Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, July 31, 1946, Page 9, Image 9

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    ji' Locals 'ill
The Central Lutheran Ladies'
Aid society will hold a regular
monthly meeeting at the home
of Mrs. Henry Torvend on Kap
phahn road, north of highway
B9E. The meeting will be
Thursday at 2 p.m.
Dance tonltc Crystal Gardens.
Children's large outdoor play
Dens. See them at 395 S. 18th.
Will pay cash for modern 2
bedroom home with full base
ment, north. Phone 5813. 182
Mr. and Mrs. John Ackerman
of Griswold, Iowa, arrived in
Salem and are the guests of Mrs.
Fay Sherman. 320 Fisher road.
The couple stopped in to visit
the brother of Mrs. Ackerman,
John Fleming, In San Jose,
Calif., on the way to Oregon.
Mrs. Ackerman and Mrs. Sher
man are former schoolmates in
Atlantic, Iowa.
Alcoholics Anonymous meet
Wednesday nile, YMCA, 8 p.m
New members welcome. 180
Dance tonite Crystal Gardens.
L. Closed On vacation, "goint!
Aug. 28. Normandy Manor. 180
The Rev. D. C. Denman, as
sistant pastor at St. Mary's ca
thedral, Portland, officiated at
the 8 o'clock mass at St. Joseph's
church Wednesday morning.
Father Denman has been visit
ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
H. W. Denman, Medford.
Lutz Flower Shoppe, 1276 ;!
Liberty street. Ph. 5B2. 180
Insurance: Becke, Wadsworth
Hawkins and Roberts, Guardian
building. 180
World famous Akron Modern
Trusses, correctly fitted. Private
fitting room. Capital Drug store.
Flagstone for sale. Ph. 21754.
Mrs. Dorothy G. Dohm, 730
No. Liberty street, Salem, had
a good idea for the use of a pipe
cleaner for spreading glue. She
sent her idea to Sunset Maga
zine, won an award and her
idea will be published in the
"Good Ideas" section of the
Air, Steamship tickets. Kugel
735 N. Capitol. Ph. 7694. 180
Dance tonite Crystal Gardens
See Ken Potts for fire, auto-
fidelity & surety bonds. 208 N.
mobile, casualty insurance. Also
mgn ox. fnone owai. ltju
Reroof with Johns-Manville
shingles. Mathis Bros. 164 South
Commercial. Phone 4642. 180
Eola Acres Florist. 5730. 180
Firemen were called late
Tuesday to extinguish a chim
ney fire at the Jessie Hutchins
home, 2380 Hazel avenue.
Drawing house plans. Ph. 9621
Dance tonite Crystal Gardens.
West Salem Taxi will take
you any place in the United
States. Phone 8774. Canada
or Mexico. 30 cents a mile.
Canning peaches are ready at
Kron's orchard, route 1. 182
Theo specializes in pecmanent
waving fine hair. Ph. 5033. 182'
Portland members of Also
holics Anonymous will come to
Salem Friday to meet with lo
cal members at the Chamber of
Commerce at 8 p.m. The public
is invited. Alcoholics Anony
mous are ex-drinkers who teach
aliing alcoholics how to quite
touching "the stuff." Not be-
Iw'jnR reiormers, xne group oners
l r t i . . : i . . i 4,
seek it. There are no dues. Only
requirement for membership is
an honest desire to stop drink-
Complete stock Kem-Tone
the miracle wall finish at Sears
We will be close!" from Au
gust 4 to 26 Inc. Smith's Watch
Shop. 226 Gerth Ave., West Sa
lem. 183
Wanted, dining room set.
phone 5862. 180
Daniel C. Chapmen of Port
land, field representative of the
Anti-defamation League of
B'nai B'rith, whose territory in
cludes Oregon, Washington,
Idaho and Montana, will be
guest speaker during Thursday's
luncheon of the Salem Lions
club. He will discuss phases
of the Jewish situation.
Jean Schweigent, hair stylist,
now -working at Prices' Beauty
Salon. 180
Miss India, formerly hair
tylist from an Elizabeth Arden
ahop in Tulsa, is with Prices
Beauty Salon. 180
Cigars by the box, anytime.
