Ph. WEb ster 3205. o COCKROACII EXTERMINATOR service Ph. 305S LEE CROSS. 1260 N. 17th. 0251 ftrellhaupt'f for flowers Dial 9 IDS FUNERAL DIRECTORS lOWELL FUNERAL ROM Ph 1873 BAfiOA(iE and apart, moving our special ty I mm. nttcntlon. Sntrm Moving Ac Delivery Service. Ph 7fiG5. o248' noUKEIIOLDPRO DUCTS J. R. WAT KINS CO PRODUCTS. 1717 Center St Phono 5395. M IIHIC LESSONS"" SPANISH and HAWAIIAN Otiltar. Mando lin o-nlo etc 1533 Court Ph 7509 i' MATTRESSES CAPITAL BEDDING. Phone 41109 023V PAINTING At Decorating. prices Ph 25588 PAINTING AND PA PER HANG INO EXPERT paperhanslng R. J. worth. Phone 3015 PAI'F.RnANGtNG JERRY JOHNSON. Phone 3492 4ANI) A GRAVEL GARI1EN SOU. crushed rock Shovel A- dMfthne excavating Willing Sand Ai qravel Oo Phone 8a81 o SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED KENNETH flAMI'L, 1143 8th Bt., W fla lorn Ph 7404. Guaranteed service. o241 SEWERS BOTO-ROOTER SEWER SPTRVICR-Snw ers and dra'.fu clinel Pre wtlmat Promp' service Ph 5321 o Tit INS FER AfT D STORAGE LOCAL A DINSTANCE Transfer, storage Burner oils. coal. oriqueU Trucks c Portland dally A Kent Lyon Van Line for huusenoid good to California points Lirmer fansfer Storage Ph 3131 o VACL' UiCLE A N E R S EI.ECTROI.l'X Sales A Service A Repairs Limited amount ol new machines avail able Office 175 8 Hich, Ph. 60B8 0236 FREB Iiupect!J0 is your home- author ized Hoover terviea We service all make; t cleaners Hub Bros Ph fll49 o WEATHER STRIPPING FREE estimates T. PULLMAN. Ph. 6065 0234 WELL DRILLING J. A SNEED A Sons Well drilling 3505 Brooks St. Salem Phone 6H09 o2-f WELL DRILLINO M U Eriioe Rt e Box S21-L. Salem. Ore First, douse south Of Swecit school Ph. 24267. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, October 3, 1946 17 Market Quotations Portland Produce Exeftenre Butter Prices to retailers: Grade AA carina da 86c AA prints 8oc. A prints 78-84c. A cartons 79-85c. B prints 77-83C. lb cubi '4o higher Ebss Prices to retailers: AA large, 63e: A lai-sr, 6l-62c; AA medium. 59c; A medi um. 58-ftDc: A small, nominal. 44c dozen Chrrst To retailer in rortland Oreiun tnpK-ts 48-47c lb.. dalMes 43i-44V,e :iaf 47-50'iifl lb. Jobbers pay Me lb. lesi To wholesalers Portland Oreeon slnslta 50-53C, loaf 52-55c: triplets. 48,j-53c lb. Portland Wboinale Mara el Butler if ob bulk 68 lb. tubs AA rade 92 score 85c. A grade 93 score 84c. B ttrnde 00 score 83c. C grade 89 score 60c. Butlerfst (Tentative, subject to imme diate cliansei. Premium quality maximum of 35 of 1 percent acidity, delivered In Portland. 85-97c lb.: first quality 84-96c lb.; second quality 82-92c: valley routes and country points 2c less than first, or 82-83c. Cheese- -Selling price o Portland re tailers: Ore. singles 48-490. lb. Ore. loaf 49-51c lb., triplets, 48-49c Eggs To wholesalers: A large 63lic- 59';0 dozen, med. 55-56Vjc B grade 43Vi-45M,c Rat'bits Average country killed to ( taliers 43-fOc lb Live fryers, eolo'ed 24c white 23-27a lb Old bucks and does te lbs and up I5e lb. Live I'oultrv Live Chicken. No. 1 broilers 3-4 lbs. 37-3UC fryers 2-3 lbs. 35-36c, 3-4 lb.. 38- 37c. roasters 4 lbs up 37-39c lb. Colored hens 26-2 7c Leghorn hens 3 '.i lbs. and over. 22-23c; under 3V4 lbs.. 18-19c Roost ers and s'.iiks 13-I8c D rested Cblckcn To retailers: Spring o roil ers 3 lbs up 2c lb. colored hens 37c Lechorn fowl 32ct old roosters and stag 28c. Kresh Vecetable Beans Calif 17e lb Mld-Columbta Bue Lake. mid-Columbia and Walla Walla green and wax 9-10c lb. Oregon Qlani. 