WANTED TO RENT YOUNG WORKING Oirl wishes room in private home. Ph. 9101 Ask for Jane. JaU6 WON'T SOMEONE Please share their nome lor 3 or 4 months with a Christian couple and 2 cnlldren, by then another house will be available. Ph. 21255. Jaien WANTED TO RENT 2-bcd room furnished home or apartment at once. E. M. Per man, Cabin E. Cherry City Courts. JalOO WANT 2 or 3-bedrm. home, furn. or un furn. Business people. No children. R. F. Keel, 468 Ferry. Ph. 3575. lalfll CHRISTIAN younr couple desire to ent house or apartment. Ph. 21794 between 2 and 4 P. M. )'37 MIDDLE AC.ED lady wishes urn. hskp. apt. or hfikpg. rm. E.E.H. 410 Mo'hjii Ave. 11" WIFE it family desire a or 3 bedroom turn, or imfurn. house. Major Glalsy-r Phone 6132. 11 $25 REWARD for 2 bedrm. house, unfur nished. Best of care and references Phone 6B03 after 6 p.m. JalSJ t OR 3 RM. apt. Man and wife. N( drinking-, no smoking, no children. Es tablished. References. Box 346, Capital Journal. JalM WANTED: Unfurnished house for aduits. Permanent. References. Call 31B6. Shell Oil Company. JalU TWO or 8 BDRM. house. Will pay year' rent In advance. Adults only. E. a Collier. Ph. 8696. Jal87 ROOM AND BOARD BOARD PHONE III 45. BOARD ROOM St care of elderly lady or bed patient in my home. Ph. B7I3 JJ1B6- LOST AND FOUND LOST Jeweled frog lapel pin. Reward. Phone 4904. kl88 LOST: Nar Jefferson Sun., Aug. 4, bahv baslnette. Reward. W. D. Crochan, 501 N. 21st St.. Salem. Phone 21436. K187 LOST: 3mall brown change purse. We-.t Salem. Left White's Grocery, meandered home. August grocery money. Please return 551 Kingwood Ave. kl7 LOST: YELLOW Persian cat from High land district. Reward. Ph. 9375. UBfl MISCELLANEOUS BUGS and upholstery cleaned and re vltaliged In your home, new procesj. Free demonstration. Ph. 21080 after e p. m R. F. Nohlcien. mWl HELP YOURSELF LAUNDRY COME. Do lour own washing. 1785 Berry mioo HOSE MENDING Dept. formerly at Mont gomery Wards now located In Worth" basement. Please call for hose there. ml87 STEEL CLOTHESLINE posts, play gromu swings, cina mental metal work of a:! kinds to order. 1145 N. Liberty m203 SEPTIC tanks and ccaspdols cleaned Com mercial or residential No Job too large or small West Salem Snnitary Sri vice. Ed Gardner, 1005 8th sU West Salem Ph. 2195V mIH8 HEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked 7r; LES SPRINGER, 464 Court St. m!87 HEAT your home electrically It's con venlent. clean, economical See us 'ot fre estimates. V EATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N Liberty DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR SERVICE IN MUSI CASES DR HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Pidg --State St Commercial sta SALEM Phone 3311 DEAD and worthless stock removed moment's notice. Ph 5000 HEAVY HAULING, excavation and rot bulldin. land clearing doser work ditchln. basement excavation, sum) travel o rushed rock, maaoo Sana, eon erete mix, cement SALEM SAND & GRAVEL CO 1405 t FRONT ST., SALEM. OREGON Phone 9408 or 11934 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS GERMAN microscope, Ph. 24554. Mr. Oil ver, or call 1570 N. Winter. nl88 TO GLVE AWAY Dry wood and wood shed, could be used for garage, also od truck bed. 2510 Cherry ave. nlCd W H. P. MOTOR. 110 .2465 Laurel ave nl88 APPLES 5c lb. 1795 S. 13th. USED WINDOWS. 20x26, colled trash- burner, hot water tank, sink, outboard motor. 910 Norway street. nl83 ,JARK lav.'iidar fall crocus bulbs. 1 for tl. syivan Garaens waiaport, ore. Mrs. w, D. Oliver. nl9l FOR SALE to a veteran, 2-room house. Must be moved or wrecked. Call 1841 Fairmount after 7 p. m. nl87' I IRON bed. fall size. (25. 1 wood bed wii coil springs. 2 dressers, $12.50. 1 library table, J13. l stand table, S3. Phone 8427. 2396 N. Front. nl88 BED GRAVENSTEIN apples. 1790 N. Front st. pnone 8427. nisi SPECIAL SALE WED.-THURS. UNFINISHED CHESTS SI 0.05 1 steel kitchen stools 14 95; elect, irons (6.65; table, lamps (10.75; chrome dinette sets $79.50. Sewing rcckers 13485. Coll spring dare nos 189.50. Metal beds 111.85. WOODRY AUCTION & FURNITURE MARKET 1605 N. Summer. nl87 75-LB. ICE Box. good condition. 136.53. T. J. Kundert. Rt. 2, Box 26-H. Ph. 24263. nl83 JOHN DEER Pick-up hay bailer. Motor re cently overhauled, otherwise good cond. Robert B. Miller, Rt. 1 Woodburn, Ore. nl87 HOSPITAL BED & Mattress, used 3 mot 1630 N. 8th St. D187 AWDUST BURNER. Phone 8983. til 87- ENAMEL WOOD ranee with coils, wood or coal circulator. Maytag washer with electric St gas motors, all In 1st class cond, 945 Market or 2040 N. Church. nl87 9 LIGHT fixtures, suitable for store or office. Modern and as good as Cooke's Stationery Co., 370 State. Ph. 4404. n!87 WOOD FURNACE, like new. Complete with pipe. 1875 Market. Phone 8030. nl86 ELEC. HAWAIIAN guitar. S90. Piano or gan. tl6. Rt. 6, Box 335 N. out Market St. , nl87 2-lIOItSE TRAILER. $150. Pat Beat, Tef ferson, Oregon. Phone 273. nl87 800 FT. SLIGHTLY vsed No. 18-2 wire. ijoomex, $5. 3760 N. River Road. nl87 GRAVENSTEIN apples. L. A. Kilger. Ph. 21254. Rt. 4, 6alem. nl90 BOY'S BICYCLE, good condition. Call after 5:30. 1258 S Com'l. nl8V GOOD WOOD furnace and fixtures, also sawdust water heater. 2140 Maple Ave Phone 24045 nl86 TRASH BURNER. 2 lawn mowers. Phone 21600. nl87 PLATINUM wedding ring. 3 baguettes. 12 small diamonds. Valua $150. Box 343, Capital Journal. n!87 NEW SOIL Pipe Si ratings St 4-inch fittings. 