Lobby of Pioneer Trust Bldg.
Wanted to rent, unfurnishea
house. Adults. Call 3186. Shell
A CO. 183
Certificate of assumed busi
ness name for The Langenfeld
Trucking company, to be locat
ed at 1360 North Liberty, was
filed at the county clerk's of
fice Wednesday by D. H. Lan-gendelf.
Canning peaches are ready at
Kron's orchard, route 1. 1B2
Wanted. 5 painters, local,
steady. Must be experienced.
Phone 7031. 182
Very desirable creek lot near
center of town. Only $2750. Ph
7770. General Real Estate Co.
Experienced filter wanted to
take charge of alteration depart
ment at Sally's. Good salary.
Reid, Murdoch and Co. will
start pears August 12 or 13. Old
employes please pick up place
slips.. 182
Rundle told police that he was
driving south on Front at 35
or 40 miles an hour when an
other vehicle crowded him off
the road, causing his car to
turn over. The overturned cab
skidded across the lawn at the
Lloyd Hill home, 2495 North
Front, damaging trees and
shrubs. The top and left side
of the car were badly damaged.
Theo has returned to the Lar
sen Beauty Studio. Ph. 5033.
We kill 95"- of your unsight
ly weeds on first spraying with
2-4D. We come back for mop up
in one month. Get our figure for
spraying your lawn and killing
your weeds. Inexpensive. Call
6081. 180
In Suburban district with
beautiful view, a new three-bed
room home, fully insulated, elec
tric heat, immediate possession
See Mr. Larsen with Hawkins ic
Roberts, Inc. Phone 4108. 183
Taxi! Valley Cab. Prompt
service. Phone 8624.
View lot, West Nob Hill.
$1250. Phone 6558. 181
Dr. Leon Lassers, supervisor
of speech correction, and staff
consultant of the child guid
ance extension, University of
Oregon Medical school, will be
guest speaker during the lunch
eon of the Hollywood Lions
club Wednesday noon.
River silt and fill dirt. Com
mercial Sard and Gravel. Phone
Nohlgren's Dining Room Is
as cool as a cucumber these hot
days. 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m
for dinner.
Come to the Santiam Bean
festival at Stayton, July 30 to
August 3. Carnival, dances, big
bean can, grand parade Satur
day, 2:30 p.m. 182
The R. D. Woodrow company
is now located in its new store
440 Center St. Ph. 4155. 184
For Kimsul Insulation see
Jack Watson, 570 Kingwood
Ave. 183
Supplementary articles of in
corporation were filed with the
county clerk Tuesday by the
Rosedale Cooperative Telephone
association, increasing the capi
tal stock to $2800. The direc
tors are Frank Barnett, Nor
man C. Alexander. Floyd E.
Bates, Gus Cole, F. W. Cam
mack, Rex Hartley, Ray Heck
art, John Neuenschwander and
J. S. Turnbull.
Dr. Nash's dental offices are
closed until August 12. 180
Sanitas Coated Wall Fabric
now in stock, wall paper de
partment, Elfstrom'g, 340 Court.
Lawnmowers sharpened at
your home. Dexter. Ph. 9081.
Hollywood Florist, 2075 Fair
grounds Road. Phone 21863.
See complete line Color Per
fect wall paper at Sears.
Nohlgren's Dining Room is
as cool as a cucumber these hot
days. 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. for
Arriving in Salem today for
a short stay will be State Sen
ator P. J. Stadleman of The
Dalles, who while he is here
will be registered at the Mar
ion hotel.
Insured savings have always
returned better than 2 percent
annually at Salem Federal. In
quiry welcomed, 130 South Lib
erty St. Phone 3801.
C. S. Whitcomb Co. has mater
ial for your sprinkling system
Call 21619 for free estimat'
years experience. 185
Come to the Santiam Bean
festival at Stayton, July 30 to
August 8. Carnival, dances, big
bean can, grand parade Satur
day, 2:30 p.m. 182
Former Salemite visiting here
this week is Phil Crary, who
now makes his home in Med
ford. The earliest examples of man
made glass to which archaeolo
gists can assign a specific date
re eads bound adorning Egyp
tian mummiei of th 17th cen
tury B. C.