10-12o lb Kentucky Wonders 8-10c. Shell beans $1.50-1.75 20-lb lug. Wax and Blue Lake 8-10c. Berts caltt fl0-85c local BO-fiOe doien Krocrnli--51.5n-l.65 lus. Cahlmjtc Local round type, s2.40-3.flft Carrots Loch I. bunched, 5-dos. crate. $3-3.25 California 14.75. Cauliflower Local No. 1. S2-2.35; Beet le No 1, $2 50. Celery Cnllfornla SS for sturdae crate. Labish. Mlhvaukio $3.00-3.50 crate. Corn-Ctlit $4.75-$3 crate 7 dozen Idaho 70-75C dozen Vale $175-$2. Local i-Jo. 1 $1 25-2 2;: No. 1 S2-2.25. 5-dos, box Dill 20-250 lb Cucumbers Sllcers 15-lb. flate 75-85e: pick li nn 8-10 lb fists. No. 1 II. 25-40: No 2 50-64c NO. 3 75c-SL EgspUnl Seattle No. L $2.50. Orange boxes. $1.75-3 Garlic Oregon 30-350 lb. I.elturr Lcal $3 75-$3: Seattle 13 75 3.00: California, 4 dot.. $3.40-3.65. Onions Wash, dry No. 1, $1-1. 35i SO lb. sucks: Idaho, vhite. No. 1, $1.50-1.05; lunce, '.1.85 yellow Spanish, $1.20-1.25; Oreeon pljkllng onions, lOo lb. Parsley Local 75-BOo d07 Peppers Green Calif. 35-lb crate $3.50-75. Mid-Columbia 12 -lb. flat 75-90c 30-lb $2; red. flat f 1.75; chili. S1.65 1.76 flats. Pot a lues New Florida $3.25-7(1 Dai Oou thern yarns $4.75 60-lb crate. Cillf long white No. 1 $2.50-ilO Washington Russets $3.05-3. 90 cwt. 50 lbs. No. 2 90-S1. Wash inston long white No. 1 $2.80-3.10 cwt. No, 2 90c-$l. 5C-lb. snck No. 1 commercial $2.b0 Yakima red Garnet $3 No. 2 85 -90c 50-lb sack. Mid-Columbia A Walla Walla No I $3-$3 25 Call! lift $3-3.25 Yakima netted gems, $3.40. Klam ath Falls items, 85-90C a 25-lb. sack. Dei Chutes $2.75-3 Kadlslia- -Local red 80-OOe doz. bunches Rutahnta New crop Wapato $1 76-SJ 50-lb sack New crop Colo $2 50-lb sbck Spinach Local new crop $1.90-$3.10 id lb box. The Dalles new crop $1.85 orange box. Sprouts Local to 83.45 box Squash Zucchini 50-45c flat. Crooked Neck. Scallop $1-11.10 flat. 14-lb hnked Sl 25-45 35-Ib. pear box S2.75-S3 Danish Iuks. $1 35-1 40 Tomatoes -Local. 16-lb. flat. No I $1.25-1.40; California- wrapped $3-3 3V Washlmtton. $1.75. Turnips Bundled. Idaho $1-11 10 dosen Topped $3 for 50-lb sack Yams Louisiana 13 25-3.50 crate. Frrsh Fruit Applet Yakima Delicious wrapped ano packed, comb box $4.50-4.75, Jumble box S3. 40: llooil Hiver Spitz face-fill box $1.75 2.00; Yellow Ncwlowns S4.35. Winter Ha nanus $2,00; Ortleys $3.60 box. Jona than fA-f 3.40. II. R. Delicious t3.i:j lumble box Yakima Vvlnesaos $4 49; Astra, chan 40 lbs. $4 40, Marytillle. Wash., dis trict Trnnspnrents $1.50-$2 face lug. Avoradn Furrte 4 25. choice $3 lt $4 fancy $4-4.25 20-30 flats. Calif. Dicken son, all size;.. $4.50-4.75. Bananas -S'c-lOo lb cut bands, eretet extra Melons Honeydew, Jumbo flats, S2.35 crate. Ca.abas Crate $3 50-75: Bulk o lb Cranberries Oregon 25-lb. boxes, $8.75 9.00 (irapefrult Calif, large $5.75-6.50, smai! ' $4.25. case Texas plnss $5.10. whits Cochelln $4.95 case; Cuban, all sizes, $8- 8.50. Florida pinks, larger, $7.50-8; small. $6.75-7.25; whlto larger. $7.75; small. $7- 7.2V Grapes Cn llfornla Thompson seedless 2.90-3: Rmlers. 83.75; local Concorii. lues, $1.50-1.75; Tokay, $3.65-3.85 lugs; Lady Finuers, $4-4.25. Lemons California, sizes 252-300. 