2 sash windows & frames, some used floortog. Misc. Items. Backman. Rt. 1. Box 67. Brooks, on No. 99. nl87 PIANO I3ft.1i Drepes, 12x12 all wool rug As pad $133; 3-plece bedroom set, com plete $195. Iron bedstead $2. Ph. 22727 nl86 GOLDEN JUBILEE canning peaches now ready. Slappy peaches ready about Aug. 12th. Puritan Cider Works, West Salem , nl89 PUMP ORGAN. Good condition $35.00. Phone 21670. nl66 WICKER BABY Buggy $8. Ph. 6085. nl86' ELEC. WASHING Machine, 6 dining room chairs, Va h.p. elec motor, lamps and mlcs. 1115 E. Rural. nl86 USED SAWDUST Burner complete with hopper, thermostate. all automatic con trols. Also Used Pipe furnace. Tel. 9997. nlP8 BRAND NEW combination storm door, glass St screen, extra heavy, $12. Also good wood heater, excellent trash bur ner. $5. 1575 Pearl St. nl86 ALL WOOL lady's coat, 17-18. Nearly new. Also radto-phonograph, good con dition, 125. Back apt. 364 N. 21st . nl86 POR SALE: Good 2-wheel trailer and man's bicycle. 1505 Alder, north of Aluminum Plant. Phone 24225. nl85 1 GOOD USED rubber tired farm wagon. Aos. rfxos. zxis, Bna 1-inch lumber. bricks Ac building blocks. 1260 Howard . n!86 THREE 525x21-lnch tires, four 475-600x19 714 s. 19th. Call after 6 p.m. nl86 ALARM CLOCKS, 2 600x16 tires. Packard- aen rao:o. record player and voice re corder, ai: la Airplane portable case - 43 N. High. nU8. FO!l SALE MISCELLANEOUS MAN'S SUIT, dark blue, all wool, double breasted, band new. sue 37. Ph. 7556. nl91 DOUBLE kitchen sink. Ph. 3525 Eves. 690 Bieber st. nlBB GAS RANGfc.t apart, size, small wood cir culator, oiffc dining rm. table. Can be seen at 894 S, 31st after 4:30 p. m. nlP8 TSKli,L SAW, 12" blade. 1 Rett In a vacuum cleaner with attachments. One 2-wiieM trailer, 19' tires, I Underwood typewrit er, 2 unpalntrd corner cupboards. 2 locker cupboards. 1 oil barrel, 50 gal. Ph. 8678. nlC8 GARAGE EOUIPMENT. Including 3 a'r compressors, wheel balancing machine, body and fender tools and other articles Call at 2390 Fariground rd. nlBl CANNING peaches now ready. Imlah Fruit Fitrm. '.a mile on Wallace ra. fii, ?ivit. nisii FOR SALE or trade for late model car 1943 Indian Motorcycle, excellent condi tion. Will be in Mobile Service Stalion. Falls City. Oregon. Ph. 231. n!8 DISTILLED white pickling vinegar le al! pickling purposes. (Keep your pleg les crisp). Also pure apple rider vine gar. Puritan Cider Works, West Salem n208 PURE Apple Juice made dally from select ed ripe oruvenstein apples, purr an Cider Works. West Salem. M88 FIRST quality Gravensteln apples. Packed for shipping to al! parts of the U 5 Leave your order now. Puritan Cider Works. West Shlem nlSfl rden Tools Yeater AppII- 25t Ltberty. n205 PLASTI-KOTE durable paint with the cellophane like finish. Yeater Appli ance Co.. 255 N Liberty. n205 S-UNIT CONCRETE septic tanks: ewer 4s culvert pipe; drain tile; expansion Joints: sand gravel, crushed. OREGON GRAVEL CO.. 1405 M Front Ph, 1417 nl06 DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK! Use 100; as phalt shingles, unharmed by any weath er, rain or shine. Fireproof Installed bj experienced men. For FREE estimate Phone 7177 Western Auto Supply Co n207 NIGHT CRAWLER&. 3403 State Street. nl86 DAIRYMEN We have coconut meal again Northwest Poultry and Dairy 1505 N Front. Ph. 7007. ' n' REBUILT pianos, lixe new Buy with safe ty at TaJlman'a I9S 8 12th Near SF Depot HEAT YOUR hom electrically. It's con venlent, clean, economical Bea us foi free estimates YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. Liberty n GARDEN sand, gravet crushed rock Shovel St drag-line excavating WALL LNO BAND AND GRAVEL CO Ph 8561 PIANO BENCHES- TaUman't 198 B I2tb WE BUY ft Mil turn it ur tools, stove dishes, motors, radios, electric appli ance, household good KLIOMAN B 18ti N Commercial Phone 9885 o FORMALS. suits, spring coats, dresses skirts and sweaters Scarcely worn Bltet 10 to 44. Phone 4845. anytime nln FOR SALE: 6-hole ice cream cabinet. Ik new. Ideal for home locker. 309 amitn St.. Silvcrton. Phone 2152. nl86 FLUORESCENT kitchen fixtures and sin gle tube brackets (or use near your mirror. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. n205' COMMERCIAL electric automatic four- burner range Ideal for restaurant, club or farm use YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. n205 SMOOTHIES for perfect ice cream. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. n205' OUTDOOR portable lights for your rard or driveway YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. n20a' FIGURINFS and small gift Items. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. COAL OR brtnuc' circulator. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. t-WAY AND Intcrcomm. telephone seta YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. n205- INDIRECT floor lamps and torchlers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 235 North Liberty. n2t!5 ELECTRIC chimes, long and short tubei. mechanical chimes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. n20a' WALL TYPE can openers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. H2551 ELECTRIC room heaters; fan, steam and reflector types. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. n206 ELECTRIC pants pressors St curling Irons YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. n20! ALUMINUM sauca pans, well and tree platters, trying pans, cookie sheets. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 North Liberty. n205' SINGLE and two-burner hotplates. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty, n2U5' AUTOMATIC electric stdcarm water heat ers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. n205 PLASTIC clothes line, Ironing board pads and covers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. d205 KITCHEN and Industrial exhaust fans. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. n205 GUARANTEED forever flashlights, requir ing no butteries. Two and three cell flashlights, railroad type lanterns, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty n205' DRESS UP your awnings and outdoor furniture with Setfast canvas paint YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. n205 FARMERS, attention- Portable electric milking mcchlncs. YEVIER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty n ELECTRIC desk, mantel and wall clocks. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. n2U5 FARMERS, attention: Electric and ba tery fence controllers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty n205' COILED TRASn BURNERS. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. n205 FARMERS, attention- Westinghouse au tomatic elec. milk cooler, capacity 60 canons. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. n205' KITCHEN and bathroom light fixtures. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 North Liberty. n20d DESK. TABLE and pin-lt-up lamps. . YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. n205' ALL-METAL fishing tackle boxes, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. DECORATIVE and lighted house numbers. YEATER APFL-IANCE CO. 253 North Liberty. n205' LOCKER MEATS: Beef St pork. TeL 4093 evenings. n205 FOR SALE Cucumbers. 3560 N. 5th, Ph. houb. f rame bcuo. nlJ SUITS, coats, sheers and casuals. Many onginais. ongntiy usea sixes 0 to 44. Phone 4845 anytime n212 ATM O RAYS, OZONE. Sell or rent, F Pugh. Ph. 22458. P. O. Box 463. nlt8 HARVEST SACKS for sale. Northwen Poultry St Dairy. 1505 N. Pronu eaiem rnone mvi SHINGLES from Rosenberg mill. TUla. mook. Also lumber, kiln dried or ren 2x4s, shlpUp, flooring, finish and other items. Delivered on HH priorities, Ted nauner irucxs. rnone 21196. nl97' GLADIOLUS 881 Rosemont St. West ffi lem. aifli WANTED MISCELLANEOUS RE-conditioned Radio, large cabine: $25. call sr-09 evenings. n;86 WAMtu: usea Toilet. Ph. 5970. na!88 OLD DISHES over 25 years old. Dptalr Antique Shop, 439 Court St. na20fl WANTED Burlap or cotton baga. USED trURNITURS. PbOM 186 AUTOMOBILES 38 BL'ICK Special Sedan. In rood condi tioa. Phone 43S3, qim AUTOMOBILES I'JIO HUDSON fl Bed. Good condition. After 6 p.m. 1576 Franklin St. W. Salem. ql88 1U36 PLYMOUTH Bed. Inquire evenings 1167 Elm St. West Salem. 1188 DON'T DELAY BEE TODAY! 1933 HUDSON sedan, a real buy. 1932 Chev. flatbed, top cond. 1931 Ford Tudor, good clean car. Many others to choose from. TKAOUE MOTOR CO. 355 N. Liberty. Ph. 7001. q!88 FOR-SALE or TRADE: 19 ft. factory bulit trailer house, 2 rooms. 2 doors, sleeps 4 Good cond. Will trade for 40 or 41 pick up truck. 3205 Portland Rd. ql8 FOR SALE- 1933 Plymouth: radio, tool cond. 248 Marion, Apt. 4. qiea FOR SALE: 1930 Mcdcl A convertible. pickup box in back 16'' wheels. MM) Geo. L, Snyder, Aumsvllle, Ore. ql87 FOR SALE or Trade' 1941 Deluxe door Amcrlcar. '35 Pontine Sport coupe. '35 Ford Deluxe 2-door Sedan. '33 Ply mouth Deluxe 2-door Sedan. R St tl. 74 miles on Salem-Dallas highway on Carroll Ranch. Rt. 1. Box 37. C. A Hardman. qtRT 1M3S PLYMOUTH 2-door sedan, $250. S-e t 635 Hickory St.. evenings. Ph. 25502 ql87 lDKfl OLDSMOII1LE Coach. Good condi tion, new 7-16 tires St headlights. Ad dress Kaiser School, turn west, first side road, turn left First house left hand side Vern Smalhvood. ql87 1939 PLYMOUTH with '41 motor. Good shape. 1005 8th St., west Salem. Ph. 21955. qlS7 1935 FORD 4 dr. Sedan. Reasonable. 412 21st after 6 p.m. qi87 4 INDIAN SCOUT motorcycle. $120. Some repairs needed. Ph. 6252 bet, 8 and 5. Ph. 24469 after 5 p.m. q!87 FOR SALE: '36 Pontlac Sedan, $525, r '33 Desoto seaan. Keauy clean. 2v Back bp... 364 N. 21st. ql86 -WE PAY TOPS Qet EVEBV UIMk Tout Cat Is Wortnl CASH ON THE BARREL-H&AOl "C- SHROCK SALSM'S Oldest Independent USED OAR DEALER i ft Corner Church ft Cbemeketa Phont 7922 q WANTED; LATE Model Oar by private party Will pay cash Phont 6280 a FINANCIAL WANTED TO SELL: First mortgage. interest, to private party. 3780 N River Road. rl87 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE OREDH OO Hb PLOOfv GUARDIAN BLDO License No -M-189 YOUR SURPLUS Money will earn you f percent Interest. Buy a real estate mort gage, examine the security yourself. Mortgages available in amounts of $t'ifl to S7500 We collect all Interest and pay ments for the investors, no extra charge. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 8. High St.r A'a LOAN on Farm. Residential and 8itst- ies Property Will buy mortgage eon- tracts HAWKINS St ROBERTS LNC K A I T( KA Guardian B l da r EXTRA CASH for vacation expenses, for home buying costs. For any worthwnlie purpose where "cash" is needed an1 convenient payments desired. LOANS $25 to $300 for home or buslnesi Furniture, salary or business equipment, up to $500 on auto to men or womeu, married or single, and you may have 18 months to repay. Phone first for fast service. We like to aay "Yes'' loan requests. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 518 State St., Rm. 125. Ph. 3191. Lies 3-122; M-165. r207a FARM AND CITY LOANS AND 6 VOIFB OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash for Real Estate Contract; and Second Mortgages CAPITOL SECURITUa CO. tan Pioneei Trust Bids - Ph 7162 r GENERAL FINANCE CORP LOANS 8-188 and U-318 and ROY H SIMMONS INSURANCE and LOANS 136 S Commercial St TeL 9168 $ MONEY I REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANfc Buy ReJ estate elortgace aao Contract STATE FINANCE CO- REALTORS Do S-218 U-227 Iftl S Rich St f TRANSPORTATION LEAVING Aug. 13th for Washington. D. C. Room lor one passenger to share ex pense. Ph. 5538 after 6 p. m. X189 Directory AUTO BRAKES MIKE PANEK. 275 8. Com'L Ph. 5181. Brake St wheel aligning specialist. o201 ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING and bookkeeping. Reason able rates Dependable service. Business Service. Inc. Masonic Buildings, Salem Phone 8727. o APPLIANCE REPAIRS EXPERT BEND1X and commercial and domestic refrigeration service. Ralpn Johnson Appllaooes. 