Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 06, 1946, Page 13, Image 13

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I FILBERT to walnut drying. Prompt hand
ling. Efficient, careful drylni. Ph.
t 22861. Lee's Hatchery. m234
1 MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked. 15c.
LE3 SPRINGER, 464 Oourt Bt. m239
DEAD and worthless stock removed on
moroonm nonce. r uuu
HEAT your home electrically It's con
venient, clean, economical See ua for
free estimates Y EATER APPLIANCE
CO 25ft N Liberty m
Adoipb Pldg Stat to Commercial BU
SALZM-Phone 331' w"
HEAVY HAULING, excavation sod roao
building, land clearing doser work
ditching, basement excavation, sand
ravel, crushed rock, moo sand, coo
Crete mix, cement
Phone 908 or 11824 a
PROTECT your livestock with Wartfs
electric fence. Controlled shock safe
and sure. Long life batteries.
As low as 118.25
Phone 7948 Corner Trade to Hltth.
ONE 850 black al' virgin wool tailored J
piece woman's suit, size 20. Worn 4
times 125. Phone 21587 eves. n212
KITCHEN cabinets, window frames, mill
work made at Halvorsen Construction
Co., 1005 N. Com'l. All work 1st class,
of finest available material. n312
GOOD SCHOOL clothes: Pleated skirts,
wool dresses, coats, small sizes. Ph. 5121.
MAPLE CRIB, complete. Ph. 4160. n2 12
PRE-WAR LIONEL standard gauge train
set, complete. Phone 21244. n212
BEAUTIFULLY mounted collection .f
timicpri it. S and Hawaiian stamp?.
Singles and blocks. Phone 21244. n212
BART. PEARS, 75c up. 1445 Oak. n212
BABY BASSINETTE, large crib, high
chair to baby clothes. All in very good
fi. cond. Phone 43G5. h212
lfi FT. OUTBOARD cabin boat motor as
trailer. 308 Clay St., Dallas. n215
1 ELECTRIC washing machine, good con
dition; 1 drophead sewing machine, re
cently overhauled; 1 lawn mower; 1
pre-war 2-burner white enamel hotplate.
Phono 5522. "2ia
FULLER BRUSHES. 1745 Grant Ph. 8:357
RECONDITIONED and rebuilt pianos,
mnnv like new. Knabe, Chtckering, Bald
win, Mehlln, Ivers to Pond and many
others. Large selection, priced from
$145. Easy payments. Shop at Tallman's
and save. 395 S. 12th. Live and Let Live
our motto.
TWO custom-built cabinets, about 25 cu
ft. each. Ideal for keeping office forms
and suppi'es. Good condition. Inquire at
299 N. Commercial. Phone S822. n211
ONE woman's Hollywood fashion dress
and matching coat, with matched fox
fur bottom. Size 12. iuvu juieciric.
NICE clean baby beds for sale. $15
116,50. Call at 2685 Portland rd., Salem.
DRESSING table and 6tool J12. Piano
lamp SI. Rat trap (cage atyiej new 10c.
Bed spines $1. H34 Ferry n211
CORNER cupboard. $22. SO. Bed. coil
sprins and mattress, $34.50. Dresser.
S13.50. E Piece chrome cunette set.
7fl sn. S-nicce dintnir room suite. 1124.5C.
Oreo carpet. 52-50 per yd. Unfinished
chests 01 drawers, siz.aa. uou spring
davenos, $89.50. Woodry Furniture Mar
ket. 1605 N. Summer. n211
20 GAL. auto, gas Mission water heater,
nearly new. Price 160. Ph. 6704. n213
DELTA drill press. 4 speed, complete with
15 drills. 1110. 20 Hood. Murphy's
Used Car Lot. n2i3'
FOR SALE New Home sewing machine.
$20.00. 1760 Johns St., Salem. n21S
NEARLY new davenport. $75.00. Ph
24007. n213
DAVE NO. Ph. 7358.
ADMIRAL radio phonograph comb, with
record changer. Practically new. Re
duced to $80.00. Ph. 9416. 11213'
PHONOGRAPH with 3D records, mahog-
any cabinet. Excellent cond. Only
J 120.00. Ph. 9416. n213
I-IN. TABLE saw, 2 lathes. A-l shape.
Stpply 1070 Electric. n211
FOR SALE Chesapeake Bny Retriever
pups from Deepwater Lady by Bugar
foot of Webfoot, $50 each. A. K. C
registration E. L CRAWFORD, 1st
National Bank bldg., Salem, Ore. pn
8153. n211
DEHYDRATOR equipment, several hund
red trays 36x30. and lot of picking
boxes. 3 good furnaces 0 foot X 24 In. A
lot of good grates 20 ln.x7. One smoke
stack 30 feet high. 20 in. wide. 1 prune
grader (no motor). 1 platform scale.
Will be on premises during work hours
at nelsons Dryer, Bethel Drive, Eu
gene, Ore. J. F Neve. n213
B OIL-BURNING heating stoves, $10, $15
$25. 2305 N. Liberty St. n212
i GOOD 1700-lb. horse, $75. 1 piano, $75.
1 round oak table and 8 chairs, $25
L. V. Hammer, Ph. 22304. n212
BOY'S "BICYCLE, 20-lnch Wheel, 2320 N
4th. n212'
1 2 H. P. ELECTRIC motor. 3 phase. 1 50
lb. ice box. 975 So. 17th st. n212
GOOD used pocket watches. Expert clock
repairing, quick service. CLOCK DOC
TOR, 190 8. 14th. D215
ItEMFXGTON 22 rTfle. semi-automatic.
one 350x17 tire and tube, both nearly
new. 1205 Alder ave. Ph. 24252. n212
iLBERTA windfalls. $1 per bu. U nick ud
8 ml. north on Wheatland ferry rd. See
sign on rignt. Homer Davis. n212
4-DRAWER JUNIOR wardrobe, 3 shelf en-
closed bookcase, some finished to some
u 11 pa in ted. 12x15x36. This Is all new
lurnlture. Ph. 21102. 4090 Earl Ave
GENERAL Electric roaster with cabinet,
all white porcelain, $35. Outboard mo
tor, 2 h.p., good condition. Phone
2558B. n2Il'
IMMEDIATE sale antiques. Chesterfield,
perfect condition; drop leaf mahogany
table, seats 8. good condition; one wal
nut drop leaf, small, some repair;
marble top back commode, needs re
finlshing. If interested send telephons
number and name. Box 415, Capital
g journal. n211
TCACTUS. 100 up, 2062 McCoy Bt. n214-
ALBERTA windfalls. l',4 ml. straight west
cm. Rt. 2, box 154. Frank Sigurdson.