Jih Slum
" & "a gin fjrsLfrh 1
Festival Opens Naomi I, queen of Santiam Bean festival, receives her crown from Gov. Earl
Snell Tuesday night. Also present on the dais were Judge Grant Murphy, master of ceremonies,
Salem Cherrians, Princesses Mary Ely, Slayton: Joy Keirsey, West Stayton, Marilyn Schrunk,
Scio; Betty Kinzer, Lyons, Marvis Mundt, Mill City and Doris McCoy, Marion; Richard Brown,
crown bearer, Denny Frank, train bearer, and Janice Kreitzer, Sharron Brown, Margaret Heater
and Janet Clark, flower girls. (Photo by Ben Maxwell, Capital Journal photographer.)
N.G. Mickel
Dies, Mi. Angel
Mt. Angpl 111 since March of
this year Nickolas G. Mickel,
member of a pioneer Oregon
family and prominent Mt. Angel
business man, died at his home
here Wednesday morning.
Mickel, born August 4, 1877.
at Mt. Angel, was married
April 9, 1907, to Tillie Hassing,
who survives him. For five
years following their marriage
the couple made their home on
a farm north of Mt. Angel and
then went to Alaska for five
years. Returning from Alaska
they have since made their
home in Mt. Angel.
Surviving besides the widow
are five children, Mrs. Leona
Niehenki of Los Angeles, Mrs.
Vernice Gale of Oakland, Calif..
Mrs. Florence Greenwood of
Mt. Angel, Gilbert Mickel of
Port Angeles, Wash., and S lc
Robert Mickel of San Diego;
three sisters. Mrs. Anna Moore
of San Diego. Mrs. Jerry Ward
of Seattle and Margaret Mickel
of Santa Barbara, Calif., and
three grandchildren.
Services will be held Friday,
August 2 at 9:15 a.m., at St.
Mary's church. Public recita
tion of the rosary will be at the
Unger Funeral home Wednes
day and Thursday nights at 8
Order was entered by the
county court Tuesday vacating
a strip of old road by the side
of Market Road 36 on land now
owned by Donald Durette. In
spection showed that the land
is no longer needed or used for
road purposes.
Wendell Swartout, 1721 Che
meketa street, was given first
aid when he got a glass cut on
the hand at the Capitola rink
Monday night.
Salem Court News
Circuit Court
Order made on motion of District At
torney Miller B. Hay den revolt inn parole
and probation of Arthur S. Jar It son nn
.round he ha? failed to support mine
children and ha made no payment! since
June IB.
Demurrer filed in the cane sf Margaret
Fred Hunt.
Demurrer filed In cane of Marti Kon
rad va. Grace K. Thrapp.
Order of default entered in Vernon A.
'i. Marie Mouton.
Decree of divorce handed down In Cleo
IdB va, William A. De Oeer and plain
tiff maiden name of Cleo Ida Rose re
atored. Decree of divorce in Vernon A. vs. MRrie
Mouton. and maiden name of Marie Unite
Decree of divorce in Marjorle vs. Ed
ward A. Reid: custody of minor child. S60
a month support money and 1115 medicil
ex perinea awarded plaintiff.
Decree of divorce in Dorothy A. Kello
vs. Robert B. KellosR.
Decree of divorce in Esther va. Jam
Whitworth: custodv of two minor chil
dren and $35 a month support money to
Decree of divorce in Dorothy i. William
Willi!; custody of two minor children to
Order of default entered In Evelyn A. vs.
Richard T. Blake.
Decree of divorce in Parl vf. Paul
Pearce; custody of minor child and 130 a
month to plaintiff.
Order of default and decree quiet hit
title in case of O. H. Towle vs. 8. .
Humlaton and others.
Decree of divot ce in Pern va Carl P.
Kint; eusmdy of two minor children and
ISO a month to plaintiff.
Decree of divorce in Mabel va. Willlan
C Dial; $15 a month and costs, and res
toration of maiden name of Mabel Benton
awarded plaintiff.