133 Center Pa 4030 AUTOMOTIVE MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE i40 Chemeketa Phone 7838 BULLDOZING BULLDOZING. LEVELING St GRUBBING. Call A. Bentson. Salem. 6305. o206 CEMENT WORK JOE L. WILSON. General Cement Crn tractor. Ph. 24371. O201 GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING. Cliff Ellis. 1905 N. 19th St. Ph. 4071. 0211 CHIMNEY SWEEP FURNACES. CHIMNEYS vacuum cleaned ENSLEY. 771 S 21st Ph. 7176. 0" NORTHNESS. mornings. DELIVERY SERVICE SALEM DELIVERY and Pick-up Service 145 8 Church. Phone 471L 0197' EXTERMINATORS ARDEE MAINTENANCE CO. Bedbuvs, roaches, rats, fleas, moths. Pest con trol contract service. Materials sold guaranteed riddance. 175 S. High. Phon 5706. e COCKROACH EXTERMINATOR service. Ph. 8058. LEE CROSS. 1260 N. 17th. 0199' FLAGSTONES HOME construction, patios, terraces, fire places, retaining walls. Ph. 21754. o' Brelthaupt's fo: flowera Dial 9101 FUNERAL DIRECTORS ROW ELL FUNERAL HOUR Ph 3672 FURNACE CLEANING FURNACES and oil stoves vacuum cleanea Call after 6 p m. Ph. 3733. F. X. Roatch. 0193 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS . R W ATKINS CO. PRODUCTS. 175 South High. Phone 5395. WOOD SAWING R. B. CROSS Phone 8178. WINDOW CLEANING SALEM WINDOW Service: Windows, walls and woodwork Floor waxing Rum cleaned on your floor, also upholsterlnz Phone 21342 o217 MUSIC LESSONS 4PANISH and HAWAIIAN Ouitar. Mando lin, bsnjo etc 1638 Court Ph 7669 t MATTRESSES CAITAL BEDDING. Phone 4069. papering. Phon 020. CLIFF KING Phone 3070 K EM TONING, PAINTING. Martsfleld. 4132 Ol95 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING JERRY JOHNSON. Phone 2492. H, J. Wool- NEW COMPOSITION roofs. Shingle roor coated. Phone 6333. ol93 ROOFING AND SIDING. Free estimate. Phone 0278 or 8237. olB9 AND GRAVEL GARDEN SOIL, crushed rock Shovel h drsghna txcavaiing Wallina 8n4 A GrareJ cfe, fhoa MM. Market Quotations Portland Lntslrie Market TOP quality Wlliameue vauey ann mm- Columbla tonintoes 11.90-12 lor la-lb. llat on the Poiiland Eaatslde market todav. lower quality packs $1.23. One load of fancy No. 1 Milton-Freewater tomatoes cleared at $2.50 for 25-lb. lug. Cantaloupes I3.55-4 a crate. Green pep pers mostly fl. 50-75 fo No. 1 flats. Peaches $1.60-75 18-lb. flat for most early vari eties. Few flats ol Rochesters Si 85. Port hind Produce Excnam nutter Prices to retailers: Grade A cartans 73-74c. AA prints 72-73c. A prinn "ic lb. A cartons TO's-uc, a prints 69-69'iic. i lb. cubes 'ic higher. Erics Prices to retailers: AA lame A larse 5l-52c, mea. 50c, small nominal, i'2c dozen. Cheese To retailers in Portland Orrgun triplets 48-48'jc lb. daisies 43.a-44lic loaf 49,J-S0'jc lb Jobbers pay 4c lb iss Tr wholesalers Portland: Oregon singles 42c. loaf 43c. triplets 41'jC lb. I'urlland Vhnrcaie MrRrt Portland Butterfal ( I Butter (i.o.b. bulk 68 lb. cubes). A A grade G3 score 70-7tc A grade 92 scom 68's-70c. B grade 90 score 67-68'c. C grad 89 score 67; lb. AA grade prints (93 scorei 73-75c; cartons 73-77c: A grade prints (92 score) 72',i-'4,ic. cartons 73-76 '.jc. B grade prims 72-74c Bulterfat (Tentative, subject to Immed iate chmee). First quality, max. of 6 of 1 acidity, delivered In Portland T7-7Sc lb. Prem quality, max of .35 of 1 acid ity, 78-79c second quality 75-79c. Valley routes, country points 2c less than first Cheese Selling price to Portland re tailers: Ore. singles. 45-47 Ib.i Ore. loaf. 46'-47c lb., triplets 45-47c. Ects To wholesalers: A large 49',4-50c dozen. B grade large 43'i-45,ic Rabbits Average country killed to re tailers 50c lb. Live fryers, colored fryers 24c, white 27c lb. Old bucks and does (6 lbs. and up) 15c lb. Live Poultry Live Chickens No. 1 broilers 1H-2 lbs 28-30C, fryero 2-3 lbs. 35-37C, 3-4 lbs. 35-38. roasters 4 lbs. up 35-37c lb. Colored hens 24-27c. Leghorns 20-23c lb. Roosters and stags 13-17c. No. 3 urn do springs 10-lSc under No 1: fowl 10c under No. 1. Dressed Chickens To retailers: Spring broilers 3 lbs. up 52c lb, colored hens 37c. Leghorn fowl 32c; old roosters and stats 28c. Freih Vegetables Beans Calif. 17c lb Mid-Columbia B'un Lake 12-16. round type $2.75-53 crate. MIC Columbia and Walla Walla green and wax. 9-10c lb. Oregon Giants 10-12c. Kentucky Wonders 10-12c lb. Shell beans $2.50-75 10-lb. lux. Beets Calif 80-85C local 60-600 aozen. Broccoli Call! $2.50 doa. Cabbage Local $2 crate. Pointed $2.S- 50, round $2.75-$3: large heats down to $1 crate. Carrots Calif 6 don crate S4-S4.SO. Lo cal S3. 60-75; 70-75c doc. bunches. Cauliflower Calif. ( ) Local No. I $2.25-50 crate No. 2 51-31.25. Celery California $5 tor sturdee crate. Labish, Milwaukio $2.65-85 crate. Corn O'lllf $4.75-15 crate 7 dozen Idaho 70-75c dozen. Vale S1.75-S2, Local No. 1 $1.75-$2, No. 2 S1-U.35 5-doz. box. Cucumbers Local nothousa A m ii mi $4. Field grown 15-lb. flats $1.50-75. No. 3 75c.-Sl.00. Eggplant Mexican $4-$4.75 lug FlortrtB $4.50 lug Calif. $3-$3.25. mid-Columbia $2.60-75. GarlicOregon 20-35c lb. Lettuce Local $2.75-$3 3-doz. pack. Oil 4 dozen crate $4.50-75 Onions Oregon green 50-75e per dozen bunches. No. 1 dry $3 01 oo-lb sack. Texa? yellow $3.50. white wax $3 50 50-lb nack Red $2.15-30. Jumbo $3.25. med. 2.60-75 Calif, yellow large $1.35-50. Calif, med $2.50, red J1.75-J2; 3-ln $2.50. Wash, dry No 1 S1-I1.35 50-lb. sacks. Parsley Local 75-80o dozen. Peas Mexican tub $3 25. Bakersfleld 83.15-25: Sacramento $2.60-80 a tub Locn $2.25-50 30 lbs. Sacks $4 75-15; Ore., l'ne Dalles 6-7c lb Idaho $1.65-75 for 28-lb ub Brownsniead 25c-lb. box 94-$4.25. Co!o. hampers $4-S4.25. Peppers Green Calif. 