12 Capital Journal, Salem, FOR SALE HOUSES CffSAO MODERN S B. R. home. West 8a at lem. Close to school and bus. Wired for ranee. Auto, water heater. Outside flre- place, lots of fruit trees. Immediate pos it session. w Call Stanley Brown with V STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS . 153 S. HiRh. Ph. 4121. Eves. 25561 a2U " 17350 CLEAN 3 B. R. home, furnished southeast. Auto, water heating. Close to schools and bus. Immediate possession. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High. Ph. 4121 Eves. 25561 a211' . $?K.V MODERN late - built 1 - bedroom u home close to Salem hitch and Pamsn schools. Hardwood floors. Fireplace. , Venetian blinds, floor furnace. oarage. Immediate possession. ' Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS . 153 S. Hhth. Ph. 4121 ' Eves. 25561 a2U TODAY'S BARGAIN! EXTRA well-located 3 B. R. (all first floor). Insulated home. East, on bus Living, dining, hwd. flors, fplace, abun dance bullt-fns and closet space, base.. auto, sawdust burner. Nice lot 50x131 To close an estate, J9750, includes com pletely furnished house. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION NEW 7 B. R. strictly mod. home with good view. This Is Rood. 112,000. OLDER TYPE BUT GOOD home, 2 lame bdrms., larre closets, glassed-in rear porch with abundance of bullt-lns. Din inn and liv- lnar room. Good setting among lame , oaks, lot 75x100. St. paved both sides. Fine residential. Price $8000, Vj cash. FAIRMOUNT HILL EXTRA nice grounds. 3 bdrm. home, strictly modern, hwd. floors in living, dining, bedroom and hallway. Plumbing up and down. House well built. Good location. Frlce ?13.000. CENTRALLY LOCATED WELL-BUILT 3 B. R. modern older type home, plumbing up and down, nice liv ing and dining, full base,, oil furnace. t Close to all schools and statchouse, I mm. possession. Price $9050. MODERN FAMILY HOME. NORTH 'TOUNG people will like playroom with , fireplace; Mother the compactness of the first floor: Dad the double lamcc and circular drive. Let us show you this 4- B. R. home. 2 down. 2 up. semi finished; sawdust burner in base. Lot , 86x108. M0. 500 C. H. SANDERS. 231 N. High. 5838 a21G I-BEDRM. home, furn. Immediate posscs- slon. Extra lot. Reduced to $7350. Call Bergland. BURT PICHA. REALTORS 3543 Portland Rd- Pn- M7a- "I11' I BEAUT." RANClfTtyle 4 bdrm. home. On one floor. Flrepl., bsmt.. dbl. garage. , Recreation cabin, fine landscaping. Hi . acres. Call Craig. BURT PICHA, REALTORS PH. 3210 or 5053. 337 N. High Ft. a211 'NORTH near schl. L.R., D R., den, kltch.. nook. bath dn. 3 bdrms., bath up. Ideal location. $15,800. Call Craig. BURT PICHA. REALTORS 1 PH. 3210 or 5053. 337 N. High B'. a2U BY OWNER TWO BEDROOM house, wired for elec. range, lots of bullt-ins. New elec. water heater. Close to schools and bus. 1640 A St. 211 BY OWNER: 3 bdrm. plastered house. Englewood dist. Auto, oil furnare, elec. hot water heater, wired for elec. range, fireplace. 7 blks. from grade school. 8 hlocks from high school, on bifs line. Largo lot. $7500, M down. . Phone 5077, 211 SAHM) 3 BEDRM. home east, all on one floor. Fireplace, large liv. rm.. close to school and bus Immd. poss. See Ralph Maddy. JI0.750 S BEDR.V. home In Englewood dist. Hdw. firs.. V. blinds, elec. water heater. Just redec Full bsmt. rm. for party room. $lS(tn 3 BEDRM. home east. Hd. firs, law living room, large lot. fXflOO 3 BEDRM. home east. Fireplace, liv. rm., din. rm., large kitchen, bsmt.. oil furn., Immd. poss. Close to school and bus. $11,000 BUYS one of the best homes In . Salem. 3 bedrms.. hdw. firs, thrumit. 2-car garage, oil heat. Insulated, fire place. Just redec, See R. Modriv tor , appointment to sec this home. Beauti ful rugs. One of the best views In Salem. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 145 S. Com'1. St. Ph. 4590. Eves. 21090. 211" FOR RALE New 2-bedrnom house, large livlnit room, dinette, kitchen, bnth. util ity room, laundry tub. hot water. Wired for elec. heat. Plastered. Insulated, on lot 50x110. 2 blocks to school ground. 125 ft. to bus stop. Shown by appoint ment. Phone 24004. See owner at B(S3 ' N. 20lh st. O. I. House. a211 ToRSO LOVELY hillside hmt. in W. Bnlem. 4 bdrm., L. R . D. R., kltch . bnth, flrepl., oil furnace, garage. Lot 185x231' Also add lots extra. Call "Elmer" ' Amundsen. BURT PICHA. REALTORS Ph. 3210. 337 N.jngh streej B2I1 BNOlTwOOD SCHOOL DIST. NEW li-HEDROOM home, fireplace, oil furnace, beautiful hardwood floors, Vc ' neltan blinds, wired for mime, elec. h. w. heater, unfinished floored attic, at tached garnge. Large lot well lanri caped. A really attractive home. J3000. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. Hlah, Just north of Center 8t. Phone 24793. Eies. 23952 or 25595. a2ll moo WELL "furnished fl-BEDBOM. home, north, on bus, Close to school and stores, large corner lot. !hl. garage. This house Is clean and ttc:i taken care of. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. Hl.sh, iust nnrlh of Center M Phone 24793. Eves. 2. 1115 2 or 255110. a2U UNFINISHED HOME UK'ATED on N. 17th st. Good local Inn, 4 bdrms.. finish ns desired. Price J7350. Call Richard E. Grnbenhorst, with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. a'JOn- FAIR MOUNT HILL SPECIAL MODERN 2-bdrm. home, basement, auto, oil heat, fireplace, hdwd. floors, library, nice yard. A REAL FAMILY HOME FOR INFORMATION Call Richard E. Grnbenhorst. with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 B. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. a2H9 SPECIAL SOUTH SAI.KM. beautiful elevated lot 101x103 P.. Nice view, bonutiful yard and shrubs, sprinkling system In yard, dbl. garage, 6-rm. home with 3 luc. bedrooms, 2 tile baths, oil hmt. knotty pine rm, finished in basement. Newly painted. Close lo schools. REE THIS HOME BEFORE YOU HUY. YOU WILL LIKE IT. Price (15.000. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Call O. II. Orabenhorst, Jr., with GRABENHORHT BROS,. REALTORS , 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 221MB a 209' ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT ITRICTLY modern 5-rm. home with nn fin. attic, auto, heat. hdwd. floors thru out. Excellent condit ion. Eler. rang f . lee. refrla . elec. water heater. Posses sion In several days SEE THIS BEFORE YOU BUY Price SI4.700 Call G H f'-rahenhorst. Jr. with ORABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2294R niJOi NEW MODERN HOME ATTRACTIVE 5-rm. home, good location on paved st., basement, electric heat, garage, tmved st., near bus. hard wood firs,, outside fireplace. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, Price $14,000. Cull D. J. Dawson, with ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eve. 26318 aJU9 NEAR LESLIE SCHOOL TWO-bedrm. home, attic, basement, taw dust furnace, fireplacr. hardwood firs., modern throughout. 