Decree of divorce in Eva vs. Lloyd Porter
Decree of divorce In Beatrice vs. Clarrtts
Russell Biettell; restoration of maiden
name of Bet trie P. Oowell to plaintiff.
Answer filed In Paul A. Porter. OPA ad
ministrator, vs Jack Everaon. and Ever
son's Used Can.
Probate Court
Order in estate of Msrrare) Edna Shaw
appointing Maynard McKinley adminis
trator and Lo N, Chllds. William Thtelaen
and John Oraber appraisers,
Order In Mtate of Klie a M. Winninter
senini sept. I u daw for an
finai account.
Gov. Snell Places Crown
On Naomi, Queen of Bean
By Ben Maxwell
Stayton Festooned in glory and frou Iron, Naomi I. queen of
the Santiam Bean festival, received her diadem from Gov. Earl
Snell Tuesday night in a coronation ceremony conducted by Coun-
(Continued from Page 1)
In addition to the Jewish and
Arab provinces, said Lord Ad
dison, dominions secretary, the
joint commission of experts
proposed to establish a district
of Jerusalem and a district of
The latter section is a piece
of desert land lying in south
ern Palestine In which Jewish
migration was permitted under
the 1940 Palestine land transfer
Addison also announced that
the British government had dis
associated itself from a ibtter
anti-fraternization letter writ
ten by Lt. Gen. Sir Evelyn Bar
ker to the British troops under
his command in Palestine.
Barker's action has been re
ferred to Field Marshal Mont
gomery, chief of the imperial
general staff, Addison said.
Washington, July 31 MP) .
President Truman today direct
ed the American cabinet com
mittee in London to return to
Washington to review the whole
Palestine problem In detail.
A White House statement said
that the president took this step
"in view of the complexity" of
the problem which includes
American pleas for the Immi
gration of 100,000 Jews Into Pal
estine. The president, it was said,
hopes that further discussions
will "alleviate the situation of
the persecuted Jews in Europe"
and contribute to the ultimate
solution of the long-term prob
lem of Palestine.
Order In estate of Alex Knutson ap
pointing Adeline B. Dick administratrix
and Claudtne Zimmerman. Carl Zimmer
man and Orren Rhyne appraisers.
Order In estate of Herman E. Lafky. ap
pointed Gladys T. Lafky administratrix.
Order In the estate of Or ace Orassman
setting August 30 as date for hearing on
final account, filed Wednesday by T. C.
Gorman, administrator.
Order In guardianship of Mars at el
Grace Yates and Dcrlt May Yate auth
orizing Joyce O. Engle, guardian! to sell
real property.
Justice Court
Plea of utility by Floyd Roseoe Persons
to driving truck with axle overload; fined
115 and coe'i.
Pine of 120 and costs imposed on Stan
ley James Forrest, charged with drtvlui:
truck with axle overload.
Pleas of guilty entered by Felix Kirsch
and Peter Owen Frazier to ohantes of
being Intoxicated on a public highway;
fined 150 each.
Plea of guilty by Gordon Linn to charae
of driving motor vehicle while intoxicated
Fined lfK and sentenced to 30 days in
.tat) and driver's license automatically sus
pended. Ps of guilty by Rescoe Edward B erly
to violation of the state motor transpor
tation act; fined 110 and costs.
Police Court
Violation of basic speed rule- Louise K
Smith. Portland, bail try Wendell J. Klf-r.
Gait, Calif.. 110. Marjorle u Selby. 21B S
High. O. H. Poss. Portland. 11.50 Ed-xin T
Barrett, Rt. 4. Harold C. Munhollon. Port
land. 110. Jesse W. Varbel. Brooks. 17. EO.
Laura M. Horton. S10. Hoy Lindqulst, Eies
ton, Mont.. 15 Zen F. Browder. Shoemak.
er, Calif.. 110. Oarrett Tempteton. Rl. i.
Clarence Berg. Euame, 17.50. Elmer A
Anstine, Ml Mill, 125.
days In J all.
Paul Richards, transient, 10
Driving vehicle with Illegal muffler,
Gene Boteler, 2245 El'.elton. Roy Lind
quist, Elesta-t, Mont., bail 15.