35-lb. cratcK $3.50- lb. Mid-Columbia 14 -lb. flat $1.85-12. No 2 $1.40-50. Potatoes New Florida $3.25-75 bag. ou thern yams $4.75 50-lb. crate, Calif long white No 1 $2.50-60: Oregon long white No. 1 $2.50-75 cwt. 50 lbs. No. 2 75-85c: Washington long whites. No. 1 82.20-$3 cwt. No. 1 commercial $2.90; Yakima ied Garnet $3 cwt. No. 2 85-90c 50-lb sack. Mid-Columbia 20-lb. flats. No. 1 $2.25-35 Freewater and Walla Walla No. 1 $3-$3 25. Calif, lujs (3-J3.25. Radishes Local red 80-90c dor. bunches, Rhubarb Ore. 30-lb. apple oox 11.2b 1.50 Rutabagas New crop Wapato $1.75-82 50-lb sack. Spinacn Local new crop l-$l.2S: Thr Uailc. new crop $1.83 oraiise box Sprouts Local to 82.45 box Squash Zucchinnl 50-75c flat. Crooked Neck. Scallop $1-S1.10 Hat. 14-lb. snaked 81.25-45: 35-lb pear box $2.75-S3. Tomatoes Mid-Columbia 16-lb. flats. No 1 $1.50-60. Freewater and Walla Walla No. 1 $2.50. Calif, lugs $2. 75-13. Turnips Bunched. Idaho $1-$1.10 dozen. Fresh Fruit Apples Yakima Delicious, wrapped and packed, comb box $4.45. Jumole oox $J 40 Hood River Spitz. lace-IUi. box S3.iu. Jumble $3.25. H R. Yellow Newutwns $ 35 Winter Bananas $2.90. Ortleya IS 80 oox Jonathans, t&il $3.40 H.R Delicious $3 Bfl jumble box. Yakima Wlnesaps $4.49: Astra Chan 40 lbs. $4.40, Maryhille, Wash., dis trict Transparents $1.50-$3 face lug. Gra- venstein, local i ana I 100s $2.25-50 for 40 1b. box. Calif. Gravenstelns, loose 40 lb. box $2.50-75. Apricots 1.45-60 14-lb. flats, row faced; 14-lb. shakes $1.25-60; 35-lb. pear box $2.75-$3. Avocado Fuerte $4.25. choice $3.7-$ fancy $4-$4.25 20-30 flats. Calif, navais. green skin 10s $3.30; 12s $3.70; 14s $3.85: 16s $4.25. Bananas 9 Kc-10e lb. cut hands, crates extra. Boysenberrles Flats $2.50-75. Cantaloupes Calif. Jumbo $4.50-00 for sturdy crate $3.75-$4.02. Delano and Tur lock jumbo $5.25, WashinBton $3.50-75 cle. Casabas Calif, bulk 5-5 'c lb. Figs Call! white, flats $2, Missions, i tier lugs $3.23-50, single layer flats $1 90-12 Grapefruit Calif, all sizes $4-$5.25 ease. Texas Pinks $5 10. white $4.80. Arizona $4.25-95 caie, Cor.chelIs $4.95. Grapes Calif. Thompson seedless 25-lb lug $4.75-$5. Red Malagas $5.30-55. R:b ler $5.30-33. Lemons Calif $7-$7.25 crate, Limes Lugs, loose. $4.35-50, tubs of a 35c. Honey Dew Melons 53-13. 25 Jumbo flat. Orangei Cellini Calif $6 Hit. i-'la .? DIRECTOR! SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED KENNETH HAMEL, 1H3 8th St., W 6a lem. Ph. 7404. Guaranteed service. tiew J. n. BOENING 1067 Elm. Salem. Ph. 633. Free estimates. Prompt service. COTO-ROOTER SEWER SERVICE Bow ers and drains cleaned Pree estimate Prompt service Ph 8327 o TRANSFER AND STORAGE LOCAL D INSTANCE Transfer, storage Burner oil, coal, briquets Trucks ' Portland dally Agent. Lyon Van Lines for household goods to California point former Transfer St Storage Ph. 8131 TREE TRIM MING " TREE SURGERY Trimming Topping Removals Phone 2-4030 o307 VACUUM CLEANERS ELECTROI UX Sales St Service Si Repairs. Limited amount of new machines avail ble. Office 175 S. High. Ph. 6088. o2I0 FREE Inspection in your home author aed Hoover service W service an make ol cleaners. -Hogg Bros Ph 9149 o WEATHER STRIPPING FREE estimates, T. PULLMAN. Ph. 6995 WELDING OPENING NEW welding shop. Spccializ Ins In heavy canting At aluminum block heads Trailer hitches, farm equip, fabricating, wrought Iron work Whit Ler Weldln Works. 3038 Portland Rd. PhoneS600. 187 WELL DRILLING WELL DRILLING M D Enloe, Rt 8 Box 321-L Saiem. Ore Plrst Qoum south at Bwegle school Ph 34367 o- ACME WINDOW CLEANERS. WlrTdoi. iioors. woooworg eieaned Ph 333734? i-uui ot uangdoc 6t Cuibertson PROFESSIONAL Phone 4457 CLEANING SERVICK Lodges A Salem Lodee No. 4, A.F, & yRV AM., Wednesday, Aug. 7, i V Latel meeting. 8:00 pin. 186' and up to $6.13. Valencia!. 200 $9-9.80; 220 and larger $8 09, smaller $5-$5.50. Peaches Oregon. Mayflower 6 oaskets $2 00, flats $2.50 Calif. Elbertas. 17-lb. 52 SO; Golden Jubilee $2.25-50 per flat. Early Halts 9-basket crate S2.75-$3. Calif, titles (2.15-25 lug. Triumphs 9 -lb. crat J2.-J5: 6 basket crate $1.75-12. (pars u.iUumice is lo Plums- Apex 17-lb. box. $2: 011. Reality 4 -basket flat $5.25: Santa Roa 17-lb. flat 1.90-U, 4-basket crate Oregon Brant :r s $l."S-S5 flat. Formosa Cardimls $3-.30 for 29-lb. lug. I'liieapplr Cutvin i i : Watermelons Calif, and Ariz. 31,i-4c lb. Meaia Ciiuutry Aleats RoUbacK prices to re link rs country Killed boss. ost butchers 120-140 lbs 19-19 "40 lb Veaiers AA 22ko. A J I1. B 19 ll. 9 17-nnc. culls 13- lie lb Beei AA 21"ie. A 204. B 18c. canners cutler? 13Ls-14c Lambs AA 36c A 24c- B 24ic. O 20o lb Ewes: FS 130. U I2C- R I0c Veal AA 26-23C A 24-26c, B 23-240 lb- cull 18-20C. Hoc Fancy b'.nck 30-32c lb, Lambs AA 26,.sc. A 26-28C, B 24-200 lb. Mutton Fancy A 10-14c according to quality and welrht. Beef AA 28-20C. A 26-28. B 2.1-25C. C 31-22c. canncr-cutter bulls 24-25c lb. Cascara Bark Green 8-8'jC, dry 20o lb Wool Government control Mohair 10c lb on 13-mos. growth. Hdy Wholesale snlpmenis Alt alt a. No 3 or better $31-132.50 Oats-vetch mixed hay valley crower price $19-$32. elover hay Sl9-$22f. baled on farms. Hides Calves 20-24c- green beef 100 10. old Ific Green Dulls 6a lb Hops Norma) contracts' 1944 86e Op 1945 75c lb 1946 55c 1947 tOC lb. Null Distributors' Baste Almonds Calif 33-35o lb Cheslnuii Local tlallan 300 UX Fllberta 100 lbs. Bar-e Da Brtx lonae Cblllys Nail Jumbo 34o 34o 344 Large lie 31 32e Fancy 30c 30o ine Baby 29c 39e 290 Walnuls Franquettcs No. 1 Jumbo 8v 36c. larRe 33 34c. med 31c, baby 24 Uc lb No. 2: jumbo soft shells 344c large 32c. med. 29 '-ic. ChlraKo Livestock Chicago. Aur. 7 (.41 Hogs 11-500. salable 7300; market very dull: under 300 lbs. 75c 1.25 lower, most off on 250 lbs. Sows 1.25- 50 lower, top 23.00 for wis. under 240 lb good-Choice 180-250 lbs. 22.50-23; good- choice 260-300 lbs. 21.25-22.25, few load 325-400 lbs. 20.50-21.25: few 130-160 lb 18.00-22.00. Bulk good-choice sows 22.00, choice lights 20.25. few henvles 19.75. Cattle 12.? 