1 SILVER FOX neckpiece. 1 dark brown
fox neckpiece. 1 Japanese mink short
cape. Phone 8448. n2l4
ALL WHITE enamel wood ranse. 165
Hot water tenk. $10. 3820 Monroe
Ave., or Ph. 23116. n2ir
GENERAL ELECTRIC motors. 4 recondi
tioned 7'j h. p. motors with Reeves No.
1 variable speed drive as complete re.
ducllon unit. Also other motors to 70
rt. p. Fti. 1127R, Albany, or write P. O.
Box 28, Albany. n213
JOHN DEERE hay baler. Gears are like
new. Ph. 1127R Albany. n213
WOOD circulator, excellent condition. $30
Ph.2 1636. 1604 Broadway st. n213
BUTCHER knives pinking sheers, lawn
mowers and misc. tools sharpened at
your door from our modern equipped
truck. Call Dexter, Ph. 6833 or 9081.
VALLEY TIN. R. L. Elfstrom Co. n213
GOOD davenport, $50. Solid oak library
table, $5. Phone 3282. See 1346 Saginaw
NEW PniLCO radio combination. Rt. I.
Box 454F. Salem n213
TAYLOR TOT, 715 Edlna Lane. Ph. 24456
MAN'S yellow gold Waltham wrlstwatch.
Ph. 9412. n213-
MAYTAG nas engine, good condition. Rt.
2. Box 113. U ml. west of Kaiser school,
then 1 block north last house. n213
INSULATION pneumatically installed
Price, mrterial, workmanship guaran
teed. Salem Rock Wool Co. Ph. 3748.
2225 N. Liberty. n
BEDSPREAD. Starwheel pattern. $50, or
will trade for crochet tablecloth. Call
21377. n211
FOR SALE Acetylene welding regulator
gauge. Air. cleaner for spray painting
unit. 1075 Highland avenue. n2t3
FOR SALE: Eight millimeter Bolex mov
ing camera with leather case and 2
rolls of film Phone 24352 n2U
STRAW, IIS delivered. Phone 23504. n214
PUPPIES: Male to female. Fox Terriers.
Poodles to Shepherd collie pups, uaiem
Veterinary Hospital Portland Road
FOR SALE: Thoroughbred 8 mos. old
male Cocker Spaniel dog. Very gentle.
Good homo desired Phone Mr. Curry
at 3181 or writo P. O. Box 373, Salem
HILL GROWN Improved Elborta, Hal.
Mulr peaches. Bartlett pears, Rollln
Beaver, up Glen Creek Rd. Ph. 47F2.
SALE starts Tues., Sept. 3rd. RADIO
TUBES for all RADIOS. 5000 hard-to-gel
types. Bring your radio and we will
furnish this tubes. RAY MOORE RADIO
TUBES. 3270 Portland Road. Salem ,4
mile North of underpass.) n211
LARGE LOAD good quality chicken fer
tilizer. $9.&0 delivered. 486 N. Liberty
Rear apt. n214
IMPROVED Elberta and Hale peaches now
ready. Ftrkilns cucumbers, Frigaard'h.
Wmlle north of Kelier school. Pn.
24262. n213
ELEC. fruit and vegetable dehydrator.
Yeater Appliance Co. 255 N. Liberty
REGISTER NOW for Westing house auto
matic electric water heater. 40 gal
$96.50: 50 sal. $103.25. We have avail
able 60 and 120 gal water heaters.
285 North Liberty. n224
SHINGLES from Rosenberg mill, Tilla
mook. Also lumber, kiln dried or green
2x4s, shiplap. flooring, finish and other
items. Delivered on HH priorities T"d
Muller Trucks. Phone 21196 n223
PLANTING stock, the best Croft and Ace
Order now for fall planting. Lovall the
Lily Man. Ph.-21897 eves., 201 Mission.
ATMORAYS. OZONE. Sell or rent. H O
Push, Ph. 22456. PO. Box 4G3. n224
MIRRAPIANOS fiom $395 See them'
beautiful spinnet-styled pianos with the
tone of a baby grand. Tallmnn's. 4a
8. 12th. A mile from high prices
HEAT YOUR hom electrically. It's con
venlent, clean, economical See ua tot
free estimates
255 N Liberty a
TOILET STOOL to 4" soil pipe fittings.
Phone 5522. Call after 6 p.m. n212
GARDEN sand gravel, cruahed roc it
Shovel to drag-line excavating WALL
WE BUY to sell furniture, toola. stove
duties motors radios, electric appli
ances, household cooda KLIO MAN'S
286 N Commercial Phone 9885 a
SUITS, coats, sheers and casuals. Man?
originals Slightly used Sizes 9 to 44
Phone 4845 anytime n213
WELL DRIVING wanted. Will drive for
$45 to $60. Write Dean Grim, Box 315.
Turner. na211
OLD DISHES over 25 years old. Upstairs
Antique Shop, 439 Court St. na234
CAMERA: Eastman or Argus. 35 mm.
Phone 7730. na210
WANTED: Portable sewing machine. Ph.
7566 between 4 to 8:30 p.m. na3U
WANTED Burlap or cotton bags. Any
kind, quantity or condition. Very small
lots not wanted. Give good directions to
your place end number of bags you
have, Schucpbach Bros., P. O, Box 381,
Beaverton, ore. na233'
USED t'UUNITIIHE. Phone 8185
EXCHANGE Miscellaneous
WANTED TO TRADE IN: Soli fitting
on bathroom lavatory. Phone 25430.
State. p212
ALCOHOLICS Anonymous, P. O. Box 724
FOR SALE 1937 85 Ford coach. Radio and
heater. No dealers. Ph. 25130. q211
BY OWNER 1939-"40 Bulck 8 sedan. Com
nlete with 2-wheel trailer. AH 1-A shape.
Phone 2403, Sllvcrton. q213
'36 FORD TUDOR Call after 5 497 N.
Front. Salem q213
FOR SALE 1937 Ford 2-door rebuilt mo
tor, new l Ires, excellent cond. 297 Gatch
st. Woodburn. q213
'3 INTERNATIONAL i-ton Pickup. A-l
Shape. 3205 Portland Rd. q213
WANTED: LATB Model Oar by private
party Will pay cash Phone 6280
FOR SALE by Owner: Alrfloat trailer
home. West Salem Auto Court. Ph. BI59.
FOR TRADE: Pickup, '37 V-8. for late
model 5 pass, coupe or 4-door sedan.
1032 Ruse St., West Balem. q213
'43 MODEL 18' Traveler. Sleeps 4, Butane,
brakes, very clean. Howard's Trailer
Park, 3560 Portland Road. q31?