Driving motor vehicle while intoxicated.
Charles M. Myers, route 3 Sitverton Plead
ed Innocent Trial date to be set.
Having no driver's license, Charles U
Mf ri, Rt, 3, SUverton. bail IS. Commit
ment Issued.
Sndmg through intersection. Dona
Lee Beck, route 3: bail 15.
Marriage Licenses
Robert F, Ir, legal age. Pssco. Wash,
and Carola May. ieaal, Mt. Angel.
Oeorae William Jon-. 18. Portland, an
Betty Delorts Lunceford, Ifl. Portland.
Landy J Franc, 31. Salem, fta Br
nic4 Bowersox, 21. Salem.
;"ty Judge Grant Murphy, master
of ceremonies
Her majesty's dais over
flowed with impressive nobility
Salem Cherrians. resplendent in
full uniform, conducted royal
princesses to the dais. Royal
princesses, garbed in silks and
purple accountremnts, attend
ed Her Majesty. Pages, crown
bearers and flower girls were in
attendance too, each properly
arrayed for the court occasion.
Crowding tightly around the
dais were hundreds of Naomi's
royal subjects from all parts of
the Kingdom of Bean. Subjects
from the Provinces of Scio, Mar
ion, West Stayton and Mill City
were there in great numbers
and, upon conclusion of corona
tion ceremonies, rushed to the
throne to greet and congratulate
members of the royal court.
Governor Earl Snell told Na
omi's subjects the Kingdom of
Bean would surely expand and
prosper and Judge Murphy
praised the beauty of the queen
and the royal princesses.
Following cornation cere
monies, Queen Naomi and her
court entered royal cars desig
nated exclusively for the court
and motored gaily away to par
ticipate In Bean Festival frolics
extending through the rest of
the week.
Olson Alleges
(Continued from Pag 1)
"I said, 'Nothing doing. Ei
vind. There's nothing wrong
with that check and you know
it and I know it. If you want
to use lt, go ahead.' "
Coffee testified yesterday that
he used the $2500 check from
Anderson to recoup campaign
expenditures in the 1938 cam
paign. He did not list it on his
income tax returns because he
regarded it as a gift. He did
not list lt as a campaign con
tribution because It came in a
non-election year.
Coffee now was relying on a
high justice department offi
cial to clear him of Anderson's
charges that the check had been
a fee for Washington represen
tation involving the hospital
Coffee's opening testimony
yesterday was Interrupted to
permit the committee to hear
retired Gen. Brehon B. Somer
vell, former chief of the army
service forces, and former Sen
ator Rufus Holman, Oregon re
publican. Holnian Testifies
Somervell told the committee
he was "sorry" but that he could
recall nothing about the contract
nor of any telephone calls made
in Anderson's behalf.
Holman told the committee
that he had no knowledge of
Coffee's part In getting the
award for Anderson nor the $2,
500 payment.
He became interested in the
matter, he testified, at the re
quest of Charls Hal of Portland,
Ore., whom Holman said was
his attorney and who was in
teresled in having the Rushlight
Plumbing and Heating company
of Portland obtain a subcontract
on the same project.
Holman read into the record
a letter in which he had asked
Somervell to furnish a state
ment of the reasons in the event
the contract was awarded to a
bider higher than Anderson. The
letter also requested that the
Tacoma contractor be permitted
to "give his side" of the case.
Certificate of assumed busi
ness name for "Alirma Autel,"
a motor court at 3655 Portland
road, was filed at the county
clerk's office Tuesday. The op
erators are Albert J. and Irma
Need Housing
While none of the teachers of
the Salem public schools has
threatened to go elsewhere be
cause they have been unable to
find living accommodations.
Supt, Frank B. Bennett said
Wednesday that there was a
real need for houses, apart
ments and board and room to
take care of those instructors
who will be new to the system
this fall. The superintendent
added that the securing of liv
ing accommodations has been a
year round project with the sys
tem and that he would welcome
information as to the availabil
ity of houses and apartments.
In the past two years the dis
trict has come into possession
of a few older type dwellings
through purchase of needed
land. These have been remod
eled and turned over to teach
ers with families.