110,500. See D. J. Dhwsoii. with GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St rti. 4131. Eves. 33338 209' 112.500 ON MILL CREEK f BEDROOMS, glassed-in sleeping porch and dining room, 150 feet by Mil) creek, beautiful lawn, with steps for bunt landing, complete bath upstairs anil downstairs, 3 bedrooms up. gorgeous front room with fireplace, music room, automatic oil furnace, thermal couttol. also cold air fans, near Stale St., bus and schools. This Is a lovely home. For more inlormr.tion rail Johnson, REIMANN REAL ESTATE "Listings Skillfully Handled" 201 So. High. Ph. 3722 or 7838 a 00 ii ACRES north. Nice 5-room house, garnge, small barn. A very nice 1 place. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 7365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 24479 210 Ore., Wednesday, Sept. 4, 1946 FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE by Owner: Mod. 2 bedrm. home, 50x136 lot. Gar., woodshed, picket fence, several trees, bus service to door. 2289 Lee St. No dealers. - a210 110.500 IT'S A BEAUTY CORNER lot, new lawn, 2 bedrooms down, unfinished up. modern bath and kitch en, large front room, nice fireplace, also connecting dining room, full basement, pipe furnice, sawdust fuel, close to bus and schools. Call Johnson. REIMANN REAL ESTATE "Listings Skillfully Handled" 201 So. High. Ph. 3722 or 7836 a' IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 1 ROOM house, garage, woodshed and laundry room, nice large lot, paved street. ',1 block to bus. Only $4000. JOE L. BOURNE. REALTOR R. A. Forkner, Realtor Joe Spurlock. Salesman Phone 30311853 North Capitol. a2I0" IMMEDIATE POSSESSION THREE II Ell KM. house with den. nice large living and dining room, full base ment, automatic heat. Large lot, 50x150. Shade and fruit trees. Exceptional bay at $7800. JOE L. BOURNE, REALTOR R. A. Forkner. Realtor Joe Spurlock. Salesman Phone 3031 1H53 North Capitol. a210" ENGLEWOOD HOME NEW 3-BEDROOM home, strictly mod ern. Pnrtlv finished upstairs. OH fur nace, large lot. Only $10,000. JOE L. BOURNE. REALTOR R. A. Forkner. Realtor Joe Snuriock. Salesman Phone 3031 1853 North Capitol. a210 $11, Aim MODERN 3 bedroom home, L.R., D.R.. kitchen, full basement, sawdust or wood furnace, elec. water heater, oak floors. FLOYD VOLKEL REAL ESTATE 474 Court. Phone 3904. a210 VERY GOOD 2-bedroom home, hdwd. firs, fireplace, full basement, furnace, laun dry trays, large garage, garden, fruit, nuts and berries. i: acre Joins city on pavement northeast. Total price $8750. Cull Harold McMillin with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. Utah. Ph. 4121. Eves. B1FJ1. a210 THREE B. H' home In W. Salem, full bsmt. This Is an old home but a very good buy at Ti7'0 SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 24479 a210 NEW 7-room home N. 3 B. R.. elect, heati insula ted. fireplace, on pavement with 154-ft. frontage. We recommend this as a very Bond buy. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3255. Eve. 2447ft B210 NEW 2 R. R. home, full bsmt.. central heat, hdw floors throughout. Well lo cated for bus. schools, stores and all Impvts. In. Priced right at $8250. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3255. Eve. 24470 a210 57000 1 14 a. with lovely 3 B.R. home. Bath, L.R.. dinette, kltch., ldry. rm.. gar., barn. Ige. chicken hse., shed Beautiful yard. Also fruit Se nuts, ber ries. Good location, city water. Call "Elmer" Amundson. BURT PICHA REALTORS PH 3210337 N. HiRh St. a209 B Y O W N ER4hedrm. house! L." Rm" D. Rm.. kitchen, bnth. Wired for elec. range. Lots of bullt-ins. Large lot. 2440 Broadway. a212 FOR SALE Beautiful home East of Sa lem. 2 B. Rms., full bsmt., air condi tioned, etec. water system, '4 acre of land with shade and fruit trees. Imme diate possession. Terms, Only S12.000 See MR. L Alt SEN or MR. PEMBERTON with HAWKINS Se ROBERTS. INC., REALTORS Phone 4103 n211 BY OWNER: 7 room house, 3 bedrooms, fireplace and wired for range and water heater Modern with Venetian blinds. Close to bus line. Terms. 124f South 15th St. a209 FOR SALE: 3 room duplex with gas range and water heater. Lot 50x99. 40 Abrams Ave. $2800 $1300 cash, bal, terms. a2f9 BRAND NEW LARGE living room, fireplace, 2 B.R.. with iinlinish"d upstairs, gas furnace. Large lot on bus line. If you are looking for a homo you should look this over. $10,000. Vi ACHE, nice 3 bedrom home, south, in side ell,- limits. 17875. CLOSE IN near Grant school. 3 B R. Very nice living room, coved celling, hard wood floors. '1 his place Is nice and clean. Possession Sept. 1. JflS.IO. 3 R.lt.s, hurdwnod floors, plastered. C blocks to HlKhland school. Very attrac tive place. $7,100. THIS IS a very nice place east, near Krueger's it ore Oak and fir floors. Plastered, partly furnished. Electric ramie, etr. J7850 If sold this week. EAST. NEAR Swegle school. 2 bedrooms, hardwood floors, about 'i acre. Can be bought furnished. This Is a nice place and will not last long. $7850. IKE BACON, SALESMAN ED HYRK1T, REALTOR 208 North Hlah St. Phone 5981. b210 HOUSE BY OWNER: Liv. rm., din. rm.. kitchen. 2 bedrms. A; sip. porch, base ment, oil heat, wired for elec. rntige Fireplace, Newly decorated. Owners leav ing town. Misc. Items for sale. 1144 Market. n210 MODERNilOME. fully furnished. 5 rms Excellent lull location, large yard, bsmt., fireplace, plastered, entirely re decorated By owner. 345 Fawk Ave Phone 6931. Price $8950. Call after 7 P.m. week days. a214 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION S&UTM NOR I It 20th s.. 2-bedrooin home. 6 years old. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3255. Eve. 24419 B310 NEW HOME ftiimil WILL m V tills new house with 2 bedrooms. Ilvinu room, dining room, bnth, kttcneu. breakfast nook, fireplace, elec. heat. Very large , utility room, gnrnge, lo. size 90x212. One block out ol city limit n en.st. SULLIVAN RFALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 24479 a2IO $!.-.im NICE 2-bdrm. home, completely furnished In fine location souih. Call Mr. Walters HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors. 970 B. Coin'l. Ph. 3793. Evps. 2,'i20. h210 S89.-,iTvi:kv NEAT 2-bdrm. "honieThdwd! floors, pnvfd st.. east. Cull Mr Walter HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors 370 8. Com'l. Ph. 3793. Eves. 2520. n210 CREEK LOT 59.100 modern 2-brm. home with unfin ished attic Hdwd. floors, basement and furnace. Hwelt Inratlon. Call Ray Davis. HUFF HEAL ESTATE CO Realtors. 970 S. Com'l. Ph. 3703. Eves. 9441. alUO IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $MIMM NICE 5-rm. home, fireplace, vtl Pipe furnace. Call OMFR. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors. 970 S. Com'l. Ph. 3793. Eves. 2,'iODl r310' SftttA NUT. 2-bedroom home. L. R , fll nette. kitchen, on bus line Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors 970 B. Com'l. Ph. 3793. Eves. 2.091 a31(l $6,800 HIGHLAND DIST. Close to school, store .fc bus, 5 rooms in very good condition. M O. HUMPHREYS & CO., REALTOR 3035 Portland ltd. Ph. 7B20 22B6 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 24596. 209 J6.500 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION new 2 bed room shake nouse, ready to move tn North. In popular Keller Dlst M O. HUMPHREYS Se CO., REALTOR 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 7820 2JK6 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 24S96. 