00. salable 12.000; calves 700 salable. Welshty slaughter steers steady to 25c lower, yearlings 25-50c off, yearlln and light steers predominated. Practical top choice heavy steers 27.00, extreme top 27.25 foi outstanding load. Best heif ers 24.00, bulk grain fed light steers and yearling 20.00-24 00. some 1.00 lower. Cows and bulls steady, strong. Veaiers steady at 18.00 down, strictly good Mont, stocker yearlings tc 16.25. Sheep 4000. salable 2000: early sales na tive spring lambs strong to 25c higher, good-choice 21.75-85, latter top to ail. Some held at 22.00; asking 18.50 for good- choice shorn yearlings Slaughter ewes slow, early Olds 50c lower, 6.50 down, Portland Grain Portland. Auk. 7 Wt Cash wheat bid: soft white 1.81 f: no Rex, white club, wet red 1.81-V, hard red winter: ordinary 1.80'i, 10 pet 1.87, 11 pet 1.91, 12 pc 1.95: hard white baart: 10 pet 1.95, 11 pet 1,97. 12 pet 1.09. Car receipts: wheat 33, barley 2, flour 2 minieca o. Portland Livestock Portland. Aug. 7 ffll Cattle 400, salahle 175: calves 25. Market active, generally steady, med 700-1000 lo. steers 16.00, com 12.00-14.00. Good heifers 17.00-5O, few med. 14.00-15.00; com. to 11.00. Good cows 13.50-14.50, med 11.00-13.25, cutters-corn 8.00-10.75. canners to 7.00. Good beef bulls 14.00-15.00. good sausage 12,50-13.50, Good choice vcalerc 16.50-18.00. com-med 12.00- 16.00. Hogs 200, salable 100. Market active, bar rows and gilts steady to 10 lower, sows fully steaay. feeder pigs strong. Top 220 lb. barrows bulk 23.85. practical top good- choice barrows and gilts 23.75. Bulk bowk 19.00-20.00, lights to 21.00. Good-choice feeder pigs quotable 2).00-22.50. Sheep 500 salable, lambs active, 25-50c higher, ewes slow, 50c lower, little denv Bulk good-choice spring '.nmba 17.00-50, med. 14.00-15.75, few good-choice clipped lambs 80 lbs 15.50. small lot good-choici shorn yearlings 14.50. Good-choice ewes 4.50-5.00. common to 3.00. Chicago Grain Chicago. Aug. 7 fljp) Cash grain: Wheat No. 1 red 3.02, No. 3 2.00, No. 1 mixed 2.01 'i. Corn Steady. Yellow: No 1 1.91, No. 3 1.87-88. No 3 1. 87-90. No. 5 1.86',j, sample grade 1.40-84. Oats Stcr.dy, firm; No. 1 mixed 75i 76, heavy 76-70" al. No. 1 white 76'i-76'i. heavy 76-77, No. 2 white 75-76, heavy 7Q'3. Sample grade 74. No. I red spec.al 77'i. heavy 77'a. Barley Malt. 1 60-78. feed 1.25-50. Salem Markets Completed from reportu ot Sa lem dealers for the guidance of Capital Journal Readtra. (Revlsnd daiiyi Retail Prices Rabbit Feeds Pellet 34.20 cwt. Egg Mash S4 65 cwt. Dairy Feed J4. 00 cwt. Poultry Henvy colored hens. No. 1 36 lb. No. 2. 22c Colored fryers. No. t 33 ',4-34o lb Ebss Buyers Prices White and Brown: egtrt large grade A 47c, med. 43c. standards 42r dozen Wholesale prices Large 52c dozen, med 48c, standards 48c. Butter Wholesale' A 71c lb. Retail Grade A 55c. med. 610 doren Butter Tat Wholesale: Premium 77c, No 1 76c. No. 2. 73c lb Hops Make Good Progress Past Week Portland, Aug. 7 Wj Ore gon's hops are making good progress, the department of agriculture's production and marketing administration re ported today, recent hot weath er having halted spread of downy mildew. Some hops are being picked in the Donald area this week and more picking will start about August 15, but the har vest is not expected to be gen eral until September 1. Some concern over the supply of pickers Is being expressed, the administration reported. No sales have been reported in the past two weeks. Inspection .and certification service will be available at Sa !em as last year, the administra tion said. Potato Price Drops From 50 to 39 Cents Portland, Aug. 7 (Pi The po' lalo price on several Portland retail markets was down today to 39 cents for ten pounds, com pared to a previously prevailing 50 cents. The department of agricul ture attributed the drop to a crop surplus. Manila hemp actually Is not a true hemp, and is not grown in the immediate vicinity of Manila. Stocks Advance Irregularly New York, Aug. 7 Wi The stock market rallied selectively today, but without a great deal of vigor, after forenoon trends had displayed irregularly lower tendancies. Bonds were narrow. The comeback got under wav near the end ot the fourth hour with assorted steels, motors, li quors, rails, utilities and special industrials leading. Gams of fractions to 2 or more points were well distributed at the close with a few notably "thin' issues showing wider upswings. Transfers totaled 670,000 shares. In front were U.S. Steel, Gen eral Motors, Youngstown Sheet, Chrysler, Santa Fe, Great Nor thern Railway, Union Pacific, Northern Pacific, Pennsylvania Railroad, Standard Gas $4 pre ferred, Ginibel, Spiegel, Wool worth, Curtis-Wright "A," Am erican Woolen Preferred, Elec tric Auto-Lite, Schenlcy, Hiram Walkre and CertainTced. Closing Dow-Jones averages Industrial, 202.86, up 1.61; rail, 62.57, up 0.26; utility, 41.36, up 0.04; 65 stocks, 75.05, up 0.45. Sales totalled 870,000 shares compared with 730,000 shares yesterday. Curb volume was 230,000 shares against 200,0000 shares against 200,000 shares yesterday. Bond turnover of $4,490,000 compared with $2,- 740,000. Corn Futures Up; Oats Firm Chicago, Aug. 7 lU.B Corn fu tures held to gains of better than a cent from start to finish on the board of trade today while oats were steady to firm in moderate dealings. A sharp increase in buying interest late in the session jump ed corn prices up to close lVe 2Vi cents higher, oats shared in the