FOR SALE: 1935 Oldsmobile 4-door sed
an. Engine rebooted to overhauled re
cently. $485. 2160 N. 5th, Apartment
No 4. qan
FOR SALE: Motorcycle. 1942 Harley Da
vidson, Model 45. Excel, cond. Right
at Gcrvals June, off 99E hwy, 1st house
on left side of road. q215
FOR SALE: '37 Ford 4-door sedan. Radio
and heater. Phone 21820. q212
'41 STUDEBAKER sedan. 1320 Franklin S(
after 4:30 p.m q212
WANTED: Late model car by private
party. Will pay cash. Phone 22830.
'38 WHITE logging truck and Page trail
er, excellent cond. 90 rubber. Call at
Happy's Richfield Station, Silverton, or
Phone 1431. Silverton. q220
FOR SALE: 1939 Ford Deluxe Sedan. Rt.
1, Box 168. Dallas. Inquire after 6 p. n
Salt Creek Store. q2U
FOR SALE 1940 to '42 Indian motor
cycle. Call 8013 after 6. q212
FOR SALE or trade, '36 Chev. pickup.
Stock rack, four-speed trans, and over
load springs. 1 mi. south of Salem on
Albany hiway after 6 p. m. q212
'35 PLYMOUTH sedan. '41 motor. Would
like to trade for pickup or '37 or '38 car
and pay difference. 2237 Hyde st. q212
1035 CI1EV. pickup to trade for later
model car, 1180 Elm, West Salem, after
0 p. m. q212
tfl-FT. BUNGALOW trailer house.' sleeps
2. Double hotplate, electric oven, oil
heater. $800. 1. G. snider, 888 N. com'l.
everything Electric refrigeration, hot
and cold water In both kitchen and
lavatory, electric hot water tank with
thermostat, Coleman range with oven,
Duo-Therm oil circulator heater, private
lavatory and toilet, three clothes clos
ets and pantry. Sleeps four in two
separate bedrooms Complete with bed
ding, blankets, sheets, pillow slip,
towels, table pads. etc. Has new net
of chip-proof glassware, dishes, stain
less steel tableware, cooking utensils
and more Has Venetian blinds and
own electric lights, Zenith Wavemagnet
battery on electric radio, electric brakes.
New heavy duty rayon truck tires.
including spare tire and wheel. Pulled
easily by a P. j mouth, veteran return
ing to hospital must sell. Can deliver
If sold this week. Be independent fo'
$3200. Call Monmouth, 427. q21l
3 FACTORY BUILT trailer houses, 18 ft
24 rt. Priced right for quick sale.
Richfield Station, 2110 State St. q211
WANTED: '36 or later Ford or Chevrolet.
Have a trade-In. Phone 22476. q2U
'37 PACKARD Coupe, sport model. Rum
ble seat, radio, heater, fender pants,
car must be seen to be appreciated
Evenings only. 1425 Baker. Ph. 3456.
FOR SALE: 1933 Chrysler Sedan, $235.
Ivan Corbett, Rt. 6. Box 562, 3 mile
easi Krueger's Store. q2U
27 FT. GLIDER trailer house, elec. hot
water he iter, steam heater, elec. refrlg.
and shower, at Camp Joy, 3215 Portland
rd. SpacJ No. 8. q211
HOUSE trailer, 25 ft. late model, good con
dition. Have to sell. West Salem Trailer
park, next to river. q211
FACTORY BUILT house trailer. See us
first. See at Shell Service Station, 12th
& Mission St., Salem.
0t aTVTERY DIMS Your Car Is wortbl
ALBM'B Oldest independence
R. ft. Cornet Churcn Cbemektta
Fbono 792a
"J9 MODEL A pickup, $225. Ph. 8673. q311
1947 NORMEL 18 ft. 1946 Glider 23 ft.
1946 Curtis wrignt 10 it, ivto beonara
18 ft. And many used house trailers.
All makes and sizes. Sportsman, at
tention!! Place your order now on the
1947 Kit Camper, delivery In 10 days.
This Is the all-aluminum teardrop
model The above trailers sold on terms
or cash. We do our own financing.
Salem's Largest Dealer in House Trailers
3885 Portland Rd. Ph. 25164. q211
WANTED TO BUY: Late model trucks:
Pickups, panels, flatbeds. loggers and
so on. International dealer. James H
Maden Company, 2955 Silverton Road.
Phone 24123. q
FOR VACATION expenses, home buying
costs, medical and dental bills, for any
worthwhile purpose where "Cash" Is
needed and convenient payments arc de
sired. LOANS $25 TO $300
For Home or Business
ON FURNITURE, salary or business
equipment, on auto saoo, and you may
take up to 15 months to repay. Sate
time phone first and when approved
get your loan on one short visit. We
like to say -Yes" to loan request. 4
out of 5 who ask for a loan get one.
518 State Street Room 126
Phone 3191.. Lie. S-122, M-165.
License No -M-189
YOUR SURPLUS Money will earn you (
percent interest Buy a real estate mort
gage, examine the security yourself.
Mortgages available tn amounts of $5DC
to $7500 We collect all interest and pay
ments for the investors, no extra charge.
STATE FINANCE CO. 153 8 High St.r
iVb LOAN on Farm. Rcsidentta. nd B'ltt
tesjt Property Will buy mortgage eon
REALTORS Guardian Bide f
4tt AND 6
'OUR OWN TERMS ol repayment withts
reason Cash tot Real Eiuu Contract
and Sec one Mortgages
ttn Ploneei trusi Bldg. -Pn. 7140. r
Vt Buy Reaj Estate Mortgagee and
Lie 8-216 U223 151 8 Blsb St
S-138 and M-3M
136 8 Commercial at Tel SIM.
MIKE- PANEK, 275 B. Com'L Ph. 5181.
Brake to wheel aligning specialist. o237
ACCOUNTING and bookkeeping. Reason
able rates Dependable service. Business
Service, Inc. Masonlo Buildings. Balem
Phone 8727. o
EXPERT BENDIX and commercial and
domestic refrigeration service. Ralph
Johnson Appliances. 351 center Pn. 4036
40 Chemeketa Phone 1033.
Call A. Benson, Salem. 6305. o232
Ellis. 1905 N. 19th St. Ph. 4071. 0211'
FURNACES, CHIMNEYS vacuum cleaned
ENSLEY. 771 S 2 1st. Ph. 7176. 0
SALEM DELIVERY and Pick-up Bervlce.
145 B. Church Phone 4711. 0223
roaches, rats, fleas, moths. Pest con
trol contract service. Materials sold
guaranteed riddance. 175 8. High, Pbon
S706. 0
Ph. 3050. LEE CROSS, 1260 N. 17th.
Sreithaupt'a to? fiowera Dial HB3.