209 HERE IS THE 4 BedrooWHoWymTliavT been looking for in a very nice lo cation uorih. Large living room, dinlnt room, kitchen Si nook, full basement. In first class condition throughout. Priced to seh CHArt HUDKINS As BON 275 State Street Phone 2-4129 a209" ALL THISNDALEmTtoO FIVE minutes' drive from State Capitol. Seven roons. city water, electric range, radio, refi'tgerator. water heater, wash er, sewin machine, good piano, living and bedroom furniture new. Nicely lo cated on 10 acres with fruit, flowers and shrubbery. ADD TO THIS 30 large VIEW LOIS valued at $20,000. 7 acres meadow land, 2 good cows, hens, hogs and horses, wood In shed, hay In barn, fruit on trees and meat tn locker, much building material, tools and eoutpmcnv Immediate possessin, $35,000. Box 421, Capitnl Journal. a213 Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE HOUSES OPEN HOUSE WF.D. 9:30 to 11 a. m. Conveniently lo cated at 631 Breys ave. Nice lot 50x115, with garden space and back lawn. Plas tered home, two bedrooms, bath, living room, fireplace, dining room, kitchen with bulltms, back sunporch. Full base ment with sawdust furnace. Partly fur nished. Not a new home, but a nice comfortable one "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th st. Phone 4855. a209 SEE THESE LOW PRICED HOMES BEFORE YOU BUY 4B0O CHERRY AVE. tj-BEDHOO.M house needs some repairing. Good locuton, near schools. ',4 down. $4900 WEST SALEM 5-ROO.M house, modern, good lot. This houie Is row vacant. Move right In $5500 WHY PAY RENT? 3- BEDROOM house, complete furnished. Good location, large lot. nice walnut rees, goid par den. $3000 makes the down payment and buys the furniture. Immcdlat? possession. $7900 JUST COMPLETED NEW modern style better built home. 2 nice bedrooms, hardwood floor t. Plenty of built ins. Wired for range. 4 act-! lot. You will like this place. '8500 HOLLYWOOD DIST. ENGLISH style 3-bedroom house. Hard wood floors. Venetian blinds, fireplace, full basement, sawdust heat, electric water heater. Priced for oulck sale. $10.000 SOUTH SIDE 1-REDROOM house, large living room, dining room, fireplace, full basement, furnace heat. Large lot. Bus by door Worth th money. $ 10.000 NORTHEAST NEW house now being completed. Large living room, dining room, coved ceilings. Fireplace, 2 n'ce bedroms, floored lar'je attic. Automatic oil heat. U acre lot. Fruit trees. Bus by ttie door. $8500 CLOSE IN 4- BEOROOM hou.e, larae corner lot. Base ment, wood furnace heat. Close to schoo' and transportr t Ion R. E. MEREDITH. REALTOR 176 S. Commercial. Phone 8841 a210' FOR SALE New home, 3 B. Rms., hard wood floors, elec. heat, Insulation, Ve nctlan blinds, electric water sys., 3 acres land, several cherry trees, wonte f ill mountain view. Located south of Salem. Immediate possession. $10,000 Terms. Sec MR. LARSEN or MR. PEM BERTON with HAWKINS Az ROBERTS. INC., Realtors Phone 4108 a211 FOR SALE Vi acre, with nice 4-room house, elec. water system, shrower, bath $4000. Possession In 10 days. See MR Pemberton with HAWKINS Se ROBERTS, INC.. Realtors Phone 4108 a211a UNUSUALLY nice home on one acre of ground. Almost completely furnished Must see to appreciate. Priced right. One-half mile to bus and school. H. BURTON. Rt. 7,. Box 160, Relmann Gardens Add. a209 3-RDRM, Colonial home within three blocks of all schools. Available Sept. 10th. Mnny trees on largo lot. Hwd. floors, auto, heat, etec. w. h. Den, breakfast room, fireplace. Will sell for best offer before Sept. 5th. Call 8727. a210 NICK 2 bdrm. home. West Salem. Imme diate possession. See Mr. Goodwin HAWKINS Se ROBERTS, INC. Realtors Phone 4108. Eves. 8715. a210 FOR SALE BY OWNER 7 RM. HOUSE, 3 bedrooms, living rm.. dining rm., kitchen, bath Se utility. Wired for range. Fruit Se walnut trees Frontage 100x120 ft. One block from school, store Se bus. Price $7250. 2302 North 5th St a212 MODERNISTIC 2 bedroom home, lance living room, nice dining room, kitchen and bath. Fireplace, hardwood floors throughout, automatic gas heat anrl water, basement. $12,500 unfurnished, will sell furniture. Good location. Pos session Immediate. Phone 6193 (Owner. a209 WALT Sc. EVELYN MUSGRAVE REALTORS $5500 FL'RMSIIED 2 B.R. home on 100x100 lot $8800 5 B.R. home, living room, dining room. kitchen, fireplace, full basement, wired for range, elec. water heater, auto, gas furnace. Bus at door. 2 '.4 blks. to school. DUPLEX EAST SALEM THIS NEAT trimmed cedar shake dup lex located in a nice district Just out side of the city limits. Lot 89x140. Has own auto, water system. 25 cherry trees and la partly furnished. Total price $6700. JflROT SOUTH SALEM S B.R. plastered home with full base ment, furnace, eas water Mr,, and wal nut, cherry, pnine and pear trees on the property. Located south of city limits on city bus line, 3 blks. from school. WEST SALEM REALTY CO. 1233 LDGE WATER STREET PHONE 5109 a209 TO RI'Y any kind of property please see us. we have some or everything. LUSE REALTY, Oregon Bldg. 7952. a209 'THE INEXORABLE operation of the economic Inn" Is the fellow who cate gorically sets the price. Natural experi ence will soon teach us the practical definition, Plense let us all be careful In pricing, also In buying. We want to be fair to mankind. See us LUSE REALTY, Oregon Bldg. 7952. a 209' FOR SALE LOTS LOTS OF LOTS BI'Y NOW before prices rise again. si.'tA .ntvifM' on Vista ave. $;,.-.a Miii:tir out Siivenon rd. Builders note. 10 lots J3000. S.YMl ;iHi'!' Near Leslie Sch. SK;i .-Mix Just off Berry st. SA.1A iKxLltl on Filverlon rd. $ii.tfl up IIKix-'wi' w. Salem hillside. City water. shoa rpHKMl W. Salem view lots. 5.S73 ,10x1111 2 st. Fronts east. Call "Elmer Amunrison BURT PICHA. REALTORS Ph. 3210, 337 N. Hitth St. aa2U FOR SALE BY OWNER CHOICE lot on 16th st. North of Market. Dead end street. Excellent place Tor children. Two way entrance. Price $1000. Phone 4661 . aa209 BEST VIEW LOT tnkinK wood-HekhtsT 70x175. Ph. 4113. Rt. 1 Box 44. aa200 LOT FOR SALE -60x142 Oil paved St. $69) Apply 1070 Electric. aa2U LOTS FOR SALE $LHMl LARGE lot on Brooks ave.. north. size 5i)x2n It. paved St.. cement watt. . .SI -MA Lis Mm FT., located on 8. Com mercial St. A REAL BUY. S-.Mito FT., on Saginaw st. Fine locat Inn. paved st. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St, Ph. 4131. aa209 LOT BARGAINS F.MHMOl'NT park, 75x150 lot. Wonderful location, many trees, landscaped. SOriH nth st. 50x110 lot. Business cone. A renl investment. Price $2000. SOUTH 14th st. 50x97 lot. Business rone. Store or restaurant site. Price $1500. sunrise Heights. Bldg. lots. Beautiful views. From $:50 ui CANDALAHIA Heights. Beautiful east and west views. From $1500 up. Call G H G.-ibenhorst, Jr.. With GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 22H4R Ba209 APT. HOUSE LOTS Slum RFVS this 95x110 ft. lot. Paved st. No. 2 residential none. $?