During Wednesday night's
board meeting the superinten
dent will submit a list of pros
pective teachers that is expect
ed lo take care of all but four
vacancies now existing. He does
not anticipate any great diffi
culty in filling the post of cur
ricular director, recently made
vacant through the resignation
of Walter Snyder, although he
has been unable to find a sub
stitute for Mrs. Alice Robe, art
supervisor. Replacement for
Tom Drynan. member of the
physical education staff who Is
transferring to Albany, has not
been localed, although there are
one or two prospects.
Russia Chief
'Continued from Phrc P
The military machines of all
would be reduced to a vestige
of power, and the treaty drafts
directed the five beaten coun
tries to cooperate for the pur
pose of insuring against any
German rearmament in the fu
ture. The atom bomb was not
mentioned in the treaty drafts,
but rocket bombs would be out
lawed. The proposed trealies 2fl6
pages in length offered a
peace to Italy, Romania, Bul
garia, Finland and Hungary
which was mild In tone and
largely so in demands, except
for reparations and upon Italy's
empire and border real estate.
The drafts offered little vital
change in the troubled status
quo except for withdrawal of
Russian occupation troops from
the Balkans and British-American
forces from Italy.
Russia alone of the major
powers would win reparations
$100,000,000 from Italy, $300.-
000.000 each from Finland and
Romania and $200,000,000 from
Hungary. To the last award,
however, the United States has
entered some unpublished res
ervations, represented by a half
page scissored out of the treaty
draft. Bulgaria's reparations
have not been settled and the
Italian figure Is a partial one.
Hungary would be required to
pay another $100,000,000 to
Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia.
Mrs. Violalhafler
Demonstration Agent
Announcemenl is made by the
Oregon Stale College Extension
service of the appointment of
Mrs. Viola Shaffer as Polk
county home demonstration
agent. Mrs. Shaffer Is succeed
ing Mrs. Helen Taylor Tye. who
resigned to Join her husband,
who is in (he navy.
Mrs. Shaffer is already
known to a number of Polk
county farm people, as she
worked in that county and Mar
ion county as home supervisor
for the farm security adminis
tration before becoming state
home management supervisor
for the F.S.A.
Mrs. Shaffer is a graduate of
Oregon Slate college, and she
has had considerable graduate
work at Kansas State college
and Columbia University in
New York majoring in home
economics. She was horn and
raised on a farm in Missouri
and has lived on a farm part of
the time since then.
NOTICE is h.rpbv fiv.n Ih.t the com- '
mrn Cminrll of the CUT of Sal.m. Or.- j
ton. hy rnoluMnn flul? nn rejtular'.y !
artnpt.d .nd (il.o or. th. Iftth day of
luly. 134 hnt rt.rlar.fl IM mention 10
v.rt. and h.. initial. a .aration pro
e..rlm. lo vara. th following d.scrth
ad property, lo-m:
Parrlan 8r..t from Ui. aa.t Una
of capital aasl.rly to tha
Ho'jth.rn Par.lfie rtaht of war. and
a airip of land alonit tha aast "nrf
of blorka U and 13. Oaka Addi
tion, aald atrip of land bflnf mor.
particularly d.acrlbaa a followa. to
wn n.ainnlna at Ih. north.ast eorn.r
of block 13 of lha Oaka Addition, and
runnlna anutharly alont tha
aa.t aid. of block. 12 and 13 and
acroaa in. anda of Parrlah and Lam
brr.on a dletance of aan te.t
to a point on 10. aoutb.rly hna if
th. plat of lha Oaka Addition: thanra
south 70' .8' cast along said south
Una a d;stanca of 3.1.2 fact mora
or las. to tha waalarlv line of tha
rlsht of way of .aid Boutharn Pari- I
fic Company: thanra north IB 38'
aatl alony Raid rlaht of way Una a
diatanc- of 480 lo a point In tha '
soii'h.rly '.na of "p" Btrp.t If .a- J
l.nd.d aaat.rly; thfV.c north 70 4S' alona aald aonthprly line of "D"
fiirrft axl.nd'd, a distance of 3fl
fact to baslnnlna: aald strip of land
not balnir named as a street, the
same neer havlni been opened or i
Improved. j
Tha loin day of Aiiaust. 1048. at tha I
hour of 8 or. o clock p.m. In the Council I
Cliamhera of the City Hall and In the I
said City of Salem. Oreron. have oeen I
fixed as tha time and tha place for the ;
hearlna of any oblactions or remonstrances ;
thereto. Oblecllona, If any. to such vaca-
tion. must he filed In writing with tha .
undersigned prior lo the time herein
flged lor th hearing of the same.