ORDER YOUR fuel oil now. Stove to dlesel
oil, metered delivery. Ph. 21917. o228
175 South High. Phone 5395. o234
WHEN YOU'RE considering that new rock
patio, fireplace, rock wall, lawn or
having your shrubbery pruned, think ol
me. 1 specialize In that line of work,
3636 State St Phone 24249. Evenings.
SPANISH and HAWAIIAN Oultar. Mando
lin, banjo etc 1533 Court Ph 7569
CAPITAL BEDDING. Phone 4069. 0335
EXPERT paperhantlDi. EL J. Woo'l
worth, PhbDe 3015 0
JERRY JOHNSON. Phon, 3492.
DOMESTIC and commercial. Economical
price. Ph. 2533,. 1745 a Com'L 0214
GARDEN SOIL, crushed rock. Shovel St
dragline excavating Walllni Sand A
Gravel Oo. Phone 8361. o
KENNETH HAMEL. 1143 8th St., W Ba
lem. Ph. 7404. Guaranteed service. 0218
ers and drain, cleaned. Pre utlmate
Prompt service Ph 0327 o'
SPRAY TREES, lawns, li fields. Balem
Tree Co., Ph. 21208. 0222
LOCAL A D INSTANCE Transfer, Koraaa
Burner oila. coal, orrqueu Trucks tc
Portland dally Agent. Lvod Van Line.
!or household foods to California polnu
Ikirmei Transfer At Storaie Ph. 1131 e'
RECOVERING, remodellns. reflnlshlns &
repairing 1798 S. 12tb St. Phone 6430
ELECTROLUX Sales it Service it Repairs.
Limited amount of new machines avail'
able. Office 175 S. High. Ph. 6088. 0236'
FREE Inspectun in foul home, author
ized Hoover service We service all make
ol cleancra. -Hogg Bros Ph 9149 o
FREE estimates. T. PULLMAN. Ph. 5965
J. A. SNELD At Sons. Well drilling. 2505
Brooks St., Salem. Phone 6809. 0258
Boz 321-L. Salem. Ore. First bouae south
of Swegle school Ph 24267. 0
floors, woodwork cleaned. Pb 3337347
Court St Langdoe A Culberuon 0
SALEM WINDOW Service! Windows, walls
and woodwork. Floor waxing Rugs
cleaned on your floor, alao upholstering
Phone 21342 0317
Phone 4457 a4
A Pacific Lodge No. 50, AT. &
VHv M. P. C. Degree, Friday,
-NSept. 6, 7:00 pjn. ail
Stocks Resume
Toboggan Slide j
New York, Sept. 6 OT Lead
ing stocks shifted to the minus
column in today's market al
though activity was the small
est ol the week and liquidating
pressure never really impres
While a few thin "blue chips'
dropped 6 or more points on
meager transactions, losses, on
the whole, ranged from frac
tions to 2. Extreme declines
were reduced in the majority of
cases at the close and a smatter
ing of modest advances eventu
ated. Transfers were in the
neighborhood o f 1,700,000
Conspicuous on the offside,
but with most above the day's
bottom, were U.S. Steel, Beth
lehem, Youngstown Sheet,
Chrysler, General Motors, U.S.
Rubber, Goodrich, Montgomery
Ward, American Telephone,
Electric Power & Light, Doug
las Aircraft, Kennecott. Ameri
can Can, DuPont, Eastman Ko
dak, Hiram Walker, Santa Fe,
Southern Railway, Chesapeake
& Ohio and Norfolk & Western.
Ahead were National Power
& Light, Commonwealth &
Southern, Woolworth, Caterpil
lar Tractor, Allied Chemical,
Union Carbide, U.S. Gypsum
and Pennsylvania Railroad.
Much of the short covering
induced by the sharpest col
lapse in 16 years was completed
yesterday, brokers said, and
many customers again trimmed
accounts because of nervousness
over the apparently shaky con
dition of the list and the desire
for safety during another long
week-end. Some commentators
cited the maritime strike as a
bearish factor.
Railway loans slipped.
Closing Dow-Jones averages:
industrial, 179.96, off 1.22; rail,
53.17, off 0.62; utility, 36.60, off
0.67; 65 stocks, 65.79, off 0.63.
Sales totaled 1,670,000 shares
compared with 2,360,000 shares
yesterday. Curb volume was
570,000 shares against 660,000
shares yesterday. Bond turn
over of $5,353,500 compared
with $7,600,000.
Prize Winners
In Livestock
Open class judging at the
State Fair has been completed.
Judges are now devoting their
attention to the selection of pre
mier breeder and premier exhi
bition animals and to finals in
4H club and FFA judging.
Dairy premier breeder and
exhibitor awards went to Alex
Lamond of Milner, B.C. Gath
brothers of Turner won both
premier ribbons in the sheep di
vision and Elmer Stangcl of
Wilsonville carried away the
same award for swine. Purple
ribbons in the Jersey class went
to Fairmeed Farms for the
champion and reserve champion
female. Ernest E. Gourley, Al
bany, was awarded the female
Jersey grand champion ribbon
and Marlin Fox of Molalla took
the reserve in bull classifica
tions. Grimes Brothers, Harrisburg,
and Walter Brog, Woodburn, di
vided honors in the Holstein di
vision with Brog taking grand
champion female and reserve
champion bull. Grimes Broth
ers won the grand championship
for their bull and reserve cham
pion female trophies.
4-H Livestock
fContinued from Page 1)
have retired to some convalesc
ing home to recover from the
ordeal. And an ordeal it was,
ranging from Division 1, Jer
sey's class, bull, four years or
over dropped before July 1,
1942, to division 122 in the de
partment of arts, best specimen
of inlay woodwork.
Weather Still Uncertain
Today the cry of the auction
eer will be heard around 4-H
club pens of livestock. Final
awards will be made and the
trailer that fetched the dogie
to the fair will haul away the
trophy.. Floral exhibits will be
renewed for the last time, bark
ers in the amusement zone will
bark a bit louder as the end of
the fair approaches and the
twinkle in the eye of Manager
Leo Spitzbart will become a
bit merrier with the approach
ing end of his numerous vexa
tions. Today, Friday, may or may
not be another 1946 record day
in respect to attendance. It
may rain, again it may not. If
it does rain the agriculture pa
vilion, the art department, the
youth building and the livestock
barn house hundreds of worth
while exhibits to suit every age
and fancy. If it doesn't rain
the races at Lone Oak track will
provide a thrill and the eve
ning vaudeville revue is there
to entertain another full grand
stand with acts and dances.
Viewed from any angle Fri
day is a good day to see the
Oregon State Fair while ex
hibits are yet fresh and entries
in every classification bear the
ribbons and awards scrupulous
judges have seen fit to bestow
upon them.