(hhi IH'YS No. 2 residential sone lot 110x125 (t. on paved st. M.VMl buys this good apt. house lot. Lo cated close In on S. Commercial. Call Richard E. Orabenhorst with GltAHENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S. Libert) St. Ph. 4131 aal'09 FOR SALE FARMS SO ACHES North, very rich Willamette silt soil. 3 acres new strawberries, 3 acres new thornless blackberries. 3 acres new thornless logans, rest in wheat and garden. 3-bedroom house, plastered. $15.000,, l cash. Better see this. REIMANN HEAL ESTATE "Listings Skillfully Handled" 210 So. High. Ph. 3723 or 7836 $6500 FULL PRICE 15 ACRES, furnished 3-rm. house, eteo. water system. 40 cu. ft., built-in freezer. New barn, well house, elec. water heater, milker and separator. Close In. Call Hay Davls HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors. 970 8. Com'l. Ph. 3793. Eves. 9441. b310 $7600 FULL PRICE 31-ACRK DAIRY FARM 6 miles to Salem. liveable house, excellent 14 stanchion barn, machine shed, chicken hous-. milk house. M O. HUMPHRIES ft CO., REALTORS 3035 Portland Road, Ph. 7R20 2286 Fairgrounds Road. Ph. 24599. b209 FOR SALE FARMS HOWELL PRAIRIE 50 ACRES. 45 under plow, 7-room plas tered home, barn, large brooder house t ml, Salem center. Price $17,000, Vt cash. See Mr. Gibbens. BOTTOM LAND 78 ACRES. 50 can be Irrigated from Pud dlni river, also creek. Can grow beans or truck garden. Older bldgs. Price $13,150. Most Chehalis soli. SO ACRES, south. All under plow. Borne berries, spring, good road, very com fortable 2 B. R. home. Telephone. Price $6000. THIS IS GOOD 11(1 ACRES t 60 under plow, 50 acres fir limber and pasture, fenced, cross fenced, new 4-room house, wired range. Price $8800. Including tractor and tools, 9500. C. H. SANDERS. 231 N. HIGH. 5838 b210 lot ACRES very fine sandy soil suitable for truck gardening, fenced. 6 spring. 1 stream. 75 acres cultivation, 33 acres pasture. 2 eight-Inch wells for Irriga tion. 30 acres carrots, 7 acres beets. 6 acres sweet corn. Income this year will average s 18.000. Price $35,000. MrKILLOP REAL ESTATE AOENCT 169 South High St. Phone 5-1-3-1 Phone evenings 6801-7163-4937 bail A REAL LAND BARGAIN 87 ACRES, all level land, of which most can be fatmed, 6-rm. house, no barn, paved rd. 7'.j miles out on paved rd, Price S8500 cash. See D. J. Dawson with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eve. 25338 b209- THREE REAL DAIRIES $25,000 13 ACRES 2'j miles E. Very nice 3-bed-hoom home, 40x80 barn. 20 stanchions, machine thed. poultry house, Grade A milk house. This Is a very good place, almost in the city limits of Salem. $50,000 10.1 ACRES, at North Howell. Good plas tered 8 -room home, 36x72 barn, two 26x36 chicken hou&es. Milk house, gar age, barn has 26 stanchions, 4 horse stalls, nil buildings built since 1937. Model 22 cat, plow, harrow, disk, binder, drill, corn planter, mower, -1, cow, 4 heifers, 400 chickens. Farm Is well fenced. $52,000 155 ACRES near St. Paul. 100 acres In cultivation. Three acres beaverdam, 13 acres timber. 7-room house built In 1940. 48 caws, modern dairy barn, stock barn, calfshed. poultry house 18x76. silos, machine shed, grade A milk house, tenant house, on paved road. Good terms. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Road. Ph. 3255. Eve. 24479 b210 FARM BUYERS! BEFORE YOU decide on a farm, get a copy of our Special Farm List, with descrip tions of 63 farms. NELSON Se NELSON REALTORS Rms. 300-2 Masonic Bldg. 495 State St Ph. 4419 or 4622. Eves. 2-5547 b FOR SALE ACREAGE FIVE ACRES ALL PLOW land. 6 miles out. power line. Price $1150 cash. A OOOD LOCATION TO BUILD YOUR HOME. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Bt. Ph. 4131 bb209- UNIMPROVED Its ACRES oak timber. ISO ft. front on paved road. Northeast. Price $1500. I ACRES, Silverton road. $3200. Terms. 10 ACRES South. Some berries. $1900. II ACRES rich soil North; berries, fil berts. $10,000. $3000 down. 17 ACRES, road 2 sides. 200 bearing wal nuts. A fine view. Could bo subdivided, Only S2750, Terms. 10 ACHES east. Price $8000. 5 ACHES Northeast, gravel road. Close school, store. $1000. 20 ACRES, south, all under plow, some berries. Muring, good road. Very com fortable. 2 B. R. home. Telephone. C. H. SANDERS, 231 N. High, 5838 bb210 ONE OF THE BEST 7 ACRES ri:h soil North. Ideal location, modern 5-room late-built home, double gar,, about $800 worth of fruit on trees. Ail for $11,000. I mm. possess. C. H. SANDERS, 231 N, High. 5838 bb210 KEIZER SCHOOL! 1 ACRES rich soil. Road on 2 tides Price $1510. C. H. SANDERS. 231 N. High. 5838 bb210 Sl.-wm i ACRE north 3 ml., ml. off Hwy. 99E on pavement. 5 rm. mod. hse.. Just like new. Chicken hse. Best of soil. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590. Eves. 21090. bb211 JUST OUTSIDE CITY 114 ACRES Si 3 bedrm home. Firepl., bath, patio, lae. chick, hse.. lots of fruit, good soil. City water. S7000. Call Craig. BURT PICHA. REALTORS PH. 3210 or 5053. 337 N. High 8',. bb211 1 ACRE, SUBURBAN 1 BEDROOM home, completely furnish ed. Good garden and fruit ground. $5500. JOE L. BOURNE, REALTOR R. A. Forkner. Realtor Joe Spurlock, Salesman Phone 30311853 North Capitol. bb210 SUBURBAN NORTH k ACRE, modern 2 bedroom home, close In. Lots of fruit and nuts, beautiful lawn, nice outdoor fireplace, fine gar den, two ia rases. You will have to see this to appreciate It. $8400. JOE L. BOURNE, REALTOR R. A. Forkner. Realtor Joe Spurlock, Salesman Phone 30111853 North Capitol. bb210a BUILDING site on Crolsan creek. k miles up Crolsan Creek road. Owner. Phone 6893. bb210 SUBURBAN ESTATE, 2? ACRES FIRST TIME offered for sale. Only 7 years old, Oak and maple floors thru out, four large bedrooms, all on one floor, spacious living and dining room, two bathrooms, basement, automatic heat, In mo doubli garage, recreation cabin 32x22. lots of big fir trees, plenty of flowers, private telephone line. A real i first-class suburban home and one oi Salem's best. No phone Information, please. JOE L. BOURNE. REALTOR R. A. Forkner. Realtor Joe Spurlock, Salesman Phone 30311853 North Capitol. bb210a $iaoa DOWN buys unfinished house on 2 acres. Full prace $5000. Call OMER, HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors. 970 8. Com'l. Ph. 3799. Eves. 25091. bb210 REAL ESTATE $.-,.-.A WELL CONSTRUCTED house in south p.trt of town. 3 bedrooms, V. blinds. Fireplace. Very comfortable. A good home for the money. i:!;.o 3 BEDROOMS, large lot. well land scaped. 2 garages, large living and din ing room, kitchen, utility room. Newly painted and decorated, In desirable part of town, 'j block grade school. A good place for children, SH1AA FURNISHED: ElfC. heat, hdw. floors. Elec. stove and refg. A ntce home for small family In good neighbor hood. WES GOODRICH ED BYRKIT REALTOR 208 North High. Ph. 5981. Eves. 8415. c210a $7500 GROCERY STORE 011 busy st. crossing. $4500 per month. Stock and some equip ment. $20,000 GROCERY STORE: Extra lie. stock, on busy st. 0er $15,000 net Income last year, A good Investment. $45,000 SI B. STORE on busy hlway. Business increasing steadily. Gross over $13,000 per month. No phone Information. i'D LUKINBEAL ED BYRKIT. REALTOR 208 North Hlg.". Phone 5981. c210 FOR SALE 100 ACRES cultivated land. No buildings some pasture. $10,000. Route 1, Box 365. Phone 23214. c210 HOLLYWOOD NEW MODERN 5 room bung. Gas fur nace. Move right in. Weather strippej 2 blocks to bus. $9500. ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 208 North High. Phone 5981. c310 $4500 FOR PARTLY furnished small home on paved at. Poss. in a few days. $5650 NEW 4 rooms on t A. Ready for occu pancy. $5950 HOUSE ON paved st. Part of It rented at $45 per month. WANTED LISTING ON a vacant lot, south of High land Ave. on Hasel. Maple or Laurel. Please answer a once. C B JOHNSON ED BYRKIT. REALTOR 20a North High. Ph. 5981. Eves. 24777. C210 REAL ESTATE W8.W.0O Vary fine location NE. doub.e Plumbing, 2 bdrms. down, bath, living room, diningnn.. kitchen, 4 bedrms. upstairs and bath, cooking and water heating electric, bus by door. $7 IA0.AO IMM ED. POSS. AND ALL FURN ISHED, including gas range and hot water heater, two lots, 3 bdrms., bath. Ilvlngrm., dining rm., kitchen, garage. Located close to schools. jsmm.oo Well located NE: cement foun dation, full basemt.. all plastered, fire place. 2 bdrms and a sleeping porch, livingrm., dimngrm.. kitchen, bath, elec. cooking, oil hept. Bus by door. IM MEDIATE POSSESSION. $90 AO , 04 1 J 1 1 ST COMPLETED with IM MEDIATE POSS. New home. 2 bdrms. hardwood floors, elec. fireplace, electric cooking and weter heating, electric heat, rock wool insulation and weather strip ped. Utility room, garage attached to house. $9.vto.AA Good location, hardwood floor, fireplace, basement, plastered. 2 bdrms. living room, dining rm.. kitchen, bath, fully Insulated. Immediate possession $;.15i AO 1; acres with nice 2 bdrm home, Venetian blinds, electric water system, '-i block to grade school. Com pletely furnished. Immediate possession. McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 So. High St. Ph. 5-1-3-1 Phone eves. 6901-7163-4937 C211 DOWNTOWN restaurant, excellent loca tion. Large seating cap. Mod. equip ment. Lone lease, low rent, nice apt. Terms, $7000. KEIZER DISTRICT lit ACRES 1 acre beaver dam. Good ) room home, new elec. deep well for Irrigation. Only $4800. FURNISHED home Se acre. Fine loam and late built small house Just off Cherry St. Some extra material. Only $4509 33-ACRE farm, located 10 !i miles N. on W. side, good 7 room house, large barn. 9-stanchlon. Poultry house, 5 brooder houses, spring water, small creek, tractor and all equipment goes. $10,000. 2200 fine turkeys on place. Total price 20.000. IMPROVED STOCK FARM 3S0 ACRES fine loam. Just off Pacific highway, north. Well located to schoo' and market. Fenced and cross-fenced, good barn 3 Se sheds. Late built 5 bdrm. mod. home. A real buy at $32,000. Mod. tractor and equipment available. LARSEN HOME St LOAN CO. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 8389. Eves. 7440. C211 NELSON NEWS BRICK STUCCO. BUSINESS DIST. Substantial well-built home. L. R., with fplace. 2 bdrms.. bath, utility rm., wrd. for range, elec. water htr garage, wood shed, fru'.t rm., elec. range, refrla.. wah. machine, elec. dryer avail. On bus. 18500. NEARLY FINISHED. IMM ED. AVAIL. ALMOST 'i ac. No,, L. R., D. R.-kltch. combined, nook, 2 bdrms. and unfinished bath, elec. water htr., elec. water sys tem. $430.1 as is. NEW N. E. SUBURBAN WELL proportioned. k ac, modern 5-rm. home witi unfinished attic, fplace, full basmt. with air conditioning sawdust heating plant, tile and stucco construc tion, good famtly orchard. $12,000. 6 ACRES NORTH. $4500. IMM ED. POSS 6 AC. all In cultivation. 5-rm. home, srnal' barn, xood garage, family orchard. ' ac. boysenberries, grade school !i mi., high school bus, on paved rd. GOOD HOME, SURFACED RD. GOOD 7-rm plastered modern home, full basmt. furnace, excellent view, barn, chicken house, prunes, cherries, pears, walnuts, fpplcs, excellent well, 9'. 3 ac. $10,500. If these do not meet your require ments tell us what you want. We pro bably hav It. For additional Information about farms ask for a copy of our special list of 63 farms. NELSON Se NELSON Chet I. Nelson Theo. G. Nelson REALTORS Rm. 300-2 Masonic Bids.. 495 State St. Ph. 4419 or 4622. Eves. 21350. Farms 5547. c209 SOUTHEAST A 6-ROOM home In very good condition inside and out, has living room, dining room, kitchen and bath down, 3 bed roms up, wired for range, elec. water heater, oil clrc. with outdoor drums Included. Close to bus. $5950. NORTHEAST NEW suburban' home. Just finished, liv ing room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen and bath, attached garage, elec. water heater, wired for range, oil clrc. Included, large lot. Immediate possession. $7900. SOUTH COMMERCIAL STREET A 7-ROOM home, living room, dining room. 2 bedrooms, kitchen and bath down, 2 bedrooms up, garage. Large lot, includes gas range and water heat er, good oil clrc. with outside drums and other misc. Items. $8500. SOUTH LARGE 7-room home, has living room. dining room, kitchen and bath down. 4 bedrooms and bath up. full basement with wood furnace, fireplace, garage. Large lot with 6 large walnut trees and 2 large cherry trees. Bus at door, 2 blocks to grade school. $10,000. CREEK PROPERTY 8-ROOM home on a large beautlfut creek lot, this home has living room with fireplace, dining room, 2 bedrms,. kitch en and bath down, 3 bedrooms and bath up, full basement with oil furnace, elec water heater, wired for range, garage Double lot. 50x200. $12,500. ROSEDALE ADDITION MODERN 3-room home, living room with fireplace, dining room. 2 bedrooms, kitchen and bath, unfinished upstairs, full basement with auto, gas furnace, hardwood floors throushout, garage, in cludes new refer., elec. range and wa ter heater. Immediate possession. Ex cellent location. $14,700. LEE OH MART Se CO.. REALTORS 477 Court St. Ph. 9680 or 4035 Eve. and Sundays Ph. 23431 or 3905 c $3550 UNFINISHED hse.. 8 rms. with at tached garage. North, material to com plete availnbte. Call Rubers. $I.aao S-REDRM. home on paved st. Close to bus and schools. Nice level lot. Shade tre?s. Good location. It's worth seeing. A",k for Johnson. SIHAA NEW 5-rm. 2-bdrm. home with shower, elec. hot water heater. Lot 72x 115. ready to move In. 6 miles out. Ca'l Spreadborough. $3,6511 Rentals $45 per mo. and owner's apt. on concrete foundation. Plastere.1, good location, in West Salem. Nice lot on alley. Call Johnson. $fl,OA0 3 bdrms., modern bath and kitch en, large fenced in lot. newly painted, paved street, close to bus and schools. Call Johnson. M.iiriO 2 bdrms., liv rm., modern kitchen utility, nice yard, garage. Call Ruberg. $0.Him 3 bdrms., furnace wood, full deco basement, beautiful view from kitchen window on t'i acre ground, near school and bus, edce or city. Call Johnson. $ft!i.-)A 2 bedrooms, modern and clean, plastered, paved street, close to bus and schools, south. Call Johnson. kii.h.ia I UOIt MS, Plastered walls, larne closets and builtins. Large utility, con crete foundation. Like new. You'd better see this. It won't last long. Ask for Johnson. W.Him UNFINISHED, double constructed. North. 