City Recorder,
Balem, Oregon.
Ji.ll It 34 Hi Ant. I M
Capital Journal. Salem, Ore.,
Big 4 Powers Release Terms
Of Peace Treaties Agreed Upon
Washington, July 30 W.R) The Big Four powers today un
veiled their disagreement-studded proposed peace treaties for
Italy, Finland and Nazi Germany's three Balkan snlollitps
Romania, Hungary and Bulgar-
The draft treaties pock
marked with issues on which Ihe
foreign ministers of the U. S.,
Britain, Russia and France have
been unable to agree outlined
in detail the price the five de
feated nations must pay for their
partnership with Germany in a
war of aggression.
They spelled out Ihe pattern
by which Ihe defeated peoples
of these countries may attain
"the enjoyment of human rights"
and full membership in the
United Nations.
The treaties now rest with
the 21-nation peace conference
in Paris, where the Big Four
proposals and the issues on
which they differ confront
the small nations of Europe for
the first time.
The draft treaty for defeat
ridden Italy, hammered out
point by point by the Big Four
foreign ministers, is the major
Under its terms Italy must
slash her once-rampant army to
a meager 185,000 combat and
service troops, reduce her navy
to two battleships, four cruis
ers and a few smaller warships;
slice her air force to fledgling
siie, renounce her claims to the
African colonies of Libya, Eri
trea and Italian Somaliland,
and squeeze her boundaries
hark to the lines of January 1,
She must surrender a sub
stantial portion of the disputed
Venezia Giulia peninsula and
agree to some form of inlerna
tionalization of the coveted
Adriatic port of Trieste.
In their proposals the Big
Four handed the Pans peace
makers almost as many unset
tled issues as specific agree
ments but most of the dis
agreements were relatively
The western powers and Rus
sia, however, were far apart on
the question of freedom of na
vigation along the Danube, the
vital artery of inland Europe
and freedom of trade in the Bal
kan countries. They disagreed
also on Ihe precise manner in
which to internationalize Trieste,
although Ihe four powers agreed
that the United Nations security
council should be responsible for
guarding the port's integrity as
an international zone.
The Danube disagreement was
spelled out In the treaty drafts
The U.S., Britain and France
insisted on guaranteeing freed
om of navigation on the river
and free trade In the Balkans
But Russia held that those are
questions which the individual
governments concerned must
Sugar Rations for
Loggers Doubled
Washington, July SO (Pi
Sugar rations for loggers In is
olated camps will be doubled,
effective Aug. , the OPA an
nounced ysterday.
The camps will be eligible for
six instead of three pounds a
month per man. Applications
will be filed at OPA district of
MARION. Na. I.l'flfi.
K. HESS, DdetPndRnt
TO HARRY V HF8S. Urff ndunt
OON: Ynti rt hcrfhr rfqulrfd to ipi-riv
and r.Bwer ttiff Complaint ft. or tan Inst
you In the Above fntHlfrl mSt within
Iw"nt7i1n!il'- ilnya from th dat of the
first publication nt thli inmmnni; and If
you fall ao to answer, for want thereof.
the plaintiff will apply to tha tmirt for
relief demanded therein, vli: a deerea of
dtvorre, forever dlanolvlnR tha bond of
matrimony heretofore exUttna between
plaintiff and defendant herein: awardmp
to plaintiff tha runtndy and control of the
minor children of the parr lex heret o, and
trantln to plalntlfi mich other and furth
er and different relief an to the court
may teem lust, aqultnbla and authorized
by law.
ALfnrneva for Plaintiff
117 Pacific Bulldina, Salam. Oreaoa
Date of First Publication July t. IfHS.