Kintrwood Lodge No. 204
Monday night, Sept. 9, 7 p.m.
S.C. degree. Refreshments.
Sec. L. L. Sloper. 213
Market Quotations
Portlind Eattdide Market
Mid-Columbin, Yakima ana local .0-
matoes wen scarce on Portland s East
side Farmers' wholesale produce market
todav because of bnd weather and Deiow crops. A (ew lots of mid-Columbia
flats sold up to $1.50 with some local
stock at S1.30 flat. Lower quality itock
sold at a variety of prices.
Elberta and Hale peaches sold witnin
yesterday's price range. Producers pre
dicted heifthcr prices next week.
Bse grade corn brought $1,50-1.75 a
five-dozen pack and some lots of top
quality ears brousht $2. Lettuce turned
up short of demand and best heads sold
for 2.75 a crate. Smaller heads sold down
to $2.25. Celery sold for $2-2.50 a crate.
A surplus of Italian prunes had trouble
clearinc thj market at ttie quoted prices
of DOc-tl.
Portland Produce Excoibc
Rntter Price to retailers: Orafle A A
cartons 16c. AA prints 75c. A prints 73
74c lb. A cartons 74-75c. B prints 71-72c
lb. cubes li0 h in her.
E Prices to retailers: AA larse, do
66c, med. 55c. A, large 60-6U, med. 60
59c. Cheese To retaners in Portland: Oregon
triplets 4.V48C lb., daisies 43i-44l3C
loaf 494-50 "-ic lb Jobbers pay Vo lb lens
To wholesalers. Portland' Oregon singles
43-45C, loaf, 44-46c, triplets 43-45c.
Portland Wnotrsaie Msrtel
Portland Butterfat ( .
Butter (f.o.b Dulk 08 lb. cubes) AA
grade 93 scare 70-71c. A grade 92 score
70-71c. B grade 90 score 67-68 '.ac. C grade
69 score 67 lb. AA grade prints (93 score i
73-75c; cartons 73 77c; A grade prints 192
score) 72-V4Hc, cartons 73-760- B
grade prints 72-74 4c
Butterfat (Tentative, subject to immed
iate ctnntc) Ftm quality, max. ol
of 1 acidity, delivered In Portland 80
82c lb. Prem quality, max of 35 of 1
acidity. 79-Jlc. second quality 77c. Valley
utes. country points ac less than mat
Cheese- -Selling price lo Portlund
tailers Ore. singles 43-45c lb. Ore. loaf
44-46C lb., triplets, 43-45c.
Etc To wholesalers: A large 54
55Vjc dozen, med. 52!i-53c. B grade
Rabbits Average country killed to re
tailers 43-?0c Ib Live fryers, colored
24c. white 22-27c lb Old bucks and does (6
lbs. and up) 15o lb.
Live Poultry
Llva Chickens No. t broilers m-2 lbs
32-40C, fryers 2-3 lbs, 34-36c. 3-4 lbs. 35-38.
roasters 4 lbs up 36-37c lb. Colored hens
35-26c. Leghorn hens, 3 "a lbs. and over.
1B-20C! under 3'i lbs.. 18-19c.
Dressed Chickens To retailers: Spring
broilers 3 Ibb up 52c lb. colored hens 37c,
Leghorn fowl 32c; old roosters and stags
Fresh Vege tablet
Beans Calif 17c Ib Mid-Columbia B'u
Lake. mid-Columbia and Walla Walla
green and wax 9-10c lb. Oregon Oianvi
10-12c lb. Kentucky Wonders 8-10c. Shell
beans $1.50-1.75 20-lb. lug. Wax and Blue
Lake 8-lOc.
BeetsCalif. 80-85c, local 80-900 dozen.
Broccoli $1.50 lug.
Cabbage Local, round type, S3. 25-3. 75
Large heads. $2 25-3 50.
Carrots' Calif. 8 doz. crate $4.35-4.oO
Local $3-3.25. 70-75o doz. bunches.
Cauliflower Calif, pony crates $2.50.
No. 1 $2.40-50 crate. No 2 I1-S1.25. Seattle
No. 1 $2.50-75 Local No. 1, $2.50.
Celery California $D lor sturdce orate.
Lablsh, Mllwaukie $2.50-2.75 crate.
Corn C'lllf $4.76-15 crate 1 dozen
Idaho 70-750 dozen. Vale 11.75-12. Local
No. 1 $1.75-2, No. 1 $1-1.25 5-doz. box.
Dill. 25o lb.
Cucumbers Sllcers 15-lb. flats 75c-$l:
Pickling 8-10 lb. flats, No. 1 $1.25-40;
No. 2 50-64C; No. 3 75c-$l.
Eggplant Mexican $4-$4.75 lug. Florida
$4.50 lug. Mid-Columbia $1.25-1.50 flat.
Garlic Oregon 20-5c lb
Lettuce Local $3-3.25. Calif. 33.25-3.5C
4-dozen crate.
Onions Wash, dry No. 1. $1-1.25: 60
lb. sacks: California, yellow, large, com.
mon grade, $1.25-1.35: Idaho, white, No. 1.
Parsley Local 75-80c dozen
Peppers Green Calll. 35-lb. crates
$3.50-75. Mld-Coulmbla 12-lb. flat $1.50-75.
15-lb. lubs $3: red. flat $1.75: chill, $1.65
1.75 flats.
Potatoes New Florida $3.25-75 bag. tiou
thern yams $4.75 60-lb. crate. Calif long
white No. 1 $2.50-60; Oregon long white
No. 1 $3 cwt. 50 lbs. NO. 2 B0c-$7.
Washington long white No. 1 $2.80-$3.10
owt. No. 2 GOc-Jl S0-lb. sack. No, I com
mercial $3.00 Ycklrna red Garnet $3 cwt.
No. 2 85-DOo 50-lb sack. Mld-Columbla t
Walla Walla No 1 $3-53 25 Calif him
$3-S3 25. Yakima Netted Gems. No. 1
$3-3.25. No. 2 50 lbs. $1.15.
Radishes Local red 80-90C doe. bunches.
Rutabagas New crop Wapato II 75-$J
50-lb. sack. New crap Colo. $2 50-lb. sacx
Spinach Local new crop ib
Ib. box. The Dalles new crop $1.85 orange
Sprouts Local to 12.4ft box
Squash Zucchini 50-65c flat. Crooked
Neck. Scallop $1-$1.10 flat. 14-lb. shaked
$1.25-45 35-lb. pear box $2.75-13. Danish,
lugs, $1.35-1.40.