4 bdrms., basement, wiring in. furnace pipes in. excellent location, at tached garage. Call Spreadborough. $7,500 2 bdrms., cor. lot. fruit trees, nice fenced tn yard, floor furnace, hdwd floors. Call Johnson. $7,9003 bdtms.. liv. rm.. din. rm.. kitch en, tarn near bus and store. Suburb, an. Call Ruberg. $8.000 3 bdrms., ',j acre, excellent gar den, nice kitchen, utility rm. Call John son, 18.0003 BEDROOM modern home. Lot 50x125. large garage, full basement, laundry trays Si furnace, close to schol, bus by door. West Salem, Call Spread borough $8150 COMPLETELY furnished. Including elec. stove and refrigerator, bdrms late built, close to bus and schools. Move rlsht in. Call Johnson. $S.5AA 3 bdrms. with rented 2 rm. apt. attached, double garage, close to bus. school and store. South. Call Ruber. $8,8005 BDRMS.. located in West Salem, completely modern, for rooms or apts. Pipe furnace, gas, full basement, close to bus St schools, ready to move into. Call Johnson. II l,5im 2 bdrms.. liv rm., din. rm., kltch en. cove ceilings, fireplace, basement with furnace, attached garage, Engle wood. Call Ruberg. $18,85(13 bedroom. Ilv. rm., din. rm.. kitchen, bath, fireplace, plastered. 2 bdrms. up. basement, sawdust furnace, thermo control, double garage, nic shade trees, large lot, Hollywood. Call Ruberg. REIMANN REAL ESTATE "Listings Skillfully Handled" 201 S. High Ph 3722 or 7836 c Journal Want Ads Pay REAL ESTATE $19,000 BEAUTIFUL sub. home, 4 bed rms. Fir grove. 6 acres. Nice barn, chicken house. Should be seen to be appreciated. $7PAO NEW 2 bedroom home, east of city. Close In on i acre. Immed. poss. $13.750 EXTRA nice 2 bedroom horn-, well located In city. Beautiful yard. This place Is worth the money. ED LUKINBEAL ED BYRKIT. REALTOR 208 North High. Phone 5081. c210 ULTRA MODERN HOME LIVING room, dining room, kitchen with every modern convenience, Tllo bath and 1 bedroom downstairs, tile bath and 2 bedrooms upstairs. Full basement. ofl heat, air conditioned, clothes drying room, rumpus room. Large patio. Sprinkling system. Lot 101x103 feet. Choice location near school and bus line Double garage. Priced to sell at $15,000. P. H. BELL. REALTOR Phil Bell H. A. Lammers H, P. Gustafson 510 Guardian Bldg. Phone 4896 c209 WANTED REAL ESTATE WE ARE In need of listlnns on city 4' suburban property. Ph. 3793 for prompt and courteous service. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS 970 S, Commercial St. ca234 WANT TO BUY or rent 3 to 5 b.r. home. Cash. Box 414 Capital Journal. ca213 WB HAVE" CASH Buyers for 2 A I bdrm home. Por quick sale call UB GOOD WIN with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. tNG. REALTORS Phone 4108 After 8715 ea WB ARB lo oeeo 01 good homes to Mil in or near Salem If you wish to Uat rour Droperty for sale, tee GRABENHORST BROS REALTORS 134 S Liberty St Phone 4131 TO BUY or sell your property, see D. L Bishop, now with General Real Estate Co. Phone 7770. ca227" NOTICE) If rout property U lor sale rent or exchange, list It vltb ua. W have all Kinds cash buyers. STATE FINANCE" CO REALTORS 153 S High St ea MAT Wl HELP You Sell Your Propartyt SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N Hia-h St Phone HUM ma BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WALT Si EVELYN MUSGRAVE REALTORS SPECIAL BUSINESS LOT lUAxlOO on extra busy highway Intersec tion. 2 minutes from downtown. A buy at S6000. GROCERY Se APTS. A PROSPEROUS main highway grocery paying over J700 monthly, plus over head apts., paying $200 per month, plus owner's living quarters, with a valuable corner lot and building, $25,000 con venient teims. SERVICE STATION HI on WAY 91) North. 710 acre for cabin site, cafe and living quarters. SI 1,500. WEST SALEM REALTY CO. 1233 Edce water Street Ph 5109 cd211 WALT Se EVELYN MUSGRAVE REALTORS SOUTH SALEM 3 BDRMS. $6800. Nice plastered home with full basement and furnace. Gas cooking and gas water heater. City bus at door. 2 blks. to school. $7G00 MODERN home on a good corner lot. Platered, 3 bdrms., diningrm.. livingrm., kitchen, elec. water heater and electric cooking. Near school and bus, SOUTH SALEM 3 BDRM. plastered home in quiet neigh borhood. Has homey fireplace, neat kitchen, wired for range, pleasant rooms throughout. Trees and grapes. Full price S8400. KINGWOOD HEIGHTS NEW BEAUTIFUL view home on 70x100 ft. lot. 2 fireplaces, h&rdwd. floors, full basemt., with rumpus room, furnace, wired lor range, auto. elec. water heater. A very fine home. Priced at $11,600. WEST SALEM REALTY CO. 1233 EDGEWATER ST. Ph. 5109 Cd311 BUSINESS LOCATION t HOMES on a large lot 173x165, located 4 blocks from the center of town in a business zone. No. 1 home has living room, dining room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen and bath down. 2 bedrooms and large rumpus room up, fireplace, full base ment and furnace, No. 2 home has liv ing room, dining room, den, 1 bedroom and bath down. 3 bedrooms up, full basement and furnace. We think this property Is a good Investment for $21,500. LEE OHMART Se CO. REALTORS 477 Court. Ph. 9680 or 4035. Cd211 THIS $10,000 Investment brings an ex cellent income of $157.50. It buys a 5-unlt furnished apt. house on 3 lots. Call Allen Jones, 6963 after 2:00 p.m. Needham Real Estate, 341 State, Salem. cd209 GOING GROCERY doing about $1500 per month. Stock, equipment. 6-rm. house attached to store bldg., gas pumps, all for $8500. C. H. SANDERS 231 N, High 5838, cd210 ICE CREAM PARLOR and soda fountain. S6300. IMM. POSS. Doing good business. Includes concrete bldg. Lot. fixtures and equipment, with small bldg. For sleep, qtrs. Call "Elmer" Amundson. BURT PICHA. REALTORS Ph. 3210. 337 N. High Street. cd2U SERVICE stt-tion: Auto repair.' "fuel-oil bus. All fixtures, tools, bldgs., Incl. 5 rm. hse. Se 1 acre on thru road east. 124,000. Call Craig. BURT PICHA, REALTORS PH. 3210 or 5053. 337 N. High St. cd2U AVIATION OPPORTUNITY NATIONAL atrrr.cutical organization will franchise qualified ex-service pilots, link trainer operators, limited Invest ment, excellent potential. Write for full Info. Academy of Aeronautics, 1136 Eddy Street, San Francisco 9. California. cd209 REIMANN REAL ESTATE SI, 350 SERVICE Station, stock Se equip ment, 5 year lease on 99E inside of city. $3..711 SERVICE Station, good business, excellent location, close In. Call Spread borough. $3.:tAA GROCERY Store, excellent loca tion, meat setup, nice stock, $35 a month, lease. Call Spreadborough. $5. 1 AO SERVICE Station, repair shop, stock tools A: equipment, 5000 gal. t momti. Call Ruberg. $K',tHH CHICKEN dinner restaurant, on edge of city, south, living quarters, all property Se equipment, possible gold mine. Call Johnson. $1 2, 000 RESTAURANT, Fountain Se beer, good lease at (80 per month, living quarters In good valley town, over SI, 000 a month net. Call Ruberg. S9.VIHHI 111 UNIT Apt. house, all furnish ed, central heating system, possible $365 a month, large lot. Call Johnson. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 S. High. Ph. 3722 or 7836. cd BY OWNER: Cement block plant In full production. Priced for immediate isle. Box 413 Capital Journal. cd210 VENDING MACHINE ROUTE NEW !te candy-nut machine. No exper. req. Two day wk. Approx. $400 per mo. $1495 cash. Give phone. Box 411, Capital Journal. cd21l FURNITURE STORE SELLING NEW A used furniture. Excel lent location, low rental. Owner stater $750.00 a month gross, should be more S1500 full price. M. O. HUMPHREY is CO.. REALTOR 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 7820. 2288 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 24598. cd209 WALT A; EVELYN MUSGRAVE REALTORS SERVICE STATION Se RESTAURANT Hl-way 99 North of town. Fine family business combining cafe, gas station, vending machines and living quarters 710 acre of ground. Plenty of room for expansion. A renl buy at $11,500. SMALL SERVICE STATION WEST SALEM. One man can operate this station and make good money. Good lease. Terms $2000 puts you in business. DOWNTOWN HI-WAY CAFE CAFE A FOUNTAIN doing a capacity business. 2 rm. apt. goes with the deal. Call us for Information. BEACH PROPERTY A REAL Money Maker. Postofflce, ga station, groc. store, fountain, bus de pot Si 5 Apts. Bulldg., stock St all goe at $21,000. INCOME HOME A FINE LARGE home. Spacious rooms 3 Apts.. 2 single rooms, excellent lo cation. Close to bus Ss schools. $16,000 WEST SALEM REALTY CO. 1333 EDGEWATER STREET PHONE 3109 cd209 NIGHT CUB. with living quarters n conjunction, near rapid growing valley town. Doing excellent business. Box 391 Capital Journal. cd2l6 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SMALL service station on main highway In city l'mlts, five-year lease, equip ment and Inventory. Rent $135.00 per month. Only $1700.00. LARGE 3 story apartment house, best of location, completely furnished with good furniture, auto, oil heat. 23 rentals and living quarters for owners, laundry room. po5scs5lon 30 days. McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 So High St. Ph. 5-1-3-1 Phone eves 6901-7163-4937 cd31I WANTED FURNITURE WHY TAKE less for your furniture? See Russ Bright. Phono 7511 da HIGHEST PRICES paid. Phona Oleno at Woodrr Auction Market Ph 6110 da CASB FOB YOUB used furnltura Pb 7596 State Street Furn. 1900 Stat FOR SALE LIVESTOCK SADDLE and draft horses. D. Becker, Rt. 5. Box 90, Salem. West of Fairvlew Home. 213 LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED TO BUY: Shetland or small sad dle pony Call 127W. Dallas. ea2l0 FAT Si CANNER COWS for beef. Dairy cows, heifers, bulls, veaL Fat hogs, sons stags, boars Mkt price. E. C. McCand llsh, Rt 5 Box 373 Ph. 8147, Across from Waters ball park. S. 25th. ea217 WANTED: All kinds of fat livestock. Valley Packing Company. Ph. 5935. ea RABBITS 9 N. Z. WHITE does, 1 buck and several young. 345 Sunset Ave. Ph. 24268. eb2:l HIGHEST PRICES paid for rabbit skins. West Side Fur Co., West Salem. eb230 FOR SALE WOOD WEST SALEM FUEL CO. WOOD AND sawdust. Stove oil and dlesei oil. Delivery when promised. Ph. 24031 BONE-DRY mill wocd. 16" green slab good fo; furnace. Ph. 7721. . et SUMMER SPECIAL Small green 16" edg ings, 2 cord loads $8. Large green 16" edgings Se slab double load $10. Prompt delivery. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 5533. ee229 FRESH CUT SAWDUST. $4 a unit. Ore gon Fuel Company. Phone 5533. ee223 SUMMER SPECIAL: Good dry 16-Inch edgings. Immediate delivery. Double load S15.50: single load $8, Oregon Fuel Co., Phone 5533. ec223 SPECIAL: 2-cord load 16" slab wood, edgings, $10 Phone 6683. ec218 DRY 1(1" slab wood Se edgings. Ph. 6683 ee218 4 FT. HEAVY slab A 16" mill wood Also dlesei St stove oils. sawdusL Prompt del. anywhere. Phone 6444. e' FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE pullets, ready to lay. For Immediate delivery. Every pullet Individually selected. Ph. 22861. Lee's Hatchery. BABY CHICKS: Weekly hatches. New Hampshires and other vaneiiea. rn 22BQ1. Lce'a Hatchery. 1 CHRISTIE New Hampshire baby chicks CUSTOM DBESSINO of chickens, any number Prompt serrlco. Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty. Pbont 22861. Lee's Hatchery PRODUCE CANNING CORN Se peaches now ready. Imlah Fruit Farm, mile on Wallace Road Ph 22326 ff211 BARTLETT pears. Gravensteln apples. Bring box's. D. Becker, Rt. 5, Box 90. West of Fairvlew Home. 213 S-ACRE prune crop, by ton. H. P. Weese. 110 Acadmy. Salem. 11210 GRAVENSTEIN Se crab apples, deliveries Wed. A; Sat. Ph. 21254. L. A. Kllger. f 1313 PEACHES: Improved Elbertas. Best quali ty, hill grown, from young treea. Order now. Stand opens about Aug. 28th. Open from 9 am. to 8 p.m., Salem-Dallas highway. Brunk'a Corner, E C. Brunk, Rt. 4, Box 445, Salem. ff210 WANTED HELP CUCUMBER pickers, 50-50 basis. Jim 3. Wlessner, Rt. 2, Box 337-M, Salem. g211 WAITRESS wanted. Full time or part time. White's Lunch, 1138 S. Commercial. g2U- PRUNE PICKERS register now. Start pick ing about Sept. 9. Can accommodate few campers. 3 ml. west on Orchard Hts.1 road from Intersection of Wal lace Rd. Watch for sign at forks Williams Fruit Farm. Ph. 17F3. g212 DENTAL assistant. Experience unneces sary, Will train. Ph. 3311 or apply Dr Harry Scmler's office, 11014 N. Com'l. g2U DRIVER: Light delivery work. Good sal ary. Local rcf. required. American News Co.. 469 N. Front. 211 YOUNG LADY for gen. office work. Plea sant cond. 5-o'ay wk. American News Co.. 469 N. Front. S211' EXPERIENCED girl or woman for cooking Se light housework Modern home, 2 adults, 2 children. Private room, board and excellent salary. Ph. 5936., g212 HOP PICKERS 9 MI. NORTH out River Rd. I mi. north Hopmere Store. R. H. Pomeroy, Brooks. Ore. Phone 23425. 214 CiiRLS FOR general office work In de partment store. Experience not neces sary. Permanent position. Call Mr. Stook at 9192. K3U ONE EDGLKMAN. 1 trim saw man, 1 deck man, 1 pond man for small saw mill on second shift. West Salem Lumber Co., on Wallace Rd. Vi mile from bridnc. s214 WANTED: Experienced woman egg cand ler. Northwest Poultry Se Dairy, 1505 North Front. Ph. 7007. g214 VETERAN 23 to 30 years Old. Must be well and favorably known in Saiem. have a pleasant personality and be able to sell. To such a man we offer to teach the insurance business. This :s an exceptional opportunity. Salary and commission. We write every form of Insurance. Richard G. Severin Agency. 212 N High St 214' WANT a dairy worker. Wages $175 a mo. Box 412, Capital Journal. g210 BEAN PICKERS wanted for late beans. Frank Bmuner, Rt. 5, Box 324. Ph. 24307. B211 OPPORTUNITIES for profitable perman ent positions now at Montgomery Ward Se Co. for men and women with pro per qu .liflcatlons. Warehousemen Servicemen Dept. Head In Infant's Wear Dept. Salesclerks in Men's Wear Salesclerks In Fashions Salesclerks In Boy's Wear Salesclerks in Hard Lines Salesclerks in Jewelry Dept. Extra benefits: , 1. Vacations with pay 2. Holiday pay 3. Liberal discounts on all purchases 4. Insurance privileges 5. Bonus on sales 6. A large growing concern with Plenty of cnances for advancements and better Jobs APPLY AT Montgomery Ward's Salem Store. g210" EXPERT RADIO mechanic. Permanent position with Elmo Radio Service, 2331 State St. 212 WANTED: Housekeeper for family of 2. Phone 8562. g209 OFFICE GIRL: Attractive salary, pleasant surroundings, permanent position. See Mr. Brown, Brown's Jewelers, 184 N Liberty. 