16.75 7.00. Limes Tubs of 6 20c 25c. Honey Dew Melons Jumbo flat $2-$2.10. Wapato 35i-45i l,85-$2. Cransbews 12.35- 3.75. Oranges Ceilings: Calif $6.09- Fla to and up to $6.14: Valenclss. 288, $8.55: loose, $3 75 Pears Bartletts, comb pack 16-lb box $2.25-2.35; Mtoford wrapped and packed. $5-5 25; Hood R.ver, $4-4.75; orchard run $1.75-3. Yakima W. Ac P.. $4.25: D'AnJou $4.75. wraptd and packed boxes; Uoau wrapped and packed, $4.25; Hood River D'Alijou, I4.60-4.7.V I'lnrnpplriv Cuban i --1 PonirKrsnutes $2.75-3.85 lug. Watermelon Cat. Ore. and Wash. 14 2c lb Mean Country Mr its Rollback prices to re tailers. Country killed noss, ost butchers 120-140 lbs 19-19'c lb Vealers. AA 22ko. A 21V B IOUj, 8 17-17 He. culls 13-150 lb Beer AA Slfic. A 204. B 18c. canners cutters I3A-I4c Lambs: AA 26c, A 24c. B 24 'Ac. O JOo lb. Ewes: FQ 130. U 13 C R 10c Veal AA 2S-28c A 24-26C. B 32-24e lb oull I8-20C loss Fancy block 37-38e lb. Block butchers, packer style, 155-213 lbs. 22 U over 213 lbs Shipper style 172-234 lbs. 31 "4 over 2:t5 Ibi. I.nmlw AA 28 ',4c, A 20-28C. B 24-28Q lb Mutton Fancy A 10-Ho according to qualltj end Welpht Href AA 28-2C, A 28-28. B 23-250. 31-220. cnntier-cutter bulls 1B-20O lb. Csftcara Bsrk Green 8-8 'Ac. dry 20e Wool Government control Moll ah lOo lb on 12-mos. crowtn. liar Wholesale snipmenta Alfalfa. I 3 or oettcr 3l-J33 50 Oats-vetch mixed hny v.illey growers price SI9-I2X elovsr hay $I9-I22f. baled on farms Hide Calves 20-24c green beef lOe l ild i6o Green culls fto lb Hop Normal contracts 1944 S5e a 194) 15C 10 I1HA Sic 1941 9fl ib Nut Ollrlhulori' Rant Chestnut, Local Italian 30c lb Almond CrUI 83-3-lc lb Filberts l(K lbs Bar- Do Brls lonaa Cblllys Null (New Crop) n ho La ni , 30c icy . 25 '-jc Baby 23 tValiiiiti -Frariquette No I Jumbo I- 30o lante 33 34c. med 31c. baby 34 '4 o ib No 2. : umbo soft xlielli S4c Urge 12c. med 29 '4 c Portland firaln Prwliiiid Ore, Oct. 3 i,V Wheat fu tures unquoted. C";isli grain: Oats No. 2-38 lb. white 16 i0. Bary No. 2-45 Ib. west. 62.UQ. Flawed 4 00 dull win at b:d): Soft while 1.84; iof '. white excluding Rrxt 1.85; White Club 1 14. est "Hi red 1.84. Hard red winter: ordinary t.84; 10 DIRIXTOKY WINDOW CLEANING 4CMK WIN1M1W CLEANERS. Windows, fl'iors woodwori ceanuo Po IJ17 11 Joun Lsmtdoc A Cuioertsoo 0 Lodges A Pacific Lodqc No. 50, A F & VtsV A M- M-M- L)eKrec. Friday. M Oct. 4th, 7;00 pjn. 235 percent 1 80; 11 percent 1.90; 13 percent 3.00. Hard white Baart: 10 percent 238; tl percent 2.30: 12 percent 2.32. Today's care receipts: wheat 54: bar ley 12; flour 1; corn 3: oats 5; hay It mtlliccd 5. Births Sllverton To M Stelnberger. a son. hospital. and Oct. 1, Mrs. Lew la at Silvertoa Deaths Elmer Dunran Sherwood Elmer Duncan Sherwood, late resident of 1930 North 17th street, died Tuesday. October 1. Survived by his wife, Mrs, Mary Sheiwood of Salem, a da ui titer. Mr. William Goodwin of Salem and a son. Floyd S. Sherwood of Boise, Ida. Announcement of services later by Clough Barrlck and company. Samuel Robert Parsdis Woodburn Samuel Robert Paradla. 19, son of Mr. snd Mrs. Albert P. Paradla of Woodburn. rte. 2, was killed in an automobile accident Monday, September 30. at Dairy, near Klamath Falls, where he was employed. Born in Brooks, Minn.. Feb. 10. 