rally, closing up a.i-lV, July 72li-i. Barley climbed 9-i cent. Commission houses demand opened corn Hi -2 cents higher and although initial gains were pared somewhat after the bell by professional selling, the grain managed to stay better than one cent above yesterday's levels. Some of the buying in the pit was attributed to an elevator in terest. Oats started barely steady but snort covering, commission house and local buying impart ed a firm tone to the market, Prices moved witnln relatively narrow levels. ine casn corn market was again weaker after yesterday's 15-lHc drop and No. 1 yellow cashed at 1.91. Some local inter ests were reported bidding three cents unaer January lor new crop shipment by December 15. Spot oats were firmer on the choice grades, No. 1 heavy red- at 77. Purchases from the country on a to-arrive basis were fairly large considering the sharp re cession yesterday. By noon, 90, 000 bushels of corn had been booked. About 75,000 bushels of oats were sold for shipment. The Chicago office of the com modity credit corporation re ported purchase yesterday of 330,000 bushels of No. 1 soft red wheat at 211 . delivered to Bal timore for export. Total purch ases by the CCC now aggregate 1,200,000 bushels. Wheat futures received good support at both Kansas City and Minneapolis to close strong ir, light trading. Minneapolis oats were up fractionally and Winni peg rye remained 10c lower, the limit. Negroes Kill Fireman Rape Companion Savannah, Ga., Aug. 7 VP) Solicitor General Protem An drew J. Ryan, Jr., said two ne groes early today attacked a 22-year-old city fireman and his 17-year-old girl companion, and after shooting the fireman to death raped the girl. The solicitor identified the fireman as Anthony Elixson, veteran of naval service in the recent war. Ryan, after questioning the girl, who was treated at a hos pital here, gave this report: The couple was in a parked automobile on a road in a sparsely settled section of Chat ham county about 1 a.m., when the two negroes approached. At gun point they forced Elixson from the car, led him several yards away and shot him. Then they returned to the car, forced the girl from it and each raped her. After the assault, they left her in the car. She walked to a farm house and called police. Ryan identified the girl as Betty De Loach of Savannah. Too Great A Speed White Salmon, Wash., Aug. 7 (JP) A coroner's jury yester day attributed the bus-truck crash which ended fatally for five persons near Bingen, Wash., July 27, to "too great a speed for the condition of the high way." The whale shark is estimated to reach a weight of 25.000 pounds, and a length of 60 feet. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Most Farmers in Dallas Area Having Good Harvest Season Dallas Indications are pointing to a good season for most farmers of this area, provided the weather is not too capricious for the remainder of the harvest time. Cherries and cane berries are successfully harvested with good profits expected and at the present time main interest cen tors on grain and snap beans. Combining operations are in full swing and warehouses and elevators expect to be well fill ed this fall. Bean acreage is relatively small but several large growers near-by report good crops and for the first time in several years they re port an adequate amount of picking help. Tlie recent hot weather did some damage to various crops. Vetch growers report that on the hottest days the seed pop ped from the pods and the re sultant loss in yield was great. Walnut growers are survey ing damage done to their crops by sunburning, but it is diffi cult lo ascertain at this time just what it will be. They anti New York Stock Quotations (By the Associated Press) New Yon. V- CIoMim auotaiioa tods Allied Chem 6 Oym 1!5 American Can inu Am Power & Light 19 mer Tel & rL ino Anaconda Copper Atchlsob Bend l Aviation Bethlehem Steel Boeing Aircraft Cft'iforn! Packing Canadian Piclflo J I Case Jhrysier Corp anmmon wealth A South COIlAOltdHlrd Edl.soo ... Jonsoiidated Vultee ... Continental Insurance . Jrown lellerbacb Jurtiss Wright , Oouglaa Aircraft Jupont de Netnoura Jeuerai Electria General Poods ... eneru Uoiora Joodjear Tire Jreat Northern pfd Interna lion a. Harvester ... tnt Papei pfd. Johns Manvill ... Kennecott 112'. , 113 33'i 21', , 54'; , 34'i r , 90 , 115 , 46a 138 wing Hell A VI ay tag Miami Copper ........ Montgomery Ward Mash Kelvinator ....... National Dairy ft Y Oantrat lorth Am Co Northern Pacitlo fao Amer Fish ....... Pacific Ou El Pacific r St T eao American Penny j C .tadio Corp tlaroniei laynnlei pfd tiejnold Meiali iafeway ........ 4ear Hoe buck 4inetatt Uii Southern Poclflo Standard Brands iundard Ol' Calif Stewart-Warner Jludebaner .... Sua Mining Jtuoo Oil Union Pacitio United Airllnea ........ United Aircraft United Siatci Steel Warner llro'.hcra West Elec Mfg Co .... Won.wnrt.h 39 7 S3, 36 33l, Poultry Culling Demonstration Set Poultry culling demonstra tions are to be held Friday, Aug ust 16, at 10:30 a.m., at D. L. St. Johns' farm at Gervais and at 2 p.m. at the J. T. Bullock place, three miles south of Lib erty on the Rosedale road. Noel Bcnnion, extension poultryman from Oregon Slate college will lead the discussion. Low producing birds can well be removed from the laying flock any time of year, advises Ben A. Newell, assistant county agent, who has arranged the de monstration. August, however, is the month when special care is given lo examining each bird and judging her ability lo pro duce and lay through the fall and winter months. Birds that start to molt in May and June need to be culled at once for probably it will be four to six months before they lay again, while a hen