1 g WOMEN wanted at once for work on second shift. Hours 2:30 p. m. to 10:30 P. m. Apply lr. person, Oregon Flax Textiles, 7th and Patterson, West Sa lem. g2U MEN' FOR CANNERY WORK 93e AN HOUR on day shift and $1 an hour on night snlft. Phone 22038. UNITED GROWERS. INC. 4 Miles South of Salem at Liberty. g211 SILK flnts.ier. 80c to 90c per hr. Time and a half after 8 and 40 hours. Crew work 44 hrs. Peacock Cleaners, 485 Center. g211 LARGE organization desires veteran, ae 22 to 30, preferrably married, to make a confidential investigation for lnsur ance purposes. Car needed. Box 403, Capital Journal. $210 I WANTED HELP HOP PICKERS 1 JOHN J. ROBERTS Si CO. Bus Schedule ' TRANSPORTATION facilities leaving each morning, commencing September 3. 1940: at 6 a. m from Capitola Bouesteele Garage Fairgrounds Road Si Myrtle Avenue Highland School Larmer Warehouse Commercial and Center Ladd Se Bush Bank Miller and Commercial Capitol and D Capitol and Garden Road Garden Road and 31st D and 21st D and 17th 17th and Center 21st and Center 24th and State 19th and State 12th and State Ferry and Cottage Farm Emploment Off. 381 Chemeketa Lee and Turner Road 12th and Mission High and Mission Leslie School Commercial and Hoyt Jeflerson Hwy. and Hansen Ave. Salem Heights School Yard 4 miles out on South River Road. For further Information Phono 9623. JOURNEYMAN MEAT CUTTER Wantcf. Pleasant working conditions, reasonable hours, salary and bonus. See F. M. Medford Safety Stores, Inc., 206 Mc Gilchrlst Bldg. Ph. 5611. g213 WANTED Men and women who need a good Job near home. You can do casn ler and customer service work at a Safeway store. Safeway will train you for this pleasant well paid Job. Vaca tions with pay, group Insurance and sick benefits. See T. M. Medford, Safeway Stores, Inc., 206 McGllchrlst Bids., Ph. 5611. g213 DISHWASHER and bus boy, 12 noon to 8 p.m., permanent, $162.00 per month. Nohlgren's Restaurant, 440 State. g2ll DISHWASHER, evening shift, machine work, permanent, $162.00 per month, plus 2 meals daily. Nohlgrens Res taurnut, 440 State. g211 KITCHEN Helper. 6 p.m. to 1 a.m., women preferred. Nohlgrens Restaurant, 440 State. c21l HOP PICKERS WANTED Ic lb. John Bushman. Better known as Fred Viesko yards. 10 miles north of Salem, near Wheatland ferry. Cabins, tents fur nished. b214 HOP PICKERS wanted. Start picking Tues., Sept. 3rd, In Ralph Herr Yard, Shar. Herr. Encimnn Yds. 1 ml. 8. E. Central Howell. Ph. Red 173 or 172. Rt. 2, Silverton. g209 GROCERY CLERK for West Salem Sav ing Center Apply Saving Center, Port land Foad. g WANTED 2000 HOP PICKERS HARVEST of late hops starts the 2nd of September. 537 acres of high trellis hops, cool, shady camps with lights, wood, shower baths and day nursery for children furnished free to pickers. Gro cery store, meat market and restaurant on grounds. Register In person at ranch office or write us for full particulars. E. CLEMENS HORST CO. Independence, Ore. g2l2 WANTED: Man to take charge of our paint ana body shop. James H, Maden Company, 2953 Silverton Road. Phone 24123. g TELEPHONE operators wanted. No ex perience necessary. High pay right at the start $29 for a 40-hour week while learning. Frequent scheduled Increases three the first year. Safe, whole some surroundings . . . vacations with pay. A real opportunity for young women who are looking to the future who want a Job that Is pleasant, In teresting and profitable. Do not delay Inquire NOW! EXPERIENCED OPERATORS LET lS tell you how much you can earn. Call tor Mrs. Goodwin. Pacific Telephone Se Telegraph Co., 740 Stat Bt. g231' HOP PICKERS WANTED 43 ACRES late hops. Good crop close to saiem. One-quarter mile east of Auburn school on Auburn road. Picking starts Mon., Sept. 2. Write or call. Steve Van Houten. Supt. ILLIHEE HOP RANCH, Rt. 6, Salem, Ore. Ph. 22-631. g212 WANTED: Young lady who would iiks to work In our office. Good pay, nic surroundings. Apply In person. Se Mr. Williams, cherry City Baking Co., 1195 Broadway. g HOP PICKERS wanted. 5 ml. E. of Salem on Market St. or Garden Rd. Goo J late hops. Starts Sept. 6. 10 minute' drive. R. G. DeSart. Ph. 22543. Rt. S, Box 430. B213 WOOL PRESSER needed. City Cleaning wonts, lia etcte. g HOP PICKERS WANTED FOR OUR yard, about 4 miles 6.W. of Salem, 250 acres of choice river bottom hops. Picking begins about September L Fine shady camp ground, fine cab Ins. Stoves, wood, electric lights, show er baths, tables, stools and straw tor beds furnished with cabins. Store, but cher shop and restaurant on grounds. Bus transportation. Please write JOHN J. ROBERTS St CO.. Balem, Oregon, stating number of adult pickers and enclose $1 for registration and use of cabin, whlcb will be refunded at close of season. CHECK bosses, wlretncn, sackbticka, dy- eiiimn. uiemen ana trucx helpers. Heavy crop, long season. Top wages. WILLIAMS St TH ACKER-EOLA HOP YD. naiem, urccon ASK FOR "CHRIS" Ph. 922524-251 after 6 p.m. g2l2 400 ACRES early and late hops. Heavy nous season uican, cool, shady cmp ground. Nursery for children, store jte restaurant on grounds. Buses to Dallas, Monmouth, Independence, REG ISTER NOWI Write or call C. A. McLaughlin Hop Ranch, Route No I Independence, Ore. T A. Beli. supt. Phone Independence, Ore.. 27F2. eaia WANTED Boys of good charaetei tot ' " earn wnne going to school. See W. A. Scott, circulation manager. Capital Journal g" WANTED POSITIONS REPAIR A: repaint children's toys. Ev erett McNall, Rt. 1, Salem. Oft Wal lace Rd. on Vcall Road. haia PAINTING and decorating. Reasonable prices, flione 25588. h2U LANDSCAPE gardening. New lawns, prun- , uncial cleanup, r. w. Reel, Phone 25623. hj'.a CARPEVTFB wnnir d 1. . ........ ncai, (v iii our:- f a u. no 30D too Dig. no Job too small. Robert N. Sellers St WOMAN WANTS work 2 days per week n ranch. Box 407, Capital Journat. h209 YOUNG VET would like clerical Job. i-AML-rirnce. Vail 22558. h209 CHILDREN to care for by day. week or uiuulu. rn. jmm, HI, 6. BOX. 154. h213 HEAVY A LIGHT Hauling anytime, any- mijwucic. t-none ai22. h218" WILL CARE for Children. Ph. 21903. h2IB" ROAD BUILDING, bulldozer Se carryall nuj Kma oi oirt worn. Halvorson Construction Co., 1905 N. Commercial. Phone 4047 k AUTO PAINTING just a shade better or RV Call Shrock Motor Co 8502. EDUCATION VETERANS CIVILIANS Investigate Diesel Trainlnr FOR FULL PARTICULARS write Tractor Treinmg Service. 406 Panama Bldg., Portland 4. Oreson. hh259 FOR RENT SLEEPING room. No smoking or drinking. Phone 25441, J209 FOR RENT, sleeping rooms. 1460 Broad ay. J209 SLEEPING room accommodation for 4. Fair visitors. 2131 Center st. J210 SLEEPING ROOM FOR rent. 1520 N. 19th. jaio- FURN. HOUSE for couple only. No pets. Avail. Sept. 15. 1456 Chemeketa. J209 SLPG. rm. Men. 448 Center. In alley, rear Woodron bldg. Call after 6:30 p.m. J209 WITH OR without driver. Pickup or dump trucks. IPC b. 25th. J210 (Continued on Page 13)