Tomatoes Mld-Columbla 16-lb flats. Nv
1. $1.50-1.60. Freewater and Walla Walla
No. 1 $2. Calif, luss $2.75-$3. Yakima No
1, $1.25-1.35. Local $1.25.
Turnips Bunched. Idaho Sl-$1.10 doteo
Topped $3 for 50-lb. sack.
Yams Louisiana $3.25-3.50 crate.
Fresh Frull
Avples Yakima Deilcioua, wrapped and
packed, comb box I4.4&, Jumbla boi $3 40
Hood River Spitz, face-fill, box $3.90,
Jumble $3.25. B R. Yellow Newtown $4.35
winter Ban a dm $2.90. o.-;leyi $3.60 box
Jonathans, t&t 13.40 H.R. Delicious $3 85
jumble box. Yakima Wlncsaps $4.49: Astra
chan 40 lbs. $4.40, LMaryhlllo, Wash.. dls
trlct Transparents $l,50-$2 face lug. Gra
vensteln, local f and f 100s $1.75-13 for 40
lb. box.
Apricots Tiltons, Blerhelm 90c-$l.
Avocado Puerte 14.25, cuolco 13.15-14
fancy $4- 1.25 20-30 flats. Calif, navaia.
green, all sizes $3.80-$4.7ft.
Bananas H'c-loo U. cut bands, crates
Boysenberrles Flats, $2.25.
Cantaloupes Calif. Jumbo $3-13.50 lot
sturdy crate $3.75-$4.02. Delano and Tur
lock lumbo $5 75, Washington $3.50-75 CIS
Wapato $1.60-1.75, DIUards $2.25-2.65.
Sprars $2.2i-2.50.
Casabas Crate $2.50-75; bulk 4c lb.
Grapefruit Calif, large 14.25-4.85, una;
$1.75-2.550, case Texas pinks $5.10. white
$4.80, Cochells $4.05 case.
Grapes -Cant. Thompson seedless 25-10
lug $3.35-3.50. Ribier, $4.25-4.50. Lady
Fingers, $4.75 lug: Wash. Concords, 5-Iu.'
basket, 85-75c.
Lemons Calif. $5.35 crate.
Limes Tubs of 8 20c.
Honey Dew Melons Jumbo flat $2-$2.10.
Wapato 355-458 $1.85-$2. Cransliaws $2.35
2.75. Oranges Ceilings: Calif. $6.09, Fla. la
and up to 16 13 Valenclaa, 200. $9-9 Sm
220 and larger $6-16.40. smaller $6.
Peaches Elbertos, flats, $1.65 32-lb.
box. $2.75: 40-lb. box. !2. 50-2.75; llali-s.
$1.85-1.95; for lints. $2.50-2.65 for
$2.75 for 40-lb. box. Lemon Cling. $1.25
Pears Bartletts, comb pack 36-lb. box
$2.25-2.50, loose $2.25-75: orchard ruo
$1.75-2.00, wrapped and packed. $3.50.
Plums-Apex 17-lb box. $2; Unit
Beauty 4-basket flat $5.25, Oregon $1.75-85
flat. Formosa Cardinals $2.25-50 for 29-lb
lug. Early Italian flats $1.25-11.35.
PlnrUpples Cuhan - "
Watermelons Cat. and Ariz. 2 -3c Ib
Ore. and Wash.) 2U-2"lc.
Country Meats Rollback prices to re
tailers. Country Killed nogs, Dst butchers
120-140 lbs 19-19 'A o lb Vealers AA 22 c
A 21fc. B 19. S n-nc culls 13-160 ib
Beet. AA 2144c, A 20. B 18c. eanners
outtera 1314-144. Lambs: AA 26c. A 24 a
B 24 Ke, O 300 Ib. fcwes: FS 13 Wo, M 12c
R 10 0
Veal AA 26-2B& A 24-26C B 32-24o lb
cull 18-20c
Hogs Fancy b'.ock 27-38c lb. Block
butchers, packer style, 155-213 lbs.. 22 J4
over 213 lbs. Shipper style 172-234 lbs. 21V
over 235 Ibi.
Lambs AA 28'c, A 26-2Bc. B 24-26o lb.
Mutton Fancy A 10-14c according to
Supply Rushed Here Sufferers Rejoice
Jielief at last from the torture of inus
trouble, catarrh, and hay fever due to nasal
congestion Is seen today in reports of
auccna with a formula which ha tha power
to reduce naaal onrestlon. Men and women
who suffered with agonizing sinus hend
acbes, elotrsed nostrils, rinsing earache,
hawking and sneezing misery now tell of
blessed relief aftr uiinir fU K LOR ON Oh
costs $3.00, bub considering; results experi
enced br users, this is not expensive and
mounts to only a few penniea per dose.
KLORONOL (irrtkm, nee only as directed)
la sold wltb strict mon er back roarantee br
lehaefer Drag, 'iM N. Cemmerelal. ana
Perry Drag, 120 S. Commercial. Mall ord
ers filled.
quallt? and Weight
Beef AA 2H-30c, A 38-38. B 23-250. O
31-2Jc, canner-cuttcr bulls 18-20c lb.
Cascara Bark Green 8-8 4c, dry 300 Lb
Wool Govern men l control
M oh ah I0o lb on 1 2 -mos. growth.
tl&y Wholesale snloments. Ailaifa. No
3 or better 31-S32.50. Oats-vetch oiixod
hay. valley grower price 1 19-(32, olover
hay S19-S22. baled on farms.
Hides Calves 20-24& green beef lOo lo
Jld 16c Green Culls 6o lb
Uops Normal contracts. 194 8i up
i a 4o t&c ib mo 6ac 1947 toe lb.
Nate Distributors' Bane
Almonds Calif 33-350 lb.
ChestnutsLocal tlftllnn SOfl Lb.
rilber ta 100 Iba. Bar-e- Da Brit
lona Cbillya Null
Jumbo 34o 34o lt
Larg lie 3l 33c
Faucy .300 3oo 10c
BaDy 20c 29c 2Vc
Walnuts Pranquettcs No. 1 jumbo lv
36c. large 33 -34c, med. 31c. baby 24c .0
No. 2: Jumbo soft shells 4VjC large 32c.
med. 29 '.jo.
Chlcato Grain
Chicago, Sept. 6 Cash grain sales:
Whtfu: Steady; No. 3 hard 302.
Corn: Firm: No. 1 yellow, 185; No. 7
yellow, 184-185: No. 4 yellow, 182; sample
a rude yellow 176-180.
Oats1 to 'a cent lower: No. I mixed
heavy 82 -33c: No. 1 mixed B3-B3i ; No.