1927, he was a veteran of World War II. having served 2 years in the navy. Discharged June. 1946. Besides his father snd mother, survived by six oro thers. Wsllacr. of Walker, Minn., Law rence. Roy. Donald. Lloyd and Rich ard. Woodburn: three sisters, Mrs. Delia, Melness. Bly, Ore., Mrs. Louise Noyes. Sacramento. Calif.. Mrs. Madonna Schwachtgen, Minneapolis. Recitation of the rosary Thursday, Oct. 3, 7:30 at the Rineo chapel. Funeral services, St. Luke's Catholic church 9:30 a.m., Friday, Oct. 4, with burial at St. Luke s cemetery. Anton Pfelfer Sllverton Anton Pfelfer, 55. who tell from ft barn Saturday, died at a Por tr io rid hospital Monday He was born Feb. 27, 189'. in Kansas. Besides his widow. Anna, he Is survived by the followmn children, Mrs. Cecelia Isrlnghauser, Hoi- Mary, Anna. Alice, Agnes. Richard. John, Anton Neal, Francis. Joseph and Robert. Recitation of the Rosary will be Friday Oct. 4. at 8 pm la. the Memorial chapel of the Ekman fun eral home with Father John Walsh la charge. Funeral services will be held Fri day at 9 a.m. In the St Paul Catholls church wtth Father John J. Walsh offi ciating. Concluding services will be la Mt. Ansel cemetery under direction of. the Ekmnn funeral home. Alary Rldseway Mrs. Mary Rldseway. lata resident ot 180 South 12th street, Monday, Septem ber 30. Mother of Mrs. J. J. Brown of Ua'las. Mrs. Hazel Boudflt. Portland: T. R. Anderson, Crawfordsville, Ore.: ejji tr ies Anderson. Portland, and T. L. Ander son in California. Also survived by sev eral brothers and sisters In California. Graveside services will be conducted Sat urday. October 5. at 3 p.m., at Craw fordsville cemetery with the Rev. Clay J. Pomeroy officiating, Grace Eleanor Seism Grace Eleanor Seisin, late resident of 445 Ferry street, at a local hospital Oc tober 3 at, the age of 70 years. Survived by husband, John Seism, Salem; two sons, liny A, Seism, Bremerton, Wash and Rev. Ellis L. Seism, Portland; two bro thers, Roy Webb, Spokane, Wash., and Albert Wtbb of Idaho; also survived by two grandchildren. Services will be held in the Howell-Edwards chapel Saturday October 5. at 1.30 p.m., with the Rev O. M. Eads officiating. Concluding ser vices will be at Miller cemetery. Silver ton. Levi K. Friesrn Levi K. Fneirfn. late resident or Route 3. Salem, at a local hospital October 3. at the age of 31 years. Survived by ttie widow. Mrs. Elizabeth "Betty" Frieson, and two children! Karen LeCcane and Dairell Dee Fries n, all of Salem; eight sisters. Mrs. Mary Uruoks, 'loieuo, Oit.f Mis, Kntio Rchrocder. Monmouth, ure.; Mrs. Annu Scnroeaer, Sulcui; Airs, isu.e I'attcrson. Salem; Mrs. Agues Duvnti Klamath Falls, ure.; Mrs. llcteu but.n .ieu, Salem; Mrs. Sarah Hlebert, Mm.o ba Can.; Mrs. Margaret Goerut:u, u.n mcny, Saskatchewan, Can.: ten biouius, Ben K. Frlcsen. Wiliton, Cullt.l Dun it.. Dullaa, Ore.- Abe O, Los Auai s. Cut.i i l-'rauk ii., West Saiem; Peter, baskaixnti wan. Can. and John 8., West Ja.tiiL Ore.; George K., McUford, ore: Ike ti.. Winton, Calif.; Jake K.. Livingston. Cat.; David K.. Salem. Ore. Services will oe held at the Howell-Edwards chapel Fri day. October 4. at 3 p.m.. with Dr. K W. Coulter officiating. Concluding ser vices will be at Belcrest Memorial park. Anion Pfelfer Sllverton Recitation of the Rosary for Anton Pfelfer will be held at the memorial chapel of the Ekman funeral home Friday nleht at 8 pm. with ser vices to be held Friday at 9 a.m. from St. Paul's Catholic chivch, Fr. John Walsh officiating and burial in the Catholko cemetery at Mt. Angel. Portland Livestock Portland, Ore., Oct. 3 JPt fUSDA) Cattle: salable 125, total 165; calves, sal able and total 25. Market more active, mostly steady with Wednesday; cow steady to 25 lower than Monday: few common-medium 13,00-16.50; odd choice show rejecln 20.65 celling; common-medium heifers 11.00-15.00; canners and cutter. 