July 3, It), 17. 34, 31
Come In or
for a FREE
Wednesday, July 31, 19469
Stale employers returning to
their jobs after military service
will be given two weeks' vaca
tions after three months work,
the state board of control decid
ed Tuesday.
The board also approved an
advance payment of S30 a ton
for top grade flax, and tabled a
proposal to get four infirmary
buildings from Camp Adair for
use at the Fairview home for
feeble-minded persons.
Camp Pioneer
Camp Pioneer, nuiing head
quarters for Cascade Council
area, Boy Scouts of America,
has the largest group in camp
of the entire season, Lyle
Leighton, scout executive, re
ported Wednesday upon his re
turn to his desk. One hundred
and twenty seven scouts and
leaders are Inking part in the
week's activities which include
the regular rounds of camp life,
a trip to Marion lake and a climb
of Turpentine peak. Boys in
camp are from Salem, Mon
mouth, Hayesville, SUverton,
Gervais and Elrlritige. Leaders
include Les Morris of Salem,
Clarence Michael. Eldridae and
Dave St. John of Gervais.
The final week of the season
will open next Sunday. Fol
lowing that a group of 25 senior
scouts will make Camp Pioneer
their headquarters for a number
of strenuous hikes, including a
visit to Hunt's Cove, a climb
of Ml. Jefferson and an explor
ation of Jefferson park. The
group will emerge at Breiten
bush lake from which spot they
will be brought back to Salem.
The executive board of the
council, headed by W. L. Phil
lips will spend the week-end at
the camp.
Service Exnmma'.ion fur Radio Operario-.
Police Department, mbjeci 10 ine rut.i.
remilatlons and pro.-l.te. of the Civil Ser
vice Commission of 8nlrin. OreBon. will Be
held In the Counrll Chamber of the CH
Hall. TIltiMday, Aiiaust IS. 1948, at 9:00
In addition to physical examination by Ihe
CMr plivsiclnii; Rendina comprehension,
voice, diction, ability to follow direction,
keenness of ohservnl Ion. Benarnphy of lha
city, state laws end city ordinances.
Ten prr cent credit allowed on war tlma
service record.
Pay: J 240 no p-t month.
REQUIREMENTS: Appliranta must hire
been bona fldo residents of the City at
Salem. Oregon, for at least one year Im
medlatelV precious to the date of the ex
amtnatlon and must be reaistered voters:
also must have a First Class Radio Oper
ator's License.
Ae limits are from 11 lo 35 yean. wltH
military aervlca concession On accord
ance with rules and reiulationa adopted
January 4. 1B?A).
Applicants who are placed en tha elli
IbU list will be required to take a physical
examination from tha city physician be
fore appointment. Poor health or dlsabllni
defecta reported by tha city physlrlan will
be rauf for removal from the eligible list
ed at the Office of tha C'.tv Recorder,
must be filed in person, and will not ht
accepted for ftllni after tha following
Friday. Aumnt I. 1M, at S rtft p.m.
Dated at Salem. Oreiron. Juh- 3ft. 191
Br Alfred M'liidl, Secretary and
Chief Examiner. lenal 183
MARION. No. Sims.
J. HOIXANO. Defendant.
To Jesi J, Holland Drfendsnt.
GON: Vou are hereby required to appear
and answer the Complaint, filed as:nsl
von In the above entitled suit within
twent v-elRht davs from the date of the
lirst publication of this summons; and If
you fail so to answer. Tor want thereof,
tha plaintiff will apply lo the court for
relief demanded therein, vIt: a decree of
divorce, forever dhsolvin the bonds of
matrimony heretofore exlsl in hetwi-en
Plaintiff and defendant herein: awarding
lo plaintiff the custody and control nf the
minor child of the tiarties hereto, BETTY
MAR HOLLAND; and Krantlua to plaintiff
such oiher and further and different re
lief as to thn court mny seem Just, equit
able and authorized bv inw.
Attorneys for Plaintiff
117 Pacific Buildlm. Salem. OrBnn.
Data of First Publication July 3. 104.
July 3, 10. 17. 3. 31
Phone 7177