1 white heavy, 83 4 -84 'a ; No. 1 whit
824-84; N.) 1 white heavy, B3'i; No. 2
white, 81-83; No. 3 white, 80 's; sample
grade white
Barley: Malting 133-178 nominal; feed
116-142 nominal.
Chirato Llrstook
Chicago, Sept. S OF) USDA Salable
hogs 400, tctal S00: steady, all good and
choice hogs including sows and stags a'.
$16.25 cellint: very few good and choice
barrows and silts in run.
Salable cattle 300. total 300: salable
calves 200. total 200; cows steady; other
classes scarce; package medium grass
heifers $16.2.; few good bef cows $14. 23
15.50; common and medium cows $9-13.30;
eanners and cutters SI. 15-8. 50; top $13.50
on good weighty bulls: good and choice
vealers $15-16; broad clearance at mostly
25 to 50 cents hlnhrr prices on replace
ment cattle: most medium lo choice year
linos and light feeding steers $14.50
17.25. Salable sheep 500. total 1000: spring
lambs mostly steady slaughter ewes 25
cents higher; small lots good and choice
native spring Iambs $20 and 20.25; good
and ehoirc shorn slaughter ewes $0: deck
un-pound medium to good mostly, medium
Portland Grain
Portland, Sept. 6 fpt Wheat futures
and rash grain unquoted.
Cash wheat (bid): Soft whit 1 as-
soft white (excluding Rex) 1.83; white
ciuo i.od. western reo 1.82.
Hard red winter: Ordinary 1.82: 10 Dr
cent 1.84; 11 per cent 1.86; 12 per cent
Hard white baart: 10 per cent 2.13; li
per cent 3. '.5: 12 per cent 2.17.
Today's car recelnts: WIipdl ii: hari
8; flour 4; oats 4: mllfeed 5.
Portland Livestock
Port In nd. Rtnl A I an itioni e.i.i.,.
and total cattle 2ft; calves 10. no steers
.t..c.o uuerea, nominally steady,
weeks top trass steers $19.25; best heif-
type cows, demand urgent and ninrkiH
strong with some sales 25 to 50 cents
higher: canner and cutler cows $7 5u-nv
fat dairy-tjpe rows $10.50-11.50: medium
beer cvows to $12.25: coiniiion-falrly good
sausage bulls $10.50-12.50; Rood vealers
uiuitB oniaoir io SIB. 50.
Snlnh!i nnri ut.i un. ,n ,..
ui. ; ; . mie mi goon-
choice feeder pigs steady at S20: nit
slaughter hogs quotable steady at $17.20
nnrntJlf VLr. "k
ert ,17-sn": common quotable to JTa.
.msiT. ,rtBbto ,,3-50-u; R00d
Stock Quotations
(By tho Associated Press!
New Yora tp) ciosir,. Quotations to
billed Chem 6 Dye .
MTierlcnn Can
Km Powei to Light. ""
170 'i
Mner Tel A Tel
Anaconda Copper ,,,,,
tern ion ..
Bendis Aviation ',
nethieherr Sieol
Boeing Alrcrsft ,
California Parking
Cnnadmn Paclflo !!!!"
J I Case
Jh rystei Corp .'.','.'.'
Commonwealth A South ....,".'!.,")
Consolidated Edlxon
Uonsoiidated Vultee
Continental Insurance
Jrciwn iellerttnch
Jurllsa Wright
Ooiiglaa Aircraft .
Uupont de Nemoura .
eneraj Electric
Jeneral Foods
Jenerai Motors ...... "t
'Joodjear Tire
rest Northern sfd
Internationa; Harvester
Int Papei prd
Johns Manvnia ,.
Kennecott ...
umg Hell A
Maytag .
Miami Copper . ' "
Montgomery Ward !!!!!!!!!"
Nash Kelvlnator
National Dairy
N y Central "..'.'.".'.'.'
Nurth Am co !!!!!)!!!!
Northern Paciflo !!!!!!!!!!
Pac Amer Fish. ..!"."."..!".!!
Pacific Oaa Elec.
Pacific T to T.
Pan American ..
Penny j C... 't'tt
Kadlo Corp
Rayonier ,"""."
ftayonler Pfd ..........
Reynold Metals ! "U..
Sears Roebuck t
Sinclau OH
Southern Paclflo
Standard Brands
3tsndard Or Gallt
Stewart Warner
iiuaeoaner ..........
Sua Minmi
Union Oh
Jnion Paclflo
United Airline
United Aircraft
United States Steel
Warner Brothers
West Elec MIg Oo
21 i
Greek Plane Down in Yugo
Belgrade, Sept. 6 (P) A
Greek military plane was "com
pelled to land" yesterday while
flying over Yugoslavia terri
tory, the Tito government an
nounced tonight.
IP' X XX XttC 3CX :54
l n d other Rectal
conditions. No hoft-
nltnllaatlon. Free tie.
.crlptlv. booklet.
Dr. R. Rcyr Ids Clinic i
!I8 N. Libert; St. Balem, Or. I
rhone 01(10 I
Why Suffer
Any Longer
When others fall, use our Chinese rem
edies. Amazing success tor 6000 years
in China No matter with wiiat ail
ments your are afflicted disorders,
sinusitis, heart, I unns, liver, kidneys
cas, constipation, ulsers, diabetes,
rheumatism, call and bladder fever.
skin, lm File complaints.
Office Moors 0 to t
Toes, and Bat. only
U4 N. Commercial
Phone ZIK.iri.
Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, Sept. 6, 194613
Grain Trading
Lacks Interest
Chicago, Sept. 8 (U.B Grain
futures held steady on the board
of trade today and prices var
ied only slightly within a nar
row range.
Wheat closed off to up H;
corn was up 3i to Vs.; oats were
off '.s to up 'A; and barley was
unchanged to up ' cent.
Wheat offerings were light
except for moderate selling by
hedging interests. Local buy
ing held the market firm dur
nig most of the session. Many
dealers traded without enthusi
asm, waiting apparently for of
ficial information concerning a
possible flour ceiling raise. Sev
eral sources suggested that the
new schedule might include an
upward revision of from 15 to
25 cents per 100 pounds.
There was a flurry of short
covering and other buying in
corn. Before interest tapered off
futures contracts took fraction
al gains, favorable corn belt
weather reports might have In
fluenced the buying side.
The oats market encountered
a demand from shorts, particu
larly for September contracts.
Local professionals were seen
taking the buying side. Small
commission house selling was
evident during the early part of
the session.
The cash oats market today
was steady. No. 2 while oats
sold at 83 cents and No. 1 mix
ed heavy sold at 83 -li to 84 Vi
cents. Oats bookings of 60,000
bushels were unchanged from
earlier reports.