8.00-9.50; shells down to 7.00: fat dairy type cows 10.50-11.00; medium good beef cows 11.50-13.50; common-good sausage biifils 10.00-13.00; good-choice veslers 17.00; odd head 17.50; common medium grade 13.00-16.00. floes: salable and total 35: market steady: sows and barrows and gilts 17.20 to r-illng: odd sood-cholco 93 lb. feeder pigs 21.00. Sheep: salable 350. total 1700; market active steady to strong; good-choice lamb up to 18 50; common-medium grades 14. 16.00; culls 12.00 down; good-choice year lings 15.00-15.50; fairly good ewes 7.50 good-choice salable 8 00, cull end com mon grade 3.00-5.00. Mrs. Nora Fersu. Carter Albany Mrs. Nora Persus Carter, 73, widow of Vlrail Carter, who died la 1044, died in the Albany General hos pital Wrdner-day following a long ill ness. Funeral services are to be held from the Fisher funeral home Friday at 2 p.m. Burial will be in the Palestine cemetery. Mrs. Carter was born March. 21, 1873 at Lewlsvlllc in Benton county. She was marni'd in Benton county. No vemhrr 10. 1H9G. Surviving are a daUKh irr, Mrs. R II Murphy, Albany K.F.D. Nn. 1: two so in. Vincent Carter, Albany and Kenneth Carter. Santa Rosa, Calif. ( 1'iiir grandchildren and two sisters, Mrs. O. E. Bangs. Boise. Idaho and Mrs. An nie Clark, Kelso, Wash. Joe Ruairff Dayton Funeral services for Joe Rus eff, 60, a reaidcnt ol the Pleasantdale rtiitrlct since 1330. were held at tno McMinnvilh Funeral home. Rev. 6. J. Osborne of McMmnville officiated. Burial was at the Evergreen Memorial park. McMlnnvlllt. Mr. Russefr was born m Bulssrla December 5. 1885 and came to the U S. at the age of 17. He was mar ried at Salem in 1927. His widow ur vlves. Mattle Ropp Yuttie Albany Ma tile Ropp Yulile, 70, wife of Sol R. YuUle. died at her home here Monday, Funeral services were held from the Fair view Mennotilte church V 2 o'clock Thursday. Ilurlal was in the Riverside cemetery. She was born Novem ber 4, 1878, st Poole, Ontario, Canada, and runic to Oregon In 1916. She wu married November 12. 1903. at Poole Canada to Sol R. Y utile, who survives, as do a daughter. Fannie Yutzle, Al bany an adopted daughter. Alice Yuuse, an adoptea son, William of Albany: three brothers. John P Ropp. Tucson, Ariz. Joel F and Dan F. Ropp, Albany; a sis trr, Mti Jbcod Erb, Albany, also seven grandchildren. Stanley Doutlas Ferebee Lebanon Services lor Stanley Douglas Perebee. 18. of Sweet Home, who was killed September 18 In an automooilo accident at Hatgerman. Idaho, were held Thursday at the Howe-Huston chapel in Sweet Home, wltn the Rev. Vernon of ficiating. Burial woa In the Lebanon Masonic cemetery. The young man. born July 10,; 1936, at Young at on, Ohio, had lived in Sweet Home for five years and graduated from the high school there. Survivors are his parents, Mr, and Mr. James B Ferebee: four brothers, Bax ter, Walter. Bam and Rufus, and a sis ter, Nancy. 4