that will lay until September or October will molt rapidly and be back in produc tion in four to six weeks. Per sistent producers are the high producers, states Newell, and make the best breeders and sec ond year layers. Food Price Advance Breaks All Records New York Aug. 7 W) The D in and Bradstreet weekly in dex of 31 foods in general use advanced eight cents during the week ended August 6 to set an all time high of $5.32 the price for which one pound of all of the commodities could be pur chased. The previous high was S5-30 July 31, 1919. A week ago the wholesale commodity index stood at $5.24 and a year ago at $4.09. Advnncing during the week were flour, oats, burlcy, hams, bellies, butter, cheese, hogs and Iambs. Declining were wheat, corn, rye, potatoes, steers and sheep. Others were unchanged. sin jwr aitw -. x .;-. or BETTER HEAITH Correct V lihMonKiioins ( PI Irs) l is rt ( A tf. FISSl Kf: PROLAPSE and other Rectal condition, No hos pitalization. Free de scriptive booklet. Dr. R. Reyr lds Clinic NATL RO - I'lUJ TOLOdlST 418 N. LI her it St. Salem, Ore. I Phone 9160 HIBO f Wednesday, Aug. 7, 194613 cipate bumper crops in most cases, however. The next big labor problem will be the hop harvest, al though some hop raisers state that they have a sufficient num ber of workers already regis tered and will need no more. It will be unnecessary to im port much Mexican labor and few such laborers will be in Polk county this year, accord ing to John Pfaff of the Dallas farm labor office. Early hops will be ready in some areas within a few days. Prune harvest will get un der way early in September and no great difficulty is expec ted in getting labor at that time but the office will wait until hop harvest is well underway before worrying about the prunes. Boston Lobby Beat Wool Bill Cedar City, Utah. Aug. 7 Wi Rep. Walter K. Granger (D., Utah) today accused a "pow erful lobby of the Boston wool brokers" backed by the Massa chusetts congressional delega tion with preventing a bill to stabilize the wool Industry from coming to a vote during the ses sion recently ended. He said the legislation which he and Sen. O'Mahoney (D., Wyo.) sponsored which he as serted was necessary unless the wool industry is to be "entire ly" liquidated was stymied by "certain eastern congressmen." "The Massachusetts delega tion, headed by Walsh (D) in the senate and Martin (R) and McCormack (D) In the house, successfully prevented this leg islation from coming up at the recent session because of the powerful lobby of the Boston wool brokers," Granger stated in a Tribune Interview. Ho said the legislation had the approval of the National Wool Growers' association and the department of agriculture. "Any western representative would be foolish to vote again for McCormack or Martin as majority and minority leaders in the house," he said. I Markets Briefed (Br the Unttfd PrpsiO Slocks higher in quiet trad ing. Bonds irregular. U.S. govern ments failed to appear on the tape. Curb stocks irregular. Foreign silver quoted in New York at 90'4 cents a fine ounce. Cotton steady. Births, Deaths Births To Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Jorgensen (Eth el Fogg) of Seattle, a son, Stanley Edward. tlrathi Thomas William ItrUht Thomns William Brltcht. In this city Aug ust 3, Bt the axe of 31 years. Former resi dent of Cleveland, Okln. Survived by hi pnrcnts, Mr and Mrs. Thomas Brluht of Cleveland, Okta.; two brothers, John Bright of Yamhill. Ore,, and Andy Bright of Houston, Texas: five sisters. Mrs. Estey Ball of Cleveland. Mrs. Virginia Polk of Houston, Texas, Mrs. Mildred Lawrence of Parsons, Kas., Mrs. Eaitn Lowe of cusn- int, Okla. and Mrs. Margaret Renton of Seminole. Okla. Graveside sevlces wer held August 7 at 3:30 p.m. with Interment In the IOOF cemetery. Direction Cloufth- Bnrrlck company. Rev. Howard Houston officiated. Paul Cavallire Paul Cavnltere, at the residence. 311 Hood street Tuesday, AiiKust 6, at the age of 71 yetrs. Husband of Ansellne Caval lere of Salem; father of Armando Cava- llere of Hartford, Conn., Tom, Julio and Joe Cavaliere. all of Los Anseles. and Edith Cavallere of Sblem. Announcement of services Icier by W. T. Rigdon Co. Samurl C. Parkrr Simurl C. Parker, late resident of b9i North Cjumirrclnl, AiHii.it 2. Survived by ills wife, Mr.. Jennie P. Parker of Salem. Announcement of services later by Clounh Unrrlck corrpany. Anionic M. CaUse Portland-Antonle M. Caisse at his rps- Idi'iice. loli N.E. Couch SI., Aug. 5 at tne nite of fifl years. Survived by his wife, Annn: .ions, A. W. Caisse of Portland and Richard of the U.S. navy: bro'.lier, William of Woodburn; sisters. Mrs. Charlotte Nor ris nf Seatllf and Eva of Vancouver, B.C. Alio Mirvlvcd bv several nieces and nepn- ews. Services Thursday. Auk. 8. at 11 30 a m. from Holinnn and Lute chapel, 14th and Sandy. Portland. Mn. Alible D. Davenport Lebanon Mrs. Abbie D. Davenport. 7i. died at the Lebanon grneral hospital Au. 8. Born In Iowa May 21, 1371. Previous to lier 10 year residence In Lebanon she had Iivrd for many years in Silverton. Sur viving are ler widower, D. C Davenport: sons. Roy B of Silicrton, Russell D Af Sal rm, Lowell E . Delbert H. and Mer! V. nf Lebanon: a daughter. Mrs. Mabel U. Yocrjm of Lfbaiion: brother. Warnick R. Foslrr of Snlem; right grandchildren and four grrat grandchildren, Funeral uounccmdiU later by Howe-Huston Co. SUMMER When something you've eaten causes simple diarrhea, tnke sooth ing PEPTO-BISMOL. Recommended by many physician. It is non liixative, non-alkahne, pleasant-tasting. Brings gontlo relief helps re tard gas formation. Tastea good and does ooa. Ask your druggist for Pepto-bismol when your stomach is upseL A NORWICH PRODUCT