Purchases of corn On a to-ar-rive
basis amounted to 53,000
Kansas City wheat and corn
generally were unchanged. Min
neapolis wheat was steady to
mixed, while oats were steady
to firm. Winnipeg rye climbed
most of the session to prices as
high as up 3's cents.
Flying Farmers of
States to Organize
Spokane, Wash., Sept. 8
Oregon, particularly Portland
aviation leaders, will have no
small part in the convention of
flying farmers from Oregon,
Washington and Idaho at Felts
field here September 22, 23 and
24 for the purpose of organiz
ing the Oregon Flying Farmers'
association, Washington Flying
Farmers' association and Idaho
Flying Farmers' association.
Co-sponsors of the convention
with the Pacific Northwest
Farm Trio include the extension
services of Oregon State col
lege, University of Idaho and
the Stale College of Washing
William L. Teutsch, assistant
director of extension, Oregon
Slate college, has been designat
ed to assist Oregon lying farm
ers in their state meeting, where
it is expected that a constitution
and by-laws will be adopted
and officers elected to carry the
association through its first
Salem Markets
Completed from reports of Salem
dealers for the guidance of Capi
tal Journal Readers. (Revised
Retail Prices
Rabbit Ferds Pellets H ewt,
K Mash $4.50 cwt,
Hairy Fred 75 cwt.
Poultry Heavy colored nans, No. 1 3o
lb. o 2. 22o Colored fryers. No. 1
Buyers Prices White and Brown: txtrs
large grads A 34c med. 30c. standards 4Rc
Wholesale price Large 50c doien. med.
55c. standards f2c
Butter Wholesale. A 73c lb.
Retail Grade A 78c lb.
Butterfat -Wholesale Premium 79c. No.
1. 78c. No. 2. IS-c
Eyes of children usually do
not move in unison until three
months after birth.
For Work in Prunes
Some men needed
Beginning Monday, Sept. 9th
Day shift, 7 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Night shift, 7 p.m. - 6 a.m.
Part time shift, 7 p.m. 'til midnight
Good Working Conditions
Cafeteria in Plant
California Packing Corp.
13th and Mill Sts. Ph. 9161
This ad In cooperation with Salem fanners Committee
Lane County
Chickens Win
State fair awards today In
clude: C. B. Wheeler, Goshen, Lane
county, won the following
chicken awards:
Best buff orphington cock,
first in cockerels and pullets In
single comb white leghorns,
first in cockerels, hen, pullets,
young pen in dark brown leg
horns, first in cockerels and pul
lets in barred Plymouth rocks,
first in young pens in silver lac
ed Wyandottes, first In cocks in
buff orphingtons, first in spec
kled susses.
Golden Sebright bantams
First in cockerels, hens, pullets,
young pen Ida Kate Wheeler,
Dark Brahma bantams
First, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Ford,
Best pullet in single comb
white leghorn bantam Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Maughan, Eugene.
Best cockerel and pullet in
partridge Cochin bantam Mr.
and Mrs. F. S. Ford, Eugene.
Best cockerel and pullet In
barred Plymouth rock bantams
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Maug
han, Eugene.
Best white crested black Pol
ish bantams Mr. and Mrs. F.
S. Ford, Eugene.
Best Mille Fleur bantams-
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Ford, Eugen.
Births, Deaths
Amity Srptember 4 at the Dr. Law
maternity hospital, a son, James Man
ford, to Mr. and Mrs. Jess Lee, weight I
pounds S ounces.
Amity To Mr. and Mrs. George Worley
of Dayton, a daughter, 6 pounds 11
Merarn To Mr. and Mrs. Gale H.
Merarn. 1326 Franklin, a eon. John Wal
lace, Aug us; 19.
Griffith Tn Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R.
Griffith, route 3. a daughter. Mary EUen
August 19.
James To Mr. and Mn. Prank K.
James, Woodburn, a daughter. Varna
Louise, August 30.
Uppstad To Mr. and Mrs. William Dpp
stad. Jefferson, a son, Thomas Sterling
August 21.
Mostromonlco T Mr. and Mrs. Oeorg
J. Mostromonlco, Br., 93S Jefferson, a son,
George John, Jr.. August 21.
Weber To Mr. an Mrs. Rudolph Weber,
Jefferson, a son, Arthur William. August
Charlie William Moore
Charlie Willi em Moore, at tha resi
dence. 3700 North River road, Tuesday.
September 3. Survived by widow, Daisy
Moore, Detroit, Mich.; two sons, M. R.
Moore of Balem and Robert W. Moor
of Detroit, Mich., and one brother. ClyoV
H. Moore, also of Detroit. Private aervlces
were held Friday, September 0, at 1:30
p. m.. with Interment In Belcrest Memor
ial park under the direction of Clough
13 a r rick company.
Mrs. Elixabrlh Alice Rhuttleworlh
. Mrs. Elizabeth Alice Shuttleworth, lata
resident of 1355 North 18th street. Sep
tember 5, ,t a local hospital. Wite of
Aioiuo Shuttleworth of Salem; mother of
Mrs. Ethel Sundtle, Mrs. Edith Ducurench,
Mrs. Ina West. Mrs. Lrnnbel Mitchell and
Allen Lorrntne, al! of Balem; and sister
of Mrs. Row M. Rector of Grand Junc
tion, Colo., and J. A. McNew of Antlen,
Colo. Also survived by seven grandchild
ren and two great grandchildren. Services
will be held Saturdny, September 7, at 2
P. m.. at the Clough-Barrlck chape, with
Rev. Louis White officiating. Interment
In Belcrest Memorial park.
Louise Marl Harden
Mrs. Louise Marie Harden died at a
local hospital September 0. A late resident
of 1173 North 4th. Salem, she Is survived
by her husband. George H. Harden of Sa
lem: a daughter. Mrs. Claire Hammang
of Salem; two grandsons,, Charles and
George H. of Salem, and two great grand
children. Pjneral announcementg later br
Clough-Barrick company.
Mrs. flophlt Wlltlt
DnllBn Mrs. Sophia Wlldt. 87. died In
Portland early Wednesday morning. Fu
neral servlceo will be held on Saturday,
September 7, at 2 p. m.. In the Henkie
and Bollmpn chapel. Reverend N. C.
Swenson will officiate. Burial will be In
the I OOP cemetery. Resident of Dallas
for many years. Member of Apoalolia
Faith church Survived by two sons. Adam
of Dallas and Jnk of Broadmead; two
daughters. Miss Mary Wildt and Mrs.
Sophia Mattel, both of Portland.
Pot richer-loaking. more lustrous hair, ma Ma ff
rain With Culicura Ointment in Rtimnlar
circulation and loosen dandruff. Later, sham
poo witn uuticura bo a p. loday at druggists
buy fragrant, mildlv medicated Cuticura.